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As students with disabilities age out of school-age resources, the need for self-evaluative skills in work tasks becomes more important. This study compared self-evaluation with reinforcement and self-evaluation with reinforcement plus external evaluation when completing room cleaning skills. The younger students did not demonstrate the ability to self-evaluate without external evaluation. Both conditions were effective when evaluating the older group of students. The author proposes additional research in looking at self-evaluative skills for specific age groups and conditions.
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Från WOW till OH SHIT! : - En studie om värdeskapande i konsertsammanhangForozin, Ainaz, Lindahl, Linnea, Pahlm, John January 2015 (has links)
Our purpose with this research is to highlight that there is a scope for increased value creation in the experience room during concerts, and how value-enhancing strategies can be a competitive advantage for different venues. In our investigation of this we have worded the following research question: How is the perceived customer value affected during a concert in the experience room and its physical environment? With the background in this question we have identified three key concepts that we believe are the influence of the total concert experience which are; sensory experiences, interaction and identity. From these concepts we have drafted a number of propositions to test the reality by our empirical data collection.
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Barns pedagogiska material : En kvalitativ studie om barns användning av det pedagogiska materialet som finns på fem förskolor och om sex pedagogers tankar kring placeringen av det pedagogiska materialetDuran, Marcela January 2014 (has links)
“Childs pedagogic material – A qualitative study of child’s use of pedagogic materials available at five nursery schools and about their teachers thoughts about the display of the pedagogic material” In the nursery preschool the environment and the educational materials have always had a central place. That's why it has been chosen to study and observe five preschools and interview sex teachers, in an attempt to understand the teachers thought about the choice of material and the choices of material that the children used. The reason I do this is to see what the underlying idea about the materials the children use is, and why educators choose to make certain materials visible. The purpose of this study is to examine the educational materials that are used to stimulate children´s learning and examine what determines the choice of educational materials. In the assessment of the pedagogical scenario it has been used a socio-cultural perspective and a multimodal approach that allowed to conclude that children use most of the material with exception of what is often placed high up on shelves, locked in closets or a cabinets. Educational materials that children don't see are not commonly used by the children since they don’t of interest for them. When teachers display educational materials in the children’s level and make the material available for them, it results in awaking the children’s interest in using them. At the interviews all the teachers agreed that the educational material must be made available and that on the children's level. The educational material has to be tempting and varying nature, furthermore, the material also has to be concrete and so designed that the children could make use of them without needs of supervising guidance of an adult that explaining everything to them.
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Emergency room referrals to a geriatric outreach team: the analysis of referral reasons.Kliewer, Sandra Sharon 23 August 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the referrals that were generated from one hospital emergency room to a community outreach team. This study used a specific geriatric program assessment team in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada as the community outreach team.
Malcolm Payne’s description of Task Centered Casework and Crisis Intervention and Irene Pollin’s Medical Crisis Counseling served as the theoretical structure and design to gain an understanding of the reasons geriatric patients were referred to the GPAT on discharge.
This study aimed to answer three research questions:
1) What is the emergency room medical team’s main reason for referral to a geriatric outreach team?
2) Are the referrals received from the emergency room medical team clearly identifying psychosocial issues as areas for examination by an outreach team?
3) Are psychosocial issues identified only after an outreach team clinician completed a comprehensive assessment?
This study revealed that out of the 209 referrals to geriatric program assessment team, the highest number of times referred was for functional decline. It revealed that the emergency room medical team saw functional decline as a valid reason to have the geriatric program assessment team assess the individual in their home settings to ensure that any functional issue be addressed and possible adaptations made in a timely manner to avoid the reverberation that one ailment can set off. The second most common reason for referring to the geriatric program assessment team was for social issues. Forty percent of the referrals identified that there were concerns in relation to social issues which clearly identifies that the emergency room medical team identified psychosocial issues as an area for further examination.
And finally, the findings show psychosocial issues were not identified only after an outreach team clinician completed a comprehensive assessment, but that both appear cognizant of the interplay between medical issues and social issues.
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Å isolere beboere er ikke nødvendig for å forebygge smitte av MRSA på sykehjem / Preventing the spread of MRSA in nursing homes does not require isolation of residentsElstrøm, Petter January 2013 (has links)
Meticillinresistente gule stafylokokker (MRSA)er assosiert med økt risiko for komplikasjoner og død. I Norge anbefales omfattende smitteverntiltak for å forebygge spredning av MRSA i helseinstitusjoner, inklusiv i sykehjem. Tidligere ble det anbefalt å isolere MRSA-positive sykehjemsbeboere på enerom. I nasjonal MRSA-veileder publisert i 2009 frarådes langvarig isolering. Målet med studien var å undersøke om nye anbefalinger om ikke å isolere beboere med MRSA er like effektive som tidligere anbefalinger om å isolere beboere med MRSA, i forhold til å forebygge spredning av MRSA blant beboere i sykehjem. Metode: Studien er en non-inferiority kohortstudie basert på historiske data om registrerte MRSA-tilfeller ved sykehjem i Norge, informasjon om smitteverntiltak ved hvert sykehjem og statistikk om ressursbruk i kommunenes pleie-og omsorgstjenester. Hovedresultat: Insidensratene for sekundærtilfeller av samme MRSA spa-type ved samme sykehjem i løpet av oppfølgingstiden var 6.3 per 1000 beboerår på sykehjem som ikke isolerte og 18.5 per 1000 beboerår på sykehjem som isolerte beboere med MRSA. Insidensrate ratio for nytt MRSA-regime versus tidligere MRSA-regime var på 0.34 (95 % konfidensintervall: 0.17 –0.63). Konklusjon: Studiens resultat tilsier at nytt MRSA-regime uten isolering er like effektivt i å forebygge spredning av MRSA som tidligere MRSA-regime der beboere med MRSA ble isolert. Resultatene i studien bør benyttes aktivt for å få alle sykehjem i Norge til å implementere rutiner som er i tråd med anbefalinger i gjeldende nasjonal MRSA-veileder. / Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) associates with increased risk of morbidity and mortality. In Norway,public health officials recommend comprehensive infection control measures to prevent the spread of MRSA in healthcare institutions, includingnursing homes. Previous recommendations advisedsingle-room isolation for MRSA-positive nursing home residents. National MRSA-guidelines (2009)recommended avoidinglong-time isolation. Aim: Thisstudy aimed to determine whether the new MRSAregime,which no longer requires isolation ofresidents with MRSA,was equally effective as the former regime,which required isolation ofMRSA-positive patients,in preventing the spread of MRSA among residents in nursing homes. Method: This noninferioritycohort study used historical data on registered MRSA-cases in Norwegian nursing homes, information aboutinfection control measures in each nursing home,and statistics regarding the use of resources in primary health care. Results: The incidence rate for secondary cases of the same MRSA spa-type in the same nursing home was 6.3 per 1,000 person-years in nursing homes thatdid not isolateMRSA-infected residentsversus 18.5 per 1,000 person-years in nursing homes that did isolate such residents. The incidence rate ratio for new versus former MRSAregime was 0.34 (95% CI: 0.17–0.63). Conclusions: Thenonisolating MRSA regimeis equally effective as the isolatingregime in preventing the spread of MRSA. Our results suggest that allNorwegian nursing homes should implement the current national guidelines regarding MRSA / <p>978-91-86739-55-3</p>
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Operacinės slaugytojų susižeidimų adatomis ir kitais aštriais instrumentais rizikos vertinimas / Risk assessment of operating room nurses’ injuries with needles and other sharp instrumentsSurgunt, Natalja 11 July 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti operacinės slaugytojų susižeidimų adatomis ir kitais aštriais instrumentais riziką.
Tyrimo objektas - operacinės slaugytojų susižeidimų adatomis ir kitais aštriais instrumentais rizika.
Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti operacinės slaugytojų susižeidimų adatomis ir kitais aštriais instrumentais dažnumą, pobūdį bei susižeidimų priežastis. 2. Išanalizuoti saugią operacinės darbo aplinką lemiančius veiksnius. 3. Ištirti operacinės slaugytojų požiūrį į susižeidimų adatomis ir kitais aštriais instrumentais pranešimą ir jų registraciją.
Tyrimo metodika: Tyrimas atliktas 2013 metų sausio – balandžio mėnesiais Vilniaus ir Kauno miestų tretinio lygio ligoninėse. Tyrimui panaudota vokiečių mokslininkės dr. Sabine Wicker sudarytos anketos: „Atsitiktinis susižeidimas“ (‚,Ein stich stecktan“) ir „Sumažinti pavojų užsikrėsti – vengti adatos dūrio“ (,,Infektionsrisiken senken – Nadelstichverletzungen vermeiden“). Anketos išverstos į lietuvių kalbą. Viso buvo išdalinta 200 anketų, grižo 185 anketos, iš jų nepilnai atsakytos 10. Statistinei analizei buvo naudotos 175 užpildytos anketos. Statistiniam duomenų apdorojimui naudoti SPSS 17.0 ir Microsoft Excel programų paketai. Statistinis duomenų reikšmingumas tikrintas pagal chi kvadrato (χ2) kriterijų ir statistinį reikšmingumą (p). Duomenų skirtumas reikšmingas, kai p<0,05. Tyrime naudotas faktorinės analizės metodas.
Rezultatai ir išvados: Analizuojant tyrimo duomenis, nustatyta, kad tarp apklaustųjų nebuvo nei vieno... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research aim: to assess the risk of operating room nurses injuries with needles and other sharp instruments.
Research object: operating room nurses injuries with needles and other sharp instruments.
Research objectives: 1. To asses frequency, type and reasons of operating room nurses injuries with needles and other sharp instruments. 2. To analyse influencing causes for safe operating room environment. 3. To analyse the operating room nurses attitudes towards registration and reporting of injuries inflicted by needles and other sharp instruments.
Research methodology: Research was done in January–April 2013 in Vilnius and Kaunas 3rd level hospitals. For this research two types of questionnaires, written by German scientist Dr. Sabine Wicker, were used: „Incidental Injury“ („Ein stich Stecktan“) and „Minimizing the danger of infection – prevent the needle puncture“ (,,Infektionsrisiken senken – Nadelstichverletzungen vermeiden“). Questionnaires were translated to Lithuanian language. There were 200 questionnaires distributed in total, 185 of them were returned and 10 were not fully answered. 175 fully answered questionnaires were used for statistical analysis. SPSS 17.0 and Microsoft Excel programs were used for statistical data analysis. Statistical data meaningfulness was verified by chi quadrant (χ2) criteria and statistical meaningfulness. Data difference is meaningful when p<0,05. Factor analysis method was used for the research.
Results and conclusions: During the... [to full text]
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A Generic Bed Planning ModelLiu, Tian Mu 20 November 2012 (has links)
In April 2008, the Ontario government announced its top two healthcare priorities for the next 4 years, one of which is reducing wait time in emergency rooms. To study the wait time in emergency rooms or any other departments in a hospital, one must investigate resource planning, scheduling, and utilization within the hospital. This thesis provides hospitals with a set of simulation and optimization tools to help identify areas of improvement, particularly when there are a number of alternatives under consideration. A simulation tool (a Monte Carlo simulation model) estimates patient demand for beds in a hospital during a typical week. Two optimization tools (an integer programming mathematical model and a heuristics model) demonstrate opportunities for smoothing the patient demand for beds by adjusting the operating room schedule.
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A Generic Bed Planning ModelLiu, Tian Mu 20 November 2012 (has links)
In April 2008, the Ontario government announced its top two healthcare priorities for the next 4 years, one of which is reducing wait time in emergency rooms. To study the wait time in emergency rooms or any other departments in a hospital, one must investigate resource planning, scheduling, and utilization within the hospital. This thesis provides hospitals with a set of simulation and optimization tools to help identify areas of improvement, particularly when there are a number of alternatives under consideration. A simulation tool (a Monte Carlo simulation model) estimates patient demand for beds in a hospital during a typical week. Two optimization tools (an integer programming mathematical model and a heuristics model) demonstrate opportunities for smoothing the patient demand for beds by adjusting the operating room schedule.
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Comparative Study Of The Structure Of Traditional Timber Housing In Turkey And JapanMatsushita, Satsuki 01 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this thesis was to examine the structural order of traditional timber houses in Turkey and Japan. A comparative analysis, based on literature and a case study was made toestablish differences of traditional timber structures in the two countries by examining their spatial organization, spans and pitches of the timber components. Four Houses were chosen for survey from Safranbolu, Turkey and Gokayama, Japan. Following two points were appeared as a conclusion: in Turkey, the structural order was orientated to the room size while the room size was dictated by the structural order in Japan, and the second conclusion is that the space size was dictated by the human body proportion in Turkey and by the module based on the ken measurement in Japan. Consequently the number of the structural components required for the room was discussed as a third conclusion.
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The contributions to the history of graphic design by Dr. Robert L. Leslie and the Composing Room, Inc., 1927-1942 /Malone, Erin. January 1994 (has links)
Thesis (M.F.A.)--Rochester Institute of Technology, 1994. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 33-40).
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