Spelling suggestions: "subject:"risk"" "subject:"rise""
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Sjuksköterskors identifiering av delirium hos äldre personer: en integrativ litteraturstudie / Nurses’ identification of delirium in the elderly: an integrative literature reviewLahti, Emil, Jafari, Mustafa January 2018 (has links)
Delirium är ett allvarligt psykiskt syndrom som är vanligt förekommande hos äldre patienter. Förändrad uppfattning av tid och rum, hallucinationer, störningar i medvetandegrad, känsloliv samt minne är några symptom en deliriös person kan uppleva. Utöver obehaget dessa symptom orsakar hos en person kan delirium på sikt utgöra en risk utveckling av bland annat permanent kognitiv nedsättning, och i värsta fall kan syndromet leda till döden. Syftet med studien var att sammanställa kunskaper kring sjuksköterskors identifiering av delirium hos äldre personer. Tre forskningsfrågor skapades för att kunna besvara syftet: Vilka riskfaktorer beskrivs för att utveckla delirium? Vilka skattningsinstrument kan användas för att identifiera delirium? Vilka hinder och förutsättningar finns det för att identifiera delirium? Studien har genomförts som en integrerad litteraturöversikt. Sökning efter litteratur genomfördes i två databaser och kompletterades med manuell sökning, detta resulterade i sexton artiklar vilka analyserades och detta resulterade i tre grupper samt fem undergrupper. Grupperna består av frågeställningarna och undergrupper består av: RADAR; CAM; DOSS; Nu-Desc; Comprehensive nursing assessment. Fynden i studien visade på att riskfaktorerna för att utveckla delirium är många, och att hög ålder är den största riskfaktorn. Bedömningsinstrument finns i ett antal olika former och kan vara till stor hjälp för sjuksköterskor när det gäller identifiering av delirium. Hindren och utmaningarna är många, ett stort hinder är deliriums förmåga att maskera sig som andra sjukdomar såsom demens. Slutligen finns det förutsättningar för att delirium ska kunna identifieras, en av de viktigaste förutsättningarna är tillräckliga resurser i form av personal och tid, för att sjuksköterskor ska kunna få spendera tid med patienterna och på så vis lättare kunna identifiera förändringar som kan tyda på delirium. Sjuksköterskor är i behov av de verktyg som krävs för att kunna förbättra identifikationen och ge de äldre patienterna möjlighet till ökat välbefinnande och en god hälsa.
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Specifikace scénářů portovatelných stimulů pro moduly procesoru RISC-V / Portable Stimulus Scenarios Specification for RISC-V Processor ModulesBardonek, Petr January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the design and implementation of the portable stimulus verification scenarios for selected Berkelium processor modules based on RISC-V architecture from Codasip. The aim of this work is to use new standard for Portable Stimulus developed by Accellera organization to design and implement portable stimulus scenarios using the Questa InFact tool from Mentor. The proposed portable stimulus scenarios are then linked to the already existing verification environments of the UVM methodology and then they are used for verification of the Berkelium processor modules based on RISC-V architecture. The last part of the thesis is the evaluation of portability of the implemented scenarios to the individual levels of the Berkelium processor based on RISC-V architecture (IP blocks, subsystems, system level), in which it tries to use the proposed scenarios across all verificated levels.
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Řízení montážní linky světlometů / Control of headlight assembly lineSikora, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with design of the reflector assembly line. The document contains the analysis of the customer requirements sheet. In short there is written how to put the parts of the reflector together. The Poka-Yoke method is properly described in this work too. This method is used to design of the actions, which are trying to decrease the risk level of wrong reflector composition as low as it is possible. FMEA and PFMEA methods are explained in theory. There is the plan how to make the analysis too. The instrumentation of one part of the line is designed according to this analysis and according to the customer requirements. The OEE pointer is used to test the right effect of the Poka-Yoke method. The next aim of this thesis is to compare chosen PLCs for control of the assembly line and to choose one of them. On the base of the analysis there is designed the control program in the flowcharts form. One part of this thesis is focused on design of the visualization for the chosen operational panel.
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Implementing the Load Slice Core on a RISC-V based microarchitectureDalbom, Axel, Svensson, Tim January 2020 (has links)
As cores have become better at exposing Instruction-Level Parallelism (ILP), they have become bigger, more complex, and consumes more power. These cores are approaching the Power- and Memory-wall quickly. A new microarchitecture proposed by Carlson et. al claims to solve these problems. They claim that the new microarchitecture, the Load Slice Core, is able to outperform both In-Order and Out-of-Order designs in an area and power restricted environment. Based on Carlson et. al.’s work, we have implemented and evaluated a prototype version of their Load Slice Core using the In-Order Core Ariane. We evaluated the Load Slice Core by comparing the LSC to an IOC when running a microbenchmark designed by us, and when running a set of Application Benchmarks. The results from the Microbenchmark are promising, the LSC outperformed the comparable IOC in each test but problems related to the configuration of the design were found. The results from the Application Benchmarks are inconclusive. Due to time constraints, only a partially functioning LSC were compared to a comparable IOC. From these results we found that the LSC performed comparably or slightly worse than its IOC counterpart. More research on the subject is required for any conclusive statement on the microarchitecture can be made, but it is the opinion of this paper’s authors that it does show promise.
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RISC-V Based Application-Specific Instruction Set Processor for Packet Processing in Mobile NetworksSödergren, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
This thesis explores the use of an ASIP for handling O-RAN control data. A model application was constructed, optimized and profiled on a simple RV32-IMC core. The compiled code was analyzed, and the instructions “byte swap”, “pack”, bitwise extract/deposit” and “bit field place” were implemented. Synthesis of the core, and profiling of the model application, was done with and without each added instruction. Byte swap had the largest impact on performance (14% improvement per section, and 100% per section extension), followed by bitwise extract/deposit (10% improvement per section but no impact on section extensions). Pack and bit field place had no impact on performance. All instructions had negligible impact on core size, except for bitwise extract/deposit, which increased size by 16%. Further studies, with respect to both overall architecture and further evaluation of instructions to implement, would be necessary to design an ideal ASIP for the application.
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Compiler Testing of C11 Atomics for Arm and RISC-VAdolfsson, Hampus January 2022 (has links)
The C11 standard introduced atomic types and operations, with an accompanying memory model, to enable the use of shared variables in concurrent programs. In this thesis, I demonstrate how compilers can be tested, in a way that is deterministic and covers the entire set of atomic operations, to ensure they correctly implement C11 atomics and the C11 memory model. I use a large set of short concurrent programs (”litmus tests”), generated from a model written in a specification language and based on a formalized C11 memory model. Each test program is compiled and run with a model checker, to determine the possible outcomes; any program with an outcome that is possible after compilation but not allowed by C11 is a failed test case. As an alternative to model checking, I also test a nondeterministic, hardware-based method for running tests, but I find that this method is too inaccurate to be useful. I test IAR and gcc compilers for Arm and RISC-V; all of these compilers pass all tests. Out of three compilers with purposefully inserted bugs, all are correctly identified as faulty. This testing process thus shows some promise, but further evaluation is needed.
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Accelerating Graphics Rendering on RISC-V GPUsSimpson, Joshua 01 June 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are commonly used to accelerate massively parallel workloads across a wide range of applications from machine learning to cryptocurrency mining. The original application for GPUs, however, was to accelerate graphics rendering which remains popular today through video gaming and video rendering. While GPUs began as fixed function hardware with minimal programmability, modern GPUs have adopted a design with many programmable cores and supporting fixed function hardware for rasterization, texture sampling, and render output tasks. This balance enables GPUs to be used for general purpose computing and still remain adept at graphics rendering. Previous work at the Georgia Institute of Technology has been done to implement a general purpose GPU (GPGPU) in the open source RISC-V ISA. The implementation features many programmable cores and texture sampling support. However, creating a truly modern GPU based on the RISC-V ISA requires the addition of fixed function hardware units for rasterization and render output tasks in order to meet the demands of current graphics APIs such as OpenGL or Vulkan. This thesis discusses the work done by students at the Georgia Institute of Technology and California Polytechnic State University SLO to accelerate graphics rendering on RISC-V GPUs including the specific contributions made to implement and connect fixed function graphics hardware for the render output unit (ROP) to the programmable cores in a RISC-V GPU. This thesis also explores the performance and area cost of different hardware configurations within the implemented GPU.
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Microprocesador RISC basado en MIPS32 con conectividad AMBA AHBE-LiteOroz de Gaetano, Ariel 21 June 2019 (has links)
En este trabajo se presenta el estudio de arquitecturas de bus y la implementaci on de
AMBA AHB-Lite en el marco de un sistema que incluye un microprocesador basado en
la arquitectura MIPS32, cuya interfaz es adaptada para ser compatible con las especi caciones
del protocolo mencionado. Se realiza una comparaci on del sistema implementado
con respecto a otras arquitecturas est andar que emplean procesadores como Cortex-M0,
OpenRISC1200, ZPU y LEON3, contrastando los requisitos que cada uno insume en sus
implementaciones en FPGA y el desempe~no alcanzado por cada uno. / This work presents the study of bus architectures and the implementation of AMBA
AHB-Lite in the context of a system that includes a microprocessor based on the MIPS32
architecture, whose interface is modi ed to comply with the protocol's speci cations.
The implemented system is compared with other standard architectures that employ
microprocessors such as Cortex-M0, OpenRISC1200, ZPU y LEON3, examining the
requirements needed for each case in their FPGA implementation and the performance
yielded by each of them.
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El risc dinàmic: concepte, mesura i determinants econòmicsMarquès i Gou, Pilar 18 October 2001 (has links)
Aquesta tesi té la intenció de realitzar una contribució metodològica en el camp de la direcció estratègica, per mitjà de tres objectius: la revisió del concepte de risc ex post o realitzat per l'àmbit de la direcció estratègica; la concreció d'aquest concepte en una mesura de risc vàlida; i l'exploració de les possibilitats i l'interès de la descomposició del risc en diferents determinants que puguin explicar-ne la seva naturalesa.El primer objectiu es du a terme prenent com a base el concepte intuïtiu de risc i revisant la literatura en els camps més afins, especialment en la teoria comportamental de la decisió i la direcció estratègica. L'anàlisi porta a formular el risc ex post d'una activitat com el grau en què no s'han assolit els objectius per a aquesta activitat. La concreció d'aquesta definició al camp de la direcció estratègica implica que els objectius han de portar a l'obtenció de l'avantatge competitiu sostenible, el que descobreix l'interès de realitzar la mesura del risc a curt termini, és a dir, estàticament, i a llarg termini, és a dir, dinàmicament, pel que es defineix una mesura de Risc Estàtic i una altra de Risc dinàmic, respectivament. En l'anàlisi apareixen quatre dimensions conceptuals bàsiques a incorporar en les mesures: sign dependence, relativa, longitudinal i path dependence. Addicionalment, la consideració de que els resultats puguin ser cardinals o ordinals justifica que es formulin les dues mesures anteriors per a resultats cardinals i, en segon lloc, per a resultats ordinals.Les mesures de risc que es proposen sintetitzen els resultats ex post obtinguts en una mesura de centralitat relativa dels resultats, el Risc Estàtic, i una mesura de la tendència temporal dels resultats, el Risc Dinàmic. Aquesta proposta contrasta amb el plantejament tradicional dels models esperança-variància.Les mesures desenvolupades s'avaluen amb un sistema de propietats conceptuals i tècniques que s'elaboren expressament en la tesi i que permeten demostrar el seu gra de validesa i el de les mesures existents en la literatura, destacant els problemes de validesa d'aquestes darreres. També es proporciona un exemple teòric il·lustratiu de les mesures proposades que dóna suport a l'avaluació realitzada amb el sistema de propietats.Una contribució destacada d'aquesta tesi és la demostració de que les mesures de risc proposades permeten la descomposició additiva del risc si els resultats o diferencials de resultats es descomponen additivament.Finalment, la tesi inclou una aplicació de les mesures de Risc Estàtic i Dinàmic cardinals, així com de la seva descomposició, a l'anàlisi de la rendibilitat del sector bancari espanyol, en el període 1987-1999. L'aplicació il·lustra la capacitat de les mesures proposades per a analitzar la manifestació de l'avantatge competitiu, la seva evolució i naturalesa econòmica.En les conclusions es formulen possibles línees d'investigació futures. / The principal aim of this dissertation is to make a methodological contribution to the field of strategic management, by means of pursuing three objectives: the revision of the concept of ex post risk for strategic management; the implementation of such concept in a measure of risk with concept validity; and the exploration of the possibilities and significance of the decomposition of risk into different determinants which explain its nature.The first objective is attained by considering every-day usage of risk and the existing research on the concept of risk in related literature, mainly in the fields of behavioural decision theory and strategic management. This revision leads to define risk ex post for an activity as the degree of failure in achieving the expected results for that activity. For the purposes of strategic management, the expected results must be aligned with the pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage. This, in turn, uncovers the importance of measuring short term and long term risk, providing the basis to propose the corresponding two measures: Static risk and Dynamic risk.In contrast with the traditional mean-variance approach, static risk summarises the information contained in a time series of results in a measure of relative centrality, and Dynamic risk measures the time trend of results. As it is considered that relevant results can be ordinal or cardinal, Static and Dynamic risk are particularised for both types of results.The revision of the concept of ex post risk for strategic management highlights the importance of four basic dimensions: sign dependence, relativity, longitudinal analysis and path dependence.Based on those dimensions and others found dispersed in literature, the thesis develops a system of axioms and properties to evaluate the concept and technical validity of risk measures. Traditional and proposed measures are confronted to that system to proof the degree of validity of the new measures and the failures of the traditional ones. A simulated example is given to illustrate the measures proposed and provide some support to the former evaluation.An outstanding contribution of that thesis has been to prove that the proposed cardinal risk measures can be additively decomposed in determinants when results or results differentials are originally additively separable.Finally, the thesis provides an empirical application of the cardinal Static and Dynamic risk, together with its decomposition, to the Spanish banking sector from 1987 through 1999. The application aims at illustrating the possibilities of the new measures to analyse ex post risk, its temporal dynamics and its economic nature.In the last chapter, conclusions and further research possibilities are presented.
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Genetic factors associated with coronary heart disease and analysis of their predictive capacityLluís Ganella, Carla, 1984- 26 June 2012 (has links)
The main expansion of the discovery of genetic variants associated with complex diseases has occurred during the last decade. This expansion has been accompanied, and in some sense motivated, by the desire to use this information to improve the predictive capacity of many diseases with an unidentified familial component, including coronary heart disease (CHD), with the aim of translating this genetic knowledge into clinical practice. This doctoral thesis is structured in two lines of investigation that address distinct aspects of this issue, first to evaluate the possible role of genetic variation in a candidate gene in modulating CHD risk, and second to evaluate whether genetic information can be used to improve risk assessment tools used in clinical practice.
In the first research line (described in Part I), we investigate the contribution of genetic variation in one of the most widely-studied genes in cardiovascular genetics, ESR1, which encodes the Oestrogen receptor α protein. We provide a solid meta-analysis of evidence regarding the most widely-studied variant in this gene and we further explore the role of a broad range of common and uncommon variants in this gene in CHD risk. Using these approaches, we find no evidence of association between the genetic variants studied and CHD risk. However, although we can confidently accept that common genetic polymorphisms are not associated with cardiovascular disease, we cannot discard the possibility that other types of variation in this gene (for instance epigenetic variation) could modify susceptibility to cardiovascular disease, or that other elements of this pathway are associated with an increased risk of CHD. In this research I have provided a reliable answer to this long running unanswered question in cardiovascular genetics, allowing research to re-focus on other elements of this system or other pathways.
In the second line, we explored the possible utility of genetic information obtained from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in prediction of 10-year risk of CHD events by adding this information to cardiovascular risk functions. We have followed the recommendations proposed by the American Heart Association for evaluating the utility of novel biomarkers in clinical practice, and have demonstrated that although the magnitudes of the effects of these genetic variants on CHD risk are modest, there is a tendency towards improvement in the capacity of the risk functions to predict future CHD events. The translation of genetic information into clinical practice was one of the main motivations for the investment in genome-wide association studies, and my research represents one of the first efforts to explore this possibility. / L’expansió principal pel que fa al descobriment de variants genètiques associades amb malalties complexes s’ha dut a terme durant la última dècada. Aquesta expansió ha estat acompanyada, i d’alguna forma motivada, pel desig d’usar aquesta informació per millorar la capacitat de predicció d’aquelles malalties on hi és present un cert component familiar però en les que no es coneixien les variants que conferien un major risc de patir la malaltia, entre elles la cardiopatia isquèmica (CI). La present tesis doctoral està estructurada en dues línies d’investigació que avaluen el possible rol d’un gen candidat en la susceptibilitat de la CI i també avalua la millora en la capacitat de predicció d’un esdeveniment coronari de les eines usades habitualment en la pràctica clínica mitjançant la inclusió d’informació genètica.
Més concretament, la primera línea d’investigació es centra en la contribució de la variació genètica en un dels gens més estudiats en relació amb CI: el gen que codifica pel receptor d’estrogens alfa (ESR1). En aquesta línea hem proveït un sòlid meta-anàlisis entre la variant més àmpliament estudiada d’aquest gen i risc coronari i també hem explorat el paper de la majoria de les variants comunes descrites en aquest gen i risc de CI. Mitjançant cap dels anàlisis hem trobat evidència d’associació entre les variants genètiques en aquest gen i el risc de CI. No obstant això, i encara que podem acceptar que les variants genètiques comunes d’aquest gen no estan associades amb esdeveniments coronaris, no podem descartar que altres tipus de variació en aquest gen (com per exemple variació epigenètica) pugui estar modificant la susceptibilitat a patir un esdeveniment coronari, ni tampoc que altres elements de la mateixa cadena de senyalització estiguin associats amb la malaltia.
En la segona línea d’investigació, hem explorat el possible paper de les variants genètiques, obtingudes mitjançant estudis d’associació global del genoma (GWAS), en la millora de la capacitat de predicció a 10 anys dels esdeveniments coronaris, mitjançant la seva addició en les funcions de risc cardiovascular clàssiques. Hem seguit les recomanacions proposades per la American Heart Association per l’avaluació en la pràctica clínica de nous biomarcadors, i hem demostrat que, tot i que la magnitud de l’associació d’aquestes variants és modesta, hi ha una tendència cap a la millora de la capacitat de predicció de les funcions de risc.
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