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Asmens vertingumo įsisąmoninimas ir aktualizacija / Awareness and Actualisation of a Person’s ValueSapožnikova, Alina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo rezultatai.
Darbo eigoje išryškėjo, jog asmens vertingumą lemia ne tik jo vertybinė orientacija, bet gebėjimas įžvelgti savyje, kartu ir kitame žmoguje, asmenį, ne tik suvokti, bet aktyviai, atsakingai kurti save ir plėtoti tarpusavio santykius. Reikia teigti ne vien objektyvią tiesą, pagal fiziologinius, instrumentinius ar kitus matus, bet pastebėti žmogiškosios prigimties aktualizacijos prasmę bei jos vystymosi galimybes atskirose asmenyse, pastebėti dabar integralaus „Aš” ir „Tu” esatį bei ją suvokus brandinti. Asmens vertingumą apibūdina ne jo geri įpročiai, bet sąmoningi ir aktualūs veiksmai skirti asmeniui. Prasmingiau būtų kalbėti apie įgūdžius. Taip pat asmens vertingumą labiau apibūdina ne patys veiksmai, bet jų darymo vidinė motyvacija, grįsta savęs bei kito įvertinimu. Taigi tikslinant hipotezę, galima suformuluoti tezę:
Asmens vertingumas yra asmens savikūra remiantis žmogiškosios prigimties duotybe, vykdoma sąmoningai, sąveikaujant su kitais asmenimis bei nukreipta į asmenį.
Ši tezė suformuluota analizuojant E. S. Brightman‘o, M. Buber��io, E. Mounier ir J. Lacroix poziciją asmens atžvilgiu. Jos pagrindu tirti psichologiniai bei sociologiniai asmens vertingumo įsisąmoninimo ir aktualizacijos ypatumai. Apžvelgiant A.H. Maslow’o, C. R. Rogers’o, G. W. Allport’o, E. Fromm’o, V. E. Frankl’io požiūrį į asmenį (saviaktualizaciją, besąlygišką pagarbą, propriumą, moralinį aspektą, prasmę), išryškintos esminės asmens struktūros –... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The study is based on the personalistic point of view and the evaluation of a person. The theme of self-developing, conscious actualisation of man’s value without loss of human nature is a matter of great relevance of modern-day problems, such as lack of opportunity and ability to live humanly, loneliness, every kind of national, cultural conflict, war etc.
In this work the essence and features of a person’s value, and the sense of the process of this consciousness and actualisation are analysed. In this study God’s presence is not denied, but the religious question is not touched.
To reach the aim, the work starts with the foundation of the theme on philosophical arguments. E. S. Brightman’s, M. Buber’s, E. Mounier’s, J. Lacroix’s explanations of the person are investigated and a thesis is formulated: The value of person is his self - creation based on human nature, pursued consciously, in relationship with others and always oriented towards the person.
Secondly, the evaluation of psychological humanistic approach to the person was analysed. Emphasis was placed upon the individual continuous effort of attention to a person, moral relationship, connection of understanding, memory, fantasy with a man’s value, exact action and at the same time unlimited love and maturity. Self- esteem is grounded on objective evaluation of person and his actualisation together with others.
The third part is dedicated to discussion about social issues (political... [to full text]
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Asmens tapatumo samprata šiuolaikinėje filosofinėje antropologijoje / The conception of personal identity in modern philosophical anthropologyVrublevskytė, Simona 13 August 2012 (has links)
Šiame darbe remiamasi hipoteze, kad modernioji epocha privedė visuomenę prie tapatybės krizės. Žmogus nuolatos stengiasi suvokti, pažinti ir apibrėžti save tam, kad atsakytų į klausimą „kas aš esu?“.
XX amžiaus moralės filosofijoje susiformavo kryptis, kuri ima interpretuoti žmogų kaip istorijas pasakojantį gyvūną. Ši tradicija vadinama naratyvistine. Joje išsiskiria dvi srovės. Viena jų asmenybės tapatumo modelyje akcentuoja savęs interpretavimą, kita – savęs sukūrimą. Pirmosios krypties siūlomas naratyviosios asmenybės tapatumo modelis įvardijamas hermeneutiniu; tokį modelį kuria Alasdairas MacIntyre‘as, Charlesas Tayloras, ir Paulis Ricoeure‘as. Antrosios krypties modelis – neonyčinis; jo atstovai – Alexanderis Nehamas ir Richardas Rorty.
Fenomenologinė filosofija taip pat susiduria su asmens tapatumu. M. Merelau-Ponty kūno fenomenologija teigia kūną esant save suprantančiu objektu, kuris per savo buvimo patyrimą išgyvena savo tapatybę. Alphonso Lingis aiškinasi‚ kaip suprasti veiksmą kaip būtent mano, tokį, kuriame atrandu savo asmeninio tapatumo prasmę. Jis aptaria daug tapatumo variantų ir sąlygų.
Darbo tikslas yra ištyrinėti, kaip šiuolaikinėje filosofinėje antropologijoje keliama ir nagrinėjama žmogaus tapatybės problema, t. y. kaip žmogus aptinka ir supranta save kaip esantį šiame pasaulyje, kaip pajaučia savo egzistenciją. Šiame darbe bus siekiama atskleisti, kaip tapatybės problema pasirodo hermeneutinėje Paulio Ricoeure‘o, Charleso Tayloro ir A. MacIntyre‘o... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This final paper is based on the hypothesis, what a modern epoch provoked chrisis of personl identity. Person is constantly attempting to realize, recognize and define itself, because he wants to get answer the question “who am I?”
In the XX century formed a trend, which began interpretate person like an animal, which tells stories. This trend is known as narrative. It splits into two modus. First emphasizes in personal identity self interpretation, second- self creation. First modus suggests narrative self identity model, which is called hermeneutica. Such model compose Alasdair MacIntyre, Charles Taylor, and Paul Ricoeur. Second modus is neonietzschean and its members are Alexander Nehamas and Richard Rorty.
Phenomenological philosophy also deals with personal identity. Maurice Merleau-Ponty established body phenomenology. It affirms, what human body is a self conscious subject, what experience his own identity through his being. Other phenomenological philosopher, Alphonso Lingis, tries to explain how to understand action like namely my own, in which I found meaning of my personal identity. He discuss many variants and conditions of identity.
Work’s aim. The aim of this final paper is to investigate how the problem of personal identity is accepted and researched in the modern philosophical anthropology and also to investigate how the person understand itself like a being in this world and how he feels his own egzistence. In this paper will be reaching to unfold how... [to full text]
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Naratyvioji asmenybės tapatybė: Alexanderis Nehamas, Richardas Rorty / The narrative identity: Alexander Nehamas, Richard RortyPometko, Agnė 23 May 2005 (has links)
The narrative identity: Alexander Nehamas, Richard Rorty
This work analyzes the problem of narrative identity developed in the works of Nehamas and Rorty. These two American philosophers work in the same – postnietzschean – paradigm. Both of them claim that the identity is not simply given to a person; rather, it is something one has to achieve if he/she wants to have one. A means both philosophers offer to such an achievement is to narrate a story about one’s person, one’s style of life and thus to create ones identity. Nehamas and Rorty assert that while creating identity one has to obey to some rules. However, the rules the philosophers announce are somewhat different. As to Nehamas, he claims that the project of the self-creation ought to be coherent and distinctive. These two criteria are to be achieved, otherwise the self-creation will fail. In addition, this project has to be accomplished in writing. Nehamas demonstrates how these criteria distinctiveness and coherence – are achieved in the writings of certain philosophers. These philosophers are Socrates, Plato, Montaigne, Nietzsche, Foucault and ultimately Nehamas himself. Nehamas suggests that all these philosophers belong to the tradition of the art of living and that all of them are primarily concerned with the projects of self-creation and self-perfection. As to Rorty, he asserts that the creator of oneself has to fulfil one major requirement. Like Nehamas, Rorty claims that the aim of self-creator, whom he... [to full text]
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