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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Secolarizzazione e ricomposizione del sacro in Italia : il caso delle comunità parrocchiali della Garfagnana / Sécularisation et recomposition du sacré en Italie : le cas des communautés paroissiales de la Garfagnana / Secularisation and recomposition of the sacred in Italy : the case of parish communities in Garfagnana

Rossi, Chiara 24 March 2016 (has links)
S’insérant dans l’ample débat sur la sécularisation, cette étude se focalise sur les modalités actuelles de coexistence, dans un contexte donné, de la sécularisation et de la dé-sécularisation qui se rencontrent et s’agencent parfois sur un mode insolite, générant nécessairement, à travers un processus de décomposition et de recomposition du religieux, des conséquences sur l’action des individus et sur les dynamiques collectives. À travers une approche ethnographique basée sur le principe de l’interconnaissance, sur la technique de l’observation participante et sur de nombreux entretiens en profondeur, l’enquête sonde les changements en acte à l’intérieur d’un univers rural qui remodèle actuellement les espaces et les formes de son système de croyances religieuses. Le terrain d’étude qui fait l’objet de notre enquête est une petite vallée de l’Italie centro-septentrionale (la Garfagnana) et la paroisse revêt le rôle de principal centre d’observation. Effectivement, dans le contexte considéré, cette institution apparait, au cours des siècles, comme un point de repèreessentiel non seulement pour la communauté religieuse mais aussi pour la société civile, et demeure l’instrument privilégié qu’utilise l’Église afin de maintenir et/ou de recréer le réseau de liens avec ses fidèles. L’analyse des dynamiques à travers lesquelles ces rapports sont conservés, créés et alimentés à l’intérieur de la communauté paroissiale nous mène à la compréhension de l’identité catholique de cette région singulière en mettant en évidence les modalités et les conséquences du croire – sur le plan tant individuel que collectif − ainsi que les motivations des différentescatégories d’acteurs. / This study, included in the wider debate regarding the secularisation process, mainly focuses on the ways in which nowadays secularisation and de-secularisation can coexist in a specific context, convening, at times adding to each other, and thus generating, through a process of decomposition and recomposition of the sacred, unavoidable consequences on individual actions and collective dynamics. Through an ethnographic approach, based on inter-knowledge, on participant observation techniques and on numerous in-depth interviews, the research examines the ongoing changes within a transitioning rural universe, which is remodelling spaces and structures of its religious belief system. The research was carried out in a small valley in Northern Italy (Garfagnana) and the main focus of the study was the parish. In this context, this institution has been over the centuries an important reference point, not only for the religious universe but also for the civil community and still today represents the privileged means by which the church creates and maintains the networkof bonds with its worshippers. The analysis of the dynamics by which , within a parish community, these bonds are preserved, recreated and nurtured has led us towards understanding the catholic identity of this particular region, highlighting the modalities, the motivations and the consequences of religious beliefs, on both an individual and collective level, of the many categories of participants.

Le cinéma comme expérience du spirituel depuis les années 50 / Cinema as an experience of the spiritual

Fronty, François 18 March 2009 (has links)
Le spirituel, ou l’expérience du spirituel, existent-ils au cinéma ? Un travail sémantique nous a permis de préciser le contour des notions de sacré, religieux, et spirituel dans le champ du cinéma. C’est le concept de spirituel qui nous a semblé le plus opératoire pour mener à bien une étude dont la caractéristique première est de ne pas considérer son objet comme un genre, mais comme un régime de l’image intrinsèquement lié au dispositif du cinéma lui-même. Car le cinéma, qui repose sur un régime de croyance nouveau, marque une rupture épistémologique autant dans notre représentation du réel que dans celle du transcendant. Une réflexion d’ordre anthropologique nous a permis de remonter jusqu’aux fondements du cinéma et du fait religieux, donc à l’essence de notre façon d’appréhender le numineux. Nous avons examiné les différents paradigmes culturels avec lesquels le spirituel est perçu, conçu et représenté en Occident, en Asie, et en Afrique. Au travers de la diversité des formes, le récit est apparu comme l’invariant anthropologique et esthétique qui rend compte de l’expérience du spirituel de façon unitive. Une réflexion sur la mise en scène nous a permis de mettre en relation notre questionnement avec les expériences du personnage, de l’acteur et du spectateur. Une exploration du sublime, de l’extase eisensteinienne, et du corps envisagé comme une preuve de la présence au monde nous ont conduits à voir le cinéma comme expérience paradoxale et unitive du spirituel. / Do the spiritual or the experience of the spiritual exist in cinema ? A semantic exploration was necessary to define and distinguish the meanings of sacred, religious and spiritual in the field of cinema. The spiritual appeared as the most effective concept to define our object not as a genre but as an intrisic function of cinema considered as a device. Cinema is based on a specific system of belief, which constitutes an epistemological break in our representation of both reality and transcendence. An anthropological exploration led us to the foundations of the religious fact and cinema, therefore to the essence of our way of apprehending the numinous. We studied the different cultural paradigms through which the spiritual is perceived, conceived and represented in the West, in Asia and in Africa. Through the variety of forms, the narrative form appeared as the anthopological and aestetical invariant of the experience of the spiritual in a! unitive context of description. A study of the mise en scène allowed us to establish links between experiences of characters, actors, and spectators in our perspective. A consideration of the sublime, the extasis as defined by Eisenstein, and the body as evidence of a presence to the world drove us to see cinema as a paradoxical and unitive experience of the spiritual.

Espaces du fantastique urbain et aspects du sacré. Le cas de Mircea Eliade, Jean Ray et Howard Phillips Lovecraft / Spaces of the urban fantastic and aspects of the sacred. The case of Mircea Eliade, Jean Ray et Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Rizea Barbos, Carmen Raluca 30 November 2009 (has links)
La littérature fantastique au XXe siècle semble est issue d’un triple conflit qui est aussi celui de l’homme contemporain : rupture avec la réalité, crise identitaire et perte de sens de l’univers caractéristiques à l’époque postmoderne, profanisation graduelle de l’espace urbain. Dans ce contexte difficile troublé encore plus par des prévisions alarmistes de l’avenir proche, l’homme contemporain exorcise ses peurs à travers les œuvres fantastiques, il s’invente des monstres pour arriver à supporter le quotidien. Pourtant, l’intrusion de la Surnature ou de l’étrange dans l’espace urbain moderne se rapproche du besoin que les sociétés traditionnelles avaient pour la présence du sacré dans leurs univers. A travers l’œuvre de trois écrivains, Mircea Eliade, Jean Ray et H.P. Lovecraft, l’espace urbain profane devient paradoxalement l’espace fantastique par excellence et le désenchantement du monde moderne se trouve confronté aux anciennes et nouvelles croyances simultanément. Ainsi, l’effet de fantastique urbain revalorise les aspects du sacré et permet des incursions analytiques interdisciplinaires, oscillant entre la littérature et l’histoire des religions. / During the 20th century, fantastic fiction seems to be the outcome of a triple conflict also attached to contemporary societies : a gap between the real world and the supernatural; an identity crisis in a meaningless post-modern era; and, a gradual divestment of ancient sacred symbols. In this highly problematic reference frame, obscured even more in anticipation of an alarming near future, Modern Man desperately struggles to alleviate his multiple fears through fantastic literature ; he creates imaginary monsters in order to help him cope with reality. Nevertheless, the encroaching of the Supernatural or the uncanny in the modern urban enclosed space is connected to the need that traditional societies expressed for the presence of the sacred in their universe. Throughout the works of three authors, Mircea Eliade, Jean Ray and H.P. Lovecraft, the urban and profane space paradoxically becomes a space of the fantastic par excellence. The disil! lusionment of the modern world finds itself exposed to and confronted by both topical and archaic beliefs. Thus, the urban fantastic effect is constantly reassessing features of the sacred and allows rich interpenetrations of different disciplines such as literature and history of religions.

L'anti-tragédie ou le ravage du réel : l'humain, l'inconscient, la Chose / The anti-tragedy or the ravage of the reel : the humain, the unconscious, the thing

Dubois, Catherine 10 December 2016 (has links)
La mort aussi naturelle qu'elle puisse paraître ne reflète pas un phénomène assuré au regard de la condition humaine. Elle nécessite une inscription subjective, tant au niveau de la psyché que du soma, afin que l'individu puisse se constituer sujet de l'inconscient. C'est en effet par la voie du processus tragique que cette inscription est possible. Comment l’approcher alors ? Le sentiment tragique serait-il en lien avec l’inconscient ? L’inconscient pensé comme le discours de l’Autre, le grand Autre en tant qu’il se définit par le lieu de l’épreuve existentielle du sujet, corrélée à la révélation de son sexe et à la contingence de son être au travers l’expérience de la pensée symbolique. Cette hypothèse serait-elle de l’ordre de l’évènement ? La dialectique psychanalytique depuis les premières découvertes de la théorie de la génitalité jusqu'à nos découvertes récentes allie le sexe et la mort dans un souci d’élucider ce qui détermine l'être parlant sur le chemin de la vie. / The natural death as it may seem does not reflect a phenomenon insured under the human condition. It requires a subjective inscription, both in terms of the psyche that the soma, so that the individual can be subject of the unconscious. It is indeed by the field of the tragic process that registration is possible. How to approach then? The tragic sense would it be related to the unconscious? The unconscious thought as the discourse of the Other, the big Other as it is defined by the place of existential test subject correlated to the revelation of her sex and contingency of his being through the experience of symbolic thought. Psychoanalytic dialectic since the first discovery of the theory of genitality to our recent discoveries combines sex and death in an effort to implement what determines the speaking on the path of life.

Le théâtre panique de Fernando Arrabal, « Science de l’essence de la confusion » / Fernando Arrabal’s panique theater, “Essence of the confusion science”

Combes, Emilie 08 June 2016 (has links)
Notre approche du théâtre panique d’Arrabal a été dirigée par la perception d’une esthétique paradoxale, d’une dimension éthique et cathartique au cœur d’une théâtralité qui restitue sur scène la confusion de la vie et l’humain dans sa totalité. Cette thèse s’interroge sur les moyens par lesquels Arrabal a créé l’univers panique ainsi que sur les piliers d’une esthétique a priori fondée sur la dérision et l’altération de la réalité, dans une perpétuelle oscillation entre l’outrancier et le fascinant. Il s’agit de comprendre le fonctionnement du dispositif de la cruauté, à la fois dramaturgique et dramatique, et comment se révèle cette tension dialectique entre abject et sublime, à travers une pensée qui se prétend insaisissable. Notre travail cherche donc à situer tout d’abord la naissance de la pensée panique, à questionner la dimension contestataire et subversive de l’œuvre d’Arrabal, et à en envisager les variations et les permanences. La forme brute et primitive de ce théâtre en fait un spectacle qui nous touche et provoque un choc émotionnel qui stimule la pensée. A travers l’exploration de la cruauté enfantine, de la manifestation du cauchemar, du bouleversement des valeurs, de la violence et du blasphème, nous verrons que l’espoir et la quête de soi éloignent ce théâtre du tragique pur et du nihilisme. La merveille de l’enfance, les songes, l’humour, l’érotisme apparaissent alors comme autant de moyens d’une révolte poétique qui permet de tenir tête à une réalité oppressante et d’affronter la condition humaine sans tomber dans le désespoir. Cette polarisation entre le haut et le bas, entre l’espoir et la chute, dans une ritualisation de l’espace scénique, fait du théâtre d’Arrabal un théâtre libertaire et fondamentalement humain, qui devient un moyen d’accéder à la connaissance de soi. / Our approach of Arrabal’s panic theater was led by the perception of a paradoxical aesthetic, an ethic and cathartic dimension at the heart of a theatricality bringing to the stage the confusion of life and human condition. This Ph.D thesis questions the means by which Arrabal created the panic paradigm and the foundations of an aesthetic first of all based on mockery and distortion of reality, perpetually oscillating between outrage and fascination. Our aim is to understand how cruelty is expressed, both dramatically and theatrically, and how the dialectical tension between abject and sublime is revealed through a vision often considered evasive. We first seek to understand when the panic concept was born, to question the subversive and protesting side of Arrabal’s work and to point out what changes and what remains the same through his productions. The crude and primitive nature of this theater makes it a performance that brings out an emotional shock and stimulates the audience’s mind. By exploring the themes of children’s cruelty, nightmare, abrupt change of values, violence and blasphemy, we will see that hope and the ontological quest keep this theater from pure tragic and nihilism. Childhood, dreams, humor, and eroticism appear as forces which feed a poetic revolt, to stand up against an oppressive reality and fight against human condition without falling into despair. This polarization between the high and the low, the hope and the fall, by a ritualization of the scenic area, makes Arrabal’s theater libertarian, fundamentally human, and therefore a means to know oneself.

The benefits of viewing sacred versus preferred landscapes

Burger, Donald Allen 05 1900 (has links)
Restoration landscape theories propound the observation that landscape mitigates human emotion, mental functioning, and behaviour. Those environments that positively affect these spheres are called "restorative". In recent years, many attempts have been made to quantify restorative landscapes, so that landscape architects and others can replicate them in the manipulated environment. An understanding of how certain combinations of landscape attributes affect humans is important in knowing the ramifications of certain designs. A major finding in recent years is that preferred landscapes—or those high in scenic beauty—are generally more restorative than less-attractive environments. One realm of the environment not dealt with, however, is the sacred landscape. One reason for this is the relative difficulty in narrowing down the term “sacred” to something measurable. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the nature of sacred landscapes, and then to test sacred landscapes against preferred landscapes to measure their restorative potential. This testing involved subjecting participants to a psychological stressor, and then exposing them to slides rated highly in either sacredness or preference. A control group was also tested, but viewed a blank screen rather than images. Implications of this research impact both researchers and practitioners in the fields of landscape architecture, environmental psychology, public land management, and visual resource management. This study found that sacred landscapes are very restorative, although not quite as restorative as environments that rate highly in scenic beauty. This confirms previous research efforts, and opens the study of restorative environments to other landscape typologies as well. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Architecture and Landscape Architecture (SALA), School of / Graduate

Le phénomène Le Pen : analyse relationnelle, historique et esthétique d'une singularité politique / The Le Pen phenomenon. Relational, historical and aesthetic analysis of a political singularity.

Ecuvillon, Pierre 09 April 2015 (has links)
Le « phénomène Le Pen » désigne la somme constituée par l’élaboration d’une marquepolitique située à l’extrême droite et les réactions conflictuelles qu’elle suscite au sein de lasociété française. L’objectivation de ce phénomène réside dans l’analyse de l’idéologie duFront National en tant qu’elle est celle d’une marque politique devant produire un contenudoctrinal original pour se distinguer des autres partis mais également dans l’étude dumouvement social – ou du mouvement du social – dont elle est à l’origine. La catégorie dusacré vient éclairer les dispositifs discursifs qui sont décelables aussi bien dans les mots duFront National que dans ceux de ses adversaires politiques et associatifs. La recherche sepoursuit avec l’analyse des principaux schèmes idéologiques de l’extrême droite française,qui est basée sur une histoire des idées qui commence avec la pensée contre-révolutionnaire.La méthodologie durandienne du bassin sémantique permet d’identifier les étapes cardinalesde la formation idéologique du nationalisme d’extrême droite. L’examen de cette idéologies’achève avec l’analyse du discours contemporain du Front National et la comparaisonmythanalytique des candidatures de Jean-Marie Le Pen et Marine Le Pen lors des électionsprésidentielles françaises de 2007 et de 2012. / The “Le Pen phenomenon” designates the sum constituted by the elaboration of a politicalbrand located at the far-right and by the conflictual reactions that it provokes within theFrench society. The objectivization of this phenomenon lies in the analysis of the FrontNational ideology as it is this of a political brand which must produce an original doctrinalcontent in order to distinguish it from the others parties but also in the study of the socialmovement – or the movement of the social – which it is the cause of. The category of thesacred comes to shed the discursive sets which are discernible just as well in the FrontNational words as those of its political and associative opponents. The research is going onwith the analysis of the French far-right main ideological schemas, which is based on ahistory of ideas which starts with the counter-revolutionary thought. The Durandianmethodology of the semantic basin allows to identify the cardinal stages of the far-rightnationalism ideological formation. The examination of this ideology comes to an end with theanalysis of the Front National contemporary discourse and the mythanalytic comparison ofthe Jean-Marie Le Pen and Marine Le Pen candidacies at the time of 2007 and 2012 Frenchpresidential elections.

Le yoga, un espace pour le sacré / Yoga, a space for sacred

Grieder, Eveline 30 April 2015 (has links)
Le yoga, un espace pour le sacréLa problématique envisagée dans ce travail se fonde sur un ensemble de réflexions épistémologiques mises en place pendant 35 ans : une formation en histoire et ethnologie, un terrain de 3 ans en Inde dans des milieux monastiques hindous, l'enseignement du yoga depuis 30 ans, et une orientation en anthropologie de l'imaginaire, m'ont amenée à tenter de repérer les fondements existentiels de la vie spirituelle, que je pense liés à des catégories fondamentales de la relation de l'être humain au monde.Les concepts et symboles d'énergie cosmique, d'âme, mais aussi l'équation micro-macrocosme, le couple terre-ciel, ainsi que les autres paires d'opposés, sont à la base de la très ancienne philosophie du yoga : leur expérience a pour effet de sentir un élargissement de la conscience et de l'espace vécu. Ils sont également extrêmement fréquents dans toute l'histoire de l'humanité, au point que l'on peut se demander si l'on n'a pas affaire là à des intuitions fondamentales de la place de l'homme dans le temps et dans l'espace, qui ont structuré le sens de l'existence pendant des millénaires, donnant des clés aux initiations que l'on trouve universellement dans les cultures des peuples traditionnels.En partant d'une enquête de terrain, puis d'un travail comparatif, et enfin d'une enquête psycho-sociologique sur l'image du yoga et sur la mentalité de ses pratiquants, je me propose de mettre en évidence l'impact de cette discipline psycho-corporelle sur la recherche de sens (que je mets en relation avec la notion de sacré), ainsi que sur le besoin de réenchantement dans le monde contemporain. / Yoga, a space for sacredThe problematics of this work in based on some epistemological considerations that took me more than 35 years : an academic training in history and anthropology, a 3 years ground in India among hindu monastic population, 30 years teaching yoga, and a further orientation in anthropology of imagination, brought me into trying to spot existential basement of spiritual life, that I consider as linked with fundamental categories of human relation to the world.The concepts and symbols of cosmic energy, soul, micro-macrocosmos equation, earth and sky couple, and also other pairs of opposites, are at the root of the very ancient philosophy of yoga : their experience allow the feeling of a widening of consciousness, and of real-life space. They are also extremely frequent in all human history, to the point that it can be thought that we are faced to basic intuitions of the human position in time and space, that have structured the sense of existence during milleniums, giving the keys to understand the myriad of initiations that can be found everywhere in traditionnal cultures.I started from a field survey, then I continued by a comparative study, and finished with an investigation in socio-anthropology on the image of yoga and on the mind-set of its practitioners. Now, I propose to highlight the impact of this body-and-mind discipline on the search of meaning (that I relate to the notion of sacred), and on the need of re-enchantment in the contemporary world.

O corpo e o sagrado : o renascimento do sagrado atraves do discurso da corporeidade / The body and the sacred: the rebirth of the sacred in the speech of the body

Martins, Leonardo Tavares 06 June 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Wagner Wey Moreira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação Fisica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-03T15:00:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Martins_LeonardoTavares_M.pdf: 4596322 bytes, checksum: 027b178335469e4e8ab91b2a8f6154b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003 / Resumo: No mundo contemporâneo, o corpo tem sido tratado sob diferentes perspectivas, que vão desde a redução da totalidade corporal, até a percepção de que o conceito de corpo é complexo e sistêmico. O discurso da corporeidade parece ostentar a preocupação por ver o corpo de forma a superar uma visão reducionista de corpo. Assim, podemos identificar no discurso da corporeidade, um componente que faz entender o corpo para além dos limites impostos pelo mecanicismo, pelas instituições, pela lei da causa e efeito. Este componente nos permite compreender que a redução da distância entre matéria e espírito é aproximar-se do Todo Corporal. Ao corpo, é dada a possibilidade de criar, de sonhar, de relacionar-se com o Eterno e Infinito. Corpo e Sagrado não estão, desta forma, distantes. A partir destas reflexões, utilizamos o referencial teórico da Análise de Discurso para identificar as aproximações entre o discurso da corporeidade e o significado da busca pelo sagrado. A conclusão deste trabalho propõe que, para a compreensão do Todo Corporal, é necessário superar a redução do corpo matéria, aceitando que a abertura à transcendência pode remeter, também, a um retomo ao sagrado / Abstract: In the contemporary world, the body has been approached from different perspectives, ranging from the reduction ofthe corporal totality, to the perception that the body concept is complex and systemic. Speech on the body seems to show the concern with seeing the body in a way to overcome a reductionist vision of it. Thus, one can identify in the speech on the body, a component that takes the understanding of the body beyond the limits imposed by the mechanicism, by the institutions and by the law of cause and effect. This component allows us to understand that reducing the distance between matter and spirit is approaching the Body as a Whole. The body gets the possibility of creating, of dreaming, of getting linked with the Eternal and the Infinite. The Body and the Sacred are not, thus, distant. Departing from these reflections, we used the referencial of the Analysis of Speeeh theory to identify the links between the speeeh on the body and the meaning of the seareh for the saered. As a eonclusion, this paper proposes that, for the understanding of the Body as a Whole, it is necessary to overeome the reduction of the body to matter, aeeepting that the opening to the transeendent ean send, too, to a retum to the saered. / Mestrado / Pedagogia do Movimento / Mestre em Educação Física

As representações do sagrado em Tempo e eternidade, de Murilo Mendes

Munck Junior, Edson 26 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-01-27T10:44:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 edsonmunckjunior.pdf: 762136 bytes, checksum: 36858234d1e3f37db116685b8efe4837 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-01-27T11:08:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 edsonmunckjunior.pdf: 762136 bytes, checksum: 36858234d1e3f37db116685b8efe4837 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-27T11:08:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 edsonmunckjunior.pdf: 762136 bytes, checksum: 36858234d1e3f37db116685b8efe4837 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-26 / Esta dissertação propõe um exercício de leitura de Tempo e eternidade, publicado por Murilo Mendes, em 1935, a partir das noções do sagrado que exsurgem nos poemas. Apoiado nas reflexões de Mircea Eliade sobre o mito e o sacro e conjugando-as com a fortuna crítica de José Guilherme Merquior, Murilo Marcondes de Moura, Laís Corrêa de Araújo, Júlio Castañon Guimarães, Martin Heidegger, Octavio Paz, dentre outros, quer-se ler a poética muriliana que coloca em jogo o modernismo e a tradição cristã. Um ano antes da publicação da obra, o poeta juiz-forano converte-se ao cristianismo. Em parceria com Jorge de Lima, elabora-se o projeto do referido livro sob a epígrafe “restauremos a Poesia em Cristo”, presente na publicação ao tempo de seu lançamento. Tempo e eternidade também representa, desse modo, esforços da intelectualidade católica brasileira no intuito de reconstruir o lugar da experiência com o divino em um contexto de industrialização e urbanização intensas no país. Todavia, como manifestação poética que é, a obra encerra em si questões que traduzem a condição do ser no mundo e é justamente esse aspecto existencial que se quer investigar no presente trabalho. Assim, propõe-se a leitura do percurso da restauração da poesia no mundo moderno em três movimentos: do mundo caído, ao mundo em Cristo e, por fim, ao mundo vindouro. / This work proposes a reading exercise about Tempo e eternidade, published on 1935 by Murilo Mendes, considering the notions of the sacred that arise in the poems. Based on Mircea Eliade’s insights concerning to myth and sacred, an articulation with the critical fortune of José Guilherme Merquior, Murilo Marcondes de Moura, Laís Corrêa de Araújo, Júlio Castañon Guimarães, Martin Heidegger, Octavio Paz and others is made, aiming to read Murilo Mendes’ poetic as a dialogical game between Modernism and Christian tradition. One year after publishing the book, the poet converts himself to Christian faith. Together with Jorge de Lima, a poetry book project is launched under the couplet “lets restore Poetry in Christ”, as the first edition revealed. Tempo e eternidade also represents efforts of the Brazilian Catholic intelligentsia in order to rebuild the place of experience with the divine inside an intense industrialization and urbanization context in Brazil. However, as a poetic expression that is, the literary work arises questions which indicate the condition of being in the world and it is precisely this existential aspect that this dissertation wants to investigate. Therefore, the reading of the restoration course of poetry in the modern world in three movements is proposed: the fallen world, the world in Christ and, finally, the world to come.

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