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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leasing Risks and Commercial Real Estate : A Study on the Relationship Between Risk Premium and Leasing Risks / Hyresgästrisker och kommersiella fastigheter : En studie på sambandet mellan riskpremieoch hyresgästrisker

Bohman, Peter, Karlsson, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis paper is to evaluate what the current market practice of real estatevaluation and investment decisions is when it comes to different leasing risks and the risk premium.With regard to some of the ongoing trends within real estate, it is believed that investor preferencesaffect the market practice and the underlying theories of valuation does not fully comply to the currentmarket practice. Method: The implementation of the method is stage wise. At first already existing research andliterature was evaluated and triangulated to find relevant knowledge as basis for the theoreticalframework. Afterwards an analysis was performed to answer whether there is a research gap or not.By analyzing the literature, a research gap as well as potential problems related to leasing risks wasfound. The second phase consisted of a qualitative method where experts in the field were interviewedregarding leasing risk to evaluate whether the problem exist in practice or only in literature.Experts on the topic also helped to develop the questions consequently delivered to the interviewees.The mentioned strategy was done with guidance of our tutor Han-Suck Song at KTH and DanielHolmkvist at CBRE. Interviews: Nine interviews were conducted where experts in the business (consultants and propertyfirms) participated to deliver different perspectives on the research question. All interviews were madein Stockholm and held in Swedish and afterwards translated to English. Results: The results consist of the answers from the interview-part, where the relevant findings weresummarized and pin-pointed with regard to the respective field of business and property segment.The general themes that arose throughout the methods are presented, as well as the extremes in termsof opinions and answers. It was found that there is a clear relationship between the leasing risk and therisk premium for commercial real estate. The relationship depends on several factors such asgeographical location, the different submarkets and finally the segment. A municipal- or corporate bondcannot be fully comparable to a leasing contract but for a 20 year or longer contract where the tenant ispublicly financed, the contract can become an interesting investment alternative due to the currentinterest rate cycle. Finally the leasing contract needs to be more effortless to liquidate in order to becomparable to the bond situation. Scientific relevance: The recent transaction activity on the Swedish real estate market has been ratherdefensive for multiple segments the last twelve months with an exception of community properties.A common understanding is that such objects feature “stable tenants” and are viewed as a safeinvestment by the market. This investment practice raises the awareness of what a stable tenant is, andhow the consultants and property owners’ reason during investments and appraising decisions.This research paper illustrates that a common perception on the subject is that the risk exposurecompletely depends on the specific segments, location or contract length etc. The academic researchexplains the theory behind how to derive the discount rate for an investment decision, however thisstudy has during the literature review proven that several important concepts are left out in the theorypartand thus does not fully cover phenomena’s that investors and appraisers are exposed to duringmarket practice. The most critical part is how to relate leasing risk to the risk premium on the Swedishmarket. Since this study focuses on specifically the Swedish market it is crucial to relate to suitableliterature review for further discussions. On foreign markets, more rigid literature on the subject wasfound. / Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka vad den aktuella marknadspraxisen inomfastighetsvärdering samt investeringsbeslut är gällande olika nivåer av hyresgästrisker och riskpremie. Metod: Genomförandet av undersökningen har gjorts i två steg. I ett första steg har tidigare forskninginom ämnet analyserats för att finna relevant teori samt identifiera eventuella forskningsgap. Efteranalysen konstaterades ett uppenbart informationsgap inom litteraturen relaterat till hyresgästrisker.Den andra fasen bestod av en kvalitativ metod där experter inom området har intervjuats gällandehyresgästrisker, för att utvärdera om problemet finns i praktiken eller endast i teorin. För att konstruerafrågorna fick vi assistans av experter inom ämnet via våra handledare Han-Suck Song, KTH och DanielHolmkvist, CBRE. Intervjuer: Nio intervjuer genomfördes med experter inom ämnet där både konsulter ochfastighetsägare deltog för att presentera olika synvinklar på problemet. Samtliga intervjuer ärgenomförda i Stockholm och på svenska. Intervjuavsnitten har översatts till engelska i efterhand. Resultat: Resultatavsnittet består av de svar som har erhållits från intervjuerna, där relevantaresonemang har summerats och noggrant strukturerats för att koppla marknadsområden till korrektfastighetssegment. Återkommande teman och ämnen har presenterats i resultatavsnittet, så väl somavvikande uppfattningar. Resultatet visar att det finns ett tydligt samband mellan riskpremium ochhyresgästrisker gällande kommersiella fastigheter. Sambandet beror på ett flertal faktorer där läge ochfastighetssegment har störst inverkan på riskpremien. Gällande obligationsmarknaden går det inte attlikställa ett hyresavtal med en obligation under något förhållande. Däremot om avtalet avser enkontraktslängd på 20 år eller längre och en offentligt finansierad hyresgäst så kan kassaflödet bli ettintressant investeringsalternativ till befintliga obligationer på marknaden. Detta beror till stor del pånuvarande ränteläge. Slutligen måste ett hyresavtal bli lättare att omsätta för att kunna jämföras meden alternativ obligation. Vetenskaplig relevans: Transaktionsaktiviteten på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden har varit relativtdefensiv för flertalet segment med undantag för samhällsfastigheter de senaste tolv månaderna. Dengenerella uppfattningen är att samhällsfastigheter avser ”stabila hyresgäster” och därmed ses som enmindre riskfylld investering. Detta medför frågeställningen, vad avses för att klassificera en hyresgästsom stabil, och hur resonerar konsulter samt fastighetsägare vid investerings- och värderingsbeslut?Efter att ha genomfört undersökningen går det att konstatera att en allmän uppfattning bland experterinom området är att hyresgästrisken till största del beror på vilket segment, lokalisering ellerkontraktslängd som avses. Den akademiska litteraturen förklarar hur diskonteringsräntan härleds förinvesteringsbeslut, men denna undersökning visar att den tillgängliga litteraturen antingen utelämnarflera viktiga koncept eller inte tillräckligt belyser fenomen som investerare och värderare möter i sittpraktiska arbete. Det grundläggande avsnittet som svensk litteratur till viss del utelämnar är sambandetmellan risk premium och hyresgästrisk på specifikt den svenska marknaden. Det finns utländsk litteratursom belyser denna typ av frågeställningar, men just för den svenska marknaden är litteraturen till vissdel ej tillräcklig och därmed har ett potentiellt forskningsgap inom området identifieras.

Управление информационными рисками на промышленных предприятиях : магистерская диссертация / Information Risk Management in Industrial Enterprises

Криницын, К. А., Krinitsyn, K. A. January 2017 (has links)
Магистерская работа состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, списка литературы из 45 источников. Основное содержание изложено на 106 страницах, работа включает 12 таблиц, 12 рисунков и 2 приложения. Основное содержание работы. В первой главе «Сущность информационных рисков» определены основные понятия, связанные с управлением рисками, информационными технологиями, оценкой рисков. Описана классификация информационных рисков по различным критериям, рассмотрены общепринятые принятые методы анализа и управления рисками. Во второй главе «Роль информационных рисков в деятельности промышленных предприятий» проведен анализ тенденций развития информационных технологий на промышленных предприятиях, проведен анализ использования систем управления рисками на промышленных предприятиях. Так же в этой главе проведен анализ влияний информационных рисков на деятельность промышленных предприятий на примере ООО «ВИЗ-Сталь». В третьей главе определено понятие систему управления информационными рисками (СУИР) и предложено использовать ее в деятельности как основного элемента по минимизации влияния информационных рисков. Ключевым элементом для этой системы стала разработанная классификация информационных рисков. / The master's work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, a list of literature and 45 sources. The main content is set out on 106 pages, the work includes 12 tables, 12 drawings and 2 applications. The main content of the work. In the first chapter "The essence of information risks", the main concepts associated with risk management, information technology, risk assessment are defined. The classification of information risks by different criteria is described, generally accepted accepted methods of analysis and risk management are considered. In the second chapter, "The Role of Information Risks in the Activity of Industrial Enterprises," an analysis of trends in the development of information technology in industrial enterprises was conducted, an analysis was made of the use of risk management systems in industrial enterprises. Also in this chapter, an analysis of the effects of information risks on the activities of industrial enterprises on the example of OOO VIZ-Stal. In the third chapter, the concept of an information risk management system (ISIR) is defined and it is proposed to use it in the activity as the main element in minimizing the impact of information risks. A key element for this system was the developed classification of information risks.

Управление психосоциальными рисками как фактор использования и развития человеческого потенциала организации : магистерская диссертация / Psychosocial risks management as a factor in the use and development of the organizational human potential

Фурман, В. Н., Furman, V. N. January 2023 (has links)
Целью магистерской диссертации является изучение психосоциальных рисков и разработка предложений и практических рекомендаций по управлению данными рисками в целях развития человеческого потенциала. При выполнении исследования автором были использованы следующие методы исследования: 1) теоретические: контент-анализ литературы по соответствующей, проблематике методы и инструментарий экономического анализа; 2) эмпирические: опрос сотрудников предприятий при поддержке Профсоюзной организации Свердловской области. По результатам проведенной работы авторская гипотеза о том, что грамотное управление психосоциальными рисками позволяет эффективнее использовать и развивать человеческий потенциал организации, была подтверждена. Также рассмотрена возможность управления психосоциальными рисками в системе безопасности и охраны труда в соответствии с принятыми государственными и международными стандартами. / The aim of the master's thesis is to investigate psychosocial risks and develop proposals and practical recommendations for managing these risks in order to develop human potential of organizations. When performing the study, the author used the following research methods: 1) theoretical: content analysis of literature on relevant issues, methods and tools for economic analysis; 2) empirical: a survey of employees of enterprises with the support of the Trade Union Organization of the Sverdlovsk Region. Based on the results of the work, the author's hypothesis that the competent management of psychosocial risks makes it possible to more effectively use and develop the human potential of organizations was confirmed. The possibility of managing psychosocial risks in the system of safety and labour protection in accordance with accepted state and international standards is also considered.

Environmental Risks, the Leverage of Scientific Information and Data, and Mediated Communication

Seo, Hye-Jeong 28 May 2024 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the complex challenge of communicating knowledge about environmental risks from toxic chemicals. Modern environmental risks are often invisible and technically complex, making the management of these risks highly dependent on data and information. Reliance on risk knowledge necessitates effective dissemination and communication by government agencies, yet the public's engagement with this information remains unclear due to limited real-world studies. This dissertation is comprised of three standalone papers bridging this gap. Each focuses on different aspects of risk knowledge communication using news dialogues as data sources. The first paper investigates the communication of location-specific risk information through a case study of the Radford Army Ammunition Plant (RAAP). Using content analysis and logistic regression, the study examines how scientific information about local environmental issues is presented in news articles and what factors influence its inclusion. Findings highlight the varying capacities among different stakeholder groups to access and utilize scientific information, underscoring the need for governmental and research support for less-resourced groups. The second paper explores chemical-specific risk knowledge, focusing on the environmental risks associated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Employing a structural topic model (STM) and multinomial logistic regression, the study assesses the impact of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)'s Draft Toxicity Assessment for GenX, one of the PFAS chemicals, on news topics. Results indicate that the influence of new risk knowledge on news topics varies depending on community context, with significant impacts observed when communities are ready for governmental action or legislation using the new assessment. The third paper examines the use of the US EPA's Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) database in news media. Through exploratory analysis, it reveals how different stakeholders use TRI data to make claims about environmental risks, highlighting that environmental organizations are primary users who often reconstruct TRI data to make it more relevant to the public. This suggests their potential role as intermediaries in risk knowledge communication. This dissertation provides empirical evidence of the limited news coverage of environmental risk knowledge, the dominance of government sources, and the significant role of intermediary groups. The findings suggest policy implications for government agencies and other organizations, highlighting the need to improve the conveyance and communication of risk knowledge. Recommendations include providing more contextual information and training for communities and intermediary groups on interpreting and utilizing risk data and information. These aim to bolster public comprehension and responsiveness to environmental risks, thereby protecting public safety and health. / Doctor of Philosophy / Toxic chemicals in our environment pose serious risks, but these dangers are often invisible and complex, making them hard to understand and manage without data and information about them. This dissertation explores how information about these risks is shared with the public through printed and online news coverage, aiming to enhance communication and our understanding of these environmental threats. This dissertation presents findings from three studies, each focusing on different types of risk information. The first looks at scientific information about local environmental risks at the Radford Army Ammunition Plant communicated in the news. It shows that not all groups have the same ability to access and use scientific data, and people tend to or feel compelled to bring up scientific information when they claim that risks exist, while the same level of scientific proof is not deemed necessary when denying the risks. The second study identifies topics in the news coverage of a specific chemical risk, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination across the United States. This study also reveals how the publication of a new risk assessment for GenX – one type of PFAS chemical that was found to be more harmful than previously thought – changes the topics covered in the news. It finds that the impact of the new risk assessment depends on the readiness of communities to engage with the information and take action. The third study examines how a broad database of toxic chemical releases – the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Toxics Release Inventory – is used by various groups speaking in the news. It finds that environmental organizations play a crucial role in making complex data understandable and relevant to the public. Overall, this dissertation highlights the challenges and importance of effectively sharing information about toxic chemicals. It suggests ways for government agencies and other organizations to improve how they communicate these risk data and information, such as providing more context and training for those who advocate or report on these issues. By doing so, we can help the public better understand and respond to environmental risks, ultimately protecting our health and the planet.

An assessment of Public Private Partnerships as an alternative procurement method : the case of the South African Social Security Agency / Simlindile Wellington Jabavu

Jabavu, Simlindile Wellington January 2014 (has links)
The use of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) by governments on all continents has been rapidly growing as government departments and their agencies continue to look for improvised means of providing high quality services. In South Africa, the demand for the replacement of the aging government infrastructure has led to the increase in the use of PPPs. The PPPs are not only used for the improvement of roads, but also in the provision of social services and many other services that are traditionally a responsibility of government. Government institutions typically enter into relationships with PPPs to address their needs and to meet specific objectives. It is, therefore, up to these institutions to choose an ideal model of procurement that best addresses their objectives of delivering effective services (Palmer, 2009:Online). Government institutions will, however, only enter into relationship with PPPs if the services can be transferred in a responsible way and if the risks for failure are limited. Inefficiencies in the disbursement of social assistance grants by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has received much attention and criticism from the stakeholders as the company contracted to perform the work on behalf of SASSA continues to provide poor quality services. In assessing a PPP, countries providing social security transfers need to take into consideration a partner that will assist in establishing and implementing the payment design and distribution mechanism that is capable of facilitating the cost effective, reliable and practical delivery of cash to the grant beneficiaries. A comprehensive review of literature and empirical investigation was carried out to respond to the research study’s set objectives. The study explored a wide-ranging survey of PPP projects in developed and developing countries focusing on the use of the PPP model in the South African context with specific reference to the disbursement of social grants by the SASSA. Alternative procurement methodologies in government were also reviewed. An analysis of relevant procurement theories was undertaken to form the basis of the research study. The mini-dissertation explores if there are any advantages for the government, and more specifically the SASSA, in using PPPs as opposed to traditional procurement methods. The study attempts to establish if a private partner can be encouraged to provide long-term investment in terms of expertise; well qualified staff; technology; infrastructure; and creation of an environment conducive for highly effective service delivery where the return on such investment is not guaranteed. / MA (Public Administration), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

An assessment of Public Private Partnerships as an alternative procurement method : the case of the South African Social Security Agency / Simlindile Wellington Jabavu

Jabavu, Simlindile Wellington January 2014 (has links)
The use of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) by governments on all continents has been rapidly growing as government departments and their agencies continue to look for improvised means of providing high quality services. In South Africa, the demand for the replacement of the aging government infrastructure has led to the increase in the use of PPPs. The PPPs are not only used for the improvement of roads, but also in the provision of social services and many other services that are traditionally a responsibility of government. Government institutions typically enter into relationships with PPPs to address their needs and to meet specific objectives. It is, therefore, up to these institutions to choose an ideal model of procurement that best addresses their objectives of delivering effective services (Palmer, 2009:Online). Government institutions will, however, only enter into relationship with PPPs if the services can be transferred in a responsible way and if the risks for failure are limited. Inefficiencies in the disbursement of social assistance grants by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has received much attention and criticism from the stakeholders as the company contracted to perform the work on behalf of SASSA continues to provide poor quality services. In assessing a PPP, countries providing social security transfers need to take into consideration a partner that will assist in establishing and implementing the payment design and distribution mechanism that is capable of facilitating the cost effective, reliable and practical delivery of cash to the grant beneficiaries. A comprehensive review of literature and empirical investigation was carried out to respond to the research study’s set objectives. The study explored a wide-ranging survey of PPP projects in developed and developing countries focusing on the use of the PPP model in the South African context with specific reference to the disbursement of social grants by the SASSA. Alternative procurement methodologies in government were also reviewed. An analysis of relevant procurement theories was undertaken to form the basis of the research study. The mini-dissertation explores if there are any advantages for the government, and more specifically the SASSA, in using PPPs as opposed to traditional procurement methods. The study attempts to establish if a private partner can be encouraged to provide long-term investment in terms of expertise; well qualified staff; technology; infrastructure; and creation of an environment conducive for highly effective service delivery where the return on such investment is not guaranteed. / MA (Public Administration), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Development of a magnetic intra-uterine manipulator

Doll, Stefan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Uterine manipulation is integral to obtaining adequate access to the uterus during a laparoscopic procedure. A variety of mechanical manipulators have been developed to aid the surgeon with the dissection of the uterus during laparoscopic hysterectomies. Limitations of existing manipulators are that they require an additional assistant during surgery, are expensive and may cause tissue trauma to the vaginal or cervical canal. This study introduces the novel concept of a magnetic uterine manipulator, intended to overcome existing devices’ shortcomings and enabling non-invasive uterine manipulation. The first goal of the study was to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of existing mechanical manipulators and compare them to those of a magnetic device. Analysis showed that a magnetic manipulator would not be able to compete in terms of the range of motion of existing devices. A limited anteriorsagittal rotation range of 60 was seen in the magnetic manipulator compared to a range of 140 in mechanical devices. However, the magnetic manipulator could eliminate the need for an extra assistant, is reusable and thus also more economical. The second goal was to investigate which type of setup would be most successful at effective uterine manipulation. Through concept analysis a cart-on-arch system was deemed most effective. To lift an effective load of 1 N over an air-gap of 150 mm rare-earth N38 Neodymium (NdFeBr) magnets showed the most promise as magnetic actuators. FEA (Finite Element Analysis) simulations of the magnetic setup were validated experimentally which produced an acceptable MAE (mean absolute error) of 0.15 N. Furthermore, a comparative simulation study of shielded and unshielded magnets was done which concluded that shielded magnets produce a slightly higher attraction force and would be safer to use due to less magnetic flux fringing. Thirdly and lastly, potential safety hazards and risks of using magnetic actuators in surgical environments were identified. The literature research revealed that connections between magnetic fields and health risks to patients have not been conclusively proven in clinical studies to date, but nonetheless, great care should be taken in situations where the patient has a pace-maker or orthopaedic implants, as these might interact with the magnetic field. Recommendations for future work include further research into the geometry and scaling effects of magnetic shielding as well as electromagnetic actuator design. Electromagnetic actuators could replace rare-earth magnets, if coil and cooling systems are optimized, resulting in magnets that can be reversed or switched off and which are therefore easier to control and safer to handle. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ontwikkeling van ’n Magnetiese Intra-Uteriene Manipuleerder Baarmoedermanipulasie is van uiterste belang om sodoende voldoende toegang te kry tot die baarmoeder gedurende ’n laparoskopiese prosedure. Daar is reeds ’n verskeidenheid meganiese manipuleerders ontwikkel as hulpmiddel vir die chirurg in die ontleding van die uterus tydens laparoskopiese histerektomies. Beperkings van bestaande manipuleerders is dat ’n bykomende assistent tydens chirurgie benodig word. Die manipuleerders is ook duur en kan weefseltrauma veroorsaak aan die vaginale of servikale kanale. Die studie stel ’n nuwe konsep bekend: ’n magnetiese baarmoedermanipuleerder, gemik daarop om bestaande toestelle se tekortkominge te oorkom en nie-indringende baarmoedermanipulasie moontlik te maak. Die eerste doel van die studie was om die voordele en nadele van bestaande meganiese manipuleerders te ondersoek en dit te vergelyk met dié van die magnetiese toestel. Analise het getoon dat ’n magnetiese manipuleerder nie met bestaande toestelle sal kan kompeteer waar dit gaan om beweegruimte nie. Daar is ’n beperkte anterior-sagitale rotasiespeling van 60 in die magnetiese manipuleerder, terwyl die meganiese toestel ’n rotasiespeling van 140 het. Die magnetiese manipuleerder kan egter die nodigheid van ’n bykomende assistant uitskakel, is herbruikbaar en dus ook meer ekonomies. Die tweede doel van die studie was om die tipe opstelling wat meer suksesvol sal wees tydens doeltreffende baarmoeder manipulasie te ondersoek. Konsep-analise het getoon dat ’n "cart-on-arch"stelsel die beste sal werk. N38 Neodimium (NdFeBr) magnete het die beste vertoon as magnetiese aandrywer om ’n werklike belasting van 1 N oor ’n lugspasie van 150 mm te lig. EEA (Eindige Element Analise) simulasies van die magnetiese opstelling is eksperimenteel bekragtig en het ’n aanvaarbare gemene absolute fout (GAF) van 0.15 N gelewer. ’n Vergelykende simulasie studie het verder gewys dat beskutte magnete ’n effens hoër aantrekkingskrag oplewer en sal dus veiliger wees om te gebruik vanweë die verminderde magnetiese stromingsrand. Derdens en laastens is potensiële veiligheidsrisikos en gevare in die gebruik van magnetiese drywers in chirurgiese omgewings geïdentifiseer. Literatuurnavorsing het onthul dat die verband tussen magneetvelde en gesondheidsrisikos aan pasiënte nog nie voldoende bewys is in kliniese studies tot op datum nie. Gevalle waar pasiënte ’n pasaangeër of ortopediese inplantings het moet met groot sorg hanteer word aangesien dit dalk kan reageer met die magneetvelde. Aanbevelings vir toekomstige werk sluit verdere navorsing in in die rigting van die geometrie en die afskilferingseffek van magnetiese beskutting en ook elektromagnetiese drywer ontwerp. Elektromagnetiese drywers kan moontlik rou aarde magnete vervang indien winding en afkoelstelsels ge-optimeer word wat kan lei tot magnete wat omgekeer of afgeskakel kan word en dus makliker beheerbaar is en veiliger om te hanteer.

User Perspective of Privacy Exposure on Facebook: An Examination of Risks Perception Among University Students in Sweden

Anderchen, Silvia, Charvát, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Social media become a powerful communication medium for effective online social interaction globally. The use of various social networking sites has integrated into people’s daily lives especially among young adults. Problem arises when personal information is used without individuals’ involvement and relevant privacy risks increased. The main focus for the thesis is to investigate privacy perception and risks knowledge of Facebook usage among university students in Sweden. Based on this focus, the research identifies the key reasons that students decide to use and still use Facebook despite of privacy risks. The study also explores how user perspective of privacy affects the utilization of Facebook. The adopted methodology is qualitative research through the methods of interview and Facebook data analysis among ten young adult students at Linnaeus University in Sweden. As result, the research has identified seven concepts and three special outcomes to answer the research questions. Through the analysis, we have recognized weak perception of privacy risks among university students. Although users claim they are privacy concerned yet large amount of private information is shared on Facebook. The findings have shown that users are somewhat willing to accept certain part of potential privacy risks and personal information usage by different parties, in exchange for benefits and needs of online interaction in today’s modern society. Users believe the shared personal information on Facebook is under control and they can prepare for possible consequences. However, we believe that people’s needs for popular online social interaction outweigh privacy concerns. We suggest that it is significantly important for social networking sites’ users to balance benefits and risks, in order to maintain balanced usage and positive effects of online personal privacy. In the end of the thesis, we have suggested two future research directions based on our research topic.

Longitudinal studies of executive and cognitive development after preterm birth

Lundequist, Aiko January 2012 (has links)
Stockholm Neonatal Project is a longitudinal population-based study of children born prematurely in 1988-93, with a very low birth weight (&lt;1500 g), who have been followed prospectively from birth through adolescence. A matched control group was recruited at age 5 ½ years. The overall aim was to investigate long-term developmental outcome, paying particular attention to executive functions (EF) in relation to degree of prematurity, birth weight and medical risks. Study I showed a disadvantage in visuo-motor development at 5 ½ years, especially among the preterm boys. Visuo-motor skills were highly related to IQ, and also to EF. In Study II, neuropsychological profiles typical of preterm children and term born children, respectively, were identified through cluster analysis. The general level of performance corresponded well with IQ, motor functions and parental education in both groups, but preterm children had overall lower results and exhibited greater variability across domains. Study III showed that extremely preterm birth (w. 23-27) per se poses a risk for cognitive outcome at age 18, particularly for EF, and that perinatal medical complications add to the risk. By contrast, adolescents born very preterm (w. 28-31) performed just as well as term-born controls in all cognitive domains. However, adolescents born moderately preterm (w. 32-36) and small for gestational age showed general cognitive deficits. Study IV found that cognitive development was stable over time, with parental education and EF at 5 ½ years as significant predictors for cognitive outcome at age 18. Among preterm children, perinatal medical risks and being small for gestational age had a continued negative impact on cognitive development from 5 ½ to 18 years. Study V demonstrated that neuropsychological scoring of Bender drawings, developed in study I, predicted cognitive outcome in adolescence, indicating that the method  may be useful in developmental screening around school entry. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Submitted.</p>

A multi-method study identifying the barriers and solutions to meeting the physical and psychological health needs of young people involved in or vulnerable to sexual exploitation

McClelland, Gabrielle Tracy January 2011 (has links)
Awareness of sexual exploitation has increased over the past decade. However, physical and psychological health needs, risks, health seeking behaviour and use of health services by sexually exploited young people have been inadequately explored. Methodology/method Phase 1: descriptive, phenomenological, approach to encourage young people involved in or vulnerable to sexual exploitation to describe their personal accounts of health, risks, health seeking and support. Phase 2: quantitative methodology consisting of a questionnaire survey with professionals supporting young people involved in or vulnerable to sexual exploitation. Data analysis Phase 1: phenomenological approach to data analysis (Giorgi, 1985). Phase 2: questionnaire data were analysed using software S.P.S.S. and thematic content analysis (Burnard, 2006). Results/findings Intentional self harm and substance misuse were concordant themes from phase 1 and 2. Novel themes that emerged from this study included a taxonomy of risk behaviours related to health, and the use of youth offending teams for health support Conclusion A significant range of physical and psychological health problems were reported alongside risks to health and barriers to health support for sexually exploited young people. Psycho-social vulnerability factors undermine health and impact on health seeking behaviour.

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