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Analýza a návrh změn systému hodnocení a odměňování pracovníků ve vybrané společnosti / The Analysis and Proposal of Changes in the System of Employee Evaluation and Remuneration in the Selected CompanyBílová, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The introduced diploma thesis deals with the issue of evalution and reward system in a particular company XY s.r.o. The theoretical part is focused on job evalution, remuneration and benefits. The practical part is aimed at the analysis of the payroll system which is supplemented by my own observations and opinions of employees. The goal is to suggest changes in the evaluation and reward system which will lead to productivity increase while minimizing costs.
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Motivace pracovníků a faktory ovliňující pracovní spokojenost v organizacích podnikové a nepodnikové sféry.. / Motivation of employees and the factors influencing job satisfaction in organizations of business and non-business sphereJandurová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
This Master's Thesis is focused on motivation and job satisfaction of employees in organizations of business and non-business sphere with an emphasis on the present situation in non-business organizations. The theoretical part is focused on the knowledge of the business and non-business organizations, motivation, job satisfaction and reward system. This knowledge is used in the practical part, where I do research among employees of The military office of social security. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the present motivation of The military office of social security's employees and suggest solutions to increase their motivation and job satisfaction. These proposals should also provide better position of employer in the labor market and higher competitivenes.
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"När pengarna rullar in är man motiverad" : En fallstudie av hur prestationsbaserad lön upplevs av konsultchefer på ett bemanningsföretag.Andersson, My, Pettersson, Olivia January 2016 (has links)
”När pengarna rullar in är man motiverad” är en kandidatuppsats i Sociologi skriven av Olivia Pettersson och My Andersson. Syftet med studien är att undersöka ett prestationsbaserat belöningssystem och dess effekter på arbetsmotivation samt upplevd arbetskvalité, detta genom att göra en fallstudie på ett bemanningsföretag i Stockholm. Undersökningen är kvalitativ och genomfördes med hjälp av tematiskt öppna intervjuer tillsammans med fem anställda hos det företag vi valt att här kalla LevereraMera. Tidigare forskning av Eriksson et al. (2002) samt av Schou (1991) visar att lönen är av betydelse för arbetsmotivationen, men att andra faktorer är av större betydelse samt att ingen faktor kan fungera isolerad från andra. Ingen av dessa studier väljer att inkludera fenomenet arbetskvalité samt är av kvantitativ karaktär, vilka är två motiv till denna studie. Den insamlade empirin analyseras med hjälp av studiens teoretiska ramverk, Herzbergs tvåfaktorteori och Skinners förstärkningsteori. Resultaten visar att det prestationsbaserade belöningssystemet som råder hos LevereraMera har en viss positiv effekt på medarbetarnas arbetsmotivation, men att den inte verkar isolerad från andra, också avgörande, faktorer. Det går inte att urskilja att belöningssystemet har en direkt negativ påverkan på medarbetarnas upplevda arbetskvalité. Något som dock framgår av studien är att upplevelsen av rättvisa samt viljan att samarbeta påverkas negativt av det rådande belöningssystemet, vilket kan leda till en indirekt negativ påverkan på företagets generella arbetskvalité. / "När pengarna rullar in är man motiverad" is a bachelorthesis in Sociology written by Olivia Pettersson and My Andersson. The purpose of the study is to investigate a performance-based reward system and its effects on motivation and perceived job quality, this by doing a case study of a staffing and recruitment company in Stockholm. The study is qualitative and was carried out with the help of thematically open interviews with five employees of a company we have chosen to call LevereraMera. Previous research by Eriksson et al. (2002) and by Schou (1991) show that the salary is of importance for work motivation, but that other factors are more important and that no factor can work in isolation from others. None of these studies choose to include the phenomenon of labor quality and they are of a quantitative nature, which are two motives for this study. The collected empirical data was analyzed using the theoretical framework, Herzberg’s two-factor theory and Skinner’s reinforcement theory. The results show that the performance-based reward system used at LevereraMera has some positive effect on employee motivation, but it does not function isolated from other, also decisive, factors. It is not possible to discern that the reward system has a direct negative impact on employees' perceived job quality, what is however clear from the study is that the perception of fairness and willingness to cooperate is adversely affected by the current reward system, which can lead to an indirect negative impact on the company's general labor quality.
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Motivační systém ve výrobním podniku / Motivation System in the manufacturing CompanyPeterková, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the motivation system in a manufacturing company. It focuses primarily on improving the current situation, where a questionnaire survey is used for analysis. The outputs of this thesis represent recommendations for streamlining the current remuneration system and thus increasing employee satisfaction. The proposals are focused primarily on tackling the company's problems, i.e. the acquisition of high-quality personnel.
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Klara, färdiga, generation Z : Akta så de inte springer ifrån er! / Ready, set, generation Z! : Watch out so that they don’t outrun you!Broström, Madeleine, Larsson, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ett effektivt styrverktyg många organisationer använder sig av är belöningssystem, i syfte att motivera och behålla sina medarbetare. En ny generation, Generation Z är på väg att inta arbetsmarknaden, vilket innebär nya karaktärsdrag, egenskaper och attityder mot arbetet och arbetsplatsen. Det är således viktigt att organisationer tar hänsyn till Generation Zs styrkor och motivationsfaktorer, för att kunna styra och motivera dem till att uppnå organisationens mål och behålla dem i organisationen. Med omotiverade och missnöjda medarbetare kan organisationen öka sin personalomsättning, och därmed förlora viktig kunskap och kompetens, vilket utgör en stor kostnad för organisationen. En av de branscher svenska Generation Z kommer arbeta inom är bankbranschen och är den bransch den här studien har fokuserat på. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att bidra med en djupare kunskap och förståelse om vad som driver och motiverar svenska Generation Z i arbetslivet. Organisationer inom bankbranschen kan utifrån informationen i den här studien, utforma och anpassa sina belöningssystem för att på bästa sätt motivera Generation Z. Genom att lyckas med det, kan organisationer behålla Generation Z i företaget och därmed minska sin kostnad för personalomsättning. Teoretisk referensram: Studiens teori inleds med generationsteorin av Mannheim (1970) och en definition av Generation Z. Vidare presenteras två motivationsteorier: behovshierarkin av Maslow (1987) och tvåfaktorsteorin av Hertzberg et al. (1959), vilka underlättar förståelsen kring vad som skapar motivation. Avslutningsvis behandlas teorier om belöningssystem, finansiella och icke-finansiella belöningar. Metod: Studien utgår ifrån en fallstudiedesign som grundar sig på en kvantitativ enkätundersökning med individer som ingår i Generation Z och som studerade någon form av ekonomi på högskolenivå. Enkätundersökningen kompletterades med fyra kvalitativa intervjuer med individer inom Generation Z, som arbetade inom bankbranschen. De två insamlingsmetoderna utgjorde tillsammans en triangulering. Slutsatser: De faktorer som är mest motiverande i ett belöningssystem för Generation Z är de icke-finansiella belöningarna: karriärmässig utveckling, kompetensutveckling och inflytande över arbetsuppgifter. Dessutom ansågs anställningstrygghet, uppmärksamhet från chefer och bra relation till kollegor som viktiga parametrar för att stanna på en arbetsplats. / Background: To motivate and retain employees, reward systems are used in many organizations as an effective management tool. A new generation, Generation Z is about to enter the labor market, which means new traits, characteristics and attitudes towards work and the workplace. It is therefore important that organizations take Generations Z’s strengths and motivational factors into account, in order to guide and motivate them to achieve the organization’s goals and keep them in the organization. With unmotivated and dissatisfied employees, organizations can lose important skills and increase their labor turnover, which is a huge expense for organizations. One industry that Swedish Generation Z will be working within is the banking industry, which is the industry this study will focus on. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to contribute with a deeper knowledge and understanding of what motivates Swedish Generation Z in working life. Organizations within the banking industry can, based on the information in this study, design and adapt their reward systems in the most efficient way to motivate Generation Z. By succeeding in this, organizations can keep Generation Z in the company and thereby reduce their labor turnover to the better. Theory: The theory of the study starts with the generation theory by Mannheim (1970) and a definition of Generation Z. Furthermore, two motivation theories, the hierarchy of needs by Maslow (1987) and the two-factor theory by Hertzberg et al. (1959) which facilitates the understanding of what creates motivation. Finally, theories of reward systems, financial and non-financial rewards are discussed. Method: This study is based on a case study performed as a quantitative survey with individuals within Generation Z, who studied some form of economics at the university level. The survey was supplemented by four qualitative interviews with individuals within Generation Z, who worked in the banking industry. The two collection methods together constituted a triangulation. Conclusions: The factors that are the most motivating in a Generation Z reward system are the non-financial rewards: career development, skills development, and influence over tasks. In addition, job security, attention from managers and a good relationship with colleagues were considered important parameters for staying in a workplace.
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Neurofunktionelle Alterseffekte in Regionen des mesolimbischen dopaminergen Belohnungsystems unter Verwendung des Desire-Reason-Dilemma-Paradigmas / Neurofunctional effects of ageing on regions of the mesolimbic dopaminergic reward system using the desire-reason-dilemma-paradigmKramer, Martin Gerd 10 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Belöningssystem inom svenska modeföretag : Motivation, behov och prestation / Reward system within Swedish fashion companies : Motivation, needs andperformanceHansson, Johanna, Olsson Dahl, Emma, Viberg, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
Arbetsförhållanden blev ett aktuellt ämne efter en nyhet kring det svenska modeföretaget NA-KD uppmärksammades i december 2020. Belöningssystem består bland annat av begreppen motivation och behov som kan uppnås genom att organisationer belönar sinaanställda med hjälp av belöningssystem och belöningar i form av exempelvis lön, förmåner och uppskattning. Den här uppsatsen grundar sig i att få en bättre förståelse på hur de anställda på svenska modeföretag upplever belöningssystem inom deras organisation idag och hur organisationer kan öka de anställdas prestationer med hjälp av belöningssystem. För att undersöka olika organisationers belöningssystem utifrån de anställdas synvinkelanalyseras begreppen behov och motivation med hjälp av en analysmodell uppbyggd på hur faktorerna kan leda till höjd prestation. Studien kommer bidra med en djupgående nyanserad bild av de anställdas upplevelser från åtta djupgående intervjuer med semistrukturerade utformningar. Slutsatsen som kan dras i studien är att de anställda på svenska modeföretag i dagsläget upplever brister i organisationens belöningssystem. Samtliga respondenter belyser behovet av ett mer utvecklat belöningssystem och tydligare riktlinjer kring belöningar inom organisationen. Studien visar att de anställda har olika individuella behov på arbetsplatsen och olika faktorer motiverar de anställda på arbetsplatsen. Belöningar delas ofta in i olika kategorier som Bratton and Gold (2012) presenterar som monetära, icke-monetära och psykosociala belöningar. Det är tydligt i det empiriska materialet att svenska modebranschen är en attraktivbransch vilket organisationerna utnyttjar då de är medvetna om hur eftertraktad arbetsplatsen är och jobbar mindre med monetära belöningar, utöver en grundlön. Istället fokuserar de mer på icke-monetära i form av förmåner som till exempel rabatt på organisationens produkter. Slutligen visar studiens resultat hur de anställda upplever de befintliga belöningssystem och belöningar inom deras organisation samt om uppfyllda individuella behov och motivation leder till höjd arbetsprestation. / This essay is in swedish. Working conditions became a current topic after news about the Swedish fashion company NA-KD received attention in December 2020. Reward systems includes motivation and needs that can be achieved by rewarding employees. The company can use an effective reward system and rewards such as salary, benefits and appreciation. This essay is based on gaining a better understanding into how employees in Swedish fashion companies experience reward systems within their organization today and how organizations can increase employees performance with the help of reward systems. To examine different organizations' reward systems from the point of view of employees, the concepts of need and motivation are analyzed with the help of an analysis model that is based on how the factors can lead to increased performance. The study will provide an in-depth, nuanced picture of employees experiences from eight in-depth interviews with a semi-structured design. The conclusion that can be drawn in the study is that the employees at Swedish fashion companies feel that today there are shortcomings in the organization's work with a reward system. All respondents highlight the need for a more developed reward system and clearer guidelines regarding rewards within the organization. The study shows that employees have different individual needs and that different factors motivate employees in the workplace. Rewards are often divided into different categories that Bratton and Gold (2012) present as monetary, non-monetary and psychosocial rewards. It is clear in the empirical material that the Swedish fashion industry is an attractive industry, which means that organizations take advantage of the fact that the workplace is popular by working less with monetary rewards, in addition to a basic salary. Instead, they focus more on non-monetary rewards in the form of benefits such as discounts on the organizations own products. Finally, the results of the study show how employees experience the existing reward systems and rewards within their organization and whether fulfilled individual needs and motivation lead to an increased work performance.
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The impact of a performance management system on service delivery in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality / Patrick Qena RadebeRadebe, Patrick Qena January 2013 (has links)
Performance management is a process through which employees‟ performance is evaluated in order to reward such performance that meets the required standards, and to develop employees who fail to attain the required expectations. The overall organisational performance hinges on the effectiveness with which a performance management system is developed and implemented. The current study focuses on the extent to which performance management is effectively developed and implemented at the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and the correlation that this has with service delivery. To achieve this objective a number of research questions and objectives were posed and formulated in chapter one. The hypotheses for the study are: a well-designed performance management system with well thought out practices and procedures can improve the delivery of services in the City of Johannesburg; and a well-designed performance management system with well thought out practices and procedures cannot improve the delivery of services in the City of Johannesburg. In order to validate the hypotheses, the structured questionnaires on the performance management system and service delivery were compiled. A questionnaire for employees consisted of close-ended questionnaire statements and open-ended questions. Another questionnaire with only close-ended questionnaire statements was issued to residents to elicit responses on service delivery by the City of Johannesburg. Frequency analysis, which lends itself to correlation analysis, of employees‟ responses and residents‟ feedback was conducted. The correlation analysis between employees‟ responses to performance management system and residents‟ responses to service delivery was conducted using the Pearson Correlation.
The findings of the study are: Growth and Development Strategy and the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) are not adhered to in the daily operations in the municipality. Managers and subordinates set objectives jointly but are, however, not participants in the evaluation of the municipality’s performance. The employees of the municipality are aware of the existence of the performance management system but it is applied only to more senior officials. Employees and managers are not involved in the evaluation of the municipality‟s performance. Training does not capacitate employees to work effectively with the Balanced Scorecard. The information technology architecture is not supportive of the implementation of the performance management system. Key performance areas were found to lack uniformity in the municipality and therefore created „silos‟ in the municipality. The key performance indicators are developed without the involvement of the communities, including employees, especially at the lower level of management. The critical success factors are understood by employees and are linked to major tasks and job responsibilities. Tax and rates accounts are issued in time. Tax and rates accounts are inaccurate. The municipality does not maintain street lights regularly. The municipality does not maintain sewage systems regularly. There is no relationship between the performance management system and service delivery. The recommendations for improving the performance management system were made and the researcher developed an appropriate model of performance that is oriented to effective service delivery. / Thesis (PhD (Public Management and Governance))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013
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Högpresterande med stor plånbok : En studie om finansiella belöningars påverkan på motivation och prestationLundahl, Julia, Thomasson, Emil January 2017 (has links)
In the following study you will be presented with the research that has been done to investigate how monetary rewards affect motivation and performance. The point of the research was to understand how monetary rewards affected employees motivation and performance. We chose to reach out to four companies within four different industries which all either have or have had monetary reward systems with either bonuses or commissions. To gather all the empirical data needed we chose semistructured interviews with a total of nine respondents. Four of the respondents have or have had monetary rewards and the other five respondents have or have had positions where they are able to affect or have insight in how the reward system works. The purpose of choosing the respondents we did was to get a broader understanding for how the monetary rewards affect employees within different industries so that we could find general conclusions that can be used within other branches and companies. The result of the research shows that monetary rewards increase the level of motivation on employees, but that it does not necessarily mean that it will have a big effect on the performance. We found that monetary rewards does affect performance in the way that it makes the employees extensively will do their best at work, but that the employees still would reach their goals at work without any monetary rewards. We also researched whether group or individually based rewards were more desired and why. Our conclusion was that most people prefer a mix of the two, but that individually based rewards was more preferred than group based. / I följande studie kommer du som läsare att få ta del av den forskning som genomförts för att undersöka finansiella belöningars påverkan på motivation och prestation. Syftet med studien var att kunna förstå hur finansiella belöningar i form av bonus och provision påverkar medarbetare. Vi valde att vända oss till fyra företag inom fyra olika branscher som alla har eller tidigare haft finansiell belöning i form av bonus eller provision. För insamling av empirisk data genomfördes nio semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fyra av respondenterna omfattas eller har omfattats av finansiell belöning och fem av respondenterna besitter positioner som har eller har haft en påverkan och insyn i hur de finansiella belöningssystemen fungerar. Syftet med det breda urvalet av respondenter var att kunna få en bredare uppfattning om hur finansiella belöningar påverkar medarbetare inom olika branscher och genom det kunna dra mer generella slutsater som kan användas även inom andra branscher och företag. Resultatet av studien visar på att finansiella belöningar är motiverande för medarbetare, men att det nödvändigtvis inte behöver ha en större påverkan på prestationen. Vi fann att finansiella belöningar ökar prestationer i den bemärkelsen att medarbetaren blir mer mån om att prestera sitt allra yttersta, men att medarbetarna även utan finansiella belöningar skulle genomföra sitt arbete och för att nå de mål som finns uppsatta. Vi undersökte också om grupp- eller individbaserad belöning föredras och varför. Slutsatsen blev att de flesta föredrar en blandning av grupp- och individbaserad belöning, men att medarbetarna föredrar individbaserad belöning före gruppbaserad.
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Systém odměňování ve vybraném podniku / Remuneration System in a chosen FirmMejzlíková, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The work deals with the remuneration of employees in KOVO Koukola Ltd. The main aim of this thesis is to define the theoretical concept of pay for workers and confronting him with a reasonably functioning system in a particular company.
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