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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perceptions towards the A(H1N1) vaccine among risk groups : A study conducted in Stockholm, Sweden

Raske, William January 2014 (has links)
Influenza type A is associated with most severe complications to humans and is historically recognized to cause pandemics. If a new subtype replicates well in humans it might upsurge in a new pandemic strain, one such example is the Influenza A (A/H1N1). The A/H1N1 pandemic in 2009/2010 was not as severe in Sweden as expected. Criticism has targeted the fact that authorities having misjudged the need for vaccination, concerns have been raised regarding the effect of the campaign on people’s willingness to be vaccinated in the future. This study aims to investigate if there are significant differences in attitudes towards the vaccination of A/H1N1 among different population groups in Stockholm, Sweden. The main groups explored are risk groups and non- risk groups, defined by objective definitions. A quantitative method was approached using questionnaires. The result indicates that people in a risk group and vaccinated had more favorable attitudes towards the vaccine compared to other groups. They also expressed less troubled concerns regarding vaccine safety and were more likely to immunize referring to inadequate health. It is evident that people at risk also define themselves as more vulnerable, in which vaccination is more acceptable. The expressed attitudes are in such dependent on risk-perceptions and vaccine status.

Influenza Vaccination in Persons With and Without Targeted Medical Conditions : A population-based study of the 2009/2010 influenza season in Stockholm County

Seblova, Dominika January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Socialinės pagalbos organizavimas rizikos grupės vaikams Molėtų rajono atvejis / Social aid planning to the children of risk group in Moletai region

Babelienė, Irena 30 June 2009 (has links)
Socialinė pagalba teikiama socialinės rizikos grupės vaikams siekiant užtikrinti jų poreikius: saugumą (tai apsauga nuo fizinio, emocinio ir seksualinio smurto, nepriežiūros), pastovumą (vaiko gyvenimo sąlygos yra pastovios ir stabilios) ir vaiko gerovę (vaikas turi galimybę tenkinti socializacijos ir lavinimo poreikius, gauti reikalingą fizinę ir dvasinę pagalbą). Socialinės rizikos vaikams teikiama socialinė pagalba sudaro prielaidas tolimesniam sėkmingam vaiko socializacijos procesui. Tyrimo objektas: Socialinės pagalbos organizavimas rizikos grupės vaikams Molėtų rajone. Tyrimo tikslas: Įvertinti socialinės pagalbos organizavimo rizikos grupės vaikams Molėtų rajone situaciją. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti rizikos grupės vaikų problemas socializacijos procese. 2. Įvardinti rizikos grupės vaikams Molėtų rajone, socialinės pagalbos organizavimo ir teikimo tarnybas bei jų ypatumus . 3. Ištirti Molėtų rajono rizikos grupės vaikų nuomonę apie socialinės pagalbos gavimo poreikius ir lūkesčius. Darbo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, dokumentų analizė, anketinės apklausos metodas, anketinės apklausos duomenų statistinė analizė. Teorinėje darbo dalyje aptartos rizikos grupės vaikų problemos socializacijos pocese, didžioji dalis problemų, kurias patiria vaikai iš socialinės rizikos šeimų yra sąlygojamos netinkamos aplinkos mikroklimato šeimoje. Taip pat nurodytos ir aprašytos tokios problemos, kaip... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Social aid is rendered to the children of social risk group in order to secure their needs: safety (protection from corporal, emotional or sexual violence and neglect), stability (children living conditions are fixed and stable) and children welfare (a child has opportunities to meet requirements of socialization and education, as well as, get proper physical and psychic aid). Social aid for children of social risk presupposes a successful process of children socialization. Object of the research: Social aid planning to the children of risk group in Moletai region. Aim of the research: To evaluate the situation of social aid planning to the children of social risk group in Moletai region. Goals of the research: To reveal the reasons for the appearance of risk group children and problems during the process of socialization. 1. To name the offices that organize and render social aid to the children of risk group in Moletai region, as well as, present their peculiarities. 2. To examine the opinion of risk group children in Moletai region about the need and expectations of social aid. Methods of the research: nonfiction analysis, document analysis, method of questionnaire, statistical analysis of questionnaire data. Theoretical part of the research discusses the reasons for the appearance of risk group children and problems during the process of socialization. Most of the problems that children from social risk families face are caused by the... [to full text]

Mokyklos nelankančių rizikos grupės vaikų interesų ypatumai / Pecularities of risk group children not atending school

Benkienė, Gidita 07 June 2005 (has links)
Non attendance of school is a worldwide problem. It existed for ages. However it got to be comprehensive when we began to realize the policy (the law of education of Lithuania claims that all children and teenagers under 16 must attend school) of compulsory education. Many teachers and parents encounter unwillingness of children to learn and attend school and face the problem of nonattendance. While taking care of nonattendance of pupils, it is important to characterize them. These pupils usually have no wish to attend or attend not properly, commit crimes or stay in the street. At school they irritate teachers, prevent from giving lessons, have problems in learning. Such children feel repudiated by their friends, avoid showing their feelings and joking, they are unable to concentrate and are impulsive. Very often such children are either super responsible or having no responsibility at all. They are very difficult to communicate, don’t think about possible consequences, difficult to achieve aims. Not full and discordant families, use of drugs and alcohol in families, constant rows and conflicts between parents, lack of emotional relationship between parents and children, various mistakes of upbringing and other possible factors negatively influence child’s personality and forming of his interests. Organizing the activity of children we have to stimulate their interests, excite their curiosity and purposefully direct this activity. Intending to change the attitude of risk... [to full text]

Rizikos grupės ugdytiniai globos namuose / Behaviour of risk group pupils'in foster home

Mazuronienė, Dalia 08 June 2005 (has links)
Research: Behaviour of risk group pupils'in foster home. Purpose of research: To revel chilgren' risk group pupils' pecularities of activity and behavieour their types. Task of research: 1.To give a scientific and pedagogical literature analysis about risk group children; 2.To give choldren' survey(including foster home pupils'); 3.To formulate a typology of risk groupe infoster home; Hypothesis: The characterization of children foster home risk group pupils according, their behaviour helps to solve their education problems. Pupil of risk group in foster home are relevant today's theme. Firs of all, speakingof it,we should consider children'care and social work tendencies, the of risk group children, features of their behaviour and reasons of such behaviour. While decreasihg children' busyness more and more children don't attend school and offend. Children who are tending to offend are called children of risk group. Homeless, children who live in asocial, unharmonious families or broken home, who suffer psychical, corporal violence or sex abuse also aggressive and cotemporaries castaway children who already one some small delinquencies are referred to risk group.(R. Žukauskienė, S. Ignotavičienė,1993:3). Lately, the number of minors losing parental care is increasing. One part of the children is taken in charge by public care institutions and another part by social orginazitions and families. More and more children who are ascribable to risk group come into foster home.Each... [to full text]


Jozėnaitė, Vita 25 September 2008 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė socialinės rizikos šeimose augančių vaikų ypatumų ir ugdymosi institucijos poveikio rizikos grupės vaikų socialinei adaptacijai analizė. Iškelta hipotezė, kad socialinės rizikos šeimose augančių vaikų psichosocialinių poreikių tenkinimo galimybės lemia ugdymosi ypatumus. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – atskleisti rizikos grupės vaikų socialinės raidos ypatybes ugdymo(si) kontekste. Atlikta statistinė (aprašomoji dažnių, vidurkių, koreliacinė, chi kvadrato testo) duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 100 moksleivių iš rizikos grupės šeimų, 100 moksleivių iš kitų šeimų, 100 bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų pedagogų ir 100 tėvų iš rizikos grupės šeimų. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjamas rizikos grupės vaikų ir kitų vaikų ugdymosi ypatumų, elgesio apraiškų socialinėje aplinkoje, laisvalaikio pomėgių bei ugdymosi poreikių tenkinimo popamokinėje veikloje ryšys su ugdymu šeimoje. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Tyrimo pradžioje iškelta hipotezė pasitvirtino, tyrimo tikslas įgyvendintas. Gauti rezultatai parodė, kad socialinės rizikos šeimų vaikų menkas psichosocialinių poreikių užtikrinimas, lemia ugdymosi ypatumus. 2. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė reikšmingus mokymosi tikslų skirtumus, sąlygojamus tėvų nuostatų į mokslą. Mokiniai ne iš rizikos grupės šeimų buvo labiau orientuoti į ateitį, kurią siejo su aukštojo mokslo siekimu. Tuo tarpu rizikos grupės mokiniai svarbiausiu mokymosi motyvu laikė savo statuso įtvirtinimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Integration difficulties of children and teenagers at school of a not big town, the emotional and behavior orientated problems are particularly identifiable. It is especially important to refer and to recognize them already for this reason that in a little while these teenagers will have to join the society, to start their families and inside of them their life model. We have to clarify the most important reasons of a not proper behavior and to define the communication problems, which attend these schoolchildren, if we want to help the children and teenagers practically to develop sufficient life experience and to conduct the pro-social behavior norms. The paper includes the theoretical analysis about the children characteristics from the social risk families and about the educational institution’s influence on the social adoption of the risk group children. The hypothesis implies that the psychosocial needs’ fulfillment possibilities of the children, who have grown up in the social risk families, affect the educational characteristics. The survey as a questionnaire interviewing method is performed with the target to analyze the social development characteristics of the risk group children within the educational context. The statistical data analysis (descriptive, of frequencies, of averages, correlative, chi-square test) is being made. 100 schoolchildren of the risk group families, 100 schoolchildren of the other families, 100 pedagogues of the secondary education schools... [to full text]

18-22 metų rizikos grupės paauglių resocializacija, taikant psichodramos elementus / Re-socialization of the risk group teenagers aged 18-22, applying the elements of psichodrama

Zujytė, Alina 25 May 2005 (has links)
It is vital for the 18-22 years old risk group teenagers characteristic of the deviational behaviour (i.e. violating social rules and norms) to be involved into re-socialization which might help to restore once lost social patterns and skills. It is possible to achieve through performing on stage applying certain elements of psychodrama. In this research work the subject of analysis is the particular risk group of 18-22 years old teenagers, their lost social patterns and skills as well as the ways to regain them using the elements of psichodrama. The goal is to prove both theoretically and practically the impact made by psichodramatic elements on the teenager risk group in restoring the lost social palterns and skills. After the analysis of Lithuanian educational, training, psichological, social and psychodramatic literature the main features of the deviational behaviour have been identified: hostility towards common activity and inability to participate in it; incapability of self-, and others’ understanding disclosing itself as lack of self-, and others’ confidence; inability to make decisions and deal with problems; inability to hold an effective dialogue, express oneself clearly and logically; and finally, the negative attitude towards the environment in general. The monographic method been chosen for the research within the teenager risk group. The duration of the research – December 2003 – December 2004. During the period the particular conditions have been created... [to full text]

Rizikos grupės vaikų požiūris į nepilnamečių nusikaltimų prevencijos įgyvendinimo būvį mokykloje / Attitude of children from the group of risk towards the state of implementation of crime prevention among under ages at school

Januškienė, Daiva 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šiame darbe buvo siekiama atskleisti rizikos grupės vaikų požiūrį į nusikaltimų prevencijos įgyvendinimo būvį mokykloje.Siekiant šio tikslo, pirmiausia buvo apibrėžta rizikos grupei priklausančių vaikų sanprata. Išsiaiškinta nusikaltimų prevencijos įgyvendinimo strategija. Darbe aiškiai apibrėžiamas šio tyrimo objektas, suformuluotas svarbiausias tyrimo tikslas, pateikiamos hipotezės, konkretūs tyrimo uždaviniai ir tyrimo metodika. Darbe pateikiami tyrimo duomenys, atskleidžiantys rizikos grupės vaikų požiūrį į nusikaltimų prevencijos įgyvendinimą mokykloje,tai pat yra išaiškinti rizikos grupės vaikams tinkantys nusikaltimų prevencijos organizavimo būdai. / In the project was researched attitude of children from the group of risk towards the state of implementation of crime prevention among under ages at school. In order to achieve this goal, conception of children from the group of risk was defined. Then, implementation of crime prevention strategy was explained. In this project is clearly defined the subject of research; formulated the most important goal; introduced hypotheses and set specific tasks as well as methods of research. The findings of research that demonstrate attitude of children from the group of risk towards implementation of crime prevention at school are included in the project. Also, here are explicated suitable for children from the group of risk methods of crime prevention organization.

Socialinio darbo galimybės gerinant rizikos grupių vaikų ir jų tėvų tarpusavio santykius / Social Possibilities in order to Improve Relations among Children and Parents Having Risk Factors

Miliauskienė, Vaida 22 March 2006 (has links)
Scientific literary analysis educed, that scientific literary lacks material for relations among children and parents having risk factors, for peculiarities of interaction and for possibilities of social work in order to improve noted relations. That’s why the topic of my master’s work is about social possibilities in order to improve relations among children and parents having risk factors. Aim of the research is to find out the possibilities of social work in order to improve relations among children and parents having risk factors.

Risco para desenvolver o pé diabético utilizando redes neurais artificiais: uma tecnologia para o cuidado de enfermagem

Ferreira, Ana Cláudia Barbosa Honório 12 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-02-23T12:17:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 anaclaudiabarbosahonorioferreira.pdf: 849257 bytes, checksum: 423e538751302404c5aae0dfb6f5b0c0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-02-26T14:44:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 anaclaudiabarbosahonorioferreira.pdf: 849257 bytes, checksum: 423e538751302404c5aae0dfb6f5b0c0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-02-26T14:44:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 anaclaudiabarbosahonorioferreira.pdf: 849257 bytes, checksum: 423e538751302404c5aae0dfb6f5b0c0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-26T14:44:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 anaclaudiabarbosahonorioferreira.pdf: 849257 bytes, checksum: 423e538751302404c5aae0dfb6f5b0c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-12 / Introdução: O diabetes mellitus é uma doença metabólica caracterizada pela hiperglicemia e, em geral, surge associado a outras doenças como a hipertensão arterial. É uma doença crônica e o número de portadores está aumentando consideravelmente. Se não tratado e acompanhado adequadamente podem surgir diversas complicações, dentre elas se destaca o pé diabético, uma das mais temíveis complicações da doença. A demora no tratamento e acompanhamento do pé diabético pode levar a sérias complicações e até mesmo à amputação. Esta pesquisa justifica-se à medida que, no cotidiano do trabalho do enfermeiro, na atenção primária à saúde, inúmeras são as demandas que este profissional precisa enfrentar e, na maioria das vezes, ele fica impossibilitado de acompanhar, diretamente, a história do portador de DM e possíveis complicações que ele possa vir a desenvolver. O objeto de estudo desta pesquisa consistiu na “elaboração de uma classificação de risco de um portador de diabetes mellitus desenvolver pé diabético como uma tecnologia para o cuidado de enfermagem”. Objetivos: classificar o risco para o desenvolvimento do pé diabético em portadores de diabetes mellitus para o cuidado de enfermagem, utilizando Rede Neural Artificial (RNA) e identificar os principais fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento do Pé Diabético utilizando Rede Neural Artificial (RNA). Delineamento metodológico: estudo quantitativo, realizado em uma Associação de Diabéticos do município de Juiz de Fora, MG. A população estudada foram 250 pacientes portadores de diabetes mellitus. O instrumento de coleta de dados utilizado foi um questionário adaptado, de acordo com as diretrizes propostas pelo Grupo Internacional sobre o Pé Diabético (2001) e o Ministério da Saúde (2006). A coleta de dados ocorreu no período de setembro a dezembro de 2013. Os dados foram codificados e normalizados em certa escala numérica (-1 a 1). Para a análise dos dados foi utilizado o software Matlab, onde uma Rede Neural Artificial (RNA) foi criada para a classificação do risco de desenvolver o pé diabético, baseada nas variáveis do questionário respondido pelos participantes. Após a classificação, foram analisadas as principais variáveis quanto à discriminação na separação dos 2 grupos. Resultados e discussão: foi realizada uma análise estatística dos dados onde foram encontrados percentuais das respostas dos participantes: 55,6% eram mulheres; 49,6% tinham 61 anos de idade ou mais; 52,8% eram casados ou viviam com o(a) parceiro(a). Quanto à escolaridade, 34,4% não estudaram ou possuíam menos de três anos de escolaridade; 58,4% tinham renda mensal de 500,00 a 1000,00 reais. Em relação ao tempo de diagnóstico da doença, 34,8% possuíam de 11 a 20 anos de diagnóstico; 72,4% estavam com o valor da última glicemia alterado; 72% encontravam-se acima do peso ou obesos. Entre 95,2% dos participantes, a diabetes era do tipo 2; 59,6% eram aposentados; 78% faziam controle da alimentação e 64% não praticavam atividade física; 59% nunca andavam descalços e 45% usavam algum medicamento nos pés quando percebiam alterações; 74,4% eram hipertensos e 17,6% tinham ou já tiveram ferida nos pés. A RNA criada encontrou dois grupos de risco e para a definição destes foram utilizadas as principais características de risco para desenvolver o pé diabético, sendo encontrados 40,8% dos participantes no grupo de alto risco de desenvolver o pé diabético e 59,2% no grupo de baixo risco. As variáveis mais discriminantes, na formação dos grupos de risco, que foram selecionadas pela RNA foram: perda de sensibilidade, sensação de formigamento, de dormência, de queimação, de choque em pernas e/ou pés, dor, sensação de pontada em pernas e/ou pés, e pés quentes e VII avermelhados. As variáveis menos discriminantes foram as que representavam, respectivamente, as características: tipo de diabetes, controle da alimentação, hábito de fumar, hipertensão arterial, doença vascular periférica, hábito de lavar os pés, aspecto interno do calçado e presença de amputação. / Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia and, in general, it appears in association to other diseases such as arterial hypertension. It is a chronic disease and the number of bearers is considerably increasing. If not adequately treated and accompanied, many complications might arise, among which the diabetic foot is highlighted, being one of the most fearsome complications of the disease, which affects the inferior members. The delay in treating and accompanying the diabetic foot might lead to serious complications and even to amputation. This research is justified since, in the daily work of the nurse, in primary health care, there are several demands this professional must face and, most times, he is unable to accompany, directly, the history of the DM bearer and possible complications he might come to develop. The objective of this study consisted in the “elaboration of a risk classification of a diabetes mellitus bearer developing the diabetic foot as a technology for nursing care”. Objective: Classify the risk for the development of the diabetic foot in diabetes mellitus bearers for nursing care, using the artificial neural network (ANN) and identify the main risk factors for the development of the diabetic foot using the Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Methodological design: Quantitative study, performed in a Diabetic Association of the municipality of Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil. The studied population were 250 patients, bearers of diabetes mellitus. The data-sampling instrument used was an adapted questionnaire, in accordance to the guidelines proposed by the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (2001) and the Ministério da Saúde (2006). The data sampling occurred in the period from September to December of 2013. The data were codified and normalized in a certain numeric scale (-1 to 1). For the data analysis the Matlab software was used, in which an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was created to classify the risk of developing the diabetic foot, based on the variables of the questionnaire answered by the participants. After the classification, the main variables were analyzed regarding the discrimination in the separation of the two groups. Results and discussion: A statistical analysis of the data was performed in which were found percentages of the responses: 55.6% were women; 49.6% had 61 years of age or over; 52.8% were married or lived with a partner. Regarding education, 34.4% did not study or presented less than three years of schooling; 58.4% had monthly income of 500.00 to 1000.00 reais. Regarding the time of diagnosis of the disease, 34.8% presented from 11 to 20 years of diagnosis; 72.4% had the latest blood glucose value altered; 72% were above weight of obese. Among 95,2% of the participants, the diabetes was of type 2; 59.6% were retired; 78% controlled alimentation and 64% did not practice physical activity; 59% never walked barefoot and 45% use medication on their feet when they perceive alterations; 74.4% were hypertensive and 17.6% have or have already had wound on their feet. The ANN created found two risk groups and for the definition of the groups, the main risk characteristics in developing the diabetic foot were used, finding 40.8% of the participants in the high risk group of developing diabetic foot and 59.2% in the low risk group. The most discriminant variables in the formation of the risk groups, selected by the ANN were: sensitivity loss, tingling sensation, numbness, burning, shock in the legs and/or feet, pain, stabbing pain in the legs and/or feet, and hot and reddish feet. The least discriminant variables were those that represent, respectively, the characteristics: diabetes type, alimentation control, smoking habit, arterial hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, habit of washing the feet, internal aspect of the shoe and presence of amputation.

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