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To Develop and to Evaluate a Functional Home Room Program for Citizenship TrainingRobinson, Edra 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate a functional home room citizenship program; to determine the changes to be made in one school year in the civic attitudes of a given group through an especially arranged curriculum.
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L'histoire de l'art mise en pièces : analyse matérielle, spatiale et temporelle de la period room comme dispositif muséalMarchand, Marie-Ève 08 1900 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la period room présentée dans le musée d’art. À travers un examen de sa spécificité matérielle, spatiale et temporelle, nous analysons les mécanismes propres à cette stratégie de mise en exposition et nous identifions ses principales conditions de possibilité. Ce faisant, nous étudions les différents savoirs qui sont sollicités par la period room, leurs interactions ainsi que l’apport réciproque de cette stratégie de mise en exposition à la construction de ces savoirs et ce, de manière à établir les fondements d’une épistémologie de la period room. Nous montrons ainsi quelle est sa contribution particulière à l’élaboration et à la médiation de l’histoire dans l’espace muséal. Grâce à cette étude, nous posons des assises conceptuelles qui permettent de repenser le rôle de la period room pour la discipline de l’histoire de l’art, déjouant par le fait même les apories de l’historicisme et de l’authenticité en vertu desquelles la period room est le plus souvent discréditée.
Nous procédons par études de cas à partir d’un corpus principalement composé de period rooms ayant pour référents des intérieurs français de la seconde moitié du 18ième siècle et qui sont présentées dans des musées d’art américains (Frick Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Philadelphia Museum of Art) et dans un musée canadien d’histoire naturelle et culturelle (Royal Ontario Museum). Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous établissons la typologie muséographique de la period room et nous envisageons les enjeux, notamment idéologiques, associés à la question de son « authenticité » à travers une analyse de son double statut de pastiche et de simulacre. Nous posons en outre l’un des fondements théoriques de notre étude en montrant que, parce qu’elle est formée de l’articulation entre pouvoirs et savoirs, la period room est un dispositif au sens où l’entendent Michel Foucault (1977) et Giorgio Agamben (2007). Dans la seconde partie, nous examinons la spécificité matérielle de la period room en démontrant comment elle est simultanément une réunion d’objets et un « tout », c’est-à-dire un objet muséographique en elle-même. Nous étudions les implications épistémologiques de cette idée pour la représentation de l’histoire proposée au moyen de la period room, tout en portant une attention particulière aux enjeux politiques qui informent cette représentation dans l’espace muséal. Dans la troisième partie, nous nous concentrons sur les particularités spatiales et temporelles de cette stratégie de mise en exposition et nous démontrons que, en dépit de son apparente unité de lieu et de temps, la period room est composée de plusieurs espaces et concentre plusieurs temps. En puisant dans la spécificité même de ce dispositif, nous élaborons des outils théoriques et méthodologiques inédits qui contribuent à repenser la fonction de la period room pour la mise en forme et la transmission de l’histoire. En conclusion, nous présentons une dernière étude de cas qui, examinant l’intervention de Valerie Hegarty dans trois period rooms du Brooklyn Museum (2013), synthétise les principaux enjeux traités dans la thèse et défend la valeur d’actualité de la period room. / This dissertation studies the period room as exhibited in the art museum. Through an examination of its material, spatial, and temporal specificity, I analyze the mechanisms proper to this exhibition strategy and identify its main conditions of possibility. I study the several knowledges at play in this exhibition strategy and their interactions, as well as the period room’s reciprocal contribution to the construction of these knowledges. In so doing, I establish the basis for an epistemology of the period room and argue for the period room’s singular contribution to the elaboration and mediation of history within the museum space. This study allows me to lay down conceptual foundations for rethinking the period room’s role for art historical practice, and thus to overcome the aporias of historicism and authenticity for which the period room is most often discredited.
In the first part, I establish the period room’s museographic typology. Through an analysis of its double status as pastiche and simulacrum, I consider the issues, especially ideological, related to the question of the period room’s “authenticity.” In addition, I elaborate one of this dissertation’s theoretical premises by demonstrating that, because it consists of the articulation of powers and knowledges, the period room is an apparatus (dispositif) as understood by Michel Foucault (1977) and Giorgio Agamben (2007). In the second part, I examine the period room’s material specificity by showing that it is simultaneously a gathering of objects and a “whole,” that is to say, a museographic object in itself. I study the epistemological implications of this idea for the representation of history that the period room offers, while paying special attention to the political stakes informing this representation in the museum space. In the third part, I concentrate on the spatial and temporal particularities of this exhibition strategy. I demonstrate that, despite its seeming unity of place and time, the period room is composed of multiple spaces and concentrates various times. By drawing on its specificity, I develop new theoretical and methodological tools that contribute to the renewal of the period room’s function for the shaping and transmitting of history.
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Ανάπτυξη μεθόδων ψηφιακής ισοστάθμισης για ηλεκτρακουστικές εφαρμογές / Development of digital equalization methods for audio applicationsΧατζηαντωνίου, Παναγιώτης 25 June 2007 (has links)
H Διδακτορική Διατριβή μελετά το πρόβλημα της ψηφιακής ισοστάθμισης,σκοπεύοντας στην ανάπτυξη αποτελεσματικών μεθόδων εξάλειψης των ηχητικών παραμορφώσεων, που εισάγονται κατά την ηχητική αναπαραγωγή εξαιτίας της απόκρισης, είτε των ηχείων (ανηχωική ισοστάθμιση), είτε των χώρων ακρόασης (εξάλειψη αντήχησης). Αναπτύσσονται πρωτότυπες μέθοδοι που αφενός εξασφαλίζουν ακριβείς μετρήσεις των ανηχωικών ηλεκτρακουστικών αποκρίσεων μέσα σε μη ανηχωικούς χώρους, αφετέρου πετυχαίνουν κατάλληλη εξομάλυνση των πολύπλοκων αποκρίσεων των ακουστικών συστημάτων για χρήση στην ψηφιακή ισοστάθμιση αλλά και για χρήση σε άλλες εφαρμογές της ακουστικής χώρων που απαιτούν ανάλυση συγκεκριμένων ιδιοτήτων αυτών των συστημάτων. Η συστηματική μελέτη της μεθόδου εξάλειψης αντήχησης που βασίζεται στην ιδανική αντιστροφή των αποκρίσεων χώρων οδηγεί στο πρωτότυπο συμπέρασμα ότι τα ακουστά οφέλη από την εφαρμογή της μεθόδου σε πραγματικό χρόνο είναι σημαντικά υποδεέστερα από τα αναμενόμενα που προκύπτουν από τα αντίστοιχα πειράματα εξομοίωσης αυτής της μεθόδου. Το πρόβλημα της εξάλειψης αντήχησης αντιμετωπίζεται για πρώτη φορά με έναν πρακτικά βιώσιμο τρόπο, με την εισαγωγή πρωτότυπης μεθόδου ισοστάθμισης που βασίζεται στην Μιγαδική Εξομάλυνση των αποκρίσεων χώρων. / The dissertation studies the digital audio equalization problem, in order to develop methods that would effectively eliminate the audio distortions being introduced during the sound reproduction by either the loudspeakers(anechoic equalization) or the room response (dereverberation). Novel methods are introduced that ensure precise measurements of anechoic electracoustic responses inside reverberant enclosures and on the other hand, achieve appropriately smoothed acoustic responses, for use in digital equalization and also in other applications of room acoustics that require analysis of concrete properties of these systems. Novel conclusions have been drawn by the analytic study of the room acoustics dereverberation based on ideal inverse filtering, indicating that the application of such a method in real time yields a significantly degraded performance compared to that achieved by the corresponding simulated dereverberation experiments. The problem of dereverberation is faced with a practically viable solution, with the introduction of a novel method based on the room response Complex Smoothing.
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Na-Sb-Sn-based negative electrode materials for room temperature sodium cells for stationary applicationsMartine, Milena 27 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The implementation of energy storage systems in the current electrical grid will increase the grid's reliability and e ciency. Room temperature sodium batteries are seen as potential technology, especially to assist renewable energy generation sources. Currently, suggested negative electrode materials, however, are still not satisfactory for practical use in terms of fabrication costs, gravimetric /volumetric energy densities, cyclability, and irreversible capacity losses occur at the rst cycle. The literature describes various strategies that enhance the specific capacity and/or the cyclability of negative electrode materials but all involve increasing the fabrication costs due to the chosen synthesis or the complexity of the electrode's design. Furthermore, strategies, that reduce the irreversible capacity loss at first cycle, are not discussed. In this present experimental research work, presodiating bulk metallic negative electrode materials prior to cycling, prepared via a simple, cheap and easy-to-scaleup synthesis route, is introduced as a new strategy to improve the cyclability and to effectively reduce the first cycle irreversible capacity loss.
Electrochemical and structural experiments were carried out to investigate sodiumtin-antimony powders. Presodiating mechanically bulk Sn-Sb negative electrode materials e ectively reduces the irreversible capacity loss at first cycle and enhances the specific capacity when compared to the non-presodiated powder, while the proper choice of electrode composite and electrolyte formulation improves the cycle life of the electrodes. The enhancement of the electrochemical properties of the presodiated NaSnSb powder, composed of the ternary phase Na5Sb3Sn and an unknown ternary phase crystallising in a hexagonal setting P6, is associated with the stabilisation of the SnSb as desodiation product.
Presodiating bulk SnSb negative electrode material is a viable strategy to reduce the first cycle irreversible capacity loss, alleviating the volume changes. With an optimised system, this approach may be extended to other negative electrode materials, reducing the fabrication costs of high capacity negative electrode materials for room temperature sodium batteries. Presodiated NaSnSb negative electrode material may be combined with non-sodiated positive electrode material, such as sulphur to develop competitive room temperature sodium-sulphur batteries. / Die Implementierung von Energiespeichersystemen im bereits bestehenden Stromnetz ist eine der Lösungen, um die Zuverlässigkeit und die Effizienz des Netzes zu nutzen. Raumtemperatur Natrium-Batterien gelten als erfolgsversprechende Technologie insbesondere zur Unterstützung erneuerbarer Energieerzeugungsquellen. Jedoch sind die naheliegenden negativen Elektrodenmaterialien für eine praktische Anwendung hinsichtlich Herstellungskosten, gravimetrischer oder volumetrischer Energiedichte, Zyklenfestigkeit und irreversiblen Kapazitätsverlusten im ersten Zyklus noch nicht zufriedenstellend.
Die Literatur beschreibt verschiedene Strategien, die die spezifische Kapazität und / oder die Zyklenfestigkeit von negativen Elektrodenmaterialien verbessern. Diese führen jedoch alle zu einer Erhöhung der Herstellungskosten aufgrund der gewählten Synthese oder des Designs der komplexierten Elektrode. Darüber hinaus werden Strategien zur Reduzierung des irreversiblen Kapazitätsverlusts im ersten Zyklus nicht erörtert. Diese experimentelle Forschungsarbeit präsentiert mit Natrium angereicherte metallische negative Elektrodenmaterialien vor der Wechselbeanspruchung/dem periodischen Durchlaufen, die durch einen schlichten, billigen und einfach zu skalierenden Syntheseweg hergestellt wurden, als eine neue Strategie zur Verbesserung der Zyklenfestigkeit und zur wirksamen Verringerung des irreversiblen Kapazitätsverlusts im ersten Zyklus.
Elektrochemische und strukturelle Experimente wurden durchgeführt, um mit Natrium angereichertes Zinn-Antimon-Pulver zu untersuchen. Die mechanischen mit Natrium angereichertes Sn-Sb-negativen Elektrodenmaterialien verringert effektiv den irreversiblen Kapazitätsverlust im ersten Zyklus und erhöht die spezische Kapazität im Vergleich zu dem ohne Natrium angereicherte Pulver, während die richtige Wahl der Elektrodenzusammensetzung und der Elektrolytformulierung die Lebenszyklus der Elektroden verbessert. Die Verbesserung der elektrochemischen Eigenschaften des mit Natrium angereicherten NaSnSb-Pulvers, bestehend aus der ternären Phase Na5Sb3Sn und einer unbekannten ternären Phase, die in einer hexagonalen Aufbau P6 kristallisiert, ist mit der Stabilisierung des Enddesodiationsproduktes beim periodischen Zyklus verbunden, wobei das intermetallische SnSb nach Rekristallisation vorliegt. Mit Natrium angereicherte SnSb negativen Elektrodenmaterialien sind eine tragfähige Strategie zur Verringerung des irreversiblen Kapazitätsverlustes im ersten Zyklus, die Volumenänderungen abschwächen. Mit einem optimierten System kann dieser Ansatz auf andere negative Elektrodenmaterialien erweitert werden um die Herstellungskosten von negativen Elektrodenmaterialien mit hoher Kapazität für Raumtemperatur-Natrium-Batterien zu verringern. Mit Natrium angereichertes NaSnSb-negatives Elektrodenmaterial kann mit nicht mit Natrium versetztem positivem Elektrodenmaterial wie Schwefel kombiniert werden, um realisierbare Raumtemperatur Natrium-Schwefel-Batterien zu entwickeln.
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A escola e a sala de leitura: (in) visibilidades? / La escuela y la sala de lectura: (in) visibilidades?Silva, Eliana de Souza 27 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2017-06-20T21:28:30Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Eliana de Souza Silva.pdf: 2526573 bytes, checksum: 1883572ed89225e8eb8a0e63644e01cc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-20T21:28:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Eliana de Souza Silva.pdf: 2526573 bytes, checksum: 1883572ed89225e8eb8a0e63644e01cc (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-03-27 / This study aims at the Reading Room. It has as general objective to analyze along with students and Reading Room teacher the use they do from the Reading Room, how they perceive this space to readers’ formation. As specifics objectives we list the followings: Check which the place of the reading room in the formation of readers subjects; How the school knows and recognizes this space. What use do they do of this spaceand to analyze what the conceptions students and teacher do of it. This research was carried out from 2015 to 2017 with a municipal public school located on the north zone outskirts in São Paulo city. The subjects were 19 children belonging to a 5th year's elementary school class the Reading Room's guidance teacher (RRGT). It’s a research that adopts Critical Communicative Methodology which the data collection instruments/techniques were class observation, communicative narrative, group discussion and interview, as well as the analyzes the official documents that legalize the Reading Room. As theoretical reference we resort the following authors: Lajolo (1993), Freire (1987, 1988, 1989, 1996), Lerner (2002) Martins (1994) Silva (1991), Solé (2009), Petit (2009), among others.
As results we can affirm that during the research's time the observed practices did not contribute to the readers' formation because the reading was not worked in an active and responsive way in the classes, distributing in children the possibility to perceiving reading as a pleasant and dialogical activity. / Objeto de la investigación en la Sala de Lectura. Tuvo como objetivo general, estudiar junto a las niñas y profesores orientadores de la Sala de Lectura en el uso que hacen de la sala, como percibir ese espacio para una formación de los lectores. Como objetivos específicos por menorizamos los siguientes: verificación del lugar de la formación de nuevos lectores; cómo una escuela conocida y reconoce este espacio, que hacen uso de los criterios y conceptos que conceptos que los niños y profesores hacen. Esta búsqueda ocurrió en el período de 2015 a 2017 y se convirtió en una escuela pública municipal en la periferia de la zona norte de la ciudad de São Paulo. Los participantes de dicha em cuesta fueron 19 alumnos pertenecientes a una escuela de 5º año de primaria y profesora de Orientación de la Sala de Lectura (POSL). Trata-se de una investigación que se aplica a la Metodología Comunicativa Crítica, ya que los instrumentos / técnicas de coleta de datos para observación de las aulas, relatos comunicativos, grupos de discusión y entrevistas, así como la evaluación de los documentos que legalizan una Sala de Lectura. El punto de referencia teórico recorremos a los siguientes autores: Lajolo (1993), Freire (1987, 1988, 1989, 1996), Chartier (1999), Lerner (2002), Martins (1994), Silva (1991), Solé (2009), entre otros.
Como puedo saber que durante el tiempo de la búsqueda como prácticas observadas no contribuyen para una formación de estudiantes debido a una lectura no se ha trabajado de forma activa y responsiva en las aulas afastando a las niñas un punto de percepción de una lectura como la actividad prazerosa y la dialógica. / O objeto da presente pesquisa é a Sala de Leitura. Teve como objetivo geral analisar junto às crianças e professora orientadora da Sala de Leitura o uso que fazem desta sala, como percebem esse espaço para a formação de leitores. Como objetivos específicos elencamos os seguintes: verificar qual o lugar da Sala de Leitura na formação de sujeitos leitores; como a escola conhece e reconhece esse espaço, que uso faz dele e analisar quais as concepções que os crianças e professores fazem dele. Esta pesquisa ocorreu no período de 2015 a 2017 possuindo como universo uma escola pública municipal situada na periferia da zona norte da cidade de São Paulo. Os sujeitos foram 19 crianças pertencentes a uma turma do 5º ano do ensino fundamental e a professora Orientadora da Sala de Leitura (POSL). Trata-se de uma pesquisa que adota a Metodologia Comunicativa Crítica, sendo que os instrumentos/técnicas de coleta de dados foram observação das aulas, relatos comunicativos, grupos de discussão e entrevistas, bem como análise dos documentos oficiais que legalizam a Sala de Leitura. Como referencial teórico recorremos aos seguintes autores: Lajolo (1993), Freire (1987, 1988, 1989, 1996), Chartier (1999), Lerner (2002), Martins (1994), Silva (1991), Solé (2009), Petit (2009), entre outros.
Como resultados podemos afirmar que durante o tempo da pesquisa as práticas observadas não contribuíam para a formação de leitores devido a leitura não ser trabalhada de forma ativa e responsiva nas aulas afastando nas crianças a possibilidade de perceber a leitura como atividade prazerosa e dialógica.
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Monitorovací systém kotelny / Monitoring system of boiler roomNavrátil, Marek January 2018 (has links)
Thisdiplomathesisdealswiththedesignofamonitoringsystemforsolidfuelboilers.The first describes the sensors most commonly used in boilers room including a description of the principle of operation. The main content of the thesis is the design of the own boiler monitoring system. First the appropriate structure of the entire system is selected followed by the detailed design of individual parts of the device electronic wiring and selection of suitable sensors. The result of the thesis is the basis for the production of the proposed device and created service program.
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Ocelové konstrukce objektů kotelny a strojovny / Steel structures of boiler and engine roomsKrompolc, František January 2014 (has links)
A steel construction, divided into two parts, was designed for the building object of a production block of a bio power plant. The two parts separate the boiler room and the engine room. Due to the specific load caused by the operation equipment, also several plateaus, consoles, footbridges and technological constructions were designed. A system of principal pillars HEB, transversely frame-connected with plane solid girders IPE, forms the hall construction. Pillars in rows 1 and 4 are rigidly jointed to foundations. A bearing structure of the roof deck is imposed on the girders. It is composed of a system of purlins – rolled profiles type UPE. The rigidity of the roof is secured by horizontal bracing between the purlins. The construction of the boiler room is attached to the construction of the engine room, which is formed of frame-connected principal pillars HEB in rows 4,7 and 8. The roof truss IPE is designed for 12 900 mm span between rows 4 and 7 and for 4 800 mm between rows 7 and 8. The spatial rigidity of the structure is not only secured by the rigid connection of pillars and foundation combined with the frame-connected roof rungs. It is mainly maintained thanks to the system of vertical wall bracings interacting with the horizontal bracing of the roof. Between the pillar rows B, C, D, E, F and G and 8 to 9 a construction of a substation is attached. In the engine room is situated technological structure. The construction is formed by supporting frames consisting of pillars type HEA, rungs type IPE and HEA and vertical bracing of rolled profiles. Pillars type HEA are connected to foundation using articulated connection. The rigidity of the structure is secured both ways by vertical bracing and by the connection of the plateau beams with the hall girders.
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Horský hotel / Mountain HotelHrachovec, Matěj January 2017 (has links)
The thesis focuses on a project of a mountain hotel. Hotel is located in the area Jeseník, altitude of 550 m. It is detached hotel with a rectangular ground plan with one underground floor and four above ground floors. In the basement is the engine room ventilation, bikes room and in the second part of the underground is wellness center. On the first floor is a restaurant. In the other floors are hotel rooms for 1 to 3 person. On the fourth floor are two apartments. The hotel is based on the monolithic footings.In the basement the vertical supporting are from concrete. Other vertical supporting are built from bricks Porotherm 30, which is insulated and ventilated facade with laggin 150 mm. Supporting horizontal structures are made of monolithic reinforced concrete. The building is covered with a double skin roof structure made of wooden trusses.
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Na-Sb-Sn-based negative electrode materials for room temperature sodium cells for stationary applicationsMartine, Milena 14 June 2017 (has links)
The implementation of energy storage systems in the current electrical grid will increase the grid's reliability and e ciency. Room temperature sodium batteries are seen as potential technology, especially to assist renewable energy generation sources. Currently, suggested negative electrode materials, however, are still not satisfactory for practical use in terms of fabrication costs, gravimetric /volumetric energy densities, cyclability, and irreversible capacity losses occur at the rst cycle. The literature describes various strategies that enhance the specific capacity and/or the cyclability of negative electrode materials but all involve increasing the fabrication costs due to the chosen synthesis or the complexity of the electrode's design. Furthermore, strategies, that reduce the irreversible capacity loss at first cycle, are not discussed. In this present experimental research work, presodiating bulk metallic negative electrode materials prior to cycling, prepared via a simple, cheap and easy-to-scaleup synthesis route, is introduced as a new strategy to improve the cyclability and to effectively reduce the first cycle irreversible capacity loss.
Electrochemical and structural experiments were carried out to investigate sodiumtin-antimony powders. Presodiating mechanically bulk Sn-Sb negative electrode materials e ectively reduces the irreversible capacity loss at first cycle and enhances the specific capacity when compared to the non-presodiated powder, while the proper choice of electrode composite and electrolyte formulation improves the cycle life of the electrodes. The enhancement of the electrochemical properties of the presodiated NaSnSb powder, composed of the ternary phase Na5Sb3Sn and an unknown ternary phase crystallising in a hexagonal setting P6, is associated with the stabilisation of the SnSb as desodiation product.
Presodiating bulk SnSb negative electrode material is a viable strategy to reduce the first cycle irreversible capacity loss, alleviating the volume changes. With an optimised system, this approach may be extended to other negative electrode materials, reducing the fabrication costs of high capacity negative electrode materials for room temperature sodium batteries. Presodiated NaSnSb negative electrode material may be combined with non-sodiated positive electrode material, such as sulphur to develop competitive room temperature sodium-sulphur batteries. / Die Implementierung von Energiespeichersystemen im bereits bestehenden Stromnetz ist eine der Lösungen, um die Zuverlässigkeit und die Effizienz des Netzes zu nutzen. Raumtemperatur Natrium-Batterien gelten als erfolgsversprechende Technologie insbesondere zur Unterstützung erneuerbarer Energieerzeugungsquellen. Jedoch sind die naheliegenden negativen Elektrodenmaterialien für eine praktische Anwendung hinsichtlich Herstellungskosten, gravimetrischer oder volumetrischer Energiedichte, Zyklenfestigkeit und irreversiblen Kapazitätsverlusten im ersten Zyklus noch nicht zufriedenstellend.
Die Literatur beschreibt verschiedene Strategien, die die spezifische Kapazität und / oder die Zyklenfestigkeit von negativen Elektrodenmaterialien verbessern. Diese führen jedoch alle zu einer Erhöhung der Herstellungskosten aufgrund der gewählten Synthese oder des Designs der komplexierten Elektrode. Darüber hinaus werden Strategien zur Reduzierung des irreversiblen Kapazitätsverlusts im ersten Zyklus nicht erörtert. Diese experimentelle Forschungsarbeit präsentiert mit Natrium angereicherte metallische negative Elektrodenmaterialien vor der Wechselbeanspruchung/dem periodischen Durchlaufen, die durch einen schlichten, billigen und einfach zu skalierenden Syntheseweg hergestellt wurden, als eine neue Strategie zur Verbesserung der Zyklenfestigkeit und zur wirksamen Verringerung des irreversiblen Kapazitätsverlusts im ersten Zyklus.
Elektrochemische und strukturelle Experimente wurden durchgeführt, um mit Natrium angereichertes Zinn-Antimon-Pulver zu untersuchen. Die mechanischen mit Natrium angereichertes Sn-Sb-negativen Elektrodenmaterialien verringert effektiv den irreversiblen Kapazitätsverlust im ersten Zyklus und erhöht die spezische Kapazität im Vergleich zu dem ohne Natrium angereicherte Pulver, während die richtige Wahl der Elektrodenzusammensetzung und der Elektrolytformulierung die Lebenszyklus der Elektroden verbessert. Die Verbesserung der elektrochemischen Eigenschaften des mit Natrium angereicherten NaSnSb-Pulvers, bestehend aus der ternären Phase Na5Sb3Sn und einer unbekannten ternären Phase, die in einer hexagonalen Aufbau P6 kristallisiert, ist mit der Stabilisierung des Enddesodiationsproduktes beim periodischen Zyklus verbunden, wobei das intermetallische SnSb nach Rekristallisation vorliegt. Mit Natrium angereicherte SnSb negativen Elektrodenmaterialien sind eine tragfähige Strategie zur Verringerung des irreversiblen Kapazitätsverlustes im ersten Zyklus, die Volumenänderungen abschwächen. Mit einem optimierten System kann dieser Ansatz auf andere negative Elektrodenmaterialien erweitert werden um die Herstellungskosten von negativen Elektrodenmaterialien mit hoher Kapazität für Raumtemperatur-Natrium-Batterien zu verringern. Mit Natrium angereichertes NaSnSb-negatives Elektrodenmaterial kann mit nicht mit Natrium versetztem positivem Elektrodenmaterial wie Schwefel kombiniert werden, um realisierbare Raumtemperatur Natrium-Schwefel-Batterien zu entwickeln.
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Socialarbetarens utmaning i att välja rätt mellan flera rätta alternativ : En kvalitativ analys om det komplexa sociala barnavårdsarbetet och dess dilemman / The social worker's challenge in choosing the right one between several right alternatives : A qualitative analysis of the complex social childcare work and its dilemmasIngvarsson, Amanda, Moschos, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att genom intervjuer med yrkesverksamma socionomer undersöka socialarbetares erfarenheter och uppfattning kring det sociala arbetet med barn och föräldrar. Studien har särskilt ämnat att studera socialarbetares handlingsutrymme samt dilemman, svårigheter och utmaningar som socialarbetare tvingas hantera i det sociala barnavårdsarbetet. Studien har sin grund i en kvalitativ forskningsansats och har utgått från åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer där professionellas erfarenheter i det sociala barnavårdsarbetet har undersökts. Empirin har sedan bearbetats utifrån en tematisk analys som i sin tur har tolkats i relation till teorier om gräsrotsbyråkratens handlingsutrymme och dilemma. Resultatet påvisar att socialarbetare har ett stort handlingsutrymme vilket ger dem möjlighet att påverka olika beslut samt att handlingsutrymmet är konstant närvarande i socialarbetarens vardag. Studiens resultat belyser också svårigheten i att bedöma barnets bästa och att det råder en tveksamhet i hur socialarbetare arbetar efter barnets bästa. Frågan ställs om barnets bästa alltid är i centrum eller om föräldrars rättigheter tar för stor plats i dagens barnavårdsarbete. Ett annat ämne som framkommer i resultatet är socialarbetarens stora tolkningsutrymme. Resultatet lyfter svårigheterna i att ha ett stort tolkningsutrymme och att det kan innebära att olika socialarbetare tolkar lagar och föreskrifter på olika sätt beroende på vem socialarbetaren är som person. Resultatet belyser också det sociala arbetets komplexitet och vikten av att våga ta hjälp av kollegor när socialarbetare ställs inför olika dilemman. Slutligen berör resultatet bristen på resurser och den höga arbetsbelastningen som råder bland socialarbetare. Resultatet lyfter konsekvenser som kommer med hög arbetsbelastning och resursbrist samt vad som kan tänkas förbättras inom socialt arbetet med barn och familjer. / The aim of the study has been to investigate social workers' experiences and perceptions of social work with children and parents through interviews with professional social workers. In particular, the study aims to delve into the social worker's room for maneuver, conflicts, difficulties and challenges that social workers are forced to deal with in social child welfare work. The study is based on a qualitative research approach and is based on eight semi-structured interviews where professionals' experiences in the social childcare work were examined. Empiricism has been analyzed with a thematic analysis, and with theories of street-level bureaucracy. The result of the study shows that the social worker’s room for maneuver is constantly present in a social worker’s everyday life. The result shows that social workers have a large room for maneuver and a great opportunity to influence different decisions. The result of the study also indicates the difficulty in assessing the child’s best interests and that there is a doubt in how social workers work according to the best interest of the child. The question is asked whether the best interests of the child are always at the center or whether parents’ rights take up too much space in today’s child welfare work. Another topic that emerges in the result is the social worker’s large scope for interpretation. The result highlights the difficulties in having a large scope for interpretation and that it can mean that different social workers interpret laws and regulations in different ways depending on who the social worker is as a person. The result also highlights the complexity of social work and the importance of daring to enlist the help of colleagues when social workers face different dilemmas. Finally, the result concerns the lack of resources and the high workload of social workers. The result highlights the consequences that come with high workload and too few resources and what might be improved in social work with children and families.
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