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Grundvatten som dricksvattenresurs i kustnära kommuner / Groundwater as drinking water resources in coastal municipalitiesGarpefjäll, Matilda, Johansson, Josefin January 2018 (has links)
Dricksvatten är en livsviktig resurs. Att varje hushåll får dricksvatten ser vi idag ofta som självklart, dock har vatten som dricksvattenresurs en begränsning inte minst i kommuner utmed Sveriges kust. I dessa kustnära kommuner finns mängder av fritidsbostäder som allt fler ägare väljer att utnyttja som permanentbostäder. Kustkommunerna, som tidigare inte valt att bygga ut vatten- och avloppsnätet till dessa bostadsområden, har inte haft möjlighet att hinna anpassa utbyggnaden efter det nya befolkningsantalet. Istället tas dricksvattenförsörjningen från grundvattnet via enskilda bergborrade brunnar. Den snabba inflyttningen ökar därmed uttaget av grundvatten från brunnar som kanske inte har den kapacitet som krävs för att försörja allt fler permanentbostäder. Denna studie är begränsad till tre kommuner längs Sveriges östkust, Norrtälje-, Tyresö- och Oskarshamns kommun. Grundvattenbildningen och magasineringen av grundvattnet i dessa områden är mycket begränsad på grund av den geologiska bildningen, vilket hotar grundvattennivåerna. Därav är det viktigt för kommunerna att bevara de täkter som finns i kommunen. För att säkra kommunernas grundvattenförekomster kan vattenskyddsområden införas och gamla vattenskyddsområden kompletteras. De tre kommunerna arbetar alla för en hållbar dricksvattenförsörjning. Ingen av dem når dock upp till den önskvärda nivån av hållbarhet. Både Norrtälje- och Oskarshamns kommun har vattenskyddsområden för sina betydande vattentäkter. Tyresö kommun har dock inga vattenskyddsområden, de har istället naturreservat och nationalparker som även skyddar vattnet i kommunen. Dock löser inte ett vattenskyddsområde eller skydd av annat slag problemet med ett överutnyttjat grundvattenuttag. Där krävs metoder för att se till att uttagen är mindre än nybildningen av grundvatten. En sådan metod är beräkning av grundvattenbalansen i området, som visar när grundvattenbildningen sker och när uttagen är som störst under en viss tidsperiod. Därefter kan då uttagen planeras utefter vattentäktens kapacitet. En annan lösning är att bidra till en ökad grundvattenbildning via konstgjord väg. Det kan ske via till exempel sprinklers eller ytvattendammar, där dessa kan tillföra vatten till grundvattnet och därmet kan uttag göras utefter den nya grundvattenbildningens förmåga. Utöver dessa förslag krävs att kommunernas nuvarande råd och riktlinjer för enskild vattenförsörjning skärps till lagar och regler. I detaljplanen kan även styrmedel läggas in så som antal brunnar, brunnsdjup och maximalt uttag för kommunen. Detta blir då juridiskt bindande och betydande viktigt för den enskilda vattenförsörjningen och för hållbarhetsarbetet. Det finns därav många åtgärder som måste vidtas snarast för kommunerna för att de ska kunna uppnå miljömålet “Grundvatten av god kvalitet”, vilket nu ser ouppnåeligt ut för sin tidsgräns till 2020. / Drinking water is a vital resource that often is taken for granted. This is a problem not least in municipalities along the coast of Sweden. This due to the salty sea water that pushes towards land. It is very popular in today's society to live in coastal areas. There are both many vacation houses but also a lot of permanent livings. It is common these days that people choose to turn their vacation house into permanent living house and that has its effects on the drinking water resource. The houses of coastal areas are getting their drinking water from individual wells instead of the communal water. The main problem for the drinking water in the coastal areas are therefore the quality of the groundwater. There are risk for infiltration of salt water to the ground water. When the salt reaches the ground water, it will end up in the well and reduce the quality. That makes it a huge problem in these areas. Not to mention that the groundwater reservoirs are very limited in these territories, which limits the groundwater as a drinking water resource at the coast. To exemplify the facts, this study will cover the information for three different municipalities along the coast of Sweden. These are Norrtälje, Tyresö and Oskarsham. The drinking water supply in these three municipalities are similar but one thing that is different is the plan for sustainable drinking water supplies. Building and storage of groundwater in these areas is very limited due to the geological formation, which threatens groundwater levels. In order to secure the municipalities groundwater reservoirs, water protection areas can be made. The three municipalities all work for sustainable drinking water supply, but none of them manage to reach the goal “sustainable”. Both Norrtälje and Oskarshamn has water protection areas for its significant water resources. However, Tyresö has no water conservation areas, but they have nature reserves and national parks instead, that also protect the water. A water protection does not solve the problem of an over-exploited groundwater outlet. There are methods required to ensure that the outlets are smaller than the formation of groundwater. Such a method is the calculation of the groundwater balance in the area, which shows when the groundwater formation occurs and when the outlet is the largest during a certain period of time. After that, the outlet can be planned according to the capacity of the water source. Another solution is to contribute to increased groundwater formation through artificial infiltration. This can be done by sprinklers or surface water ponds, where they can supply water to the groundwater, and the outlet can be taken along the new groundwater formation. In addition to these proposals, the current advices and guidelines for individual water supply need to be tightened up and be replaced with laws and regulations. There are many moves that must be taken as soon as possible for the municipalities to achieve the goal "Grundvatten av god kvalitet", which is now unreachable for its time limit by 2020.
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Ion binding to polymers and lipid membranes in aqueous solutions : Ionenbindung an Polymeren und Lipidmembranen in wässrigen Lösungen / Ion binding to polymers and lipid membranes in aqueous solutions : Ionenbindung an Polymeren und Lipidmembranen in wässrigen LösungenSinn, Cornelia G. January 2004 (has links)
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Ionenbindung an Polymeren und Lipidmembranen in wässrigen Lösungen. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss verschiedener anorganischer Salze und Polyelektrolyte auf die Struktur des Wassers mit Hilfe Isothermer Mikrotitrationskalorimetrie (ITC) erforscht. Die Verdünnungswärme der Salze wurde als Maß für die Fähigkeit der Ionen, die geordnete Struktur des Wassers zu stabilisieren oder zu zerstören, verwendet. Die Verdünnungswärmen konnten auf Hofmeister Effekte zurückgeführt werden. Im Anschluss daran wurde die Bindung von Ca2+ an Natrium- Poly(acrylsäure) (NaPAA) untersucht. Mit Hilfe von ITC und einer Ca2+- selektiven Elektrode wurde die Reaktionsenthalpie und Bindungsisotherme gemessen. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Binding von Ca2+ - Ionen an NaPAA stark endotherm und daher entropiegetrieben ist. Anschließend wurde die Bindung von Ca2+ an die eindimensionale Polymerkette mit der an ein Lipidvesikel mit denselben funktioniellen Gruppen verglichen. Es wurde beobachtet, dass die Ionenbindung –wie auch im Fall des Polymers- endotherm ist. Ein Vergleich der Ca2+- Bindung an die Lipidmembran mit der an das Polymer konnte zeigen, dass das Ion schwächer an die Membran bindet. Im Zusammenhang mit diesen Experimenten wurde auch beobachtet, dass Ca2+ nicht nur an geladene, sondern auch an zwitterionische Lipidvesikel bindet. Schließlich wurde die Wechselwirkung zweier Salze, KCl and NaCl, mit einem neutralen Polymergel, PNIPAAM, und dem geladenen Polymer PAA untersucht. Mit Hilfe von Kalorimetrie und einer kaliumselektiven Elektrode wurde beobachtet, dass die Ionen mit beiden Polymeren wechselwirken, unabhängig davon, ob diese Ladungen tragen, oder nicht. / The goal of this work was to study the binding of ions to polymers and lipid bilayer membranes in aqueous solutions. In the first part of this work, the influence of various inorganic salts and polyelectrolytes on the structure of water was studied using Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC). The heat of dilution of the salts was used as a scale of water structure making and breaking of the ions. The heats of dilution could be attributed to the Hofmeister Series. Following this, the binding of Ca2+ to poly(sodium acrylate) (NaPAA) was studied. ITC and a Ca2+ Ion Selective Electrode were used to measure the reaction enthalpy and binding isotherm. Binding of Ca2+ ions to PAA, was found to be highly endothermic and therefore solely driven by entropy. We then compared the binding of ions to the one-dimensional PAA polymer chain to the binding to lipid vesicles with the same functional groups. As for the polymer, Ca2+ binding was found to be endothermic. Binding of calcium to the lipid bilayer was found to be weaker than to the polymer. In the context of these experiments, it was shown that Ca2+ not only binds to charged but also to zwitterionic lipid vesicles. Finally, we studied the interaction of two salts, KCl and NaCl, to a neutral polymer gel, PNIPAAM, and to the ionic polymer PAA. Combining calorimetry and a potassium selective electrode we observed that the ions interact with both polymers, whether containing charges or not.
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Hydrogeophysical Characterization of Anisotropy in the Biscayne Aquifer Using Geophysical MethodsYeboah-Forson, Albert 13 June 2013 (has links)
The anisotropy of the Biscayne Aquifer which serves as the source of potable water for Miami-Dade County was investigated by applying geophysical methods. Electrical resistivity imaging, self potential and ground penetration radar techniques were employed in both regional and site specific studies. In the regional study, electrical anisotropy and resistivity variation with depth were investigated with azimuthal square array measurements at 13 sites. The observed coefficient of electrical anisotropy ranged from 1.01 to 1.36. The general direction of measured anisotropy is uniform for most sites and trends W-E or SE-NW irrespective of depth. Measured electrical properties were used to estimate anisotropic component of the secondary porosity and hydraulic anisotropy which ranged from 1 to 11% and 1.18 to 2.83 respectively. 1-D sounding analysis was used to models the variation of formation resistivity with depth. Resistivities decreased from NW (close to the margins of the everglades) to SE on the shores of Biscayne Bay. Porosity calculated from Archie's law, ranged from 18 to 61% with higher values found along the ridge. Higher anisotropy, porosities and hydraulic conductivities were on the Atlantic Coastal Ridge and lower values at low lying areas west of the ridge. The cause of higher anisotropy and porosity is attributed to higher dissolution rates of the oolitic facies of the Miami Formation composing the ridge. The direction of minimum resistivity from this study is similar to the predevelopment groundwater flow direction indicated in published modeling studies. Detailed investigations were carried out to evaluate higher anisotropy at West Perrine Park located on the ridge and Snapper Creek Municipal well field where the anisotropy trend changes with depth. The higher anisotropy is attributed to the presence of solution cavities oriented in the E-SE direction on the ridge. Similarly, the change in hydraulic anisotropy at the well field might be related to solution cavities, the surface canal and groundwater extraction wells.
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Salthaltigt grundvatten i Rådaås grundvattentäkt : en studie av förekomst, ursprung och hur brunnsdrift påverkar halten i uttagsvattnet / Saline groundwater in the Rådaås aquifer : a study of occurrence, origin and the effect of pumping well operation on the salinity of the raw waterSigurdsson, Erica January 2022 (has links)
Lidköpings kommun i Västra Götalands län tar ut en del av sitt råvatten till dricksvattenproduktion från grundvattenmagasinet Rådaås. Det görs genom tre olika uttagsbrunnar (Brunn 1, Brunn 2 och Brunn 3) som körs en i taget. På senare tid har kommunen börjat misstänka att salthalterna i uttagsvattnet ökar, och det finns ett intresse för att förstå vad problemet beror på och vad som kan göras åt saken. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka förekomst och ursprung hos saltvattnet i magasinet och att undersöka hur brunnsdrift i samband med grundvattennivåer påverkar halten i uttagsvattnet. Eftersom det sedan tidigare finns misstankar om att det rör sig om relikt saltvatten utgör det en hypotes för detta arbete. Relikt saltvatten är salt grundvatten som avsatts under en tid då området varit täckt av salt hav, till exempel delar av Sverige under Östersjöns utveckling sedan den senaste istiden. För att undersöka förekomst av saltvatten i magasinet funktionstestades och provtogs samtliga tillgängliga grundvattenrör för kloridhalt. Resultatet visar att kloridhalten ökar med grundvattenrörens djup och att de högsta salthalterna finns i en djuphåla eller ränna i berggrunden strax under Brunn 1 och 2. För att undersöka ursprunget hos det salta grundvattnet provtogs några av grundvattenrören och samtliga uttagsbrunnar för jodid. Med hjälp av jodid-/kloridkvoten kunde det fastställas att saltvattnet är av relikt ursprung. För att undersöka hur brunnsdrift påverkar salthalten i uttagsvattnet togs start- och slutprover på kloridhalt i början och slutet på varje driftsperiod och brunn under tre månader. Mönstret i kloridhalt jämfördes med grundvattennivåer. Resultatet visar att kloridhalterna i uttagsvattnet ökar under driftsperioden för samtliga brunnar, men återhämtar sig då brunnen är vilande. Generellt är salthalten högst för Brunn 2 och lägst för Brunn 3. Det kan bero på att Brunn 2 ligger sist av de tre brunnarna i grundvattnets strömningsriktning medan Brunn 3 ligger först samt längst bort från rännan i berggrunden. Resultatet från detta arbete visar också på att grundvattenuttaget ur Rådaåsmagasinet sedan 1990-talet har orsakat en höjning av salthalterna i råvattnet. Rekommendationer som ges till Lidköpings kommun för att minska eller bibehålla nuvarande salthalt är att installera kontinuerlig övervakning av konduktivitet i uttagsbrunnarna och av grundvattennivå i de två rör som ligger brunnarna närmast. Detta för att i realtid kunna följa hur uttagssätt och grundvattennivå påverkar salthalten. En idé är också att strategiskt placera ut en eller flera nya uttagsbrunnar och på så sätt undvika saltansamlingar i djupa jordlager. / Lidköping municipality in Västra Götaland county, Sweden, extracts some of its raw water for drinking water production from Rådaås aquifer. It is done by using three different pumping wells (Well 1, Well 2 and Well 3) which are run one at a time in a cyclic manner. Recently, the municipality personnel have started to suspect that the salinity of the raw water is increasing. They are therefore interested in understanding the cause of the problem and what could be done to mitigate it. The purpose of this study is to investigate the occurrence and origin of saline groundwater in the Rådaås aquifer and to determine how operation of the pumping wells along with groundwater levels affect the salinity in the raw water. Since there is already a suspicion of the saline water being relict salt water, that is a hypothesis for this study. Relict salt water is saline groundwater deposited during times when an area was covered by marine water, for example some areas of Sweden during the development of the Baltic Sea since the latest ice age. To investigate the occurrence of saline groundwater in the aquifer, all available piezometers were tested for functionality and sampled to analyse chloride concentration. The results show that the chloride concentration increases with the depth of the piezometer and that the highest concentrations are found in a depression or furrow in the bedrock just below Well 1 and 2. To investigate the origin of the saline groundwater, some of the piezometers and all pumping wells were tested for iodide. Using the iodide/chloride ratio, it was concluded that the salt water is relict. To investigate how operation of the pumping wells affect the salinity of the raw water, samples of chloride concentration were extracted in the beginning and in the end of each pumping period and well during three months. The resulting pattern of chloride concentration was compared to groundwater levels. The results show that the chloride concentrations in the raw water increase during the pumping periods for all wells, but recover when the well is resting. In general, Well 2 shows the highest salinity and Well 3 shows the lowest. The reason may be that of the three, Well 2 is located last in the groundwater flow direction, while Well 3 is located first and is also furthest away from the furrow in the bedrock. The results of this study also show that groundwater withdrawal from Rådaås aquifer since the 1990’s has caused an increase of salinity in the raw water. Recommendations given to Lidköping municipality to reduce or maintain the salinity of the raw water are to install continuous surveillance of conductivity in the pumping wells and of groundwater levels in the two most adjacent piezometers. This is to enable live monitoring of how operating the pumping wells along with groundwater levels affect the salinity. Another idea is to strategically place one or more new pumping wells to insure that they avoid deep layers of soil where salt water is accumulated.
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Apport de la stratigraphie séquentielle à la gestion et à la modélisation des ressources en eau des aquifères côtiersAunay, Bertrand 01 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Lieu de développement économique et démographique intense, les zones littorales font l'objet de pressions importantes sur l'environnement et, en particulier, sur les ressources en eau. Bien que la gestion des eaux souterraines côtières bénéficie de nombreux résultats issus de la recherche scientifique, une des problématiques majeures reste la connaissance de la géométrie des aquifères. Des interprétations géologiques de la genèse du bassin Plio-Quaternaire du Roussillon, issues de la stratigraphie séquentielle, sont confrontées, par l'intermédiaire d'une base données, à l'hydrogéologie de cet hydrosystème complexe localisé sur la partie littorale des Pyrénées-Orientales. L'étude statistique des points de prélèvement (distribution des crépines, productivité des forages...), l'analyse fonctionnelle (traitement du signal des chroniques piézométriques), l'hydrochimie et la géophysique électrique ont été utilisées afin d'élaborer un modèle conceptuel hydrogéologique des écoulements à l'échelle du bassin et de son prolongement vers le domaine offshore. La présence de la mer, de zones à salinité résiduelle et de cours d'eaux littoraux contribue à augmenter la salinité d'un aquifère libre supérieur (Quaternaire) sus-jacent aux différents aquifères captifs (Pliocène) exploités pour l'eau potable dans la zone littorale. La vulnérabilité face aux intrusions salines de cette ressource de bonne qualité, tant sur le point de vue quantitatif que qualitatif est appréhendée par modélisation. Dans le domaine offshore, le rôle protecteur des formations géologiques à faible et moyenne perméabilité est mis en évidence vis-à-vis de la préservation de la qualité de l'eau potable.
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Itämeren rehevöitymisen uudistettu diagnoosi ja paradigmaLappalainen, K. M. (K. Matti) 01 June 2018 (has links)
The eutrophication of the Baltic Sea continues despite decrease of the external phosphorus load by as much as 80% of the target confirmed by HELCOM. The aim of this thesis is to investigate this paradox, critically evaluate previous explanations for the persistent eutrophication, and to introduce a new diagnosis and paradigm for the causes and processes behind eutrophication of the Baltic Sea.
According to the current consensus, anthropogenic nutrient loading is nearly the sole cause of eutrophication and regular cyanobacterial blooms. However, this study shows that the areal phosphorus loading rate, when modeled properly, is surprisingly low, and unlikely to be the primary cause of eutrophication. Instead, the frequency of the salt water pulses has decreased dramatically during the past 40 years. This is the root cause of eutrophication, via the hyper-vicious cycle of the hypoxic and finally anoxic conditions of the deeps causing internal phosphorus loading, denitrification, and nitrogen and carbon fixation. Furthermore, this work confirms that nitrogen fixation increases in low nitrogen conditions, further increasing eutrophication and cyanobacterial blooms. Thus, the most effective way to break the cycle of eutrophication is to improve the oxygen conditions of the deeps, which really is impossible to achieve by decreasing external loading alone.
A key result of this work is that natural processes, rather than human activity, plays a decisive role in the eutrophication process – a perspective that typically faces substantial resistance. This thesis discusses how sociological and political views have affected the scientific community and its pursuit to model the mechanisms of eutrophication of the Baltic Sea.
In conclusion, this study leads to important novel insights by providing new models for calculating the external and internal phosphorus loads of the Baltic Sea, with results highlighting the importance of natural processes of internal loading from the anoxic deeps. Altogether, this thesis introduces a new a paradigm for eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. / Tiivistelmä
Itämeri rehevöityy edelleen, vaikka fosforikuormitusta on vähennetty 80 % tavoitellusta. On siis syytä tutkia miksi Itämeren tila ei ole parantunut.
Syntyneen ristiriidan ratkaisemiseksi tarkoituksena on etsiä aiemmista tulkinnoista ristiriitoja, korjata ne ja uudistaa tietopohja uudeksi ja toimivammaksi paradigmaksi. Virhetulkintojen tunnistamiseen sovelletaan Popperin falsifikaatiomenettelyn periaatteita.
Konsensuksen mukaan ihmisperäinen kuormitus on lähes yksinomainen syy (sinilevä)rehevyyteen. Kuitenkin Vollenweiderin mallin mukaan tehty, hydrologialla painotettu fosforin pintakuormitus on ollut 1970 - 1980-luvuilla vain lievää rehevyyttä edellyttävällä tasolla. Ulkoinen kuormitus ei siten voi olla suurin rehevyyden aiheuttaja.
Sinilevärehevyyttä ylläpitävänä päätekijänä on syvävesiin happea tuovien suolavesipulssien toistuvuuden romahtaminen. Siitä syntyneet syvävesien ja -pohjien hapettomuudet aiheuttavat Gotlanninmeressä sekä sisäistä kuormitusta että lisärehevöittävää typen- ja hiilensidontaa. Yhdessä näitä prosesseja nimitetään nyt supernoidankehäksi.
• Ihmistieteelliset ja ympäristöpoliittiset näkemykset vaikuttavat luonnontieteellisiin tulkintoihin luultua enemmän.
• Suolavesipulssien harventuminen on hapettomuus- ja rehevyyskierteen perussyy.
• Syvänteiden hapettomuus on kaikkialle negatiivisesti säteilevä keskeistekijä.
• Itämeren supernoidankehä on purettava saattamalla syvänteet hapellisiksi.
• Hapellisuutta ei voida saada aikaan ulkoisen kuormituksen vähentämisellä.
• Jäljelle jäävät siten teknologiset keinot, joista toteutuskelvollisimmalta näyttää Itämeren hapellisimman ja kylmimmän veden pumppaus 30 metrin syvyydestä syvänteisiin, mikä tehostaa myös pulssivesien virtausta syvänteiden pohjalle.
Tämä väitöskirja sisältää viisi vallitsevasta paradigmasta poikkeavaa tulosta:
1. Itämerelle on kehitetty rehevyyden uusi diagnoosi ja paradigma,
2. Luonto dominoi Itämeren tilaa, ei ihminen,
3. Typensidonnalla on lisärehevöittävä mekanismi,
4. Itämerelle on kehitetty uusi fosforin sisäkuormituksen laskentamenetelmä,
5. Virtuaalisen fosforikuormituksen laskenta.
Ilman Gotlanninmeren syvänteiden hapellisuutta Itämeri on tuomittu pysymään rehevyyden supernoidankehässä, ’kaksinkertaisessa takalukossa’.
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Groundwater chemistry and hydrological processes within a Quaternary coastal plain: Pimpama, Southeast QueenslandHarbison, John Edwin January 2007 (has links)
The Pimpama estuarine plain in subtropical southeast Queensland is comprised of Quaternary sediments infilling older bedrock. These multilayered unconsolidated sediments have various depositional origins, and are highly heterogeneous. The plain is low-lying and the surface drainage is controlled by flood mitigation measures including tidal gates and channelised streams. The control of surface drainage potentially affects the shallow water table. This modification of hydrology has implications for future viability of agriculture and also the environmental health of waterways. Increased landscape modification and water management is likely in the coming years. The combination of sediment heterogeneity, low hydraulic gradients, and artificial drainage modification result in the plain being hydrogeologically complex. In order to understand hydrologic processes in this setting, a multi-disciplinary research programme was conducted which included a drilling program, overland electromagnetic induction and other geophysical surveys (downhole gamma log, electromagnetic induction and magnetic susceptibility) to initially establish the geologic framework. These surveys were followed by hydrogeochemical testing which includes for major and minor ions and also stable isotopes, and mineralogical analysis of drillhole material. Underlying basement rock occurs at up to 60 m depth. Unconsolidated gravel and sand deposits occur within incised paleo-valleys and are overlain by predominantly low-permeability fluvial sandy clays and estuarine and lagoonal muds. Fine-grained delta sands occur in the top 15 m of the sub-surface. Within the unconsolidated sediments, hydrodynamic trends clearly discriminated between upper unconfined and lower semi-confined aquifer systems. A comparison of surface water and shallow groundwater levels indicate limited interaction of groundwater and surface water. Hydrogeochemical analysis effectively distinguished between groundwater bodies, and also distinguished saline groundwater from seawater. Trends in major ion chemistry in the semi-confined system (particularly Na/Cl and Ca/Cl ratios) showed ion exchange accompanying saline intrusion. However, due to factors such as mineral dissolution, major ion chemistry does not clearly identify solute flux trends in the shallow aquifer system. Water stable isotope analysis (δ18O and δ2H) indicated the provenance of fresh and saline groundwater and also the relative importance of the principal hydrologic processes, i.e. evaporation and water uptake by plants. Groundwater exhibited a wide range in salinity, from very fresh to hypersaline. The formation of hypersaline groundwater was attributed largely to uptake of water by mangrove forests. Since mangrove forests were more extensive at the time of the Holocene maximum sea level (approximately 6,000 years ago) than at present, some of this groundwater may represent relict salinity from this earlier time. The relationship of relict salinity to low permeability sediments, particularly at intermediate depths, and their depositional history was examined. Vertical salinity gradients and hydrogeochemistry within these sediments varied according to position within the plain, suggesting deposition under various hydrological and sea level regimes. A preliminary investigation using analysis of stable sulfate isotopes (δ34S and δ18OSO4) was made. This study shows substantial potential for the application of this technique for quantification of solute flux and sulfur chemical transformations within settings such as this coastal plain. To establish shallow groundwater flow processes, a MODFLOW-based numerical model was used to inversely estimate aquifer parameters under various recharge scenarios. The model was designed to examine the relative importance of evapotranspiration and discharge to surface waters. However, largely due to the complexity of the drainage network and non-uniform surface water flows, the quantification of surface water- groundwater interaction by consideration of hydrodynamics is problematic. Therefore, the chemistry of groundwater and surface water was compared. While the estimated contribution of rainfall to groundwater level fluctuations was significant (46%), high evapotranspiration rates reduced net recharge and it was concluded that baseflow to drains and creeks during dry periods was insignificant, and groundwater velocities in the shallow aquifer are low. The study illustrates the value of both hydrodynamic and hydrogeochemical analyses in estuarine settings where relict salinity and groundwater-aquifer interactions impact significantly on water quality. Saline groundwater is chemically distinct from theoretical mixtures of seawater and freshwater. The study also demonstrates the value of particular chemical parameters, e.g. Na/Cl and SO4/Cl ratios and stable water isotopes, for identifying hydrologic processes in this setting.
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