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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vitalités linguistique et religieuse chez les Néwar bouddhistes de la vallée de Kathmandu / Vitality of Language and Religion Among the Buddhist Newars of Kathmandu Valley

Moronval, Frédéric 15 December 2017 (has links)
La population autochtone de la vallée de Kathmandu, les Néwar, a vu sa langue, le néwari ou népalbhasa, et l’une de ses religions, le bouddhisme, se trouver minorées par l’annexion militaire de leur territoire au Népal de la dynastie Shah, hindoue et népaliphone, en 1769. Un siècle plus tard, la politique de discrimination de la langue et de la religion bouddhiste lancée par l’Etat à l’encontre des Néwar a provoqué l’émergence d’une conscience identitaire et d’actes de résistance culturelle. Or, depuis ses débuts, la revendication de l’appartenance au groupe linguistique néwar et, souvent, de sa défense, se double chez ses acteurs d’un rattachement personnel à la religion bouddhiste, sans que cette double appartenance soit pour autant mise en avant dans les discours.La mise en regard de la situation actuelle de la vitalité de la langue et de celle du bouddhisme dans cette population vise d’une part à documenter l’étude des relations entre langue et religion, et d’autre part à proposer l’application d’outils d’évaluation de la vitalité linguistique à celle de la vitalité religieuse. C’est également une confirmation de la nécessité qu’il y a à mettre au jour et à conceptualiser les relations entre la langue et les autres dynamismes sociaux dont elle semble être, si souvent, à la fois le vecteur et l’enjeu. / In 1769, the Shah dynasty from Western Nepal, promoting Hinduism and speaking Nepali, had conquered the Kathmandu Valley and integrated it into a much wider Nepal. As a consequence, the language, as well as the Buddhist tradition of the local indigenous ethnic group, the Newars, became minority ones. A century later, the State launched a repressive policy towards both Newari language and Buddhism, and the result has been the development of identity awareness, both in the linguistic and in the religious fields, among the Newar intelligentsia, who entered cultural resistance. Therefore, since the beginning, both language and religion have been associated, although activists hardly acknowledge this double-sided feature of their commitments.This study of the current situation of both language and religion vitalities among the Newars of the Kathmandu Valley aims primarily at documenting the research on relations between language and religion, and at testing the application of evaluation tools of language vitality to the evaluation of religious vitality. Furthermore, it confirms the necessity we are facing to explore and conceptualize more the links between language and the social dynamics it often sustains but also depends on.

Variation dialectale et orthographique en romani : étude à partir d'une page du réseaux social Facebook / Dialectal and orthographic variation in Romani language : study on a page from the Facebook social network site

Lecharpentier, Coralie 18 December 2018 (has links)
Le romani, ou romanes, est une langue parlée historiquement par des communautés qui s’autodénomment « Roms », « Sintos » et « Calos ». Dans cette thèse, on se propose d'analyser une page du réseau social Facebook, comportant de nombreux messages en langue romani. Dans un premier temps, nous identifierons les dialectes présents sur la page et étudierons la diversité des pratiques orthographiques. Puis, on analysera comment la variation est prise en compte par les locuteurs, en évoquant les problématiques d'intercompréhension, d'identité et de revitalisation. Le but de notre recherche est de faire un état des lieux des besoins, réussites et représentations des locuteurs du romani afin d’accompagner ce qui pourrait être un processus d’autogestion langagière. / Romani, also known as Romanes, is a language historically spoken by communities who call themselves “Roma”, “Sinti” and “Kalo”. The purpose of this thesis is to study a page of the social network Facebook which includes many messages written in Romani language. First of all, we will identify the dialects used on the page and we will describe the diversity of spelling practices. Then, we wil analyze the way variation is taken into account by the speakers, discussing the issues of mutual understanding, identity and revitalization. Our research focuses on determining the needs, successes and representations of the Romani speakers in order to support a possible linguistic self-management.

Gentrifikace Karlína. Současný stav fyzického prostředí a vývoj sociodemografické a ekonomické struktury po roce 2002 / Gentrification of Karlin district. Current status of physical environment and sociodemographic and economic development after 2002

Richterová, Denisa January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to find out if then Prague quarter of Karlin has been under the process of gentrification recently. Karlin is an inner city and has been going through dynamic changes in the last thirteen years. This is not only because of post-socialist transformation but the regeneration was also accelerated by dealing with the consequences of the flood in 2002. Different census areas of Karlin are classified into three categories according to the degree of gentrification: gentrified, ungentrified and below average areas. The research is based on the results summarizing a field research which determined physical condition of the houses, the result of analyses of ownership and price levels of Karlin houses and the development of sociodemographic and economic structure. Key words: gentrification, post-socialist transformation, physical environment, sociodemographic and economic structure


Kumstátová, Nikola January 2018 (has links)
Urban and architecture study of the location on the border of the historical centre of the town of Znojmo focuses on spatial cultivation of Square of Freedom and revitalisation of fragments of the town fortification system.

Český Krumlov - Revitalizace zóny Ambit / Czech Krumlov - Revitalization Ambit Zone

Benedová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The project of revitalisation of the Ambit area in Český Krumlov emerges from the current needs and the future strategic visions of the town as well as from its historical context and cultural heritage. It proposes a natural and simple cultivation of the grounds and their transformation into a park and riverside promenades creating an agreeable background for the pedestrian paths joining the downtown with the housing areas in the suburbs. This environment creates a set for a multifunctional cultural and community centre. The historically protected building, originally a cloth factory, is transformed into a hotel with a restaurant and connected to two new objects of the cultural centre. In their volume and location these buildings don’t exceed the maximal height level of the surrounding area and respect its natural configuration as well as its historical value. Both houses correspond not only in terms of materials but also in their simple conception free of all unnecessary formalities. They are not trying to compete with the town and its genius loci; on the contrary, they attempt to create a dignified entrance wordy of the town. Their floor plan creates a coherent space with a certain amount of tension created by the very not-orthogonal arrangement.


Smejkalová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
This diploma project deals with a post-industrial factory area Zbrojovka Brno. It proposes a strategy for its revitalisation and development. On contrary to official studies of one time reconstruction and creation of a residential site, the proposal brings an idea of step by step transformation into a multifunctional city quarter with preservation and new use of original industrial architecture. The strategy has four main phases, which are characterised by addition of functions, metamorphoses of public space and opening of the area and connecting it to neighbourhoods. After the four phases, the area should become a healthy and sustainable city with a compact structure with mixed functions, high quality public spaces linked with greenery, sustainable system of transportation and energetic concept and with use of community sharing.

Attraktive Wohn- und Lebensstandorte - welche Stärken und Potenziale haben geschrumpfte Mittelstädte in peripheren Lagen?: Eine Untersuchung von Standortentscheidungen anhand der Fallstudie Görlitz

Zöllter, Constanze Anna 08 November 2023 (has links)
Viele Großstädte und Metropolen in Deutschland sind Zielgebiete nationaler und internationaler Migration. Die zunehmenden Bevölkerungszahlen in diesen Städten führen häufig zu Überlastungserscheinungen, wie steigenden Preisen auf den Wohnungsmärkten, Segregationstendenzen innerhalb der Stadtgebiete, einer sich verschlechternden Umweltqualität und einer Überlastung von Einrichtungen der sozialen Infrastruktur. Dem gegenüber stehen zumeist kleinere Städte in peripheren Lagen vor der Herausforderung stagnierender oder schrumpfender Bevölkerungszahlen. Langanhaltende Bevölkerungsverluste über die letzten Jahrzehnte führen häufig zu hohen Leerstandsquoten, einem Verfall von Bausubstanz, einer geringen Auslastung von Versorgungsstrukturen, einer wirtschaftlichen Abkoppelung und dem Gefühl von Vernachlässigung und Stigmatisierung. In Zukunft stehen die verschiedenen Städte somit vor unterschiedlichen aber vergleichsweise großen Herausforderungen. Das Promotionsvorhaben konzentriert sich auf geschrumpfte Mittelstädte (20.000 - 100.000 Menschen) in peripheren Lagen. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, Faktoren herauszustellen, die eine Standortwahl in eben diesen Stadttyp begünstigen können sowie Stärken und zu fördernde Potenziale dieser Städte darzustellen, die dazu beitragen, dass sich geschrumpfte Mittelstädte als Alternativstandorte zu überlasteten Ballungsräumen erweisen. Diese Herangehensweise an aktuelle Herausforderungen von Schrumpfung betroffener Mittelstädte kommt ab von der häufig in der Forschung thematisierten generellen Abwärtsspirale dieser Städte und zeigt neue Entwicklungsperspektiven auf, ohne ein erneutes Wachstum dieser Städte als prioritäres Ziel zu verfolgen. Ein angestrebter Ausgleich der Bevölkerungsverteilung innerhalb Deutschlands kann den Druck auf Großstädte und Ballungsräume entschärfen, ohne ihn gänzlich zu beseitigen. Darüber hinaus hätte eine Ausgleichswirkung, insbesondere wenn sie einhergeht mit der Nutzung vorhandener Ressourcen wie leerstehender Gebäude und bestehender Infrastrukturen, positive Effekte für eine nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung. Die inhaltliche Konzentration auf Mittelstädte erfolgt aufgrund des Vorhandenseins eines gewissen Versorgungsangebotes in diesen Städten, ohne jedoch die oft negativ empfundenen Überlastungserscheinungen vieler Großstädte und Ballungsräume aufzuweisen. Studien belegen, dass ein Leben in einer städtischen Umgebung von vielen Personengruppen nach wie vor bevorzugt wird. In der bisherigen Stadtforschung wird dem Stadttyp Mittelstadt dabei jedoch noch zu wenig Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt und er wird häufig im Zusammenschluss mit Kleinstädten betrachtet. Die Fokussierung auf Mittelstädte in dieser Arbeit ist damit eine deutliche Abgrenzung zu bisherigen Studien und stellt charakteristische Merkmale dieser Städte heraus. Darüber hinaus thematisieren bisherige Studien zur Wohnstandortwahl häufig das Wanderungsgeschehen in das suburbane Umland von Ballungsräumen und weniger in peripher gelegene Städte. Auch erfolgt meist eine Betrachtung von Personen, die eine Entscheidung zur Wanderung getroffen haben und analysiert deren Beweggründe und Motivationen. Gründe und Faktoren, die Personen von einer Umzugsentscheidung abgehalten haben, werden nicht erhoben. In dem Promotionsvorhaben wird ein neuer Ansatz zur Erkenntnisgewinnung verfolgt, indem sich gezielt mit der Standortentscheidung in eine geschrumpfte Mittelstadt auseinander gesetzt wird. Die Besonderheit besteht darin, dass die Relevanz einzelner Standortfaktoren abgefragt wird und darauf aufbauend Personen durch ihre Teilnahme am Projekt „Stadt auf Probe“ einen neuen Standort in einer geschrumpften Mittelstadt vorübergehend auch ausprobieren können. Am Ende des Aufenthaltes reflektieren sie die zuvor angenommene Bedeutung einzelner Faktoren anhand der persönlichen Erfahrung vor Ort. Dadurch kann eine Standortentscheidung auf Basis deutlich detaillierterer Informationen gefällt werden, als es bei interregionalen Wanderungen meist der Fall ist. Dieser experimentelle Projektansatz trägt dazu bei, dass neue Erkenntnisse für die Stadtentwicklung gewonnen werden können. Außerdem werden in die empirische Analyse der vorliegenden Arbeit somit sowohl Personen einbezogen, die eine Entscheidung für eine geschrumpfte Mittelstadt in peripheren Lagen getroffen haben als auch solche, die sich dagegen entschieden.

A criterion referenced analysis and evaluation of the processes involved in formulating a Māori language regeneration strategy for Whakamārama marae

Lewis, Roger Brian January 2007 (has links)
The quality of the processes involved in language regeneration strategy formation is critical to the creation of an effective language regeneration strategy and this, in turn, is critical to the achievement of successful language regeneration outcomes. The overall aim of this research project was to evaluate, using a range of effectiveness criteria, the processes involved in the creation of a marae-based te reo Māori regeneration strategy in the hope that others involved in similar projects in the future would benefit and in the hope that the Whakamārama whānau will themselves derive benefit from it in reviewing what has already been achieved. In Chapter 1, the background to the research project and its rationale are outlined and the research questions and research methods are introduced. Chapter 2 provides a critical review of selected literature in the area of strategic planning aspects of language regeneration and relevant aspects of mātauranga Māori. Using an ethnographic approach, the processes and immediate outcomes (in terms of a survey report and a regeneration plan for Whakamārama marae) of the language regeneration project are outlined in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4, effectiveness criteria are derived on the basis of the literature review in Chapter 2. These include criteria relating to leadership, participation, Kaupapa Māori values, environmental analysis and outcomes. The criteria are then applied to the analysis and evaluation of the processes and outcomes outlined in Chapter 3 in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses. The overall conclusion is that Whakamārama's language regeneration activities to date can be regarded as successful in many ways, including the fact that they have resulted in the production of high quality documentation that is widely appreciated by the whānau in the form of a maraebased language survey and a marae-based te reo Māori regeneration plan. Working voluntarily and often under difficult circumstances, core group members demonstrated that they possessed the essential characteristics of commitment, motivation and determination, in addition to the willingness and ability to use existing skills and knowledge effectively and to develop further skills and knowledge as the project proceeded. Perhaps most important, they developed a caring and effective working culture. However, the weaknesses of the project included a lack of preparation and planning prior to the commencement of the project which resulted in a build up of work at a number of stages. This, in turn, lead to delays in producing outcomes and some loss of momentum. It also led, indirectly, to the views of two or three members of the core group being overrepresented in the reo plan goals. The information and analysis provided here have relevance to any language community involved in micro-level language regeneration activities of a similar type. It is hoped therefore that this thesis may help others to not only avoid the problems experienced by the Whakamārama whānau but also to benefit from their successes.

The revitalisation of ethnic minority languages in Zimbabwe : the case of the Tonga language

Mumpande, Isaac 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the revitalisation of Tonga, an endangered minority language in Zimbabwe. It seeks to establish why the Tonga people embarked on the revitalisation of their language, the strategies they used, the challenges they encountered and how they managed them. The Human Needs Theory propounded by Burton (1990) and Yamamoto’s (1998) Nine Factors Language Revitalisation Model formed the theoretical framework within which the data were analysed. This case-study identified various socio-cultural and historical factors that influenced the revitalisation of the Tonga language. Despite the socio-economic and political challenges from both within and outside the Tonga community, the Tonga revitalisation initiative was to a large extent a success, thanks to the speech community’s positive attitude and ownership of the language revitalisation process. It not only restored the use of Tonga in the home domain but also extended the language function into the domains of education, the media, and religion. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A. (Sociolinguistics)

New wine into new wineskins(Luke 5:38): church growth and revitalisation

Haase, John Martin 30 September 2004 (has links)
Individuals and organisations follow a general developmental cycle, that begins with birth, and progresses through growth, maturity, decline and death. While individuals necessarily die after a period of years, organisations may continue through many generations, though they too may die. Once an organisation reaches maturity, it tends toward decline, for sin has corrupted not only men, but all creation (Rms. 8:21-22). Though all things tend toward decay and death, they can be revitalised, for such is the power of God's grace. Like all organisations, the church can become ineffective. Many prefer abandoning the old organisation and starting a new work. Revitalisation may be the better solution, though it is certainly the greater challenge. This project considers the organisational life cycle biblically, historically and contemporarily. It considers how the church grows, and what keeps it from growing. It also considers the merits of creating `new wineskins,' versus revitalising old ones. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)

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