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Investigations On Topological Thresholds In Metal Doped Ternary Telluride GlassesManikandan, N 08 1900 (has links)
The ability to tune the properties over a wide range of values by changing the additives, composition, etc., has made chalcogenide glassy semiconductors, most interesting from both fundamental physics as well as technology point of view. In particular, the occurrence of the two network topological thresholds namely the Rigidity Percolation Threshold (RPT) and the Chemical Threshold (CT) and their influence on various properties of chalcogenide glasses have been of immense interest during the last three decades.
The Rigidity Percolation Threshold (also known as the Stiffness Threshold or Mechanical Threshold) corresponds to the composition at which the material transforms from a floppy polymeric glass to a rigid amorphous solid, whereas at Chemical Threshold the sample tends towards an ordered state. Though the rigidity percolation has been considered for long to occur at a critical threshold defined by the constraint’s theory, the recent theoretical and experimental investigations have found the RPT to occur over a range of compositions. In systems exhibiting an extended rigidity percolation, two distinct transitions namely from a floppy to an isostatically rigid phase and from an isostatically rigid to a stressed rigid phase are seen.
In the category of chalcogenide glasses, tellurides have been found to exhibit interesting properties including the phenomenon of electrical switching which finds applications in Phase Change Memories (PCM). Studies on various thermal, electrical and photoelectrical properties of glassy tellurides help us in identifying suitable materials for different technological applications.
This thesis deals with Differential Scanning Calorimetric (DSC) & Temperature Modulated Alternating Differential Scanning Calorimetric (ADSC) studies, electrical switching investigations, photoconductivity & photothermal measurements on certain metal doped telluride glasses. The composition dependence of properties such as glass transition & crystallization temperatures, switching voltage, thermal diffusivity, photosensitivity, etc., have been analyzed to obtain information about topological thresholds, thermally reversing window, etc.
The first chapter of thesis provides an overview of properties of amorphous semiconductors, in particular chalcogenide glasses. The local & defect structure, the electronic band structure & electrical properties, electrical switching behavior, etc., are discussed in detail. The theoretical aspects related to the experiments undertaken in this thesis work have also been described.
The instrumentation used for various experiments conducted to measure thermal, electrical, photoelectrical and photothermal properties have been discussed in chapter two.
The chapter three deals with the photocurrent measurements on As40Te60-xInx
(7.5 ≤ x ≤ 16.5) glasses. In these samples, it has been found that the photocurrent increases with illumination, which is understood on the basis of the large dielectric constant and also due to the presence of a large number of positively charged defect states. Further, the composition dependence of the conductivity activation energy and the photosensitivity exhibit a maximum at x = 12.5 (<r> = 2.65) and a minimum at x = 15.0 (<r> = 2.70) which has been identified to be the Rigidity Percolation Threshold (RPT) and the Chemical Threshold (CT) respectively.
The results of electrical switching, DSC and Photothermal Deflection (PTD) studies on As20Te80-xGax (7.5 ≤ x ≤ 18.5) glasses, undertaken to elucidate the network topological thresholds, are described in chapter four. It has been found that all the As20Te80-xGax glasses studied exhibit memory type electrical switching. The switching voltage (VT) of these glasses increases monotonically with x, in the composition range 7.5 ≤ x ≤ 15.0. The increase in VT with gallium addition leads to a local maximum at x = 15.0 and VT decreases with x thereafter, reaching a distinct minimum at x = 17.5. Based on the variation with composition of the electrical switching voltages, the composition x = 15.0 and x = 17.5 have been identified to be the rigidity percolation and chemical thresholds of the As20Te80-xGax glassy system respectively.
Further, the DSC studies indicate that As20Te80-xGax glasses exhibit a single glass transition (Tg) and two crystallization reactions (Tc1 & Tc2) upon heating. There is no appreciable change in Tg of As20Te80-xGax glasses with the addition of upto about10 atom% of Ga, whereas a continuous increase is seen in the crystallization temperature (Tc1). It is interesting to note that both Tg and Tc1 exhibit a maximum at x = 15.0 and a minimum at x = 17.5, the compositions identified to be the RPT and CT respectively by the switching experiments.
The composition dependence of thermal diffusivity estimated from the PTD signal, indicate the occurrence of an extended stiffness transition in As20Te80-xGax glasses, with the compositions x = 9.0 and x = 15.0 being the onset and the completion of an extended rigidity percolation. A maximum and a minimum are seen in the thermal diffusivity respectively at these compositions. Further, a second maximum is seen in the thermal diffusivity of As20Te80-xGax glasses, the Chemical Threshold (CT) of the glassy system.
The fifth chapter of the thesis describes the ADSC, electrical switching and photocurrent measurements on Ge15Te85-xInx (1 ≤ x ≤ 11) glasses. It is found there is not much change in the Tg of Ge15Te85-xInx glasses in the composition range 1 ≤ x ≤ 3. An increase is seen in Tg beyond x = 3, which continues until x = 11. Further, the composition dependence of non-reversing enthalpy shows the presence of a thermally reversing window in the compositions range x = 3 and x = 7.
Electrical switching studies indicate that Ge15Te85-xInx glasses exhibit threshold type of switching at input currents below 2 mA. It is observed that switching voltages decrease initially with indium addition, exhibiting a minimum at x = 3, the onset of the extended rigidity percolation as revealed by ADSC. An increase is seen in VT above x = 3, which proceeds till x = 8, with a change in slope (lower to higher) seen around 7 atom% of indium which corresponds to the completion of the stiffness transition. The reversal in trend exhibited in the variation of VT at x = 8, leads to a well defined minimum around x = 9, the chemical threshold of the Ge15Te85-xInx glassy system.
Photocurrent measurements indicate that there is no photodegradation in Ge15Te85-xInx glasses with x < 3, whereas samples with x ≥ 3 show photodegradation behavior. The composition dependent variation in the glass transition temperature has been attributed for this behavior. Further, the composition dependence of photo sensitivity has been found to show the signatures of the extended rigidity percolation and the chemical threshold in Ge15Te85-xInx glasses.
The last chapter of thesis (chapter six) summarizes the results obtained and also the scope of future work to be undertaken.
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關稅訊息的總體效果 / Macroeconomic Effects of News on Tariff劉至誠, Liu, Chih Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本文建構一個小型開放的經濟體系,價格具有僵固性的 DSGE 模型來探討提早釋出的關稅調降訊息所造成總體經濟面的影響。在政府簽訂貿易協定來降低關稅的訊息藉由媒體釋出時,同時民眾具理性預期的假設下,家計單位會因這樣的訊息而改變對未來的預期,在關稅還未實際調降時便改變行為決策。我們研究在不同的協商可能結果: (1)談判破裂,貿易協定未如預期簽訂。(2)談判成功,但貿易協定簽訂的結果比當初訊息所透露的降得更多或較少。(3)談判成功,並完全實現當初訊息的內容。(4)簽訂的時間高於預期,導致實行的時間延期。從結果中我們發現,提早釋出的關稅訊息會抑制民眾的消費和投資,在短期會立即造成需求面的負向衝擊。而降低關稅所帶來的市場活絡,會等到真正調降的時後才出現。所以越早釋出關稅調降的訊息,會造成經濟體系所需付出“等待政策實行的成本”越大。 / There is global trend of economic integration across the world by removing the trade barrier. While the free trade agreements normally include the tariff reduction, the negotiations of the agreement may take a long time, and in some cases, the negotiation may fail. Therefore, the tariff reduction’s effects on the economy can be different if it is realized as expectation or not. With a small open economy DSGE model, this paper examines the effects of news preannouncement on tariffs. With the assumption of rational expectation, households will change their expectation when the news of tariff decrement is preannounced. However, whether or not the news on tariffs can be realized as expectation will lead to different dynamics. In this study, we consider various plausible scenarios: (1) If negotiation fails, thus the news on tariff reduction is not realized (2) If negotiation succeeds, but the amount of actual decrement is more or less than people originally expected. (3) Negotiation succeeds and the content of news is fully
realized. (4) Negotiation succeeds, but it takes more time than expected to be realized, thus the policy implementation is postponed. Our study reveals that the news preannouncement restrains consumption and investment before the negotiation is completed, and leads to a negative impact on the economy in the short run. The benefits of the tariff decrement appear if the policy is
actually implemented as expected. However, the economy suffers more if the negotiation takes too much time after the news is released.
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Quelques propriétés des sous-variétés lagrangiennes monotones : Rayon de Gromov et morphisme de SeidelCharette, François 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse présente quelques propriétés des sous-variétés lagrangiennes monotones. On résoud d'abord une conjecture de Barraud et Cornea dans le cadre monotone en montrant que le rayon de Gromov relatif à deux lagrangiennes dans la même classe d'isotopie hamiltonienne donne une borne inférieure à la distance de Hofer entre ces deux mêmes lagrangiennes. Le cas non-monotone de cette conjecture reste ouvert encore. On définit toutes les structures nécessaires à l'énoncé et à la preuve de cette conjecture.
Deuxièmement, on définit une nouvelle version d'un morphisme de Seidel relatif à l'aide des cobordismes lagrangiens de Biran et Cornea. On montre que cette version est chaîne-homotope aux différentes autres versions apparaissant dans la littérature. Que toutes ces définitions sont équivalentes fait partie du folklore mais n'apparaît pas dans la littérature.
On conclut par une conjecture qui identifie un triangle exact obtenu par chirurgie lagrangienne et un autre dû à Seidel et faisant intervenir le twist de Dehn symplectique. / We present in this thesis a few properties of monotone Lagrangian submanifolds. We first solve a conjecture of Barraud and Cornea in the monotone setting by showing that the relative Gromov radius of two Hamiltonian-isotopic Lagrangians gives a lower bound on the Hofer distance between them. The general non-monotone case remains open to this day. We define all the structures relevant to state and prove the conjecture.
We then define a new version of a Lagrangian Seidel morphism through the recently introduced Lagrangian cobordisms of Biran and Cornea. We show that this new version is chain-homotopic to various other versions appearing in the litterature. That all these previous versions are the same is folklore but did not appear in the litterature.
We conclude with a conjecture claiming that an exact triangle obtained by Lagrangian surgery is isomorphic to an exact triangle of Seidel involving the symplectic Dehn twist.
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Les rapports entre l'ordre juridique constitutionnel et les ordres juridiques européens : analyse à partir du droit constitutionnel grec / The relationship between constitutional legal order and European legal orders : an analysis based on the Greek constitutional lawAkoumianaki, Daphne 05 December 2014 (has links)
L'ordre juridique constitutionnel, l'ordre juridique de l'Union européenne et l'ordre qui se dégage progressivement de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme, malgré leurs différences, sont étroitement liés. Toutefois, cette relation ne se traduit pas en une fusion. Il importe donc d'appréhender les rapports entre ces trois ordres en termes d'interdépendance mais aussi de concurrence. L'interdépendance se manifeste notamment grâce à la place de la Constitution comme vecteur principal de la construction européenne, garantissant l'intégration et la mise en œuvre des droits d'origine européenne dans l'ordre interne. La Constitution grecque correspond aux finalités européennes et l'enrichissement normatif de l'ordre interne par les deux droits européens est évident. A l'inverse, la concurrence se manifeste par le fait que l'ordre constitutionnel national est largement saisi par les ordres européens et ses faiblesses s'érigent en sources de conflits avec eux. Une transformation forcée de l'ordre interne est donc constatée afin de se conformer aux exigences européennes. La situation concurrentielle suscite l'intérêt pour la recherche d'une résolution institutionnalisée de conflits. Une systématisation des influences européennes dans l'ordre interne est mise en évident afin de renforcer l'autorité constitutionnelle et restructurer le système procédural. Si la complexité des rapports entre les trois ordres étudiés paraît indéniable, il y a lieu de mettre en avant les moyens institutionnels et procéduraux qui permettent de privilégier la complémentarité et d'atténuer la concurrence entre eux. / Despite their differences, the constitutional legal order, the EU legal order and the ECHR legal order, in progress, are strictly bound. However, this kind or relation is not equal to a fusion. Thus, the relationship of the three orders should be studied through the notions of interdependence and competition. Interdependence is manifest if one takes into account the role of the Constitution as the major vector in the building of Europe, ensuring the integration and the implementation of European rights in the national legal order. Hence, the Hellenic Constitution responds to the European rationale and both European legal orders contribute in the enrichment of the national legal order. Likewise, competition is manifest as the national constitutional order is seized by the European orders and its weaknesses appear as conflict sources with them. Therein, a forced transformation of the domestic law is apparent in order to adapt to the European conditions. This conflict situation gives rise to the research of an institution-based solution. A systematic approach of European influences in the national legal order is used in order to reinforce the authority of the Constitution and to restructure the procedural system. While the complexity of the aforementioned orders appears undoubtful, one should stress the institutional and procedural means that allow to favour complementarity and to mitigate competition between these orders.
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Vakbonde, loonaanpasbaarheid en werkloosheidSerfontein, Frederik Hendrik Bernardus 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Suid-Afrika ondervind reeds geruime tyd hoe en stygende vlakke van werkloosheid.
Gedurende die tagtigerjare bet die opkoms van vakbonde 'n fundamentele
herstrukturering van die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsmark veroorsaak en die styging in
werkloosheid gedurende die tydperk word dikwels aan vakbondoptrede toegeskryf.
In die studie word verskillende oorsake van werkloosheid aan die hand van die
klassieke, Keynesiaanse, natuurlike werkloosheidskoers- en nie-versnellende-inflasiewerkloosheidskoersbenaderings
ondersoek ten einde die invloed van vakbonde en
loononaanpasbaarheid op werkloosheid te probeer bepaal. Ooreenkomste sowel as
verskille tussen die teoriee word geidentifiseer. Dit wil voorkom asof vakbonde
gedurende die tagtigerjare in Suid-Afrika deur middel van bulle invloed op
. loonverhogings 'n betreklik geringe invloed op werkloosheid gehad bet en dat
loononaanpasbaarheid geensins 'n beduidende faktor was nie. Dit blyk ook dat die
Keynesiaanse benadering die toepaslikste raamwerk hied vir die ontleding van hoe
vlakke van werkloosheid en die invloed van vakbonde daarop. · / High and rising levels of unemployment have been experienced in South Africa for
quite some time. The rise in trade union activity during the eighties caused a
fundamental restructuring of the South African labour market and the increase in
unemployment during this period is often blamed on trade union activity. In this
study the classical approach, the Keynesian approach, the natural rate of
unemployment and the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment are used to
examine the different causes of unemployment with the purpose of assessing the
influence of trade unions and wage rigidity on the level of unemployment. Similarities
as well as differences between the theories are identified. It appears that trade unions
had a marginal effect on unemployment in South Africa during the eighties through
their influence on wage increases and that wage rigidity was not a significant cause of
unemployment during this period. The Keynesian approach seems to be the most
appropriate framework to analyse the causes of high levels of unemployment as well
as the influence of trade unions on unemployment. / Department of Economics / M. Comm (Economics)
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Incidence de la torsion sur la résistance sismique de bâtiments courants avec diaphragmes horizontaux rigides. Application aux structures en bois / Impact of torsion on the seismic resistance of common buildings with rigid horizontal diaphragms. Application to wooden structuresVu, Thanh Kien 08 December 2011 (has links)
Les secousses sismiques sont des catastrophes naturelles, affectant la croûte terrestre, qui peuvent avoir des effets destructeurs majeurs dans les zones urbanisées. Même si des méthodes précises de calcul d’ouvrages en situation sismique existent, il est nécessaire de disposer de méthodes adaptées aux ingénieries mises en oeuvre. L’évolution de la réglementation parasismique (Eurocode 8 et annexes nationales) et du zonage sismique en France fait évoluer de manière significative la nécessité de prise en compte de l’action sismique dans la conception des bâtiments. Dans un calcul sismique, il est indispensable de prendre en compte des effets de la torsion qui peuvent conduire à des conséquences graves, en termes de dommages affectant les ouvrages de génie civil. Le présent travail expose une démarche incluant différents niveaux d'approches pour prendre en compte ce phénomène. Les structures particulièrement visées par ce travail sont les ossatures dites souples et plus spécifiquement les constructions en bois. Une étude paramétrique est menée avec une méthode de combinaison multidimensionnelle pour analyser l'influence de différentes configurations de contreventement sur la sensibilité de l'ouvrage aux phénomènes de torsion. Cette étape est basée sur l’adaptation pour des structures en bois, dans le contexte des Eurocodes (torsion structurale et torsion accidentelle), d’une méthode néozélandaise développée par Priestley et Paulay initialement proposée pour des bâtiments en béton armé. L’étude du comportement des bâtiments en bois en situation sismique s’inscrit dans une approche utilisant la méthode de linéarisation équivalente par coefficient de comportement. L’action sismique peut ainsi être modélisée par des forces statiques équivalentes qui sont ensuite transmises aux éléments structuraux verticaux par des diaphragmes horizontaux. Ce travail permet de définir des distributions d’efforts sismiques sur chaque contreventement avec la prise en compte de la torsion à partir d’une cartographie d’implantation des contreventements et des masses. Cette méthode originale de prise en compte de la torsion est mise en application et l’ensemble des résultats obtenus conduit à la réalisation d’une base de données conséquente sur les effets de la torsion, pour une situation sismique, dans le cas d’un dimensionnement en capacité, avec contreventements ductiles à comportement linéarisé par coefficient de comportement et diaphragmes horizontaux rigides. Après mise en application de cette méthode, une approche numérique du comportement de structures génériques est conduite afin d’illustrer les effets de différents niveaux de simplification inhérents à la méthode originale mise en place. Dans cette étape, les calculs utilisent la méthode des éléments finis en s’appuyant sur le logiciel Cast3m. Les calculs dynamiques sont réalisés sur la base de comportements linéaires ou linéarisés afin d’analyser les effets de différentes méthodes de calcul proposées par l’Eurocode 8, partie 1. Les calculs menés dans cette phase permettent notamment de valider des conditions d’application de méthodes simplifiées pour des structures en bois, et d’approcher les effets de la torsion sur ces structures avec différents degrés de précision. / The earthquakes are natural disasters affecting the earth's crust, which can have major destructive effects in urban areas. We have a set of scientific, technical and conception knowledge which allow to « build earthquake-resistant », but these methods must be adapted to simple buildings. The development of earthquake-resistant regulations (Eurocode 8 and national annexes) and seismic zoning of France evolve significantly to the need for taking into account the seismic action in the building design. In seismic design, it is essential to take into account the torsion effects that can lead to serious consequences in terms of damage to civil engineering structures. This research work presents a process including different levels of approach to take into account the effect of the torsion. The structures particularly targeted by this work are the so-called soft frames and more specifically the timber buildings. After a course of bibliographic elements related to the timber structures and the structures of current buildings subjected to seismic situations, a parametric study is taken with a method for multi-dimensional combination in order to analyze the influence of different bracing configurations on the sensitivity of the structure to the torsion phenomena. This first stage is based on the adaptation for timber structures, in the context of Eurocodes (structural torsion and accidental torsion), of a New Zealand method developed by Paulay and Priestley originally proposed for reinforced concrete buildings. The study of the behavior of timber buildings in seismic situation is part of an approach using the equivalent linearization method by a behavior coefficient. So the seismic action can be modeled by equivalent static forces which are then transmitted to the vertical structural elements by horizontal diaphragms. The objective of this work is to define the distribution of seismic forces on each brace with the inclusion of torsion from cartography of bracing and masses implantation. This original method, taking into account the torsion effect, is implemented and all the results lead to the creation of a rich database, for a seismic situation, in the case of design capacity, with ductile bracing and linearized behavior through the behavior factors and rigid horizontal diaphragms. This database can be used to simplify the approach of the torsional effects of the current timber buildings. It can also be used as a reference for the analysis of the influence of the semi rigid diaphragms or the actual non-linearity of bracing. After implementation of this method, a numerical approach considering the behavior of generic structures is conducted to illustrate the effects of different levels of simplification inherent to the implemented original method. In this step, the calculations use the finite element method (software Cast3M). The dynamic analysis is made on the basis of linear or linearized behavior to evaluate the effects of different calculation methods proposed by Eurocode 8, Part 1. The calculations done in this phase allow mainly to validate the applicability of simplified methods for timber structures, and to predict the torsional effects on these structures with different degrees of precision.
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A flexibilidade de RH como motivo de adoção de modelos de gestão da saúde pública alternativos ao estatuário: as experiências dos Estados da Bahia, do Paraná e de São PauloFagundes, Maísa Cristina Dante 20 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Maísa Fagundes (maisa.fagundes@fgv.br) on 2018-08-17T18:28:19Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-07-20 / A Administração Pública brasileira tem passado, desde que se tem notícia, por ciclos alternados de enrijecimento e de mitigação do rigor, no que toca às normas jurídicas que a regem. Desde a década de 1990, com a Reforma do Aparelho do Estado, que refletiu um movimento mundial de revisão do perfil de Estado adequado à realidade contemporânea, almeja-se no Brasil um abrandamento das regras jurídicas que engessam o poder decisório do administrador público. Essa rigidez normativa havia piorado com a edição da Constituição Federal de 1988. O Plano Diretor da Reforma do Aparelho do Estado (PDRAE) trouxe instrumentos de flexibilização, dentre os quais a transferência do exercício da atividade estatal não-exclusiva para entidades não-estatais, públicas ou privadas. Os anos seguintes foram de criação de entidades públicas, de estabelecimento de parcerias ou de contratação, envolvendo tanto entidades públicas não-estatais (filantrópicas) quanto privadas (sociedades empresariais). Surgiram, então, as organizações sociais, a nova vertente de serviços sociais autônomos, as parcerias público-privadas, várias fundações estatais etc. Contudo, houve grande oposição a esses novos modelos de gestão. Entidades representativas dos trabalhadores alegavam que essa “privatização” do serviço público apenas contribuía para a precarização do trabalho. Os órgãos de controle, por sua vez, endureceram interpretações, reduzindo o alcance das poucas flexibilidades criadas. Mas os governos continuaram utilizando esses modelos, principalmente na área da saúde pública, escolhida para o presente estudo. Então pode-se concluir que o motivo dessa escolha de novos modelos de gestão é a busca por flexibilidade? Em caso positivo, qual flexibilidade? Como a gestão de pessoal é um ponto sensível na área da saúde, que engloba a prestação de serviços nos quais o elemento humano é indispensável, decidiu-se analisar a escolha desses modelos segundo a flexibilidade de recursos humanos (RH). Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa sobre três Estados, que apresentam casos emblemáticos: a primeira parceria público-privada na saúde do País, na Bahia; a bem-sucedida fundação estatal do Paraná; e as organizações sociais que hoje predominam em São Paulo. Foram feitas entrevistas semiestruturadas e análises de documentos, a fim de aferir se a flexibilidade contratual é mesmo o fator decisivo na adoção de um modelo de gestão do trabalho na saúde pública alternativo ao estatutário. As amostras escolhidas foram analisadas segundo a tipologia de flexibilidade em RH criada por Francisco Longo (2007). Foi possível concluir que a flexibilidade contratual está presente nos modelos analisados, mas que o conceito mais genérico de flexibilidade, limitado ao afastamento da rigidez legal, parece ter sido o verdadeiro móvel da escolha. / The Brazilian Public Administration has been governed by alternating cycles of rigorous and non-rigorous application of legal norms. In the 1990s, with the introduction of reforms in the State apparatus in Brazil to reflect the worldwide movement, the State profile was changed to suit contemporary reality, and relaxation of legal norms that undermined the decision-making power of the public manager was sought. Legal norms had become more rigid with the adoption of the Federal Constitution of 1988. The masterplan for reforming the State apparatus (PDRAE) established flexibility mechanisms, including transfer of responsibility of non-exclusive state activity to non-state public or private entities. Subsequent years witnessed the creation of public entities and establishment of partnerships and contracts involving both non-state public entities (philanthropic) and private organizations (corporations). Next, social organizations, the new strand of autonomous social services, public-private partnerships, and several state foundations emerged. However, there was great opposition to these new management models. Representative bodies of workers claimed that “privatization” of public services only contributed to job insecurities. The controlling agencies, in turn, hardened their stance and reduced the reach of the few flexibilities provided. However, governments continued to use these models, especially in public health, the area chosen for analysis in the present study. Thus, is it possible to conclude that the quest for flexibility is the main reason for adopting new management models? If so, which flexibility? As human resources is a sensitive aspect in the health field encompassing the provision of services in a field where presence of people is fundamental, we decided to analyze the adoption of these models based on the flexibility of human resources (HR). To this end, we analyzed three emblematic cases of Brazilian states using a qualitative approach: the first national public-private partnership in the health field in Bahia; the successful state-owned foundation of Paraná; and social organizations in São Paulo. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and documents were analyzed to assess whether contractual flexibility is the decisive factor in the adoption of these labor management models in public health, as an alternative to the statutory model. The selected samples were analyzed according to the human resources flexibility framework developed by Francisco Longo (2007). It was possible to conclude that even though flexibility is seen in the models analyzed, the model was adopted only for its broader aspect of flexibility, limited to the easing of regulatory rigidity.
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Nosná železobetonová konstrukce prodejny a skladu sportovního vybavení / Reinforced concrete structureHasala, Ivo January 2014 (has links)
In my master´s thesis I deal with static solution of basic elements of reinforced concrete building with two abovegrounds and one underground storey. The selected elements are piles, roof board D1, column S1 in 2NP, stairway SK1 in 1NP, beam Z1 in 2NP, wall ST6 in 2NP, exterier board near the steel stairway. The component of my master´s thesis is comparing of my own calculation of moments and computer calculation of roof board D1. In the last point I compare a behavior of the structure with solid support and with piles.
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Fluctuations and Oscillations in Cell MembranesHändel, Chris 22 February 2016 (has links)
Zellmembranen sind hochspezialisierte Mehrkomponentenlegierungen, welche sowohl die
Zelle selbst als auch ihre Organellen umgeben. Sie spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei
vielen biologisch relevanten Prozessen wie die Signaltransduktion und die Zellbewegung.
Aus diesem Grund ist eine genaue Charakterisierung ihrer Eigenschaften der Schlüssel
zum Verständnis der Bausteine des Lebens sowie ihrer Erkrankungen. Besonders Krebs
steht im engen Zusammenhang mit Veränderungen der biomechanischen Eigenschaften
vom Gewebe, Zellen und ihren Organellen. Während Veränderungen des Zytoskeletts
von Krebszellen im Fokus vieler Biophysiker stehen, ist die Bedeutung der Biomechanik
von Zellmembran weitgehend unklar. Zellmembranen faszinieren Wissenschaftler jedoch
nicht nur wegen ihrer biomechanischen Eigenschaften. Sie sind auch Beispiele für eine
selbstorganisierte und heterogene Landschaft, in der Prozesse fernab des Gleichgewichtes,
wie z.B. räumliche und zeitliche Musterbildungen, auftreten. Die vorgelegte Dissertation
untersucht erstmals umfassend die zentrale Rolle der Zellmembran und ihrer molekularen
Architektur für die Signalübertragung, die Biomechanik und die Zellmigration. Hierfür
werden einfache Modellmembranen aber auch komplexere Vesikel und ganze Zellen
mittels etablierter physikalischer Methoden analysiert. Diese reichen von Fourier-
Analysen zur Charakterisierung von thermisch angeregten Membranundulationen über
Massenspektrometrie und ‘Optical Stretcher’ Messungen von ganzen Zellen bis hin
zur Filmwaagentechnik. Des Weiteren wird ein Modellsystem vorgestellt, welches
sowohl einen experimentellen als auch einen mathematischen Zugang zum ‘ME-switch’
ermöglicht. Die vorgelegte Dissertation bietet neue Einblicke in wichtige Funktionen
von Zellmembranen und zeigt neue therapeutische Perspektiven in der Membran- und
Krebsforschung auf.:1 Introduction
2 Background
2.1 The Cell Membrane
2.1.1 Lipids in Cell Membranes
2.1.2 Membrane Proteins
2.1.3 An Overview on Membrane Models
2.1.4 Lipid Rafts
2.2 Model Membranes – An Experimental Access to Cell Membranes
2.2.1 Surface Tension and Thermodynamic Equilibrium
2.2.2 Langmuir Monolayer
2.2.3 The Polymorphism of Langmuir Monolayers
2.2.4 Membrane Vesicles
2.3 Biological Membranes as Semiflexible Shells
2.3.1 Elasticity of Soft Shells
2.3.2 Helfrichs Theory About Bending Deformations
2.3.3 Membrane Undulation
2.4 Membranes in Cell Signaling
2.4.1 Signal Transduction Fundamentals
2.4.2 Phosphoinositides
2.4.3 Phosphatidylinositol Signaling Pathway
2.4.4 The Myristoyl-Electrostatic Switch
2.5 Reaction-Diffusion Systems
2.5.1 Diffusion
2.5.2 Michaelis-Menten Kinetics
2.5.3 Reaction-Diffusion Systems
3 Methods, Materials and Theory
3.1 Optical Microscopy
3.1.1 Fluorescence Microscopy
3.1.2 Phase Contrast Microscopy
3.2 Cell Culture and GPMV Formation
3.2.1 Tumor Dissociation and Cell Culturing of Primary Cells
3.2.2 Cell Lines and Cell Culturing
3.2.3 Preparation of Giant Plasma Membrane Vesicles
3.3 Optical Stretcher
3.4 Fourier Analysis of Thermally Excited Membrane Fluctuations
3.4.1 The Quasi-Spherical Model – Membrane Fluctuations
3.4.2 Determination of the Bending Rigidity
3.5 Mass Spectrometry
3.5.1 MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry
3.5.2 ESI Mass Spectrometry
3.6 Migration, Invasion and Cell Death Assays
3.7 Langmuir-Blodgett Technique
3.7.1 Langmuir Troughs and Film Balances
3.7.2 Experimental Setup and Monolayer Preperation
3.7.3 Phospholipids, Dyes and Buffer Solutions
4 Fluctuations in Cell Membranes
4.1 Cell Membrane Softening in Human Breast and Cervical Cancer Cells
4.1.1 Bending Rigidity of Human Beast and Cervical Cell Membranes
4.1.2 MALDI-TOF Analysis of Lipid Composition
4.1.3 Summary and Discussion
4.2 Targeting of Membrane Rigidity – Implications on Migration
4.2.1 ESI Tandem Analysis of Lipid Composition
4.2.2 Biomechanical Behavior of Whole Cells and Membranes
4.2.3 Migration and Invasion Behavior
4.2.4 Summary and Discussion
5 Oscillations in Cell Membranes
5.1 Mimicking the ME-switch
5.1.1 DPPC/PIP2 monolayers at the presence of MARCKS
5.1.2 Lateral organization of PIP2 in DPPC/PIP2 monolayers
5.1.3 Translocation of MARCKS
5.1.4 Phosphorylation of MARCKS by PKC
5.1.5 Summary and Discussion
5.2 Dynamic Membrane Structure Induces Temporal Pattern Formation
5.2.1 Mechanism of the Oscillation
5.2.2 Modeling the ME-switch
5.2.3 Time Evolution
5.2.4 Phase Diagrams and Open Systems
5.2.5 Summary and Discussion
6 Conclusion and Outlook
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
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Validation of Mechanical Response Tissue Analysis by Three-Point Mechanical Bending of Artificial Human UlnasArnold, Patricia A. 03 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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