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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da acurácia e da precisão do posicionamento RTK utilizando o receptor u-blox LEA-6T e o software RTKLib. / Accuracy and precision analysis of RTK positioning using u-blox LEA-6T receiver and RTKLib software.

Facin, Pedro Luiz Martinez 28 October 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda a aplicação do posicionamento RTK (Real Time Kinematics) em modo estático e cinemático, visando representar diferentes usos no cotidiano e comprovar a possibilidade de gerar uma solução de posicionamento RTK de baixo custo. Desde empresas de topografia e locação de obras, passando por empresas geradoras de bases cartográficas, até o segmento do transporte público por ônibus, o uso desta tecnologia, por um valor de aproximadamente R$ 3000,00, pode viabilizar novas oportunidades, como o georreferenciamento com maior acurácia tanto de imóveis rurais quanto de monitoramento de frotas de veículos e a atualização de mapas viários. Para isso, foi gerada uma solução de posicionamento RTK com um receptor GPS (Global Positioning System) móvel, um laptop, um celular com chip GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication), conexão 3G ou via wi-fi e o software livre RTKLib para correção e fixação do posicionamento, além de conexão com estações da RBMC-IP (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo). O RTKLib se sincroniza com o receptor GPS u-blox (sinal L1 e constelação GPS), o qual compacta as observações de fase para o envio dos dados. Os resultados demonstraram que, dependendo da solução RTK (fix ou float), o posicionamento atingiu acurácias abaixo de 1 metro e precisão nesta mesma ordem de grandeza para linhas de bases menores que 10 km. Com linhas de base mais longas, o resultado degradou, conforme o esperado. Os testes cinemáticos indicaram acurácia de até 1,5 metro, podendo ser utilizado como produto para estimativas de trajeto. Além dos resultados qualitativos e quantitativos, a principal contribuição desta pesquisa foi o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia específica, na área de soluções de posicionamento RTK, que trouxe, através da utilização de ferramentas estatísticas, ganhos de produtividade significativos em termos de tempo, equipamentos e mão de obra necessária, pois explorou não somente um maior tempo de rastreio nos testes estáticos, mas cobriu também testes cinemáticos. / The present research evaluates the application of Real Time Kinematics (RTK) positioning in static and kinematic mode for different daily activities and verify the potential to generate a RTK positioning solution. The use of this technology with a low cost system may be useful for different segments, since companies engaged with topographic surveys and construction activities, logistic companies and even public transportation, by offering a solution with more accuracy and precision and can also represent a market opportunity for rural properties, fleet monitoring and map databases update. In order to make feasible this purpose, it was generated a RTK positioning solution using a mobile Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, a notebook, an smartphone equipped with Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) device and provided with 3G or wifi connection, the software RTKLib to fix and obtained a fixed positioning and the monitoring stations of the Continuous Monitoring Brazilian Network (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo - RBMC-IP). The software is connected with the receiver GPS u-blox (L1 signal and GPS constellation) which is the responsible for adjust the phase information in a format and size suitable to the data exchange. The main advantage of this solution is that only one person is required to collect the field data and the feasibility of RTK/GSM technique usage in steep topography areas, consequently increasing productivity during projects execution. The results indicate that, depending on the kind of RTK positioning solution generated, fix or float, the positioning obtained accuracy rates lower than 1 meter, however with some sensitivity and variability and precision in the same magnitude for baseline lower than 10 kilometres; while the results for long baselines (higher than 100 kilometres) did not present the same accuracy/precision, as expected. Kinematics tests showed good accuracy prescribing estimation path usage. Besides quantitative and qualitative results, the main contribution of this research was the development of a specific methodology in the area of RTK positioning solution, that brought by statistical tools productivity gains in terms of time collection, equipment and manpower required, since exploited not only a longer time in static tests but also covered kinematic tests.

Caractérisation de la différenciation de l'endoderme primitif : Coopération entre la voie de signalisation RTK-FGF et le facteur de transcription Gata 6 / Characterization of the differentiation of the primary endoderm : Cooperation between the RTK-FGF signalling pathway and the GATA6 transcription factor

Hermitte, Stephanie 23 October 2017 (has links)
A E3.5 jours de développement (E3.5), l’embryon murin se compose d’une monocouche de cellules externes correspondant au Trophectoderme (TE) et d’une masse cellulaire interne (MCI), hétérogène, constituée de deux sous-populations de cellules précurseurs : les cellules épiblastiques (Epi) et les cellules d’endoderme primitif (EPr). NANOG, marqueur épiblastique et GATA6, marqueur de l’EPr, sont co-exprimés à E3.5 dans la MCI puis adoptent une expression exclusive au sein de leur lignage respectif. La différenciation du lignage EPr nécessite l’expression de GATA6 et l’activation de la voie Récepteur Tyrosine Kinase (RTK) activée par le FGF (RTK-FGF) pour l’induction de gènes cibles de GATA6 tels que Sox17 et Gata4.Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai, dans un premier temps, étudié la relation GATA6/voie RTK-FGF lors de l’induction de l’expression des gènes de différenciation de l’EPr. J’ai utilisé des cellules souches embryonnaires murines ES sauvages ou mutantes pour Gata6 (ES Gata6-/-), dans lesquelles j’ai surexprimé différentes formes mutantes de Gata6 inactivées sur les différents résidus identifiés comme potentiellement phosphorylables par la voie RTK-FGF. Ainsi, j’ai analysé l’expression protéique des gènes Sox17 et Gata4 ainsi que des expressions ARN de ces cibles et d’autres gènes caractéristiques exprimés dans l’EPr dans les différentes conditions de surexpression des formes de Gata6 en absence ou présence d’inhibiteurs de la voie RTK-FGF. Ainsi, j’ai pu mettre en évidence que la transmission du signal s’effectue au travers de récepteur au FGF et qu’il existe une compensation entre les branches RTK-MEK-ERK et RTK-PI3K ciblant le résidu Sérine 37 de GATA6. Enfin, les résidus S34 et T509 sont nécessaires et les résidus S34, S37 et T509 semblent coopérer, au travers d’un mécanisme pour le moment non détaillé, pour l’induction des gènes cibles exprimés au sein de l’EPr.Dans un second temps, j’ai débuté la caractérisation phénotypique du rôle des facteurs Dickkopf1 (DKK1), un inhibiteur de la voie WNT/β-caténine, et NOGGIN, un inhibiteur de la voie des Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) lors de la différentiation de l’EPr en endoderme pariétal (EP) et viscéral (EV). A l’aide de modèles de souris KO pour DKK1 et NOGGIN, croisées en fond C57Bl6 pur, j’ai pu observer que l’expression d’OCT4 était maintenue au sein des embryons homozygotes mutants pour Dkk1 et double homozygotes mutants pour Dkk1 et Noggin. Cependant, le mécanisme potentiel de compensation ou de coopération de ces deux marqueurs n’est pour le moment pas détaillé précisément et mérite l’analyse d’un plus grand nombre d’embryons mutants. / At E3.5 days of development (E3.5), mouse embryo consists of a monolayer of external cells corresponding to Trophectoderme (TE) and of an intern cell mass (ICM), heterogeneous, constituted by two subpopulations of precursory cells: epiblastic cells (Epi) and primitive endoderm cells (EPr). NANOG, an Epi marker and GATA6, a PrE marker, are co-expressed at E3,5 in the MCI and then adopt an exclusive expression within their respective lineage. EPr differentiation requires both expression of GATA6 and RTK pathway, activated by FGF ligand, in order to induce late markers Sox17 and Gata4 expression.First, I studied the relation GATA6/RTK during this process to understand the mechanism of induction of these target genes during final EPr differentiation. I used embryonic stem cells ES WT or Gata6 mutants (ES Gata6-/-), in which I transfected various Gata6 mutant constructions on different residues characterized as potentially phosphorylable by the RTK pathway. So, I analyzed protein expression of Sox17 and Gata4 target genes as well as RNA expression of characteristic genes expressed in the EPr in different inhibition conditions of RTK pathway. So, I was able to highlight that the transmission of the signal is made through the FGF receptor (FGFR1) and that there is compensation between RTK-MEK-ERK and RTK-PI3K pathways highlighted by later Gata6 overexpression of certain mutant forms. Finally, residue S34, S37 and T509 seems to cooperate, through a mechanism not detailed for the moment, for the induction of the EPr target genes.Then, I was interested to phenotypically characterize the role of Dickkopf1 (DKK1), an inhibitor of the WNT/β-catenin pathway, and NOGGIN, an inhibitor of the Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) pathway during the EPr differentiation in parietal endoderm (EP) and visceral (EV). Using models of mouse KO for Dkk1 and Noggin, met in pure background C57Bl6, I was able to observe that OCT4 expression was maintained within the Dkk1-/-, and Dkk1-/- Noggin-/- embryos. However, the potential compensation or cooperation mechanism of these two markers is not understanding well for the moment and deserves the analysis of a largest mutant embryos number.

En nätverks-RTK-jämförelse mellan GPS och GPS/GLONASS

Wallerström, Mattias, Johnsson, Fredrik January 2007 (has links)
<p>Från den 1 april 2006 har SWEPOS kompletterat den befintliga nätverks-RTK-tjänsten, som dittills levererat RTK-data för GPS, med ett alternativ där RTK-data för GPS/GLONASS levereras. En del användare har rapporterat att de upplever att GPS/GLONASS inte tillför något och även att det ibland kan ta längre tid att få fixlösning. Andra användare hävdar att de nu kan använda nätverks-RTK på platser där de tidigare inte kunde mäta och är mycket positiva till GPS/GLONASS.</p><p>Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka hur tillgängligheten för satellitmätning, positionsnoggrannheten och initialiseringstiden påverkades i öppna respektive störda miljöer med GPS/GLONASS jämfört med enbart GPS vid användandet av nätverks-RTK-tjänsten. Undersökningen har utförts med tre olika fabrikat av GNSS-mottagare (Leica, Topcon och Trimble), vilket även medger att en jämförelse mellan dessa till viss utsträckning kan göras.</p><p>I studien gjordes totalt 1 440 mätningar på sex punkter med kända positioner och med olika grad av sikthinder. Fixlösning uppnåddes inte inom 180 sekunder för 206 (77 för GPS/GLONASS och 129 för GPS) av de 1 440 mätningarna.</p><p>De extra GLONASS-satelliterna tillför en klar fördel när det gäller möjligheten att mäta i störda miljöer. När det gäller initialiseringstid så är dessa kortare för GPS/GLONASS. GLONASS-satelliterna ger ingen förbättring av positionsnoggrannheten. Det är till och med så att GPS får något bättre kvalitetstal i både plan och höjd i denna studie (1-3 mm bättre). För de olika fabrikaten kan det konstateras att precision och noggrannhet är likvärdiga i både plan och höjd för alla tre märken.</p> / <p>On the 1st of April 2006, SWEPOS complemented the existing network RTK service with corrections for the Russian satellite system GLONASS. The service had so far only provided corrections for GPS. Some users have claimed that GPS/GLONASS do not contribute at all and also that the time for initialization sometimes can be longer. However, other users insist on that they now can use network RTK in areas that earlier were impossible and they are very favourable of GPS/GLONASS.</p><p>The purposes of this diploma work were to study and examine measurements using GPS and GPS/GLONASS in areas with different degrees of visual obstacles. Corrections were provided by SWEPOS Network RTK service and availability of satellites, accuracy of position and time for initialization were evaluated. The study has been conducted with three different brands of GNSS receivers (Leica, Topcon and Trimble), which also to some extent makes a comparison between the three brands possible.</p><p>A total number of 1 440 field measurements were made on six well-known points with different degrees of visual obstacles. A fixed solution was not accomplished within 180 seconds for 206 (77 for GPS/GLONASS and 129 for GPS) of the 1 440 measurements.</p><p>The additional GLONASS satellites provide an apparent advantage regarding the possibility to measure in disturbed environments. The time for initialization is shorter for GPS/GLONASS. The GLONASS satellites do not give any improvement in accuracy of position. On the contrary, GPS receives slightly better accuracy numbers in quality for both horizontal and vertical readings (1-3 mm better). Regarding the different brands, it was found that the precision and accuracy were similar in both plane and height for all three brands.</p>

En jämförelse mellan två generationer av GNSS-instrument / A comparison between two generations of GNSS instruments

Andersson, Hugo, Gannholm, Rebekka January 2015 (has links)
Studien undersöker om det är någon skillnad mellan en ny generation av Global Navigation Satellite Systems-instrument (GNSS) vad avser noggrannhet vid positionsbestämning och huruvida det är någon tidsskillnad i användande av de olika instrumenten. I studien jämförs det instrument som används idag av Lantmäteriet, Leica Viva CS15 och GS15, med nyare Trimble GeoExplorer 6000 XR. GeoExplorern kan användas antingen med en inbyggd antenn eller med en extern antenn för att ta emot satellitsignaler. Båda konfigurationerna är undersökta i studien.Studien genomfördes genom att etablera två lokala stomnät med satsmätning, för att få "facit"-punkter att jämföra GNSS-mätningarna mot. Näten transformerades in i SWEREF 99 12 00 med hjälp av statisk GNSS-mätning. Därefter mättes alla punkter i näten in 30 gånger per punkt med vart och ett av GNSS-instrumenten, för att få ett statistiskt säkert underlag.Resultatet visar att Trimble med extern antenn generellt hade minst spridning (0,009-0,020 meter i dolt nät och 0,008-0,013 meter i öppet nät) men den hade överlag ett något större avstånd från "facit"-punkten än Leican (0,016-0,088 meter i dolt nät och 0,032-0,054 meter i öppet nät). Leica-instrumentet hade istället mer spridning (0,021-0,142 meter i dolt nät och 0,014-0,032 meter i öppet nät) men mindre avvikelse från "facit"-punkten (0,006-0,076 meter i dolt nät och 0,019-0,059 meter i öppet nät). Trimble med intern antenn hade störst spridning (0,021-0,038 meter i dolt nät och 0,013-0,048 meter i öppet nät) och avvek också mest från "facit"-punkten (0,026-0,083 meter i dolt nät och 0,024-0,068 meter i öppet nät).En tidsstudie genomfördes också genom att mäta tiden det tog från att instrumentet var påslaget tills att det var färdigt att mätas med, det vill säga tills initieringen var färdig. Tidsstudien resulterade i att Leica Viva var i genomsnitt 12 % snabbare då omgivningen var fri från hinder, och i genomsnitt 21 % snabbare då närområdet var bevuxet med träd och buskar.Slutsatsen av projektet är att instrumenten är likvärdiga vad gäller kvalitet på mätningar och tidsåtgång. Den stora skillnaden finner vi i vikt och tyngdpunkt på instrumenten, där Trimble med intern antenn har den lägsta vikten. / This study examines whether there is any difference in a new generation of Global Navigation Satellite System instruments (GNSS) in the accuracy of positioning and whether there is any time difference when using the different instruments. The study compares the instruments used today by Lantmäteriet, the Leica Viva CS15 and the GS15, with the Trimble GeoExplorer 6000 XR. The GeoExplorer can be used either with an integrated or an external antenna to receive satellite signals, both configurations are investigated in this study. The study was carried out by establishing two core networks with set measurements, to obtain "true" coordinates to compare against the measurements made with the GNSS-instruments. The networks were transformed into SWEREF 99 12 00 using static GNSS surveying. Then each point was measured 30 times by each of the GNSS instruments, in order to get statistically reliable data. The result shows that Trimble with an external antenna generally had the best precision (0,009-0,020 meters in the shrouded network and 0,008-0,013 meters in the open network) but had less accuracy (0,016-0,088 meters in the shrouded network and 0,032-0,054 meters in the open network), in other words a greater distance from the "true" coordinate. The Leica instrument had a lower precision (0,021-0,142 meters in the shrouded network and 0,014-0,032 meters in the open network), but better accuracy (0,006-0,076 meters in the shrouded network and 0,019-0,059 meters in the open network). Trimble with the internal antenna had the lowest precision (0,021-0,038 meters in the shrouded network and 0,013-0,048 meters in the open network) and accuracy (0,026-0,083 meters in the shrouded network and 0,024-0,068 meters in the open network). A time course study was also conducted by measuring the time it took from the point where the instrument was turned on, to when the initialization was completed. The result of the time study was that the Leica Viva was about 12 percent faster when the environment was free of obstacles, and around 21 percent faster when the immediate area was more forest like with trees and bushes. The conclusion of the project is that the instruments are equivalent in terms of quality of measurements and time. The big difference is found in the weight and center of gravity of the instruments, where Trimble with internal antenna has the lowest weight.

En nätverks-RTK-jämförelse mellan GPS och GPS/GLONASS

Wallerström, Mattias, Johnsson, Fredrik January 2007 (has links)
Från den 1 april 2006 har SWEPOS kompletterat den befintliga nätverks-RTK-tjänsten, som dittills levererat RTK-data för GPS, med ett alternativ där RTK-data för GPS/GLONASS levereras. En del användare har rapporterat att de upplever att GPS/GLONASS inte tillför något och även att det ibland kan ta längre tid att få fixlösning. Andra användare hävdar att de nu kan använda nätverks-RTK på platser där de tidigare inte kunde mäta och är mycket positiva till GPS/GLONASS. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka hur tillgängligheten för satellitmätning, positionsnoggrannheten och initialiseringstiden påverkades i öppna respektive störda miljöer med GPS/GLONASS jämfört med enbart GPS vid användandet av nätverks-RTK-tjänsten. Undersökningen har utförts med tre olika fabrikat av GNSS-mottagare (Leica, Topcon och Trimble), vilket även medger att en jämförelse mellan dessa till viss utsträckning kan göras. I studien gjordes totalt 1 440 mätningar på sex punkter med kända positioner och med olika grad av sikthinder. Fixlösning uppnåddes inte inom 180 sekunder för 206 (77 för GPS/GLONASS och 129 för GPS) av de 1 440 mätningarna. De extra GLONASS-satelliterna tillför en klar fördel när det gäller möjligheten att mäta i störda miljöer. När det gäller initialiseringstid så är dessa kortare för GPS/GLONASS. GLONASS-satelliterna ger ingen förbättring av positionsnoggrannheten. Det är till och med så att GPS får något bättre kvalitetstal i både plan och höjd i denna studie (1-3 mm bättre). För de olika fabrikaten kan det konstateras att precision och noggrannhet är likvärdiga i både plan och höjd för alla tre märken. / On the 1st of April 2006, SWEPOS complemented the existing network RTK service with corrections for the Russian satellite system GLONASS. The service had so far only provided corrections for GPS. Some users have claimed that GPS/GLONASS do not contribute at all and also that the time for initialization sometimes can be longer. However, other users insist on that they now can use network RTK in areas that earlier were impossible and they are very favourable of GPS/GLONASS. The purposes of this diploma work were to study and examine measurements using GPS and GPS/GLONASS in areas with different degrees of visual obstacles. Corrections were provided by SWEPOS Network RTK service and availability of satellites, accuracy of position and time for initialization were evaluated. The study has been conducted with three different brands of GNSS receivers (Leica, Topcon and Trimble), which also to some extent makes a comparison between the three brands possible. A total number of 1 440 field measurements were made on six well-known points with different degrees of visual obstacles. A fixed solution was not accomplished within 180 seconds for 206 (77 for GPS/GLONASS and 129 for GPS) of the 1 440 measurements. The additional GLONASS satellites provide an apparent advantage regarding the possibility to measure in disturbed environments. The time for initialization is shorter for GPS/GLONASS. The GLONASS satellites do not give any improvement in accuracy of position. On the contrary, GPS receives slightly better accuracy numbers in quality for both horizontal and vertical readings (1-3 mm better). Regarding the different brands, it was found that the precision and accuracy were similar in both plane and height for all three brands.

Low-cost GPS/GLONASS Precise Positioning algorithm in Constrained Environment / Algorithme de positionnement précis en environnement contraint basé sur un récepteur bas-coût GPS/GLONASS

Carcanague, Sébastien 26 February 2013 (has links)
Le GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), et en particulier sa composante actuelle le système américain GPS et le système russe GLONASS, sont aujourd'hui utilisés pour des applications géodésiques afin d'obtenir un positionnement précis, de l'ordre du centimètre. Cela nécessite un certain nombre de traitements complexes, des équipements coûteux et éventuellement des compléments au sol des systèmes GPS et GLONASS. Ces applications sont aujourd'hui principalement réalisées en environnement « ouvert » et ne peuvent fonctionner en environnement plus contraint. L'augmentation croissante de l'utilisation du GNSS dans des domaines variés va voir émerger de nombreuses applications où le positionnement précis sera requis (par exemple des applications de transport/guidage automatique ou d'aide à la conduite nécessitant des performances importantes en terme de précision mais aussi en terme de confiance dans la position –l'intégrité- et de robustesse et disponibilité). D'autre part, l'arrivée sur le marché de récepteurs bas-coûts (inférieur à 100 euros) capables de poursuivre les signaux provenant de plusieurs constellations et d'en délivrer les mesures brutes laisse entrevoir des avancées importantes en termes de performance et de démocratisation de ces techniques de positionnement précis. Dans le cadre d'un utilisateur routier, l'un des enjeux du positionnement précis pour les années à venir est ainsi d'assurer sa disponibilité en tout terrain, c'est-à-dire dans le plus grand nombre d'environnements possibles, dont les environnements dégradés (végétation dense, environnement urbain, etc.) Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de la thèse a été d'élaborer et d'optimiser des algorithmes de positionnement précis (typiquement basés sur la poursuite de la phase de porteuse des signaux GNSS) afin de prendre en compte les contraintes liées à l'utilisation d'un récepteur bas coût et à l'environnement. En particulier, un logiciel de positionnement précis (RTK) capable de résoudre les ambiguïtés des mesures de phase GPS et GLONASS a été développé. La structure particulière des signaux GLONASS (FDMA) requiert notamment un traitement spécifiques des mesures de phase décrit dans la thèse afin de pouvoir isoler les ambiguïtés de phase en tant qu'entiers. Ce traitement est compliqué par l'utilisation de mesures provenant d'un récepteur bas coût dont les canaux GLONASS ne sont pas calibrés. L'utilisation d'une méthode de calibration des mesures de code et de phase décrite dans la thèse permet de réduire les biais affectant les différentes mesures GLONASS. Il est ainsi démontré que la résolution entière des ambiguïtés de phase GLONASS est possible avec un récepteur bas coût après calibration de celui-ci. La faible qualité des mesures, du fait de l'utilisation d'un récepteur bas coût en milieu dégradé est prise en compte dans le logiciel de positionnement précis en adoptant une pondération des mesures spécifique et des paramètres de validation de l'ambiguïté dépendant de l'environnement. Enfin, une méthode de résolution des sauts de cycle innovante est présentée dans la thèse, afin d'améliorer la continuité de l'estimation des ambiguïtés de phase. Les résultats de 2 campagnes de mesures effectuées sur le périphérique Toulousain et dans le centre-ville de Toulouse ont montré une précision de 1.5m 68% du temps et de 3.5m 95% du temps dans un environnement de type urbain. En milieu semi-urbain type périphérique, cette précision atteint 10cm 68% du temps et 75cm 95% du temps. Finalement, cette thèse démontre la faisabilité d'un système de positionnement précis bas-coût pour un utilisateur routier. / GNSS and particularly GPS and GLONASS systems are currently used in some geodetic applications to obtain a centimeter-level precise position. Such a level of accuracy is obtained by performing complex processing on expensive high-end receivers and antennas, and by using precise corrections. Moreover, these applications are typically performed in clear-sky environments and cannot be applied in constrained environments. The constant improvement in GNSS availability and accuracy should allow the development of various applications in which precise positioning is required, such as automatic people transportation or advanced driver assistance systems. Moreover, the recent release on the market of low-cost receivers capable of delivering raw data from multiple constellations gives a glimpse of the potential improvement and the collapse in prices of precise positioning techniques. However, one of the challenge of road user precise positioning techniques is their availability in all types of environments potentially encountered, notably constrained environments (dense tree canopy, urban environments…). This difficulty is amplified by the use of low-cost receivers and antennas, which potentially deliver lower quality measurements. In this context the goal of this PhD study was to develop a precise positioning algorithm based on code, Doppler and carrier phase measurements from a low-cost receiver, potentially in a constrained environment. In particular, a precise positioning software based on RTK algorithm is described in this PhD study. It is demonstrated that GPS and GLONASS measurements from a low-cost receivers can be used to estimate carrier phase ambiguities as integers. The lower quality of measurements is handled by appropriately weighting and masking measurements, as well as performing an efficient outlier exclusion technique. Finally, an innovative cycle slip resolution technique is proposed. Two measurements campaigns were performed to assess the performance of the proposed algorithm. A horizontal position error 95th percentile of less than 70 centimeters is reached in a beltway environment in both campaigns, whereas a 95th percentile of less than 3.5 meters is reached in urban environment. Therefore, this study demonstrates the possibility of precisely estimating the position of a road user using low-cost hardware.

Análise da acurácia e da precisão do posicionamento RTK utilizando o receptor u-blox LEA-6T e o software RTKLib. / Accuracy and precision analysis of RTK positioning using u-blox LEA-6T receiver and RTKLib software.

Pedro Luiz Martinez Facin 28 October 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda a aplicação do posicionamento RTK (Real Time Kinematics) em modo estático e cinemático, visando representar diferentes usos no cotidiano e comprovar a possibilidade de gerar uma solução de posicionamento RTK de baixo custo. Desde empresas de topografia e locação de obras, passando por empresas geradoras de bases cartográficas, até o segmento do transporte público por ônibus, o uso desta tecnologia, por um valor de aproximadamente R$ 3000,00, pode viabilizar novas oportunidades, como o georreferenciamento com maior acurácia tanto de imóveis rurais quanto de monitoramento de frotas de veículos e a atualização de mapas viários. Para isso, foi gerada uma solução de posicionamento RTK com um receptor GPS (Global Positioning System) móvel, um laptop, um celular com chip GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication), conexão 3G ou via wi-fi e o software livre RTKLib para correção e fixação do posicionamento, além de conexão com estações da RBMC-IP (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo). O RTKLib se sincroniza com o receptor GPS u-blox (sinal L1 e constelação GPS), o qual compacta as observações de fase para o envio dos dados. Os resultados demonstraram que, dependendo da solução RTK (fix ou float), o posicionamento atingiu acurácias abaixo de 1 metro e precisão nesta mesma ordem de grandeza para linhas de bases menores que 10 km. Com linhas de base mais longas, o resultado degradou, conforme o esperado. Os testes cinemáticos indicaram acurácia de até 1,5 metro, podendo ser utilizado como produto para estimativas de trajeto. Além dos resultados qualitativos e quantitativos, a principal contribuição desta pesquisa foi o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia específica, na área de soluções de posicionamento RTK, que trouxe, através da utilização de ferramentas estatísticas, ganhos de produtividade significativos em termos de tempo, equipamentos e mão de obra necessária, pois explorou não somente um maior tempo de rastreio nos testes estáticos, mas cobriu também testes cinemáticos. / The present research evaluates the application of Real Time Kinematics (RTK) positioning in static and kinematic mode for different daily activities and verify the potential to generate a RTK positioning solution. The use of this technology with a low cost system may be useful for different segments, since companies engaged with topographic surveys and construction activities, logistic companies and even public transportation, by offering a solution with more accuracy and precision and can also represent a market opportunity for rural properties, fleet monitoring and map databases update. In order to make feasible this purpose, it was generated a RTK positioning solution using a mobile Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, a notebook, an smartphone equipped with Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) device and provided with 3G or wifi connection, the software RTKLib to fix and obtained a fixed positioning and the monitoring stations of the Continuous Monitoring Brazilian Network (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo - RBMC-IP). The software is connected with the receiver GPS u-blox (L1 signal and GPS constellation) which is the responsible for adjust the phase information in a format and size suitable to the data exchange. The main advantage of this solution is that only one person is required to collect the field data and the feasibility of RTK/GSM technique usage in steep topography areas, consequently increasing productivity during projects execution. The results indicate that, depending on the kind of RTK positioning solution generated, fix or float, the positioning obtained accuracy rates lower than 1 meter, however with some sensitivity and variability and precision in the same magnitude for baseline lower than 10 kilometres; while the results for long baselines (higher than 100 kilometres) did not present the same accuracy/precision, as expected. Kinematics tests showed good accuracy prescribing estimation path usage. Besides quantitative and qualitative results, the main contribution of this research was the development of a specific methodology in the area of RTK positioning solution, that brought by statistical tools productivity gains in terms of time collection, equipment and manpower required, since exploited not only a longer time in static tests but also covered kinematic tests.

Por uma arqueologia marginal: as ocupações peri-sambaquieiras no entorno do sambaqui da Figueirinha II, Jaguaruna- SC, examinadas através do radar de penetração de solo / Extra mound structures surrounding the Figueirinha II shell mound seen through the GPR

Tiago Attorre Penna 24 February 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho procurou por evidências das ocupações sambaquieiras para fora dos sambaquis, buscando eventos de ocupação relativos aos concheiros, mas externo a eles em áreas de alta dinâmica sedimentar. Para tanto se consorciou o radar de penetração de solo (GPR) ao sistema de navegação global por satélite (GNSS), funcionando em modo cinemático de tempo real (RTK), em um esforço de sensoriamento remoto em meio a um campo de dunas no Município de Jaguaruna, no litoral de Santa Catarina. Conseguimos, através do sensoriamento, realizar prospecções arqueológicas e encontrar estruturas marginais aos concheiros, previstas em estudos anteriores que apontavam a remobilização de material processados em outras áreas para dentro dos sambaquis. Encontramos, mapeamos, escavamos, descrevemos e amostramos essas estruturas peri-sambaquieiras no entorno do Sambaqui da Figueirinha II de forma a apresentarmos um panorama da distribuição espacial e temporal destas estruturas. / The work presented here searched for evidences of mound builder\'s occupation outside the shell mounds itself, in search of events related to the shell mounds, but external to it in a very dynamic area. We have integrated the GPR and GNSS-RTK technologies in order to take the archaeological research regarding the shell mound cultures outside the mounds, by remote sensing areas in which extensive sand dunes are found in search of evidence regarding the mound builder\'s settlement in the areas surrounding the mounds, which the existence was predicted in previous studies. In this sense, we integrate the technologies and carried out the sensing of the Figueirinha Region in Santa Catarina State. We have found, mapped, excavated, described and sampled the extra-mounds archaeological occurrences surrounding the Figueirinha II shell mound, in order to presenting an overview of the spatial and chronological distributions of such structures.

Studie av L2C-signalens möjlighet till ökad tillgänglighet vid GPS-baserad produktionsmätning

Törnlund, Patric, Ångman, André January 2016 (has links)
Eftersom intresset och användandet av satellitbaserad positionering ökat under de senaste åren så är det av stort intresse att utveckla och förbättra de globala navigationssystemen, samt användandet av dessa. På uppdrag av Lantmäteriet i Gävle så har i denna studie en utvärdering av L2C-signalen, som är GPS andra civila signal, genomförts för att undersöka dess möjligheter till ökad tillgänglighet samt minskade mätosäkerheter, vid mätning med nätverks-RTK. Detta inkluderar även en undersökning av hur signalen kan användas i olika fabrikat av GNSS-utrustning. Fabrikaten som testats är Leica, Topcon samt Trimble, vilka kan anses täcka större delen av den svenska marknaden för RTK-utrustning.   Datainsamlingen genomfördes i Mårtsbo där sju kända punkter som ingår i ett av Lantmäteriets testnät mättes in i flera omgångar för att få flera oberoende mätningar, både med och utan L2C-signalen. Samtliga punkter ligger belägna i skogsmiljö, men är av varierande svårighetsgrad. I efterbearbetningen beräknades och jämfördes dels standardosäkerheter och avvikelser mellan de två signalinställningarna, men även medeltid med erhållen fixlösning samt initialiseringstider. Testerna av implementeringen av signalen för de tre olika fabrikaten skedde på SWEPOS-driften på Lantmäteriet i Gävle, där signalförstärkare finns monterad på taket.   Resultaten från fältmätningarna ger en antydan till förbättring av både tiden till fixlösning samt mätosäkerheter vid inkluderandet av L2C-signalen, framförallt vid de punkter som klassats som svårast. Resultatet uppfyller dock inte riktigt de på förhand höga förhoppningarna, som utlovats av GPS samt diverse litteratur, då signalen enligt dessa borde ha gett en förbättring även på de lättare punkterna. Signalen visade sig gå att använda i alla tre fabrikat som testats, dock på något olika sätt. / Since applications of satellite based positioning techniques are constantly increasing, it is important to study the development of GNSS which is improving as well. National Land Survey of Sweden (NLSS) supported this study in order to evaluate the second civil signal from GPS (L2C). The idea is to investigate how using L2C increases the accessibility and accuracy in network-RTK. This also includes an evaluation of how the signal works in different brands of positioning equipment. The equipment that has been selected for this test includes models from the three most established brands in Sweden: Leica, Topcon and Trimble. The data collection was carried out in the area of Mårtsbo where seven well known points were measured, both with and without the L2C signal, for several times. All the measured points are located in forest environments, but with different levels of visibility. In the data post processing many parameters were considered for comparing the results such as: uncertainties, differences from known coordinates, time of fixed solution and initialization time. The tests of how the signal works in the three selected receiver models were carried out at the office of NLSS where a permanent reference antenna is mounted. The result of the field study indicates some improvement regarding the measurement uncertainties and time to fixed solution when including the L2C-signal, especially on those points classified as the most problematic. However, the result does not really fulfill the predicted expectations as hoped, where much bigger advantages for the L2C signal should have been shown. The signal could be used in all the three tested GNSS-equipment, despite of slightly different methods and features.

Utvärdering av Centerpoint RTX för GNSS-baserad detaljmätning : En jämförelse med SWEPOS nätverks-RTK

Fjellborg, Henrik January 2022 (has links)
SWEPOS nätverks-RTK (Real Time Kinematic) är en nationell korrektionstjänst för GNSS som är flitigt använd i Sverige. En begränsning är dock att den kräver internetuppkoppling och att referensnätet endast täcker Sverige. Trimble har en global korrektionstjänst som heter Centerpoint RTX (Real Time eXtended) som inte har dessa begränsningar. Länge hade Centerpoint RTX en förhållandevis lång konvergenstid för att vara ett attraktivt alternativ vid detaljmätning, men i takt med att fler satellitsystem implementerats och referensnätets omfattning utökats har konvergenstiden förkortats. Syftet med det här arbetet är att utvärdera Centerpoint RTX för detaljmätning med avseende på lägesosäkerhet och tidsåtgång. Detta görs som en jämförelse med SWEPOS nätverks-RTK. Tre mätmiljöer valdes ut och i dessa miljöer utfördes två tester för att bestämma lägesosäkerhet och tidsåtgång. Lägesosäkerheten undersöktes genom att montera två mottagare tätt intill varandra på en speciell distansarm (eng. Lever arm). Mottagarna loggade först råa observationer i 2 timmar vilka användes för att efterberäkna referenskoordinater. Sedan kopplades mottagarna upp på respektive korrektionstjänst utan att förflyttas från sina positioner och loggade därefter 1 position i sekunden i 4 timmar. För att mäta tidsåtgången användes en mottagare som växelvis kopplades upp mot SWEPOS nätverks-RTK och Centerpoint RTX och tiden det tog att uppnå god kvalitet på mätningarna mättes. Resultaten visar att Centerpoint RTX uppnår en kvadratisk medelavvikelse (RMS) på ca 1–1,5 cm i plan i lätta och normala mätmiljöer och drygt 2 cm i plan i den svåra mätmiljön. I höjd är RMS ca 1,5 cm i den lätta mätmiljön och 3,5 cm och 4,5 cm i den normala respektive svåra mätmiljön. Centerpoint RTX påverkas mer av mätmiljön än SWEPOS nätverks-RTK och uppvisar tendenser till systematiska avvikelser i nordkoordinaten och i höjdled. Tidsåtgången är runt 30 s i lättare mätmiljöer, i den svåra mätmiljön ärtidsåtgången 83 s för Centerpoint RTX medan SWEPOS nätverks-RTK klarar 30 s i alla miljöer. Medeltalsbildning förbättrar mätningarna med Centerpoint RTX i den svåra miljön, men i de andra miljöerna är effekten liten. Centerpoint RTX kan användas för detaljmätning i god mätmiljö där kraven på lägesosäkerhet (1 sigma) är runt 2 cm i plan och 5 cm i höjd, Vid högre krav bör den systematiska avvikelsen kontrolleras mot kända punkter och eventuellt se om den kan modelleras. I svåra miljöer bör medeltalsbildning över längre tider användas för att klara ett RMS på 2 cm i plan. / SWEPOS network-RTK (Real Time Kinematic) is a national service for GNSS corrections in Sweden. It is limited by the requirement to have an internet connection and the coverage area Sweden. Trimble has a global correction service in Centerpoint RTX (Real Time eXtended) which is not limited in that way. Until a few years ago, Centerpoint RTX had too long convergence times for being attractive in land surveying, but recently these convergence times have been significantly shortened, which makes Centerpoint RTX an attractive alternative to SWEPOS network-RTK. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to assess Centerpoint RTX for land surveying applications regarding measurement uncertainty and time required. This assessment is done in a comparison with SWEPOS network-RTK. Two tests were made in three environments, one to measure uncertainty and one to measure time. The uncertainty was measured using two receivers mounted with a short distance between them on a lever arm. The receivers first logged raw observations for 2 hours which were post-processed later to compute reference coordinates. Without moving the receivers, they were connected to their correction service and started to measure positions with 1 Hz frequency for 4 hours. To measure time one receiver was used that was alternately connected to SWEPOS network-RTK and to Centerpoint RTX and the time needed to obtain high quality observations was clocked. It is found that Centerpoint RTX reaches a Root Mean Square Error (RMS) of 1–1,5 cm horizontally in the easy and normal environments and a little higherthan 2 cm in the bad environment. Vertically, the RMS is around 1,5 cm in the easy environment and 3,5 cm and 4,5 cm in the normal and bad environments respectively. Centerpoint RTX seems to be affected more by the environment and shows tendencies to systematic errors in the north component and height. The required time was around 30 s in the easier environments, but in the bad one the time was 83 s for Centerpoint RTX whilst SWEPOS network-RTK required around 30 s in all environments. Occupation time can strengthen the positions of Centerpoint RTX, especially in bad environments but this effect is small in other environments. Centerpoint RTX can be used for applications requiring standard uncertainties about 2 cm horizontal and 5 cm vertical. If there are higher requirements, a recommendation would be to check the service for systematic errors on known points and eventually model these. In bad environments longer occupation time should be used to achieve 2 cm horizontal RMS.

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