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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Karantänen du vill vara i” : En studie om det virtuella upplevelserummet / ”The quarantine you want to be in” : A study about the virtual experience room

Persson, Sara, Anderberg, Emmeli, Johansson, Beatrice January 2020 (has links)
This study presents research about the virtual experience room, more specific theKarantänfestivalen Unplugged. The purpose of this study is to analyse how the virtualexperience room Karantänfestivalen Unplugged is built and also how committed consumersare during a virtual event. This will be answered by three research questions. The researchquestions affect inclusion of consumers at a distance, important factors from the physicalexperience room and also how consumers judge the virtual experience room in terms ofcomments.The research questions will be answered with help from the model The Virtual ExperienceRoom that is created by the authors of this study. The model is based on the two models TheExperience Room Model and The Four Realms of An Experience. Also the important factorsregarding the experience room from Mossberg and Bitner. The study is written from aqualitative approach where the collection of the data has been done through a case study. Thecase study was made from the virtual experience room Karantänfestivalen Unplugged througha document and video study. The documents and the video was analysed from a contentanalysis with help from the model that was mentioned above.The result shows that Karantänfestivalen Unplugged includes its consumers in a way that itmakes it possible for them to participate more spontaneously than if it was a physical event.And also that the consumers are able to ask questions to the artists and employees of theevent. The main factors in a virtual experience room are considered to be customerengagement, technology, object language and intangible artefacts, which is presented in themodel The Virtual Experience Room. Finally, it can be considered that consumers of a virtualevent will express their opinions through writing in a comment that they will publish on aplatform where the event is being observed.The study is written in Swedish. / I denna studie presenteras forskning kring det virtuella upplevelserummet Karantänfestivalen Unplugged. Syftet med studien är att analysera hur det virtuella upplevelserummet Karantänfestivalen Unplugged är uppbyggt samt hur engagerade konsumenter är under ett virtuellt evenemang. Detta besvaras genom tre forskningsfrågor. Forskningsfrågorna berörinkludering av konsumenter på distans, viktiga faktorer som kan appliceras från det fysiska upplevelserummet samt hur konsumenter bedömer det virtuella upplevelserummet i form av kommentarer. Forskningsfrågorna besvaras med hjälp av den egenskapade modellen Det Virtuella Upplevelserummet som baseras på modellerna The Experience Room Model och The Four Realms of An Experience, samt Mossberg och Bitners viktiga faktorer i ett upplevelserum. Studien är skriven utifrån en kvalitativ infallsvinkel där insamlingen av data har gjorts genomen fallstudie. Fallstudien gjordes på det virtuella upplevelserummet Karantänfestivalen Unplugged genom en dokument- och videostudie. Dokumenten och videon analyserades utifrån en innehållsanalys med hjälp av modellen som tidigare nämnts. Resultatet visar att Karantänfestivalen Unplugged inkluderar konsumenterna genom att spontant deltagande kan ske på ett annat sätt än vid fysiska evenemang samt att konsumenterna får ställa frågor till artisterna och personalen. Huvudfaktorerna i ett virtuellt upplevelserum anses vara kundengagemang, teknologi, object language och ogripbara artefakter, vilket visas i modellen Det Virtuella Upplevelserummet. Slutligen kan det konstateras att konsumenter av ett virtuellt evenemang uttrycker sina åsikter genom att skrivadet i en kommentar som de sedan publicerar på den plattform där de följer sändningen.

A Casa do Bandeirante como espaço museológico (1954-1964) / The Bandeirante House as museum space (1954-1964)

Santos, Andréa Maria Zabrieszach Afonso dos 26 August 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo abordar historicamente a construção física e simbólica da Casa do Bandeirante, um museu evocativo da época das bandeiras. Ela foi inaugurada em 1955, no encerramento das comemorações do IV Centenário da Cidade de São Paulo, tendo sido sua restauração realizada sob responsabilidade da comissão organizadora desses festejos. Primeira das \"casas históricas\" pertencente à Prefeitura Municipal, compõe o atual acervo arquitetônico do Museu da Cidade. Este projeto analisa o período que se estende de 1954 a 1964, durante a primeira fase do museu, sob a direção de Paulo Camilher Florençano, quando o espaço fora projetado para ser um cenário do modo de vida paulista durante o período colonial. Naquele momento a Casa do Bandeirante tratava heroicamente o \"ciclo das bandeiras\", mitificando-o, a partir de uma exposição por meio do period room, eixos conceituais da exposição que lá esteve até 1978. São objetivos desta dissertação compreender e analisar o processo conceitual e institucional de criação da Casa do Bandeirante pela Prefeitura de São Paulo, através da Comissão do IV Centenário da Cidade de São Paulo, problematizar a primeira montagem curatorial, com a formulação de uma identidade paulista calcada no mito sertanista e seus referenciais museológicos, a formação e o perfil de seu acervo de peças históricas. / This dissertation aims to approach, historically, the physical and symbolic construction of The Bandeirante House, an evocative museum of the time of \"bandeiras\" (former Brazilian settlers). It was inaugurated in 1955, at the end of the celebrations of the IV Centenary of the City of São Paulo, with its restoration being carried out under the responsibility of the organizing committee of those festivities. The first of the \"historical homes\" belonging to the city hall, it is part of the current architectural collection of São Paulo\'s city museums. The time covered in this project extends from 1955 to 1964, during the first period of the Museum, under the direction of Paul Camilher Florençano, when this cultural space was designed to present a scenario of the way of living in São Paulo during the colonizer period. At that moment, The Bandeirante House conceived heroically the \"Bandeirante Cycle\", dealing with as a myth by the presentation of an exhibition by period room, conceptual guidelines of the exhibition held until 1978. The goals of this dissertation are to analyze the conceptual and institutional creating process of the Bandeirante House, to understand and document its acquisition policy and to discuss the first long term exhibition of the institution, based the \"sertanista myth\" and its museum references.

Avaliação das condições ambientais e de trabalho em salas cirúrgicas e de necropsia - estudos de casos em hospitais públicos e IMLs da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro / Environmental and work conditions assessment - study cases in public hospitals and IMl'S of the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro

Sheila de Lira Franklin 04 August 2011 (has links)
A qualidade do ar é um importante indicador de saúde ambiental, sendo o seu monitoramento contínuo necessário. Apesar da relevância do tema, há muitos países em que os limites de exposição para agentes biológicos ainda não foram estabelecidos ou foram definidos de forma inadequada, podendo comprometer a qualidade ambiental. Os ambientes hospitalares, assim como as salas de necropsia podem apresentar problemas de contaminação do ar por agentes microbiológicos, necessitando de monitoramento contínuo a fim de evitar a ocorrência de doenças nos trabalhadores e na população em geral. Este estudo realizou a avaliação microbiológica do ar em hospitais públicos e IMLs da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro em salas cirúrgicas e de necropsia. A pesquisa exploratória e descritiva baseou-se em levantamento bibliográfico e investigação de campo, através de estudos de casos. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas e observação direta nos locais de trabalho, onde foram realizadas as avaliações microbiológicas do ar. As variações em salas cirúrgicas para bactérias e fungos foram respectivamente de 14,99 ufc/m3 88,29 ufc/m3 e de 45,93 ufc/m3 - 742,09 ufc/m3. Já nas salas de necropsia os valores para bactérias e fungos variaram respectivamente de 18,96 ufc/m3 54,9 ufc/m3 e de 144,87 ufc/m3 - 1152,01 ufc/m3. Foram identificados tanto no ambiente cirúrgico como nas salas de necropsia a presença dos seguintes fungos: Aspergillus sp., Neurospora sp., Penicillium sp., Fusarium sp., Cladosporium sp., Curvularia sp., e Trichoderma sp. Já em relação às bactérias foram identificadas as presenças de Staphilococcus sp., Streptococcus sp. e Micrococcus sp. Foram traçadas recomendações para melhoria da qualidade ambiental e do ar. Os resultados indicaram que os valores são elevados quando comparados com as recomendações das normas internacionais. Foram encontrados valores inferiores aos sugeridos pela CP n. 109 da ANVISA. A presença de microrganismos patogênicos sugere adoção de medidas de controle ambiental. O estudo apontou a necessidade urgente do estabelecimento de valores de referência para ambientes hospitalares no Brasil a fim de garantir condições seguras que não venham a comprometer a saúde dos pacientes e profissionais de saúde envolvidos. / The indoor air quality is an important environmental health indicator and yours continuous monitoring is necessary. Its depends on, among other factors, of the biological agents exposure limits fixing. Despite this topic relevance, in many countries, the biological exposure limits still dont exist or were inadequately defined. What can compromise the environmental quality. The hospital environments just as the necropsies rooms can have indoor air contamination problems caused by microbiological agents and needs to have continuous monitoring to avoid the occurrence of diseases in the workers and in the overall population. This study realized a microbiological indoor air assessment at surgical rooms of three public hospitals and autopsies rooms of two IMLs located in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The study was descriptive and exploratory based on bibliographic review and camping research though study cases. Data were obtained from interviews with the health workers and cleaning team and direct observation at the selected workplaces. The fungal and bacteria variation in surgical room and autopsy room were respectively of 14,99 88,29 ufc/m3 and 45,93 ufc/m3 742,09 ufc/m3. Were detected in the surgical rooms and necropsy rooms the fungal genera: Aspergillus sp., Neurospora sp., Penicillium sp., Fusarium sp., Cladosporium sp., Curvularia sp., e Trichoderma sp. and bacterial genera: Staphilococcus sp., Streptococcus sp. and Micrococcus sp. Were traced recommendations to improve environment and air quality. The results indicate that the limits can be considered exceed when compared with those proposed by the international organisms. Were identified some values lower than 50 ufc/m3 proposed by the CP n. 109 ANVISA. The presence of pathogenic microorganisms suggest the need of environmental control measures. That indicate the values actually used as reference in Brazil must been revised considering the environments specificities and the urge to create a specific legislation for hospital environments that guarantee security conditions and do not comes to compromise the health and well being of the patients and health professionals involved

(Fu)turistiska upplevelser : En studie om upplevelseaktiviteter

Grinde, Jonatan, Larsson-Stålarm, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för vilka faktorer en upplevelseaktivitet behöver innehålla för att ha potential som en turistisk aktivitet. Metod: Denna studie har genomförts genom kvalitativ metod där Interpretativ fenomenologisk analys utgjort arbetssättet, med intervjuer som grund. Teori: Teorin behandlar upplevelser med fokus på aktiviteter, samskapande och motivation som centrala delar. Teorin avslutas med en teoretisk syntes för att sammanfatta och knyta ihop de olika delarna. Empiri: 19 stycken intervjuer genomfördes och dessa redovisas i empirin. Frågorna under intervjuerna togs fram utifrån teorikapitlet och med målet att besvara syftet.  Slutsats: Slutsatsen visar att såväl motivation som samskapande är två faktorer som spelar stor roll för konsumenter och är kraftigt bidragande orsaker till huruvida en upplevelseaktivitet kan fungera som en turistisk aktivitet. Författarna upptäckte även ett samband mellan motivation och samskapande i form av att konsumenters motivation inför upplevelsen påverkar vilken grad av samskapande de upplever vilket i sin tur påverkar hur lyckad upplevelsen blir. / Purpose: The purpose of the study is to increase understanding of which factors an experience activity needs to contain to have potential as a tourism activity. Method: This study has been conducted through qualitative methodology where interpretative phenomenological analysis constituted the working method, with interviews as basis. Theory: The theory deals with experiences focusing on activities, co-creation and motivation as key elements. The theory ends with a theoretical synthesis to summarize and tie the various parts together. Empiria: 19 interviews were conducted and these are reported in the empiria. The questions during the interviews were based on the theory chapter with the aim of answering the purpose. Conclusion: The conclusion shows that both motivation and co-creation are two factors that play a major role for consumers and are strongly contributing reasons for whether an experience activity can act as a tourism activity. The authors also discovered a correlation between motivation and co-creation in the sense that consumers' motivation for the experience influences the degree of co-creation they experience, which in turn affects how successful the experience is.

Om du lyder : En studie av interaktivitetens villkor och verkningar utifrån tre performancebaserade verk

Kapari, Maria January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine interactivity in the context of performance-based interactive art. The questions asked are: what are the conditions of interactivity, how interactivity happens, and what artistic results it may yield. The method is an analysis based on close studies of three performance-based interactive artworks by applying theories of interactivity, audience participation, and collaboration. First, current theories are outlined, after which, the three artworks are introduced in detail. Next, the artworks are examined, thematically rather than individually, expanding on parameters such as the degree of artistic direction of the artwork, the degree of agency allowed to the spectator in their interaction with the work, and the idea of the “passive” spectator as being “activated” by interactive art. It is shown that the actualization of the interactive gesture inscribed within the work depends on the spectator’s subjectivity and obedience to said gesture. Thus, the conditions of the interaction are not decided by the work/artist alone, but also and equally, by the spectator. Consequently, the actualized interactivity may not immediately correspond with the (possible) authorial intent and may even be unexpected or "infelicitous." The problematic of the thesis falls within the scope of current discourse concerning the striving for interactivity between the work of art and its spectator/audience. While that discourse has often been focused on authorial intent or has implied an ideal spectator, this thesis points to the significance of subjectivity with regards to interactivity and thereby adds increased complexity to the concept of interactivity.

Centralizace operačních sálů z pohledu sestry / Centralization of operating rooms from the perspective of nurses

DRAŽANOVÁ, Monika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the work: The aim of this thesis is to provide detailed information about organization and operation of today's operating rooms from nurse´s point of view. Operational treatment requires high demands on technical and material equipment, special staff training, perfect adherence to asepse, antisepsis, sterility as well as work organization. The thesis should also introduce the most urgent problems of the current situation of the operating rooms management. The most recent discoveries and proven methods are summarized in a simple and comprehensible form that will serve as a guide for perioperative nurses. Method: Qualitative research methods in the form of a semi-structured interview have been used. This thesis will use the qualitative survey method in the form of a semistructured interview along with snowball sampling. The research consists of respondents with finished specialization in instrumentation for the operating room who are still active in the given field. Current status: The organization and operation room management consists of two functional models. These are so called "sideline sterilization" versus central operating rooms. Both ways have their advantages and disadvantages related to workload, general nursing education, and operating rooms management. However, the least preferred option is a combination of both perioperative operations. Results: The results of the research focused on the centralization and operating rooms management show that "sideline sterilization" is considered an obsolete model of tool sterilization for operating rooms. The results also show that the model of central operating rooms with the combination of central sterilization is more modern and efficient both in terms of expenses and effort, not just for nurses but for all healthcare professionals. Conclusion: In accordance with the aim of this work the issue of centralization of operating rooms is pointed out, considering both the construction with the necessity to follow all known procedures in compliance with aseptic conditions, as well as the need of good management or nurse education. The results can be used for further research and as a further source of information for non-medical fields, mainly perioperative care.

Avaliação das condições ambientais e de trabalho em salas cirúrgicas e de necropsia - estudos de casos em hospitais públicos e IMLs da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro / Environmental and work conditions assessment - study cases in public hospitals and IMl'S of the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro

Sheila de Lira Franklin 04 August 2011 (has links)
A qualidade do ar é um importante indicador de saúde ambiental, sendo o seu monitoramento contínuo necessário. Apesar da relevância do tema, há muitos países em que os limites de exposição para agentes biológicos ainda não foram estabelecidos ou foram definidos de forma inadequada, podendo comprometer a qualidade ambiental. Os ambientes hospitalares, assim como as salas de necropsia podem apresentar problemas de contaminação do ar por agentes microbiológicos, necessitando de monitoramento contínuo a fim de evitar a ocorrência de doenças nos trabalhadores e na população em geral. Este estudo realizou a avaliação microbiológica do ar em hospitais públicos e IMLs da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro em salas cirúrgicas e de necropsia. A pesquisa exploratória e descritiva baseou-se em levantamento bibliográfico e investigação de campo, através de estudos de casos. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas e observação direta nos locais de trabalho, onde foram realizadas as avaliações microbiológicas do ar. As variações em salas cirúrgicas para bactérias e fungos foram respectivamente de 14,99 ufc/m3 88,29 ufc/m3 e de 45,93 ufc/m3 - 742,09 ufc/m3. Já nas salas de necropsia os valores para bactérias e fungos variaram respectivamente de 18,96 ufc/m3 54,9 ufc/m3 e de 144,87 ufc/m3 - 1152,01 ufc/m3. Foram identificados tanto no ambiente cirúrgico como nas salas de necropsia a presença dos seguintes fungos: Aspergillus sp., Neurospora sp., Penicillium sp., Fusarium sp., Cladosporium sp., Curvularia sp., e Trichoderma sp. Já em relação às bactérias foram identificadas as presenças de Staphilococcus sp., Streptococcus sp. e Micrococcus sp. Foram traçadas recomendações para melhoria da qualidade ambiental e do ar. Os resultados indicaram que os valores são elevados quando comparados com as recomendações das normas internacionais. Foram encontrados valores inferiores aos sugeridos pela CP n. 109 da ANVISA. A presença de microrganismos patogênicos sugere adoção de medidas de controle ambiental. O estudo apontou a necessidade urgente do estabelecimento de valores de referência para ambientes hospitalares no Brasil a fim de garantir condições seguras que não venham a comprometer a saúde dos pacientes e profissionais de saúde envolvidos. / The indoor air quality is an important environmental health indicator and yours continuous monitoring is necessary. Its depends on, among other factors, of the biological agents exposure limits fixing. Despite this topic relevance, in many countries, the biological exposure limits still dont exist or were inadequately defined. What can compromise the environmental quality. The hospital environments just as the necropsies rooms can have indoor air contamination problems caused by microbiological agents and needs to have continuous monitoring to avoid the occurrence of diseases in the workers and in the overall population. This study realized a microbiological indoor air assessment at surgical rooms of three public hospitals and autopsies rooms of two IMLs located in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The study was descriptive and exploratory based on bibliographic review and camping research though study cases. Data were obtained from interviews with the health workers and cleaning team and direct observation at the selected workplaces. The fungal and bacteria variation in surgical room and autopsy room were respectively of 14,99 88,29 ufc/m3 and 45,93 ufc/m3 742,09 ufc/m3. Were detected in the surgical rooms and necropsy rooms the fungal genera: Aspergillus sp., Neurospora sp., Penicillium sp., Fusarium sp., Cladosporium sp., Curvularia sp., e Trichoderma sp. and bacterial genera: Staphilococcus sp., Streptococcus sp. and Micrococcus sp. Were traced recommendations to improve environment and air quality. The results indicate that the limits can be considered exceed when compared with those proposed by the international organisms. Were identified some values lower than 50 ufc/m3 proposed by the CP n. 109 ANVISA. The presence of pathogenic microorganisms suggest the need of environmental control measures. That indicate the values actually used as reference in Brazil must been revised considering the environments specificities and the urge to create a specific legislation for hospital environments that guarantee security conditions and do not comes to compromise the health and well being of the patients and health professionals involved

A Casa do Bandeirante como espaço museológico (1954-1964) / The Bandeirante House as museum space (1954-1964)

Andréa Maria Zabrieszach Afonso dos Santos 26 August 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo abordar historicamente a construção física e simbólica da Casa do Bandeirante, um museu evocativo da época das bandeiras. Ela foi inaugurada em 1955, no encerramento das comemorações do IV Centenário da Cidade de São Paulo, tendo sido sua restauração realizada sob responsabilidade da comissão organizadora desses festejos. Primeira das \"casas históricas\" pertencente à Prefeitura Municipal, compõe o atual acervo arquitetônico do Museu da Cidade. Este projeto analisa o período que se estende de 1954 a 1964, durante a primeira fase do museu, sob a direção de Paulo Camilher Florençano, quando o espaço fora projetado para ser um cenário do modo de vida paulista durante o período colonial. Naquele momento a Casa do Bandeirante tratava heroicamente o \"ciclo das bandeiras\", mitificando-o, a partir de uma exposição por meio do period room, eixos conceituais da exposição que lá esteve até 1978. São objetivos desta dissertação compreender e analisar o processo conceitual e institucional de criação da Casa do Bandeirante pela Prefeitura de São Paulo, através da Comissão do IV Centenário da Cidade de São Paulo, problematizar a primeira montagem curatorial, com a formulação de uma identidade paulista calcada no mito sertanista e seus referenciais museológicos, a formação e o perfil de seu acervo de peças históricas. / This dissertation aims to approach, historically, the physical and symbolic construction of The Bandeirante House, an evocative museum of the time of \"bandeiras\" (former Brazilian settlers). It was inaugurated in 1955, at the end of the celebrations of the IV Centenary of the City of São Paulo, with its restoration being carried out under the responsibility of the organizing committee of those festivities. The first of the \"historical homes\" belonging to the city hall, it is part of the current architectural collection of São Paulo\'s city museums. The time covered in this project extends from 1955 to 1964, during the first period of the Museum, under the direction of Paul Camilher Florençano, when this cultural space was designed to present a scenario of the way of living in São Paulo during the colonizer period. At that moment, The Bandeirante House conceived heroically the \"Bandeirante Cycle\", dealing with as a myth by the presentation of an exhibition by period room, conceptual guidelines of the exhibition held until 1978. The goals of this dissertation are to analyze the conceptual and institutional creating process of the Bandeirante House, to understand and document its acquisition policy and to discuss the first long term exhibition of the institution, based the \"sertanista myth\" and its museum references.

Cataloguing and editing Coptic Biblical texts in an online database system

Feder, Frank January 2016 (has links)
The Göttingen Virtual Manuscript Room (VMR); The Göttingen Virtual Manuscript Room (VMR) offers both an online based digital repository for Coptic Biblical manuscripts (ideally, high resolution images of every manuscript page, all metadata etc.) and a digital edition of their texts, finally even a critical edition of every biblical book of the Coptic Old Testament based on all available manuscripts. All text data will also be transferred into XML and linguistically annotated. In this way the VMR offers a full physical description of each manuscript and, at the same time, a full edition of its text and language data. Of course, the VMR can be used for manuscripts and texts other than Coptic too.

Light It Up - Designproces af en spisebordslampe

Stigborg, Christina January 2018 (has links)
This thesis studies how to design a light to a target group based on different theories and methods. The aim has been to investigate what factors are needed to design a good lamp based on theories developed by Poul Henningsen. The problem definition for this study is as follows: How can you use the ACD methods and design process to design a dining table lamp based on Poul Henningsen's theories about light?In order to answer the problem definition, a choice was made to work with the theoretical field of User Centered Design. The study is based on empirical evidence of light and methods that will investigate and analyze the specific needs of a target group in regard to a dining table lamp. Using a design process consisting of idea generation, conceptualizing and prototyping, a lamp that meets both the needs of the target group and the requirements of Poul Henningsen has been designed. The result of this was the development of a dining table lamp that has several different adjustment options physically and technically and casts theoretically correct shadows.This study shows how little empiric evidence that currently exist about light and its use. Therefore, there is ample opportunity to do more research on this topic. Additionally, this task opens up the possibility of designing new lamps based on clarified guidelines.

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