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The Radif as Musical Syntax: Instrument Revival in Persian Traditional MusicNamazi, Behzad K. 02 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Kwa Sizabantoe sending: 'n prakties-teologiese beoordeling van sommige aspekte van die bestuurstruktuur / Kwa Siza Bantu mission : a practical-theology research into some aspects of the management structureGreeff, Jacobus Willem 30 November 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Vanuit sekere kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes, word literatuurstudie van
Kwa Sizabantoe Sending gedoen (KSB). Die rede is om 'n gefundeerde
antwoord te vind vir die verskille in opinies oor KSB.
In Hoofstuk 1 word die probleem geskets en na die verslag van die
Evangeiiese Atiiansie gekyk. Dan volg iniigting oor die navorser sowel as die
werkswyses wat gevolg word. Hoofstuk 3 gee 'n samevatting van die
geskiedenis van KSB en die Stegen-famiiie. Hoofstuk 4 behandel die unieke
literatuurbronne waaroor die navorser beskik.
Die Evangeiiese Alliansie beweer dat daar 'n misbruik van bonatuurlike
geestelike ervarings op KSB is, Die gevolg is elitistiese en paternalistiese
optredes. Dit gee aanleiding tot interne spanninge en probleme. Hierdie
bewering word in bespreek in Hoofstukke 5 - 7 .
Hoofstuk 8 gee opsomming en bespreking van die bevindinge. In Hoofstuk 9
word gepoog om 'n basisteorie te formuleer en om 'n oplossing voor te stel. / Using certain qualitative methods, a literature study is done on Kwa Siza
Bantu Mission (KSB). The reason is to come to a conclusive answer to the
difference in opinions with regards to KSB.
Chapter 1 gives an overview of the problem as well as the result of the inquiry
of the Evangelical Alliance into KSB. Information on the researcher as well as
his research methods follow. Chapter 3 is a summery of the history of KSB and
the Stegen family. In Chapter 4 a review is made of the unique literature.
From Chapter 5 - 7 a statement of the Evangelical Alliance is discussed. The
statement implies that the misuse of supernatural experiences, iead to
paternalistic or elitistic methods resulting in tensions and divisions. Chapter 8
discusses the findings and Chapter 9 tries to formulate a base-theory and
suggests some solutions to the problems of KSB, / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)
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Holographic memoirs of a dream : the invention of tram hoppingNortjé, Johannes Andries 01 1900 (has links)
The medium is the message in the first place: the medium as presence, as the author. His
contribution to the academic world is his academic Holographic Memoirs. His story, the
author's memoirs, is a fictive-narrative discourse with an organic ubuntu open-endedness.
The Hologram is both an autobiography, but also all the information at all places
simultaneously – nonlocal in quantum physical terms - within an intense hallucinating
dream: no illusion, but rather a HyperReality with all its Virtual Identities. The invention of
tram hopping is the plot of the story. The plot is like an hourglass where the first part of the
story is the emptying of the sand, the deconstruction of modernism, but while the top
chamber runs empty and the bottom chamber fills up, so the deconstruction is
simultaneously a dependent arising/(social) construction/ubuntuing to revival – the
synagogal Shekinah presence of YAHWEH. The top chamber is the unreasonable
Newtonian physics and the bottom chamber reasonable quantum physics. The
metaphysics (before the physics) of the top chamber is poststructuralism and
deconstruction, while the bottom chamber is the virtual Hebraic worldview that delutively
merges ubuntu and Buddhism. The long narrow neck in the middle is the moonily narrative
that lives us with psychology (Psycho-logic) lost in sociology (Social-physics).
Hermeneutics is set forth in the same contrasting hourglass of the top chamber, the
inherited tradition, emptying to what it should accomplish – (virtual) presence. / Philosophy & Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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Anfänge und Mission der Heilsarmee im Baselbiet von 1887 bis 1901: eine Missionshistorische Untersuchung / Origin and mission of the Salvation Army in the Basel region from 1887 to 1901: a study in mission historyInniger, Stefan 01 1900 (has links)
Die vorliegende MTh-Dissertation ist eine missionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, welche ausge-hend von primären Quellen die Anfangsgeschichte der Heilsarmee und deren Mission im Basel-biet von 1887 bis 1901 erforscht. Die Heilsarmee war eine Bewegung, die missionarisch ausge-prägt offensiv tätig war. Im ersten Hauptteil wird ihre Anfangsgeschichte chronologisch in drei Phasen dargestellt: Pionier-, Repressions- und Etablierungsphase. Im zweiten Hauptteil wird sys-tematisch deren Mission analysiert und erörtert. Der Fokus liegt einerseits auf der konkreten Mis-sionspraxis, gefragt wird aber auch nach den missionstheologischen Überzeugungen, welche den missionarischen Aktivitäten zugrunde lagen. Die Dissertation zeigt die Hintergründe einer offen-siven, anfänglich primär auf das ‚Seelenheil‘ zielenden Missionspraxis der Heilsarmee und auch die damit verbundenen Probleme, welche sich in Ablehnung, Widerständen und staatlicher Re-pression äußerten. Es wird auch gezeigt, wie die Heilsarmee zunehmend ein ganzheitliches Heils-verständnis und eine Missionspraxis entwickelte, welche den ganzen Menschen vor Augen hat: Seele und Leib. Dieser ganzheitliche Ansatz von Mission verhalf der Heilsarmee zu zunehmender Akzeptanz / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)
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Reviving the past : eighteenth-century evangelical interpretations of church historySchmidt, Darren W. January 2009 (has links)
This study addresses eighteenth-century English-speaking evangelicals' understandings of church history, through the lens of published attempts to represent preceding Christian centuries panoramically or comprehensively. Sources entail several short reflections on history emerging in the early years of the transatlantic Revival (1730s-1740s) and subsequent, more substantial efforts by evangelical leaders John Gillies, Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, Joseph and Isaac Milner, and Thomas Haweis. Little scholarly analysis exists on these sources, aside from the renaissance of interest in recent decades in Edwards. This is surprising, considering the acknowledged prominence of history-writing in the eighteenth century and the influence attributed, then and now, to the works of authors such as Gibbon, Hume, and Robertson. The aim is, first, to elucidate each of the above evangelicals' interpretations of the Christian past, both in overview and according to what they said on a roster of particular historical events, people and movements, and then to consider shared and divergent aspects. These aspects range from points of detail to paradigmatic theological convictions. Secondarily, evangelical church histories are analyzed in relation to earlier Protestant as well as eighteenth-century 'enlightened' historiography, in part through attention to evangelical authors' explicit engagement with these currents. This contextualization assists in determining the unique qualities of evangelical interpretations. Is there, then, evidence of a characteristically 'evangelical' perspective on church history? An examination of this neglected area illumines patterns and particulars of evangelicals' historical thought, and these in turn communicate the self-perceptions and the defining features of evangelicalism itself. Findings support the primary contention that evangelical leaders made use of a dynamic pattern of revival and declension as a means of accounting for the full history of Christianity. Beyond displaying the central place of 'revival' for evangelicals, these church histories demonstrate evangelicalism‘s complex relationship—involving both receptivity and critique—with Protestant and Enlightenment currents of historical inquiry.
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Výchova k vlastenectví v českých školách / Education for patriotism in Czech schoolsKyzlinková, Marcela January 2015 (has links)
The key aim of this work is a method of patriotic education in our schools, mainly in the first grade of primary schools. The point of this work is to awaken patriotism in society again. In the first step we are informed about the important ideas that enable to develope the assumptions neccesary for the patriotic recognition and for an increase in patriotic feeling. The theory pays the attention to morality, influencing behaviour; for example, material and physical values and the aesthetic. It describes each historical term individually, from the beginning of national recovery during the first half of 19th century to the present days. It underlines the need to understand correctly the individual ideas and it points out the general chaos and risks of their interpretations in society. It recognises the important tasks that our society has to face to maintain the education of patriotism succesfully. The practical aspect contains the class discussions, interwiews and analysis of individual pupils, teachers, directors and it compares the level and quality of class debats with teacher`s attitude. The main thing was to find out the teachers' personal feeling about patriotism, his or her attitude towards its education and the way he or she communicates this during the lessons.
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Les bannières religieuses : une approche du catholicisme bas-breton : 1805-2012 / Religious bannels : an approach of lower Britanny catholicism : 1805-2012Guillou, Christiane 18 December 2013 (has links)
La thèse traite du catholicisme en Basse-Bretagne, du début du 19è siècle à nos jours, à travers l'étude des bannières de procession présentes dans les églises du diocèse de Quimper et Léon , soit le département du Finistère. Les quatre parties s'organisent autour de la production des bannières, de leur comptage à partir des différents types d'inventaires disponibles, des piétés qu'elles mettent en évidence, voire des évolutions sociales dont elles témoignent.L'approche est quantitative et qualitative. Cela implique une visite systématique des églises et la conservation de traces photographiques de toutes leurs bannières. Il est fait appel aux sources classiques que sont les rapports des visites canoniques et à d'autres qui le sont moins, comme les inventaires de 1906.L'étude de la vie de deux paroisses, un doyenné datant du concordat et une anciennne ville épiscopale, a permis de mettre en évidence les mobiles générateurs de l'acquisition de bannières. Si les bannières paroissiales sont de règle, les bannières de congrégations témoignent du dynamisme des groupes de piété et de leur évolution au fil des siècles.Des approches quantitatives permettent de proposer une hypothèse de riposte, par bannières interposées, à la politique des lois laïques, parallèlement aux évolutions sociales.Si l'iconographie montre une influence lointaine des arts, c'est surtout l'importance du négoce qui apparaît, laissant cependant des possibilités d'expression d'une créativité, voire d'une spiritualité différente. Le chapitre final est consacré aux bannières réalisées à l'occasion de la Mission 2012. / This thesis is about catholicism in Lower Brittany through the study of processional banners from the beginning of the 19th century to our days. These were found in tthe churches of the diocese of Quimper and Leon , in the french county of Finistere. The thesis is divided into four parts : the production of banners, their counting from the various types of available inventories, devotion which they highlight, even social evolution of which testify.The approach is quantitative and qualitative. It involves a systematic visit of churches and the conservation of a photographic record of all their banners. Classic sources are used such as the reportsof the canonical visits, and others vho are less so the inventories of 1906.The study of the life of two parishes, a deanship dating from the concordat and a former episcopal city, allowed to highlight the generative motives of the acquisition of banners. If parochial banners are the norm, the banners of congregations reflect the dynamism of the groups of devotion and their evolution in the course of the centuries.Quantitative approaches allow to propose a hypothesis of reponse to the policy of the Laic laws by interposed banners, in parallel to social evolutions. If the iconography shows a distant influence of the arts, it is especially the importance of trade that appears. However it leaves possibilities of expression for a different creativity and even for a different spirituality. The last chapters concerrn the revival starting from the seond third of the 20th century. The last chapter is dedicated to the banners made for the Mission 2012.
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Nelly Hall: uppburen och ifrågasatt : Predikant och missionär i Europa och USA 1882-1901 / Nelly Hall: Esteemed and Questioned as a Preacher and Missionary in Europe and United States 1882-1901Gunner, Gunilla January 2003 (has links)
In 19th century Sweden women preached in the popular revival movements as they did in the other Nordic countries, in Great Britain and the United States. One of the most famous preachers in Sweden was Nelly Hall (1848–1916). Internal and external evidence of her public life is the main focus of the study, and in this way it seeks to uncover the origin of her inspiration and to specify her connection to the spiritual movements of the time, at the same time that it analyses the reception and the debate of women as preachers in the period when she was active. Nelly Hall studied at the Royal School for Women’s Higher Teacher Education and worked as a teacher for ten years before she decided to enter into the ministry of preaching. She was influenced by the Anglo-American Holiness movement and had close contacts with the Salvation Army in London. From 1883 she travelled in the southern parts of Sweden. Thousands of people listened to her and as part of her ministry she practised faith healing. She went on preaching tours to Finland, Norway, Germany and the United States. When the Swedish Holiness Mission started as a small mission society in 1887 it was to some extent a result of the preaching work carried out by Nelly Hall. She was elected a member of the first board and worked as a mission secretary for ten years. Around 1900 there was a shift in her theological thinking and she became more absorbed by apocalyptic ideas. In 1901 she went for the second time to the United States and lived there until 1916 when she died in Brockton, Massachusetts. Little is known about the last fifteenth years of her life. The ministry of Nelly Hall and other women raised considerable public interest and in the Swedish context her time of ministry coincided with the emerging movement for the emancipation of women. Many were against women preaching in public and the discussions often occurred in the press. Parts of these discussions as well as several pamphlets in favour of women’s preaching are analysed in this study. / <p>Contains a summary in English</p>
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Religious Peacebuilding in the Great Lakes Region of Africa : The Role of Three Christian Churches in Goma, DRC (1992-2012)Alfani Bantea, Roger 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Renewing Athens : the ideology of the past in Roman GreeceMcHugh, Sarah January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis we explore the period of renewal that Athens experienced during the second century AD. This century saw Athens at the peak of her cultural prominence in the Roman Empire: the city was the centre of the League of the Panhellenion and hosted a vibrant sophistic scene that attracted orators from across the Greek world, developments which were ideologically fuelled by contemporary conceptions of Classical Athens. While this Athenian 'golden age' is a standard feature of scholarship on Greek culture under Rome, my thesis delves further to explore the renewal of the urban and rural landscapes at this time and the relationship between that process and constructions of Athenian identity. We approach the renewal of second-century Athens through four lenses: past and present in the Ilissos area; the rhetoric of the Panhellenion; elite conflict and competition; and the character of the Attic countryside. My central conclusions are as follows: 1. The renewal of Athens was effected chiefly by Hadrian and the Athenian elite and was modelled on an ideal Athenian past, strategically manipulated to suit present purpose; the attractions of the fifth-century golden age for this programme of renewal meant that politically contentious history of radical democracy and aggressive imperialism had to be safely rewritten. 2. Athens and Attica retained their uniquely integrated character in the second century. Rural Attica was the subject of a powerful sacro-idyllic ideology and played a vital role in concepts of Athenian identity, while simultaneously serving as a functional landscape of production and inhabitation. 3. The true socio-economic importance of the Attic countryside as a settled and productive landscape should be investigated without unduly privileging the limited evidence from survey, and by combining all available sources, both literary and documentary, with attention to their content, cultural context and ideological relevance.
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