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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação de anti-inflamatórios não esteróidais no tratamento da laminite asséptica aguda decorrente de acidose ruminal por oligofrutose em bovinos / Evaluation of non-steroidal anti-inflammmatory drugs in the treatment of asseptic acute laminitis caused by rumen acidosis after oligofructose overload in cattle

Sousa, Rejane dos Santos 20 April 2017 (has links)
Objetivou-se avaliar as alterações ruminais e sistêmicas da indução de acidose ruminal e laminite em zebuínos por meio do oferecimento de oligofrutose bem como caracterizar o quadro de laminite, comparar métodos diagnósticos e avaliar a eficácia entre tratamentos com três anti-inflamatórios não esteróidais (AINEs). Foram utilizadas 29 novilhas Nelore, providas de cânula ruminal e pesando 474,5±58,5 kg. A indução iniciou-se com a administração intraruminal de 0,765 g/kg de oligofrutose duas vezes ao dia por três dias consecutivos, seguida de dose única de 10,71g/kg de oligofrutose administrada 72 horas após o início da indução. Durante o período de indução os animais foram submetidos a exame clinico e coleta de sangue e fluido ruminal diariamente e após a dose maior foram avaliados a cada seis horas (durante as 24 horas iniciais) e a cada 12 horas (até 72 horas pós-indução). Duas novilhas não apresentaram quadro de laminite e foram descartadas. Quase metade dos animais (48,1%) teve que ser tratada com bicarbonato e solução salina para correção da acidose metabólica e desidratação. Devido a este tratamento os animais foram analisados em grupos medicado (n=13) e não medicado (n=14). Durante o período de avaliação pós-indução o diagnóstico da laminite foi confirmado após duas respostas positivas ao teste de sensibilidade dolorosa e escore de locomoção. As novilhas com laminite foram alocadas aleatoriamente em quatro grupos que receberam por três dias consecutivos dose diária (endovenosa) dos seguintes medicamentos: Controle (8 mL solução salina isotônica; n=6); Flunixin meglunine (1,1 mg/kg; n=7); Cetoprofeno (3 mg/kg; n=7) e Meloxican (0,5 mg/kg; n=7). Após o início do tratamento com AINEs os animais foram avaliados a cada 12 horas durante 96 horas. A fermentação máxima da oligofrutose ocorreu entre a 6ª e a 12ª h pós-indução com destacado acúmulo de ácido láctico, intensa diminuição da anaerobiose e aumento temporário na osmolaridade ruminal. No grupo medicado existiu uma correlação positiva entre o pH ruminal e o pH sanguíneo (r = 0,90; P = 0,0040), e uma correlação negativa entre o pH sanguíneo e a osmolaridade sanguínea (r =-0,69; P =0,0090) no auge da fermentação ruminal. Ambos os grupos tiveram uma febrícula efêmera e compensação respiratória frente à acidose sistêmica. A maioria dos animais desenvolveu laminite da 24ª h a 72ª h em dígitos de dois membros e uma pequena porcentagem (29,6%) polisinovite nas articulações tarsocrurais. Empregando-se a sensibilidade dolorosa como padrão ouro no diagnóstico o melhor método foi o de escore de locomoção, seguido da plataforma de força e termografia infravermelha. Porém, a plataforma de força não foi sensível para analisar a evolução do tratamento com AINEs dos animais laminíticos. Os três AINEs reduziram semelhantemente o cortisol em relação ao grupo controle (Plt;0,05) e não provocaram danos na mucosa abomasal. O meloxican foi bastante eficaz na diminuição de sensibilidade podal, melhorando da mesma forma que o cetoprofeno o escore de locomoção. Estes dois medicamentos estimularam o retorno do apetite e a melhora da atitude. Deve-se incluir no tratamento da laminite asséptica algum AINE, dando-se preferência ao meloxicam, seguido do cetoprofeno. / This study aimed to evaluate ruminal and systemic alterations of laminitis and ruminal acidosis oligofructose-induced in Zebu cattle; characterize laminitis clinical picture and compare methods of diagnostic; and to evaluate the treatment efficacy between three non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Twenty-nine rumen-canulated Nelore heifers weighing 474.5 ± 58.5 kg were used. Induction was initiated with intraruminal administration of 0.765 g/kg oligofructose twice a day for three consecutive days, followed by single dose of 10.71 g/kg oligofructose administered 72 hours after beginning of induction. During the induction period the animals underwent clinical examination, blood and ruminal fluid collection daily and after induction were evaluated every 6 hours (during the initial 24 hours) and every 12 hours (up to 72 hours post-induction). Two heifers that did not present laminitis were discarded. Almost half of the animals (48.1%) had to be treated with bicarbonate and saline for correction of metabolic acidosis and dehydration. Due to this treatment the animals were analyzed in groups medicated (n=13) and unmedicated (n =14). After induction, the diagnosis of laminitis was confirmed after two positive responses to the pain sensitivity and locomotion score tests. Heifers with laminitis were randomly assigned to four groups that received, for three consecutive days, daily doses (intravenous) of the following medications: Control (8 mL isotonic saline; n=6); Flunixin meglunine (1.1 mg/kg; n=7); Ketoprofen (3 mg/kg; n=7) and Meloxican (0.5 mg/kg; n=7). After NSAIDs treatment the animals were evaluated every 12 hours up to 96 hours. The maximum fermentation of oligofructose occurred between the 6th and 12th hour post-induction with marked accumulation of lactic acid, intense decrease of anaerobiosis and temporary increase in ruminal osmolarity. In the medicated group, there was a positive correlation between ruminal and blood pH (r =0,90; P= 0,0040), and a negative correlation between blood pH and blood osmolarity (r =-0,69; P=0,0090) at the peak of ruminal fermentation. Both groups had a mild fever and respiratory compensation due systemic acidosis. Most animals developed laminitis 24 to 72 hours after induction in digits of two limbs and a small percentage (29.6%) had polysinovite in the tarsocrural joints. Using the pain sensitivity as gold standard, the best diagnostic method was the locomotion score, followed by the force platform and infrared thermography. Notwithstanding, the force platform was not sensitive to evaluate animals during the treatment of laminitis with NSAIDs. The three NSAIDs similarly reduced cortisol in relation to control group (P<0.05) and did not cause damage to the abomasal mucosa. Meloxicam was very effective in reducing hoof sensibility, improving in the same way as ketoprofen the locomotion score. These two drugs stimulated the return of appetite and improved attitude. For the treatment protocol of aseptic laminitis a NSAID should be included, with preference to meloxicam followed by ketoprofen.

Quitosana associada a fonte de lipídeos na alimentação de vacas em lactação / Chitosan associated to fat source in the diet of lactating cows

Valle, Tiago Antônio Del 14 March 2014 (has links)
Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de quitosana e óleo de soja nas dietas de vacas leiteiras no terço médio da lactação, sobre o consumo e digestibilidade aparente total da matéria seca e nutrientes, fermentação e síntese de proteína microbiana ruminal, produção e composição do leite, concentrações de parâmetros sanguíneos e os balanços de energia e de nitrogênio. Foram utilizadas 24 vacas da raça Holandesa, sendo quatro canuladas no rúmen e 20 não canuladas, com 581,2 ± 73,6 kg de PC, DEL médio de 174,7 ± 53,1 e produção de leite inicial de 36,14 ± 5,32 kg de leite por dia, que foram distribuídas em seis Quadrados Latinos balanceados e contemporâneos, para receber uma das quatro dietas experimentais, obtidas pela combinação dos fatores quitosana (aproximadamente 150 mg/kg de peso corporal) e óleo de soja (3,3% da MS da dieta): C controle; Q quitosana; O óleo de soja e QO quitosana associada ao óleo de soja. Foi observada interação entre os fatores avaliados para o consumo de MS, MO, PB, FDN, CNF e NDT. O consumo foi reduzido pela inclusão de quitosana nas dietas sem óleo, enquanto que, na presença deste, a quitosana não influenciou o consumo. A inclusão de óleo de soja reduziu o consumo de MS, MO, PB, FDN, CNF e NDT e aumentou o consumo de EE, independentemente da inclusão de quitosana na dieta. A inclusão de quitosana aumentou os coeficientes de digestibilidade (CD) da MS, MO e PB e não alterou o CDFDN. O CDEE foi alterado positivamente pela inclusão de óleo de soja na dieta. Tanto a inclusão de quitosana quanto a de óleo de soja aumentaram o colesterol total sérico. Na ureia plasmática foi observada interação, onde a concentração maior foi observada na dieta Q em relação a C, não diferindo entre as dietas contendo óleo de soja (O e QO). As concentrações de AST foram influenciadas positivamente pela suplementação de óleo de soja nas dietas. Observou-se interação para eficiência de utilização da energia e do nitrogênio, onde observou-se aumento pela inclusão quitosana nas dietas sem óleo de soja e reduziram quando da inclusão em dietas contendo óleo. As inclusões de quitosana e de óleo de soja não influenciaram a síntese de proteína microbiana ruminal. A inclusão de óleo de soja aumentou a concentração de propionato e reduziu acetato e consequentemente a relação C2:C3, no rúmen. A produção de leite não foi influenciada pela inclusão de quitosana na dietas sem óleo de soja e foi reduzida quando esta foi realizada em dietas contendo óleo de soja. A eficiência de conversão da MS consumida em leite foi reduzida nas dietas contendo óleo e aumentada nas dietas sem óleo de soja, pela inclusão de quitosana. Assim, considerando principalmente o desempenho produtivo dos animais, a inclusão de quitosana nas dietas de vacas leiteiras no terço médio de lactação é viável, desde que esta não esteja associada a suplementação com fontes de lipídeos. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of addition of chitosan in the diets of dairy cows in lactation, containing or not soybean oil, over intake, and total apparent digestibility of dry matter and nutrients, ruminal fermentation and microbial protein synthesis, milk yield and composition, concentrations of blood parameters and energy and nitrogen balances. 24 Holstein cows were used , four rumen cannulated and 20 non-cannulated with 581.2 ± 73.6 kg of BW, DIM average of 174.7 ± 53.1 and 36,14 ± 5,32 kg per day of initial milk wield which were distributed in six Latin squares balanced and contemporary to receive one of four diets, that were obtained by a combination of factors chitosan (approximately 150 mg / kg body weight) and soybean oil (3.3% of diet DM): control (C) , chitosan (Q), soybean oil (O) and chitosan associated with soybean oil (QO). Diets The consumption was reduced by the addition of chitosan in the diets without oil, whereas the presence of this, the chitosan does not affect the intake. The addition of soybean oil reduced the intake of DM, OM , CP, NDF , NFC and TDN and increased consumption of EE, regardless of the addition of chitosan in the diet . The addition of chitosan increased the digestibility coefficients (DC) of DM, OM and CP and did not alter the NDFDC . The EEDC was changed positively by addition of soybean oil in the diet. Both the addition of chitosan as soybean oil increased the total serum cholesterol. In plasma urea interaction, where the highest concentration was observed in the diet Q over C , did not differ between diets containing soybean oil (O and QO) was observed. AST concentrations were affected by supplementation of soybean oil in the diets. Observed interaction for efficient use of energy and nitrogen, which showed increase by adding chitosan in diets without soybean oil and reduced upon addition in diets containing oil. The experimental diets did not affect the synthesis of rumen microbial protein. The addition of soybean oil increased the concentration of propionate and acetate and thus reduced the ratio C2:C3 rumen. Milk production was not affected by the addition of chitosan in the diets without soybean oil, and was reduced on diets containing soybean oil. The conversion efficiency of DM intake in milk was reduced in diets containing oil and increased in diets without soybean oil, adding the chitosan. Thus, considering mainly the productive performance of the animals, the addition of chitosan in the diets of dairy cows in mid lactating is feasible, provided that this is not associated with supplementation with lipid sources.

Avaliação da ingestão súbita de melão com alto teor de açúcar sobre a saúde ruminal em ovinos não adaptados / Evaluation of the effect of sudden ingestion of melon with high sugar content on the ruminal health of non-adapted sheep

Oliveira, Francisco Leonardo Costa de 02 August 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou a possibilidade de duas diferentes quantidades de melão, com alto teor de açúcares, em causar acidose ruminal em ovinos não adaptados. Foram utilizados 12 ovinos mestiços Santa Inês, machos, providos de cânula ruminal, com 25 kg de P.V. e 8 m de idade, que nunca receberam rações concentradas, frutas ou raízes, anteriormente. Os animais foram mantidos em baias coletivas com dieta basal composta de volumoso (feno de capim Cynodon dactylon - Coast cross) na base de 2,3% de seus pesos vivos, providos de água e sal mineralizado à vontade. Após 30 dias de adaptação, os ovinos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos iguais, assim constituídos: G1: 25% da M.S. de melão e G2: 75% de melão. O melão inteiro, sem as sementes, com 12º Bx de grau Brix (120 g sacarose/kg polpa e 7,8 % M.S.) foi triturado administrando-se pela cânula ruminal 130 g e 389,4 g de sacarose no G1 e G2, respectivamente, após os animais permanecerem em jejum por 12 horas. Foram realizados exames físicos, coletadas amostras de fluido ruminal e sangue nos seguintes tempos após a administração do substrato: zero, 3, 6, 12, 18 e 24 h. Os animais do G1 apresentaram durante a 3ª a 6ª h quadro de acidose ruminal por AGVs (subaguda) caracterizado por pH ruminal ligeiramente inferior a 5,6; discreto aumento no teor de ácido láctico-L, no potencial de oxirredução (POR) e no tempo de redução do azul de metileno (RAM) ruminais, sem que os animais manifestassem quaisquer sintomatologia clínica. Os animais do G2 desenvolveram quadro de acidose láctica ruminal, evidenciado pelo baixo pH (< 5,0), altos teores de lactato-L, valores de POR e da RAM, aumento temporário de osmolaridade ruminal, porém os animais não se tornaram desidratados, e apresentaram uma intensa diurese enquanto perdurou marcada hiperglicemia. Os animais evoluíram para uma moderada acidose metabólica sistêmica. A taquicardia e a taquipnéia foram provocadas pelo aumento da circunferência abdominal, devido ao grande volume de conteúdo administrado pela cânula, não sendo no caso da taquicardia gerada pelo aumento do volume globular, oriunda da desidratação e encontrada classicamente nesse tipo de acidose. A diminuição dos movimentos do rúmen foi correspondente a queda no pH ruminal e elevação dos teores de lactato-L no rúmen. O baixo pH e os altos valores de POR interferiram no aumento do tempo da RAM. Não se recomenda o oferecimento de altas quantidades de melão (75% da M.S.), porém acredita-se que os ovinos não terão problema de ingerir a quantia de 25% da M.S., desde que se tomem cuidados para a adaptação gradual dos animais ao substrato. / The present study evaluated the possibility of ruminal acidosis being caused by two distinct amounts of melon with high sugar content on non-adapted sheep. Twelve crossbreed Santa- Inês sheep with rumen cannula were used. Animals were male, 8 months old, 25 kg B. W., and had never eaten concentrated feed, fruits or roots of any kind before. They were kept in collective pens and their basal diet was composed on 2.3% of their B. W. of Coast cross (Cynodon dactylon) hay, water, and mineral salt Ad libitum. After 30 days of adaption, animals were divided in two groups: G1: 25% of D. M. of melon; and G2: 75% of D. M. of melon. The animals fasted for 12 hours. Then the whole melon, without seeds, 12º Bx (120 g sucrose/kg pulp and 7.8% D. M.) was crushed and administered through the rumen cannula, it represented 130 g and 389.4 g of sucrose on G1 and G2, respectively. Physical examinations along with the collection of ruminal fluid and blood were done after the administration of the substrate at: 0, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 h. G1 sheep presented VFAs ruminal acidosis (sub-acute) between the 3ª and 6ª h, characterized by rumen pH slightly inferior to 5.6, discrete lactic-L acid content increase, increased redox potential (RP) and methylene blue redox (MBR) time of the ruminal fluid, and lack of clinical signs. G2 presented lactic ruminal acidosis, ruminal fluid pH < 5.0, high lactate-L content, increased RP and MBR time, increased ruminal fluid osmolarity, no dehydration, and increased diuresis during hypoglycemic period. Animals had moderate systemic acidosis. Tachycardia and tachypnea were caused by an increase on abdominal circumference, resultant of the large amount of melon administrated through the cannula. Therefore these conditions were not caused by the increased globular volume and dehydration typically found on this type of acidosis. Reduced ruminal movements frequency corresponded to decreased ruminal pH and increased Lactate-L ruminal content. Reduced rumen pH and increased RP caused the increase on MBR time. Therefore, it is not recommended offering of large amounts of melon (75% da D.M.) on the diet, though it is believed that sheep will have no problems ingesting 25% of D.M. of melon, whenever the proper gradual adaptation is performed previously.

Enzima fibrolítica exógena na alimentação de vacas em lactação / Exogenous fibrolytic enzyme in dairy cows diets

Silva, Thiago Henrique da 11 February 2016 (has links)
Objetivou-se avaliar a utilização de doses crescentes de enzima fibrolítica exógena na alimentação de vacas leiteiras e seus efeitos sobre o consumo e digestibilidade aparente total da matéria seca e nutrientes, cinética ruminal, fermentação e síntese de proteína microbiana ruminal, produção e composição do leite, perfil metabólico e balanço de energia e nitrogênio. Foram utilizadas 24 vacas da raça Holandesa, multíparas, em delineamento Quadrado Latino 4x4, com 646,75 &#177; 77,54 kg de peso corporal, 3,02 &#177; 0,56 de escore de condição corporal, com 176 &#177; 82,27 dias em lactação e produção de leite de 33,72 &#177; 7,63 kg/dia, no início do estudo. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente para receber os seguintes tratamentos: 1) Controle (0), composta por dieta basal sem a inclusão de enzima fibrolítica; 2) com inclusão de 8 g/vaca/dia de enzima fibrolítica; 3) com inclusão de 16 g/vaca/dia da enzima fibrolítica; 4) com inclusão de 24 g/vaca/dia da enzima fibrolítica (Fibrozyme&reg; - Alltech Inc., Nicholasville, KY). A utilização de enzima fibrolítica nas dietas resultou em aumento linear no consumo de matéria seca, matéria orgânica e da fibra em detergente neutro. Foi detectado aumento linear no consumo de partículas longas com a suplementação de enzima. Houve efeito quadrático na ruminação e na atividade mastigatória. O aumento no consumo de matéria seca refletiu no aumento linear de consumo de energia líquida e no balanço de energia líquida. Houve efeito quadrático na concentração de N-NH3 ruminal e aumento linear na quantidade de ácido acético, propiônico e butírico com o aumento da dose de enzima suplementada. Houve efeito quadrático na síntese de proteína microbiana com a inclusão de enzima fibrolítica. Não foram observadas diferenças na produção de leite e na produção de seus componentes, entretanto houve aumento linear no ganho de peso corporal com utilização de enzima fibrolítica. Houve efeito quadrático positivo na excreção via urina e efeito quadrático negativo no balanço de nitrogênio mostrando maior retenção de nitrogênio com a suplementação intermediária de enzimas fibrolíticas. Conclui-se que a enzima fibrolítica exógena é efetiva em aumentar o consumo de matéria seca e FDN e também melhorar a eficiência fermentativa de vacas leiteiras melhorando o balanço energético, entretanto não foi efetiva em aumentar a produção de leite de vacas da raça holandesa no terço médio da lactação / The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of exogenous fibrolytic enzyme in lactating cows diets and their effect on intake and total-tract apparent digestibility of dry matter and nutrients, fermentation and synthesis of ruminal microbial protein, milk yield and composition, metabolic profile and energy and nitrogen balance. Twenty-four multiparous Holstein cows were used in 4x4 Latin Square design, with 646.75 &#177; 77.54 kg of body weight, 3.02 &#177; 0.56 of body condition score, 176 &#177; 82.27 days in milk and 33.72 &#177; 7.63 kg/day of milk yield at the start of the study. Animals were randomized to receive the following treatments: 1) Control (0), comprises basal diet without the addition of fibrolytic enzyme; 2) with addition of 8 g/cow/day of fibrolytic enzyme; 3) with the inclusion of 16 g/cow/day of fibrolytic enzyme; 4) with inclusion of 24 g/cow/day of fibrolytic enzyme (Fibrozyme&reg; - Alltech Inc., Nicholasville, KY). Exogenous fibrolytic enzymes in feed resulted in increased of dry matter, organic matter and neutral detergent fiber intake. Long particles intake increased linearly with fibrolytic enzyme inclusion in the diet. Cows supplemented with fibrolytic enzyme showed quadratic effect on the rumination and chewing activities. The increase in dry matter intake reflected in the linear increase in net energy intake and net energy balance. There was quadratic effect on the concentration of ruminal NH3-N and a linear increase in the amount of acetic, propionic and butyric acids in the rumen. There was quadratic effect in the ruminal microbial synthesis. There were no differences in milk yield and components production. There was a linear increase in the body weight gain with use of fibrolytic enzyme. There was quadratic effect in nitrogen urine excretion with quadratic effect on the nitrogen balance. Thus, exogenous fibrolytic enzyme is effective in increasing dry matter and NDF intake and improve the fermentation efficiency of dairy cows increase energy balance, but was not effective in increase the milk yield of Holstein cows in the third of lactation

Efeitos da salinomicina no consumo, degradação no rúmen e in vitro, taxas de produção de gases e fermentação in vitro de dietas compostas por feno de capim coast cross (Cynodon dactylon) e sal proteinado / Effects of salinomycin on dry matter intake , in situ and in vitro degradability , rates of gas production and fermentation of cynodon (Cynodon dactylon) hay supplemented with proteic salt

Olga Lurdes Jossias Faftine 17 February 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho pretende avaliar o efeito da salinomicina no consumo de feno coast cross e sal proteinado, na digestibilidade total, ruminal in situ e in vitro, taxas de produção de gases e taxas de fermentação. Para a avaliação da digestibilidade e degradabilidade in situ foram utilizados 4 novilhos Holandeses com peso médio de 350 kg ± 43 kg. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o quadrado latino com 4x4. No ensaio in vitro foram utilizados 4 substratos *8 inóculos *2 corridas com delineamento em blocos e arranjo fatorial. Os tratamentos estudados foram: 0; 0,1; 0,2; 0,3 mg de salinomicina /kg de peso vivo. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas (p>0,05) no consumo de MS(1,92; 1,73; 1,60; 1,63 %PV), digestibilidade aparente da MS (81,79; 80,32; 80,32 e 80,49), na degradação in situ da MS (52; 51,25; 49,20 e 51,38) e na degradação in vitro da MS (45,31; 45,64; 45,77; 45,03) entre os vários tratamentos. Os únicos parâmetros onde foram identificadas alterações significativas entre os tratamentos foram no volume final de gases in vitro e nas curvas de taxas de fermentação. Os valores encontrados de para o volume final de gases foi de 231,8; 204; 168 e 157,78 ml /g de MS para a dose de 0; 0,1; 0,2 e 0,3 mg de salinomicina/ kg de PV, respectivamente. O tratamento 3 foi o que teve menores perdas de energia. / This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of graded levels of salinomycin on feed intake, apparent di estibility, gas production and fermentation rate, degradability in situ and in vitro of cynodon hay supplemented with proteic salt with 0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0,3mg of salynomicin per kg LW. Intake , digestibility and degradabilty studies were analysed as a latine square design 4x4 and in vitro trials followed the block randomized design with a two factors (inocula and substrate). No differences (p>)0,05) were found between the treatments for DM intake (1.92, 1.73, 1.60, 1.63 per % LW), DM digestibility (81.79, 80.32, 80.32 and 80.49), DM in situ degradability (52, 51.25, 49.20 and 51.38) and in vitro DM degradability (45.31, 45.64, 45.77 and 51.38). Differences between treatments were found only for potencial gas production in vitro (231.8, 204, 168 and 157.78 ml/g DM) for 0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0,3 mg of salinomycin/kg LW. Therefore, wasting energy was minimized at treatment 3.

Utilização de narasina na nutrição de ovinos / Narasin in sheep nutrition

Polizel, Daniel Montanher 01 September 2017 (has links)
Os ionóforos possuem papel importante como manipuladores da fermentação ruminal, principalmente por melhorar a eficiência energética e proteica nos animais ruminantes. A narasina é um ionóforo capaz de fazer controle microbiológio no ambiente ruminal. Entretanto, a literatura possui poucas informações sobre a utilização de narasina na nutrição de ovinos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar a utilização de doses de narasina em dietas de ovinos alimentados contendo elevado teor de concentrado ou volumoso. A hipotese é que a narasina tenha a capacidade de alterar os produtos finais da fermentação ruminal, melhorando a utilização dos nutrientes e o metabolismo de nitrogênio de ovinos. No Exp I os tratamentos experimentais foram definidos de acordo com a inclusão ou não de aditivos na dieta contendo elevado teor de concentrado, sendo utilizado uma dieta Controle (C), em que não houve a inclusão de ionóforo; a adição de 25 ppm de monensina sódica (M); 5 ppm (N5); 10 ppm (N10); e 15 ppm de narasina (N15). A inclusão de 5, 10 e 15 mg de narasina/kg de MS aumentou o ganho de peso e a eficiência alimentar de cordeiros alimentados durante 56 dias com dieta contendo 90% de concentrado. No Exp II foram avaliadas as mesmas dietas do exp I. A inclusão de 5, 10 e 15 mg de narasina/kg de MS reduziu o CMS e aumentou o coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes da MS, MO, PB, gordura e CNF. Além disso, após o período de adaptação houve efeito quadrático para a proporção molar de acetato e a relação acetato:propionato com o aumento das doses de narasina, entretanto, não alterou o pH ruminal. As doses de narasina reduziram linearmente a concentração de amônia no fluido ruminal. A inclusão de narasina nas dietas de borregos tendeu a diminuir o consumo de nitrogênio e reduziu a eliminação de nitrogênio pelas fezes e pela urina. No Exp III os tratamentos foram definidos pela inclusão de doses de narasina em dietas contendo elevado teor de volumoso, sendo o tratamento controle (N0: sem a adição de ionóforo) e a inclusão de 8, 16, 24 e 32 mg de narasina/kg de MS. A inclusão de 0, 8, 16, 24 ou 32 mg de narasina/kg de MS em dietas de borregos alimentados com elevado teor de volumoso não afetou o consumo de matéria seca e tendeu a aumentar linearmente o coeficiente de digestibilidade da FDN. As doses de narasina não alteraram a proporção molar de AGCC, entretanto aumentou a concentração total de AGCC e diminuiu linearmente a concentração de amonia no fluido ruminal. Com base nesses dados foi possivel concluir que a narasina pode ser utilizada em dietas de ovinos aumentando o desempenho dos animais. / Ionophores play an important role as ruminant fermentation manipulators mainly for improving energy and protein efficiency in ruminant. Narasin is an ionophore capable of making microbiological control in the ruminal environment. However, the literature has little information on the use of narasin in sheep nutrition. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the use of doses of narasin in diets of sheep fed diets containing high concentrate or forage contents. The hypothesis is that narasin has the ability to alter the final products of ruminal fermentation, improving nutrient utilization and nitrogen metabolism of sheep. In the Exp I the experimental diets were defined according of the inclusion or not of additives in the diet containing high concentrate, using a control diet (C: no ionophore); the addition of 25 mg of monensin/kg of DM (M); 5 (N5), 10 (N10) or 15 mg of narasin/kg of DM. The inclusion of 5, 10 and 15 mg of narasin / kg of DM increased the average daily gain and feed efficiency of lambs fed for 56 days on a diet containing 90% concentrate. In the Exp II were evaluated the same diets used in the Exp I. The inclusion of 5, 10 and 15 mg narasin / kg DM reduced CMS and increased the apparent digestibility coefficient of DM, OM, CP, fat and NFC. In addition, after the adaptation period there was a quadratic effect for the molar proportion of acetate and the acetate: propionate ratio with increasing doses of narasin, however, did not alter the ruminal pH. The doses of narasin linearly reduced the concentration of ammonia in the ruminal fluid. The inclusion of narasin in diets of wethers tended to reduce nitrogen consumption, and reduced the elimination of nitrogen through feces and urine. In the Exp III the experimental diets were defined by the inclusion of doses of narasin in diets containing high forage contend, being the control diets (N0: no ionophore), and inclusion of 8, 16, 24 or 32 mg of narasin/kg od DM. the inclusion of 0, 8, 16, 24 or 32 mg of narasin / kg of DM in diets of lambs fed with high volume did not affect dry matter intake and tended to linearly increase the NDF digestibility coefficient. Doses of narasin did not alter the molar ratio of AGCC, however increased the total concentration of AGCC in and decreased linearly the concentration of ammonia in the ruminal fluid. Based on these data it was possible to conclude that narasin can be use in sheep diets to improve animal performance

Modélisation systémique de la digestion dans le rumen : comparaison des modèles existants, modélisation des flux d'amidon, approche thermodynamique des fermentations

Offner, Anne 22 October 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Les réponses nutritionnelles et zootechniques des ruminants aux variations de régime sont largement conditionnées par leurs effets au niveau du rumen. L'objectif de ce travail était d'apporter de nouvelles perspectives pour progresser dans la démarche de modélisation de cet organe, qui a débuté dans les années 1970. Pour l'aborder, nous avons privilégié une approche par modélisation systémique à différents niveaux organisationnels: de l'organe, aux flux de nutriments et jusqu'aux mécanismes de régulation cellulaire. La première partie du travail était consacrée à une étude comparative des modèles actuels. Peu de validations comparées des modèles avaient été entreprises jusqu'à présent. Les résultats rendent compte des principes communs appliqués mais aussi des spécificités de chacun des modèles. Leur plus grande faiblesse réside dans leur incapacité à prédire de façon satisfaisante les équilibres des produits terminaux des fermentations (acides gras volatils, gaz et matières microbiennes). Pour progresser dans ce domaine, nous avons exploré deux voies. La première concerne la représentation de la digestion de l'amidon, substrat glucidique expliquant la majeure partie des variations de la vitesse de digestibilité ruminale des rations. Nous avons développé un modèle de prédiction des flux d'amidon pour mieux quantifier et expliquer les variations observées. Cette étude a été réalisée à partir de bases de données quantitatives portant sur ces flux mesurés in sacco et in vivo. Les résultats obtenus expliquent assez précisément les variations observées intra-essai. Par contre, les variations inter-essais demeurent importantes et difficiles à apprécier. La seconde voie est basée sur l'application des lois de la thermodynamique au métabolisme microbien. L'objectif est d'améliorer la prédiction des produits terminaux des fermentations. Cette approche originale des aspects fermentaires a comporté un volet modélisation et un volet expérimental. Les résultats permettent de dégager certaines propriétés comme résultant des principes de la thermodynamique et nous confortent dans l'intérêt de cette approche. Ce travail de thèse contribue aux avancées en matière de modélisation du rumen, notamment pour la modélisation des flux d'amidon. Il propose aussi de nouveaux champs de recherche encore peu explorés.

Kinetics of Thiomolybdate and Copper-Thiomolybdate Interconversion Processes

Clark, Rhett Jason 29 September 2008
Copper (Cu) is an essential trace element in ruminants such as the cow. Its deficiency leads to a number of debilitating symptoms and can eventually cause death. Secondary Cu deficiency is caused by the presence of chemical antagonists such as the thiomolybdates (TMs) (MoOxS4-x2-; x = 0 3). TMs form in the rumen and then form tightly bound insoluble complexes with Cu. These complexes are then excreted and the Cu is unavailable to the animal. The TMs and their effects on ruminant Cu are the focus of this thesis.<p>This study includes three main bodies of work. First, a method for quantifying the composition of TM mixtures in solution was developed. Second, the rate constants of TM interconversions were determined. Third, reactions between Cu and the TMs were studied. This work is part of an ongoing study in the Reid group to model Cu-ligand speciation in the rumen. <p>Thiomolybdates form by successive replacement of molybdate (MoO42-) O ligands with S. This makes synthesis of the uncontaminated compounds difficult. Mixtures of TMs are best analyzed by UV-visible spectroscopy despite the considerable spectral overlap. The combination of these two issues makes the characterization of the spectra difficult. In this study, a method was developed to establish the spectra of the pure TMs despite cross-contamination. Multivariate curve fitting methods were used to establish the composition of synthesized samples simultaneously with the molar absorptivities of the pure TMs. This was done using a Beers Law model. The composition was determined from a fit using assumed molar absorptivities. The absorptivities were then refined using the composition results. These processes were successively reiterated until both were optimized. The optimized absorptivities could then be used to determine the composition of any TM solution mixture. <p>The kinetics of TM formation under biologically relevant conditions were followed by UV-visible spectroscopy. The spectra were then analyzed, using the method developed above, to determine all TM concentrations. Curve fitting methods were used to simultaneously determine the rate constants of all processes that occurred. Integrated rate equations used in the fitting process were developed using the Laplace Transform method. Rate constants were determined at varying pH, ionic strengths and temperatures. From this information it was shown that TM formation and hydrolysis occurs via an associative mechanism. It was also determined that H2S and not HS- was the sulfide nucleophile in TM formation reactions.<p>This study was then extended to include reactions involving Cu and the TMs. First, the UV-visible spectra of the reaction products of Cu with each TM were characterized. This allowed the kinetics of reactions between Cu and the TMs to be followed. This reaction has been found to proceed via an intermediate. Molar absorptivities for this intermediate were optimized along with the appropriate rate constants. This was done using a combination of mathematical simulations and the curve fitting methods used for the TM kinetics. The resulting rate constants can be compared with those obtained previously in the group using a Cu ion selective electrode. <p>These rate constants were used in conjunction with the TM formation rate constants to perform simulations. The results of these simulations provide a picture of what is expected to occur in the rumen. Reactions were also performed in which TM formation occurred in the presence of Cu. This was then extended to mimic bovine feeding habits. Here, portions of the reactions mixture was removed at various time intervals and replaced with fresh reagents. These experiments were used to gain a qualitative picture of Cu speciation in the presence of the TMs over time. The work presented in this thesis provides a crucial step toward understanding the problem of bovine copper deficiency.

Speciation modelling of copper (II) in the thiomolybdate : contaminated bovine rumen

Essilfie - Dughan, Joseph 31 July 2007
Copper is one of the most vital trace elements in ruminant nutrition. It is required for several metabolic activities and it is also an essential component of several physiologically important metalloenzymes. Thus copper deficiency in ruminants results in distinctive pathologies, and hence in significant economic losses to farmers. Copper deficiency results from very low copper in diet (primary copper deficiency) and interference with Cu absorption in the animal due to Mo and S in food or water (secondary copper deficiency). The molybdenum-induced copper deficiency that affects ruminants can be attributed to the formation of thiomolybdates (TMs)from molybdate and sulfide in the rumen. The TMs formed then react irreversibly with copper to form insoluble Cu-TM complex which ultimately end up being excreted, thus reducing copper bioavailability to the ruminant. <p>In this study, an attempt has been made to use computer simulations to model speciation of copper in rumen fluid in the presence of TMs with the aim of understanding the extent to which TMs affects the levels of copper in the rumen. <p>This was done by initially refining the computer model of copper speciation with respect to low molecular mass (LMM) ligands in bovine rumen with the aim of correcting the discrepancy that was observed during experimental validation of the computer model in a previous study. To this end, mass balance equations which describes the distribution of Cu(II) amongst the different ligands were encoded into a spreadsheet to calculate equilibrium concentration of all species. Formation constants obtained from literature as well as those obtained from studies in our group were used as input values in the spreadsheet. Results show that at average ruminal pH, the metal would be present mostly as carbonate and phosphate complexes. The results obtained from the computer model in the present study were validated using 1H NMR experiments on simulated rumen fluid as well as actual rumen fluid containing Cu(II); using acetic acid chemical shift as the probe for monitoring the speciation pattern. Excellent agreement was observed between the computer model and experimental results. Discrepancy was however observed upon introduction of copper lysine as copper source into the model. Incorporation of a mixed ligand complex of Cu(II), acetate and lysine into the computer model gave an excellent agreement between the computer model and experimental results. <p>The study was extended to include glycine, histidine, methionine and EDTA complexes as the copper source in both rumen saliva (McDougalls solution) and rumen fluid. Results show that only the histidine and EDTA complexes persist to any significant extent, in spite of the large number of competing ligands present in these matrices.<p>In this study, success has also been achieved in the integration of the slow (kinetically controlled) formation of TMs and copper-tetrathiomolybdate (TM4) complexation into the previously developed model for the rapidly equilibrating copper-ligand speciation. To simulate the formation of the TMs and Cu-TM4 complex with respect to time, the differential equations representing rate expressions for each chemical species were solved to obtain an analytical solution using the Laplace transform method. The analytical solutions obtained were encoded in a spreadsheet and calculated as function of time to obtain time dependent concentrations of TMs and Cu-TM4 complex. This was then integrated with previously developed model for the rapidly equilibrating copper-ligand speciation in the rumen. The kinetic data used in the simulation of the formation thiomolybdates was obtained fron literature wheras that for Cu-TM4 complexation was obtained from our lab using Cu(II) - Ion Selective Electrode. The results show that that in the presence of TM4 the, Cu(II) bound to low molecular ligands in the rumen is drastically reduced confirming the effect TM4 on Cu(II) observed in several in vitro studies.<p>The study shows that in thiomolybdate contaminated rumen environment, the bioavailability of copper is considerably reduced. Though metal bioavailabilities are hard to predict this approach could help better our understanding of this process.

Manipulation of ruminal fermentation to alter milk fatty acid composition in dairy cows

Hobin, Morgan Rachelle 03 September 2009
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of method of barley grain processing (dry-rolled vs. pelleted barley) and source of oilseed (ground canola vs. ground flaxseed), arranged as a 2 x 2 factorial, on feed intake, ruminal fermentation, nutrient flow to the duodenum, and milk production and composition in dairy cows. Eight Holstein cows (655 ± 69 kg; 83 ± 16 DIM) were used in a replicated 4 x 4 Latin square with 28-d periods. Cows in one square were fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulae. Cows fed dry-rolled barley consumed 1.8 to 3.5 kg/d more (P = 0.02) DM than those fed pelleted barley; however, source of supplemental dietary fat had no effect on DM intake. Ruminal pH was lower (P = 0.045) in cows fed pelleted barley compared to those fed dry-rolled barley. Ruminal concentration of acetate was greater (P = 0.001), whereas ruminal concentration of propionate tended to be lower (P = 0.11), in cows fed dry-rolled barley compared to those fed pelleted barley; consequently, the acetate:propionate ratio was higher (P = 0.01) in cows fed dry-rolled barley compared to those fed pelleted barley. Ruminal concentration of total VFA was unaffected (P > 0.05) by diet. Source of dietary fat had no effect on ruminal digestion of OM, NDF, ADF or starch; however, ruminal starch digestion was slightly higher in cows fed pelleted barley compared to those fed dry-rolled barley (90.8 vs. 89.5%). Total dietary fatty acid intake was higher (P < 0.05) in cows consuming dry-rolled barley compared to those fed pelleted barley. Duodenal flow of C18:0 was lower, whereas that of C18:2n6c was higher (P < 0.05) in cows fed pelleted barley compared to those fed dry-rolled barley. Feeding flaxseed increased duodenal flows of C18:3n3, cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid compared to feeding canola. Milk yield was unaffected (P > 0.05) by diet; however, milk fat content was higher (P = 0.004) in cows fed dry-rolled barley compared to those fed pelleted barley. Milk fat content of C18:3 was higher (P = 0.005) in cows fed canola compared to those fed flax. Milk fat content of C18:3 and cis-9, trans-11 C18:2 were higher in cows fed pelleted barley compared to those fed dry-rolled barley with flax as the source of oilseed, but not with canola (interaction, P < 0.01). Milk fat content of saturated fatty acids decreased (P < 0.001) and that of polyunsaturated fatty acids increased (P = 0.003) in cows fed pelleted barley compared to those fed dry-rolled barley. In summary, milk fatty acid profiles were altered by method of grain processing and source of oilseed.

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