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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gymnasieelevers attityder till retorikundervisningen / High school students’ attitudes toward rhetorics

Binjamin, Andrina January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka hur gymnasieelever i en kommun inom Stockholmsområdet förhåller sig till retorikundervisningen i svenskämnet. Metoden som används i denna undersökning är av kvantitativ karaktär och genomfördes i form av en enkätundersökning. Enkäten skickades ut till två gymnasieskolor i den avsedda kommunen inom Stockholmsområdet. Resultatet av studien visade att majoriteten av gymnasieeleverna i den valda kommunen inom Stockholmsområdet ställer sig positivt till retorikundervisningen. Gymnasieeleverna motiverade sina ställningstaganden för retorikundervisningen bland annat med att retoriska kunskaper är viktiga att ha i dagens samhälle. Resultatet visade vidare att en mindre grupp ställde sig negativt till retorikundervisningen och detta motiverade informanterna med bland annat att alla inte tycker om att prata inför publik. Resultatet visade även att elever som läser på gymnasieskola X ställde sig mer positivt gentemot retorikundervisningen än elever som läser på gymnasieskola Y.

Tropa de Elite och argumentsdubbeltydighet : Att hjälpa gymnasieelever identifiera och tolka en fiktiv films retoriska argument

Rönnkvist, Patrik January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur (den multimodala) argumentationen är uppbyggd i den fiktivafilmen Tropa de Elite (2007). Detta görs med syftet att lyfta hur man kan hjälpa gymnasieeleversjälva identifiera argumenten. Via en argumentationsanalys analyseras åtta scener, och fokusligger på filmens narrativa element. De stilistiska elementen tas endast upp när de tydligtpåverkar argumenten som förs fram. I samband med detta identifieras logos-, ethos- ochpathosargument i scenerna för att tydliggöra vilken typ av argument filmen för. Argumentenkan oftast tolkas på två motstridiga vis beroende på vilken av två doxa man läser filmen via;även i scener där filmen försöker få publiken att läsa scenen enligt en av dessa så finns detdetaljer som är lättare att förlika med den andra doxan. Resultaten kopplas sedan till StuartHalls (2011) begrepp encoding och decoding för att nyansera förklaringen till varför publikenkan tolka argumenten på motstridiga vis. Avslutningsvis lyfts tre metoder som användbara föratt hjälpa gymnasieelever själva identifiera argumenten: (1) presentera filmens tes och två doxainnan man börjar se filmen, (2) pausa filmen efter scener där viktiga argument förs fram samt(3) lyft logos, ethos och pathos varje gång man pausar och diskuterar en scens argument.

Vältalighet och mannafostran : retorikutbildningen i svenska skolor och gymnasier 1724-1807 / Virtuous eloquence : rhetoric education in Swedish schools and gymnasiums 1724–1807

Rimm, Stefan January 2011 (has links)
The overall aim of this dissertation is to explore the connections between rhetoric and civic and moral education. In the Latin schools (trivial schools, cathedral schools, and gymnasiums) in eighteenth-century Sweden, rhetoric still had a prominent position. In examining school rhetoric under the Swedish School Act of 1724, the study takes on rhetoric education in the broad sense, asking questions about teaching design and content, and about which texts were read and written. In addition to this, the dissertation discusses the moral content of the education as well as the function of the texts and exercises of rhetoric education in character and identity formation. The study also demonstrates the practices of rhetoric in schools and gymnasiums. Everyday classroom activities as well as ceremonies and festivities are treated as arenas for the display of erudition, asking questions about eloquence as a possible catalyst for the raising of schoolboys into men and citizens. Drawing from curriculum history, the investigation focuses on the content of the education. The analytical framework regards educational content as multilayered, ranging from conceptual content to content related to school subjects, syllabi and educational programmes, and further to socialisation content. Therefore a number of theoretical and methodological perspectives have to be employed in order to analyse a multitude of sources: from textbooks and records from schools to written curricula. The curriculum history foundation is therefore supplemented by theoretical inspiration from among other things the sociology of education and the sociology of literature, from the history of rhetoric and from gender history. The concept of virtue is given a special role in the construction of civic ideals and masculinities, two important aspects of an erudite identity cultivated in the early modern Latin schools. The dissertation shows that during the long period of time that the Swedish School Act of 1724 was effective – a total of 83 years, until 1807 – school rhetoric changed very little, and the changes that took place did so only slowly. A number of factors explain this rigidity. The same textbook, Elementa rhetorica by Gerardus Johannis Vossius, was used used in Swedish schools throughout the entire period studied. A shortage of textbooks led to older copies being used, and to a manual reproduction of textbooks and educational content.A canon or publica materies of classical, especially Latin, texts connected the branches of the trivium. It also worked as a common resource, read throughout the school: from fables and the short texts of compendia used in the first forms of the trivial schools to the philosophical and literary works used in the gymnasiums. The proximity between school rhetoric and the exemplary classical texts offers a further explanatory factor for the slow changes of 18th century rhetoric education. The rhetoric education in schools and gymnasiums appears as one of the most distinct illustrations of the early modern Swedish school's twofold objective to transmit knowledge and instill virtue. The rhetorical pedagogical programme was not just about the arts and crafts of linguistic ornaments. School rhetoric had an even larger aim, combining knowledge and virtue into the training of an orator. Through the reading of the exemplary texts and the moral lessons taught by them, and through pupils' own co-creation and rhetorical (re)production, a classical, medieval, Renaissance and Reformation legacy was passed on. In this legacy, the aim was virtuous eloquence. The learned world in and around schools and gymnasiums can be considered a premodern or early modern public sphere, filled with rhetorical ceremonials as a display of erudition and scholarly status. At the school level rhetoric was a representative resource that could justify the position of the scholarly community and the clergy, demonstrate the standing of the school and the church site in the city, and distinguish the learned from members of other social groups.

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