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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Monetära belöningssystem och dess effekter / Monetary reward system and its effects

Gustafsson, Anton, Nguyen, Ann-Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Monetära belöningssystem är vanligt förekommande inom organisationer och implementeras vanligtvis för att öka motivationen hos medarbetare för att kunna påverka deras prestation, dock kan det finnas andra effekter som det inte tas någon hänsyn till. Syftet med studien är att skapa kunskap och en djupare förståelse om effekter av monetära belöningssystem i arbetslivet och hur monetära belöningssystem påverkar prestationen. Den teoretiska referensramen komponerades av tidigare studier på monetära belöningssystem och olika motivationsteorier, såsom Maslows behovshierarki och Vrooms förväntansteori. För att samla in data har semistrukturerade intervjuer utförts med åtta informanter. Valet av informanter gjordes med vissa kriterier där kriterierna var att informanten skulle arbeta vid en arbetsplats där de hade ett monetärt belöningssystem som antingen baserades på individen eller gruppen prestation eller både individen och gruppen prestation. Studiens resultat visar att uppfattningen av det monetära belöningssystemet påverkas främst av hur trygg personen känner sig ekonomiskt. Det visar att det finns positiva effekter i form av ökad motivation, men att det även finns negativa effekter i form av minskad motivation i vissa fall. Studien visar även att det monetära belöningssystemet i vissa fall även kan bidra till stress, oro, rädsla för att misslyckas och försämrad kvalité i arbetsuppgifter som inte innefattas av det monetära belöningssystemet. I vissa fall visar resultatet även att samarbetet och kommunikationen blir lidande vid användning av ett belöningssystem som är baserat på individens prestation, medan i andra fall så påverkas inte samarbetet och kommunikationen av belöningssystemet som är baserat på individens prestation. Vi har kommit fram till att monetära belöningssystem har både positiva och negativa effekter och påverkar prestationen båda positivt och negativt och att det främst beror på hur ekonomiskt trygg personen känner sig. Organisationer behöver ta hänsyn till detta vid implementeringen av ett monetärt belöningssystem så att belöningssystemet kongruerar med organisationens intresse. / Monetary reward systems are common in organisations and are usually implemented to increase motivation amongst the employed. The goal is to have an impact on the performance, but there may be other effects that are not considered. The purpose of the study is to create knowledge and a deeper understanding of the effects of monetary reward systems in the working life and how monetary reward systems affect the performance. The theoretical frame of reference was composed of previous studies on monetary reward systems and various motivational theories, such as Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Vroom's expectancy theory. In order to collect data, semi-structured interviews have been conducted with eight informants. The selection was based on a few criteria where the criteria were that the informant would work at a workplace where they had a monetary reward system that either was based on the individual or group performances or both the individual and the group performances. The study's results show that the perception of the monetary reward system is affected primarily by how financially secure the person feels. It shows that there are positive effects like increased motivation, but that there are also negative effects in terms of reduced motivation in some cases. The study also shows that in some cases the monetary reward system also contributes to stress, concern, fear of failure and a deterioration in the quality of tasks that are not included in the monetary reward system. In some cases, the result also shows that the cooperation and communication suffer when using a reward system that targets the individual's performance, while in other cases the cooperation and communication of the reward system that is based on the individual's performance is not affected. We have concluded that monetary reward systems have both positive and negative effects and affect both performances positively and negatively and that it depends primarily on how financially secure the person feels. Organizations need to take this into account when implementing a monetary reward system, so that the reward system correspond with the organisation's interest

Management vzdělávání mimořádně nadaných dětí v České republice / Management education of giften children in the Czech republic

Kulhánková, Eva January 2012 (has links)
A goal of my dissertation is to find out current educational conditions of gifted children in Czech Republic. What legislative, financial and methodological proceedings of state policy influence education of talented children and their possible impact on schools. Another aim is to verify how important this educational field is attributed by headmasters at primary schools and what helps or complicates introducing methodical education of gifted pupils. The dissertation contains of three parts. The first one is theoretical which acquaints readers with educational field of talented children in the Czech Republic in sphere of legislative, including the glance abroad. Second part is an empirical questionnaire survey, based on interview detecting conditions for education of exceptionally gifted children at primary schools. It focuses on headmasters, their motivating, educating and evaluating of teachers and what advantages for school it brings. Another goal is to find out possibilities and differences in financing the work with talented children in particular regions. On the basis of established data is created a manual, which could help headmasters to introduce methodical education of gifted pupils. The manual is drawn up as a gradual successive approach.

Sélection d'un modèle d'apprentissage pour rendre compte de la spéculation dans un paradigme de prospection monétaire. / Selecting a Learning-Model to Account for Search-Theoretical Monetary Speculation

Lefebvre, Germain 22 March 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat propose une analyse empirique des microfondations des phénomènes monétaires macroéconomiques, et plus particulièrement des processus d'apprentissage et capacités cognitives requis pour qu'un équilibre émerge dans une économie expérimentale implémentantun modèle de prospection monétaire. Dans ce but, nous avons "opérationalisé" le modèle original de Kiyotaki et Wright et modélisé le comportement de sujets humains à l'aide de différents algorithmes d'apprentissage par renforcement. Nous montrons que les données comportementales sont mieux expliquées par les modèles d'apprentissage par renforcement que par les prédictions des équilibres théoriques, et que la spéculation monétaire semble s'appuyer sur la considération de coûts d'opportunité. Nos résultats constituent une nouvelle étape dans la compréhension des processus d'apprentissage à l'oeuvre dans la prise de décision multiple en économie et des microfondations cognitives de l'utilisation macroéconomique de la monnaie. Parallèlement, cette thèse de doctorat comprend une analyse plus précise de l'une des composantes fondamentales de l'apprentissage par renforcement à savoir, le processus de mise à jour des valeurs. A travers deux études, nous montrons graduellement que ce processus est biaisé en faveur des informations confirmatoires. En effet, nous avons trouvé que des sujets réalisant diverses tâches d'apprentissage probabiliste prenaient en compte préférentiellement les informations qui confirmaient leur pensée initiale. Ces résultats permettent une meilleure compréhension des biais d'optimisme et de confirmation au niveau neuro-computationnel. / This dissertation proposes to analyze empirically the microfoundations of the macroeconomic use of money, more particularly the human learning processes and cognitive abilities requiredfor a monetary equilibrium to emerge in an experimental economy implementing a search theoretical paradigm of money emergence. To achieve this, we operationalized the original Kiyotaki and Wright search model and fitted real subjects' behaviors with different reinforcement learning algorithms. We show that reinforcement learning better explains behavioral datain comparison to theoretical equilibria predictions, and highlight the importance of opportunity costs to implement a speculative use of money. Our results constitute a new step towards the understanding of learning processes at work in multi-step economic decision making and ofthe cognitive microfoundations of the macro-economic use of money. In parallel, this dissertation also compounds in-depth analyses of one of the core components of reinforcement learning,namely the update process. In two studies, we gradually show that the latter is biased positively towards confirmatory information. Indeed, we found that subjects performing different probability learning tasks preferentially took into account information that confirme dtheir initial thoughts in contrast to information that contradicted them. These results constitute a step towards the understanding of the genesis of optimism and confirmation biases at the neurocomputational level.

What makes generation Y jump : en kvantitativ studie av hur den nya generationen bankanställda motiveras av monetära och icke-monetära incitament

Aweidah, Nasim, Pagels, Veronica January 2012 (has links)
Right now a major generational change is taking place within the banking sector. The new generation entering the labor market is often referred to as generation Y and it consists of individuals born between 1980 and 1995. Previous research has shown that the banking industry as a whole put a widespread emphasis on monetary incentives within the reward system. At the same time several studies highlight that individuals from generation Y are rather motivated by primarily non-monetary incentives. The aim of this dissertation is to explain how various monetary and non-monetary incentives affect the motivation of bank employees from generation Y. A positivistic research philosophy has been used with a deductive approach and a quantitative research method. This study indicates that bank employees from generation Y are motivated by retirement savings as well as a personal mentor or chief who draws attention to their development. Their motivation is also affected to some degree by freedom to control their own time. This study even indicates that bank employees from generation Y primarily appreciate the following incentives along with the previously stated: Continuous training, career plan, discount on loans and pay increases The respondents in this study were mainly employees of banks where monetary incentives were not used to any great extent. This can be seen as a limitation as well as the fact that the respondents where solely employed within Swedish banks. Given this, there is a scope for further studies of generation Y within the banking sector. Research regarding which incentives bank employees from generation Y are motivated by, has so far been absent. This dissertation may be of value for banks that want to be at ease that they are doing everything to keep their employees highly motivated. / En stor generationsväxling sker just nu inom banksektorn. Den nya generationen som kommer in på arbetsmarknaden benämns ofta som generation Y och består av individer födda 1980-1995. Tidigare studier har visat att banker i hög utsträckning använder sig av monetära incitament när de vill belöna sina anställda, samtidigt finns det flera studier som framhäver  att  individer  ur  generation  Y  motiveras  av  framför  allt  icke-monetära incitament. Syftet  med  den  här  uppsatsen  är  att  förklara  hur  olika  monetära och  icke-monetära incitament påverkar motivationen hos bankanställda ur generation Y. En positivistisk forskningsfilosofi har använts tillsammans med en deduktiv ansats och en kvantitativ metod. Uppsatsen indikerar att bankanställda ur generation Y motiveras av uppmärksammad utveckling från personlig mentor eller nära chef samt pensionssparande. Motivationen påverkas även i viss mån av frihet att styra sin egen arbetstid. Uppsatsen indikerar även att   bankanställda   ur   generation   Y   framför   allt   värdesätter   följande   incitament tillsammans med de som tidigare nämnts: Kontinuerlig vidareutbildning, karriärplan och rabatt på lån, lönepåslag. En begränsning med uppsatsen är att respondenterna i hög utsträckning var anställda på banker  där   monetära  belöningssystem  inte  används   i  någon  större  utsträckning. Uppsatsens respondenter kommer enbart från svenska banker vilket innebär att det finns utrymme för fortsatta studier av generation Y inom banksektorn ur ett globalt perspektiv. Forskningen om vilka incitament som motiverar bankanställda ur generation Y har hittills varit i stort sett obefintlig, därför kan den här uppsatsen vara av värde bland annat för banker  som  vill  försäkra  sig  om att  de  gör  allt  de  kan  för  att  hålla  sina  anställda motiverade.

Effekter av belöningssystem och säljledare på försäljning av försäkringar – Försäljningsservice i Bergslagen AB

Ibrahim, Abdo, Kaya, David January 2015 (has links)
Sammanfattning - ”Effekter av belöningssystem och säljledare på försäljning av försäkringar              – Försäljningsservice i Bergslagen AB”   Datum: 28 Maj 2015   Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hp   Institution: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, EST, Mälardalens Högskola   Författare: Abdo Ibrahim                       David Kaya                     1 December 1990                 18 Maj 1990   Handledare: Esbjörn Segelod   Titel: Effekter av belöningssystem och säljledare på försäljning av försäkringar – Försäljningsservice i Bergslagen AB   Nyckelord: Belöningssystem, motivation, belöningar, prestationsbaserad lön, fast lön, prestationer, säljcoach, lön och löneformer   Problem: Försäljningsservice i Bergslagen är beroende av sina försäkringsförmedlare för att kunna upprätthålla företagets försäljningsvolymer. För att få de anställda att arbeta mot verksamhetens uppsatta mål är det viktigt att rekrytera rätt personal men även att behålla nyckel personer i företaget. Belöningssystemet är en viktig del för att säkerställa detta. Belöningssystem innefattar bland annat belöningar som används för att styra medarbetarna mot att uppnå företagets syfte. Som ett ytterligare steg använder sig Försäljningsservice i Bergslagen av löneformerna prestationsbaserad lön och fast lön. För att motivera de anställda till att arbeta mer effektivt och öka sin försäljning, som gynnar det egna intresset, används den prestationsinriktade lönen. Utifrån detta valde vi att undersöka effekterna ut av belöningssystemet på försäljningskvantiteten samt prestationen och arbetstillfredsställelsen men även säljledarens påverkan på medarbetarnas försäljningsprestation.   Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur försäkringsförmedlarnas försäljningsvolym, prestationer och arbetstillfredsställelse påverkas av Försäljningsservice i Bergslagens belöningssystem samt säljledare.   Metod: En fallstudie har utförts med grund i informationsinsamling från personliga intervjuer samt enkäter. Intervjuerna gjordes med delägaren och försäljningschefen på Försäljningsservice i Bergslagen, Elin Gustin samt säljledaren på Försäljningsservice i Bergslagen, Linnea Héléne. Enkätundersökningen riktade sig mot samtliga medarbetare på Försäljningsservice i Bergslagen.   Slutsats: De slutsatser vi kommit fram till är att den prestationsbaserade lönen påverkar medarbetarnas försäljning positivt på grund ut av att den ökar motivationen. Även belöningarna är motivationshöjande och leder till ökade arbetsprestationer. Säljledaren påverkar via sitt arbete direkt säljarnas prestationer. / Abstract –”Effects of the reward system and the sales leader in the sale of insurance – Försäljningsservice i Bergslagen AB”   Date: 28 May 2015   Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 ECTS   Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University   Authors:      Abdo Ibrahim                     David Kaya                     1st December 1990              18th May 1990   Tutor: Esbjörn Segelod   Title: Effects of the reward system and the sales leader in the sale of insurance – Försäljningsservice i Bergslagen AB   Keywords: Reward system, motivation, rewards, performance related salary, fixed salary, performance, sales coach, salary and forms of wages   Problem formulation: Försäljningsservice i Bergslagen is dependent on their sales staff in order to maintain the company's sales volumes. To get employees to work towards the business goals it is important to recruit the right staff but also to retain key employees. The reward system is an important part in ensuring this. Reward system includes rewards that are used to control the employees to achieve the main purpose of the company. As a further step Försäljningsservice i Bergslagen uses forms of wages such as performance-based salary and fixed salary. To motivate employees to work more efficiently and increase their sales, which favors their own interests, they use performance-based salary. Based on this, we chose to examine the effects of the reward system on sales quantity, performance and job satisfaction, but also if the sales coach influence employee sales performances.   Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to study how the insurance intermediaries’ sales volume, performance and job satisfaction are affected by Försäljningsservice i Bergslagens reward system as well as the sales coach.   Method: A case study has been performed with basis in gathering information from personal interviews and a survey. Interviews were conducted with the co-owner and sales manager in Försäljningsservice I Bergslagen, Elin Gustin and sales coach in Försäljningsservice i Bergslagen, Linnea Héléne. The survey was handed to all employees in Försäljningsservice i Bergslagen.   Conclusion: We came to the conclusions that the performance-based salary affect employee sales volumes positively because it increases motivation. The rewards are also motivating and leads to increased job performance. The sales coach also influence directly, through her work, the sales staff performances.

The impact of a performance management system on service delivery in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality / Patrick Qena Radebe

Radebe, Patrick Qena January 2013 (has links)
Performance management is a process through which employees‟ performance is evaluated in order to reward such performance that meets the required standards, and to develop employees who fail to attain the required expectations. The overall organisational performance hinges on the effectiveness with which a performance management system is developed and implemented. The current study focuses on the extent to which performance management is effectively developed and implemented at the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and the correlation that this has with service delivery. To achieve this objective a number of research questions and objectives were posed and formulated in chapter one. The hypotheses for the study are: a well-designed performance management system with well thought out practices and procedures can improve the delivery of services in the City of Johannesburg; and a well-designed performance management system with well thought out practices and procedures cannot improve the delivery of services in the City of Johannesburg. In order to validate the hypotheses, the structured questionnaires on the performance management system and service delivery were compiled. A questionnaire for employees consisted of close-ended questionnaire statements and open-ended questions. Another questionnaire with only close-ended questionnaire statements was issued to residents to elicit responses on service delivery by the City of Johannesburg. Frequency analysis, which lends itself to correlation analysis, of employees‟ responses and residents‟ feedback was conducted. The correlation analysis between employees‟ responses to performance management system and residents‟ responses to service delivery was conducted using the Pearson Correlation. The findings of the study are: Growth and Development Strategy and the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) are not adhered to in the daily operations in the municipality. Managers and subordinates set objectives jointly but are, however, not participants in the evaluation of the municipality’s performance. The employees of the municipality are aware of the existence of the performance management system but it is applied only to more senior officials. Employees and managers are not involved in the evaluation of the municipality‟s performance. Training does not capacitate employees to work effectively with the Balanced Scorecard. The information technology architecture is not supportive of the implementation of the performance management system. Key performance areas were found to lack uniformity in the municipality and therefore created „silos‟ in the municipality. The key performance indicators are developed without the involvement of the communities, including employees, especially at the lower level of management. The critical success factors are understood by employees and are linked to major tasks and job responsibilities. Tax and rates accounts are issued in time. Tax and rates accounts are inaccurate. The municipality does not maintain street lights regularly. The municipality does not maintain sewage systems regularly. There is no relationship between the performance management system and service delivery. The recommendations for improving the performance management system were made and the researcher developed an appropriate model of performance that is oriented to effective service delivery. / Thesis (PhD (Public Management and Governance))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013

分析電子平台服務下之獎勵機制 / An analysis of reward systems of electronic services

葉亦宸, Yeh,Yi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
獎勵系統是使用獎勵去激勵顧客購買或忠誠度行為的一種手法。隨著電子平台服務的演進,具動態與成本效益的電子獎勵機制已發展成增加重複拜訪率以及留住顧客的工具策略,例如:Facebook發行虛擬貨幣去提高使用者的平台參與度; Dropbox使用免費的儲存空間去吸引和保留新舊顧客; Myspace使用虛擬勳章去鼓勵使用者達成平台設定的參與目標等等。並且電子平台上的獎勵的形式可從實體的現金獎品到虛擬的勳章以滿足個人勝任感,有別於傳統獎勵方式,然而在電子平台不斷的創新下,目前仍少有研究針對電子獎勵進行探討。本研究提出電子獎勵分類法,並透過獎勵的動機形式與獎勵的互動程度為分析準則,針對1000網站排名進行內容分析,進而劃分出四種類型的電子獎勵機制: 物質、名聲、個人滿足和社交類型,後續並針對每一種類型的電子獎勵提出平台管理上的洞見。本研究期望能夠提供給後續研究電子獎勵者研究者的參考基礎和平台經營者實作電子獎勵的建議。 / A reward system is a diverse and popular program implemented by many firms in various circumstances to motivate customers’ behavior for frequent and loyal patronage. With the evolving diversity of electronic platforms (e-platforms), more dynamic, cost-effective, and interactive electronic rewards (e-rewards) have been developed as a tool or strategy to retain customers and encourage frequent visits to the platform. For instance, Facebook uses virtual currency to gain user participation. Dropbox uses bonus storage to increase membership and prolong service usage. Myspace uses virtual badges to encourage achievement of specific goals in order to encourage frequent visits. The rewards on e-platforms can range from real items such as cash and discounts, to virtual recognition that enhances self-esteem. These strategies differ from those used by enterprises dealing with face-to-face customers. As variant services on e-platforms have emerged, little research has been done to understand the novel concept and effects of reward systems on e-platforms. Therefore, we propose a taxonomy of e-rewards based on forms of motivation and degree of interactivity. Using content analysis, we examined the world’s 1,000 most accessed Web sites, then, we conducted expert interviews to classifying the 228 e-rewards approaches, discovered from content reviews, into four types of e-rewards: material, prestige, gratification, and affinity. Finally, we propose practical recommendations with insights on the implementation of each type of e-reward systems on e-platform services. We hope that the findings will provide a basis for further study on various impacts of reward systems, and provide a guide for managers in designing and implementing more effective reward systems on e-platforms.

Os sistemas de recompensa nas interfaces contemporâneas de comunicação / The reward systems on contemporary interfaces of communication

Diogo Lean Veiga 06 May 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Na atualidade observa-se vastos estudos sobre os processos na área do Design acerca de como projetar experiências e prototipar interações entre pessoas e sistemas, e mesmo entre pessoas por intermédio de sistemas. Enquanto todo tipo de produto produz uma experiência de uso, com a evolução da interatividade as relações estabelecidas entre os usuários e os produtos tornaram-se mais complexas e modificaram-se ao longo dos anos. A abordagem teórica destinada a tratar essas questões também expandiu e diversificou-se simultaneamente. A partir de um estudo sobre os processos interativos e o campo teórico relacionado, foi possível identificar um fenômeno relativamente recente em interfaces nas quais pode ser verificado um alto nível de interação, a saber: os sistemas de recompensa. Cabe salientar que este termo foi emprestado da Neurociência, aonde é utilizado para descrever o circuito responsável pelo gerenciamento do comportamento através da indução de prazer e dor. Portanto, o autor desta dissertação propõe uma acepção do termo no âmbito do design de componentes interativos para designar o artifício, que muitas interfaces atuais incorporaram, de conceder aos usuários a possibilidade de apreciarem, ou não, determinado conteúdo em rede. Assim, pode-se compreender que o emprego do termo aqui é metafórico. Neste processo os usuários podem fornecer outros tipos de feedback ao sistema, como por exemplo um comentário, ou compartilhamento, estimulando assim uma série de desdobramentos interativos e repercussões para a experiência de uso do produto. Este trabalho propõe uma investigação qualitativa sobre as interações concernentes aos sistemas de recompensa, abordando tanto questões objetivas funcionais dos sistemas, quanto questões referentes ao feedback dos usuários. O Facebook será amplamente analisado, por ter sido uma interface pioneira na manipulação dos sistemas de recompensa, na qual estes componentes alcançaram um alto nível de desenvolvimento até este momento. A justificativa para esta pesquisa se deve a dois fatores particularmente relevantes: primeiro, a ausência de conteúdo significativo na literatura relacionada atual. Em segundo lugar, a notável expansão dos sistemas criados com esta finalidade, conforme será demonstrado no estudo. O objetivo deste projeto é compreender de que forma o design dos sistemas de recompensa influenciam o fluxo de interações e o comportamento dos usuários atualmente. Para tanto, esta pesquisa procura verificar como determinados aspectos teóricos do design - dedicados à compreensão da dinâmica de processos interativos - se aplicam a experiências reais de interação no mundo contemporâneo. Por exemplo, diversos modelos e frameworks nas áreas de HCI (Interação Humano-Computador), UX (experiência do usuário), e design de experiências destacam conceitos condizentes com aspectos identificados nos sistemas de recompensa que por sua vez encontram-se em processo de desenvolvimento, guiados por tendências comerciais de uma forma quase que intuitiva, no sentido de que pouca atenção tem sido dada na literatura sobre as bases neuronais que fazem este processo funcionar. Desta forma, pretende-se fornecer subsídios para uma melhor compreensão do impacto que os sistemas de recompensa analisados nesta dissertação desempenham sobre a experiência de uso entre consumidores e produtos delineados dentro deste paradigma / This is a research about the design of reward systems on interactive contemporary interfaces of communication. After a research made on User Experience (UX) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) theory fields, it was possible to identify some particular kind of interface component which was, according to this study, capable of accomplishing several UX and HCI objectives related to affection and complex interaction relations on the generation of a valuable experience. This particular kind of component is the primal object of this study, which was designated by the author as Reward Systems, in a metaphorical meaning, besides the original conception of reward systems in neuroscience. These are components that allows user to appreciate some kind of content retrieving status to it. Facebook is widely discussed, because it was a pioneer in handling the interface of reward systems, where these components have reached a high level of development so far. This research is particularly relevant due to two factors: first, the lack of meaningful content in the current related literature. Secondly, the remarkable expansion of systems designed for this purpose, as will be demonstrated in the study. The project goal is to understand how the design of reward systems influence the flow of interactions and behavior of users today. In order to accomplish this, the research seeks to ascertain how certain theoretical aspects of design - dedicated to understanding the dynamics of interactive processes - apply to real interaction experiences in the contemporary world. For example, several models and frameworks in areas of HCI (Human Computer Interaction) and UX (user experience) highlight concepts consistent with those identified in reward systems which are in process of constant development, guided by commercial tendencies almost in a intuitive manner. Little attention has been paid in literature on neuroscience bases which make this process work.

Os sistemas de recompensa nas interfaces contemporâneas de comunicação / The reward systems on contemporary interfaces of communication

Diogo Lean Veiga 06 May 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Na atualidade observa-se vastos estudos sobre os processos na área do Design acerca de como projetar experiências e prototipar interações entre pessoas e sistemas, e mesmo entre pessoas por intermédio de sistemas. Enquanto todo tipo de produto produz uma experiência de uso, com a evolução da interatividade as relações estabelecidas entre os usuários e os produtos tornaram-se mais complexas e modificaram-se ao longo dos anos. A abordagem teórica destinada a tratar essas questões também expandiu e diversificou-se simultaneamente. A partir de um estudo sobre os processos interativos e o campo teórico relacionado, foi possível identificar um fenômeno relativamente recente em interfaces nas quais pode ser verificado um alto nível de interação, a saber: os sistemas de recompensa. Cabe salientar que este termo foi emprestado da Neurociência, aonde é utilizado para descrever o circuito responsável pelo gerenciamento do comportamento através da indução de prazer e dor. Portanto, o autor desta dissertação propõe uma acepção do termo no âmbito do design de componentes interativos para designar o artifício, que muitas interfaces atuais incorporaram, de conceder aos usuários a possibilidade de apreciarem, ou não, determinado conteúdo em rede. Assim, pode-se compreender que o emprego do termo aqui é metafórico. Neste processo os usuários podem fornecer outros tipos de feedback ao sistema, como por exemplo um comentário, ou compartilhamento, estimulando assim uma série de desdobramentos interativos e repercussões para a experiência de uso do produto. Este trabalho propõe uma investigação qualitativa sobre as interações concernentes aos sistemas de recompensa, abordando tanto questões objetivas funcionais dos sistemas, quanto questões referentes ao feedback dos usuários. O Facebook será amplamente analisado, por ter sido uma interface pioneira na manipulação dos sistemas de recompensa, na qual estes componentes alcançaram um alto nível de desenvolvimento até este momento. A justificativa para esta pesquisa se deve a dois fatores particularmente relevantes: primeiro, a ausência de conteúdo significativo na literatura relacionada atual. Em segundo lugar, a notável expansão dos sistemas criados com esta finalidade, conforme será demonstrado no estudo. O objetivo deste projeto é compreender de que forma o design dos sistemas de recompensa influenciam o fluxo de interações e o comportamento dos usuários atualmente. Para tanto, esta pesquisa procura verificar como determinados aspectos teóricos do design - dedicados à compreensão da dinâmica de processos interativos - se aplicam a experiências reais de interação no mundo contemporâneo. Por exemplo, diversos modelos e frameworks nas áreas de HCI (Interação Humano-Computador), UX (experiência do usuário), e design de experiências destacam conceitos condizentes com aspectos identificados nos sistemas de recompensa que por sua vez encontram-se em processo de desenvolvimento, guiados por tendências comerciais de uma forma quase que intuitiva, no sentido de que pouca atenção tem sido dada na literatura sobre as bases neuronais que fazem este processo funcionar. Desta forma, pretende-se fornecer subsídios para uma melhor compreensão do impacto que os sistemas de recompensa analisados nesta dissertação desempenham sobre a experiência de uso entre consumidores e produtos delineados dentro deste paradigma / This is a research about the design of reward systems on interactive contemporary interfaces of communication. After a research made on User Experience (UX) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) theory fields, it was possible to identify some particular kind of interface component which was, according to this study, capable of accomplishing several UX and HCI objectives related to affection and complex interaction relations on the generation of a valuable experience. This particular kind of component is the primal object of this study, which was designated by the author as Reward Systems, in a metaphorical meaning, besides the original conception of reward systems in neuroscience. These are components that allows user to appreciate some kind of content retrieving status to it. Facebook is widely discussed, because it was a pioneer in handling the interface of reward systems, where these components have reached a high level of development so far. This research is particularly relevant due to two factors: first, the lack of meaningful content in the current related literature. Secondly, the remarkable expansion of systems designed for this purpose, as will be demonstrated in the study. The project goal is to understand how the design of reward systems influence the flow of interactions and behavior of users today. In order to accomplish this, the research seeks to ascertain how certain theoretical aspects of design - dedicated to understanding the dynamics of interactive processes - apply to real interaction experiences in the contemporary world. For example, several models and frameworks in areas of HCI (Human Computer Interaction) and UX (user experience) highlight concepts consistent with those identified in reward systems which are in process of constant development, guided by commercial tendencies almost in a intuitive manner. Little attention has been paid in literature on neuroscience bases which make this process work.

Belöningssystemets utformning & funktion : En fallstudie på två svenska bank- och försäkringsföretag / Design and function of the reward system : A case study at two Swedish bank and insurance companies

Hammar, Markus, Cavrak, Kristoffer, Rundlöf Kuusk, Joacim January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att få en ökad förståelse om belöningssystem och hur de är utformade på bank- och försäkringsbolag men också att se uppfattningar som finns kring vad anställda på bank- och försäkringsbolagen har för attityd till belöningssystem och ifall det är en motivation till att nå företagets mål. Två forskningsfrågor ligger till grund för att uppnå och besvara syftet av studien. Studien har en kvalitativ metodansats med en abduktiv ansats. Teorin berör bland annat områden som syftet med belöningssystem och välkända motivationsteorier. Datainsamlingen har skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer på två bank- och försäkringsbolag som sedan resulterade i en empiri där varje intervjus data har analyserats. Studiens empiriska material tillsammans med teorin resulterade i slutsatser om att belöningssystemen på de två företagen är uppbyggda på liknande grunder och har samma syfte samt att en kombination mellan monetära och icke-monetära belöningar fungerar bäst för att motivera anställda. / This study aims to gain increased understanding about the reward system and how it’s designed at Swedish bank and insurance companies but also to see perceptions about what employees of bank and insurance companies have for attitude to reward system and to see if there is a motivation to reach the company’s goals. Two research questions are the basis for achieving and answering the purpose of the thesis. The study has a qualitative method with an abductive approach. The theory covers areas such as the purpose of reward systems and well-known motivation theories. The data collection is done through semi structured interviews with two bank and insurance companies, which resulted in an empirical analysis where each interviews data has been analyzed. The empirical material of the study together with the theory resulted in the conclusion that reward systems at the two companies are structured on similar bases. They have the same purpose and that a combination of monetary and non-monetary rewards works best to motivate employees.

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