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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Justiça restaurativa : uma opção na solução de conflitos envolvendo violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher

Mesquita, Marcelo Rocha 25 February 2015 (has links)
This study aims to analyze the dissatisfaction of women victims of domestic and family violence with the strategy used by most of the feminist movement, evidenced in the Law|Maria da Penha|, to use the criminal law and its retributive model, as a tool anti-discrimination and gender-based violence, and to identify restorative justice as an alternative to supply better the expectations and needs of women. For this purpose, a field research in the Domestic and Family Violence against Women Court in Aracaju County (SE), which were heard 191 (one hundred and ninety-one) victims in criminal proceedings in that court from September to November 2013, confirming the dissatisfaction of women with the answer given by the traditional model and their desire of a discursive criminal justice, characteristic of restorative model. Initially, the issue of gender violence is approached, an issue that has gained greater importance in Brazil, especially from the 80´s with the work of feminist groups and, more recently, with the advent of Law No. 11.340/2006. After, indicate that the mentioned law made a clear option for retributive model of criminal justice, given an existing trend in several countries in Europe and Latin America, pointing the criticisms of this model in conflict resolution involving gender violence. Afterwards, foments the analysis and discussion of the data collected and the field research conducted and previously mentioned. Further mentioned. Further continues with an analysis of restorative justice as a new way of looking at crime and justice, relating this criminal justice model with the discursive theory developed by the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas, in addition to exposing the concept, objectives, principles and values, pointing also the main differences between the new and the traditional model. Follows pointing out objections and advantages of the use of restorative justice in conflict resolution involving domestic violence against women. Finally, points restorative justice as an option that should be made available to women victims of domestic violence, because It is a model of justice that serves more adequately to women´s concerns, while respecting their autonomy and dignity, also opening the prospect of real change of men and women behavior on issues involving gender violence. / O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar a insatisfação das mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica e familiar com a estratégia utilizada por grande parte do movimento feminista, evidenciada na Lei Maria da Penha , de utilização do Direito Penal e seu modelo retributivo, como instrumento de combate à discriminação e a violência de gênero, bem como apontar a justiça restaurativa como uma alternativa que atende melhor às expectativas e necessidades das mulheres. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo no Juizado de Violência Doméstica e Familiar contra a Mulher da Comarca de Aracaju (SE), onde foram ouvidas 191 (cento e noventa e uma) vítimas em processo-crime naquele juízo no período de setembro a novembro de 2013, confirmando a insatisfação das mulheres com a resposta dada pelo modelo tradicional e o desejo das mesmas de um modelo de justiça criminal discursivo, característica do modelo restaurativo. Inicialmente, aborda-se a questão da violência de gênero, tema que vem ganhando maior relevo no Brasil, principalmente a partir da década de 80 com a atuação dos grupos feministas e, mais recentemente, com o advento da lei nº 11.340/2006. Após, demonstra que o referido diploma legal fez uma clara opção pelo modelo retributivo de justiça criminal, atendendo a uma tendência existente em vários países da Europa e América Latina, apontando as críticas feitas a este modelo na resolução de conflitos envolvendo violência de gênero. Na sequência, promove-se a análise e discussão dos dados colhidos da pesquisa de campo realizada e anteriormente mencionada. Prossegue fazendo uma análise da justiça restaurativa, como uma nova maneira de enxergar o crime e a justiça, relacionando tal modelo de justiça criminal com a teoria discursiva desenvolvida pelo filósofo alemão Jürgen Habermas, além de expor seu conceito, objetivos, princípios e valores, apontando também as principais diferenças em relação ao modelo tradicional. Segue apontando as objeções e vantagens da utilização da justiça restaurativa na solução de conflitos envolvendo violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher. Por fim, aponta a justiça restaurativa como uma opção que deve ser colocada à disposição da mulher vítima de violência doméstica e familiar, por se tratar de um modelo de justiça que atende mais adequadamente aos anseios da mulher, respeitando a sua autonomia e dignidade, além de abrir a perspectiva de mudanças reais de comportamento de homens e mulheres nas questões envolvendo a violência de gênero.

Self-Transformation and Spirituality in Marketing

Nilangekar, Mrudul 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Self-transformation and spirituality have not been extensively investigated in marketing research. However, these concepts are deeply impactful in an individual's life and are advocated by religious and spiritual traditions across the world. In Essay 1, I extend research on compassion, distance between self and other, and power by examining the effect of self-compassion on prosocial behavior. I test the effect of self-compassion on prosocial behavior mediated by the distance felt between self and other and moderated by felt power. Across five studies, I find that individuals in the self-compassionate and equal power mindset display higher prosocial behavior and lower empathy fatigue compared to the other conditions. In Essay 2, I examine the idea of agency in one's relationship with God which has not been investigated in business research although building one's relationship with God is the backbone of all major religious and spiritual traditions across the world and is seen to have widespread implications. Through five studies, I demonstrate that feelings of agency in one's relationship with God lead to a lower desire for retributive justice against an entity that has committed a transgression as compared to the no-agency condition. On the other hand, in line with earlier research, when one feels agency over material resources, one tends to have an increased desire for retributive justice against an entity that has committed a transgression compared to the no-agency condition. Across these essays, I examine the proposed conceptual models through mediation and moderation studies. Several theoretical and managerial implications are also discussed.

Serious Human Right violation victims/ International crimes and transitional justice mechanisms / Víctimas de serias violaciones de Derechos Humanos/Crímenes internacionales y mecanismos de justicia transicional

Gamarra Herrera, Ronald Alex, Pérez-León Acevedo, Juan Pablo 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article discusses, in a general manner, the most important transitional justice mechanisms at which victims of serious human rights violations, constitutive of international crimes such as crimes against humanity, can participate. The analysis is mainly conducted in the light of international law areas such as international human rights law and international criminal law. Transitional justice mechanisms are examined under two categories: transitional justice mechanisms that are mainly of a retributive nature and those that are mainly of a restorative kind. In each category, possibilities, advantages, challenges and limitations faced by the victims of serious human rights violations/international crimes are examined. Some concluding remarks are provided. / El presente artículo presenta de manera general los más importantes mecanismos de justicia transicional, a través de los cuales pueden participar las víctimas de serias violaciones de derechos humanos que pueden constituir crímenes internacionales, tales como crímenes de lesa humanidad. El análisis se desarrolla, principalmente, desde la óptica de áreas del derecho internacional, tales como el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos y el derecho penal internacional. Los mecanismos de justicia transicional son considerados en dos categorías: mecanismos de justicia transicional de tipo, principalmente, retributivo y aquellos que son de tipo, principalmente, restaurativo. En cada una de las dos categorías, se examinan las posibilidades, ventajas, desafíos y limitaciones que las víctimas de serias violaciones de derechos humanos/crímenes internacionales pueden encontrar. El artículo concluye con reflexiones finales.

Attitudes of Restorative Justice Practices for Diverse Offenders

Williams, Ashley A'lyse 08 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

A study of juvenile delinquency amongst adolescents in secondary schools in Gauteng

Ntshangase, Margaret Priscilla 11 1900 (has links)
Juvenile delinquency amongst school-going adolescents is a growing concern in South Africa. Initiatives by policy-makers, educationists and school authorities, amongst others, have not yielded the desired changes in learner behaviour. This dissertation focuses on adolescent delinquency amongst learners in Gauteng secondary schools, with the precise aim of making recommendations to address the problem. An extensive literature review was conducted. An interpretive-constructivist paradigm with a mainly qualitative design was followed. A questionnaire and focus group interviews were administered to teachers. The findings confirmed the researcher’s view that juvenile delinquency in schools is escalating and warrants attention and intervention from all stakeholders. The main conclusion drawn from this research was that current policies and interventions on learner behaviour had no impact because policy-makers lacked the necessary will to ensure that interventions were implemented, reviewed and monitored. This study argues for a multi-pronged approach to address the problem. The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) should review its policies and approach to the problem, and support teachers to ensure that teaching and learning remain the main priority of schooling. Future research could explore the role of social ills in the South African context on the development of learners’ antisocial behaviour. / Educational Foundations / M. Ed. (Socio-Education)

A study of juvenile delinquency amongst adolescents in secondary schools in Gauteng

Ntshangase, Margaret Priscilla 11 1900 (has links)
Juvenile delinquency amongst school-going adolescents is a growing concern in South Africa. Initiatives by policy-makers, educationists and school authorities, amongst others, have not yielded the desired changes in learner behaviour. This dissertation focuses on adolescent delinquency amongst learners in Gauteng secondary schools, with the precise aim of making recommendations to address the problem. An extensive literature review was conducted. An interpretive-constructivist paradigm with a mainly qualitative design was followed. A questionnaire and focus group interviews were administered to teachers. The findings confirmed the researcher’s view that juvenile delinquency in schools is escalating and warrants attention and intervention from all stakeholders. The main conclusion drawn from this research was that current policies and interventions on learner behaviour had no impact because policy-makers lacked the necessary will to ensure that interventions were implemented, reviewed and monitored. This study argues for a multi-pronged approach to address the problem. The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) should review its policies and approach to the problem, and support teachers to ensure that teaching and learning remain the main priority of schooling. Future research could explore the role of social ills in the South African context on the development of learners’ antisocial behaviour. / Educational Foundations / M. Ed. (Socio-Education)

L’influence américaine et la fonction du religieux dans les mécanismes de réconciliation et de prévention contre le génocide : quel modèle de réconciliation pour le cas du Burundi ? / US Influence and the Role of religious actors in the works of reconciliation and genocide prevention : what possible model of reconciliation for Burundi?

Kamugisha, Yvonne 28 June 2019 (has links)
Tandis que le Burundi entame une phase clé dans la réconciliation nationale, l’immense travail de la mémoire collective initié par la signature des Accords de Paix d’Arusha en août 2000 offre une opportunité à la pénétration américaine de s’affirmer dans la Consolidation de la Paix dans la sous Région. L'erreur serait de voir l’investissement américain dans la Communauté de l'Afrique de l'Est comme un phénomène récent. Or, depuis l'ère postcoloniale jusqu'à la phase actuelle de la mise en place des mécanismes de réconciliation et prévention contre le génocide, la présence américaine en matière de politique africaine remonte bien plus loin ainsi que le prouve son entreprise missionnaire en Afrique. Beaucoup de travaux ont traité de la question des relations géopolitiques entre colonisateurs et colonisés en Afrique sub-saharienne. Cependant, peu d'études ont relevé l’importance ou l’ancienneté des rapports religieux et de leur influence dans les affaires politiques et sociales dans les pays de l'Afrique de l'Est tels que le Burundi ou le Rwanda. Expliquer la Politique Etrangère américaine en la rattachant à son investissement religieux dans la sous Région permet d'éviter une simplification erronée des intérêts américains. Notre étude du rôle des missions américaines et de leurs rapports complexes avec les missions chrétiennes des anciennes puissances coloniales nous permet de saisir sous un regard neuf les dynamiques politiques des Etats-Unis dans la région des Grands Lacs en Afrique de l’Est. L’enjeu du projet de la Commission Verite et Réconciliation au Burundi offre un espace politique et religieux unique pour une étude à la rencontre de ces différents acteurs religieux. L’instrumentalisation de la justice transitionnelle au Burundi souligne non seulement l’affrontement des processus de justice et de pardon en période post-conflit mais elle relève la difficile négociation des mémoires plurielles sous fond d’intérêts géopolitiques. / As Burundi begins a key phase in national reconciliation, the vast work of collective memory initiated by the Arusha Peace Accords in August 2000 offers an opportunity to the US to penetrate and strategically position them in the Great Lakes’ Region Peacebuilding. A mistake would be to see such U.S. involvement in the East Africa Community as a recent phenomenon. Since the postcolonial era until the current phase of reconciliation mechanisms and genocide prevention, the American visibility in African politics goes back in time as its missionary activities prove it. Many studies explored the question on geopolitical relations between former colonial countries and colonial powers in sub-Sahara Africa. Yet, few pointed out the relevance or the deep religious relationships and their influence in sociopolitical events in East African countries such as Burundi or Rwanda. To explain the U.S. Foreign Policy linking it to its religious investment in the Great Lake prevents a misleading simplification of U.S. interests. Our study of the role of American missions and their complex relations with Christian missions of former colonial powers offers us a new look at the U.S. political dynamics in the Great Lakes’ Region in East Africa. The challenge of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission provides a unique political and religious space for a study of these different religious actors. The use of the transitional justice in Burundi underlines not only the confrontation of processes of justice and forgiveness in post-conflict periods, but it underlines the difficult negotiation of collective memories along with geopolitical interests.

Na počátku byl vztah - křesťanské paradigma západní kultury formující obraz člověka v procesu trestního soudnictví / In the beginning, there was a relationship - the Western culture´s Christian paradigm forming the image of man within the process of criminal justice

TÝMOVÁ, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The present thesis paper deals - on theoretical level - with the importance and the gradual evolution of dialogicality of man within the context of criminal justice. In Western European cultural environment the image of man as dialogical being has been inspired by the Judeo-Christian tradition, approaching "the man in relationship" as an unlimited and transcendental form of being. In practical terms, a relationship has been perceived as the fundamental precondition in the process of restoration of a man and as an opportunity to re-approach the original absolute form of humanity, which is in harmony with God´s intention. The culturally accepted dialogical image of man has been reflected in shaping the specific form of systems and institutions created by man, including also the system of criminal law and justice, the main objective of which is enforcing justice. In the spirit of that cultural tradition, emphasis is currently laid on protection of and respect for dignity and individual rights and freedoms of man, and, thus, personal participation of the criminal conflict parties in the process of justice is required. Hence, in the persons of the offender and the victim, justice is rather becoming "the justice of dialogue and negotiation" within restorative justice, and it is so within the limits of law so as the participants´ individual needs and interests can be taken care of and obligations resulting from the conflict can be secured, to the maximum possible extent.

Constitutional function assigned to the penalty: Bases for a criminal policy plan / Función constitucional asignada a la pena: bases para un plan de política criminal

Chang Kcomt, Romy Alexandra 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article intends to analyze treatment and functions assigned to the penalty by our Peruvian Constitution and the way this legal institution is conducted at the prescribed basic penalty level (imposed by the legislator ineach type of criminal offence), the specific penalty level (imposed by the judge according to its individual characteristics in each case) and at the penitentiary enforcement level. Finally recommends some considerations for carrying out a possible legislative reform in accordance with a criminal policy plan within our constitutional framework. / El presente trabajo busca efectuar un análisis en torno al tratamiento y las funciones que nuestra Constitución política asigna a la pena, y la manera como dicha institución se desarrolla en nuestro país con respectoa la pena abstracta (la impuesta por el legislador en cada tipo penal), la pena concreta (la impuesta por el juez luego de una individualización en cada casoconcreto), y su ejecución en el ámbito penitenciario. Finaliza proponiendo algunas consideraciones para una eventual reforma legislativa conforme conun plan de política criminal que se encuentre dentro del marco constitucional.

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