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Att arbeta med tillgångar och motgångar : Operationssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att bevara patientens kroppsliga integritet / Working with assets and setbacks : Operating room nurses' experiences of preserving the patients bodily integrityRunesson, Sofia, Sundbrandt, Eva January 2013 (has links)
I samband med operation exponeras patientens kropp för att kunna genomföra ett ingrepp och det är operationssjuksköterskans uppgift att bevara patientens kroppsliga integritet. Det finns dock inga tydliga riktlinjer för detta och kan vara en svår utmaning för operationssjuksköterskor. Syftet med studien var att beskriva operationssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hur de bevarar patientens kroppsliga integritet. Kvalitativ ansats med intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod valdes för att beskriva operationssjuksköterskors erfarenheter inom området. Urvalet bestod av nio operationssjuksköterskor fördelade på fyra sjukhus inom tre län. Datamaterialet analyserades enligt en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och resulterade i sju subkategorier under en och samma kategori. Operationssjuksköterskorna beskrev begreppet integritet som en människas personliga sfär och att varje enskild patients integritet bevaras genom individanpassad vård. Skydda patientens kroppsliga integritet kan göras genom att skyla kroppen och undvika obehöriga blickar, men samtidigt finns faktorer som försvårar bevarandet av patientens kroppsliga integritet. En kombination av professionalism och empati menar operationssjuksköterskorna leder dem till att bevara patientens kroppsliga integritet där patientrelationen är viktig men av olika skäl kan utebli. Slutsatsen av resultatet är att patientrelationen är viktig för att kunna inhämta den information operationssjuksköterskan behöver för att kunna bevara patientens kroppsliga integritet. / During a surgery the patient’s body is exposed in order to carry out the surgery and it is the operating room nurse’s main task to care for and to protect the patient’s bodily integrity. However, at this time there are no clear guidelines on how to treat this subject and it can be a difficult challenge for the nurses. The purpose of this study was to describe the operating room nurses experiences of how they best protect the patient's bodily integrity. A qualitative approach with interviews and data collection methods was chosen to describe the operating room nurses' experiences in the field. The sample consisted of nine surgical nurses, spread across four hospitals in three counties. The data was analyzed according to a qualitative content analysis and resulted into seven sub-categories under the same category. Operating room nurses described the concept of integrity as a human's personal space, and that each patient’s integrity is maintained through individualized care. Protecting the patient’s bodily integrity can be done by covering the body and preventing unauthorized eyes but there are factors that can for different reasons make this difficult. The operating room nurses think that a combination of professionalism and empathy leads them to maintain the patient's bodily integrity where patient relationship is important, but for various reasons may be compromised. The conclusions from the result is that the patient relationship is important in order to obtain the information that the operating room nurse needs to be able to protect the patient's bodily integrity.
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The electrochemistry of hydrogen sulfide in room temperature ionic liquidsO'Mahony, Aoife Maria January 2010 (has links)
The work presented in this thesis involves the use of room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) as solvents in electrochemical experiments for the detection of hydrogen sulfide. The fundamentals of electrochemistry are presented, followed by an overview of RTILs in terms of their properties, applications and their behaviour as electrochemical solvents compared to conventional solvents. This is followed by an outline of electrochemical detection of various gases in aqueous, organic and ionic solvents. The results of 8 original studies are then presented as follows: <ul><li>The study of the electrochemical window of twelve different room temperature ionic liquids using cyclic voltammetry vs. an internal redox couple for two defined current densities, and observation of water uptake of different ionic liquids under different conditions using a Karl Fischer titrator.</li><li>The reduction of hydrogen sulfide in various room temperature ionic liquids at a platinum electrode, measured using cyclic voltammetry. Also, solubilities and diffusion coefficients of hydrogen sulfide determined by potential step chronoamperometry.</li><li>The oxidation of hydrogen sulfide in various room temperature ionic liquids at a platinum electrode measured using cyclic voltammetry and the simulation of the electrochemical signal using experimentally defined parameters.</li><li>The disproportionation of N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DMPD) in room temperature ionic liquids using cyclic voltammetry, and computational simulation of the voltammetry of DMPD using experimentally defined parameters to elucidate kinetic and thermodynamic data. DMPD was examined as a mediating species for hydrogen sulfide detection.</li><li>The oxidation of catechol and dopamine in ionic liquids using cyclic voltammetry and observing adsorption effects when varying solvent anion. Catechol was examined as a mediating species for hydrogen sulfide detection.</li><li>The electrochemical oxidation of NADH in ionic liquids using cyclic voltammetry and observing the ”switching on or off” of the electrochemical signal when varying the solvent anion. NADH was examined as a mediating species for hydrogen sulfide detection.</li><li>The mediated detection of hydrogen sulfide utilizing various mediating species in several ionic liquids using cyclic voltammetry, and the elucidation of the mediating mechanism of hydrogen sulfide in 3,5-tert-butyl-o-benzoquinone.</li><li>The observation of the diffusion of ferrocene in an ionic liquid at ring-recessed disc microelectrode arrays in generator-collector mode using potential step chronoamperometry.</li><ul> The results presented show that room temperature ionic liquids perform well as solvents in gas sensors, and could be viable alternatives to traditional organic solvents. Ionic liquids have also been observed to be tuneable in their reactions with analytes depending on the constituent cations and, in particular, anions. This tuneability is advantageous as specific combinations of cations and anions can be chosen to suit particular experiments.
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The creation of a binaural spatialization toolPicinali, Lorenzo January 2011 (has links)
The main focus of the research presented within this thesis is, as the title suggests, binaural spatialization. Binaural technology and, especially, the binaural recording technique are not particu-larly recent. Nevertheless, the interest in this technology has lately become substantial due to the increase in the calculation power of personal computers, which started to allow the complete and accurate real-time simulation of three-dimensional sound-fields over headphones. The goals of this body of research have been determined in order to provide elements of novelty and of contribution to the state of the art in the field of binaural spatialization. A brief summary of these is found in the following list: • The development and implementation of a binaural spatialization technique with Distance Simulation, based on the individual simulation of the distance cues and Binaural Reverb, in turn based on the weighted mix between the signals convolved with the different HRIR and BRIR sets; • The development and implementation of a characterization process for modifying a BRIR set in order to simulate different environments with different characteristics in terms of frequency response and reverb time; • The creation of a real-time and offline binaural spatialization application, imple-menting the techniques cited in the previous points, and including a set of multichannel(and Ambisonics)-to-binaural conversion tools. • The performance of a perceptual evaluation stage to verify the effectiveness, realism, and quality of the techniques developed, and • The application and use of the developed tools within both scientific and artistic “case studies”. In the following chapters, sections, and subsections, the research performed between January 2006 and March 2010 will be described, outlining the different stages before, during, and after the development of the software platform, analysing the results of the perceptual evaluations and drawing conclusions that could, in the future, be considered the starting point for new and innovative research projects.
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Paint Chip DreamsRiede, Danielle Felice 01 January 2005 (has links)
This thesis summarizes Danielle Riede's current art practice by detailing her materials, processes and inspiration. It also contextualizes her "Room Paintings" within the context of art history and contemporary art-making.
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A Retrospective Study of Operating Room Utilization and Efficiency in a Pediatric Dental Residency ProgramBurke, Brian 29 April 2014 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose was to assess and understand operating room (OR) utilization and efficiency in a pediatric dental residency program. Methods: A retrospective study was performed using chart extraction from 778 patients completed by both pediatric dentistry faculty (n=7) and residents (n=17) in an ambulatory care setting over a 32 month period (between July 2010 and March 2013). Patterns in OR usage time were determined by documenting various timing metrics (start and stop times for anesthesia, start and stop times for the dental procedure, times for throat pack in and out), noting patient information (age and ASA patient classification status), and creating variables by grouping data by clinical provider type and dental procedure. OR usage time was analyzed using multiple regression to estimate the per-tooth or per-mouth time for each type of procedure. Results: The median procedure time was 75 minutes (range= 1 to 517 minutes). Multiple regression indicated that for the average patient, a faculty member took 63.8 minutes (95% CI = 60.8 to 66.7 minutes) and a resident took 81.9 minutes (95% CI = 78.7 to 85.0 minutes, P<.0001).These results demonstrate that the appropriate scheduling of operating room should be based on the proficiency level of provider as well as the complexity of the dental procedure. Conclusion: This study concludes that pediatric dental operating room planning and scheduling in teaching hospitals should take into account real constraints such as residents’ level of training and skill.
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Analgesic Use in U.S. Emergency Departments for Patients Reporting Moderate to Severe Pain: Diagnosis and Select Patient Characteristics Influencing Narcotic Analgesic Prescribing PracticesZakaria, Hassan 01 January 2007 (has links)
Objective: This study aims to examine the relationship between emergency department patient encounter characteristics and narcotic analgesic prescribing practices in order to determine what patient characteristics, if any, influence the decision to prescribe narcotics.Methods: Cross sectional data on patients presenting to U.S. emergency departments from the 2003 and 2004 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey were analyzed. Patients reporting moderate to severe pain were included in the sample and analysis. Chi square tests of significance were used to assess the association between individual demographic and encounter characteristics to narcotic prescription or administration. Separate multiple logistic regressions were then performed on patients presenting with one of the three most common diagnosis categories or reasons for visit, since this was thought to also influence the decision to prescribe narcotics or not. Multivariate analysis produced adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals in order to determine the independent associations between each predictor variable and narcotic medication prescription or administration.Results: Our sample included 26,248 individuals presenting to U.S. emergency departments with moderate to severe pain as recorded by the NHMCS survey. Various patient and encounter characteristics appeared to influence narcotic administration in the univariate analysis including age, race, ethnicity, alcohol use, method of payment, geographic location and whether or not visit was related to a work injury or illness. No gender differences were found. Combining the top 3 reasons for visit, we found that race, patient alcohol use, age, geographic location and ethnicity all had significant bearing on the prescription of narcotics. Much of this was true when looking at top three diagnoses. Age, race, patient alcohol use, and geographic location were all associated with significantly different rates of narcotic administration, while ethnicity dropped out of significance. Black race, in both subcategories of analysis, showed the greatest association with decreased odds of receiving narcotic drugs in the ED.Conclusion: While initiatives like Healthy People 2010 are aimed at improving health and eliminating health care disparities, it appears that disparities still do exist on many levels. As it has been concluded through various other studies, it appears that race does influence health care providers' decisions to prescribe or administer narcotics. In January of 2001 JAHCO revised their standards to better address pain management of patients in the United States. While pain may be better-evaluated and recorded and overall rates or pain medication administration or prescription may have improved, it appears that the common disparities have not.
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Patientkännedom i den perioperativa vården : En intervjustudie med operationssjuksköterskor / Knowledge of the patient in perioperative care : An interview study with operating room nursesBexell, Hanna, Ulvegard, Agnes January 2017 (has links)
Introduktion: Operationssjuksköterskan ansvarar för en god och patientsäker perioperativ omvårdnad. Preoperativ personcentrerad information är en förutsättning för att kunna tillgodose patientens unika behov och främja kontinuitet i vården. Patientens individuella riskfaktorer är väsentligt för operationssjuksköterskan att känna till för att kunna förebygga vårdskador och genomföra en patientsäker perioperativ vård. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva operationssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att inhämta information för att skapa patientkännedom i den perioperativa vården. Metod: En kvalitativ studiedesign med en induktiv ansats tillämpades. Tio operationssjuksköterskor på ett länssjukhus i Sverige intervjuades. Intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades i sin helhet. Innehållsanalys valdes som metod för dataanalys. Resultat: Två generiska kategorier framkom: Ta del av skriftlig information om patienten och Det preoperativa mötet med patienten. Dessa bildar tillsammans den övergripande huvudkategorin Förutsättning för personcentrerad och patientsäker perioperativ vård. Till den generiska kategorin Ta del av skriftlig information om patienten hör subkategorierna Att inhämta grundläggande kunskap och Att prioritera och ta vara på möjligheter. Till den generiska kategorin Det preoperativa mötet med patienten hör subkategorierna Att träffa och tala med patienten och Att skapa förutsättningar för samtal. Konklusion: Resultatet bidrar med fördjupade kunskaper kring vad som är väsentligt att veta om patienten i den perioperativa vården och varför det är viktig information, utifrån operationssjuksköterskans perspektiv. Både skriftlig information och ett preoperativt möte med patienten behövs för att skapa förutsättning för personcentrerad och patientsäker perioperativ vård. Resultatet tyder på att det behövs ett förändrat arbetssätt för att möjliggöra skapandet av god kännedom om varje enskild patient och på så sätt öka patientsäkerheten. / Introduction: The operating room nurse is responsible for a good and safe perioperative care. Preoperative person-centered information is a prerequisite to meet the patient´s unique needs and promote continuity of care. The patient´s individual risk factors are essential for the operating room nurse to know in order to prevent hospital acquired injuries and to accomplish safe perioperative care. Aim: The aim was to describe operating room nurses´ experiences of obtaining information to create knowledge of the patient in perioperative care. Method: A qualitative study with an inductive approach was conducted. Ten operating room nurses at a hospital in Sweden were interviewed. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. Content analysis was chosen as the method of data analysis. Result: Two generic categories emerged: Read written information about the patient and The preoperative meeting with the patient. These generic categories together form the main category Prerequisite for person-centered and safe perioperative care. The generic category Read written information about the patient includes the subcategories To acquire basic knowledge and To prioritize and to seize opportunities. The generic category The preoperative meeting with the patient includes the subcategories To meet and talk with the patient and To create conditions for conversation. Conclusion: The findings contribute to a deeper knowledge of what is essential to know about the patient in perioperative care and why this is important information, from the operating room nurse´s perspective. Both written information and a preoperative meeting with the patient are required to create prerequisite for person-centered and safe perioperative care. The results indicate a need of change in the way of working to enable good knowledge of each patient, and thereby increase patient safety in perioperative care.
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Administrative death: Bureaucracy, capital punishment and governmentality in South Africa during the 1960svan Laun, Bianca Paige January 2018 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / On 15December 2011, the now ousted South African President Jacob Zuma officiated the opening of the Gallows Memorial Museum at the Pretoria Central Correctional Facility, a project undertaken by the Department of Correctional Services. This Project saw the gallows at what was previously Pretoria Central Maximum (C-Max) Prison, which had been dismantled in 1996 following the abolition of the death penalty in South Africa, restored and reopened as a museum. At the top of the notorious 52 steps that condemned prisoners climbed to reach the execution room, the then president unveiled a dedicated wall with individualised plaques for each of the political prisoners who had died there between 1960 and 1989. “Today” the president announced, “all 134 names are officially being enshrined for eternity so that future generations will know what this country went through, so that we never go through a similar horror ever again.
The Museum is meant to act as an anti-death penalty monument, to honour the anti-apartheid activists who were hanged by the apartheid state and to encourage “healing.” This was to be “a place where the political prisoners who were hanged there can be honoured and the past can be buried. Reflecting the African National Congress (hereafter ANC)- centered dominant narrative of resistance in South Africa, Zuma emphasised the executions of ANC cadres. He failed to note that the Pan Africanist Congress was the organisation that had lost the greatest number of its members to judicial executions.
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O ensino de geografia na infância e as salas multisseriadas das escolas do campo: realidades, tensões e perspectivas no município de Cedro-PE / The teaching of geography in childhood and the multi-series rooms of rural schools: realities, tensions and perspectives in the municipality of Cedro-PECruz, Antonio Tiago Rodrigues da 09 April 2019 (has links)
As Escolas do Campo, em especial aquelas com turmas multisseriadas, sempre foram marginalizadas e desacreditadas, muitas vezes até mesmo pelos seus sujeitos (homens e mulheres que delas se utilizam). As políticas públicas, por inúmeros fatores, quase nunca eram elaboradas na perspectiva de melhoria dessa realidade, tornando essas escolas instituições cada vez mais precárias, onde a educação pública de qualidade e de direito de todos, proposta pela nossa Lei de Diretrizes e Bases (LDB-1996), não se efetivava nesses espaços. Os movimentos sociais dos homens e mulheres do campo, principalmente o Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), cansados do descaso, vem travando uma luta constante, para que a Educação do Campo passe a ser vista como um direito e não como favor, tornando-a significativa e, dessa forma, quebrando paradigmas históricos, dando a ela sua verdadeira visibilidade. Em conformidade com os estudos acerca da Educação do Campo, a finalidade deste trabalho é compreender como o ensino de Geografia nos anos iniciais realizado nas salas multisseriadas das escolas do campo do município de Cedro, no semiárido Pernambuco, tem se desenvolvido e qual sua contribuição para a formação crítica/cidadã dos sujeitos que vivem e trabalham no campo. Para isso, são objetivos dessa pesquisa: entender como os conhecimentos geográficos são discutidos nos anos iniciais em salas multisseriadas, bem como, analisar de que maneira esses estão sendo ou podem ser articulados aos princípios da Educação do Campo. A preparação de um trabalho como esse exige uma sequência de etapas essenciais, onde se pode destacar: levantamentos bibliográficos, trabalhos de campo, levantamento de dados estatísticos, integralização dos dados e elaboração de um trabalho final. A princípio, além da participação nos cursos ofertados pelo Mestrado, realizamos os levantamentos e leituras bibliográficas que deram fundamentação teórica à pesquisa, dentre os quais, destacamos: Arroyo (2004, 2007), Caldart (2004, 2009, 2012), Callai (2001), Camacho (2008, 2011), Molina e Freitas (2011), Oliveira (2009, 2011, 2013), Oliveira (2001), Pires (2012), Santos (2002), Vicentini (2008), Zuchini, Silva e Oloiola (2013), entre outros. Também em outras fontes, tais como: websites do IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística), do IPA (Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco), e INCRA/SIDRA (Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reformo Agrária/Sistema IBGE de Recuperação Automática). Posteriormente, fomos a campo, reunir as primeiras informações empíricas para, em seguida, discutí-las à luz da teoria estudada. Diante o vivido e experienciado, ao longo de nossa jornada, tanto na condição de professor, como na de pesquisador, durante a realização da pesquisa nesses últimos três anos, inferimos que o trabalho nas salas multisseriadas é repleto de possibilidades e, ao contrário do que se pressupõe sobre elas, são espaços de muito aprendizado. Também observamos que o ensino de Geografia nos anos iniciai, precisa ser pautado na perspectiva de realizar a leitura da palavra por meio da leitura do mundo, pois esse é o desafio para pensar um aprendizado da alfabetização que seja significativo. A Geografia na infância, deve considerar as crianças, suas vivências, suas brincadeiras. / Field Schools, especially those with multisite groups, have always been marginalized and discredited, often even by their subjects (men and women who use them). Since public policies, by many factors, almost never happened in the perspective of improving this reality, making these schools, institutions increasingly precarious, where public education of quality and the right of all, proposed by our Law of Guidelines and Bases (LDB-1996), was not effective in these spaces. The social movements of rural men and women, especially the Movement of the Landless Rural Workers (MST), tired of neglect, have been fighting a constant struggle, so that Field Education can be seen as a right and not as a favor. Making it the same significant and thus breaking with historical paradigms, giving it its true visibility. In accordance with the studies about Field Education, the purpose of this work is to understand how the teaching of Geography in the early years in the multi-series rooms of the rural schools of the municipality of Cedro, in the semi-arid Pernambuco, has developed to contribute in the critical formation / citizen of the subjects who live and work in the field. For this, they are objects of this research: to understand how the geographic knowledge is discussed in the early years in multi-series rooms, as well as to understand how these are being or can be articulated to the principles of Field Education. The preparation of a work like this requires a sequence of essential steps, such as: bibliographical surveys, fieldwork, statistical data collection, data collection and preparation of a final paper. At first, besides the participation in the courses offered by the Master, we carry out the surveys and bibliographical readings that are giving theoretical foundation to the research. Among them, we highlight: Arroyo (2004, 2007), Caldart (2004, 2009, 2012), Callai (2001), Camacho (2008, 2011), Molina and Freitas (2011), Oliveira (2009, 2011, 2013) Oliveira (2001), Pires (2012), Santos (2002), Vicentini (2008), Zuchini, Silva and O\'loiola (2013), among others. And also in other sources, such as: IBGE websites (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), IPA (Agronomic Institute of Pernambuco), and INCRA / SIDRA (National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform / IBGE Automatic Recovery System). Subsequently, we went to the field, to gather the first empirical information, and then to incorporate them to the studied theory. In the face of what we experienced and lived during our journey, both as teacher and researcher, during the last three years, we infer that the work in the multi-series rooms is full of possibilities and, contrary to what if they are presupposed, are spaces of much learning. We also note that the teaching of Geography in the early years needs to be guided by the perspective of reading the word through the reading of the world, as this is the challenge to think of a meaningful literacy learning. Geography in childhood, should consider children, their experiences, their games.
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Inerciální navigační systém pro mobilní telefony / Inertial navigation system for mobile phonesJakl, Michal January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possibility of connecting inertial navigation sensors (accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope) to determine with the highest precision the position of the user without the help of GPS or other networks. This is inherently connected with the need to deal with many sources of errors, which are connected with this positioning method. The research section describes the principle and history of selected navigation methods and current trends in the use of inertial positioning or navigation methods. The methodical part deals with the design of a system able to determine with the highest accuracy the current position of the user from different input conditions. It is designed to obtain the necessary data from both the sensors and the user and their subsequent processing and use to render the user's position. The application section then describes the practical procedure for creating an Android mobile OS application output and in the discussion part is presented and evaluated the knowledge of testing both during the creation and in the final survey among the test users. The conclusion evaluates the goals and summarizes the practical possibilities and limits of the usability of these positioning methods in mobile phones. It also provides suggestions for further development and...
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