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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Testování přesnosti výšek určovaných technologií GNSS / Testing of the accuracy of the heights determined by GNSS

Kordasová, Klára January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to test the accuracy of the heights measured by GNSS RTK with service providers CZEPOS and Trimble VRS Now. The thesis deals with precise of height measurement with the influence of surrounded obstacles, such as multipath, fading with the tall buildings, presence of high-voltage lines, limited shadow horizons at the edge of the forest, and measurement under the ideal conditions. The work also deals with the comparison of the period initialization of these monitored conditions. In the locations mentioned a network of test points was built. For measuring GNSS Leica System 1200 apparatus was used. It was measured always five times in five-second epochs and three times twenty-second epochs for each provider in five locations and thirty points during the mornings and afternoons. For independent height comparison the technical levelling was used. The outcome can be applied in practical use.

Využití permanentních sítí GNSS pro určování výšek / The Using of GNSS Permanent Networks for Height Determination

Kuruc, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
This Thesis deals with the evaluation of height accuracy of GNSS point positioning. Many experimental measurements aimed on GNSS and heights issues was realised within this work. The ellipsoidal heights were measured together with the orthometric heights and then the local Quasigeoid model was created. The network of height points was built to realisation of proposed measurements on the territory of the city Brno. The model of Quasigeoid from experimental measurement was compared with any other models of Quasigeoid and with local astronomical model. The partial aim of this Thesis is the proposal of methodology of height determination by GNSS technology and levelling measurement together. We can determine or verify the orthometric heights by using GNSS measurement and this methodology.

Přesné měření GNSS-RTK pro inženýrsko-geodetické aplikace / GNSS-RTK Precise Positioning for Engineering Applications

Grečnár, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with precision analysis, process optimization and repeatibility of GNSS-RTK measurements for surveying aplication. Measuring procedure, that enables determination of a spatial position with a permissible deviation less than 10mm, was tested based on previous published findings. The test procedure was tested on two sets of test measurements obtained during 27 h and 26 h observations in connection with CZEPOS. The results were later analyzed. The first set of measurements was measured by the RTK3-GG method (9 m and 60 km vectors) and computed by a network solution VRS3-MAX-GG. Both were in ideal conditions – ideal, not obstructed observational horizon and good availability of differential corrections. The second set was measured by RTK3-GG method (22 km and 62 km vectors) and computed by network solution VRS3-MAX-GG. Both were in adverse conditions - obstructed observational horizon and adverse availability of differential corrections. Precision analysis and design of appropriate filtering method and optimal measurement procedure were done based on the results obtained from the test measurements. Optimal measurement procedure was then tested by measurements in a three point network.

Phantom 4 och dess användningsområden inom byggbranschen / Phantom 4 and its uses in the construction industry

Lind, Ricky, Magnusson, Martin January 2020 (has links)
Begreppet drönare för de flesta utomstående förknippas oftast med hobbyverksamhet i form av foto- och videoskapande. Det senaste åren har allt fler byggföretag valt att satsa på arbetsmetoder där drönare tillåts ersätta befintlig utrustning. Detta examensarbete utfördes för att kartlägga potentialen hos drönarserien Phantom 4, samt de rådande för- och nackdelar med tekniken. Aktuellt är bland annat att studera hur planering-, utförande och bearbetningsskedet påverkas då drönare tillåts användas inom projekt. Syftet med denna studie är att planlägga vid vilka projekt dagens drönarteknik (Phantom 4) kan tillämpas samt de möjligheter som så kallad RTK-teknik kan ha för vidare betydelse för aktörer som vill uppgradera sin drönaranvändning och utrustning. Under arbetets gång har information granskats ifrån tidigare arbeten, litteraturstudier samt intervjuer med nyckelpersoner på Pontarius AB. Dessa personer arbetar dagligen med frågor och projekt som berör ämnesområdet, vilket varit användbart för att styrka det slutsatser som rapporten slutligen kunnat dra. Studien bekräftar att Phantom 4 serien har möjligheten att underlätta planeringen, utförandet och bearbetningen. Genom att göra arbetsmiljön säkrare uti fält, men också genom att minska mängden data som behöver korrigeras manuellt i efterhand. Samtidigt föreligger i dagsläget vissa begränsningar för drönartekniken. Däribland återfinns det faktum att drönaren inte når den precision i alla lägen som en traditionell inmätning gör och att den är begränsad av yttre faktorer, såsom vindkänslighet, väderberoende samt begränsad batteritid. Sammanfattningsvis kan studien konstatera att kunder till Pontarius AB fäller en avgörande roll inför vilken riktning som drönartekniken tillåts utvecklas inom företaget. Efterfrågan på den information som Phantom 4 kan tillhandahålla saknas i mångt och mycket ifrån kundens sida. Detta gör att tekniken inte kan nå sin fulla potential då den inte naturligt tillåts inkluderas i alla avseenden. Trots detta anser vi att en investering i en Phantom 4 RTK bör övervägas å Pontarius AB´s vägnar då denna drönartyp kan bidra med högre inmätningsnoggrannhet och enklare bearbetning av insamlat material.

Enhancing GPR Measurements using Real Time Kinematics and LiDAR Mapping

Elebro, Christoffer January 2022 (has links)
A Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a non-invasive measurement tool to locate objects in the subsurface. The GPR transmits electromagnetic waves into the ground and records the waves reflected from surface interfaces of different materials. To accurately find these surfaces after measuring, it is important to record the precise location of the GPR and minimize reflected noise. Since a GPR cannot distinguish the direction from which the waves were reflected, this can result in a misinterpretation of the data if waves are reflected from surrounding objects. This problem can be reduced by also mapping objects in the surroundings. The work of this thesis is aimed at implementing a system that uses a Real-Time Kinematics (RTK) GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receiver for precise positioning together with a 2D-LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) to record a 3D map of the surroundings. We used the 3D-LiDAR system to record vertical planes (cross-sections) that were processed into a 3D volume map. We found that the RTK GNSS receiver performed well and delivered the position within centimeters when provided with corrections, while it was about 2.5 m off without corrections. The performance was compared with a professional-grade Leica RTK receiver and the difference in latitude and longitude ranged from 0.001-0.002 m and 0.002-0.004 m, respectively. By fusing the RTK position with the LiDAR data using the software Robot Operating System (ROS), we created 3D maps that represented the surroundings along the traveled path. Our developed system, consisting of an RTK GNSS receiver and the 2D LiDAR, gave promising results and we are optimistic that combining the system with a GPR can improve the interpretation of the subsurface. Thus, the proposed method seems promising to be used during GPR mapping.

Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) för modellering och 3D-dokumentation av byggnader

Grötte, Louise, Häggmark, Olov January 2016 (has links)
Detta projekt undersöker vilken mätavvikelse man kan få av punktmoln från Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)-insamlade bilder i jämförelse med terrester laserskanning. Skillnaden i noggrannhet mellan manuell identifiering och automatisk identifiering av markstödpunkter undersöks också. Arbetet undersöker även vad som krävs för att framställa 3D-modeller lämpliga för 3D-utskrift utifrån UAS-fotogrammetri. Projektet är en förstudie för dokumentation av Hälsingegårdar. UAS är en teknik som har blivit mer och mer populär under senaste år då det har blivit tillgänglig för allmänheten efter att tidigare enbart har används för militärt bruk. UAS består av en mindre flygfarkost, en sensor, ett tröghetsnavigationssystem (Inertial Navigation System, INS), en Global Positioning System (GPS)-mottagare, en radiolänk och en styrdator. 3D-modeller skapade från UAS insamling kan i sin tur användas för deformationsundersökningar, ombyggnadsprojekt eller friforms-framställning, även kallat 3D-utskrift. Studieområdet för detta projekt består av en byggnad vid Högskolan i Gävle. UAS som användes var en AscTec Falcon 8 oktokoper utrustad med Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) och en digitalkamera. Två flygningar utfördes, första flygningen tog lodbilder från höjden 75 m, andra flygningen tog snedbilder i höjdintervallet 10-15 m. Bilderna processades i programmet Agisoft PhotoScan inför skapande av ett tätt punktmoln. Jämförelsen mellan automatisk och manuell identifiering av markstödpunkter gjordes i PhotoScan med två olika sorters markstödpunkter, kodade A4 papper och traditionella 40 x 40 cm pappskivor. Byggnaden skannades också in med en LeicaScanStation C10 och punktmolnen fördes samman till ett gemensamt punktmoln i programmet Leica Cyclone. Punktmolnen, från UAS-bilderna och från laserskanningen, jämnfördes i form av stickprov i programmet CloudCompare. Fyra digitala 3D-modeller skapades, två utifrån sned- och lodbildernas punktmoln och två utifrån en kobination av lodbildernas och laserskanningens punktmoln. Första modellen skapades i PhotoScan som en Modelling Enviroment for Software and Hardware (MESH). Andra modellen var även den en MESH skapad i CloudCompare. Tredje modellen skapades av en kombination av lodbildernas och laserskanningens punktmoln i Cyclone genom att använda polyface-MESH. Fjärde modellen skapades i AutoCAD som solida objekt genom att använda modellen från Cyclone som referens. Utifrån stickproven i CloudCompare kan det konstateras att matta ytor med mörka färger eller ytor som ligger i skugga, avviker mer i avstånd från laserskanningspunktmolnet. Vid automatisk identifiering av kodade markstödpunkter från PhotoScan kunde programmet inte hitta några punkter automatiskt. Programmet hade inga problem med att hitta de traditionella 40 x 40 cm markstödpunkterna vid en automatisk identifiering. Utifrån resultaten från beräkningen av mätosäkerhet för 40 x 40 cm markstödpunkterna kan det konstateras att automatisk identifiering är noggrannare än manuell, vilket också har påståtts i manualen för PhotoScan. Däremot är skillnaden obetydlig och vid val av metod kommer automatisk identifiering vara fördelaktigt tidsmässigt. För att få en modell så skalenlig och detaljrik som möjlig så är det att föredra att använda en kombination av laserskanning och punktmoln från lodbilder, tills tekniken för att utvinna punkmoln från snedbilder har utvecklats mer.

Relative Accuracy and Precision of Differentially Corrected GPS on a Moving Vehicle

Frentzel, Jonathan Michael 07 September 2005 (has links)
Differential corrections provide a method to improve the real-time accuracy and precision of GPS, but there are several sources of differential corrections and each have an associated accuracy and precision. In dynamic applications, the speed and heading of the rover may also have an effect on the accuracy and precision reported by the GPS receiver. These factors may have more of an effect on one differential correction method than another. An experiment was designed to test the differential correction methods under dynamic conditions. No corrections, OmniStar HP corrections, and RT2 corrections from a local base station were tested at several speeds and headings. The experiment was designed to determine what relationship, if any, exists between these factors and positional accuracy and precision of the differential correction sources. The results of the experiment will help designers choose the most effective solution for their positioning needs. The experiment showed that local RT2 corrections offered the most precision under dynamic conditions. The precision of OmniStar HP was close to that of RT2 corrections. The system with no corrections was the least precise of the three tested. The speed and direction of the vehicle were not observed to have a significant affect on the precision of the systems tested. The type of differential corrections used was not seen to have any influence on relative accuracy. The speed and direction of the vehicle did have an influence on the relative accuracy of the systems. / Master of Science

Análise do posicionamento GNSS cinemático em ambiente urbano com uso da técnica RTK via Ntrip. / Analysis of the kinematic GNSS positioning in urban environment with the use of the RTK technique via Ntrip.

Galhardo, Pablo Henrique Souza 08 June 2018 (has links)
O constante avanço do Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) possibilita aos seus usuários ao redor do mundo a utilização de seus produtos para os mais diversos fins. Dentre eles, a navegação veicular autônoma se caracteriza como um dos principais focos de investimentos e pesquisas em universidades e instituições privadas. Concomitantemente, a modernização dos receptores GNSS acompanha esta evolução, oferecendo equipamentos de dimensões menores e mais versáteis que antes, com a capacidade de rastreio de novas constelações e operações de precisão em tempo real. O uso de redes de celulares e conexões de internet sem fio vêm apoiando este desenvolvimento, permitindo aos profissionais da área de geomática realizar levantamentos utilizando a técnica conhecida como Real Time Kinematic (RTK). Esta pesquisa tem por finalidade avaliar a qualidade de dados coletados por meio desta técnica RTK, apoiada no uso do Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (Ntrip) para obtenção das correções diferenciais necessárias à operação, em ambiente urbano, e utilizando a Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo dos Sistemas GNSS em tempo real (RBMC-IP). Para isto, foram feitas coletas de dados com um receptor de dupla frequência acoplado a um veículo, o qual percorreu o mesmo trajeto por vinte e nove dias. O local de realização dos testes foi o Corredor Norte-Sul da cidade de São Paulo, com extensão aproximada de 22.700 m. A metodologia de análise dos dados foi dividida em três casos: O primeiro considerou todo o trajeto. O segundo, apenas um trecho sem interferências (como árvores de grande porte, túneis, viadutos e prédios), plano e sem curvas. Por fim, o terceiro investigou como seria o comportamento do receptor após uma situação de bloqueio total do sinal de satélites, ao passar por baixo de um viaduto. Avaliou-se as precisões horizontais e verticais dos pontos registrados, a quantidade de satélites rastreados, os valores de Positional Dilution of Precision (PDOP), as soluções para o vetor das ambiguidades durante o percurso e a qualidade da conexão móvel. Os resultados mostraram que o uso da técnica RTK via Ntrip por meio de serviço RBMC-IP constitui-se uma ferramenta confiável para o posicionamento preciso em tempo real. Entretanto, em ambientes urbanos, e somado ao modo cinemático de coleta, tais valores tornam-se mais suscetíveis à degradação da precisão. / The continuous progress of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) enables its large user community around the world to use its products for a wide range of purposes. Amongst them, autonomous vehicular navigation is featured as one of the main focuses of investments and research in universities and private institutions. At the same time, the modernization of GNSS receivers follows this evolution, offering smaller and more versatile equipment than before, which are able to trace new constellations and high-precision operations in real time. The use of mobile networks and wireless Internet connections have supported this development, allowing geomatics professionals to carry out surveys using the technique known as Real Time Kinematic (RTK). This research aims at assessing the quality of the data gathered by this RTK technique, based on the use of the Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (Ntrip) to obtain differential corrections necessary to the operation in an urban environment, and the use of Brazilian Network of Continuous Monitoring of GNSS Systems in real time (RBMC-IP). In order to do so, we gathered data with the receiver installed in a vehicle which travelled the same route for twenty-nine days. The test site was the North-South Corridor in São Paulo, which is approximately 22,700 m long. The methodology of data analysis was divided into three cases: The first one took the whole route into account. The second one, only one travel leg without interference (such as tall trees, tunnels, viaducts and skyscrapers), flat and curveless. Lastly, the third one investigated how the receiver would behave after a situation of total blockade of satellites, such as under a viaduct. We evaluated the horizontal and vertical accuracies of the recorded points, the number of satellites traced, the Positional Dilution of Precision (PDOP) values, the solutions to the vector of ambiguities during the course and the quality of the mobile connection. The results showed that the use of the RTK technique via Ntrip via the RBMC-IP service is a reliable tool for precise positioning in real time. However, in urban environments in addition to the kinematic mode of collection, such values become more susceptible to the degradation of precision.

Análise do posicionamento GNSS cinemático em ambiente urbano com uso da técnica RTK via Ntrip. / Analysis of the kinematic GNSS positioning in urban environment with the use of the RTK technique via Ntrip.

Pablo Henrique Souza Galhardo 08 June 2018 (has links)
O constante avanço do Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) possibilita aos seus usuários ao redor do mundo a utilização de seus produtos para os mais diversos fins. Dentre eles, a navegação veicular autônoma se caracteriza como um dos principais focos de investimentos e pesquisas em universidades e instituições privadas. Concomitantemente, a modernização dos receptores GNSS acompanha esta evolução, oferecendo equipamentos de dimensões menores e mais versáteis que antes, com a capacidade de rastreio de novas constelações e operações de precisão em tempo real. O uso de redes de celulares e conexões de internet sem fio vêm apoiando este desenvolvimento, permitindo aos profissionais da área de geomática realizar levantamentos utilizando a técnica conhecida como Real Time Kinematic (RTK). Esta pesquisa tem por finalidade avaliar a qualidade de dados coletados por meio desta técnica RTK, apoiada no uso do Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (Ntrip) para obtenção das correções diferenciais necessárias à operação, em ambiente urbano, e utilizando a Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo dos Sistemas GNSS em tempo real (RBMC-IP). Para isto, foram feitas coletas de dados com um receptor de dupla frequência acoplado a um veículo, o qual percorreu o mesmo trajeto por vinte e nove dias. O local de realização dos testes foi o Corredor Norte-Sul da cidade de São Paulo, com extensão aproximada de 22.700 m. A metodologia de análise dos dados foi dividida em três casos: O primeiro considerou todo o trajeto. O segundo, apenas um trecho sem interferências (como árvores de grande porte, túneis, viadutos e prédios), plano e sem curvas. Por fim, o terceiro investigou como seria o comportamento do receptor após uma situação de bloqueio total do sinal de satélites, ao passar por baixo de um viaduto. Avaliou-se as precisões horizontais e verticais dos pontos registrados, a quantidade de satélites rastreados, os valores de Positional Dilution of Precision (PDOP), as soluções para o vetor das ambiguidades durante o percurso e a qualidade da conexão móvel. Os resultados mostraram que o uso da técnica RTK via Ntrip por meio de serviço RBMC-IP constitui-se uma ferramenta confiável para o posicionamento preciso em tempo real. Entretanto, em ambientes urbanos, e somado ao modo cinemático de coleta, tais valores tornam-se mais suscetíveis à degradação da precisão. / The continuous progress of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) enables its large user community around the world to use its products for a wide range of purposes. Amongst them, autonomous vehicular navigation is featured as one of the main focuses of investments and research in universities and private institutions. At the same time, the modernization of GNSS receivers follows this evolution, offering smaller and more versatile equipment than before, which are able to trace new constellations and high-precision operations in real time. The use of mobile networks and wireless Internet connections have supported this development, allowing geomatics professionals to carry out surveys using the technique known as Real Time Kinematic (RTK). This research aims at assessing the quality of the data gathered by this RTK technique, based on the use of the Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (Ntrip) to obtain differential corrections necessary to the operation in an urban environment, and the use of Brazilian Network of Continuous Monitoring of GNSS Systems in real time (RBMC-IP). In order to do so, we gathered data with the receiver installed in a vehicle which travelled the same route for twenty-nine days. The test site was the North-South Corridor in São Paulo, which is approximately 22,700 m long. The methodology of data analysis was divided into three cases: The first one took the whole route into account. The second one, only one travel leg without interference (such as tall trees, tunnels, viaducts and skyscrapers), flat and curveless. Lastly, the third one investigated how the receiver would behave after a situation of total blockade of satellites, such as under a viaduct. We evaluated the horizontal and vertical accuracies of the recorded points, the number of satellites traced, the Positional Dilution of Precision (PDOP) values, the solutions to the vector of ambiguities during the course and the quality of the mobile connection. The results showed that the use of the RTK technique via Ntrip via the RBMC-IP service is a reliable tool for precise positioning in real time. However, in urban environments in addition to the kinematic mode of collection, such values become more susceptible to the degradation of precision.

Caractérisation des voies de signalisation des oncogènes FGFR3 muté et FGFR3-TACC3 dans les carcinomes de vessie / Characterization of the Mutated FGFR3 and FGFR3-TACC3 Receptor Signaling Pathways in Bladder Carcinoma

Mahé, Mélanie 14 April 2015 (has links)
Les tumeurs de vessie suivent deux voies de progression tumorale. La voie des carcinomes in situ (CIS) qui progressent pour envahir la membrane basale puis le muscle, et la voie des tumeurs papillaires de bas grade qui progressent peu mais qui récidivent fréquemment. Environ 65% des tumeurs papillaires de bas grade présentent une mutation du gène FGFR3 et récemment des protéines de fusion FGFR3-TACC3 ont été observées dans les tumeurs de vessie (dans 10% des tumeurs invasives). Le rôle oncogénique du récepteur FGFR3 muté et de FGFR3-TACC3 a été démontré in vivo et in vitro. Cependant, les voies de signalisation du récepteur FGFR3 muté ou de FGFR3-TACC3 sont à l’heure actuelle très peu caractérisées. Dans ce contexte, deux approches ont été mises en place pour caractériser ces voies de signalisation. La première s’appuie sur l’étude de la phosphorylation des protéines p38, AKT et ERK1/2 par le récepteur FGFR3 muté (S249C) ou sauvage dans la lignée cellulaire fibroblastique NIH3T3, et a permis d’identifier les protéines p38 et AKT comme activées par le récepteur FGFR3 muté et nécessaire pour induire la transformation cellulaire. L’étude de l’activation de ces deux voies de signalisation a été réalisée dans des lignées cellulaires dérivées de tumeurs de vessie exprimant le récepteur FGFR3 muté ou FGFR3-TACC3 de manière endogène et a montré que leur activation était dépendante de celle du récepteur FGFR3. De plus nous avons montré que les protéines p38 et AKT sont impliquées dans le maintien d’une boucle de rétro-contrôle positive entre FGFR3 et MYC : l’activation de FGFR3 induit une surexpression de MYC qui en retour promeut l’expression de FGFR3. La seconde approche est basée sur une étude visant à identifier les partenaires protéiques de FGFR3 par spectrométrie de masse après immunoprécipitation de celui-ci qui avait été réalisée précédemment au laboratoire. L’analyse des données a permis l’obtention d’une liste de 60 protéines identifiées comme partenaires protéiques de FGFR3 avec une grande confiance. La construction d’un réseau à partir de cette liste n’a pas été possible (trop peu d’interactions existant entre ces protéines), nous avons donc développé un algorithme (PEPPER) en collaboration avec un étudiant en bio-informatique au laboratoire, Rémy Nicolle, pour proposer un réseau de signalisation de FGFR3.Les deux approches mises en place au cours de cette thèse nous ont permis de mieux caractériser les voies de signalisation du récepteur FGFR3. L’identification d’une boucle de rétrocontrôle entre FGFR3 et MYC a permis de mieux comprendre pourquoi le récepteur FGFR3 possède des propriétés oncogéniques, et de proposer les protéines p38 et AKT comme cibles thérapeutiques potentielles pour traiter les tumeurs de vessie exprimant le récepteur FGFR3 altéré. La construction du réseau de signalisation de FGFR3 via PEPPER donne une vue d’ensemble des voies de signalisation de FGFR3 et ouvre de nouvelles pistes à étudier. / Bladder cancer progression can be divided in two main pathways. The pathway of In Situ Carcinoma (CIS) which progress through an invasion of the basement membrane and then the muscle and the pathway of Ta papillary tumors which change little but recur frequently after tumor resection. Approximately 65% of Ta papillary tumors harboring a FGFR3 mutation and recently FGFR3-TACC3 fusion proteins have been observed in bladder tumors (about 10% of bladder tumors). The oncogenic role of the mutated FGFR3 receptor and of the FGFR3-TACC3 fusion protein has been demonstrated in vivo and in vitro. However signaling pathways activated by the mutated FGFR3 receptor or by the FGFR3-TACC3 fusion protein are currently poorly characterized.In this context, two approaches have been developed to characterize these signaling pathways. The first is based on the study of p38, AKT and ERK1/2 phosphorylation by the mutated receptor (S249C) or the wild type receptor in the NIH3T3 fibroblastic cell line. This study allowed identifying p38 and AKT as activated by the mutated FGFR3 receptor. Moreover, activation of p38 and AKT by the mutated receptor is critical for cell transformation. Study of the activation of these two signaling has been realized in human bladder cancer cell lines endogenously expressing the mutated FGFR3 receptor or the FGFR3-TACC3 fusion protein. Moreover, we showed that p38 and AKT are involved in the maintenance of a FGFR3/MYC feedback positive loop: FGFR3 activation induce MYC over expression which in turns promotes FGFR3 expression. The second approach is based on a study whose aim was to identify FGFR3 proteins partners by mass spectrometry after a FGFR3 immunoprecipitation, which has been previously realized in the lab. Data analyze led to the obtaining of a list of 60 proteins identified has FGFR3 protein partners with a high confidence. Construction of a FGFR3 network with this list was not possible (too little interactions existing between these proteins), so we developed an algorithm (PEPPER) in collaboration with a student in bioinformatics in the lab, Remy Nicolle, to propose a FGFR3 signaling network.The two approaches developed during this thesis allowed us to better characterize the FGFR3 signaling pathways. Identification of a FGFR3/MYC feedback loop allowed us to better understand why the altered FGFR3 has oncogenic properties and to propose p38 and AKT as news promising therapeutic targets, to treat human bladder tumors harboring the altered FGFR3 receptor. Construction of the FGFR3 signaling network with the algorithme PEPPER give an overview of the FGFR3 signaling pathways and open new tracks to explore.

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