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Investigation of road base shear strains using in-situ instrumentationHayward, Benjamin James January 2006 (has links)
The large majority of New Zealand's road network is constructed from thin surfaced unbound flexible pavements where a granular layer provides the main structural strength of the pavement. The current New Zealand empirical design theory states that permanent deformation should largely be attributed to the subgrade and that shape loss in the granular layers is simply a consequence of a previously deformed subgrade. However, recent research and field trials have indicated that basecourse shear strains may be a large contributor to rutting in unbound granular layers. The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether the shear strains induced under heavy vehicle loads can be accurately measured using in-situ induction coils and whether the shear strains are related to permanent pavement deformation. In this investigation a rosette configuration of free floating induction coils was designed to measure principal basecourse shear strains. The principal strains were then used to construct Mohr's circle of strain in order to calculate the maximum shear strain occurring in the granular layer. The rosettes were installed in two full scale test pavements at the Canterbury Accelerated Pavement Testing Indoor Facility (CAPTIF). The pavements were loaded with an 8 tonne dual wheel axle load for 1 million and 600,000 load applications respectively and strain and rut depth testing occurred periodically throughout the test life. The research showed that the rosette coil arrangement was a feasible and accurate device for measuring in-situ shear strains in granular pavement layers. Finite element modelling confirmed the accuracy of the system. The results from the two CAPTIF pavements showed that there was a strong linear relationship between the magnitude of the basecourse shear strain and the rut depth at the end of the post construction compaction period. The investigation also showed that shear strain magnitudes in the region of 5000µƐ result in rapid shear failure in the granular layer. In addition, after the post construction compaction period had finished, the rate of change of shear strain was proportional to the rate of change of rut development. The results indicated that there was approximately a 4:1 ratio between the rate of change in rut depth and the rate of change in shear strain after the initial post construction period. Investigations into the effect of load magnitude on the magnitude of the basecourse shear strain showed that a linear relationship existed between the two parameters. Further to this, load location testing revealed that for a dual wheel configuration, 50mm of lateral wheel variation either side of a point of interest was the maximum allowable movement that would result in similar strain measurements. The research highlighted the dominance of the longitudinal tensile strain and shear strain over the vertical compressive strain within granular layers. As a result, these pavement responses should be considered in further granular pavement research in addition to the commonly used vertical compressive strains.
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Contribuição ao estudo da deformação permanente de misturas asfálticas densas à luz de ensaios de fluência por compressão uniaxial estática e dinâmica / Contribution for the rutting study on hot mixture asphalt by means of static and dynamic creep testsAndressa Ka Yan NG 17 January 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo da deformação permanente de misturas asfálticas à luz dos resultados de ensaios de fluência por compressão uniaxial estática e dinâmica. Para isso, um programa experimental completo foi desenvolvido combinando fatores relacionados às misturas asfálticas e às condições de ensaio. Foram produzidos corpos de prova de misturas asfálticas densas tipo CAUQ com asfalto convencional (CAP 50/70) e com asfalto modificado com polímero SBS (CAP 50/70+SBS), variando o volume de vazios em dois níveis, 4 e 7%, e a presença de aditivo em dois níveis, sem e com cal hidratada. Os corpos de prova foram submetidos a ensaios de fluência com carregamentos estático e dinâmico em dois níveis de tensões, 0,1 MPa e 0,4 MPa, e em duas temperaturas diferentes, 40 e 50ºC. Essas condições do programa experimental permitiram observar o efeito do modificador SBS, da presença da cal e do volume de vazios nas misturas asfálticas, e entender o efeito da temperatura, do nível de tensão e do tipo de carregamento no comportamento de cada tipo de mistura asfáltica. Os resultados indicam que (i) a adição da cal promoveu redução de deformação acumulada somente nas misturas com ligante convencional (CAP 50/70); (ii) as misturas com volume de vazios de 7% apresentam maiores acúmulos de deformação permanente independente da presença de cal, do tipo de carregamento e da temperatura do ensaio, sendo maiores para a mistura asfáltica com CAP 50/70; (iii) as misturas com ligante modificado se mostraram menos sensíveis às variações da temperatura e do nível de tensão; (iv) e a melhora das características das misturas com asfalto modificado com polímero é detectada somente a partir de ensaios dinâmicos. / This paper presents a study of rutting on hot mixture asphalt (HMA) by means of static and dynamic creep tests. A full factorial experiment was developed considering factors related to HMA and to the test conditions. It was produced HMA (unmodified (CAP 50/70) and SBS modified binders) specimens at two different air voids (4 and 7%) and with or without hydrated lime. The specimens were submitted to static and dynamic creep tests at two stress levels, 0,1 MPa e 0,4 MPa, and two temperatures, 40 e 50ºC. These conditions of the experimental program allowed to observe the effects of the modifier SBS, the presence of the lime and the air voids in HMA, and to understand the effects of the temperature, stress and the type of loading on the behavior of each type of asphalt mix. The results indicate that (i) the addition of lime promoted reduction of accumulative deformation only in mixtures with conventional binder (CAP 50/70), (ii) mixtures with 7% air voids showed greater accumulation of permanent deformation regardless of presence of lime, the type of load and temperature of the test, mainly for the conventional HMA, (iii) the Polymer Modified Asphalt Hot Mix Asphalt (PMA-HMA) were less sensitive to temperature and the stress variation (iv) the improvement of the polymer modified asphalt mixture characteristics (PMA-HMA) were detected only on dynamic load conditions.
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Use of the Clegg Impact Soil Tester to Access Rutting Susceptiblity of Cement-Treated Base Material Under Early TraffickingReese, Garth B. 02 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In order to avoid the occurrence of early-age damage, cement-treated base (CTB) materials must be allowed to cure for a period of time before the pavement can be opened to traffic. Trafficking of a CTB before sufficient strength gain has occurred can lead to marring or rutting of the treated layer. The specific objectives of this research were to examine the correlation between Clegg impact values (CIVs) determined using a heavy Clegg impact soil tester and rut depths measured in newly constructed CTB and subsequently establish a threshold CIV at which rutting should not occur.The experimental work included field testing at several locations along United States Highway 91 near Smithfield, Utah, and laboratory testing at the Brigham Young University (BYU) Highway Materials Laboratory. In both the field and laboratory test programs, ruts were created in CTB layers using a specially manufactured heavy wheeled rutting device (HWRD). In the field, ruts caused by repeated passes of a standard pickup and a water truck were also evaluated. The collected data were analyzed using regression to identify a threshold CIV above which the CTB should not be susceptible to unacceptable rutting. From the collected data, one may conclude that successive wheel passes each cause less incremental rutting than previous passes and that CTB similar to the material tested in this research should experience only negligible rutting at CIVs greater than about 35. The maximum rut depth measured in either field or laboratory rutting tests was less than 0.35 in. in this research, probably due to the high quality limestone base material utilized to construct the CTB. In identifying a recommended threshold CIV at which CTB layers may be opened to early trafficking, researchers proposed a maximum tolerable rut depth of 0.10 in. for this project, which corresponds to a CIV of approximately 25. Because a CIV of 25 is associated with an acceptably minimal rut depth even after 100 passes of the HWRD, is achievable within a reasonable amount of time under normal curing conditions, and is consistent with earlier research, this threshold is recommended as the minimum average value that must be attained by a given CTB construction section before it can be opened to early trafficking. Use of the proposed threshold CIV should then ensure satisfactory performance of the CTB under even heavy construction traffic to the extent that the material properties do not differ greatly from those of the CTB evaluated in this research.
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Optimizing the Effective Use of RAP in Local Roadways by Using Recycling Agents.Abushama, Amro 25 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluation of the Automated Laser Rut Measurement System Used by the Ohio Department of TransportationHoffman, Bradley R. January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Effect of Pavement Condition on Traffic Crash Frequency and Severity in VirginiaMohagheghi, Ali 30 September 2020 (has links)
Previous studies show that pavement condition properties are significant factors to enhance road safety and riding experience, and pavements with low quality might have inadequate performance in terms of safety and riding experience. Pavement Management System (PMS) databases include pavement properties for each segment of the road collected by the agencies. Understanding the impact of road characteristics on crash frequency is a key step to prevent crashes. Whereas other studies analyzed the effect of different characteristics such as International Roughness Index (IRI), Rutting Depth (RD), Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT), this thesis analyzed the effect of Critical Condition Index (CCI) on crash frequency, in addition to the other factors identified in previous studies. Other characteristics such as Percentage of Heavy Vehicles, Road Surface Condition, Road Lighting Condition, and Driver Conditions are taken into the consideration. The scope of the study is the interstate highway system in Fairfax County, Virginia. Negative Binomial, Least Square and Nominal Logistic Models were developed, showing that the CCI value is a significant factor to predict the number of crashes, and that it has different effect for different values of AADT. The result of this study is a substantial step towards developing an integrated transportation control and infrastructure management framework. / Master of Science / Many factors cause crashes in the roads. Although there is a common sense that road characteristics such as asphalt quality are important in terms of road safety, there are few studies that scientifically prove that statement. In addition, asphalt maintenance decisions making process is mainly based on cost benefit optimization, and traffic safety is not considered at the process. The purpose of this study is to analyze crashes and road characteristics related to each crash to understand the effect of those characteristics on crash frequency, and eventually, to build a model to predict the number of crashes at each part of the road. The model can help transportation agencies to have a better understanding in terms of safety consequences of their infrastructure management plans. The scope of this study is the highway interstate system in Northern Virginia. Results suggest that pavement condition has a significant impact on crash frequency.
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Investigação da relação entre parâmetros da compactação giratória e de deformação permanente em misturas asfálticas densas / Investigation of relationship between the gyratory compaction and rutting parameters of asphalt mixturesSoares, Jéssica Santiago 08 August 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar a relação entre parâmetros de compactação e de deformação permanente à luz dos ensaios de compactação giratória Superpave ® e de ensaios de compressão uniaxial estática e dinâmica. Foram estudadas 8 misturas asfálticas com a mesma granulometria (Faixa C) e tipo de agregado mineral (granito) porém variou-se o ligante asfáltico (CAP 50/70 e CAP 50/70+SBS), o volume de vazios (4% e 7%) e a adição de cal hidratada. A partir dos resultados do ensaio de compactação observou-se que a inclinação das curvas de compactação das misturas compactadas a 7% foram mais acentuadas do que as de 4% e os parâmetros incidentais deste ensaio foram sensíveis à presença de cal e à variação do asfalto das misturas testadas. Quanto aos resultados dos ensaios de creep estático e dinâmico, notou-se que as misturas com Vv de 4% e as com asfalto modificado apresentam menor suscetibilidade à deformação permanente, no entanto, essas vantagens do asfalto modificado foram observadas somente nos ensaios de creep dinâmico. No que se refere às relações entre os parâmetros de compactação e de deformação permanente, os ajuste não se mostraram promissores como verificado pela qualidade dos ajustes (R2) exceto para algumas relações com CDI e TDIm. / This research aims to study relations between compaction and permanent deformation by means of Superpave® gyratory compaction and static and dynamic creep tests. Thus, eight asphalt mixtures were evaluated which were composed by same type (granite) and gradation (dense) of mineral aggregate but two types of asphalt binder (Pen 50/70 AC and Pen 50/70+SBS AC), two different levels of air voids (4% and 7%) and the addition of hydrated lime. Compaction results indicated that curve slopes of 7% air void asphalt mixtures were stronger than the 4% ones, and compaction parameters were sensitive to lime addition and asphalt type change. Static and dynamic creep test results indicated that 4% air void and modified asphalt mixtures presented lower susceptibility to rutting, but, these modified asphalt advantages were observed only in dynamic creep tests. In regard to relation between compaction and rutting parameters, linear models did not fit accurately, excepting some CDI and TDIm ones.
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Estudo em laboratório e em campo de misturas asfálticas SMA 0/8S. / Study in laboratory and field of asphalt mixtures SMA 0/8S.Silva, Patricia Barboza da 29 August 2005 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi baseada em um projeto de Stone Matrix Asphalt - SMA na faixa 0/8S com asfalto CAP 20, feito para a execução de revestimento delgado em trecho experimental na Rodovia Presidente Dutra, ligando São Paulo ao Rio de Janeiro. A ocorrência de alguns defeitos neste trecho experimental motivou o estudo de misturas SMA 0/8S alternativas empregando dois asfaltos convencionais: CAP 20 e CAP 50/60, e dois modificados por polímeros: um com 3,0% de SBS e outro com 6,5% de SBS. Foram realizados ensaios laboratoriais para a verificação da dosagem das misturas asfálticas e determinação de propriedades mecânicas em laboratório por meio de ensaios de deformação permanente em trilha de roda, de resistência à tração por compressão diametral e de módulo de resiliência. Observou-se que o uso de asfalto modificado por polímero e do asfalto convencional CAP 50/60 acarreta uma redução significativa de afundamentos em trilha de roda. O módulo de resiliência a 25°C também apresenta redução de valor nas amostras com asfalto modificado por polímero e com CAP 50/60, em comparação com o convencional CAP 20. A resistência à tração sofre pouca variação quando se comparam os asfaltos empregados, considerando-se ensaios realizados na mesma temperatura. Foram feitos ensaios em campo para a avaliação funcional e de aderência no trecho experimental da Rodovia Presidente Dutra, tendo sido realizados monitoramentos logo após a execução do trecho e decorridos 2 anos e 7 meses de operação. Os resultados demonstraram que o revestimento do trecho experimental apresenta atualmente poucos defeitos de superfície, com fechamento da macrotextura nas trilhas de roda e pequena diminuição do conforto ao rolamento. / This research was based on a Stone Matrix Asphalt SMA in the band 0/8S design made with asphalt binder AC 20, used as a thin wearing course of a test section on the Presidente Dutra Highway, that connects São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro. The occurrence of some distresses in the test section motivated the study of alternative SMA 0/8S mixtures using two conventional asphalt binders: AC 20 and AC 50/60, and two modified by polymer: one with 3.0% of SBS and other with 6.5% of SBS. Laboratory tests were conducted to verify the mix design and to determine their mechanical behavior such as the resistance against rutting, the indirect tensile strength and the resilient modulus. It was observed that the use of SBS polymer modified binders and asphalt binder AC 50/60 causes a significant reduction of rutting. The resilient modulus at 25°C also presents a reduction in the samples with SBS polymer modified binders and AC 50/60 in comparison with AC 20. The indirect tensile strength suffers little variation across the different types of asphalt binders, tested at the same temperature. Field tests related to functional evaluation and skid-resistance of the test section were carried out. The test section was monitored immediately following the construction and after 2 years and 7 months of continuous use. The results showed that the wearing coarse presented a few distresses in the surface, in particular a reduction of the macrotexture at the wheel tracks and a slight worsening of the riding quality.
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Modélisation avancée du contact pneu-chaussée pour l'étude des dégradations des chaussées en surface / Advanced Modeling of Tire-Pavement Contact to Investigate Pavement Surface DegradationManyo, Edem Yawo 14 February 2019 (has links)
L'apparition récente de nouveaux matériaux dans les structures de chaussée associée à une diminution de l'épaisseur des couches de surface et une augmentation du chargement des poids lourds et de leur fréquence de passage a entrainé de nouvelles pathologies de dégradation. Outre les problèmes d'orniérage bien connus, apparaissent désormais des fissures descendantes (top down cracking) ainsi que des problèmes de décohésion aux interfaces. Ces nouvelles pathologies entrainent des dépenses considérables sur l'ensemble du réseau (environ 15 milliards d'euros par an), particulièrement en zones urbanisées plus sujettes aux dégradations de surface et ne permettent pas d'estimer convenablement les durées de vie de la chaussée, le plus souvent surestimée dans les méthodes de dimensionnement actuelles. Ce travail de doctorat propose une nouvelle approche du contact pneu-chaussée permettant de mieux appréhender les contraintes principales et résiduelles dans une structure de chaussée bitumineuse. A l'aide d'un outil numérique rapide de calcul basé sur une approche semi-analytique (« Semi-Analytical Methods » (SAM)), la géométrie précise du pneumatique est intégrée afin d'obtenir une répartition de pression de contact ainsi qu'un cisaillement surfacique réelle sur la chaussée. Dans un premier temps, un modèle de contact roulant tractif élastique est implémenté pour des cas théoriques simples et validé par des résultats analytiques et numériques de la littérature. Ensuite, ce modèle est étendu pour prendre en compte le comportement élasto-plastique des corps en contact. Ce dernier est comparé à un résultat numérique basé sur la méthode des éléments finis issu de la littérature. Les résultats, pour une application contact pneu-chaussée, montrent une répartition non homogène des contraintes dans la structure et principalement dans les premiers centimètres sous la surface avec des niveaux beaucoup plus importants que peuvent le prédire les modèles actuels qui utilisent une charge uniformément répartie. La pression de contact est comparée aux mesures effectuées par un système nommé TekScan et les champs mécaniques en sous couches sont comparés à ceux d'Alizé-LCPC dans le cas d'une structure simple. Les cisaillements surfaciques sont déterminés dans le cas du roulement tractif. Une application est effectuée sur la modélisation des dégradations des chaussées en surface. Dans un premier temps, des analyses sur le comportement de la chaussée en surface sont effectuées pour une couche de béton bitumineux semi grenu (BBSG) semi-infinie supposée élastique, homogène sous conditions d'accélération, de freinage et de virage. Pour des études sur le top down cracking, des déformations et directions principales sont déterminées et analysées. Ensuite, le modèle de contact élasto-plastique est appliqué sur une couche semi-infinie de grave bitume GB3. Des déformations et contraintes résiduelles générées dans la structure sont déterminées en vue d'une analyse sur les ornières d'instabilité. Une fois validés, ces résultats permettront d'estimer plus fidèlement la durée de vie résiduelle des chaussées mais également de comprendre et d'éviter les mécanismes de dégradation en surface ou proche de la surface. / The recent appearance of new materials in road structures associated with surface layers thickness decreasing and the increasing of trucks loading and their passage frequency has led to new pathologies of degradation. In addition to the well-known rutting problems, top down cracking is now appearing as well as problems of decohesion at the interfaces. These new pathologies led to considerable expenditure on the entire network (around 15 billion euros per year), particularly in urbanized areas that are more prone to surface damage and do not make it possible to adequately estimate the lifetimes of the roadway, most often overestimated in current design methods. This doctoral work proposes a new approach of the tire-road contact allowing for better apprehend of the main and residual stresses in a bituminous pavement structure. Using a fast numerical tool based on a semi-analytical approach ("Semi-Analytical Methods" (SAM)), the precise geometry of the tire is integrated in order to obtain a real contact pressure distribution as well as surface shear on the pavement surface. Initially, an elastic tractive rolling contact model is implemented for simple theoretical cases and validated by analytical and numerical results from the literature.Then, this model is extended to take into account the elastoplastic behavior of the bodies in contact. This is compared to a numerical result based on the nite element method from the literature. The application for tire-pavement contact results, show a non-uniform distribution of stresses in the structure and mainly in the rst centimeters below the surface with much higher levels than can be predicted by current models that use a uniformly distributed load. The contact pressure is compared to the measurements made by a system called TekScan and the mechanical elds in sublayers are compared to those of Alizé-LCPC in the case of a simple structure. The surface shears are determined in the case of tractive rolling. An application is carried out on the modeling of surface pavement damage. Firstly, analyzes of the behavior of the surface pavement are carried out for a semi-innite semi-grit asphalt concrete layer supposed to be elastic, homogeneous under conditions of acceleration, braking and turning. For studies on top down cracking, principals deformations and directions are determined and analyzed. Then, the elastoplastic contact model is applied on a semi-innite asphalt agragate layer. Deformations and residuals stresses generated in the structure are determined for an analysis on the instability ruts. Once validated, these results will make it possible to more accurately estimate the residual life of pavements but also to understand and avoid surface or near surfacedegradation mechanisms.
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Estudo em laboratório e em campo de misturas asfálticas SMA 0/8S. / Study in laboratory and field of asphalt mixtures SMA 0/8S.Patricia Barboza da Silva 29 August 2005 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi baseada em um projeto de Stone Matrix Asphalt - SMA na faixa 0/8S com asfalto CAP 20, feito para a execução de revestimento delgado em trecho experimental na Rodovia Presidente Dutra, ligando São Paulo ao Rio de Janeiro. A ocorrência de alguns defeitos neste trecho experimental motivou o estudo de misturas SMA 0/8S alternativas empregando dois asfaltos convencionais: CAP 20 e CAP 50/60, e dois modificados por polímeros: um com 3,0% de SBS e outro com 6,5% de SBS. Foram realizados ensaios laboratoriais para a verificação da dosagem das misturas asfálticas e determinação de propriedades mecânicas em laboratório por meio de ensaios de deformação permanente em trilha de roda, de resistência à tração por compressão diametral e de módulo de resiliência. Observou-se que o uso de asfalto modificado por polímero e do asfalto convencional CAP 50/60 acarreta uma redução significativa de afundamentos em trilha de roda. O módulo de resiliência a 25°C também apresenta redução de valor nas amostras com asfalto modificado por polímero e com CAP 50/60, em comparação com o convencional CAP 20. A resistência à tração sofre pouca variação quando se comparam os asfaltos empregados, considerando-se ensaios realizados na mesma temperatura. Foram feitos ensaios em campo para a avaliação funcional e de aderência no trecho experimental da Rodovia Presidente Dutra, tendo sido realizados monitoramentos logo após a execução do trecho e decorridos 2 anos e 7 meses de operação. Os resultados demonstraram que o revestimento do trecho experimental apresenta atualmente poucos defeitos de superfície, com fechamento da macrotextura nas trilhas de roda e pequena diminuição do conforto ao rolamento. / This research was based on a Stone Matrix Asphalt SMA in the band 0/8S design made with asphalt binder AC 20, used as a thin wearing course of a test section on the Presidente Dutra Highway, that connects São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro. The occurrence of some distresses in the test section motivated the study of alternative SMA 0/8S mixtures using two conventional asphalt binders: AC 20 and AC 50/60, and two modified by polymer: one with 3.0% of SBS and other with 6.5% of SBS. Laboratory tests were conducted to verify the mix design and to determine their mechanical behavior such as the resistance against rutting, the indirect tensile strength and the resilient modulus. It was observed that the use of SBS polymer modified binders and asphalt binder AC 50/60 causes a significant reduction of rutting. The resilient modulus at 25°C also presents a reduction in the samples with SBS polymer modified binders and AC 50/60 in comparison with AC 20. The indirect tensile strength suffers little variation across the different types of asphalt binders, tested at the same temperature. Field tests related to functional evaluation and skid-resistance of the test section were carried out. The test section was monitored immediately following the construction and after 2 years and 7 months of continuous use. The results showed that the wearing coarse presented a few distresses in the surface, in particular a reduction of the macrotexture at the wheel tracks and a slight worsening of the riding quality.
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