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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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A política de educação inclusiva nas escolas municipais de Toledo – Paraná no período de 2008 a 2012: um estudo da implementação das salas de recursos multifuncionais / Politics of inclusive education in municipal schools Toledo – Paraná the period 2008 2012: a study of implementation of resources multifunctional rooms

Silveira, Bruna Nathaly 08 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Edineia Teixeira (edineia.teixeira@unioeste.br) on 2018-02-06T11:51:34Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Bruna_Silveira2015.pdf: 916790 bytes, checksum: acd0df790df6eb8da2cb2549acae8860 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-06T11:51:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Bruna_Silveira2015.pdf: 916790 bytes, checksum: acd0df790df6eb8da2cb2549acae8860 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-08 / The theme of Inclusive Education in Brazil has been the subject of numerous reflections in various fields of knowledge. In Brazil, the law called Special Education Policy from the perspective of Inclusive Education was approved by the federal government in 2008. Given this process, this work has as object of research Special Education Policy from the perspective of Inclusive Education in the city of Toledo, Paraná state. The central objective of the research was to analyze the implementation of the multi-functional features defined in Decree-Law 03/2008 of 7 January 2008, which established the Special Education Policy in the context of inclusive education in public schools in Toledo / PR, from 2008 to 2012. To meet this goal, the methodological choices to be characterized as a survey of exploratory and field, qualitative and quantitative. On the choice of the subjects were selected two municipal schools according to the following criteria: presence of multifunctional resource room - the main instrument of the specialized education of Inclusive perspective -, region and socioeconomic characteristics of the region - to achieve the various municipal settings. Considering the central objective of the research and the settings described above, the first chapter aims to provide answers to the first specific objective of this research, which was to present the influence of international organizations in the construction of special education policies and the perspective of Inclusive Education in Brazil. This analysis was based on the study of secondary sources. The second chapter aims to provide answers to the second proposed specific objective, which was analytically discuss the role / function of the Brazilian state in the face of special education policies in Brazil, based on a literature review. In response to the third specific objective, which was analytically describe the process of construction of the municipal education network in Toledo / PR and its characterization from the years 2008 to 2012, and the fourth specific goal was, and identify educational instruments and existing physical infrastructure in public schools in Toledo described in Decree-Law 03/2008 of 7 January 2008 establishing the Special Education Policy in the context of inclusive education, the third chapter presented an analysis of the pedagogical political projects of the selected schools and analysis of participant observation in multi-functional features of these schools. Analysis of these instruments considered the forecast of Inclusive Education Policy and the determinations of the CNE / CEB number 13/2009 establishing the specialized educational services, pointed the elements that identify the perspective of Inclusive Education in Schools. From the analyzes, it was found that the two schools analyzed subjects, the prospect of Inclusive Education was identified in school documents - teaching political projects, and school reality - regarding the implementation of multi-functional features. It was found that, the gateway to the regular education, which is the living multifunction capabilities, is in operation, but the network to support this call not to the satisfaction occurs. It was also observed that there is correspondence between the international, national and school documents for guidance from the perspective of Inclusive Education, and although these documents describe the objective of political access, retention and quality of care for pupils with special educational needs, the foundation primeval these documents, which is the capitalist mode of production, access privileges, considering that this is 10 what allows the universalization of education and the entry of the poorest countries in the globalization game. Thus, both formally as real plan of the policy match. The reality / real plan materializes the law / formal plan as also highlights the access of students with special educational needs in mainstream education through multi-functional features but does not guarantee the permanence and quality of care through the support network these services. / A temática da Educação Inclusiva no Brasil tem sido objeto de inúmeras reflexões, em diversos campos do conhecimento. No Brasil, a lei denominada de Política de Educação Especial na perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva foi aprovada pelo governo federal em 2008. Diante deste processo, o presente trabalho tem como objeto de pesquisa a Política de Educação Especial na perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva no município de Toledo, estado do Paraná. O objetivo central da pesquisa foi analisar a implementação das salas de recursos multifuncionais, definidas no Decreto-Lei 03/2008 de 7 de janeiro de 2008, que instituiu a Política de Educação Especial na perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva nas escolas municipais de Toledo/PR, no período de 2008 à 2012. Para responder a este objetivo, as escolhas metodológicas se caracterizaram como uma pesquisa do tipo exploratória e de campo, qualitativa e quantitativa. Sobre a escolha das escolas participantes deste estudo, foram selecionadas duas escolas municipais de acordo com os seguintes critérios: presença da sala de recursos multifuncionais – principal instrumento do atendimento educacional especializado da perspectiva Inclusiva –, região e características socioeconômicas da região – para alcançar as diversas configurações do município. Considerando o objetivo central da pesquisa e as definições acima descritas, o primeiro capítulo pretendeu responder ao primeiro objetivo especifico desta pesquisa, que foi apresentar as influencias dos organismos internacionais na construção das políticas de educação especial e da perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva no Brasil. Esta análise foi realizada com base no estudo de fontes secundárias. O segundo capítulo pretendeu responder ao segundo objetivo especifico proposto, que foi discutir analiticamente o papel/função do Estado brasileiro frente às políticas de Educação Especial no Brasil, com base numa revisão bibliográfica. Em resposta ao terceiro objetivo especifico, que foi descrever analiticamente o processo de construção da rede municipal de educação em Toledo/PR e sua caraterização dentre os anos de 2008 a 2012, e ao quarto objetivo específico que foi, e identificar os instrumentos pedagógicos e de estrutura física existentes nas escolas municipais de Toledo descritos no Decreto-Lei 03/2008 de 7 de janeiro de 2008 que institui a Política de Educação Especial na perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva, o terceiro capítulo apresentou uma análise dos projetos políticos pedagógicos das escolas selecionadas e a análise da observação participante nas salas de recursos multifuncionais destas escolas. A análise destes instrumentos considerou as previsão da Política de Educação Inclusiva e as determinações do Parecer CNE/CEB nº13/2009, que institui o atendimento educacional especializado, apontado os elementos que identificam a perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva nas Escolas. A partir das análises realizadas, constatou-se que nas duas escolas analisados, a perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva foi identificada nos documentos escolares – projetos políticos pedagógicos, e na realidade escolar - no que tange a implementação das salas de recursos multifuncionais. Constatou-se que, a porta de entrada para a educação regular, que é a sala de recursos multifuncionais, está em funcionamento, mas a rede de apoio a este atendimento não ocorre a contento. Observou-se ainda que, há correspondência entre os documentos internacionais, nacionais e escolares para orientação da perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva, e embora estes documentos descrevam como objetivo da política o acesso, 8 permanência e qualidade do atendimento aos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais, o fundamento primevo destes documentos, que é o modo de produção capitalista, privilegia o acesso, considerando que este é o que o permite a universalização da educação e a entrada dos países mais pobres no jogo da globalização. Sendo assim, tanto plano formal como plano real da política em questão são correspondentes. A realidade/plano real materializa a lei/plano formal a medida que também privilegia o acesso dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais à educação regular por meio das salas de recursos multifuncionais mas não garante a permanência e qualidade do atendimento por meio da rede de apoio a estes atendimento.

Um estudo sobre educação inclusiva em Conselheiro Lafaiete/MG: diálogo entre os professores das salas de recursos e os professores regentes

Miranda, Simône Regina de 16 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-05-03T13:38:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 simonereginademiranda.pdf: 1057853 bytes, checksum: fcd82016682048cc080b6fbdc901dea2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-05-07T15:37:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 simonereginademiranda.pdf: 1057853 bytes, checksum: fcd82016682048cc080b6fbdc901dea2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-07T15:37:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 simonereginademiranda.pdf: 1057853 bytes, checksum: fcd82016682048cc080b6fbdc901dea2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-16 / Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar como ocorre a articulação entre os professores da Sala de Recursos e os professores das salas de aula nas quais estão matriculados os alunos com deficiências e com Transtorno Global do Desenvolvimento. A pesquisa foca no município de Conselheiro Lafaiete, nas Salas de Recursos Multifuncionais (SRM) e nas escolas que encaminham seus alunos para o Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE). A partir das orientações legais das duas últimas décadas, as redes de ensino implantaram serviços de SRM, uma vez que estas legislações atribuíram a elas um importante papel no processo de inclusão dos alunos com deficiência, TGD e altas habilidades. A SRM assumiu, na discussão da Educação Inclusiva no país, a função de identificar, elaborar e organizar recursos pedagógicos e de acessibilidade que eliminem as barreiras para a plena participação destes alunos, cabendo a elas o papel de oferecer o apoio necessário para que as crianças que precisam da Educação Especial façam o percurso escolar com qualidade. A presente dissertação faz a contextualização histórica da constituição deste Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) em âmbito nacional, estadual e regional, aprofundando-se no processo de implantação das Salas de Recursos no Município de Conselheiro Lafaiete. A qualidade da oferta do AEE realizado nas Salas de Recursos se pauta na perspectiva da articulação entre o profissional responsável por esse serviço e o professor que atua na escola de origem dos alunos atendidos, uma vez que as ações desenvolvidas nas salas de recursos são adotadas como estratégias de complementação do processo de escolarização e devem, necessariamente, produzir efeitos no cotidiano escolar. A abordagem metodológica utilizada foi a pesquisa qualitativa. Utilizamos a análise documental do Projeto Político Pedagógico das escolas que possuem matrícula de alunos com deficiência e do Plano de Atendimento destes alunos na Sala de Recursos. O grupo focal foi realizado com a intenção de pesquisar as formas de interlocução entre os professores especializados e professores regentes e as principais formas de articulação existentes entre professor de Sala de Recursos e professor regente e os problemas de interação vivenciados pelos docentes de Sala de Recursos e de sala de aula. O Plano de ação prevê a construção coletiva de estratégias de interação entre os professores da sala de aula e os do atendimento especializado na Sala de Recursos. / The objective of this study is to investigate how works the articulation between the teachers of the Resource Room and the teachers of the classrooms in which students with disabilities and General Developmental Disorder are enrolled. This research is focused in the municipality of Conselheiro Lafaiete, in the Multifunctional Resource Rooms and in the schools that send their students to the specialized educational service. Based on the legal guidelines of the last two decades, SRM services have been implemented by education networks, since these legislations have assigned them an important role in the inclusion process of students with disabilities, GDD and high skills. In the discussion of Inclusive Education in the country, SRM assumed the task of identifying, elaborating and organizing pedagogical and accessibility resources which eliminate the barriers to the full participation of these students, and it is their role to offer the necessary support to children who need Special Education to make the school journey with quality. This dissertation presents the historical contextualization of the constitution of this Specialized Educational Assistance at national, state and regional level, deepening the process of implementation of the Resource Rooms in the Municipality of Conselheiro Lafaiete. The quality of the SEA offer made in the Resource Rooms is based on the perspective of the articulation between the professional responsible for this service and the teacher who works in the home school of the students served, once the actions developed in the resource rooms are adopted as strategies of complementation of the schooling process and must, necessarily, have effects in the school routine. The methodological approach used was the qualitative research. We use the documentary analysis of the Political Pedagogical Project of the schools that have enrollment of students with disabilities and the Plan of Attention of these students in the Resource Room. We conducted a focus group, with the intention of researching the forms of interaction between the specialized and the regent teachers and the main forms of articulation between the resource room teacher and the regent teacher and the interaction problems experienced by the resource room teachers and classroom. On the other hand, we understand, after the production of the data, that the alternative presented is the collective construction of interaction strategies between classroom teachers and those of the specialized assistance in the Resource Room.

A utilização das tecnologias da informação e comunicação pelos professores do Instituto de Educação de Minas Gerais

Moreira , Aldo 31 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-08-22T19:19:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 aldomoreira.pdf: 1673373 bytes, checksum: 5aa80bc0e0454354a1e4075d2d652656 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-08-28T13:06:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 aldomoreira.pdf: 1673373 bytes, checksum: 5aa80bc0e0454354a1e4075d2d652656 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-28T13:06:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 aldomoreira.pdf: 1673373 bytes, checksum: 5aa80bc0e0454354a1e4075d2d652656 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-01-31 / A presente dissertação é desenvolvida no âmbito do Mestrado Profissional em Gestão e Avaliação da Educação (PPGP) do Centro de Políticas Públicas e Avaliação da Educação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (CAEd/UFJF). O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar a utilização, pelos professores, das salas de informática no Instituto de Educação de Minas Gerais, identificar barreiras e apontar ações que possam contorná-las. Assumimos como hipóteses que as causas destes fatores podem ser identificadas desde a formação do professor, bem como nas condições nas quais são criados os Laboratórios de Informática, as dificuldades enfrentadas pelas escolas quanto ao funcionamento e manutenção dos mesmos, e ainda no atendimento às escolas pelos NTEs, órgãos diretamente ligados à Secretaria de Estado da Educação, responsável pela implantação, manutenção e acompanhamento de funcionamento e uso dos Laboratórios de Informática nas Escolas Estaduais. Para tanto, foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa, e como instrumentos foram utilizados a entrevista com técnicos e analistas do NTE e a Diretora do Instituto de Educação de Minas Gerais (IEMG), além de questionários aplicados a um grupo de professores atuantes na escola. Os resultados obtidos na presente pesquisa corroboram em parte as hipóteses lançadas. Ademais, eles foram utilizados como base na proposição de um Plano de Ação Educacional (PAE), que apontará ações que possam viabilizar o uso do Laboratório de Informática na escola pesquisada, podendo também estas ações propostas serem estendidas a outras instituições educacionais da Rede Estadual de Ensino, visando, ainda, o fomento do uso das TIC na prática pedagógica. / The present dissertation is developed under the Professional Master in Management and Evaluation of Education (PPGP) of the Center for Public Policies and Education Evaluation of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (CAEd / UFJF). The objective of this research is to investigate teachers' use of computer rooms in the Minas Gerais Institute of Education, to identify barriers and to point out actions that could circumvent them. We assume as hypotheses that the causes of these factors can be identified since the teacher's training, as well as in the conditions in which the Computer Labs are created, the difficulties faced by the schools in their operation and maintenance, and in the attendance to the schools by the NTEs, organs directly connected to the State Secretariat of Education, responsible for the implementation, maintenance and monitoring of the operation and use of the Information Technology Laboratories in State Schools. For that, the qualitative approach was used, and as instruments the interview with technicians and analysts of the NTE and the Director of the Institute of Education of Minas Gerais (IEMG) was used, as well as questionnaires applied to a group of teachers working in the school. The results obtained in the present study partially corroborate the hypotheses. In addition, they were used as a basis for proposing an Educational Action Plan (PAE), which will point out actions that may make feasible the use of the Computer Laboratory in the researched school, and these proposed actions may be extended to other educational institutions of the State Network of Teaching, aiming also at promoting the use of ICT in pedagogical practice.

Avaliação primária do enfermeiro na emergência: a aproximação da estratégia do modelo de gerenciamento de caso

Valentim, Marcia Rejane da Silva January 2006 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiana Gonçalves Pinto (benf@ndc.uff.br) on 2015-12-14T12:47:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcia Rejane da Silva Valentim.pdf: 755788 bytes, checksum: 0efbd8e28de258b378501445bcffbd38 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-14T12:47:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcia Rejane da Silva Valentim.pdf: 755788 bytes, checksum: 0efbd8e28de258b378501445bcffbd38 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Mestrado Profissional em Enfermagem Assistencial / Esta dissertação reflete tanto sobre a dificuldade das emergências em atender a demanda de primeiro atendimento em cuidados de saúde como sobre os obstáculos da população em agendar uma consulta imediata na rede ambulatorial, cujo efeito é o aumento da demanda aos serviços de atendimento terciário, o que sobrecarrega as unidades de emergência. O cenário que se observa é que, gradativamente os serviços de emergência dos hospitais privados e públicos tornam-se mais cheios, levando o paciente que necessita de atendimento de emergência real, aquele com risco iminente de vida, a aguardar horas em uma fila de espera pelo atendimento médico. O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar a efetividade do atendimento do enfermeiro na avaliação primária e descrever a aproximação da estratégia do Gerenciamento de Caso na emergência. O escopo central das discussões sobre o papel do gerente de caso foi baseado em uma Comissão que focaliza o gerenciamento como um processo pró-ativo, que fornece acesso ao cuidado com qualidade, segurança, eficácia e em tempo hábil. O gerente de caso trabalha com 7 elementos para desenvolver suas atividades: pontuação, planejamento, implantação, coordenação, monitorização, avaliação e resultados. A pesquisa de abordagem quantitativa utilizou o método estatístico e, para análise e levantamento dos dados, empregou-se o software EPI INFO. O levantamento dos dados foi feito mediante 1.184 boletins de atendimento médico (BAM) colhidos no período de janeiro e fevereiro de 2005 dos pacientes adultos de clínica médica de complexidade clínica 1,2 e 3, atendidos pelo enfermeiro na avaliação primária. As variáveis retiradas do boletim de atendimento médico foram divididas em três categorias com a finalidade de identificar a efetividade e descrever a aproximação do GC com a avaliação primária feita pelo enfermeiro na emergência: fragmentação do cuidado; tomada de decisão clínica; e monitorização do cuidado. Os resultados encontrados na categoria de fragmentação do cuidado foram, para a complexidade 1: 65,8% dos pacientes não tiveram o cuidado fragmentado; para a complexidade 2: 78,3%; e para a complexidade 3: 82,6%. Na categoria tomada de decisão, verificou-se que, dos pacientes atendidos pelo enfermeiro, 68,8% tiveram seus diagnósticos sindrômicos checados. Na categoria monitorização do cuidado, dos pacientes de complexidade 3:, 34,6% tiveram o cuidado monitorado relacionado aos fatores de riscos. Conclui-se que a relação entre o que é oferecido com o atendimento do enfermeiro gera efetividade, contudo, no que se refere ao ideal, observam-se limitações no boletim de atendimento, por outro lado, as etapas descritas no Gerenciamento de Caso se aproximam com indicação de aplicação no trabalho do enfermeiro na emergência. Tendo por base as inconsistências e limitações da pesquisa, em razão do instrumento de coleta de dados, sugere-se e recomenda-se melhora técnica no boletim de atendimento médico, principalmente na anamnese levantada pelo enfermeiro, pela sua importância na definição dos tipos de complexidade e diagnóstico sindrômico, para que o enfermeiro possa registrar seu desempenho como gerente de caso e facilitar a avaliação em cada categoria proposta / This paper reflects the current problem of difficulties in attending first care cases at emergency rooms in health care and the population difficulty to make an immediate appointment at day units, causing an increase in the number of people who look for tertiary care services, overloading the emergency rooms. The scenario observed at the moment is that the emergency rooms from private and public hospitals are gradually getting more and more full, making the real emergency care patient, whose life is in risk, wait for hours for a medical care. The purpose of this research is to identify the effectiveness of the nurse’s care in the first evaluation and to describe the use of the case management strategy in the emergency room. The main scope of the discussions about the case manager role was based on a Commission that focus the definition of management as a pro-active process, which provides access to a care with quality, safety, efficiency and in a short time, where the case manager works with 07 elements to develop his/her activities: Punctuation, Planning, Implementation, Coordination, Monitorizing, Evaluation and Results. For quantity approach research, the statistical method was used, whereas for data collect and analysis, the EPI INFO software was used. The collect of data was done with 1,184 medical care reports collected in January and February of 2005 from adult patients of medical clinic with 1, 2 and 3 clinical complexity cared by the nurse on the first evaluation. The variables taken from the medical care reports were divided in three categories to identify the effectiveness and describe the link of the Case Manager on the first evaluation made by the nurse in the emergency room: Care fragment, Clinic making decision and Care Monitorizing. The results found in the fragment care category were: In complexity 1: 65,8% of patients did not have fragmented care, in complexity 2: 78,3% and in complexity 3: 82,6%. In making decision category the results found were that from the patients cared by the nurse, 68,8% had their syndromic diagnoses checked. In care monitorizing, the patients of complexity 3: 34,6% had monitorized care related to the risk factors. We conclude that the relation to what it is offered by the nurse care generates effectiveness, however in relation to the ideal we face limits in the medical reports. On the other hand, the steps described in the case management get closer to be applied to the emergency nurse work. Based on the inconsistencies and limitations of the research due to the data collect instrument, we suggest and recommend a technical improvement on the medical care report, mainly in the history taking by the nurse because of its importance in defining the kinds of complexity and syndromic diagnoses, for the nurse be able to register his/her performance as case manager and facilitate the evaluation in each category proposed

Chained Thoughts Broken by Chains of Thought : An Analysis of the Narrative Style Used in Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own

Johansson, Ellen January 2006 (has links)
Abstract Chained Thoughts Broken by Chains of Thought An Analysis of the Narrative Style Used in Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own The purpose of this essay is to analyse the narrative style used in Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own in order to show in which ways it supports and reinforces the author’s arguments in her quest for a more equal society. One of the most prominent stylistic means applied by Woolf is her ‘train of thought’, linking one reflection to another like wagons in a railway convoy or like loops in a chain (therefore also sometimes referred to as ‘chain of thought’ in dictionaries). By examining how different rhetorical devices are applied within this train or chain of thought and in which ways these strategies are linked to the main elements of persuasion (ethos, pathos and logos) in Aristotelian Rhetoric, I have found that one of Woolf’s central themes - the resentment against confinement and the advocacy of androgyny or mixed-gendered thinking - is mirrored in her style. It reflects the author’s call to resist society’s restrictions by its unrestricted combination of different rhetorical strategies; this mixture of stylistic, partly gender-neutral devices helps her to create a common ground where she can reach and appeal to both genders in a very effective and innovative way, thus enabling her chain of thoughts to break some of our chained thoughts. Ellen Johansson Engelska C

Webbkonferenssystem i utbildningssyfte

Hjelte, Björn January 2016 (has links)
I den här studien undersöktes användandet av webbkonferenssystem i nätbaserad undervisning på universitet. Det gjordes med hjälp av en litteraturstudie, en enkätundersökning med studenter, två intervjuer med lärare och några tester av programvara relaterat till webbkonferenssystem. Studien visade att det är många aspekter att ta hänsyn till för att tekniken ska kunna gynna bättre studieresultat. Det handlar dels om att skapa en god social miljö där deltagarna trivs och känner gemenskap. Det handlar även om att tekniska hinder ska överkommas för att det ska gå att kommunicera på ett enkelt sätt på distans. I studien gjordes testinstallationer av två webbkonferenssystem. Ett enklare test av ljudfördröjning gjordes på två datorer samt ett test för att se ifall ljud eller bild prioriterades högre av webbkonferenssystemen. / This study examined the use of web conferencing systems for education purposes in universities. It was done through a literature study, a survey with students, two interviews with university teachers and a few software tests related to web conferencing systems. Before the technology can be used to improve study results there are many aspects  to be considered. It's important to provide a good social environment for the students. It's also important to find technological solutions to enable communication in a way that is suitable for distance learning. Two web conferencing systems were tested in this study. One simple test was made to measure the sound delay on the two systems and another test was made to see if sound or video was prioritized differently.

Le temple de Comus. Naissance et évolution de la salle à manger dans l’architecture française (XVIIe-début XIXe siècles) / The Comus Temple. Birth and evolution of the dining room in French architecture (17th-early 19th century)

Lestienne, Cécile 09 December 2017 (has links)
S’inscrivant dans un mouvement général de spécialisation des pièces, la salle à manger apparaît dans les demeures françaises au XVIIe siècle, et s’y développe au siècle suivant. Ce phénomène accompagne alors une aspiration au bien-être et à l’intimité qui pousse les sociétés modernes à se faire aménager des intérieurs plus confortables, moins tournés vers l’apparat et la vie publique. Ainsi la naissance de la salle à manger découle-t-elle en partie du souhait de posséder une pièce spécifiquement destinée au repas, susceptible de recevoir le maître de maison et ses proches, tout en étant bien reliée à la cuisine pour que l’on puisse manger chaud. Le développement de la salle à manger est également contemporain de la promotion dans l’Europe entière d’une nouvelle cuisine française, et de nouvelles normes relatives à l’organisation des repas, avec la mise en place du « service à la française ». La salle à manger de l’époque moderne reste cependant un espace en cours d’élaboration. Ainsi, aux yeux des contemporains, elle apparaît souvent comme une simple pièce de commodité. Les odeurs de nourriture et la présence de domestiques risquant d'indisposer les maîtres de maison, elle est alors le plus souvent distribuée en dehors des beaux appartements. C'est seulement dans la deuxième moitié du XVIIIe siècle, avec le triomphe du mode de vie bourgeois, que la salle à manger s’affirme progressivement, à égalité avec le salon, comme un élément essentiel dans l’espace de réception des demeures. / Amid growing specialization of domestic interiors, the dining room emerges in French housing during the 17th century and gains ground during the following one. At that time, the upper classes increasingly long towards more well-being and intimacy, and interiors are designed so as to favor comfort at the expense of pageantry and the public sphere. The birth of the dining room therefore partly owes to the landlords' desire to own a room specifically dedicated to enjoying meals among kins, while simultaneously being well connected to the kitchen, so that the food can be served warm. This development comes along the promotion, throughout Europe, of a new French cuisine, and a new way to set up meals, known as service à la française. At the time, however, the dining room remains a work in progress. At the beginning of the 18th century, contemporaries often see it as a mere utilitarian space. And, since the householders are likely to be bothered by the smell of food and the servants' presence, it is generally set away from the more luxurious appartments. But during the late 18th century, as the bourgeois way of life becomes predominant, the dining room, along with the living room, asserts itself as a key component of a mansion's reception area.

Feasibility of Point Grid Room First Structure Generation : A bottom-up approach

Arvola Bjelkesten, Kim January 2017 (has links)
Context. Procedural generation becomes increasingly important for videogames in an age where the scope of the content required demands bot a lot of time and work. One of the fronts of this field is structure generation where algorithms create models for the game developers to use. Objectives. This study aims to explore the feasibility of the bottom-up approach within the field of structure generation for video games. Methods. Developing an algorithm using the bottom-up approach, PGRFSG, and utilizing a user study to prove the validity of the results. Each participant evaluates five structures giving them a score based on if they belong in a video game. Results. The participants evaluations show that among the structures generated were some that definitely belonged in a video game world. Two of the five structures got a high score though for one structure that was deemed as not the case. Conclusions. A conclusion can be made that the PGRFSG algorithm creates structures that belong in a video game world and that the bottom-up approach is a suitable one for structure generation based on the results presented.

Analyse der Notfallversorgungsstruktur der Landeshauptstadt Dresden unter Berücksichtigung des Universitätsklinikums Carl Gustav Carus:

Juncken, Kathleen 16 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Die Untersuchung hat das Ziel, die Notfallversorgungsstruktur in der Landeshauptstadt Dresden im Ganzen aufzeigen. Im Fokus stehen eine fehlgeleitete Inanspruchnahme der KNA des UKD und deren Motive. Ist der Patient selbst zuständig für eine Fehlleitung oder bringen äußere Einflüsse ihn dazu, die KNA aufzusuchen. Mit Hilfe einer strukturellen Analyse der Akut- und Notfallversorgung in Dresden anhand fünf ausgewählter Kernelemente werden die Ziele untersucht. Dies sind die Aufbauorganisation, Ablauforganisation, Interne Steuerung und Transparenz, Externe Steuerung und Transparenz sowie Finanzierung und planungsrechtliche Vorgaben. In der empirischen Analyse werden die Patienten in der KNA sowie Mitarbeiter ausgewählter Pflegeeinrichtungen in Dresden u. a. zum Wissen über die Akut- und Notfallversorgung befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Patienten zum einen durch die niedergelassenen Vertragsärzte in die KNA des UKD gelenkt, zum anderen selbst zuständig für eine fehlgeleitete Inanspruchnahme sind. Außerdem ist das Informationsangebot zur Akut- und Notfallversorgung in Dresden unzureichend. Der Patient ist nicht in der Lage, seine Symptome so einzuschätzen, dass er immer die richtige Behandlungsmöglichkeit wählt. Auch die Mitarbeiter ausgewählter Pflegeeinrichtungen konnten nicht eindeutig zuordnen, welche Leistungserbringer für die Behandlung welcher Patienten zuständig sind. Eine standardisierte Abfrage zur Unterscheidung von Akut- und Notfällen erfolgt zudem nicht in der Leitstelle des Rettungsdienstes. Die ambulante Versorgung in den Notaufnahmen kann nicht verhindert, trotzdem spürbar reduziert werden. Aus den gewonnenen Ergebnissen konnten Verbesserungsvorschläge für eine bedarfsgerechte Akut- und Notfallversorgung erstellt werden. Für jene Vorschläge ist eine detaillierte Ausgestaltung erforderlich. Die Analyse hat gezeigt, dass eine strukturelle Anpassung eines Kernelements Einfluss auf die Übrigen ausübt. Folglich sollte es für alle beteiligten Akteure sowie Institutionen wesentlich sein, das Änderungsvermögen der Akut- und Notfallversorgung stets mit Blick auf alle fünf Kernelemente voranzubringen. Dabei sind auch zeitliche Aufwendungen und Investitionen zu berücksichtigen.

Acoustique des salles dans les lieux d'écoute de la musique : analyse perceptive et acoustique dans les contextes réels et virtuels. / Acoustics of auditoria designed for listening to music : perceptual and acoustical analysis in real and virtual contexts

Espitia Hurtado, Juan Pablo 02 February 2016 (has links)
L'objectif général de cette thèse est de contribuer à l'exploration de la qualité sonore des salles de concert à partir d'une approche centrée sur l'identification de l'expérience sensible des mélomanes. Nous montrons d'abord les limites de l'approche traditionnelle de l'évaluation perceptive, principalement centrée sur des attributs reliés à la salle ou à la musique, et définis a priori à partir des connaissances des expérimentateurs, le plus souvent acousticiens, dans les termes de leur domaine scientifique ou avec des mots dont ils pensent partager avec les sujets les mêmes significations. Puis, reprenant les trois méthodes d'exploration de l'expérience subjective -enquêtes "hors situation d'écoute" (basées sur la mémoire), questionnaires dans les salles lors de concerts, et tests d'écoute en laboratoire-, nous les avons implémentées, mais dans un cadre théorique et méthodologique explicitement positionné en psychologie et en linguistique sur l'étude du sensible comme objet psychologique autonome. De plus, pour notre approche expérimentale en laboratoire, nous avons implémenté un système de décodage paramétrique basé sur le système SIRR (spatial impulse response rendering), permettant la reproduction de champs sonores à partir de réponses impulsionnelles des salles mesurées au format Ambisonics de premier ordre. La contribution de ce travail consiste à repérer les facteurs psychologiques reliés à l'écoute d'un concert dans une salle à partir de l'objectivation de l'expérience subjective des mélomanes et de leur évaluation de la qualité acoustique de la salle, et à partir de là, établir des relations avec les mesures acoustiques des salles étudiées. / The general purpose of this thesis is to explore the sound quality of concert halls by approaching it through the listeners’ sensory experience. We first show the limitations of the traditional approach to perceptual evaluation, principally centred on attributes related to hall or music, from the knowledge of experimenters, usually acousticians, and therefore pre-defined by their scientific field, or in common language they believe is shared by the subjects in terms of use and equivalence of meaning. Then, re-using the three methods for exploring subjective experience –extra-auditory enquiries “from memory”, questionnaire surveys within auditoria for given concerts, and laboratory listening tests–, we have implemented them, but within a theoretical and methodological framework, explicitly rooted in psychology and linguistics, and respecting sensibility as an autonomous psychological object of study. Furthermore, in our experimental laboratory approach, we have implemented a parametric decoding system based on SIRR (spatial impulse response rendering), and permitting the reproduction of sound fields from first-order Ambisonics room impulse responses. The contribution of this work thus consists in identifying the psychological factors related to concert listening in a hall by objectivising the subjective experience of listeners (music-lovers) and their evaluation of the acoustic qualities of an auditorium; and in establishing relationships between the psychological factors and the acoustic measurements in the studied auditoria.

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