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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Institutionalized practices to the rescue! : A qualitative study on how start-ups strive to scale up and achieve growth by working with institutionalized practices

Krantz, Gustav, Bashiri, Kave January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: Since the 1980s and onwards, entrepreneurship and start-ups have exploded. In comparison to more established companies, firms that are defined as start- ups wanting to scale-up are coined by different sorts of vulnerabilities. These can be found in their lack of resources regarding both financial and human capital. Previous research has shown that a greater focus on the work with internal structure and routines, as well as organizational behavior (OB) can make it easier for a company to take on greater challenges and organizational complexity and at the same time be able to grow. Aim: This study aims to get a better understanding of how start-ups strive to scale up and achieve growth by working with institutionalized practices. Method: The study represents a qualitative study where empirical data is gathered from interviews that have been conducted with five managers from three different start-up companies. Results: Though all the companies fall into the same category as start-up business, there are still some clear factors that set them apart from each other. Companies 1 and 3 can be viewed as larger start-ups, while company 2 is comparatively smaller. The companies have similar goals, maximizing profit and steadily trying to grow. Both companies 1 and 3 have adopted a more hierarchical structure to better manage the growing organization, while company 2 has remained a flat organization in order not to stifle the creative flow they feel is supported by this type of organization model. Representatives from company 2 do however express concerns with accountability and the emergence of informal structures related to a lack of oversight and control. Conclusion: The results indicate that a start-up aiming to scale up will go through several phases of creating order. Therefore, with the absence of the institutionalized practices a company will be set up for failure. Working with communication on every organizational level thus becomes important where the manager has a responsibility of putting the employee in focus.


[pt] O presente estudo tem como objetivo compreender como os colaboradores de áreas administrativas da Petrobras entendem o papel das soluções de software na execução de suas rotinas. Para tanto, teve como campo de análise as rotinas organizacionais de empregados da Petrobras que atuam em áreas corporativas. A pesquisa procurou compreender o papel das soluções de software na execução das rotinas de acordo com o relato de indivíduos que as executam. A abordagem geral do presente estudo parte de uma perspectiva interpretativista (SANDBERG, 2000). A partir do método fenomenográfico (AKERLIND, 2005; MARTON, 1981), o uso de soluções de software na execução foi analisado com base na experiência vivida pelos empregados. Como resultado das 20 entrevistas realizadas entre novembro de 2020 e maio de 2021, tratadas e analisadas, descobriu-se que os sujeitos entrevistados compreendem o uso de soluções de software no desempenho de suas rotinas em três categorias descritivas: i) como um repositório de informações, ii) como organizador da rotina e iii) como meio de redução da interferência humana na execução das rotinas. Estas formas apresentaram quatro dimensões de explicação: i) elemento estrutural da rotina; ii) gestão do conhecimento e relação entre atores; iii) performance de execução; e iv) segurança e confiabilidade das informações. / [en] The objective of the present study is to conceive how Petrobras s administrative employees understand the role of software solutions on executing their organizational routines. For this purpose, had as field of analysis organizational routines from employees that works in administrative areas. The research sought to understand the role that software solutions have on the execution of organizational routines according to the individuals who perform them. The general approach of the present study starts from a interpretative perspective (SANDBERG, 2000). From the phenomenography method (AKERLIND, 2005; MARTON, 1981), the use of software solutions on executing organizational routines was analyzed based on the experience of the employees. As result of 20 interviews performed between November 2020 and May 2021, and then treated and analyzed, it turned out that the subjects interviewed understand the use of software solutions on their organizational routines in three different categories: i) as an information repository, ii) as a routine organizer and iii) as a mean to reduce human interference on routine execution. These categories presented four explanatory dimensions: i) structural element of the routine; ii) knowledge management and relationship between actors; iii) execution performance; and iv) information security and reliability.


DEBORA PONTES OLIVEIRA SILVA 25 June 2021 (has links)
[pt] A partir de dezembro de 2019, o mundo tomou conhecimento da existência da Covid-19 (FIOCRUZ, 2020). As peculiaridades da doença, exigiram a adoção de medidas de distanciamento social (OMS, 2020). Na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a partir de 16 de março de 2020, foi determinado o fechamento de todas as empresas que não prestassem serviços essenciais (ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIRO, 2020). Nesse contexto, as empresas se viram compelidas a adaptar as rotinas organizacionais para manter suas operações. Emergiu, então, a relevância de investigar como profissionais experienciaram suas rotinas organizacionais durante o período de isolamento social imposto pela pandemia da Covid-19. A partir de uma abordagem Fenomenográfica, foram entrevistados 30 profissionais. Das análises, retornaram três categorias descritivas: i) a preservação das rotinas organizacionais; ii) a (re)organização da dimensão tempo-espaço e iii) a capacidade de inovação. Para relacioná-las, foram identificadas quatro dimensões explicativas: i) o dinamismo nos componentes operativos das rotinas; ii) os aspectos técnicos-comportamentais dos atores envolvidos; iii) os aspectos gerenciais sobre as rotinas e iv percepção de segurança. Os achados sugerem que as concepções dos profissionais evoluíram da operação mecânica da rotina para uma percepção de engajamento coletivo para manutenção da própria empresa; do objetivo de manter os padrões preestabelecidos, para uma percepção de oportunidade para inovação e diferenciação. Além disso, o estudo reforça a indissociável relação entre os aspectos ostensivo e performativos das rotinas e os artefatos. / [en] As of December 2019, the world became aware of the existence of Covid-19 (FIOCRUZ, 2020). The peculiarities of the disease required the adoption of measures of social distancing (WHO, 2020). In the city of Rio de Janeiro, as of March 16, 2020, all companies that did not provide essential services were closed (ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIRO, 2020). In this context, companies found themselves compelled to adapt organizational routines to maintain their operations. The relevance of investigating how professionals experienced their organizational routines during the period of social isolation imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic emerged. From a Phenomenographic approach, 30 professionals were interviewed. From the analyses, three descriptive categories returned: i) the preservation of organizational routines; ii) the (re)organization of the time-space dimension and iii) the capacity for innovation. To relate them, four explanatory dimensions were identified: i) the dynamism in the operative components of the routines; ii) the technical-behavioral aspects of the actors involved; iii) managerial aspects of routines and iv perception of safety. The findings suggest that the professionals conceptions evolved from the mechanical operation of the routine to a perception of collective engagement to maintain the company itself; from the objective of maintaining pre-established standards, to a perception of opportunity for innovation and differentiation. Furthermore, the study reinforces the inseparable relationship between the ostensive and performative aspects of routines and artifacts.


FLORENCE VIDAL PERFEITO 29 November 2016 (has links)
[pt] A empresa transforma os seus recursos a partir de rotinas organizacionais, cujas abordagens teóricas têm possibilitado o entendimento do desempenho do negócio, uma vez que elas carregam consigo o poder de transformação. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa buscou compreender os motivos que justificam as variações nas rotinas organizacionais, dentro do contexto das compras de insumos químicos para um Instituto de Tecnologia e Inovação do Rio de Janeiro. Adotou-se como metodologia o estudo de caso único. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre 24/08/2015 a 29/01/2016 e baseou-se em evidências primárias, com entrevistas de 18 pessoas, por meio de um roteiro semiestruturado, além da análise de mais de 30 documentos e observações empíricas. Os resultados encontrados sugerem falta de integração e desalinhamento de interesses, conceitos e necessidades entre as áreas e atores participantes, incentivando a manutenção de rotinas organizacionais com estruturas e fundamentos inadequados para atender a todos os propósitos da empresa. Estes problemas geraram uma variação prejudicial à produtividade do negócio. Porém, também, permitiram a criação de novos padrões mais adaptados ao contexto e capazes de garantir agilidade para as rotinas de compra, corroborando com a ideia da flexibilidade positiva nas rotinas organizacionais, que provocam a mudança endógena preconizada pela teoria. Desta forma, sugere-se ampliar o nível de comprometimento da organização com o negócio a partir da adequação das rotinas organizacionais de compra, incorporando os novos padrões para fomentar a inovação dos processos institucionais, além de oferecer à organização a oportunidade de obter desempenho superior e vantagem competitiva. / [en] The company transforms its resources from organizational routines, whose theoretical approaches have enabled the understanding of business performance, since they carry with them the power of transformation. In this sense, this research sought to understand the reasons for variations in organizational routines, within the context of purchases of chemical inputs for an Institute of Technology and Innovation. The method chosen was the single case study. Data collection took place between 8/24/2015 to 1/29/2016 and was based on primary evidence, with interviews of 18 people, through a semi-structured script, in addition to the analysis of more than 30 documents and artifacts and empirical observations. The results suggest lack of integration and misalignment of interests, needs and concepts between the areas and participating actors, encouraging the maintenance of organizational routines with inadequate structures and foundations to serve all the purposes of the company. These problems have created a variation detrimental to business productivity. However, it also allowed the creation of new standards more adapted to the context and able to guarantee agility for purchasing routines, corroborating with the idea of positive flexibility in the organizational routines that cause endogenous change advocated by the theory. In this way, it is suggested to extend the level of commitment of the Organization to the business from the adequacy of the organizational routines of purchase, incorporating the new standards to encourage innovation of the institutional processes, in addition to providing the organization with the opportunity to obtain superior performance and competitive advantage.

Föräldrars upplevelser kring barns användning av skärmmedier

Landberg, Karin January 2022 (has links)
Syftet var att undersöka föräldrars upplevelser kring barns användning av skärmmedier. Med utgångspunkt i struktureringsteorin, cultural studies och identitetsteorin har uppsatsförfattaren undersökt frågor som berör föräldrar och barns relationer. Några frågor som har undersökts är om föräldrar använder begränsad skärmtid till barn, om föräldrar ansåg att skärmar skapade beteendeförändringar och konflikter och om barn mött faror på nätet. Undersökningen ville belysa föräldrars positiva och negativa bild av barns skärmanvändning. För att besvara frågorna användes en surveyundersökning som delades i föräldragrupper på Facebook där 323 föräldrar svarade. I analysen fick uppsatsförfattaren bland annat reda på att föräldrar engagerar sig i barns skärmmedia, föräldrar spelar spel, ser film och serier med barn och föräldrar upplever att barn införskaffar sig kunskap via media. Föräldrar läser ämnesrelaterad litteratur för barn om faror på nätet med förhoppning om att de ska våga berätta om de möter något obehagligt på nätet. Föräldrar märkte även av en del konflikter och beteendeförändringar hos barn. / The purpose was to investigate parents' experiences of childrens use of screen media. Based on structuring theory, cultural studies and identity theory, the essay author has investigated issues that affect parents and childrens relationships. Some questions that have been investigated are whether parents use limited screen time for children, whether parents considered that screens created behavioral changes and conflicts and whether children encountered dangers online. The survey wanted to shed light on parents' positive and negative image of children's screen use. To answer the questions, a survey was used that was divided into parent groups on Facebook where 323 parents answered. In the analysis, the essay author found out, among other things, that parents get involved in children's screen media, parents play games, watch movies and series with children and parents experience that child acquire knowledge via the media. Parents read subject-related literature for children about dangers online with the hope that they will dare to tell if they encounter something unpleasant online. Parents also noticed some conflicts and behavioral changes in children.

Tröghet och splittring i infrastrukturprojekt : Betydelsen av rutiner för välmående i uppstarten av produktion / Inertia and fragmentation in infrastructure projects : The role of routines in project well-being in the start-up of production

Danielsson, Sara, Brahm, Annelie January 2019 (has links)
Att arbeta hållbart blir allt viktigare, inte minst i byggbranschen som länge har kämpat för att skapa säkra arbetsplatser. För att vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare måste företag arbeta med hållbarhet ur fler aspekter av sina anställdas hälsa. Tillsammans med ökade krav på hållbarhet ökar även förväntningarna på mående på arbetsplatsen. Företag har goda skäl att ta hänsyn till detta även ur en produktivitetssynpunkt då forskning visat både att arbetet påverkar hur anställda mår och att deras mående påverkar deras prestation och i förlängningen projektets produktivitet. Studiens syfte är att bättre förstå hur projektorganisationer och dess medlemmar arbetar för att etablera socialt hållbara arbetsprocesser i uppstarten av produktion i ett infrastrukturprojekt. För att göra det kommer framväxten av rutiner samt vilka konsekvenser tröghet och splittring får för projektmedlemmarna studeras med fokus på välmående. I en kvalitativ intervjustudie undersöktes uppstarten av produktion i tre infrastrukturprojekt i Stockholm. Det visade sig att välmående och andra mjuka parametrar är mycket viktiga för projektens medlemmar och att rutiner i uppstarten av produktion inte reflekterar det. En del av orsaken kan förklaras ur ett rutinperspektiv: organisationen har en tröghet som gör det svårt för dem att byta ut sina rutiner och en ibland även splittring som gör det svårt att komma överens om gemensamma rutiner. Det är lättare för projektmedlemmarna att arbeta mot kortsiktiga mål än mot långsiktiga mål vilket blir tydligt när det kommer till arbete med välmående och andra mjuka parametrar. / Working sustainably is becoming significantly more important, especially in the construction industry which has struggled to create safe working environments for a long time. In order to be an attractive employer companies must work with sustainability from many aspects of their employees’ health. Sustainability demands have increased along with expectations of well-being in the workplace. Companies have reason to consider this also from a productivity perspective, research has shown that work affects the well-being of employees and well-being affects their performance which in turn affects project productivity. The purpose of this study is to better understand how project organizations and its members work to establish socially sustainable work processes in the start-up of production in an infrastructure project. To do so the development of routines along with the consequences of inertia and fragmentation have on the members of the project will be investigated, with a focus on well-being. In a qualitative interview study, the start of production in three infrastructure projects in Stockholm were investigated. It turned out that well-being and other soft parameters are very important to the project members and that project routines in the start of production do not reflect that. Partly the reasons for this can be explained from a routine perspective: the organization contains inertia which makes it difficult for them to change routines, in some cases they are also fragmented which makes it difficult to agree upon common routines. It is easier for the members of the projects to work towards short term goals than long term goals, which becomes clear when it comes to work aimed towards well-being and other soft parameters.

Sprit är bäst på händerna/ Alcohol is best used on hands

Ek, Alexandra, Lindgren, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ett av de effektivaste sätten att förhindra vidare utveckling av vårdrelaterade infektioner anses vara utbildning av vårdpersonal i basal vårdhygien samt att undersöka hur följsamheten till denna kunskap efterlevs. Syfte: Var med denna studie att undersöka skillnaderna i tillämpningen av följsamheten till basal vårdhygien mellan legitimerade sjuksköterskor och utbildade undersköterskor som ingår i det dagliga omvårdnadsarbetet. Metod: En strukturerad observationsstudie utförd på ett universitetssjukhus där utbildade undersköterskor och legitimerade sjuksköterskor valdes att observeras. En enkätundersökning genomfördes för att undersöka om och hur personalen äger kunskaper för de riktlinjer observationerna grundar sig på.Resultat: Handdesinfektion utfördes sämre före patientkontakt än efter för båda yrkeskategorierna. Följsamheten till användning av handskar var hög då bägge yrkesgrupperna använde dessa i nästintill alla arbetsmoment där indikation förelåg. Sjuksköterskor var bristfälliga i jämförelse med undersköterskor i följsamheten till användning av skyddsrock i den dagliga omvårdnaden av patienten. / Background: One of the most effective ways to prevent further development of nosocomial infections is to provide education to healthcare workers in basal hygiene routines and to follow up compliance in this knowledge. Aim: Was to investigate the differences in compliance to basal hygiene routines between educated assistant nurses and registered nurses whom are included in the daily care.Method: A structured observational study performed at a university hospital where educated assistant nurses and registered nurses were observed. A questionnaire was used to investigate if and how healthcare workers have knowledge about the recommended guidelines on which the observations are based.Result: Both professional groups performed hand hygiene routines more diligently before than after contact with patients. High compliance concerning glove use was observed in both professional groups when it was indicated. Registered nurses were not as likely as the assistant nurses to use protective gowns in the daily care of the patient.

Att undervisa elever med Autismspektratillstånd

Wernberg, Emelie, Rikte, Sofie January 2016 (has links)
Much research has been carried out on the subject diagnoses. More and more pupils have in recent years been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and therefore teachers need more information about how we can help these pupils, so that they can reach the skill requirements in school. Our purpose with this research is to find out if and how important routines are for pupils with autism spectrum disorder. Furthermore, we want to ascertain which tools and methods can be used to help these pupils. The empiricism was collected through interviews and observations. Based on these we have found out that routines are extra relevant for pupils that are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and also that there are some methods and facilities that are very helpful for these certain pupils.

The Impact Of Co-teaching On Student Learning Outcomes In Secondary Social Studies Classrooms Implementing Content Enhancement R

Zgonc, Kimberly 01 January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine if differences exist in student learning outcomes between students who are instructed in a co-taught or non co-taught environment in secondary social studies classrooms implementing Content Enhancement Routines (CER). This study examined student and teacher data from seventeen matched pairs of co-taught and non co-taught middle and high school general education social studies teachers who participated in professional development in CER and professional development in co-teaching if applicable. Of the 34 participating teachers, 23 were visited by school district personnel to verify implementation of CER. Five co-teaching teams, each consisting of a general and special educator, completed a Coteaching Rating Scale (CtRS) (n=10) to analyze the level of co-teaching occurring in the classroom (beginning, compromising or collaborating stage). A systematic sample of students (n = 907) completed a CER Student Perception Survey to examine perceived differences of the use of CER in co-taught and non co-taught social studies classrooms. Student state assessment scores (n = 318) in co-taught and non co-taught classrooms were analyzed to distinguish differences in student learning gains. Specifically this study investigated if differences in student performance occur when a special educator is present in the classroom. Results indicate that although there was no statistically significant difference in student learning outcomes between the two settings, the impact of teacher preparation, professional development and the implementation of CER in the secondary social studies classroom may be determining factors in student success.

Aligning the Innovation Process Routines With Organizational Agility : A Case Study of a Healthcare Firm / Aligning the Innovation Process Routines With Organizational Agility : A Case Study of a Healthcare Firm

Ciorascu, Constantin Catalin, Alipanahi, Mohammad January 2023 (has links)
Introduction: Traditional organizational routines for the innovation process, like the Stage-Gate Model, are often characterized by rigid and inflexible activities, limiting firms' ability to identify, develop, and commercialize software and digital/connected products and services. Examples of inflexible activities include predefined project milestones, linear progression through development stages, and a lack of iterative feedback loops. This rigidity can lead to prolonged development timelines, increased costs, reduced competitiveness, and the risk of losing market share. Specifically, the rigidity inherent in traditional innovation processes hampers the ability to adapt to the rapidly changing digital landscape, where swift recognition of opportunities, flexible development strategies, and repeated enhancements are key to achieving success. The literature has suggested organizational agility as a potential approach to address the consequences of rigidity. The medical device-development healthcare industry has unique characteristics. It faces challenges that increase the lead time from idea to market in innovation processes, reducing the number of innovations that are developed. Therefore, for medical device development, healthcare firms may need to understand how their innovation process routines align with organizational agility to address the unique features of their industry. Purpose: This thesis aims to understand the current organizational routines of a medical device-developing healthcare firm's innovation process and how these routines align with operational, customer, and partnering agility. Method: A single case study with 12 semi-structured interviews was conducted at a leading European medical device-developing healthcare firm, hereafter referred to as MedTech X. Findings: MedTech X's innovation process routines align with organizational agility through its customer-centric approach, adaption or modification of its extended network to access diverse knowledge, assets, or competencies, practical and iterative operations, and adaptable informal routines. However, as MedTech X further ventures into the realm of software and digital/connected solutions, there is a failure to realize the full potential of real-time customer data. Moreover, there is a recognized need to improve its partnering agility. Also, over-reliance on external resources for sensing may limit the firm's operational agility. Conclusion: Despite certain routines aligning with agility, inconsistency, and overreliance on external resources for sensing pose challenges. Therefore, reassessment and redesign of current innovation routines are advised to balance stability and flexibility. Formalizing innovation processes may be critical for MedTech X to handle unexpected changes, and informal routines play a significant role in this process, suggesting a future research direction.

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