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TYPOVÝ PROTOKOL SYNCHRONNÍHO STROJE / OPTIONS REPORT synchronous machineŘezníček, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this work is to theoretically evaluate the test (type and routine) of synchronous generators and then practically measure and evaluate in the resulting protocol type. The theoretical part contains an analysis of standards for individual tests and a description of the actual design in the test room of electrical machines. Part of this work is to show the cost of the tests with the analysis of the incremental costs and measurement uncertainty.
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Nové trendy při údržbě vozovek / New trends in pavement maintenanceBřezina, Ilja January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis is dealing with the topic of new trends in asphalt road routine maintenance with a focus on new possibilities to repair damaged road surface, especially potholes and cracks. In the diploma thesis, a new advice which uses microwave heating in resurfacing asphalt roads was developed with the aim to observe its effectiveness and the optimal repair time. The obtained results were consulted with the producer of the equipment in order to utilize this new technology for repairing potholes and cracks on asphalt road surface in standard practice.
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Cesty k rehabilitaci praxe výtvarné výchovy v předškolním vzdělávání / Influencing a narrow practice of Visual Arts Education in pre-schoolMenčíková, Milena January 2013 (has links)
TITTLE: Influencing a narrow practice of Visual Arts Education in pre-school AUTHOR: Milena Menčíková DEPARTMENT: Art Education Department SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Helena Kafková ABSTRACT: This thesis describes the practice of Visual Arts Education in one particulal pre-school. It presents hypothesis on genesis and establishing certain practice, using the tools of case study. Its integral part is to offer the participant a relatively wider conception of Visual Arts Education. The text is divided into two parts. The first part is concerned with teoretical findings, it consists of propositions of the whole thesis, which are: the current and older conceptions of Visual Arts Education for pre-school and the elementary level. Grounding Visual Arts Education as specific area of education, which can be found in RVP PV. The second part consists of data accumulated and analyzed through hybrid approach using the tools of action research and case study. It presents hypothesis on the genesis and establishing the Visual Arts Education practice of the participant. KEYWORDS: stereotype, genesis of practice, routine, action research, participation, Visual Arts Education on pre-school level
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Sociální hry v rané interakci mezi matkou a kojencem / Social Games in Early Mother-Infant InteractionHrivíková, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to study early social games in natural interaction between mother and child of 4 month age. Infant's affectivity and gaze orientation as a sign of participation was coded. We also observed how can mother and infant influence the social game routine. We examined mother's warm sensitivity and infant's temperament as a variables potentiallz influenced the social game interaction. Fifty five dyads participated in the present study when infants were four months old. Social games were analyzed in natural mother-infant interaction and identified on the given criterions. To assess maternal warm sensivity Materna Affect Attunement was used. Mother's evaluated infant's temperament on fourteen scales of IBQ-R. The results indicate that social games are an inherent part of mother-infant interactions in infant's 4 months of age, and their occurance is influenced by temperament. Keywords: play, game, social game routine, structure, social interaction, infant's positive affect infant age, sensitivity, temperament
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Výchozí podmínky základních škol pro realizaci preventivních aktivit modelu PBIS / Initial conditions of primary schools for implementation of preventive activities of the PBIS modelLukasová, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the current methods of implementation of primary prevention of primary schools in the Czech Republic. The aim was to determine the degree of preparedness of primary schools for the implementation of a world-wide research-proven program of positive support for students behavior in the school environment (PBIS) in order to prevent risky behavior of students in schools. The first part of the thesis is devoted to theoretical knowledge about students with risky behavior, preventive and interventional procedures of primary prevention applied in schools and a thorough description of the PBIS method. We used a qualitative method of semi-structured interviews for the research survey. The evaluation took place on the basis of interviews with pedagogical staff at four primary schools. The analysis was performed using open coding. Questions were asked about the use of preventive measures by primary schools and the answers provided an insight into which elements used correspond to the PBIS method. The results of the research show similarities in the use of preventive elements in the field of physical environment of the class and in the positive formulation of the rules of conduct. On the contrary, visualizations of routine procedures and school-wide expectations in school premises are...
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Design methods for integrated switching-mode power amplifiersBozanic, Mladen 24 July 2011 (has links)
While a lot of time and resources have been placed into transceiver design, due to the pace of a conventional engineering design process, the design of a power amplifier is often completed using scattered resources; and not always in a methodological manner, and frequently even by an iterative trial and error process. In this thesis, a research question is posed which enables for the investigation of the possibility of streamlining the design flow for power amplifiers. After thorough theoretical investigation of existing power amplifier design methods and modelling, inductors inevitably used in power amplifier design were identified as a major drawback to efficient design, even when examples of inductors are packaged in design HIT-Kits. The main contribution of this research is engineering of an inductor design process, which in-effect contributes towards enhancing conventional power amplifiers. This inductance search algorithm finds the highest quality factor configuration of a single-layer square spiral inductor within certain tolerance using formulae for inductance and inductor parasitics of traditional single-π inductor model. Further contribution of this research is a set of algorithms for the complete design of switch-mode (Class-E and Class-F) power amplifiers and their output matching networks. These algorithms make use of classic deterministic design equations so that values of parasitic components can be calculated given input parameters, including required output power, centre frequency, supply voltage, and choice of class of operation. The hypothesis was satisfied for SiGe BiCMOS S35 process from Austriamicrosystems (AMS). Several metal-3 and thick-metal inductors were designed using the abovementioned algorithm and compared with experimental results provided by AMS. Correspondence was established between designed, experimental and EM simulation results, enabling qualification of inductors other than those with experimental results available from AMS by means of EM simulations with average relative errors of 3.7% for inductors and 21% for the Q factor at its peak frequency. For a wide range of inductors, Q-factors of 10 and more were readily experienced. Furthermore, simulations were performed for number of Class-E and Class-F amplifier configurations with HBTs with ft greater than 60 GHz and total emitter area of 96 μm² as driving transistors to complete the hypothesis testing. For the complete PA system design (including inductors), simulations showed that switch-mode power amplifiers for 50 Ω load at 2.4 GHz centre frequency can be designed using the streamlined method of this research for the output power of about 6 dB less than aimed. This power loss was expected, since it can be attributed to non-ideal properties of the driving transistor and Q-factor limitations of the integrated inductors, assumptions which the computations of the routine were based on. Although these results were obtained for a single micro-process, it was further speculated that outcome of this research has a general contribution, since streamlined method can be used with a much wider range of CMOS and BiCMOS processes, when low-gigahertz operating power amplifiers are needed. This theory was confirmed by means of simulation and fabrication in 180 nm BiCMOS process from IBM, results of which were also presented. The work presented here, was combined with algorithms for SPICE netlist extraction and the spiral inductor layout extraction (CIF and GDSII formats). This secondary research outcome further contributed to the completeness of the design flow. All the above features showed that the routine developed here is substantially better than cut-and-try methods for design of power amplifiers found in the existing body of knowledge. / Thesis (PhD(Eng))--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted
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Nospatrullen – hundägares möjlighet att uppmärksamma och förebygga brott : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om NOS-medlemmars inställning till att arbeta brottspreventivtFunke Jansson, Matilda, Petersson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att generera en förståelse för hur polisens NOS-projekt kan verka brottsförebyggande. Vi undersökte även hundägare som är delaktiga i projektet och deras inställning till att uppmärksamma och förebygga brott. Studien grundar sig i teorin om neighborhood watch, med delar av teorin om social kontroll samt rutinaktivtetsteorin. Utifrån sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med deltagare från Nospatrullen fick vi en förståelse för hur NOS-projektet fungerar brottspreventivt genom hundägares förmåga att uppmärksamma avvikande aktiviteter i sitt lokalområde. Resultatet visade att samtliga intervjupersoner hade en positiv inställning till NOS-projektet vilket vi anser kan ha bidragit till projektets möjlighet till att förebygga brott. / The aim of this study was to form a understanding for how a project by the police, the Nos-project, may work to prevent crime. We also examined dog owners that are involved in the NOS-project and their attitude towards crime prevention. The study is based on the theory of neighborhood watch and features the theory of social control and the theory of routine activity. Through six semi structured interviews we learned how the NOS-project may prevent crime through dog owners’ observations of unusual activity in their district. The results also show how all our participants had a positive attitude towards the NOSproject which we regard likely contributes to the projects ability to prevent crime.
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Barnbrudar i Sverige : Hur hanteras ärenden gällande barnäktenskap inom socialtjänsten? / Childbrides in Sweden : How are the social services handling cases concerning child marriage?Henriksson, Elin, Öfverman, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
Studien har syftat till att undersöka hur socialtjänsten hanterar ärenden rörande barnäktenskap. Detta har uppnåtts genom att studera Socialstyrelsens riktlinjer, metodstöd från utvalda kommuner samt genom att utföra intervjuer med yrkesverksamma inom socialtjänsten som handlägger ärenden som rör barnäktenskap. Den insamlade empirin har analyserats utifrån de teoretiska perspektiven barnets bästa och feministiskt perspektiv. Resultatet av studien visar att de studerade kommunerna enbart har metodstöd för hedersrelaterat våld, men inga upprättade rutiner eller metodstöd för ärenden gällande barnäktenskap. Återkommande är att socialtjänsten saknar struktur och verktyg i hur man bemöter barn som är utsatta för risker förknippade med barnäktenskap. För att barnen ska få det stöd och skydd som de har rätt till behöver socialtjänsten ha specifik kunskap om vad hedersrelaterat våld och barnäktenskap innebär. / The purpose of this study was to examine how the social services are handling cases concerning child marriages. This has been achieved by studying the guidelines of The National Board of Health and Welfare, guidelines formed by selected municipalities and by conducting interviews with professionals who handle cases concerning child marriage. The collected data has been analyzed from the theoretical perspectives: the best interest of the child and a feminist perspective. The results of the study show that the chosen municipalities only have guidelines for honour-related violence, but no established guidelines or routines for cases concerning child marriage. Recurring is that the social services lack structure and tools on how to deal with children who are exposed to risks associated with child marriage. In order for children to receive the support and protection to which they are entitled, the social services need to have specific knowledge of what honour-related violence and child marriage mean.
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Hederskulturens osynliga offer : En kvalitativ studie om Västmanlands läns regionala samverkan samt yrkesverksammas föreställningar om maskulinitet och femininitetSabah, Damiana, Mala Said, Leylan January 2020 (has links)
Frågan om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck fick sin livliga debatt i svensk politik i slutet av 1990-talet, efter hedersmordet på Sara år 1996 och Pela år 1992. Regeringen har betonat att samverkan mellan olika aktörer, myndigheter och ideella organisationer är en väldigt viktig faktor för framgång gällande att förebygga våld i nära relationer. Studiens syfte är att utifrån ett genusperspektiv undersöka den regionala samverkan i Västmanlands län gällande arbetet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Detta leder oss till frågeställningarna; Vilka föreställningar förekommer i den regionala samverkan om maskulinitet och femininitet? Vilka hinder identifieras av olika aktörer inom arbetet mot hedersrelaterat våld ur ett genusperspektiv? Vilka möjliga implementeringsinsatser identifieras av aktörerna? Metodvalet för studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsintervju, där vi främst söker förståelse för världen från intervjupersonens synvinkel och upplevda erfarenheter, samt att intervjupersonen får uttrycka sig i egna ord. Våra resultat och analys påvisar, tillsammans med bekräftande teorier och tidigare forskning, att det krävs ökad kunskap kring pojkar och omedvetna föreställningar. Det krävs också en tydligare samverkansrutin med praktiskt metodstöd och ekonomiska resurser, där dessa två faktorer går hand i hand för att förstå problematiken, samt för att förhindra och förebygga hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Det går inte att utesluta det ena eller det andra, då varje aspekt kompletterar varandra och bidrar till effektiva förbättringar. / The issue of honor-related violence and repression contributed to a lively debate in Swedish politics in the late 1990's, after the honor killings of Sara in year 1996 and Pela in year 1992. The government has emphasized that collaboration between various actors, authorities and non-profit organizations are very important factors for sucess in preventing violence in close relationships. The purpose of the study is to investigate from a gender perspective the regional cooperation in Västmanland County regarding the work on honor-related violence and opression. The issue leads us to ask the following questions; What are the notions of masculinity and femininity that exist in this regional collaboration? Which obstacles identified by various actors in the work against honor-related violence or a gender perspective? What possible implementation efforts are identified by the actors? The method for this study is based on a qualitative research interview. Where we primarily seek an understanding of the world from the interviewer's point of view and experience, and that the interviewee is allowed to express themselves in their own words. The results and analysis show that together with confirmed theories and previous research it requires increased knowledge about boys and men's vulnerability, as well as men's and gender norms that exist together with unconscious notions. There is also a need for clearer collaboration routines with practical method support and financial resources. Where these two factors go hand in hand to understand the problem, and to prevent honor-related violence and oppression. It is not possible to exclude one or the other, as each aspect complements each other and the measure for effective improvement.
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Routine Development for Artefact Correction and Information Extraction from Diffusion Weighted Echo Planar Images of Rats / Rutinutveckling för artefaktkorrigering och informationsextrahering från diffusionsviktade eko-plana bilder av råttaKraft, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Biologists and physicians study complex biologic phenomena in which they use advanced imaging methods. They acquire images containing a lot of information which must be extracted in a correct way. This requires computer skills and knowledge in image processing methods which they seldom have. To overcome the problem, this master thesis aimed to develop a routine for artefact correction and information extraction from images acquired in a research project at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. By developing the routine, the thesis showed how software developed for images of human can be applied to images of rats. The routine handles formatting issues and artefact corrections, calculates diffusion metrics, and performs statistical tests on spatially aligned magnetic resonance images of rats acquired with diffusion weighted echo planar imaging. The routine was verified by analysing the images that it had processed and was considered to create reliable images. Future studies within the field should focus on developing atlases of rats and continue the work with identifying how software developed for images of human can be applied to images of rats. / Biologer och läkare studerar komplexa biologiska processer för vilket de använder avancerade bildgivande metoder. De samlar bilder som innehåller mycket information vilken måste extraheras på ett korrekt sätt. Detta kräver god datorvana och kunskaper inom bildprocessning, vilket de sällan har. För att komma runt problemet, syftade den här masteruppsattsen till att utveckla en rutin för artefaktkorrigering och informationsextrahering från bilder tagna i ett forskningsprojekt vid Karolinska Institutet i Stockholm. Genom att utveckla rutinen, visar uppsattsen hur mjukvaror utvecklade för bilder av människa kan appliceras på bilder av råtta. Rutinen hanterar formatteringsproblem och artefaktkorrigering, beräknar diffusionsmått, och utför statistiska tester på spatiellt matchade magnetresonansavbildningar tagna med diffusionsviktade ekoplana metoder. Rutinen verifierades genom att analysera bilder som den processat och det konstaterades att den skapar korrekta bilder. Framtida studier inom området bör fokusera på att utveckla atlaser av råttor och fortsätta identifieringen av hur mjukvaror utvecklade för bilder av människa kan appliceras på bilder av råtta.
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