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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tick-Borne Encephalitis In Sweden : What Is Happening In My County Over The Past 35 Years?

Ejaz, Bushra January 2021 (has links)
Tick-borne encephalitis is a vector-borne zoonotic disease with more than 12,000 annual clinical reported cases globally (WHO, 2021). Tick-borne encephalitis is caused by the flavivirus and transferred by Ixodes ricinus from roe deer to human and affects the central Nervous system. Climate change also increases tick-borne encephalitis incidences in Sweden and fluctuated considerably from year to year. A quantitative study design with secondary data was conducted to analyze the spatial and temporal pattern of Tick-borne encephalitis in Sweden from 1986-2020. The distribution of Tick-borne encephalitis within age and sex, along with other factors were also analyzed. The results showed that Tick-borne encephalitis with passing each year spread across the country. Male and age group, 50-59, have more incidence of Tick-borne encephalitis. Incidents were associated with climate conditions such as temperature and precipitation, which provided a favorable environment for Ixodes ricinus for its lifecycle activities, host searching, and disease transmission. Roe deer population, other vertebrates abundance, vaccination, population interest, economy, and land change are the critical factors that facilitate the disease incidence or control. People who visit forests for hunting, trekking, leisure, and professional activities without proper immunity and preventive measures are at risk to infect with Tick-borne encephalitis. The theory One health approach showed suitable performance for the control of this vulnerable climate zoonotic disease.

The Origin of the Genus Flavivirus and the Ecology of Tick-Borne Pathogens

Pettersson, John H.-O. January 2013 (has links)
The present thesis examines questions related to the temporal origin of the Flavivirus genus and the ecology of tick-borne pathogens. In the first study, we date the origin and divergence time of the Flavivirus genus. It has been argued that the first flaviviruses originated after the last glacial maximum. This has been contradicted by recent analyses estimating that the tick-borne flaviviruses emerged at least before 16,000 years ago. It has also been argued that the Powassan virus was introduced into North America at the time between the opening and splitting of the Beringian land bridge. Supported by tip date and biogeographical calibration, our results suggest that this genus originated circa 120,000 (156,100–322,700) years ago if the Tamana bat virus is included in the genus, or circa 85,000 (63,700–109,600) years ago excluding the Tamana bat virus. In the second study we estimate the prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) in host-seeking Ixodes ricinus from 29 localities in Sweden and compare our data with those of neighbouring countries. Nymphs and adult ticks were screened for TBEV using a real-time PCR assay. The mean TBEV prevalence for all tick stages combined was 0.26% for Sweden and 0.28% for all Scandinavian countries, excluding Iceland. The low prevalence of TBEV in nature may partly be explained by the fact that TBEV occurs in spatially small foci and that the inclusion of ticks from non-infected foci will reduce the prevalence estimate. In the third and fourth study, we conducted the first large-scale investigations to estimate the prevalence and geographical distribution of Anaplasma spp. and Rickettsia spp. in host-seeking larvae, nymphs and adults of I. ricinus ticks in Sweden. Ticks were collected from several localities in central and southern Sweden and were subsequently screened for the presence of Anaplasma spp. and Rickettsia spp. using a real-time PCR assay. For all active tick stages combined, the mean prevalence of Anaplasma spp. and Rickettsia spp. in I. ricinus in Sweden was estimated to 1.1% and 4.8%, respectively. It was also shown that A. phagocytophilum and R. helvetica are the main Anaplasma and Rickettsia species occurring in Sweden.

Ticks and Tick-borne Encephalitis Virus : From Nature to Infection

Asghar, Naveed January 2016 (has links)
Vector-borne diseases are an increasing global threat to humans due to climate changes, elevating the risk of infections transmitted by mosquitos, ticks, and other arthropod vectors. Ixodes ricinus, a common tick in Europe, transmits dangerous tick-borne pathogens to humans. Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a vector-borne disease caused by TBE virus (TBEV). Climate change has contributed to increased tick abundance and incidence of tick-borne diseases, and between 10,000 and 15,000 human TBE cases are reported annually in Europe and Asia. TBEV shows a patchy geographical distribution pattern where each patch represents a natural focus. In nature, TBEV is maintained within the tick-rodent enzootic cycle. Co-feeding is the main route for TBEV transmission from infected to uninfected ticks and for maintenance within the natural foci. The increasing number of TBE cases in Scandinavia highlights the importance of characterizing additional TBEV sequences and of identifying novel natural foci, and in this work we sequenced and phylogenetically characterized four TBEV strains: Saringe-2009 (from a blood-fed nymph), JP-296 (from a questing adult male), JP-554 (from a questing adult male), and Mandal-2009 (from a pool of questing nymphs, n = 10). Mandal-2009 represents a TBEV genome from a natural focus in southern Norway. Saringe-2009 is from a natural endemic focus in northern Stockholm, Sweden, and JP-296 and JP-554 originate from a natural focus “Torö” in southern Stockholm. In addition, we have studied the effect of different biotic and abiotic factors on population dynamics of I. ricinus in southern Stockholm and observed significant spatiotemporal variations in tick activity patterns. Seasonal synchrony of immature stages and total tick abundance are important factors for the probability of horizontal transmission of TBEV among co-feeding ticks. We found that the probability of co-occurrence of larvae, nymphs, and female adults was highest during early summer whereas increasing vegetation height and increasing amounts of forest and open water around the study sites had a significant negative effect on co-occurrence of larvae, nymphs, and female adults. The proximal part of the 3 ́non-coding region (3 ́NCR) of TBEV contains an internal poly(A) tract, and genomic analysis of Saringe-2009 revealed variability in the poly(A) tract indicating the existence of different variants within the TBEV pool of Saringe-2009. Like other RNA viruses, TBEV exists as swarms of unique variants called quasispecies. Because Saringe-2009 came from an engorged nymph that had been feeding on blood for >60 h, we propose that Saringe-2009 represents a putative shift in the TBEV pool when the virus switches from ectothermic/tick to endothermic/mammalian environments. We investigated the role of poly(A) tract variability in replication and virulence of TBEV by generating two infectious clones of the TBEV strain Toro-2003, one with a short/wild-type (A)3C(A)6 poly(A) tract and one with a long (A)3C(A)38 poly(A) tract. The infectious clone with the long poly(A) tract showed poor replication in cell culture but was more virulent in C57BL/6 mice than the wild-type clone. RNA folding predictions of the TBEV genomes suggested that insertion of a long poly(A) tract abolishes a stem loop structure at the beginning of the 3 ́NCR. Next generation sequencing (NGS) analysis of the TBEV genomes after passaging in cell culture and/or mouse brain revealed molecular determinants and quasispecies structure that might contribute to the observed differences in virulence. Our findings suggest that the long poly(A) tract imparts instability to the TBEV genome resulting in higher quasispecies diversity that in turn contributes to TBEV virulence. Phylogenetic analysis of Saringe-2009, JP-296, JP-554, and Mandal-2009 predicted a strong evolutionary relationship among the four strains. They clustered with Toro-2003, the first TBEV strain from Torö, demonstrating a Scandinavian clade. Except for the proximal part of the 3 ́NCR, TBEV is highly conserved in its genomic structure. Genomic analysis revealed that Mandal-2009 contains a truncated 3 ́NCR similar to the highly virulent strain Hypr, whereas JP-296 and JP-554 have a genomic organization identical to Toro-2003, the prototypic TBEV strain from the same natural focus. NGS revealed significantly higher quasispecies diversity for JP-296 and JP-554 compared to Mandal-2009. In addition, single nucleotide polymerphism (SNP) analysis showed that 40% of the SNPs were common between quasispecies populations of JP-296 and JP-554, indicating the persistence and maintenance of TBEV quasispecies within the natural focus. Taken together, these findings indicate the importance of environmental factors for the occurrence pattern of the different life-stages of the tick vector, which are important for the persistence of TBEV in nature. Our findings also show that the selection pressure exerted by specific host also affects the population structure of the TBEV quasispecies. In addition, our results further demonstrate that the evolution of quasispecies has effect on TBEV virulence in mice. / Vektorburna sjukdomar är ett växande globalt hot mot både människor och djur. De pågående klimatförändringarna kan leda till förhöjda risker för infektioner överförda av myggor, fästingar och andra leddjursvektorer. Ixodes ricinus är en vanlig fästing i Europa som överför fästingburna patogener som är farliga för människor. Fästingburen encefalit (TBE) är en vektorburen sjukdom som orsakas av TBE-virus (TBEV). De pågående klimatförändringarna har bidragit till en ökning både av vektorn och sjukdomsfrekvensen. Mellan 10 000 och 15 000 mänskliga TBE-fall rapporteras årligen i Europa och Asien. Den geografiska fördelningen av TBEV visar ett ojämnt fördelningsmönster där viruset är koncentrerat till vissa fokusområden. TBEV återfinns i naturen i en livscykel där viruset hela tiden överförs mellan fästingar och däggdjur. Spridningen sker dels från en infekterad fästing till ett ryggradsdjur när fästingen äter på värddjuret. Spridning mellan fästingar sker troligen främst genom så kallad “co-feeding”, det vill säga att flera fästingar suger blod samtidigt från samma värddjur. Viruset kan då passera från en infekterad fästing, genom värddjuret till oinfekterade fästingar. Virus kan identifieras och studeras med genetiska metoder. Det ökande antalet TBE-fall i Skandinavien styrker vikten av att hitta och karakterisera ytterligare TBEV-stammar och identifiera nya naturliga fokusområden. Vi har sekvenserat och fylogenetiskt beskrivit fyra TBEV-stammar: Saringe-2009 (blodfylld nymf), JP-296 (födosökande vuxen hane), JP-554 (födosökande vuxen hane) och Mandal-2009 (födosökande nymfer, n = 10). Mandal-2009 är ett TBEV från ett naturligt fokusområde i södra Norge. Saringe-2009 kommer från ett naturligt fokusområde i norra Stockholms län, Sverige. JP-296 och JP-554 härstammar från Torö som är ett naturligt fokusområde i södra Stockholms län, Sverige. Förutom den genetiska sekvenseringen av TBEV har vi också studerat effekten av olika biotiska och abiotiska faktorer på populationsdynamik av I. ricinus i södra Stockholm och observerade variation i fästingsaktivitetsmönster både temporalt och spatialt. Förekomstmönster av fästinglarver, nymfer och vuxna honor, och det totala antalet fästingar är viktiga faktorer för sannolikheten för horisontell överföring av TBEV mellan fästingar. Vi fann att sannolikheten för synkron förekomst av larver, nymfer och honor var högst under försommaren. Vegetationshöjd, mängden skog och mängd öppet vatten runt undersökningsområden hade signifikanta negativa effekter på sannolikheten för att larver, nymfer och honor skulle förekomma samtidigt. Den variabla delen av den icke-kodande 3 ́regionen (3'NCR) av TBEV-genomet innehåller ofta en intern poly(A)-sekvens. Liksom andra RNA-virus, förekommer TBEV som så kallade ”quasispecies” vilka definieras som grupper av olika genetiska varianter av virus. Genom analysen av TBEV-stam Saringe-2009 avslöjades variation i poly(A)-sekvensen vilket indikerar förekomst av ”quasispecies”. Eftersom Saringe-2009 kom från en blodfylld nymf som hade sugit blod i > 60 timmar, föreslår vi att Saringe-2009 visar en förändring i ”quasispecies”-poolen när viruset överförs från exoterm fästingmiljö till endoterm däggdjursmiljö. Vi undersökte poly(A)-ekvensens variabilitet och dess roll vid replikering och för virulens hos TBEV, genom att skapa två infektiösa kloner av Torö-2003 stammen; en med en kort/vild-typ (A)3C(A)6 poly(A)-sekkvens, och en med en lång (A)3C(A)38 poly(A)-sekvens. Den infektiösa klonen med lång poly(A)-sekvens replikerade sämre än vildtypklonen i cellkultur, men (A)3C(A)38 poly(A) var mer virulent i C57BL/6-möss än (A)3C(A)6 poly(A). Datasimulering av TBEV-genomets sekundär-RNA-struktur visade att de längre poly(A)-sekvenserna påverkar veckningen av en specifik sekundärstruktur (SL14) i början av 3 ́NCR. Djupsekvenseringsanalys av TBEV-gnomen avslöjade skillnader för specifika gener och ”quasispecies”-strukturen efter passering i cellkultur och/eller mushjärna. Dessa förändringar föreslås bidra till de observerade skillnaderna i virulens. Våra resultat indikerar att den långa poly(A)-sekvensen ger instabilitet i TBEV-genomet, vilket resulterar i ökad mångfald av ”quasispecies”-populationen som i sin tur kan bidra till TBEV-virulens. Fylogenetisk analys av Saringe-2009, JP-296, JP-554 och Mandal-2009 visade på ett nära släktskap mellan de fyra skandinaviska TBEV-stammarna. De nya stammarna formerade ett kluster med en tidigare TBEV-stam identifierad på Torö (Toro-2003), vilket skapade ett skandinaviskt klad. Genetisk analys visade att Mandal-2009 innehåller en trunkerad 3 ́NCR som liknar den högvirulenta stammen HYPR. JP-296 och JP-554 hade däremot samma genetiska struktur som den längre Torö-2003 stammen från samma fokusområde. Djupsekvensering visade höge mångfald av ”quasispecies”-populationen för JP-296 och JP- 554 jämfört med Mandal-2009. Analys av enkel nukleotid polymorfism (SNP) visade att 40 % av alla SNP var gemensamma mellan ”quasispecies”-populationen för JP-296 och JP-554. Detta indikerar att TBEV-”quasispecies”-strukturen kan vara konserverad för närbesläktade virus vilken kan leda till att den bevaras inom specifika fokusområden. Sammantaget så visar dessa studier att miljöfaktorer påverkar förekomsten av fästingvektorn och dess olika livsstadier, vilket är en bakomliggande faktor för utbredning av TBEV i naturliga fokusområden. Det visar även på att värdmiljön påverkar strukturen för ”quasispecies”-populationen. Dessutom visar våra studier att evolution och utveckling av ”quasispecies”-strukturen kan påverka virulensen för TBEV i möss.

Atividade antimicrobiana das soluções de Barbatimão, Mamona e Clorexidina utilizadas na Endodontia. Avaliação comparativa in vitro / Antimicrobial activities of Stryphnodendron adstringens, Ricinus communis detergent and chlorhexidine solutions in Endodontics. In vitro comparative study.

Miranda, Mauricio Antonio 26 March 2010 (has links)
No presente trabalho foram avaliadas as atividades antimicrobianas do extrato hidroalcoólico do barbatimão (Stryphnodendron adstringens), do detergente de mamona (Endoquil Poliquil®) e da solução de digluconato de clorexidina a 2% sobre microrganismos bucais potencialmente envolvidos em infecções endodônticas O barbatimão, como é popularmente conhecido, é muito utilizado na medicina popular para o tratamento de algumas enfermidades como a gonorréia, diarréia, úlceras, como antiinflamatório e cicatrizante. O detergente de mamona (Ricinus communis) possui atividade antimicrobiana similar ao do hipoclorito de sódio a 0,5% quando usado no tratamento de canais com polpa necrosada. A clorexidina é muito conhecida por sua atividade antimicrobiana e tem sido utilizada como medicação intracanal, apresentando efeito antimicrobiano residual, ou substantividade, além de baixa toxicidade. Este trabalho tem por objetivo comparar as atividades antimicrobianas destas substâncias pela técnica da difusão (técnica do cilindro) e pela determinação da concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) frente aos seguintes microrganismos: Prevotella nigrescens ATCC 33563, Actinomyces naeslundii (cepa de campo), Actinomyces naeslundii ATCC 19039, Porphyromonas gingivalis (cepa de campo), Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 4082, Enterococcus faecalis (cepa de campo), Haemophilus actinomycetemcomitansATCC 43717. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise estatística (ANOVA) e mostraram a atividade antimicrobiana do extrato bruto do barbatimão mais efetivo que o Endoquil® no teste de difusão,mas menor efetividade que a solução de clorexidina 2% em relação a todos os microrganismos utilizados. Conclui-se que o extrato bruto do Stryphnodendron adstringens (barbatimão) apresenta atividade antimicrobiana sobre microrganismos presentes nas infecções endodônticas, segundo os parâmetros empregados nesta pesquisa. / Antimicrobial activities of the hydroalcoholic extract of Barbatimão (Stryphnodendron adstringens), the detergent of castor bean (Endoquil, Poliquil®), and the Chlorhexidine 2% on oral microorganisms potentially involved in endodontic infections were evaluated. The Barbatimão, as it is popularly know, is often used in popular Medicine to treat some diseases like gonorrhea, diarrhea, ulcer, as an anti-inflammatory and cicatrizant. As observed in the literature, the detergent derived from the castor bean oil (Ricinus comunis) has similar antimicrobial activity to the sodium hypochlorite 0.5% when used on the treatment of canals with pulp showing necrosis. The Chlorhexidine is well known for its antimicrobial activity and it has been used as auxiliary solution in Endodontics, showing residual antimicrobial effect, or substantivity, as well as low toxicity. The aim of this study is to compare the antimicrobial activities of those substances by the diffusion technique (cylinder technique) and by determining the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) in the following microorganisms: Prevotella nigrescens ATCC 33563, Actinomyces naeslundii (cepa de campo), Actinomyces naeslundii ATCC 19039, Porphyromonas gingivalis (cepa de campo), Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 4082, Enterococcus faecalis (cepa de campo), Haemophilus actinomycetemcomitans ATCC 43717. The results were subjected to statistical analysis (ANOVA) and showed that the antimicrobial activity of the raw extract of barbatimão was more effective than the Endoquil®, but still less effective than the Chlorhexidine 2% when compared to all studied microorganisms in agar diffusion method. It can be concluded that the raw extract of Stryphnodendron adstringens (barbatimão) has antimicrobial activities on microorganisms, according to the parameters used in this study.

Adubação nitrogenada e fosfatada na cultura da mamona cultivada na safrinha em sistema de semeadura direta /

Pereira, Leandro Barradas. January 2010 (has links)
Resumo: O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar doses de nitrogênio e fósforo combinadas com cultivar e híbrido de mamona semeados no sistema plantio direto, e realizar análise econômica através de custos de produção e rentabilidade. O mesmo foi desenvolvido na Fazenda Experimental da UNESP - Campus de Ilha Solteira, localizada no município de Selvíria (MS), apresentando como coordenadas geográficas 51o 22' W e 20o 22' S, e altitude aproximadamente de 335 m, em LATOSSOLO VERMELHO Distroférrico, e o delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualisados. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pela combinação de um híbrido e um cultivar (Lyra e IAC-2028) respectivamente, 2 doses de fósforo (0 e 309 kg ha-1 de super fosfato simples) e 5 doses de nitrogênio (0, 15, 30, 60 e 120 kg ha-1 sulfato de amônio). A semeadura ocorreu em 07/06/2009, e a cultura foi irrigada pelo sistema de pivô central, utilizando o espaçamento de 0,9 m entre linhas e 0,9 m entre plantas. Conclui-se que a adubação nitrogenada e fosfatada aplicada na sua maior dose (120 kg ha-1) e (309 kg ha-1), respectivamente, obtiveram maiores produtividades, o híbrido ou cultivar não influenciaram a produtividade e o lucro operacional no tratamento mais oneroso foi negativo R$ -430,11/ha, apresentando a cultura uma dificuldade de subsistir nesse sistema de cultivo / Abstract: The objective was to determine nitrogen and phosphorus combined with hybrid and the castor bean cultivar planted in conservation tillage, and carry through economic analysis of production costs and profitability. It was developed at the Experimental Farm UNESP - Single Island, located in Selvíria (MS), presenting as geographic coordinates 51 o 22 'W and 20 o 22' S, altitude approximately 335 m in Haplorthox. The experimental design was randomized blocks. The treatments were a combination of a hybrid and a cultivar (Lyra and IAC-2028) respectively, 2 P rates (0 and 309 kg ha-1 of single super phosphate) and five nitrogen rates (0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 kg ha-1). Sowing occurred on 07/06/2009 and crop was irrigated by center pivot system using the espaçamneto 0.9 m between rows and 0.9 m between plants. It is concluded that nitrogen and phosphorus applied in its highest dose (120 kg ha-1) and (309 kg ha-1), respectively, achieved higher yields, hybrid or cultivar did not influence the productivity and financial returns averaged approximately R $ 503.56 / ha, the economic viability of crop in this cropping system / Orientador: Silvia Maria Almeida Lima Costa / Coorientador: Edson Lazarini / Banca: Maria Aparecida Anselmo Tarsitano / Banca: Gustavo Pavan Mateus / Mestre

Hétérogénéité des relations parasites-oiseaux : importance écologique et rôle évolutif.

Barroca, Marco 06 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Si les parasites sont étudiés depuis très longtemps, la plupart des connaissances concernent des parasites présentant un intérêt médical ou vétérinaire. Ainsi, malgré leur omniprésence au sein du monde vivant, le rôle des infections parasitaires sur les populations naturelles est encore très mal maîtrisé. <br />Un objectif de ce travail était d'étudier la pathogénicité de deux groupes de parasites (tiques et Haemosporidae) au sein de populations de Merles noirs. Ces deux groupes de parasites se sont révélés associés aux indices de condition corporelle et de réponse immunitaire des individus. Cependant, l'étude d'une population urbaine ne nous a pas permis de confirmer un effet des Haemosporidae sur la survie et la dynamique de la population de Merles.<br />L'incidence du milieu de vie (structuration spatiale) sur le fonctionnement de la relation hôte-parasite a été également abordée. En effet, le Merle est une espèce ubiquiste. Nous avons montré que les populations de milieu urbanisé présentent des infections parasitaires plus faibles que celles vivant en milieu forestier. Ce résultat pourrait expliquer en partie les fortes densités de Merles en zones urbaines, même si d'autres interprétations restent bien sûr envisageables.<br />Enfin, divers travaux récents suggèrent le rôle des caroténoïdes comme lien entre l'immunité des mâles et l'intensité de leur signaux colorés. Cependant, ces études utilisent des mesures de l'immunité par challenge immunitaire pour « mimer » les infections parasitaires. Cette démarche a été récemment discutée car les challenges pourraient ne pas toujours refléter la résistance parasitaire. Nos résultats vont dans ce sens. De plus, nos travaux semblent montrer que le contexte social module la relation entre immunité et signaux colorés. Ceci pourrait remettre partiellement en cause l'idée selon laquelle les caroténoïdes constituent un mécanisme universel garant de l'honnêteté des signaux.

Lutte chimique contre les champignons pathogènes des plantes : évaluation de la systémie phloémienne de nouvelles molécules à effet fongicide et d'activateurs de réactions de défense

Rocher, Françoise 12 October 2004 (has links) (PDF)
L'agriculture a besoin de fongicides ayant la propriété d'être transportés par le phloème pour contrôler des pathogènes vasculaires et racinaires. Jusqu'à présent, les tentatives de modulation structurale de fongicides pour les rendre phloème mobiles ont généralement eu comme conséquence une perte d'activité biologique.<br />La première approche de notre travail reprend la stratégie utilisée avec succès pour le développement d'herbicides auxiniques. Nous avons choisi comme molécule modèle le fenpiclonil en raison de la possibilité d'ajouter un groupe acide carboxylique en divers sites de la molécule. L'un de ces dérivés, le N-(1-carboxyéthyl)-3-cyano-4-(2,3-dichlorophényl)pyrrole possède une mobilité phloémienne modérée et montre une activité fongicide contre une souche d'Eutypa lata comparable à celle du fenpiclonil.<br />La deuxième stratégie a consisté à synthétiser des propesticides mobiles dans le phloème en greffant un acide aminé à divers xénobiontes ou à des composés naturels impliqués dans la défense des plantes. Ces conjugués avec une fonction a-aminoacide sont manipulés par des perméases de la membrane plasmique et sont nettement phloème mobiles. Toutefois, les enzymes qui peuvent libérer le composé initial peuvent être plus spécifiques que le système de transport.<br />Enfin, la capacité du phloème de ricin à charger l'acide salicylique (AS) a été étudiée pour deux raisons : 1- l'AS est une molécule signal importante impliquée dans la résistance systémique acquise 2- dans les cellules animales, l'AS est manipulé par un système de transport qui manipule aussi des médicaments de taille importante. L'AS s'accumule fortement dans le phloème et est ambimobile. Quelques résultats conduisent à l'hypothèse de l'intervention d'un système de transporteurs dépendant du pH et contribuant au chargement phloémien de l'AS, outre le phénomène de piégeage d'acide.

Facteurs environnementaux de variation de l'abondance des tiques Ixodes ricinus dans des zones d'étude modèles en Auvergne

Boyard, Chloé 18 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
La connaissance et le contrôle des risques liés à la vectorisation d'agents pathogènes par les tiques, en particulier par Ixodes ricinus, font partie des priorités de santé publique en France. Les maladies transmises par les tiques sont, en outre, d'actualité en médecine vétérinaire, en particulier chez les bovins. Dans le cadre des recherches de l'INRA (Unité de Recherche d'Epidémiologie Animale / EPI-A, Centre de recherches de Clermont-Ferrand - Theix), et avec l'appui du Conseil Régional d'Auvergne, des études éco-épidémiologiques ont été conduites en Auvergne, pour préciser les facteurs environnementaux qui influencent l'abondance des nymphes I. ricinus, en tant que stase la plus impliquée dans la transmission d'agents pathogènes à l'Homme. En 2003, dans la région des Combrailles (département du Puy-de-Dôme), les nymphes I. ricinus à l'affût sur la végétation ont été collectées par la méthode du drapeau sur le périmètre intérieur de 61 pâtures (prairies permanentes pâturées par les bovins). Leur abondance a été analysée selon une approche probabiliste basée sur la loi binomiale négative. La reproductibilité des facteurs significatifs, révélés par cette première analyse, a été évaluée sur des données d'abondance de nymphes I. ricinus collectées à différents moments (2004 et 2006) et dans une zone différente, mais de caractéristiques écologiques semblables, l'Ouest Cantal (département du Cantal). Les principaux facteurs favorisant l'abondance des nymphes I. ricinus, constants à travers les différents jeux de données, étaient la présence d'une haie d'arbres ou d'arbustes, la présence de bois, et le nombre de nymphes dans le bois le plus proche des pâtures. Nous avons alors émis l'hypothèse qu'une migration des tiques des bois vers les pâtures est cruciale pour le maintien d'une population de tiques I. ricinus sur les pâtures. La variation de l'abondance des larves I. ricinus transportées par les micromammifères à l'écotone bois-pâture a pu être analysée à partir des sessions de piégeages réalisées en 2005. Le mulot sylvestre (Apodemus sylvaticus) a été identifié comme l'espèce de micromammifères capable de transporter les larves I. ricinus entre les bois et les pâtures, et par conséquent apte à jouer le rôle de " pont épidémiologique ". En conclusion, les conditions du risque de morsure par I. ricinus en Auvergne ont été précisées, en tant qu'étape initiale d'évaluation du risque de transmission d'agents pathogènes via cette tique. Les étapes suivantes concerneront l'étude des facteurs de variation du portage bactériens par I. ricinus pour Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. (agent de la maladie de Lyme), Anaplasma phagocytophilum (agent de l'anaplasmose granulocytaire humaine et animale), et des Rickettsia spp. du groupe des fièvres boutonneuses, ainsi que l'étude des conditions d'apparition des cas des maladies dépendant de ces agents. Les travaux qui ont été conduits ont permis de proposer à la discussion un ensemble de réflexions méthodologiques et stratégiques, de nature biologique ou biostatistique.

Secagem de mamona da variedade BRS energia: experimentação e simulação.

PEREIRA, Evaldo Marcos Ascendino. 05 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-05T19:00:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EVALDO MARCOS ASCENDINO PEREIRA – TESE (PPGEP) 2015.pdf: 8939459 bytes, checksum: e1aafd638233894a238ae405231508a3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-05T19:00:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EVALDO MARCOS ASCENDINO PEREIRA – TESE (PPGEP) 2015.pdf: 8939459 bytes, checksum: e1aafd638233894a238ae405231508a3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-29 / CNPq / Subprodutos à base de óleo de rícino são utilizados na fabricação de vários produtos de base comercialmente importantes, tais como: surfactantes, lubrificantes, tintas, produtos farmacêuticos, cosméticos, poliésteres, polímeros, etc. A mamona tem na sua composição aproximadamente 50% de óleo, com especiais características, tais como elevada viscosidade, estabilidade ao calor e pressão, baixo ponto de congelamento e habilidade para formar substâncias cerosas após tratamentos químicos. A mamona é um candidato potencial para a produção de biodiesel; No entanto, este produto deve ser seco, a fim de reduzir o teor de umidade (10%), para o armazenamento seguro. A secagem é uma operação complexa, que envolve a transferência transiente de calor e de massa, que provoca transformações físicas e químicas do produto, o qual, por sua vez, pode causar alterações na qualidade do mesmo, bem como nos mecanismos de transferência de calor e de massa . Este trabalho apresenta um estudo experimental e numérico da secagem de frutos de mamona (Ricinus communis L., variedade "BRSEnergia"). Um modelo matemático tridimensional transiente é apresentado para predizer a transferência de massa e calor e simular a distribuição do teor de umidade e temperatura no interior do sólido, considerando as propriedades termofí sicas constantes, utilizando-se o software ANSYS CFX®. Para a validação da metodologia numérica foram realizados experimentos de secagem com frutos de mam ona da variedade BRS Energia. Nos experimentos, foram usadas temperaturas de secagem de 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 e 100 ºC. Os dados experimentais de secagem foram ajustados ao modelo matemático empírico de Page, apresentando para todos os tratamentos coeficientes de determinação (R2) superiores a 99,60% e valores de desvio-padrão da estimativa (SE) inferiores a 0,0165. As cinéticas de secagem de teor de umidade e temperatura obtidos por meio do CFX® foram comparados com as cinéticas experimentais de secagem e uma boa aproximação foram obtidas. Coeficientes de massa difusivo foram obtidos para diferentes condições de secagem. Verificou-se que os coeficientes de transporte de massa difusivo tendem a aumentar com o aumento da temperatura do ar de secagem. / Castor oil-based by-products are used in the manufacture of several commercially important commodities like surfactants, coatings, greases, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, polyesters, polymers, etc . The castor bean has in the compositions approximately 50% oil, with special characteristics such as high viscosity, heat and pressure stability, low freezing point and ability to form waxy substances after chemical treatments. The castor bean is a potential candidate for the production of biodiesel; However, this product must be dried, in order, to reduce moisture content (10%), for safe storage. Drying is a complex operation involving transient transfer of heat and mass that provokes physical and chemical transformations in the product, which, in turn, may cause changes in the quality thereof, as well as the mechanisms of heat and mass transfer. This work presents an experimental and numerical study of castor bean fruits drying (Ricinus communis L., variety "BRS Energia"). A three-dimensional transient mathematical model is presented to predict the heat and mass transfer and to simulate the distribution of temperature and moisture content inside the solid, considering the constant thermophysical properties, using ANSYS CFX® software. For validation of the numerical methodology were performed drying experiments with castor bean fruits of the variety BRS Energy. In the experiments, were used drying temperatures of 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100ºC. The experimental data of drying were adjusted to the empirical mathematical model of Page, presenting for all treatments, coefficients of determination (R2) greater than 99.60% and standard deviation values of the estimate (SE) lower than 0.0165. The drying kinetics of temperature and moisture content obtained by CFX® were compared with the experimental drying kinetics and a good approximation has been obtained. Diffusive mass coefficients were obtained for different drying conditions. It was found that the diffusive mass transport coefficients tend to increase with increasing drying air temperature.

Cinética de secagem e composição química da torta e do farelo de mamona em função das condições de secagem e armazenagem. / Kinetic of dryness and chemical composition of the cake and bran of castor at relation of the conditions of dryness and storage.

SOUSA, Marcondes Barreto de. 18 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-10-18T15:17:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MARCONDES BARRETO DE SOUSA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2007..pdf: 24830431 bytes, checksum: 7ec5ca4c602d197f350d861b27e55fd2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-18T15:17:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARCONDES BARRETO DE SOUSA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2007..pdf: 24830431 bytes, checksum: 7ec5ca4c602d197f350d861b27e55fd2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03 / Capes / Realizou-se este trabalho com o objetivo de determinar as curvas de secagem e a umidade de equilíbrio higroscópico da torta e do farelo de mamona (Ricinus communis L.), a fim de estudar os efeitos das condições de secagem e armazenagem sobre a composição química (teor de óleo, umidade, matéria orgânica, cinzas e proteína bruta). A torta o e farelo de mamona foram secados nas temperaturas de 50, 60, 70 e 80°C, e nas espessuras de um, três e cinco cm e, posteriormente, armazenados em três tipos de embalagem (papel, naylon e plástico), pelo período de seis meses, nas condições climáticas de Campina Grande, PB. Os resultados da cinética de secagem foram ajustados pelos modelos matemáticos de Page e Thompson, com delineamento experimental dois (materiais) quatro (temperaturas) três (espessuras) e três (embalagens), no total de 72 tratamentos. Observou-se, com os resultados obtidos, que as curvas de secagem se ajustaram bem aos modelos matemáticos, apresentando coeficiente de determinação (R2) superior a 0,99. Nos componentes químicos avaliados não foram encontradas grandes alterações mas apenas um ganho maior de umidade nas embalagens de papel e naylon, em relação à embalagem de plástico, o que não ultrapassou os 7%. As cinzas e matéria orgânica permaneceram sem grandes variações e com relação ao teor de proteína, este diminuiu com o aumento da temperatura. / It accomplished this work with objective to determine the curves of dryness and moisture of equilibrium hygroscopic of the cake and bran of castor (Ricinus Communis L.), in order to study the effects of the conditions of dryness and storage about composition chemistry (purport of oil, moisture, organic matter, ashes and brutish protein). The cake and bran of castor were dried in temperature of 50, 60, 70 and 80°C, and thicknesses of one, three and five cm and later kept in three types of packings (paper, naylon and plastic) for one period of six months, in the climatic conditions from Campina Grande, PB. The effects in the kinetic of dryness went adjustable in the models mathematician by Page and Thompson, with delineately experimental two (materiais) four (temperatures) three (thicknesses) and three (packings) with one whole of 72 treatments. Of accord with the results got on, looked that with relation the curves of drynesses, these adjust well on the model mathematician showing coefficient of determination (R2) high 0,99. In the component chemists valued didn't go met large alterations, carne just a gain larger of moisture in packings of paper and naylon, at relation the packing of plastic, it didn't excel 7% the ashes and organic matter staid without big variations. In relation on the purport of protein, it reduced with increase of temperature.

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