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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Meteostanice s rozhraním Ethernet / Meteo station with Ethernet

Mišík, Štefan January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis is proposed implementation of weather station with web server built on hardware platform with microcontroller STM32f417 and ethernet interface.

Are APIs with Poor Design Subject to Poor Lexicon? : A Google Perspective

Sadia, Ahmad, Zarraa, Osama January 2020 (has links)
REST (Representational state transfer) is an architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems. The simplicity of REST allows straightforward communication between HTTP clients and servers using URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) and HTTP methods, e.g., GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. To do the communication effectively between clients and servers, there is a set of best design practices (design and linguistic patterns) shall be followed, and a set of poor design practices (design and linguistic antipatterns) shall be avoided. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between design and linguistic quality in Google RESTful APIs. To find this relation, a tool is developed to detect patterns and antipatterns in REST APIs both in terms of design and linguistic quality. The input of this tool is qualitative data (Google APIs) and its output is quantitative data. Using this quantitative data, a statistical study is then performed to detect the relation. The tests that are conducted to obtain the final results are Chi-squared and Phi Coefficient tests. The result of Chi-squared that considered all the groups of patterns and antipatterns shows that there is a statistically significant relation between design and linguistic quality. However, when we assess the individual pair of patterns and antipatterns, our Phi Coefficient tests show that for most of the cases, there is no or negligible relationship between linguistic and design patterns and antipatterns.

Evaluating GraphQL over REST within an .NET Web API : A controlled experiment conducted by integrating with the Swedish Companies Registration Office

Marjanovic, Rickard January 2022 (has links)
It is only a matter of time before the Swedish Companies Registration Office makes digital registration of annual reports/auditors reports mandatory. At the time of writing, there are only ten public integrators currently able to handle this requirement. In collaboration with one of the big four accounting firms, this project aims to evaluate performance of the response time while using GraphQL versus REST in Web APIs. The application under test is a .NET application integrating to the Swedish Companies Registration Office API. Through a controlled experiment using two different GraphQL frameworks, HotChocolate and GraphQL for .NET, this thesis provides a knowledge base for the partnered accounting firm, developers and other stakeholders that are evaluating the use of GraphQL in their future applications. Results  from the experiment indicate that HotChocolate in its current version is not only faster than its competitor GraphQL for .NET, but also faster than REST. This is surprising, given that other related work seems to suggest that this is not always the case. Testing of GraphQL for .NET gives a more traditional result when compared to other related work. Given the results, a senior developer of HotChocolate was contacted to gain insight to why the framework outperforms not only GraphQL for .NET but also REST. The senior developer states that a large amount of effort has been put in to make the GraphQL execution engine more optimized, something that is corroborated by this thesis experiment. HotChocolate is also periodically measuring and comparing performance benchmarks to other libraries to conclude on its performance in different scenarios. The analysis of the experiment concluded that there exists another important variable previously not identified in other research, more precisely the chosen framework, that has a large impact on performance and can impact both memory allocation and response time.

Studying the Relation between Linguistic and Design Quality in RESTful APIs

Larsson, Edvin, Hägglund, Jesper January 2020 (has links)
REST (REpresentational State Transfer) is commonly used for designing APIs. Two main categories of REST API quality have been identified in previous research: linguistic and design quality. Linguistic quality revolves around the design of the URIs. Design quality revolves around the metadata and body in HTTP requests and responses. For enabling and simplifying communications with REST, both linguistic and design quality are important, however, previous research has shown that even major APIs using REST are not always following best practices for linguistic and design quality. This study investigates if there is a statistical relation between linguistic and design quality. We selected 326 API endpoints from ten public APIs for this study. This study has reused and improved a Java-based tool in previous research for detecting aspects of linguistic quality in the APIs endpoints. For this study, we also developed a tool based on Node.js for detecting aspects of design quality in the API endpoints. These two tools are applied on the same API endpoints to be able to study the statistical relation. A Chi-Square test, implemented with R, showed that there is a significant statistical relation in our findings between linguistic and design quality. Pairwise phi-coefficient comparisons, implemented with Python, between each combination of the linguistic and design aspects used in this study identified eight weak and two moderate relations among the linguistic and design quality aspects. However, sample tests showed that the Java-based tool for detecting linguistic quality were not accurate, which made us fail to answer our problem formulation.

Semantic Service Discovery With Heuristic Relevance Calculation

Ozyonum, Muge 01 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, a semantically aided web service and restful service search mechanism is presented that makes use of an ontology. The mechanism relates method names, input and output parameters for ontology guided matches and offers results with varying relevance corresponding to the matching degree. The mechanism is demonstrated using an experimental domain that is tourism and travel. An ontology is created to support a set of web services that exist in this domain.

RESTful Mobile Application for Android : Mobile Version of Inspectera Online / RESTful Mobil Applikation för Android : Mobil Version av Inspectera Online

Arman, Sheikh Ali January 2014 (has links)
Web service-based mobile applications have become emergent in the recent years. Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture style introduced the concept of Resource Oriented Architecture (ROA), which has been widely used for building applications for all platforms. This master’s thesis designs and develops a Web service-based mobile application for Android platform following the constraints of REST architectural style. It also proposes an authentication model for RESTful applications. The master’s thesis is completed at the company Inspectera HK AB in Norrköping, Sweden. The developed application is called the “Mobile version of Inspectera Online.”

Databáze XML pro správu slovníkových dat / XML Databases for Dictionary Data Management

Samia, Michel January 2011 (has links)
The following diploma thesis deals with dictionary data processing, especially those in XML based formats. At first, the reader is acquainted with linguistic and lexicographical terms used in this work. Then particular lexicographical data format types and specific formats are introduced. Their advantages and disadvantages are discussed as well. According to previously set criteria, the LMF format has been chosen for design and implementation of Python application, which focuses especially on intelligent merging of more dictionaries into one. After passing all unit tests, this application has been used for processing LMF dictionaries, located on the faculty server of the research group for natural language processing. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of this application are discussed and ways of further usage and extension are suggested.

Alla barn sover inte i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om äldre barn i åldrarna 3–5 års möjligheter till återhämtning i förskolan / Not all children sleep in preschool : A qualitative study of older childrens opportunities for recovery in preschool, aged 3–5 years

Skällberg, Sanna, Eriksson, Isabell January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om pedagogers uppfattningar beträffande äldre barn i åldrarna tre till fem års möjligheter till återhämtning som tillgodoser deras individuella behov i förskolan. För att undersöka studiens syfte är data framtagen med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med pedagoger från några förskolor i södra Sverige. Sammanlagt har sex förskollärare och två barnskötare delgett sina uppfattningar samt erfarenheter om hur de arbetar med vila i förskolan och vilka möjligheter barnen får till återhämtning som tillgodoser deras individuella behov. Maslows behovsteori med några tillhörande begrepp och analysbegreppen passiv samt aktiv vila har tillämpats vid analys av resultatet. Studiens resultat synliggör att pedagogerna anser att barns återhämtning i förskolan har en betydelsefull inverkan på barnens välbefinnande, utveckling samt lärande. Förekomsten av vila varierar mellan förskolorna och barnen erbjuds olika vilsamma aktiviteter i form av passiv alternativt aktiv vila. Somliga förskolor erbjuder barnen vila endast vid ett specifikt tillfälle samtidigt som andra förskolor erbjuder barnen vila vid ett flertal tillfällen under dagen. Dock är det vanligt förekommande att barnen främst får möjlighet till vilsamma aktiviteter efter maten. Resultatet visar även att vilan kan vara utmanande och pedagogerna nämner framförallt personaltäthet, stora barngrupper samt barns varierande behov av återhämtning som dilemman. Av den anledningen kan det vara svårt att finna en aktivitet som tillfredsställer samtliga barns behov av återhämtning. Pedagogerna anser således att det är betydelsefullt att vara närvarande, uppmärksam och flexibel för att erbjuda barnen vilsamma aktiviteter som tillgodoser det enskilda barnets behov. Mindre barngrupper och genomtänkta gruppsammansättningar anses även skapa goda förutsättningar för att anpassa vilan utifrån barnens individuella behov.

Functional and Security Testing of a Mobile Client-Server Application / Funktionell och säkerhetstestning av en mobilapplikation bestående av en klient- och serversida

Holmberg, Daniel, Nyberg, Victor January 2018 (has links)
Today’s massive usage of smartphones has put a high demand on all application developers in the matter of security. For us to be able to keep using all existing and new applications, a process that removes significant security vulnerabilities is essential. To remove these vulnerabilities, the applications have to be tested. In this thesis, we identify six methods for functional and security testing of client-server applications running Android and Python Flask. Regarding functional testing, we implement Espresso testing and RESTful API testing. In regards to the security testing of the system, we do not only implement fuzz testing, sniffing, reverse engineering and SQL injection testing on a system developed by a student group in a parallel project, but also discover a significant security vulnerability that directly affects the integrity and reliability of this system. Out of the six identified testing techniques, reverse engineering exposed the vulnerability. In conjunction with this, we verified that the system’s functionality works as it is supposed to.

More tools for Canvas : Realizing a Digital Form with Dynamically Presented Questions and Alternatives

Sarwar, Reshad, Manzi, Nathan January 2019 (has links)
At KTH, students who want to start their degree project must complete a paper form called “UT-EXAR: Ansökan om examensarbete/application for degree project”. The form is used to determine students’ eligibility to start a degree project, as well as potential examiners for the project. After the form is filled in and signed by multiple parties, a student can initiate his or her degree project. However, due to the excessively time-consuming process of completing the form, an alternative solution was proposed: a survey in the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) that replace s the UT-EXAR form. Although the survey reduces the time required by students to provide information and find examiners, it is by no means the most efficient solution. The survey suffers from multiple flaws, such as asking students to answer unnecessary questions, and for certain questions, presenting students with more alternatives than necessary. The survey also fails to automatically organize the data collected from the students’ answers; hence administrators must manually enter the data into a spreadsheet or other record. This thesis proposes an optimized solution to the problem by introducing a dynamic survey. Moreover, this dynamic survey uses the Canvas Representational State Transfer (REST) API to access students’ program-specific data. Additionally, this survey can use data provided by students when answering the survey questions to dynamically construct questions for each individual student as well as using information from other KTH systems to dynamically construct customized alternatives for each individual student. This solution effectively prevents the survey from presenting students with questions and choices that are irrelevant to their individual case. Furthermore, the proposed solution directly inserts the data collected from the students into a Canvas Gradebook. In order to implement and test the proposed solution, a version of the Canvas LMS was created by virtualizing each Canvas-based microservice inside of a Docker container and allowing the containers to communicate over a network. Furthermore, the survey itself used the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard. When testing the solution, it was seen that the survey has not only successfully managed to filter the questions and alternative answers based on the user’s data, but also showed great potential to be more efficient than a survey with statically-presented data. The survey effectively automates the insertion of the data into the gradebook. / På KTH, studenter som skall påbörja sitt examensarbete måste fylla i en blankett som kallas “UT-EXAR: Ansökan om examensarbete/application for degree project”. Blanketten används för att bestämma studenters behörighet för att göra examensarbete, samt potentiella examinator för projektet. Efter att blanketten är fylld och undertecknad av flera parter kan en student påbörja sitt examensarbete. Emellertid, på grund av den alltför tidskrävande processen med att fylla blanketten, var en alternativ lösning föreslås: en särskild undersökning i Canvas Lärplattform (eng. Learning Management System(LMS)) som fungerar som ersättare för UT-EXAR-formulär. Trots att undersökningen har lyckats minska den tid som krävs av studetenter för att ge information och hitta examinator, det är inte den mest effektiva lösningen. Undersökningen lider av flera brister, såsom att få studenterna att svara på fler frågor än vad som behövs, och för vissa frågor, presenterar studenter med fler svarsalternativ än nödvändigt. Undersökningen inte heller automatiskt med att organisera data som samlats in från studenters svar. Som ett resultat skulle en administratör behöva organisera data manuellt i ett kalkylblad. Detta examensarbete föreslår en mer optimerad lösning på problemet: omskrivning av undersökningens funktionaliteter för att använda Representational State Transfer(REST) API för att komma åt studenters programspecifika data i back-end, såväl att använda speciella haschar för att hålla referenser till uppgifter som lämnas av studenterna när de svarar på frågorna i undersökningen, så att undersökningen inte bara kan använda dessa data för att dynamiskt konstruera frågor för varje enskild student, men också dynamiskt konstruera svarsalternativ för varje enskild student. Denna lösning förhindrar effektivt undersökningen från att presentera studenter med frågor och valbara svarsalternativ som är helt irrelevanta för var och en av deras individuella fall. Med den föreslagna lösningen kommer undersökningen dessutom att kunna organisera de data som samlats in från Studenterna till ett speciellt Canvas-baserat kalkyllblad, kallas som Betygsbok. För att genomföra och testa den förslagna lösningen skapades en testbar version av Canvas LMS genom att virtualisera varje Canvas-baserad mikroservice inuti en dockercontainer och tillåter containers att kommunicera över ett nätverk. Dessutom var undersökningen själv konfigurerad för att använda Lärverktyg Interoperability (LTI) standard. Vid testning av lösningen, det visade sig att undersökningen på ett sätt effektivt har lyckats använda vissa uppgifter från en testanvändare att bara endast svara på de relevanta frågorna, men också presentera användaren med en mer kondenserad lista svarsalternativ över baserat på data.<p>

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