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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito da suplementação materna com ácido retinoico durante a amamentação no sistema imunológico da prole de camundongos / Effect of maternal RA supplementation during breastfeeding on the immune system of the offspring

Oliveira, Luana de Mendonça 15 January 2019 (has links)
O ácido retinoico (RA), metabolito ativo da vitamina A, exerce ampla atividade biológica sobretudo na modulação da resposta imunológica. A interação do RA com os seus receptores nucleares induz a transcrição de genes que atuam na homeostase de sítios imunológicos, principalmente no tecido linfóide associado à mucosa intestinal (GALT). O RA promove a diferenciação de células T reguladoras CD4&#43CD25&#43Foxp3&#43, a migração de células efetoras para a mucosa intestinal induzindo a expressão de CCR9 e 4&#9467, além de inibir a diferenciação de linfócitos T helper (Th) 17 no intestino, garantindo a homeostase intestinal. Entretanto, eventos mediados pelo RA durante o desenvolvimento do sistema imunológico neonatal ainda não são totalmente conhecidos, principalmente no contexto materno-fetal. Desta forma, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação materna com RA, durante a amamentação, no sitema imunológico da prole. Para tanto, camundongos fêmeas C57BL6 Foxp3-GFP receberam 6 doses de RA (1mg/gavagem), durante o período de amamentação, e o grupo controle recebeu apenas óleo vegetal. Os resultados mostram que a suplementação materna com RA foi capaz modular o sistema imunológico da prole aumentando o percentual de linfócitos T reguladores (Treg) esplênicos nas proles com 6 semanas de idade. Além disso, houve aumento percentual de linfócitos Treg, TCD4&#43 e TCD8&#43 que expressam CCR9, tanto no baço quanto nos linfonodos mesentéricos da mães e de suas prole, o que pode proporcionar a migração de células para o intestino. Este efeito foi duradouro nas proles até 6 semanas de idade. A suplementação materna com RA elevou o percentual de linfócitos Treg e linfócitos B IgA&#43 no intestino das proles, e a concentração de imunoglobulina (Ig) A fecal, mas não alterou a composição da microbiota intestinal. Nas mães suplementadas houve redução das concentrações séricas de IgA e IgG. Em contraste com o efeito tolerogênico do RA na lâmina própria do intestino, observamos o aumento sérico de interferon (IFN)- nas proles de mães suplementadas e aumento na secreção de IFN- por esplenócitos induzida por CL097 (agonista de Toll-like receptor 7/8), sugerindo que o RA pode ter um impacto importante na deficiente resposta de perfil Th1 nos neonatos. Para averiguar o efeito modulatório in vivo da suplementação materna de RA, foi avaliada a indução de colite por sulfato de sódio dextrano (DSS) nas proles. Não houve perda de peso acentuado nas proles de mães suplementadas com RA quando comprado às proles de mães controles, além de apresentarem a permeabilidade intestinal conservada e aumento do fator de transformação do crescimento (TGF)- &#946 no homogenato intestinal, indicando menor dano no tecido epitelial do intestino. Apesar disto, o RA não foi capaz de inibir totalmente o processo inflamatório na colite. No conjunto, os achados evidenciam que a suplementação materna com RA foi importante no desenvolvimento da imunidade de mucosa e na manutenção da homeostase intestinal, sendo um importante metabólito para atenuar respostas inflamatórias. A indução sérica de IFN- e após estímulo com CL097 pode indicar o uso de RA como estratégia para potencializar respostas Th1, crucial contra infecções virais e bacterianas no período neonatal. / Retinoic acid (RA), the active metabolite of vitamin A, exerts extensive biological activity mainly in the modulation of the immune response. The interaction of RA with its nuclear receptors induces the transcription of genes that acts on the homeostasis of immunological sites, especially in gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). RA promotes the differentiation of CD4&#43CD25&#43Foxp3&#43 regulatory T cells, migration of effector cells to the intestinal mucosa through gut-homing receptors CCR9 and 4&#9467, besides inhibiting the differentiation of T helper (Th) 17 cells in the gut, guaranteeing intestinal homeostasis. However, events mediated by RA during the development of the neonatal immune system are not totally known, especially in the maternal-fetal context. Thus, the aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of maternal RA supplementation during breastfeeding on the immune system of offspring. For this, C57BL/6 Foxp3-GFP female mice with 8-10 weeks-old received 6 doses of RA (1mg / gavage) during the breastfeeding period, and the control group received only vegetable oil. The results show that maternal RA supplementation was able to modulate the offspring immune system by increasing the percentage of splenic regulatory T (Treg) cells in offspring at 6 weeks of age. In addition, there was an enhancement in the CCR9 expression on regulatory T cells and CD4&#43 and CD8&#43 T cells, in the spleen and in the mesenteric lymph nodes of mothers and their offspring, which can provide migration of cells into the gut. This effect was long-term in offspring up to 6 weeks of age. Maternal RA supplementation also increasing the percentage of regulatory T cells and B IgA&#43 cells in the offspring´s gut, beside increasing the fecal immunoglobulin (Ig) A concentration, but did not alter the composition of the intestinal microbiota. In the supplemented mothers, serum concentrations of IgA and IgG were reduced. In contrast to the tolerogenic effect of RA on intestinal lamina propria, we observed a serum increase of interferon (IFN)- in offspring and increasing in CL097(Toll-like receptor 7/8 agonist)-induced IFN- secretion by splenocytes, suggesting that RA may have a significant impact on the deficient Th1 profile response in neonates. To investigate the modulatory effect in of RA maternal supplementation, was evaluated the induction of colitis by dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) in the offspring. There was no significant weight loss in the offspring from mothers supplemented with RA in comparison with the offspring from control mothers, as well as having preserved intestinal permeability and increased transforming growth factor (TGF)- &#946 in the intestinal homogenate, indicating less damage to intestinal epithelial tissue. Despite this, RA was not able to totally inhibit the inflammatory process in colitis. Taken together, the findings show that maternal RA supplementation was important in the development of mucosal immunity and maintenance of intestinal homeostasis, being an important metabolite to attenuate inflammatory responses. Induction of serum IFN- after TLR7/8 (CL097) stimulation may indicate the use of RA as a strategy to potentiate Th1 responses, crucial against viral and bacterial infections in the neonatal period.

Einfluss von all-trans-Retinsäure (ATRA) auf die Expression von Differenzierungsmarkern bei humanen Mastzellen unterschiedlicher Reifegrade

Thienemann, Friedrich 07 August 2006 (has links)
Mastzellen (MZ) reifen zu terminal differenzierten Zellen erst in peripheren Geweben. ATRA ist ein wesentlicher Regulator der Hämatopoese und kann auf positive wie auf negative Weise deren Differenzierung beeinflussen – die Qualität ist dabei häufig abhängig vom Reifegrad. Die Arbeit beschäftigte sich daher mit der Frage, ob die Effekte von ATRA auf MZ ebenfalls abhängig von deren Reifegrad sind. Unreife HMC-1 5C6 Zellen, differenziertere LAD 2 Zellen und reife kutane MZ (KMZ) wurden mit ATRA behandelt und die Effekte auf spezifische Mastzellmarker auf Protein- und mRNA-Ebene untersucht. Die Proteinexpression von c-kit, FceRI, Tryptase und Chymase wurde bei allen drei Zellsystemen herunterreguliert. Änderungen der Proteinexpression wurden qualitativ, wenngleich nicht immer quantitativ auf mRNA-Ebene reflektiert, d.h. es gab Marker, bei denen die Herunterregulation auf der einen oder anderen Ebene überwog. Eine genaue Quantifizierung der ATRA-Effekte auf die Tryptase und Chymase zeigte eine prozentual erheblich stärkere Herunterregulation der mRNA als des Proteins. Invers dazu war der Effekt bei c-kit, ein Effekt, der besonders deutlich bei HMC-1 5C6 auszumachen war. Zur Klärung, welcher Mechanismus der von der mRNA-Ebene unabhängigen Herunterregulation des c-kit-Proteins zugrunde liegt, wurden HMC-1 5C6 zusätzlich zu ATRA mit Inhibitoren fundamentaler Zellfunktionen inkubiert. Cycloheximid allein war dabei in der Lage, die Wirkung von ATRA zu imitieren. Es kann also vermutet werden, dass die starke Herunterregulation des Proteins im Vergleich zur mRNA einem translationellen Mechanismus folgt. Betrachtet man alle Effekte gemeinsam, so zeigte ATRA den stärksten Einfluss auf das am weitesten differenzierte Mastzellsystem, nämlich KMZ. Geringer waren die Effekte bei LAD 2, wohingegen bei HMC-1 5C6 das schwächste Ansprechpotential gegenüber ATRA gefunden wurde. Dies ist von besonderem Interesse, weil ATRA normalerweise wesentlich potenter auf unreif-proliferierende Systeme wirkt. ATRA hat auf humane MZ einen deutlich dedifferenzierenden Effekt, der weitgehend unabhängig vom Reifegrad der Zellen operiert. Die Effekte scheinen dabei in Abhängigkeit vom betrachteten Marker nicht auf die transkriptionelle Ebene beschränkt zu sein, sondern könnten auch einem translationellen Mechanismus unterliegen. / Mast cells (MC) are of hematopoietic origin but complete their differentiation exclusively within tissues. A large number of mediators positively or negatively affect the maturation process of MC. ATRA is a potential master regulator of haematopoiesis, where it primarily affects immature and proliferative leukocytes. Here, the effects of ATRA (3-7d) on MC that span different stages of maturation, i. e. immature-leukemic HMC-1 5C6 cells, intermediately matured LAD 2 cells, and terminally differentiated skin MC were analyzed. The expression of the lineage markers c-kit, FceRI, tryptase, chymase und histidindecarboxylase (HDC) was studied in parallel at protein level by flow-cytometric analysis and at mRNA level by RT-PCR. ATRA exposure led to a down-regulation at protein and at mRNA level of c-kit, FceRI, tryptase and chymase by all MC subtypes. Comparing protein and transcript levels, however, substantial differences between c-kit and the proteases were noted. c-kit down-regulation was more pronounced at protein level, whereas the opposite was found with proteases. Further analysis revealed the existence of a second mechanism of c-kit down modulation that proceeded rapidly and independently of mRNA changes. This pathway was restricted to immature MC and could be mimicked by cycloheximide, suggesting that altered translation may account for the phenomenon. Taken together, the study indicates that MC are significant target cells of ATRA throughout their lifespan, but that the molecular events underlying down-regulation of lineage markers may be shifted in the course of MC differentiation. The strongest effects of ATRA were observed in mature MC, while this accounts to a lesser degree for LAD 2 cells. In contrast, the immature and highly proliferating HMC-1 5C6 cells presented even less sensitive to ATRA. Therefore, ATRA has dedifferentiating potential towards human MC that is most pronounced in mature MC. Depending on the specific marker, protein down regulation can underlie various mechanisms. In this regard, c-kit seems to follow a translational rather than transcriptional inhibitory process.

Mecanismos embrionários de diferenciação de precursores coronários: princípios para aplicação em terapia celular. / Embryonic mechanisms of coronary precursor differentiation: principles for cell therapy.

Azambujá, Ana Paula 17 August 2009 (has links)
As coronárias derivam do proepicárdio, uma estrutura formada por precursores dos constituintes de vasos coronários, células endoteliais e musculares lisas (CoSMC). In vivo observa-se um marcante atraso entre a diferenciação endotelial e a integração de CoSMC à parede do vaso. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar os mecanismos que inibem a diferenciação a CoSMC in vivo. Baseados na perda progressiva da expressão de raldh2, a principal enzima de síntese de ácido retinóico (AR), nós exploramos a sinalização por AR como um possível inibidor da diferenciação a CoSMC. Através de um vetor adenoviral de expressão de raldh2 e da inibição in vivo da síntese de AR nós demonstramos que a sinalização por AR bloqueia a diferenciação a CoSMC dos precursores coronários. Nós também identificamos o VEGF como um fator chave no controle da diferenciação a CoSMC. Em conjunto, nossos dados suportam o modelo que a síntese de AR e VEGF durante o desenvolvimento cardíaco foi co-optada para o bloqueio da diferenciação a CoSMC até o estabelecimento de uma vasta malha vascular. / Coronary vessels derive from the proepicardium (PE), a structure formed by precursor of coronary vessels cells, endothelial and smooth muscle cells (CoSMC). In vivo there is a clear gap between the endothelial differentiation and the integration of CoSMC into the vascular tubes. The aim of this work was to understand the mechanisms controlling the delayed in vivo CoSMC differentiation. Based on the progressive loss of expression of raldh2, the main retinoic acid (RA) synthesizing enzyme, we explored the RA signaling as a possible candidate inhibitor of CoSMC differentiation. Using a adenoviral raldh2 expression system and in vivo inhibition of RA synthesis we showed that RA signaling act as a brake to slow CoSMC differentiation in PE-derived cells. We also identified VEGF as key factor acting on the control of CoSMC differentiation. Together our results support a model that AR and VEGF synthesis during cardiac development was co-opted to block the CoSMC differentiation of coronary precursors before an extensive endothelial network of tubes is established.

Regulação molecular da expressão atrial - específica do gene SMyHC3. / Molecular regulation of atrial-specific expression of the SMyHC3 gene.

Sampaio, Allysson Coelho 02 June 2010 (has links)
Para elucidar as vias genéticas controlando a formação das câmaras cardíacas, foi analisada a regulação do promotor atrial-específico do gene de codorna que codifica a isoforma lenta da cadeia pesada de miosina (slow myosin heavy chain 3 -SMyHC3). Em camundongos transgênicos, a expressão atrial-específica dos 840 pb do promotor SMyHC3 fundido ao gene repórter da fosfatase alcalina (HAP), SMyHC3-HAP, é controlada pelos 72 pb mais distais deste promotor. Este fragmento contém sítios putativos para ligação a receptores nucleares os quais foram denominados ECRRN (elemento complexo de resposta a receptores nucleares), definidos por modelagem molecular. Tratamento de embriões SMyHC3-HAP com ácido retinoico (AR) expande o domínio atrial de expressão do transgene, enquanto que a inibição da via de sinalização por AR reduz o domínio de expressão do transgene. Ensaios de gel shift revelam que os receptores de AR, RAR/RXR se ligam fracamente a esse promotor. Também, esses receptores não ativam o promotor SMyHC3 em experimentos de transfecção transiente, mesmo na presença de coativadores, tais como p300, CBP e GRIP1. Isso sugere a participação indireta de AR na regulação deste marcador atrial. Ensaios de transfecção celular demonstram que COUPTF2 é capaz de ativar o promotor SMyHC3 e, siRNA contra COUPTF2 inibe esta transativação. Embriões tratados com AR apresentam um aumento geral da expressão de COUPTF2, reforçando a idéia de que AR age indiretamente ativando este gene. Estudos de bioinformática revelam que o ECRRN está presente na região 3 do gene AMHC1 de galinha e alinhamentos indicam que pode se tratar de um elemento móvel que pode ter sido adquirido por um evento de exaptação. Em resumo, COUPTF2 e AR controlam a expressão do promotor SMyHC3, porém a natureza da relação entre os 2 elementos necessita ser elucidada. / To elucidate the genetic pathways controlling cardiac chamber formation, the atrial specific gene promoter SMyHC3 was analyzed. In transgenic mice, the atrial specific expression an 840 bp of the SMyHC3 promoter was linked to reporter gene human alkaline phosphatase (HAP), SMyHC3-HAP. By directed mutagenesis and deletion analysis we identified the more distal 72 bp of the promoter as responsible of the atrial expression. This fragment contains putative binding sites to nuclear receptors, the CNRRE (complex nuclear receptor response element), defined by molecular modeling. RA (retinoic acid) treatment in SMyHC3-HAP embryos expands the atrial domain. However, the RA effectors, RXR/RAR bind with low affinity to the SMyHC3 promoter. These receptors are not able to activate the promoter even in the presence of coactivators such as p300, CBP and GRIP1. These results suggest that RA acts indirectly to regulate this atrial marker. Cell transient transfection shows that COUPTF2 activate the SMyHC3 promoter, and COUPTF2 siRNA inhibits the transactivation of the SMyHC3 promoter. Treatment of embryos with RA increases the COUPTF2 expression reinforcing the idea that this receptor could be regulatedindirectly by RA. Bioinformatic studies revealed that CNRRE is present in the 3 region of the ortholog chicken AMHC1 gene. Alignments indicate that this CNRRE could have been acquired by an exaptation event. In conclusion, the SMyHC3 promoter seems to be controlled by RA and COUPTF2 governing atrial expression. However the nature of relationships between RA and COUPTF2 need to be elucidated.

Análise da expressão dos genes CRABP1, CRABP2, GRP e RERG em adenomas hipofisários funcionantes e clinicamente não funcionantes / Analysis of CRABP1, CRABP2, GRP and RERG gene expression in functioning and clinically nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas

Chile, Thais 11 December 2009 (has links)
Os tumores hipofisários representam cerca de 10% a 15% das neoplasias intracranianas. Embora a etiopatogenia ainda não seja plenamente caracterizada, muitos mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na tumorigênese hipofisária já foram desvendados. Utilizandose da metodologia de arranjos de cDNA contendo aproximadamente 20.000 genes, nosso grupo recentemente comparou a expressão de duas condições distintas: um pool de quatro adenomas hipofisários clinicamente não funcionantes e a metástase de um carcinoma hipofisário não funcionante. Vários genes mostraram-se diferencialmente expressos, entre eles, CRABP1 (cellular retinoic acid binding protein 1), CRABP2 (cellular retinoic acid binding protein 2), GRP (gastrin-releasing peptide) e RERG (RAS-like, estrogen-regulated, growth inhibitor). Este estudo visou avaliar a expressão desses quatro genes em uma série de 59 adenomas hipofisários (30 adenomas clinicamente não funcionantes, 13 somatotrofinomas, 8 corticotrofinomas e 8 prolactinomas), comparando cada grupo tumoral com um conjunto de tecidos hipofisários normais. Enquanto os prolactinomas demonstraram expressão reduzida do RNAm dos genes CRABP1 e CRABP2 quando comparados ao grupo de tecidos normais, os somatotrofinomas apresentaram expressão reduzida apenas do RNAm de CRABP2. Os adenomas clinicamente não funcionantes, por sua vez, demonstraram menor expressão do RNAm de GRP e maior expressão do RNAm de RERG quando comparados ao grupo de hipófises normais. Portanto, observou-se que tanto o gene CRABP1 quanto os genes CRABP2, GRP e RERG apresentaram diferenças na expressão do transcrito entre os grupos de adenomas de hipófise, contudo, seu papel na tumorigênese hipofisária permanece a ser investigado. / Pituitary tumors account for approximately 10%-15% of the intracranial neoplasms. Although the pathogenesis is not fully characterized, many molecular mechanisms involved in pituitary tumorigenesis have been unraveled. Using the methodology of cDNA microarray containing approximately 20000 genes, our group recently compared the expression of two distinct conditions: a pool of four clinically nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas and a spinal cord metastasis of a nonfunctioning pituitary carcinoma. Several genes were shown to be differentially expressed, among them, CRABP1 (cellular retinoic acid binding protein 1), CRABP2 (cellular retinoic acid binding protein 2), GRP (gastrin-releasing peptide) and RERG (RAS-like, estrogen-regulated, growth inhibitor). This study aimed to evaluate the expression of these four genes in a series of 59 pituitary adenomas (30 nonfunctioning, 13 GH-secreting, 8 ACTH-secreting and 8 PRL-secreting adenomas), comparing each tumor group with a set of normal pituitary tissues. While PRL-secreting adenomas showed lower expression of CRABP1 and CRABP2 mRNA when compared with normal tissues, GH-secreting adenomas had only lower expression of CRABP2 mRNA. Clinically nonfunctioning adenomas showed lower expression of GRP mRNA and higher expression of RERG mRNA when compared with the normal pituitary glands. Therefore, it was observed that not only the CRABP1 gene but also the CRABP2, GRP and RERG genes showed differences in transcript expression between the groups of pituitary adenomas. However, their role in pituitary tumorigenesis remains to be investigated.

Spatiotemporal roles of retinoic acid signaling in the cephalochordate amphioxus / Régulation spatio-temporelle de la voie de signalisation de l'Acide Rétinoïque chez le Céphalochordé amphioxus

Chen, Jie 17 May 2011 (has links)
L'acide rétinoïque (AR) est un morphogène dérivé de la vitamine A, qui intervient dans le contrôle de l'organogenèse, de la prolifération et de la différenciation cellulaires chez les Chordés. Dans ce contexte, nous avons étudié les régulations spatio-temporelles de la voie de signalisation de l’AR au cours du développement de l’amphioxus, en mettant l'accent sur l’espèce européenne Branchiostoma lanceolatum.Nous avons tout d'abord inhibé ou activé la voie de signalisation de l’AR lors du développement embryonnaire en traitant des embryons d’amphioxus à des doses variables de composés pharmacologiques interférant avec le métabolisme des rétinoïdes. Grâce à l’utilisation d’outils mathématiques spécifiques, nous avons établi un schéma détaillé des effets des traitements effectués sur le développement du système nerveux central (SNC) et du pharynx chez l’amphioxus en nous basant sur l’expression de gènes marqueurs de tissus spécifiques. À l’issue de cette première analyse, nous avons par la suite étudié les effets d’une perturbation de la signalisation de l’AR à des points clés du développement chez l’amphioxus lors de la régionalisation du SNC et du pharynx. Nous avons ainsi montré que la voie de signalisation de l’AR intervient dans la régionalisation de l’axe antéro-postérieur via le contrôle des gènes hox dès le stade gastrula et jusqu’aux stades larvaires. En outre, nous avons réalisé l'étude préliminaire du gène homologue chez l’amphioxus du gène aldh1a2 des Vertébrés, et avons démontré que la régulation du niveau de synthèse de l’AR au cour du développement est conservée entre l’amphioxus et les Vertébrés. Finalement, nous avons montré que la voie de l’AR participe également à la morphogenèse caudale chez l’amphioxus, et que le mécanisme impliqué semble différent de celui proposé chez les Vertébrés où l’AR contrôle la structuration de la nageoire caudale par le ciblage des tissus mésenchymateux. / Retinoic acid (RA) is an endogenous vitamin A-derived morphogen. In this context, we studied the spatiotemporal roles of RA signaling in amphioxus development, focusing on the European amphioxus species: Branchiostoma lanceolatum. We first created excess and insufficiency models of RA signaling by exposing amphioxus embryos to series of doses of different pharmacological compounds targeting either the RA receptors or the RA metabolism machinery. By introducing the important mathematical concept of a Cartesian coordinate system founded by René Descartes, we created detailed diagrams of the concentration-dependent defects caused by RA signaling in the central nervous system (CNS) and pharynx of amphioxus by evaluating the statistical significances of tissue-specific marker gene expression in labeled embryos. This analysis yielded a very detailed description of the sensitivities of the developing amphioxus CNS and pharynx to altered RA signaling levels. Following this initial challenge, we correlated the effects of altered RA signaling levels with key amphioxus developmental stages characterized by structural transitions in CNS and pharynx. We show that hox-mediated RA signaling in axial patterning is active beyond the gastrula stage and might be maintained until at least early larval stage, with possible roles in more regionalized axis formation and organ induction. In addition, we carried out a preliminary study on a RA synthesizing gene in amphioxus, called aldh1a, a possible homolog of the vertebrate aldh1a2 gene, demonstrating that the feedback between RA signaling and RA synthesizing levels has emerged before the split of the cephalochordate and vertebrate lineages. Moreover, we are able to show that RA signaling also participates in tail fin morphogenesis in amphioxus by a mechanism that is probably not comparable to that in vertebrates, where RA modulates caudal fin patterning through targeting mesenchymal derivatives.

Studies on Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERVs) with Special Focus on ERV3

Andersson, Ann-Catrin January 2002 (has links)
<p>Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) represent approximately 7% of the human genome. This investigation was focused on one particular HERV, ERV3, with the main purpose of characterising its gene expression patterns and genomic distribution of ERV3-like sequences. Furthermore, this careful expression study should provide insights into the biological role of HERVs. The impact of HERVs in health and disease is not yet clarified. ERV3 is expressed as three envelope (<i>env</i>) transcripts, of which two also contain a cellular gene, <i>H-plk</i> (human proviral linked <i>Krüppel</i>). ERV3 <i>env</i> expression was mainly investigated at the RNA level. The gene expression of two other HERVs, HERV-K and HERV-E was analysed and compared with ERV3 activity.</p><p>Real-time PCRs were developed and in combination with in situ hybridisation, it was found that ERV3 is expressed in a tissue- and cell-specific way. High levels of ERV3 mRNA (up to six times over Histone3.3) were demonstrated in placenta, sebaceous glands, foetal and adult adrenal glands, brown adipose tissue, corpus luteum, pituitary gland, thymus and testis. In monocytic cells including both normal monocytes and malignant U-937 cells, elevated mRNA levels were observed after retinoic acid (RA)-induced differentiation. ERV3-encoded Env protein was detected in selected cases, one following RA-treatment. In addition, several new ERV3-like sequences were discovered in the human genome. </p><p>ERV3 was found to have conserved open reading frames in contrast to other ERV3-like sequences in the human genome. This suggests that ERV3 may be involved in important cellular processes such as differentiation, cell fusion, immunomodulation and protection against infectious retroviruses. The developed techniques and obtained results will allow further studies of HERV expression to better correlate HERV activity to both normal development and disease. </p>

Consequences of miRNA misregulation on embryonic development and aging

Franzosa, Jill A. 05 December 2013 (has links)
microRNAs (miRNAs), ~21-24 nucleotide-long RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression, have rapidly become one of the most extensively studied mechanisms of the past decade. Since their discovery as temporal regulators of post-embryonic development in C. elegans, miRNAs have been functionally implicated in almost every cellular process investigated to date. miRNAs are integral to the complex biological processes of embryonic development and aging. In this research, we sought to determine whether misregulation of miRNAs could be responsible for eliciting adverse effects during these two distinct developmental stages. First, to uncover the potential role of miRNAs in teratogenicity, we investigated whether miRNAs were involved in regulation of retinoic acid (RA) induced vertebrate axis defects. Global miRNA expression profiling revealed that RA exposure suppressed the expression of miR-19 family members during zebrafish somitogenesis. Bioinformatics analyses predict that miR-19 targets cyp26a1, a key RA detoxifying enzyme, and a physiological reporter assay confirmed that cyp26a1 is a bona fide target of miR-19. Transient knockdown of miR-19 phenocopied RA-induced body axis defects. In gain-of-function studies, exogenous miR-19 rescued the axis defects caused by RA exposure. Our findings indicate that the teratogenic effects of RA exposure result, in part, from repression of miR-19 and the subsequent misregulation of cyp26a1. This highlights a previously unidentified role of miR-19 in facilitating vertebrate axis development. Next, to explore whether age-related changes in miRNAs trigger deficits in regeneration capacity, we performed mRNA and small RNA sequencing on regenerating and non-regenerating caudal fin tissue from aged, adult and juvenile zebrafish. An unbiased approach identified cbx7 as the most abundant transcript with significantly increased expression in regenerative-competent adult and juvenile tissue and decreased expression in regenerative-compromised aged tissue. While cbx7 is a known regulator of aging, this is the first report of its role in tissue regeneration. A computational approach was used to discover mRNAs expressed during regeneration, which are potential targets of the significantly expressed miRNAs in regenerating tissue. miR-21 was one of the most abundant and significantly increased miRNAs in regenerating tissue and exhibited an aberrant age-dependent expression profile. Bioinformatics predicts miR-21 to target the 3' UTR of cbx7 and a reporter assay confirmed that miR-21 targets cbx7 in vivo. Transient knockdown of miR-21 inhibited tissue regeneration, suggesting a role for miRNA mediated regulation of cbx7 during regeneration. These findings reveal a novel, age-dependent regenerative function of cbx7 and emphasize the importance of miR-21 as a master regulator of vertebrate regenerative responses. This research, when combined, underscores the negative consequences misregulation of miRNAs has on embryonic development and aging. / Graduation date: 2013 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from Dec. 5, 2012 - Dec. 5, 2013

A Comparison of the Osteogenic Tissue Engineering Potential of Dental-Derived Stem Cell Lines: Stem Cells from Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth (SHEDs) vs. Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells (PERIOS)

Vernon, Lauren Louise 01 January 2010 (has links)
The goal of this study is to assess the osteogenic potential of two types of dental stem cell lines within a tissue engineering application. More specifically, the goal of this study is to find a readily abundant cell source with capacity to express an osteogenic phenotype. There are two parameters utilized to evaluate tissue engineering potential of cells: proliferation rate and differentiation potential. Briefly, proliferation rate is the speed at which cells divide and differentiation potential determines if cells are capable of committing towards specific lineages (e.g. osteogenic). These components are important, because if cells are not expanding at a specific rate and are not differentiating towards the lineage desired, the tissue engineered will not mirror the characteristics of native tissue. Therefore, both components are necessary for osteogenic tissue engineering applications. Several stem cell lines have been isolated from different sources (e.g. umbilical, bone marrow) and characterized for their proliferative capacity and their potency. Among these progenitor or stem cell lines, are those isolated from human dental tissue. Due to the similarities between teeth and bone, this specific cell line may be useful in osteogenic tissue engineering applications. In this study, stem cells extracted from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHEDs) and periodontal ligament stem cells (PERIOs), were evaluated and compared. Briefly, to evaluate the proliferation rate an ex-vivo expansion study was conducted. This experiment found that both SHEDs and PERIOs were proliferative lines with doubling times of 23 hours and 19 hours respectively. Subsequently, osteogenic differentiation of SHEDs and PERIOs was assessed utilizing a 3-D fibrin gel suspension treated with osteogenic media containing either dexamethasone (DEX) or Retinoic Acid (RA) for 28 days. At day 28, osteogenic markers for collagen 1 (Col1), osteocalcin (OCN), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were evaluated using qPCR. Results demonstrated both SHEDs and PERIOs exhibited significant (p<0.05) increases in osteogenic gene expression under the influences of DEX and RA. However the most significant increases were expressed by the SHEDs that received the DEX treatment. Additionally, the synergistic ability of TGF-beta 3 on the osteogenic differentiation of the stem cells was evaluated. Cells were cultured in a 3-D fibrin gel suspension and allowed to differentiate in DEX osteogenic media with and without the supplementation of TGF-beta 3 for 21 days. Using qPCR the cells were evaluated for expression of Col1, OCN, and ALP. In both the SHEDs and PERIOs, the samples treated with TGF-beta 3 the osteogenic gene expression increased in reference to the control, but had a hindering effect compared to cells treated in DEX without the TGF-beta 3. These results from this study suggested, SHED cells grown in 3-D fibrin gel suspension, may be better than PERIO cells for osteogenic tissue engineering applications when treated with DEX media without the supplementation of TGF-beta 3.

Studies on Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERVs) with Special Focus on ERV3

Andersson, Ann-Catrin January 2002 (has links)
Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) represent approximately 7% of the human genome. This investigation was focused on one particular HERV, ERV3, with the main purpose of characterising its gene expression patterns and genomic distribution of ERV3-like sequences. Furthermore, this careful expression study should provide insights into the biological role of HERVs. The impact of HERVs in health and disease is not yet clarified. ERV3 is expressed as three envelope (env) transcripts, of which two also contain a cellular gene, H-plk (human proviral linked Krüppel). ERV3 env expression was mainly investigated at the RNA level. The gene expression of two other HERVs, HERV-K and HERV-E was analysed and compared with ERV3 activity. Real-time PCRs were developed and in combination with in situ hybridisation, it was found that ERV3 is expressed in a tissue- and cell-specific way. High levels of ERV3 mRNA (up to six times over Histone3.3) were demonstrated in placenta, sebaceous glands, foetal and adult adrenal glands, brown adipose tissue, corpus luteum, pituitary gland, thymus and testis. In monocytic cells including both normal monocytes and malignant U-937 cells, elevated mRNA levels were observed after retinoic acid (RA)-induced differentiation. ERV3-encoded Env protein was detected in selected cases, one following RA-treatment. In addition, several new ERV3-like sequences were discovered in the human genome. ERV3 was found to have conserved open reading frames in contrast to other ERV3-like sequences in the human genome. This suggests that ERV3 may be involved in important cellular processes such as differentiation, cell fusion, immunomodulation and protection against infectious retroviruses. The developed techniques and obtained results will allow further studies of HERV expression to better correlate HERV activity to both normal development and disease.

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