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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inerciální navigační systém pro mobilní telefony / Inertial navigation system for mobile phones

Jakl, Michal January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possibility of connecting inertial navigation sensors (accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope) to determine with the highest precision the position of the user without the help of GPS or other networks. This is inherently connected with the need to deal with many sources of errors, which are connected with this positioning method. The research section describes the principle and history of selected navigation methods and current trends in the use of inertial positioning or navigation methods. The methodical part deals with the design of a system able to determine with the highest accuracy the current position of the user from different input conditions. It is designed to obtain the necessary data from both the sensors and the user and their subsequent processing and use to render the user's position. The application section then describes the practical procedure for creating an Android mobile OS application output and in the discussion part is presented and evaluated the knowledge of testing both during the creation and in the final survey among the test users. The conclusion evaluates the goals and summarizes the practical possibilities and limits of the usability of these positioning methods in mobile phones. It also provides suggestions for further development and...

Tentativa de suicídio: vivências dos profissionais de saúde no pronto-socorro / Attempted suicide: health care professionals experiences in the E.R.

Toro, Giovana Vidotto Roman 16 December 2016 (has links)
O suicídio é um fenômeno complexo, considerado problema de saúde pública devido às altas taxas de tentativas e consequentes óbitos. O contato inicial com o paciente que tentou o suicídio, na maioria das vezes, ocorre no pronto-socorro do hospital geral, sendo, fundamental analisar o relacionamento entre os membros da equipe de saúde e o paciente com comportamento suicida para entender como o cuidado está sendo oferecido. Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender como profissionais de saúde, que atuam no pronto-socorro, vivenciam a assistência prestada ao paciente que tentou suicídio. A pesquisa teve caráter qualitativo e a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas abertas. O material obtido a partir dos depoimentos foi avaliado por meio da técnica da análise temática. As respostas dadas pelos colaboradores foram agrupadas em temas comuns: conceituação do suicídio; importância do atendimento multiprofissional; diferenças entre o SUS e o sistema privado; as distintas posturas dos profissionais de saúde; relação família-paciente; medicamentos como forma de cuidado e tentativa de suicídio; sofrimento psíquico entre os profissionais. A presente investigação apontou que a assistência ao paciente que tentou o suicídio no pronto-socorro é inadequada, marcada pela falta de preparo e fragmentação do cuidado. Evita-se o contato com o sofrimento intenso relacionado com o ato suicida e o cuidado a esse paciente é redirecionado aos profissionais da saúde mental. Os fatores que influenciam na assistência precisam ser reconhecidos e reformulados para que haja melhoria na qualidade dos atendimentos possibilitando um cuidado integral à pessoa com ideação e tentativa de suicídio / Suicide is a complex phenomenon, considered a public health problem given high resultant mortality rates. In the majority of cases, initial contact with patients who attempted suicide occurs in the emergency room of a general hospital. As a result, analyzing the relationship between members of the healthcare team and the patient with suicidal behavior is paramount to understanding how care is being provided. The objective of this study was to understand health care professionals experiences in treating attempted suicide patients while working in the E.R. The study was qualitative in nature and data were collected via open interviews. The data obtained from the depositions were analyzed using thematic analysis. The responses given by the interviewees were grouped into topics: the concept of suicide; the importance of multidisciplinary care; differences between the public and private health systems; the different postures of health care professionals; the patient-family relationship; medication as both a form of treatment and a manner for attempted suicide; and psychic suffering among health care professionals. The present study found that care for patients provided in the E.R. after attempting suicide is inadequate, defined by a lack of preparation on part of the health care professionals and fragmented care. Health care professionals avoid contact with the intense suffering related with the act of suicide and these patients are redirected to mental health professionals. The diverse factors that influence care should be recognized and reconsidered so that the quality of care is improved, which would provide for holistic care of the patient with suicidal thoughts or attempted suicide

"Do vivendo para brincar ao brincando para viver: o desvelar da criança com câncer em tratamento ambulatorial na brinquedoteca" / "From living to play to playing to live: the unveiling of the child"

Melo, Luciana de Lione 26 September 2003 (has links)
O câncer infantil é uma doença crônica que demanda um tratamento longo, invasivo e doloroso. Os avanços terapêuticos possibilitam sua realização ao nível ambulatorial, no entanto, este se mostra tão desgastante e cansativo quanto a hospitalização. Com isso, é importante que a criança com câncer tenha um espaço para que possa distrair-se, além de expressar suas angústias e ansiedades com relação a sua nova realidade – o mundo da doença e do tratamento oncológico – enquanto aguarda ser atendida. A brinquedoteca se mostra como o espaço capaz de favorecer o desenvolvimento da criança, além de ajudá-la a compreender o que está acontecendo consigo por meio do brincar. A proposta deste estudo é desvelar o sentido de Ser-criança com câncer em tratamento ambulatorial, utilizando a brinquedoteca como possibilidade de favorecer a expressão, pela criança, de seu mundo cotidiano. Para isso foi implantada uma brinquedoteca em um hospital filantrópico de Ribeirão Preto, S. P. Houve a participação de sete crianças entre 3 e 9 anos com diagnóstico de algum tipo de câncer infantil, no período de agosto/01 a janeiro/02. Durante o retorno médico, a criança era convidada a brincar na brinquedoteca e orientada a permanecer o período que desejasse. Após as “sessões de brinquedo", as fitas foram transcritas e complementadas com as observações anotadas. A fim de desvelar o sentido das vivências das crianças com câncer em tratamento ambulatorial, foi realizada uma análise à luz da fenomenologia existencial de Martin Heidegger. A criança-com-câncer configurou-se como um ir e vir permeado ora pela autenticidade, quando a criança assumia sua doença e seu ser-para-a-morte, ora pela inautenticidade, quando deixava-se levar pelo modo de ser da decadência dos familiares e da equipe de saúde. O brincar pôde favorecer um rico acesso às vivências da criança gravemente doente. / Children’s cancer is a chronic disease that demands a long, invasive and painful treatment. The therapeutic advances enable the ambulatory treatment. However, it is as stressful as the hospitalization. Therefore, it is important for the child to have space to express their anxieties regarding this new reality – the disease’s world and the oncology treatment– when they are waiting to receive their treatment. The playing room is a place that favors the children’s development and help them to understand what is happening with them while they play. The purpose of this study is to learn the meaning of being children with cancer being submitted to ambulatory treatment and using the play room as a possibility to enable their expression about their world. Thus, a play room was built at a philanthropic hospital in the city of Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Seven children from 3 to 9 years of age with the diagnosis of cancer participated in the study from August, 2001 to January, 2002. During their appointments, the children were invited to play and oriented to stay there as long as they wanted. After the playing sessions, the tapes were transcribed and complemented with observations. Aiming at learning about the meaning of these experiences to children with cancer, author analyzed these data based on the Marting Heidegger’s existential phenomenology. The children-with-cancer showed a movement that was permeated sometimes by the authenticity, when the child assumed the disease and their being-to-death and also by the lack of authenticity, when they were influenced by their family and members of the health team. The situation of playing enabled the access to these children who were severely ill.

Influência de defeitos e da qualidade superficial no desempenho do cristal de iodeto de mercúrio aplicado como detector de radiação / The influence of defects and surface quality on the mercuric iodide crystal used as a radiation detector

Martins, João Francisco Trencher 19 November 2015 (has links)
Os compostos semicondutores com alto número atômico e energia de banda proibida larga vêm sendo pesquisados como detectores de radiação X e gama, com alta resolução energética, operando à temperatura ambiente. O denominador comum dos materiais semicondutores, que operam à temperatura ambiente, é a dificuldade em crescer cristais com pureza química elevada e boa estequiometria. O desenvolvimento deste tipo de detectores semicondutores de radiação é ainda um desafio tecnológico e tem deparado com muitos fatores limitantes, tais como: material de partida com qualidade compatível para o uso no crescimento de cristal, baixa estabilidade do detector ao longo do tempo, oxidação superficial e outras dificuldades relatadas na literatura, que limitam o seu uso. Neste trabalho, estabeleceu-se a metodologia de transporte físico de vapor (PVT) para a purificação e crescimento do cristal semicondutor de Iodeto de Mercúrio (HgI2). Cristais de HgI2 com orientação cristalina, estequiometria e morfologia da superfície adequadas foram obtidos por essa técnica. Uma redução nítida de impurezas após a purificação pode ser observada e o nível de impureza presente nos cristais não interferiu nas suas estruturas cristalinas. Uma boa morfologia com uniformidade nas camadas da superfície foi encontrada nos cristais, indicando uma boa orientação na estrutura cristalina. Um estudo inédito foi realizado no Laboratório da University of Freiburg, sob a coordenação do Prof. Michael Fiederle, com o intuito de aumentar a estabilidade do detector de HgI2 ao longo do tempo. A aplicação de diferentes tipos de resina polimérica para encapsulamento dos detectores HgI2 foi realizada e estudada, no intuito de proteger o cristal de HgI2 das reações com os gases atmosféricos e isolar eletricamente a superfície dos cristais. Quatro resinas poliméricas foram analisadas, cujas composições são: Resina n 1: 50% - 100% de heptano, 10% - 25% metilcicloexano, <1% de ciclo-hexano; Resina n2: 25% - 50% de etanol, 25% - 50% de acetona, <2,5% de acetato de etilo; Resina n3: 50% - 100% de acetato de metilo, 5% - 10% de n-butilo e Resina 4: 50% - 100% de etil-2- cianoacrilato. A influência dos tipos de resina polimérica utilizada na espectroscopia de desempenho do detector semicondutor HgI2 é, claramente, demonstrada. O melhor resultado foi encontrado para o detector encapsulado com resina n3. Um aumento de até 26 vezes no tempo de estabilidade, como detector de radiação, foi observado para os detectores encapsulados com resina em comparação com o detector não encapsulado, exposto à atmosfera. / The semiconductor compounds with high atomic number and wide band gap energy have been investigated as X and gamma range radiation detectors, with high energy resolution, operating at room temperature. The common denominator of semiconductor materials, which operate at room temperature, is the difficulty to grow crystals with high chemical purity and good stoichiometry. The development of this type of radiation semiconductor detectors is still a technological challenge and it has faced many limiting factors, such as: starting material quality compatible for use in crystal growth, low stability of the detector over the time, surface oxidation and other difficulties reported in the literature, which limit their use. In this work, the Physical vapor transport (PVT) methodology for purification and growth of the Iodide Mercury (HgI2) semiconductor crystals was established. HgI2 crystals with crystalline orientation and suitable surface stoichiometry and morphology were obtained by this technique. A significant reduction of impurities after purification could be observed and the impurity levels present in crystals did not interfere in their crystal structures. A good morphology with uniformity in the surface layers of the crystals was found, indicating a good orientation in the crystal structure. A novel study was conducted at the Laboratory of the University of Freiburg, under the guidance of Prof. Michael Fiederle, in order to increase the stability of the HgI2 detector over the time. The application of different types of polymer resins for encapsulation of HgI2 detectors was carried out and studied, in order to protect the HgI2 crystal of reactions with the atmospheric gases and to isolate, electrically, the surface of these crystals. Four types of polymeric resins were evaluated, and each composition is : (a) Resin n1: 50% - 100% heptane 10% - 25% methyl cyclohexane, <1% cyclohexane; (b) Resin n2: 25% - 50% ethanol, 25% - 50% acetone <2.5% ethyl acetate; (c) Resin n3: 50% - 100% methyl acetate, 5% - 10% n-butyl and (d) Resin n 4: 50% - 100% ethyl-2- cyanoacrylate. The influence of the different types of polymer resins composition, used in the HgI2 detector encapsulation, is clearly demonstrated by the results of the gamma ray spectroscopy. The best results were found for the detector encapsulated with resin n3. An increase of up to 26 times in the stability period was observed for the detectors encapsulated with resin, compared to those which were not encapsulated and, therefore, had been exposed to the atmosphere.

Megalith Grave Escape : Using escape room game mechanics for cultural heritage sites

Vaske, Kristofer January 2019 (has links)
This report documents the development of a concept and prototype for a mobile application with the purpose of making the megalith graves surrounding the town of Falköping more engaging and interactive for visitors. Because of the limitations of working with heritage sites that cannot be altered to support a gaming experience, the usage of escape room game mechanics is explored. Because escape room games depend on the user's observation and exploration of their environment, they serve as a usable inspiration for applications with the purpose of making visitors experience a location in a similar way. The prototype developed for the project contains puzzles designed for four different megalith grave sites which were then tested with groups of children and parents playing together.

Ansiedade e medo no pré-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca: intervenção de enfermagem na abordagem psicossocial / Anxiety and fear in cardiac surgery pre-operative: nursing intervention in psychosocial approach

Leon, Maria Denise 25 April 2007 (has links)
O investimento dessa pesquisa foi colocar em evidência os sentimentos de ansiedade e medo, encontrados em pessoas que se submeteriam à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio, por meio da aplicação de uma estratégia de intervenção grupal, na abordagem psicossocial. Os objetivos foram: identificar os níveis de ansiedade e medo nas pessoas que iriam se submeter à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (RM); implementar uma estratégia de orientação grupal na visita pré-operatória, na abordagem psicossocial, para as pessoas que apresentaram medo e ansiedade no pré-operatório de cirurgia de RM; comparar os níveis de ansiedade e medo entre as pessoas que receberam as orientações tradicionais da instituição e aquelas que participaram da estratégia de orientação grupal na visita pré-operatória; apreender o significado das orientações pré-operatórias segundo a percepção das pessoas participantes dos grupos de intervenção. A pesquisa, de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa, foi realizada em um hospital especializado em cardiologia, no município de São Paulo no período de abril a agosto de 2006. Das pessoas abordadas para avaliação (109), 60 participaram efetivamente do estudo, sendo 30 no grupo de intervenção e 30 no grupo controle. Foi realizado um ensaio clínico controlado randomizado. Os dados foram analisados por meio de análise estatística e de análise de conteúdo, segundo Bardin. No grupo de intervenção foram utilizadas dinâmicas grupais para promover um ambiente relaxante e possibilitar aberturas para livre expressão das pessoas participantes. A maioria dos participantes era do sexo masculino, com Ensino Fundamental Incompleto, com nível sócio-econômico médio, com idade média de 62,02 anos. Verificou-se que as pessoas que participaram do grupo de intervenção tiveram redução nos níveis de ansiedade e o medo de forma clínica e estatisticamente significantes. As dinâmicas proporcionaram um momento lúdico e expressivo, além do significado cognitivo/afetivo e relacional, sendo alcançada. a segurança e a tranqüilidade que levaram à redução da ansiedade e do medo. Os resultados indicam que as orientações pré-operatórias realizadas de forma grupal, na abordagem psicossocial, produzem resultados efetivos e, portanto, recomenda-se que essa estratégia seja implementada nas instituições hospitalares / This research is aimed at highlighting the importance of feelings such as anxiety and fear in those who are to undergo myocardial revascularization surgery (RM), and the adoption of a psychosocial approach by which a strategy of group intervention is used. Aiming at identifying the levels of anxiety and fear in those patients, a strategy of group guidance during the pre-surgery round was adopted, using a psychosocial approach, comparing the levels of anxiety and fear in those who received traditional institutional guidance, and those who took part in the group guidance pre-surgical session, and also at comprehending the meaning of the pre-surgical guidance in the perception of the intervention group participants. This research is of a quantitative and qualitative nature, and was conducted in a specialized cardio hospital, in the city of Sao Paulo, in the period between April and August 2006. Out of the 109 people approached for assessment, 60 took an effective participation in the study, of which 30 were in the intervention group and 30 in the control group. A controlled, random clinical rehearsal was performed. The data was analyzed statistically and content wise, in accordance to Bardin. With the intervention group, group dynamics were applied so as to promote a relaxing, friendly environment, and allow for the participants’ free expression. Most of the subjects in this group were male, with incomplete lower education, average socio-economic class, and 62,02 years old on average. It was noted that this group subjects had their levels of anxiety and fear lowered, in a statistically significant manner. The dynamics provided them with more than only a playful, expressive moment; they had a cognitive/affectionate, relational significance, through which security and tranquility were achieved, and, as a result, levels of anxiety and fear were reduced. Results indicate that group pre-surgical guidance in a psychosocial approach produces effective results, and is thus recommended for undertaking in hospital

Finite difference and finite volume methods for wave-based modelling of room acoustics

Hamilton, Brian January 2016 (has links)
Wave-based models of sound propagation can be used to predict and synthesize sounds as they would be heard naturally in room acoustic environments. The numerical simulation of such models with traditional time-stepping grid-based methods can be an expensive process, due to the sheer size of listening environments (e.g., auditoriums and concert halls) and due to the temporal resolution required by audio rates that resolve frequencies up to the limit of human hearing. Finite difference methods comprise a simple starting point for such simulations, but they are known to suffer from approximation errors that may necessitate expensive grid refinements in order to achieve sufficient levels of accuracy. As such, a significant amount of research has gone into designing finite difference methods that are highly accurate while remaining computationally efficient. The problem of designing and using accurate finite difference schemes is compounded by the fact that room acoustics models require complex boundary conditions to model frequency-dependent wall impedances over non-trivial geometries. The implementation of such boundary conditions in a numerically stable manner has been a challenge for some time. Stable boundary conditions for finite difference room acoustics simulations have been formulated in the past, but generally they have only been useful in modelling trivial geometries (e.g., idealised shoebox halls). Finite volume methods have recently been shown to be a viable solution to the problem of complex boundary conditions over non-trivial geometries, and they also allow for the use of energy methods for numerical stability analyses. Finite volume methods lend themselves naturally to fully unstructured grids and they can simplify to the types of grids typically used in finite difference methods. This allows for room acoustics simulation models that balance the simplicity of finite difference methods for wave propagation in air with the detail of finite volume methods for the modelling of complex boundaries. This thesis is an exploration of these two distinct, yet related, approaches to wave-based room acoustic simulations. The overarching theme in this investigation is the balance between accuracy, computational efficiency, and numerical stability. Higher-order and optimised schemes in two and three spatial dimensions are derived and compared, towards the goal of finding accurate and efficient finite difference schemes. Numerical stability is analysed using frequency-domain analyses, as well as energy techniques whenever possible, allowing for stable and frequency-dependent boundary conditions appropriate for room acoustics modelling. Along the way, the use of non-Cartesian grids is investigated, geometric relationships between certain finite difference and finite volume schemes are explored, and some problems associated to staircasing effects at boundaries are considered. Also, models of sound absorption in air are incorporated into these numerical schemes, using physical parameters that are appropriate for room acoustic scenarios.

Sala de recursos para deficientes visuais: um itinerário, diversos olhares. / Resource room for visual deficient: one itinerary, divers looks.

Prado, Luciane da Silva 21 March 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investigou o trabalho realizado em uma sala de recursos para deficientes visuais, que apóia educandos cegos e com baixa visão, seus familiares e os profissionais da instituição, e sua contribuição, legitimidade e importância em um contexto de inclusão escolar. Os dados foram obtidos mediante as entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com os envolvidos. Além disso, foram realizadas observações das aulas, e a análise documental de dois projetos de funcionamento da sala de recursos, registros e outros materiais selecionados na escola e no setor de apoio pesquisado, contemplando diferentes significados em seus múltiplos contextos, de forma ampla, descritiva, enfatizando o processo, como pressupõe uma pesquisa qualitativa. Elucidou-se as razões para a criação desse setor de apoio, assim como suas condições de funcionamento, através de uma retomada histórica e teórica sobre a clientela atendida. A realidade constatou a importância desse serviço no processo de inclusão escolar, orientando, supervisionando e desenvolvendo um trabalho adequado a necessidade de pais, alunos e profissionais ligados a escola, enfatizando-se o professor. A pesquisa mostrou que a sala de recursos pesquisada colaborou para o acesso do deficiente visual ao ensino regular e para sua inclusão educacional com maior eficácia. Obstante as conquistas, notou-se a necessidade do setor de apoio rever suas práticas, saindo do isolamento, aprendendo e buscando efetivamente trabalhar em equipe, ampliando seu olhar e desenvolvendo atividades que ultrapassem o âmbito educativo do aluno focalizado. / This research investigated the work developed in a resource room for visual deficient which supports students who are blind or have low vision, their relatives and institution professionals, their contribution, legitimacy and importance in a school inclusion context. The information was obtained through semi-structured interviews with people involved. Furthermore, it was implemented class observation, and documental analysis of two projects regarding the functioning of the resource classroom, records and other material selected in the school and in the support department researched, achieving different meanings in its multiple contexts, widely and descriptively, emphasizing the process, as a qualitative research is expected to be. The reasons for the creation of this support department were elucidated, as well as its functioning conditions, through a historic and theoric retaken regarding the ministered clients. It was noticed the importance of this service in the process of school inclusion, guiding, supervising and developing a suitable work for the needs of parents, students and school professionals, being the teacher emphasized. The research showed that the resource room collaborated for the visual deficient access of the regular teaching and their educational inclusion with greater efficiency. Despite the achievements, it was noticed that the support department should review its practices, coming out of the isolation, learning and seeking to work effectively as a team, improving its view and developing activities that goes ahead the educational ambit of the student in focus.

Salas de leitura da rede municipal de ensino do estado de São Paulo: caminhos possíveis para redimensionar seu funcionamento / The reading rooms in the schools of the public education network of São Paulo city: possible ways for resizing their operation.

Polido, Nágila Euclides da Silva 03 July 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por tema o Projeto Sala de Leitura da Rede Municipal de Ensino de São Paulo analisada como parte das políticas públicas de incentivo à leitura e à formação dos leitores. Seu foco de investigação está na organização e funcionamento desses espaços, regidos por legislação específica, que desde sua implantação e implementação vêm adequando-se a diferentes concepções de leitura decorrentes de diferentes propostas educacionais das gestões que assumem a administração municipal. No entanto, o projeto tem resistido a essas descontinuidades, constituindo-se como um dos maiores e mais longevos entre aqueles que têm a leitura como centralidade. A questão-problema do trabalho investiga quais aspectos da organização e funcionamento das Salas de Leitura da Rede Municipal de Ensino de São Paulo podem ser redimensionados de forma a conceber ações de sucesso na maioria das unidades de ensino. O objetivo geral é contribuir para a investigação sobre a organização e funcionamento de espaços e salas de leitura no favorecimento à formação de jovens leitores na escola pública e os objetivos específicos: proceder um estudo exploratório sobre o funcionamento das salas de leitura; esboçar um instrumento de avaliação do funcionamento de salas de leitura; investigar fatores ligados a mudanças na organização e funcionamento das salas de leitura e os efeitos produzidos na interlocução com os alunos; identificar facilitadores e entraves à organização e funcionamento das salas de leitura. Quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos, foram seguidas as diretrizes da metodologia não-convencional, com a observação participante nos encontros de formação contínua para Professores Orientadores de Sala de Leitura entre 2010 e 2011; a análise da legislação e documentos pertinentes à organização e funcionamento das Salas de Leitura e à orientação para os Professores Orientadores de Sala de Leitura publicados entre 2001 e 2011; a análise dos dados levantados em visitas a Salas de Leitura; e entrevista com uma das assessoras responsáveis pela formação dos Professores Orientadores de Sala de Leitura entre 2008 e 2011. A análise dos resultados foi feita com base nas concepções teóricas de leitura e de avaliação de programas dos autores estudados (Chartier; Martins; Jouve; Worthen, Sanders & Fitzpatrick). As conclusões indicam que as Salas de Leitura apresentam heterogeneidades quanto a sua organização e funcionamento, mesmo sendo reguladas por legislação específica, mas que na última década apontaram para um avanço quanto ao estabelecimento de critérios para organização do espaço e do acervo e uma orientação mais direcionada quanto às práticas a serem desenvolvidas. / This research has as its theme the Reading Room of the public education network of São Paulo city reviewed as part of public policies to encourage reading and formation of readers. The investigation focuses on the organization and functioning of these spaces, which are regulated by specific legislation. Since its implementation they are adapting to different conceptions of reading resulting different managements of educational proposals that assume the municipal government. However the project are resisting these discontinuities, establishing itself as one of the largest and longest among those who have reading as centrality. The research investigates the problem of which aspects of the organization and functioning of the Reading Rooms of São Paulo Municipal Schools can be resized in order to design successful actions in most units of education. The purpose is to contribute to research on the organization and functioning of reading rooms, favoring the formation of young readers in public education. The specific objectives are: conduct an exploratory study on the functioning of reading rooms; draft an instrument for evaluating the operation of reading rooms; investigate factors related to changes in the organization and functioning of the reading rooms and the effects produced in the interaction with students, identify improvements and impediments to the organization and functioning of the reading rooms. The methodological procedures include: participative observation in continuing education for Teachers Guiding the Reading Room from 2010 to 2011; analysis of legislation and relevant documents to the organization and functioning of Reading Rooms and the orientation for Teachers Guiding Reading Room published between 2001 and 2011; visits to Reading Rooms; and interview with advisor responsible for training Teachers Guiding for Reading Room between 2008 and 2011. The analysis was based on theoretical conceptions of reading and evaluating programs of the authors studied (Chartier; Martins, Jouve, Worthen, Sanders & Fitzpatrick). The conclusions are that Reading Rooms have diversities in their organization and functioning, even though governed by specific legislation, but in the last decade have pointed to an advance on the establishment of criteria for the organization of space and collection and practices are more focused.

Causas de morte em suínos no período pré-abate / Causes of death in pigs during pre-slaughter

Jühlich, Luciane Maria January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou a mortalidade de suínos no pré-abate através de análises anatomopatológica a fim de identificar as causas envolvidas. O estudo foi realizado durante os períodos de verão e inverno do ano de 2015 em um frigorífico do estado do Rio Grande do Sul que conta com Serviço de Inspeção Federal e está localizado na região do Vale do Taquari. No verão, foram contabilizadas 141 mortes do total de 117.260 (0,12%), enquanto que, no inverno, foram 75 mortes do total de 127.286 (0,05%). Dos 216 suínos mortos nos dois períodos, 170 foram submetidos a necropsia. Amostras foram examinadas no laboratório do Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Entre as causas de morte diagnosticadas, as úlceras gástricas na região do quadrilátero esofágico e piloro foram as mais frequentes, sendo 29,2% (31/106) no verão e 32,8% (21/64) no inverno. As alterações pulmonares, como pneumonia enzoótica, influenza, broncopneumonia bacteriana e pleurite, foram o segundo diagnóstico mais frequente, sendo observado 15,1% (16/106) no verão e 18,8% (12/64) no inverno. A insuficiência cardíaca, incluindo pericardite bacteriana, endocardite bacteriana, cardiomiopatia hipertrófica, miocardite, infarto do miocárdio e neoplasia, apresentou-se em uma frequência de 14,2% (15/106) no verão e 9,4% (6/64) no inverno. A dilatação gástrica aguda causada pelo excesso de ração no estômago também foi um importante diagnóstico obtido, sendo 8,5% (9/106) no verão e 4,7% (3/64) no inverno. Rupturas de fígado foram observadas em 5,7% das mortes (6/106) no verão e 7,8% (5/64) no inverno, enquanto que rupturas de baço foram observadas em 0,9% das mortes (1/106) no verão e 1,6% (1/64) no inverno, representando diagnósticos importantes, mas pouco descritos na literatura como causa de morte. A enteropatia proliferativa foi diagnosticada em 5,7% dos casos (6/106) no verão e 4,7% (3/64) no inverno. A torção de mesentério foi responsável por 3,8% (4/106) das mortes ocorridas no verão e 6,2% (4/64) no inverno. Em menor frequência observaram-se as polisserosites, presente em 2,8% (3/106) dos suínos mortos no verão e 3,1% (2/64) no inverno. Já a fratura de fêmur somente foi observada em 0,9% dos casos (1/106) no período de verão. Casos inconclusivos representaram 13,2% (14/106) no verão e 10,9% (7/64) no inverno. Também se observou que a mortalidade pré-abate nas duas épocas do ano avaliadas ocorre mais em suínos que estão no período de descanso (64,5% (139/216) do que durante o transporte (35,5% (77/216). / The present study evaluated the mortality of pigs just prior to slaughter through histopathological analysis in order to identify the causes of death. The study was conducted during the summer and winter of 2015 in a slaughter that has Federal Inspection Service in Rio Grande do Sul State located in Taquari Valley. During the summer, 141 deaths were accounted from the total deaths of 117 260 (0.12%), while, in the winter, it were 75 deaths from the total of 127.286 (0.05%). Of the 216 carcasses of dead animals in both periods, 170 were analyzed. Samples were examined in the laboratory of the Veterinary Pathology Sector of the Veterinary School of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Among the causes of death diagnosed, gastric ulcers in the esophageal quadrilateral region and pylorus were the most frequent, which represented 29.2% (31/106) in the summer and 32.8% (21/64) in winter. Pulmonary disorders such as enzootic pneumonia, influenza, bacterial pneumonia and pleuritis, were the second most frequent diagnosis, observed in 15.1% (16/106) in the summer and 18.8% (12/64) in the winter. Heart failure, including bacterial pericarditis, bacterial endocarditis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, myocardial infarction and neoplasia, had a frequency of 14.2% (15/106) in the summer and 9.4% (6/64) in the winter. Acute gastric dilatation caused by excess food in the stomach was also an important diagnosis, with 8.5% (9/106) in the summer and 4.7% (3/64) in the winter. Liver ruptures were observed in 5.7% of deaths (6/106) in summer and 7.8% (5/64) in the winter, while spleen ruptures were observed in 0.9% of deaths (1/106 ) in summer and 1.6% (1/64) in the winter, representing important diagnoses, however it is rarely reported in the literature as a cause of pig death. Proliferative enteropathy was diagnosed in 5.7% of the cases (6/106) in the summer and 4.7% (3/64) in the winter. Mesenteric torsion was diagnosed in 3.8% (4/106) of deaths in the summer and 6.2% (4/64) in the winter. Polyserositis were observed in lower frequency, 2.8% (3/106) of dead pigs in the summer and 3.1% (2/64) in the winter. Femur fracture was only observed in 0.9% of cases of death (1/106) in the summer period. Inconclusive cases accounted for 13.2% (14/106) in the summer and 10.9% (7/64) in the winter. It was also noted that pre-slaughter mortality in both seasons of the evaluated year occurs more in pigs that are in the rest period (64.5% (139/216) than during transportation (35.5% (77/216).

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