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RTK-teknikens användningsområdenMårelius, Nicklas January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka om RTK – tekniken (Real Time Kinematik) i framtiden kan komma att användas vid lotsning i Sverige, ombord på fartyg med begränsat vattendjup under kölen. Squateffekten påverkar fartyg vid passage över grunda partier i farleder och i kanaler. För att minska ner på squateffekten så kan man minska ned på farten eller ändra fartygets trim. Studien har utformats utefter en kvalitativ metod, som handlar om att man väljer att bearbeta och analysera sin information genom att verbala analysmetoder används. Detta har genomförts genom att intervjua ett antal utvalda lotsar som både är insatta samt mindre insatta i tekniken. På så sätt belystes olika aspekter på tekniken och ifall det finns andra områden som lotsarna kan ha nytta utav denna utrustning i sitt dagliga arbete. Vid genomförandet av uppsatsen valdes en systematisk litteraturstudie. Sökningar genomfördes globalt för att få fram information om var det skett olyckor pga. squateffektens inverkan samt vilka länder som genomfört tester ombord med RTK-tekniken. Resultatet av ett användande av RTK-tekniken är att lotsar och sjöbefäl har möjlighet att få reda på hur fartyget rör sig och när det då utsätts för squateffekten. Detta för RTK-tekniken har möjlighet att ge information om hur fartyget rör sig med en noggrannhet på 3-4 centimeter i alla led samt få en exaktare hastighet även i sidled. Det finns även möjlighet att få fram en tredimensionell bild över fartyget. Resultat visar också att det finns ett behov och intresse för fler tester med RTK-tekniken. Med stöd av RTK-tekniken finns det möjlighet att få fram en bättre positionering och att ha en bättre översikt på hur fartyget rör sig samt i vilken hastighet. Resultatet visade också att tekniken är användbar för lotsarna och på vilket sätt den kan underlätta i deras dagliga arbete. / The purpose of this study was to investigate whether RTK - technology (Real Time Kinematic) in the future may be used for piloting in Sweden, on board vessels with limited depth of water under the keel. The squat effect cured vessels when they passing over an area of shallow waters in a fairway or a channel. To reduce the squat effect it can be done to increase the speed or change the trim of the vessel. The study has been designed along a qualitative method, which is about one chooses to process and analyze their information by verbal analysis methods. This has been carried out by interviewing a number of selected pilots that are both familiar and less familiar with the technology. In this way, highlighted various aspects of the technology and whether there are other areas that pilots can use this equipment in their daily work. In the implementation of the essay was elected a systematic literature. It was conducted a global search to obtain information about where the accident occurred of the squat effect and which countries that have been tested this technology onboard. The result of the RTK-technology is that pilots and ship's officers have the opportunity to find out how the vessel is moving and when it is exposed of the squat effect. The RTK-technology are able to provide information how the vessel move with an accuracy of 3-4 centimeters at every stage and get a more exact speed even in sideways. It is also possible to obtain a three-dimensional image of the vessel. The results confirm that there is a need and an interest for further testing with the RTK-technology. The results also showed that the technology is useful for the pilots and how it can useful for them in their daily work.
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The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), in the last few years, has been
supporting the development of mobile telephony and the expansion of electronic
equipments (GNSS receivers) to promote a revolution in geodetic surveys in real time.
In this context, it becomes important the technique of positioning Real Time
Kinematic (RTK) with the use of differential corrections transmitted by the protocol
named Networked Transport of RTCM via the Internet Protocol (NTRIP), from a
reference station via Internet. It is aimed, in this research, the evaluation of the
precision of this technique for different lengths of baseline, and also the use of
different numbers of trace periods. Then, three-dimensional coordinates of 10
stations (DEM) were used, they were also located in three municipalities of Rio
Grande do Sul, which were traced by the static post-processed (static PP) method,
which helped as being a reference in comparison with technique RTK / NTRIP, that
used the correlations of the Brazilian Network for Continuous Monitoring of the GNSS
Systems in real time - (RBMC-IP). The results showed that there was resolution of
the ambiguities in nine seasons at baseline greater than 54 km, and that the
precision values showed no difference greater than 0.041 m in the horizontal
component and 0.083 m in the vertical component. In addition, between the numbers
of the tested periods (5,10,30, 60 and 120 periods) for the method RTK / NTRIP, the
tested period that had the best average precision of the horizontal component was
the 120 one (0.01 m), and for the vertical component was considered the five periods
number as the most appropriated (0.02 m). Hence, it was proved the reliability of the
technique RTK / NTRIP (RBMC-IP) in baselines of until 54 km, showing that it can be
used for topographical surveys in areas with wireless Internet or cellular services
such as GPRS, GSM and 3G. / O Sistema Global de Navegação por Satélite (GNSS) nos últimos anos vem se
apoiando no desenvolvimento da telefonia móvel e no avanço da eletrônica dos
equipamentos (receptores GNSS) para promover uma revolução nos levantamentos
geodésicos em tempo real. Neste contexto, se destaca a técnica de posicionamento
Real Time Kinematic (RTK) usando correções diferenciais transmitidas pelo
protocolo Networked Transport of RTCM via internet Protocol (NTRIP), a partir de
uma estação de referência via internet. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a
precisão desta técnica para diferentes comprimentos de linha de base e com o uso
de diferentes números de épocas de rastreio. Para isso, foram utilizadas as
coordenadas tridimensionais de 10 estações (marcos), localizadas em três
municípios do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, rastreadas pelo método relativo estático
pós-processado (estático PP), o qual serviu de referência na comparação com a
técnica RTK / NTRIP, que utilizou de correções da Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento
contínuo dos Sistemas GNSS em tempo real (RBMC-IP). Os resultados mostraram
que houve resolução das ambiguidades em nove estações numa linha de base
superior a 54 km e que os valores de acurácia não apresentaram diferença superior
a 0,041 m na componente horizontal e 0,083 m na componente vertical. Além disso,
entre os números de épocas testados (5, 10, 30, 60 e 120 épocas) para o método
RTK / NTRIP, aquele que apresentou a melhor média de acurácia horizontal foi o de
120 épocas (0,01 m) e para a componente vertical o melhor resultado foi alcançado
com o número de 5 épocas rastreadas (0,02 m). Deste modo, foi comprovada a
confiabilidade da técnica RTK / NTRIP (RBMC-IP) em linhas de base de até 54 km,
podendo ser utilizada para levantamentos topográficos em locais providos por
Internet wireless ou serviços de telefonia celular tais como, GPRS, GSM e 3G.
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Utveckling av metoder för att säkerställa kvaliteten på höjddata insamlad med UAV : Fastställande av tillvägagångssätt vid luftburen datainsamling / Development of methods to ensure the quality elevation data collected with UAV : Establishment of procedures for airborne data collectionLindström, Simon January 2021 (has links)
Företaget Team Exact levererar mätningstekniska tjänster, där den främsta verksamheten är riktad mot byggnads- och markindustrin. Företaget använder UAS och levererar tjänster till kunder med ortofoto och DEM som kan användas till kartläggning, volymberäkningar och planering. Team Exact använder konsultföretagets SkyMap’s webbaserade plattform i fotogrammetrisk bearbetning av UAV genererade flygbilder. DEM behöver uppnå HMK-standardnivå 3 för att användas som underlag till bygghandlingar. För att uppnå HMK-standardnivå 3 så krävs det en lägesosäkerhet på 0,02–0,05 m/ 0,03–0,07 m (plan/höjd). Team Exact uppnår god lägesosäkerhet i plan men har varierande resultat i höjdåtergivningen. Studien har således en målsättning att hitta metoder för att säkerställa höjden inom ett studieområde med varierande topografi, terräng och markytor. Faktorer som ska undersökas är markstödspunkter, RTK-data, flygstråk, kamerainställningar och tänkvärda åtgärder i skiftande topografi samt att se tendenser hur höjdåtergivningen varierar på olika markytor. Ett stomnät etablerades över studieområdet med tre fastställda koordinatsatta stompunkter, punkterna var inmätta med statisk NRTK mätning under 1 minut. Nätet jämnades ut med totalstation och därefter blev kontrollpunkter, profiler, ytor och markstödspunkter inmätta. Studien utredde lägesosäkerheten med 0, 5, 9 och 12 markstödspunkter. Den UAV som användes i studien är försedd med en RTK-modul och förväntades därav tillhandahålla positioneringsdata som var av värde att utreda. Markstödspunkternas utplacering planerades med fyra konstanta i studieområdets yttrehörn och en femte konstant på studieområdets högsta höjd. Resterande punkter placerades ut i en jämnfördelning över områdets toppar och dalar. Flygmetoderna som utvärderades var förankrade i tidigare studier. Gemensamma inställningar över samtliga metoder var studieområdets avgränsning, en flyghöjd på 40 m samt flyghastigheten på 3 m/s. Resterande var flytande parametrar som var av värde att utreda. Studien justerade parametrarna gällande flygstråk, övertäckning, kameravinkel och kamerainställningar. Totalt blev det tre flygmetoder där de fyra olika markstödskombinationerna undersöktes vilket gav 12 processer att utvärdera. Utvärderingen utfördes mot 77 kontrollpunkter där RMSE-värde för höjd och plan undersöktes. Kontrollpunkterna var jämnt fördelade över ytan och marktyperna. En ytterligare analys utfördes med volymberäkningar mellan referens terrängmodeller och de genererade terrängmodellerna. Flygmetod 3 gav bästa resultat där fotogrammetriinställningen Double Grid användes och överlappningen var 80/60 % samt att kameran tiltades till -70°. Sensorkänsligheten var inställd på ISO100, bländaren ett öppningsvärde f/5 och slutartiden var inställd på 1/500s. Studiens resultat visar att flygmetod 3 som blockutjämnats med 12 markstödspunkter genererade bästa resultat på en lägesosäkerhet i plan på 0,015 m samt 0,035 m i höjd. / The company Team Exact delivers measurement technical services, and the main business is aimed at the construction and land industry. The company uses UAS and offers services to customers and delivers products such as orthophotos and DEMs that can be used for mapping, volume calculations and planning. Team Exact uses the consulting company SkyMap’s web-based platform for photogrammetric processing of UAV-generated aerial images. DEM needs to achieve good positional uncertainty, to achieve HMK standard level 3, it is required that the basis for construction documents has a positional uncertainty of 0.02–0.05 m / 0.03–0.07 m (level / height). Team Exact achieves good positional uncertainty in horizontal coordinates but has varying results in height reproduction. The study thus aims to find methods to ensure the height within a study area with varying topography, terrain and ground surfaces. Factors to be investigated are ground control points, RTK data, flight paths, camera settings and conceivable measures in varying topography, as well as seeing trends in how the height representation differs on different ground surfaces. A coordinate network was established over the study area with three established coordinate reference points, the points were measured with static NRTK measurement 1 minute. The network was levelled with the total station and then control points, profiles, surfaces, and ground control points were measured. The study investigated the location uncertainty with 0, 5, 9 and 12 ground control points. The UAV used in the study is equipped with an RTK module and was therefore expected to provide positioning data that was worth investigating. The placement of the ground support points was planned with four constants in the outer corner of the study area and a fifth constant at the highest level of the study area. The remaining points were placed in an even distribution over the area’s peaks and valleys. The evaluated flight methods were rooted in previous studies. Common settings across all methods were the study area delimitation, 40 m flight altitude and the flight speed of 3 m/s. Remaining were floating parameters that were of value to investigate. The study adjusted the parameters regarding flight path, coverage, camera angle and camera settings. In total, there were three flight methods where the four different ground support combinations were examined, which gave 12 processes to evaluate. The evaluation was performed against 77 control points where the RMSE value for height and plane was examined. The control points were evenly distributed over the surface and soil types. A further analysis was performed with volume calculations between the reference terrain models and the generated terrain models. Flight method 3 gave the best results where the photogrammetry setting Double Grid was used and the overlap was 80/60 % and the camera was tilted to -70 °. The sensor sensitivity was set to ISO100, the shutter had an aperture value of f/5 and the shutter speed was set to 1/500s. The results of the study indicate that flight method 3, which was levelled with 12 ground support points, generated the best results on a positional uncertainty in horizontal coordinates of 0,015 m and 0,035 m in height.
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Análise metodológica do posicionamento relativo através do GNSS e suas aplicações na engenharia: uso da técnica RTK/GSM. / Relative positioning metodology analysis through GNSS and its applications in engineering: use of RTK/GSM technique.Guandalini, Marcos 12 June 2012 (has links)
A utilização dos sistemas de navegação global por satélite, conhecidos pela sigla GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), cresceu vertiginosamente durante a última década. Atualmente, os receptores GNSS são ferramentas seguras, eficientes e altamente produtivas para a realização de observações aos satélites, possibilitando determinar coordenadas geodésicas sobre a superfície terrestre. As ferramentas e tecnologias disponíveis no mercado são de essencial importância no desenvolvimento eficiente dos projetos de engenharia. No entanto, o domínio das técnicas de trabalho e o conhecimento profundo de todos os métodos de execução são os principais obstáculos para a introdução de uma nova metodologia em projetos de engenharia. Este trabalho tem por objetivo esclarecer e testar a associação dessa tecnologia com o uso da telefonia celular, em especial com a utilização da conexão GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) / GPRS (General Packet Radio Service), disponíveis no Brasil. O posicionamento preciso em tempo real tradicionalmente envia as observações de fase da onda portadora entre o receptor GNSS base e móvel através de frequências de rádio. Isso possibilita a determinação de coordenadas geodésicas e topográficas instantaneamente. Entretanto, obstáculos como áreas de relevo acidentado, edificações ou a baixa potência do rádio que envia os sinais fazem com que a comunicação entre os equipamentos seja interrompida com a perda frequente da solução instantânea. Apesar disso, este método de trabalho está consagrado como o mais produtivo, mantendo precisões topográficas, sendo que superar as restrições citadas seria uma inovação na área de Geodésia e Topografia. Com o avanço de tecnologias correlatas, criou-se uma nova maneira de enviar as observações de fase utilizando a conexão GSM através do pacote de dados GPRS. A conexão GSM é aplicada na tecnologia móvel padrão, que se tornou a mais popular para telefones celulares, de fácil acesso a qualquer usuário. Adequando o tradicional protocolo RTCM (Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services) em um formato capaz de ser transmitido por GPRS, desenvolveu-se assim o serviço NTRIP (Network Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol). Com esta nova concepção da conexão GSM/GPRS é possível realizar levantamentos com a técnica RTK (Real Time Kinematic) com vetores de até 100 km, mantendo as precisões atingidas com a metodologia atual de pós-processamento. Os tipos de equipamentos, os limites de distâncias e a qualidade dos dados obtidos estão sendo discutidos nesta pesquisa e analisados de forma a verificar os resultados atingidos em termos de precisão e acurácia. / The use of Global Navigation Satellite System has dramatically grown over the last decade. Currently, GNSS receivers are secure, efficient and highly productive for carrying out observations for the geodetic coordinates determination on the Earth\'s surface. The tools and technologies available on the market are essential in the establishment of engineering projects. However, the total knowledge of the techniques and the total domain of the execution methods are the first obstacles to the full incorporation of the technology in the engineering projects. This work is to clarify and to teste the technology described in this dissertation related to the facilities of cell phone coverage, particularly the GSM/GPRS connection able to be used in Brazil. The precise positioning in real-time traditionally involves the transmission of phase measurements between base and rover GNSS receivers; this is traditionally carried out through radio frequencies. This allows determining geodetic and topographic coordinates instantaneously. However, obstacles like accident topography terrain, buildings or low power of radio basis transmission, provoke constant interruptions in the communication among the radios and the consequent losing of the instant solution. Nevertheless, this methodology is the most productive for a centimetric accuracy; so the major challenge in geodetic positioning is to overcome the mentioned difficulties. With the high development of technologies related to mobile phone, a new way to transmit the observations using the GSM/GPRS connection was created. The GSM connection is a standard mobile technology, the most popular for cell phones, which became of easy access to any person. The traditional RTCM protocol in a convenient format can be transmitted by GSM/GPRS connection which is known as NTRIP service, becoming a full digital communication system. As of this new concept, it is possible to note vectors up to 100 km in RTK technique employment with the same high quality measurement. The equipment characteristics, distance limits and quality of the data recorded have been discussed and analyzed here in order to verify whether the results can achieve the necessary precision and accuracy.
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Análise metodológica do posicionamento relativo através do GNSS e suas aplicações na engenharia: uso da técnica RTK/GSM. / Relative positioning metodology analysis through GNSS and its applications in engineering: use of RTK/GSM technique.Marcos Guandalini 12 June 2012 (has links)
A utilização dos sistemas de navegação global por satélite, conhecidos pela sigla GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), cresceu vertiginosamente durante a última década. Atualmente, os receptores GNSS são ferramentas seguras, eficientes e altamente produtivas para a realização de observações aos satélites, possibilitando determinar coordenadas geodésicas sobre a superfície terrestre. As ferramentas e tecnologias disponíveis no mercado são de essencial importância no desenvolvimento eficiente dos projetos de engenharia. No entanto, o domínio das técnicas de trabalho e o conhecimento profundo de todos os métodos de execução são os principais obstáculos para a introdução de uma nova metodologia em projetos de engenharia. Este trabalho tem por objetivo esclarecer e testar a associação dessa tecnologia com o uso da telefonia celular, em especial com a utilização da conexão GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) / GPRS (General Packet Radio Service), disponíveis no Brasil. O posicionamento preciso em tempo real tradicionalmente envia as observações de fase da onda portadora entre o receptor GNSS base e móvel através de frequências de rádio. Isso possibilita a determinação de coordenadas geodésicas e topográficas instantaneamente. Entretanto, obstáculos como áreas de relevo acidentado, edificações ou a baixa potência do rádio que envia os sinais fazem com que a comunicação entre os equipamentos seja interrompida com a perda frequente da solução instantânea. Apesar disso, este método de trabalho está consagrado como o mais produtivo, mantendo precisões topográficas, sendo que superar as restrições citadas seria uma inovação na área de Geodésia e Topografia. Com o avanço de tecnologias correlatas, criou-se uma nova maneira de enviar as observações de fase utilizando a conexão GSM através do pacote de dados GPRS. A conexão GSM é aplicada na tecnologia móvel padrão, que se tornou a mais popular para telefones celulares, de fácil acesso a qualquer usuário. Adequando o tradicional protocolo RTCM (Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services) em um formato capaz de ser transmitido por GPRS, desenvolveu-se assim o serviço NTRIP (Network Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol). Com esta nova concepção da conexão GSM/GPRS é possível realizar levantamentos com a técnica RTK (Real Time Kinematic) com vetores de até 100 km, mantendo as precisões atingidas com a metodologia atual de pós-processamento. Os tipos de equipamentos, os limites de distâncias e a qualidade dos dados obtidos estão sendo discutidos nesta pesquisa e analisados de forma a verificar os resultados atingidos em termos de precisão e acurácia. / The use of Global Navigation Satellite System has dramatically grown over the last decade. Currently, GNSS receivers are secure, efficient and highly productive for carrying out observations for the geodetic coordinates determination on the Earth\'s surface. The tools and technologies available on the market are essential in the establishment of engineering projects. However, the total knowledge of the techniques and the total domain of the execution methods are the first obstacles to the full incorporation of the technology in the engineering projects. This work is to clarify and to teste the technology described in this dissertation related to the facilities of cell phone coverage, particularly the GSM/GPRS connection able to be used in Brazil. The precise positioning in real-time traditionally involves the transmission of phase measurements between base and rover GNSS receivers; this is traditionally carried out through radio frequencies. This allows determining geodetic and topographic coordinates instantaneously. However, obstacles like accident topography terrain, buildings or low power of radio basis transmission, provoke constant interruptions in the communication among the radios and the consequent losing of the instant solution. Nevertheless, this methodology is the most productive for a centimetric accuracy; so the major challenge in geodetic positioning is to overcome the mentioned difficulties. With the high development of technologies related to mobile phone, a new way to transmit the observations using the GSM/GPRS connection was created. The GSM connection is a standard mobile technology, the most popular for cell phones, which became of easy access to any person. The traditional RTCM protocol in a convenient format can be transmitted by GSM/GPRS connection which is known as NTRIP service, becoming a full digital communication system. As of this new concept, it is possible to note vectors up to 100 km in RTK technique employment with the same high quality measurement. The equipment characteristics, distance limits and quality of the data recorded have been discussed and analyzed here in order to verify whether the results can achieve the necessary precision and accuracy.
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Etude intégrée de la dynamique des flux hydrosédimentaires dans le bas cours du fleuve Orénoque (Venezuela) par mesures in-situ et télédétection / Integrated study of the dynamics of hydro-sedimentary flows in the Lower Orinoco (Venezuela) using in-situ measurements and Remote SensingYépez Figueroa, Santiago Paul 18 June 2018 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse est d'étudier la dynamique des flux hydrosédimentaires dans le bas cours de l'Orénoque à partir de la mise en œuvre de diverses techniques qui combinent directement la mesure des données in situ et la modélisation par séries chronologiques d'images satellites. Cette thèse aborde pour la première fois trois méthodologies complémentaires pour analyser les flux hydrosédimentaires dans les grands fleuves : (i) un algorithme d'inversion robuste pour l'estimation de MES à l'aide de données Landsat-8(OLI)permet de suivre de façon systématique et fiable les variations spatio-temporelles des flux hydro-sédimentaires de surface, (ii) de même, il a été montré qu'il existe une forte relation entre le coefficient de rétrodiffusion du radar (images Sentinel-1) et les segments fluviaux d'écoulement turbulent. Cette nouvelle utilisation du radar en complément des approches classiques en géomorphologie et hydro-sédimentologie permet d'identifier des sections du fleuve où les MES sont homogénéisées, ce qui est fondamental pour le calcul des flux hydro-sédimentaires en suspension, enfin, (iii) une troisième méthodologie a été mise en œuvre pour mesurer durant le cycle hydrologique, les modifications géomorphologiques d'une île semi-submergée au centre du chenal principal. Grace à des séries topo-bathymétriques fines, associées à une modélisation 3D, l'on peut dorénavant quantifier le charriage de fond. Ces trois approches combinées permettent une évaluation plus précise du bilan hydro-sédimentaire en tenant compte des matières en suspension comme du charriage de fond. Ces études pourront servir aux gestionnaires du fleuve, confrontés à de complexes, lourdes et couteuses opérations de dragage périodiques pour maintenir sa navigabilité, ce qui est d'extrême importance pour les projets de développement socio-économiques de la frange pétrolière du bas cours de l'Orénoque. / The main objective of this thesis is to study the dynamics of hydro-sedimentary flows in the lower Orinoco from the implementation of various techniques that directly combine the measurement of in situ data and the modelling of time series of satellite images. This thesis addresses for the first time three complementary methodologies for the analysis of hydro-sedimentary flows in large rivers: i) a robust inversion algorithm for estimating suspended sediment concentration (SSC) using Landsat-8 (OLI) satellite data allows a systematic and reliable monitoring of spatial and temporal variations of surface hydro-sedimentary flows, (ii) it was shown that there is a strong relationship between the radar backscatter coefficient (Sentinel-1 images) and the turbulent flow segments in the river. This new use of radar, in addition to traditional geomorphological and hydro- sedimentological approaches, allows the identification of river sections in which suspended sediments are homogenized, which is fundamental for the calculation of suspended hydro-sedimentary flows, and finally (iii) a third methodology has been implemented to measure during the hydrological regime the geomorphological modifications of a semi-submerged island in the center of the mainstream. Thanks to a high spatial resolution topo-bathymetric series, combined with 3D modeling, it is now possible to quantify and to gain better understanding of river bed transport. These three combined approaches allow a more accurate evaluation of the hydro-sedimentary equilibrium taking into account suspended solids as well as bedload. These studies can be used by those responsible for river management, who face complex, heavy and costly periodic dredging operations to maintain their navigability, which is of extreme importance for socio-economic development projects in the Orinoco oil belt in the lower Orinoco.
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Transformation av stomnät till SWEREF 99 : Fallstudie Norra Vätö, Norrtälje kommun / Transformation of the Core Network to SWEREF 99 : Case Study of North Vätö, Norrtälje municipalityIngelman-Sundberg, Simon, Mishal Salem, Ali January 2010 (has links)
Sverige har under lång tid haft flera olika koordinatsystem, både nationella och lokala. Nu genomförs en övergång till ett gemensamt koordinatsystem som kallas SWEREF 99. I Norrtälje kommun finns stomnät som är noterade i ett flertal olika koordinatsystem, med ursprung i tidigare förrättningar. Åtskilliga av dessa har dålig orientering i kända nationella koordinatsystem men däremot god inre noggrannhet. I detta arbete väljs 12 stomnät för transformation till SWEREF 99 18 00. Detta görs genom att passpunkter mäts in med GNSS-teknik. De inmätta punkterna används sedan för att transformera stomnäten som de är noterade i. Detta gör att i framtiden kan till exempel husutsättningar i de aktuella områdena utföras med enbart GNSS-teknik. Stomnäten som väljs finns på norra delen av ön Vätö i Norrtälje kommun. GNSS-utrustningen som används för att mäta in punkterna är Leica 1203 nätverks-RTK. De valda passpunkterna mäts in vid två tillfällen med minst 45 minuters mellanrum. Vid varje tillfälle görs 10 mätningar. Sedan beräknas medelvärdet av 20 mätningar. När alla punkter väl har mätts in görs transformationer från tre olika från-system till SWEREF 99 18 00. De tre från-systemen är RT 38 2,5 gon V, RT R09 0 gon och ett lokalt 1000/1000-system. Eftersom områdena som är noterade i RT 38 är dåligt orienterade gentemot varandra ger det dålig noggrannhet att transformera hela RT 38-området på en gång. Därför delas RT 38-området in i flera transformationsområden. När transformationen gjorts kontrollmäts fastighetsgränser i ett gränsområde där gränspunkternas koordinatsystem är osäkert. Avslutningsvis kontrollmäts en Rix 95-punkt med namnet Klockarängsberget (Rix 95-punktnummer: 119741) som finns på södra delen av Vätö. / During the last century different coordination systems have been used in Sweden. Today a common coordination system (SWEREF 99) is used. In the municipality of Norrtälje, core networks are listed in different coordination systems that are generated from different earlier missions. These networks normally have poor orientation in the known coordination system; however, the internal accuracy is used to be good. In this study, some of the core networks have been selected to be converted to SWEREF 99 18 00. The conversion has been done by measuring points using the GNSS technology, the measured points were then used to transfer the core network to SWEREF 99 18 00. This means that in the future, staking out a building in the area can be performed solely by GNSS technology. The chosen core networks are located on a part of the island Vätö in the municipality of Norrtälje. The GNSS equipment used to measure the points with was the Leica 1203 RTK network. The selected points were measured on two occasions with a gap between the occasions of at least 45 minutes. Ten repeated measurements have been done on each point to increase the accuracy. The average of these twenty measurements has been used for conversion. After the measuring process, the transformation has been done from three different off-systems to SWEREF 99 18 00. The three off-systems were RT 38 2.5 gon V, RT R09 0 gon and a local 1000/1000-system. Since the areas listed in the RT 38 were poorly oriented towards each others, poor accuracy was achieved during the transformation of the entire RT 38 field at once. Therefore, the RT 38 area has been divided into a number of transformations-areas. When the transformation had been done, control measurements were made on a Rix 95-Point entitled Klockarängsberget (Rix 95-point numbers: 119 741) located on the southern part of Vätö. In addition, control measurements were made of housing estate border area, where the border points were uncertain.
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Undersökning av nätverks-RTK-meddelande tillsammans med olika GNSS-mottagare : vid nätverks-RTK-mätning i SWEPOS®-nät av fasta referensstationerLundell, Rebecka January 2012 (has links)
Nätverks-RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) är en metod för positionsbestämning med Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) i realtid. Metoden kräver att en driftledningscentral kan kommunicera med de GNSS-mottagare som använder referensstationsnätet, för att bland annat skicka ut korrigerade GNSS-data. I Sverige erbjuder SWEPOS, ett nät av fasta referensstationer, en tjänst för nätverks-RTK-mätning, som förväntas ge en mätosäkerhet på mindre än 15 mm i plan och 25 mm i höjd (över ellipsoiden) (med täckningsfaktorn k = 1 i bägge fallen). Den teknik som idag används av SWEPOS för att utföra positionsbestämning av GNSS-mottagare är Virtuell Referensstation (VRS). VRS kräver tvåvägskommunikation eftersom mottagaren skickar in sin absoluta position till nätverks-RTK-programvaran hos driftledningscentralen, var beräkningarna av korrektionsdata sker, innan de skickas tillbaka till mottagaren. Det finns ett annat alternativ som möjliggör envägskommunikation, nämligen nätverks-RTK-meddelande. Då sänds observationsdata, i form av korrektioner, ut till mottagaren som utför positionsberäkningarna. Syftet med det här examensarbetet var att undersöka nätverks-RTK-meddelande för GNSS-mottagare av tre olika fabrikat med avseende på initialiseringstider, mätosäkerhet, avståndsberoende från närmaste masterstation, och GLONASS-satelliters deltagande i positionsbestämningen. I studien ingick även att utföra några jämförande mätningar med VRS. Undersökningarna gjordes genom upprepade nätverks-RTK-mätningar med GNSS-mottagare från Leica Geosystems, Trimble och Topcon, på tre kända punkter sydöst om Gävle. Tre mätmetoder användes, nätverks-RTK-meddelande med automatiskt nät (tvåvägskommunikation) och statiskt nät (envägskommunikation), samt VRS. De tre mätpunkterna valdes så att avståndet, till den referensstation som användes som en så kallad masterstation, varierade. Studien visade att initialiseringstiderna skiljde mellan de tre mottagarfabrikaten. En anledning till detta var att varje mottagare ominitialiserades från olika lösningslägen. Generellt var mätosäkerheten något högre för statiskt nät. Mätosäkerheten var omkring 11 mm i plan och 19 mm i höjd med det automatiska nätet, samt 13 mm respektive 22 mm i det statiska nätet. Fabrikaten emellan, låg Leica och Trimble på samma nivå, medan Topcon hade ett generellt problem för det statiska nätet, vilket det inte fanns möjlighet att närmare utreda orsaken till. Resultatet visade även att mätosäkerheten påverkas av avståndet till använd masterstation. I några fall var dessa förhållanden linjära. Vid några tillfällen användes inte GLONASS-satelliter i positionsbestämningen. / Network RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) is a method of positioning with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) in real-time. The method requires that a control centre can communicate with the GNSS receiver, which is using the reference station network, for example to send out corrected GNSS data. In Sweden, SWEPOS, which is a network of permanent reference stations for GNSS, offers a service for Network RTK measurement. This is expected to give an uncertainty of less than 15 mm in plane and 25 mm in (ellipsoidal) height (with the coverage factor k = 1 in both cases). The technology currently used by SWEPOS, to perform positioning of a GNSS receiver, is Virtual Reference Station (VRS). VRS requires two-way communication because the receiver submits its navigated location to the control centre, where the calculations of correction data are made, before they are sent back to the receiver. Another alternative is Network RTK messages which make use of one-way communication. Then the observation data are transmitted to the receiver, which performs determination of its position. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the network RTK messages with GNSS receivers from three different manufacturers with regard to time to fix ambiguities, measurement uncertainty and its dependence on the distance from the master station, and GLONASS satellites presence in the positioning. Also included in the study was the performance of comparative measurements with VRS. The investigations were conducted through repeated network RTK measurements with GNSS receivers from Leica Geosystems, Trimble and Topcon, at three known points south-east of Gävle. Three methods were used, network RTK message with automatic and static networks, and VRS. The three measurement points were chosen so that the distance to the reference station that was used as the so-called master station, varied. The study showed that the time to fix ambiguities differed between the three brands. One reason for this was that each receiver was reinitialized from different steps in the initialization process. In general, the uncertainty in the measurement was slightly higher for the static network. The uncertainty was about 11 mm in plane and 19 mm in height with the automated network, and 13 mm and 22 mm respectively in the static network. Leica and Trimble were at the same level, while Topcon had general problems for the static network, which there was no possibility to closer investigate the reason for. The results also showed that the uncertainty is influenced by the distance to used master station. In some cases, this relationship is linear. On some occasions, GLONASS satellites were not included in the positioning.
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Fonction des neurotrophines et de la neurotensine dans l'oncogénèse lymphocytaire B / Neurotrophins and neurotensin function in B lymphocyte oncogenesisSaada, Sofiane 19 March 2015 (has links)
Les neurotrophines sont des facteurs de croissance initialement découverts dans le système nerveux et ayant pour rôle de contrôler la croissance, la prolifération et la survie des cellules neuronales et astrocytaires, mais aussi dans de nombreux autres tissus. Les neurotrophines peuvent interagir avec leurs récepteurs de haute affinité Trks. Les travaux précédemment réalisés au sein de notre équipe ont mis en évidence une boucle de régulation autocrine, en réponse à un stress cellulaire, et ce de façon dépendante des neurotrophines, notamment du BDNF, dans plusieurs lignées lymphocytaires B humaines, à différents stades de différenciation. Les cellules produisent du BDNF qui agit de manière autocrine sur son récepteur spécifique, TrkB. Le transport du BDNF est assuré par la sortiline, une protéine à domaine Vps10. Les neurotrophines sont également synthétisées sous forme de progéniteurs biologiquement actifs, les pro-neurotrophines. Le pro-BDNF interagit avec le récepteur aux neurotrophines à domaine de mort p75NTR, l’interaction du pro-BDNF avec le récepteur p75NTR et de son co-récepteur, la sortiline, induit l’apoptose des lymphocytes B. La sortiline est exprimée dans les lymphocytes B humains, les lignées de lymphocytaires B. La sortiline, également appelée NTSR3, peut lier un autre neuropeptide, la neurotensine (NTS). Identifiée, dans le système nerveux, où elle joue un rôle de neurotransmetteur, impliqué dans l’analgésie et la thermorégulation. Elle est également présente dans le tube digestif, où elle est impliquée dans la régulation de la digestion et le contrôle et de la glycémie. La fonction de la neurotensine est associée à l’activation de la sortiline mais aussi de ses deux récepteurs à protéine G, le récepteur de haute affinité, NTSR1 et le récepteur de faible affinité, NTSR2. La NTS est impliquée dans l’oncogenèse de nombreux cancers solides via sa liaison au récepteur NTSR1 principalement mais également au récepteur NTSR2, notamment dans un modèle de cancer prostatique. Nous avons démontré pour la première fois l’expression de la neurotensine et de ses récepteurs NTSR1 et NTSR2 dans les lymphocytes B humains. Le stress pro-apoptotique induit par la privation sérique favorise une relocalisation des récepteurs NTSR1 et sortiline à la membrane plasmique. Au sein de ces cellules, la neurotensine induit une augmentation de la prolifération et une diminution de l’apoptose. Ces effets de la NTS sont bloqués par l’inhibiteur de NTSR1, le SR48692/Meclinertant®. Les analyses transcriptionnelles ont détecté une surexpression du récepteur NTSR2 au sein des lymphocytes B purifiés de patients ayant une LLC et au niveau des ganglions de patients atteints de lymphomes B en revanche, l’expression de la neurotensine est réduite. La surexpression de NTSR2 induit l’activation transcriptionnelle de TrkB, autre récepteur exprimé par ces lignées comme par les cellules de LLC de patients. La co-localisation de ces 2 récepteurs a été démontrée. Ce complexe protéique induit l’activation des voies de signalisation ERK, p38MAPK et JNK, après traitement par le BDNF, le ligand de TrkB. Ces données suggèrent un phénomène de transactivation entre ces 2 récepteurs, dépendant des métalloprotéases. Le blocage de l’internalisation de ce complexe protéique, induit une augmentation de l’activation des voies de signalisation. Le trafic intra-cellulaire endosomal de ce complexe apparaît perturbé dans les cellules surexprimant NTSR2, ce qui pourrait conduire à son accumulation comme cela est détecté dans les cellules de LLC. Ces cellules leucémiques se caractérisent également par une production d’exosomes contenant le complexe TrkB/NTSR2, sécrété en extra-cellulaire et retrouvé en excès dans le plasma des patients en comparaison à des témoins volontaires sains. / Neurotrophins are growth factors, initially discovered in the nervous system and whose functions are implicated in the growth, proliferation and survival of neuronal cells and astrocytes, and also in many other tissues. Neurotrophins can interact with their high-affinity receptors Trks. Previous work in our team showed a neurotrophin-dependent survival autocrine loop in response to cellular stress, including BDNF in several human B cell lines at various stages of B lymphocytes differentiation. These cells produce BDNF which acts in an autocrine manner on its specific tyrosine kinase receptor, TrkB. BDNF transport is provided by a Vps10 domain protein named, sortilin. Neurotrophins are synthesized as biologically active precursors, pro-neurotrophins. The proBDNF may interact with a death domain neurotrophins receptor p75NTR. The interaction of proBDNF with the p75NTR receptor and its co-receptor sortilin, induces B cell apoptosis. Sortilin is expressed in human lymphocytic lines B. Sortilin can bind another neuropeptide, neurotensin (NTS) and also called NTSR3 (Neurotensin Receptor 3). Identified in the nervous system, where it acts as a neurotransmitter involved in analgesia and thermoregulation, NTS is also present in the digestive tract, and involved in the digestion and glucose regulations. Neurotensin functions are associated to the sortilin activation but also its two G-protein coupled receptors, the high and the low affinity receptors, NTSR1 and NTSR2 respectively. NTS is involved in the oncogenesis of many solid cancers, especialy by its binding to the receptor NTSR1 mainly, but also NTSR2 notably in a prostate cancer model. We have demonstrated for the first time the expression of neurotensin and its receptors NTSR1 and NTSR2 in human B lymphocytes. The pro-apoptotic stress induced by serum deprivation promotes relocation NTSR1 receptor sortilin and to the plasma membrane. Within these cells, neurotensin induces increased proliferation and decreased apoptosis. These effects are blocked by the NTSR1 antagonist, SR48692/Meclinertant®. Transcriptional analyzes have detected overexpression of the receptor NTSR2 in purified B cells from patients with CLL and in lymph nodes of B-cell lymphomas patients, in contrast, the expression neurotensin is reduced. Overexpression NTSR2 induced transcriptional activation of TrkB. This receptor is expressed by B cell lines and B cells of CLL patients. The co-localization of these 2 receptors was demonstrated. This protein complex induces the activation of signaling pathways ERK, JNK and p38MAPK, after treatment with BDNF, the TrkB ligand. These data suggest a transactivation between these two receptors, depending to the metalloproteas activation. The internalization blocking of this protein complex, induces its plasma membrane sequestration and induces an increase of the signaling pathways activation. The intracellular endosomal trafficking in cells overexpressing NTSR2 cells, as detected in CLL cells, appears disrupted, which might lead to the NTSR2/TrkB complex accumulation, and releasing to the extracellular environnement. These leukemic cells are also characterized by a production of exosomes containing the TrkB/NTSR2 complex, secreted to the extracellular environement and found in excess in the plasma of patients in comparison to healthy volunteers.
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Lägesosäkerhet vid mätning av dold punkt med totalstation och GNSSPersson, Patrik, Sjölén, Dennis January 2018 (has links)
En dold punkt är en punkt som inte kan mätas direkt utan måste mätas indirekt med hjälp av t.ex. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) eller totalstation. Det finns ett flertal olika metoder med GNSS och totalstation som passar till olika inmätningssituationer för att mäta en dold punkt. Mätning av dolda punkter med totalstation inträffar ofta i industrimiljöer där rör och liknande hänger i vägen för totalstationens siktlinje till mätobjektet. GNSS med nätverks-realtids kinematisk (nätverks-RTK) mätning, en metod som ökar inom mätningsjobb, är en bra metod för att indirekt mäta dolda punkter utomhus där det antingen är dålig mottagning av satellitsignaler eller inte är möjligt att ställa upp en antenn över punkten. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur bra lägesosäkerhet det går att uppnå för mätning av dold punkt med GNSS och totalstation och även jämföra de olika metoderna som testas. Fem olika metoder beskrivs för att kunna bestämma en dold punkts koordinater med totalstation. Bl.a. en med stång och prismor för mätning i plan och höjd, som även kommer användas i denna studie. Lägesosäkerheten 0,1 mm i både plan och höjd bör kunna uppnås med den metoden. Metoder som kan användas med GNSS och nätverks-RTK är t.ex. en rak linje och dess bäring, skärningen av två raka linjer och skärningen av två längdmätningar. Med nätverks-RTK kan mätningar uppnå en lägesosäkerhet på millimeter-nivå baserat på SWEPOS nätverks-RTK-tjänst. Det är även viktigt med tidskorrelation mellan mätningar om de ska göras oberoende av varandra. Resultaten av lägesosäkerheten i denna studie kan sedan jämföras med de från tidigare studier, om liknande värden kan erhållas vid mätning av dold punkt och hur mycket de skiljer sig. Metoden med totalstation som testats i denna studie är en stång med två prismor på som hålls mot den dolda punkten. Prismorna på stången mättes in med totalstationen och med hjälp av punkternas koordinater kan bäringen mellan dem räknas ut, vektorn förlängs till den dolda punkten, och sedan kan den dolda punktens koordinater räknas ut. De metoder som testats med GNSS är beräkning med en rak linje och dess bäring och beräkning med dubbla längdmätningar. För både GNSS och totalstationsmätningarna har minsta kvadratmetoden använts för att beräkna den dolda punkten och dess lägesosäkerhet. Fyra olika varianter av totalstationsmätningarna utfördes. 0,7 m fast anlagd prismastång med manuell inriktning, 1,0 m fast anlagd prismastång med manuell inriktning, 1,0 m fast anlagd prismastång med automatisk inriktning och 1,0 m handhållen prismastång med manuell inriktning. Alla varianter utfördes i två mätningsomgångar. Lägesosäkerheten vid mätningar för en dold punkt med totalstation var i denna studie 1-2 mm i plan och runt 1 mm i höjd, lägst lägesosäkerhet gav manuell inriktning (0,7 m mellan prismorna) med 0,93 mm i plan och 0,79 mm i höjd. Vilken mätningsvariant som var bäst med totalstationsmätningarna varierade mellan mätningsomgångarna, men skillnaden dem emellan var inte så stor. Det är därför svårt att säga säkert vilken variant som ger bäst lägesosäkerhet med det antalet mätningar som utfördes i denna studie. Med GNSS erhölls osäkerheter på som lägst 7,3 mm där dubbla längdmätningar med stativ gav bäst resultat. Om GNSS-mottagaren placerades på ett stativ eller hölls upp med eller utan stödpinnar förändrade inte slutresultatet så mycket, men som väntat gav stativet lägst lägesosäkerhet. / A hidden point is a point that can´t be measured directly but must be measured indirectly using, for example, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) or total station. There are several different methods with GNSS and total station that fit into different survey situations to survey a hidden point. Measurement of hidden points with total stations often occurs in industrial environments where pipes and the like hang in the way of the total station's line of sight to the measuring object. GNSS with network-Real-Time Kinematic positioning (network-RTK), a method that increases in measurement jobs, is a great way to indirectly measure hidden points outdoors where either poor reception of satellite signals or the ability to set an antenna over the point is not possible. The purpose of this study is to investigate how good measurement uncertainty it is possible to obtain when measuring hidden points with GNSS and total station and also compare the different methods tested. Five different methods are described to determine the coordinates of a hidden point with a total station. Among other things, one with a bar and prisms for measurements horizontally and in height, which will also be used in this study. Position uncertainty 0.1 mm both horizontally and in height should be achievable with that method. Methods that can be used with GNSS and network RTK are for example straight line and its bearing, the intersection of two straight lines and the intersection of two length measurements. With network RTK, measurements can achieve a position uncertainty in millimeters based on SWEPOS network RTK service. It is also important for time correlation between measurements to be made independently. The results of position uncertainty in this study can then be compared to those of previous studies, if similar values can be obtained when measuring hidden points and how much they differ. The method used for total station in this study is a bar with two prisms on it held against the hidden point. The prisms on the bar were measured with the total station and the bearing between them can be calculated with the help of the coordinates of the points, the vector is extended to the hidden point and then the coordinates of the hidden point can be calculated. The methods tested with GNSS are the calculation of a straight line and its bearing and calculation with double length measurements. For both GNSS and total station measurements, the least squares method has been used to calculate the hidden point and its measurement uncertainty. Four different alternatives of the total station measurements were performed. 0.7 m fixed prism bar with manual alignment, 1.0 m fixed prism bar with manual alignment, 1.0 m fixed prism bar with automatic alignment and 1.0 m hand-held prism bar with manual alignment. All alternatives were performed in two measuring rounds. Measurement uncertainty for measurements for a hidden point with total station in this study was 1-2 mm horizontally and around 1 mm in height, the lowest measurement uncertainty gave manual alignment (0.7 m between the prisms) with 0.93 mm horizontally and 0.79 mm in height. The measuring alternative which was the best with total station measurements varied between the two measuring rounds, but the difference between them was not that large. It is therefore difficult to say which method gives the best measurement uncertainty with the number of measurements performed in this study. GNSS received uncertainties of at lowest 7.3 mm where double length measurements with tripod yielded the best results. If the GNSS receiver was placed on a tripod or held up with or without support did not change the final result that much, but as expected, the tripod provided the lowest measurement uncertainty.
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