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Poupança externa e crescimento : uma analise sobre a experiencia brasileira entre 1955 e 2004 / External savings and growing : an analyze of Brazilian experience during 1955 and 2004Silva, Alexandre Xavier da 14 December 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Pedro Macarini / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Economia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T09:31:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Este trabalho investiga a performance do PIB brasileiro durante os últimos cinqüenta anos. Sua hipótese-central repousa na suposição de que o crescimento econômico nas economias periféricas é dependente da contribuição de ajuda financeira internacional para se dar. Em outras palavras, aqui se adota a suposição de que o crescimento econômico brasileiro gera a expansão na demanda por importações numa taxa que não pode ser sustentada pelas exportações. Isso exige a ajuda externa para que elas não sejam limitadas. Caso a limitação tenha lugar, o crescimento econômico potencial não se realizará. Este trabalho discute a teoria que suporta esta abordagem de interpretação sobre o crescimento econômico e fornece uma análise empírica da experiência econômica brasileira entre 1956 e 2004. Além disso, serão apontadas algumas insuficiências da teoria na explicação da dinâmica da economia brasileira, especialmente depois das reformas dos anos noventa. O que se busca é entender o desempenho da economia brasileira como também a eficiência da teoria como instrumento de análise / Abstract: This research investigated the Brazilian GDP performance during the last fifty years. Its central hypothesis relies on the assumption that the economic growth in peripherals economies is dependent of the international financial contribution to take place. In other words, here we adopt the assumption that the Brazilian economic growth generates demands for importation in a ratio that cannot be supported by exports, what request external financial help to avoid restrictions. If these restrictions take place, the potential economic growth will be frustrated. This work discusses the theory that supports this analytical approach of economic growth and provides an empirical study of Brazilian economic experience between 1956 and 2004. In addition, we point out some insufficiencies of this approach in explaining appropriately the Brazilian economic dynamic, especially after the nineties years¿ reforms. The purposes of this research are analyze the Brazilian economy performance and also the efficiency of this theory as analytical tool / Mestrado / Economia Brasileira / Mestre em Ciências Econômicas
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Desenvolvimento do processo de biopolpação de eucalipto em escala piloto para produção de polpas termomecânicas e quimiotermomecânicas / Development of the eucaliptus biopulping process in a pilot scale to produce thermomechanical and chemithermomechanical pulpsPaulo César Pavan 11 August 2008 (has links)
Na escala evolutiva dos processos de polpação de alto rendimento (PAR), a mais recente promessa é a biopolpação, ou seja, o pré-tratamento microbiológico do cavaco de madeira utilizado na polpação. Esse pré-tratamento tem o potencial de reduzir o consumo de energia necessária ao refino em até 38%, e ainda, ou consequentemente, melhorar importantes propriedades mecânicas deficientes nas PAR, como rasgo, estouro, e tração. Enorme atenção foi dispensada ao assunto nos últimos 20 anos com importantes avanços na compreensão dos mecanismos envolvidos, e ainda, com a condução de testes em escala piloto (50 ton de cavacos) por inoculação direta do fungo. Entretanto, esses testes foram conduzidos e se mostraram eficazes num clima temperado, com madeira típica da América do Norte. O presente trabalho detalha o desenvolvimento, implantação e operação de uma planta piloto para biotratamento de cavacos (inoculação e incubação) de Eucalyptus grandis, usados num processo de escala industrial de polpação termimecânica (TMP) e quimiotermomecânico (CTMP). Também estão detalhados nessa tese os esforços para se alcançar a eficácia desejada desse biotratamento. Vários testes em diferentes escalas - incluindo 40-50 ton - foram conduzidos em diferentes épocas do ano, sob as condições normalmente encontradas nos pátios de cavacos da indústria de celulose. Diferentes fungos (Ceriporiopsis subvermispora e Phanerochaete chrysosporium) e sistemas de inoculação (inoculação por aspersão e inoculação por semente) foram testados, e o escalonamento de um processo anteriormente factível apenas em nível laboratorial foi desenvolvido. Os resultados mostram que os sistemas de inoculação de C. subvermispora por aspersão com micélio suspenso em água e um auxiliar de crescimento foram sujeitos à contaminação dos cultivos por bolores primários, de ocorrência natural no ambiente de pátios de cavacos de indústrias de celulose. Por outro lado, o sistema de inoculação com cavacos pré-cultivados (inoculação por semente) mostrou-se eficaz na escala piloto, pois não esteve sujeito a ocorrência de contaminantes durante a incubação dos cavacos. Esse sistema de inoculação gerou resultados condizentes com a literatura em termos de economia de energia de refino que foram de 18% e 27% nos processos TMP e CTMP, respectivamente. No caso da inoculação por aspersão com P. chrysosporium, os cultivos não apresentaram contaminação por bolores primários, provavelmente devido à temperatura de incubação que nesse caso foi de 38 oC. Nesse experimento foi possível reduzir o consumo de energia em 18,5% no processo CTMP. Uma avaliação da viabilidade financeira do processo é apresentada e simulações de benefícios econômicos foram feitas para diferentes cenários de custo de energia elétrica e níveis de redução no consumo de energia. As simulações mostraram que benefícios econômicos da ordem de R$10/ton de polpa produzida podem ser obtidos para uma redução no consumo de energia da ordem de 20% advinda do biotratamento. Embora esperados, ganhos de propriedades mecânicas das biopolpas quando comparadas às polpas convencionais não foram observados, fato que limitou a extensão da análise econômica de considerar um processo integrado com máquina de papel na substituição de polpa kraft por polpas bio-CTMP ou bio-TMP. / In the evolution of the high yield pulping processes (HYP) biopulping have been considered the latest promise. Biopulping, defined as the microbiological pretreatment of wood chips prior to the pulping process, have the potential to reduce the refining energy consumption in 38%. Besides this benefit, or consequently, it can also enhance important mechanical properties usually poor in HYP pulps like tear, burst and tensile strength. Considerable efforts have been deposited in this issue during the last 20 years with important advances on understanding the involved mechanisms. Between these efforts trials were conducted in a pilot scale (50 ton of wood chips) by the direct spraying of the fungus. However such successful tests were conducted in a region of temperate climate, with a wood typically found in North America. The present work details the development, installation and operation of a pilot plant to biotreat (inoculation and incubation) Eucalyptus grandis wood chips used in an industrial thermomechanical (TMP) and chemithermomechanical (CTMP) mill. The efforts spent to reach the desired efficacy of this biotreatment are also presented. Several trials with different scales - including 40-50 ton trials - were conducted in different seasons, under the conditions normally found in woodyards of a tropical pulp mill. Different fungi (Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phanerochaete chrysosporium) and different inoculation systems (by direct spraying and by seed introduction) were tested, and one of them developed at the first time in this pilot scale. The results show that when C. subvermispora was used with the direct spraying systems of the mycelium suspended in water with corn steep liquor the pile was strongly contaminated by primary molds of natural occurrence at an industrial woodyard tropical environment. On the other hand, the inoculation using pre-cultivated wood chips (seed system) was successfully conducted in pilot scale since it does not showed expressive contamination during the incubation period. The refining of the wood chips prepared by seed inoculation resulted in energy savings of 18% and 27% for the TMP and CTMP processes, respectively. By using the P. chrysosporium the pile was not contaminated by primary molds either, probably due to the higher incubation temperature, around 38 oC. The CTMP processing of the wood chips incubated in this experiment refining energy saving of 18.5% was observed. An economic evaluation of the biopulping process is presented and saving of R$10/ton was simulated for a 20% reduction in refining energy saving. The enhancement of the mechanical properties of the biopulp compared to the reference was not observed, regardless being expected. This fact limited the extension of the economical simulation, since the replacement of kraft pulp by bio-TMP or bio-CTMP is usually considered in an integrated paper mill.
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[pt] O debate em torno da relação entre câmbio real e
crescimento, apesar de antigo no meio acadêmico, se
fortaleceu com as experiências de alguns países asiáticos
de rápido crescimento econômico e manutenção da taxa de
câmbio real em níveis muito baixos. Estudos recentes
documentam que desvalorizações cambiais até certo nível
podem ter efeito positivo sobre o crescimento, enquanto
que sobrevalorizações são sempre negativas. O objetivo
desta dissertação é mostrar que existe uma relação direta
entre poupança doméstica e câmbio real, e entre poupança e
crescimento, de forma que os resultados mencionados acima
falham ao não levar em consideração a dinâmica conjunta
destas três variáveis. Para isso, mostramos, primeiramente,
evidência teórica de que países com maiores taxas de
poupança, ao mesmo tempo em que apresentam câmbio real
mais desvalorizado, também são aqueles que apresentam
maiores taxas de crescimento da produtividade.
Adicionalmente, realizamos uma análise empírica para 80
países durante o período de 1970 a 2004, onde calculamos o
câmbio de equilíbrio incluindo a taxa de poupança como um
de seus fundamentos, e em seguida, estimamos a correlação
dos desvios do câmbio com relação ao nível de equilíbrio
(calculado na etapa anterior) com o crescimento. A análise
das regressões mostra que os desvios cambiais, ao levarem
em consideração o efeito da poupança sobre o câmbio de
equilíbrio, não parecem ser correlacionados com o
crescimento econômico. Ao passo que, políticas de estímulo
à poupança doméstica, ao mesmo tempo em que influenciam o
câmbio de equilíbrio, também parecem promover maior
crescimento econômico. / [en] The debate about the relation between real exchange rates
and economic growth, even though old in the academics
circle, grew strongly with the Asian experience of fast
economic growth and the maintenance of low levels of real
exchange rates. Recently, studies have shown that
undervaluation of the real exchange rate until some level
could have positive impact on growth, while overvaluations
are thought to (always) have negative relation with economic
performance. We will argue in this work that these results
fail to take into consideration the dynamics of a third
variable: the country`s savings rate. First we show
theoretical evidence that countries with higher savings
rate will have a more devalued real exchange rate and at
the same time, will show higher productivity growth rates.
Secondly, we present an empirical analysis of 80 countries
during the period from 1970 to 2004, were we calculate the
equilibrium real exchange rate including the savings rate
as one of its fundamentals, and after that, we estimate the
relation between the real exchange rate deviation from its
equilibrium level and economic growth. The regression
analysis shows us that the real exchange rate misalignment
is not correlated at all with a country`s economic
performance. We conclude that policies that stimulate
the savings decision are much more important for growth
than the deviations of the exchange rate that does not
reflect the economy`s fundamentals.
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Valorisation des sols urbains faiblement polluées dans les travaux de terrassement : le devenir des polluants dans les sols traités compactés / The recycling of low-contaminated urbain soils in earthworks : the behavior of pollutants in the treated and compacted soilBellagh, Katia 25 September 2017 (has links)
Dans le cadre général de la préservation des ressources naturelles, cette thèse vise la valorisation des sols urbains excavés lors des opérations de terrassements. Compte tenu de leur forte hétérogénéité et de leur histoire perturbée, les sols urbains restent assez mal caractérisés du point de vue géotechnique et environnemental. De plus leurs spécificités ne permettent pas en général d’appliquer les guides réglementaires actuellement disponibles qui ont pour objet l’encadrement de la réutilisation de matériaux dans les domaines du génie civil. La première partie du travail de thèse a consisté en une caractérisation géotechnique, chimique et minéralogiques de deux sols urbains excavés à plus d’un mètre de profondeur en région parisienne dans une zone industrielle (à Boulogne Billancourt) et dans une zone proche du périphérique parisien (à Ivry-sur-Seine). Cette étape a permis de mettre en évidence certaines caractéristiques communes : des classifications géotechniques proches (C1B5/C1A1 selon le GTR), une teneur remarquable en carbone organique, des quantités non négligeables (en contenu total) d’éléments trace métalliques et de sulfates, et enfin une composition complexe avec une composante naturelle et anthropique mise en évidence par un essai de tri importé du domaine des granulats. Cette dernière composante comprend des briques, du gypse (porteur principal du soufre et du strontium), des éléments à base de béton ainsi que des scories (magnétiques et non magnétiques), principales phases porteuses des phases métalliques et carbonées respectivement. A l’aide d’une approche en régression linéaire, la répartition des artefacts anthropiques a été évaluée dans les différents compartiments granulométriques du sol, ce qui permet d’appréhender les processus de dégradation naturels des sols urbains (fragmentation des phases accompagnée d’un transfert de polluants).Selon la réglementation environnementale basée sur des essais de lixiviation, les polluants métalliques ne montrent pas une mobilité (lixiviation) critique. Néanmoins ces sols ne sont pas considérés comme des déchets inertes du fait de leur teneur élevé en contenu total en carbone organique et d’un relargage trop élevés en sulfates (principal polluant du sol), en fluorure et en antimoine. Les performances mécaniques requises pour un usage routier après un traitement avec 5% de ciment ainsi que l’aptitude au traitement avec un traitement à 1% de chaux pour un usage en remblai ont été validées, et ce en dépit de la présence des polluants perturbateurs (notamment les sulfates). Les propriétés de perméabilité des sols urbains compactés (à l’OPN ou l’OPM) avec ou sans traitement ont permis d’étudier le transfert des polluants dans des conditions proches de celles in situ. Si le traitement à la chaux semble augmenter la perméabilité, le traitement au ciment semble fortement la diminuer sur certaines éprouvettes (absence d’écoulement sous 5 kPa de charge hydraulique). Les traitements pourraient également avoir un effet sur le relargage de certains polluants si on se base sur les résultats de test de lixiviation à pH 12 avec tantôt un effet inhibiteur (pour Ba, Sb, Mo Ni voire As), tantôt un effet activateur (pour Cu ou V voire As). Enfin, un essai d’immersion sur monolithe qui met en avant la diffusion des polluants plutôt que leur percolation sous l’effet d’une charge hydraulique complète le panel des expériences pour observer le transfert des polluants / This work fits in the protection of natural resources. It aims the valorization urban soils excavated during earthworks. Given their high degree of heterogeneity and disturbed history, urban soils remain poorly characterized from a geotechnical and environmental point of view. In addition, their specificities generally do not allow the application of currently available regulatory guides, the purpose of which is to supervise the reuse of materials in the fields of civil engineering. The first part of this work consisted of a geotechnical, chemical and mineralogical characterization of two urban soils. These soils were excavated more than one meter deep in the Paris region in an industrial area (in Boulogne Billancourt) and in an area near the Paris peripheral road (in Ivry-sur-Seine). This step made it possible to show some common characteristics: close geotechnical, gypsum (main support of sulfur and strontium), elements based on concrete and slags (magnetic and non-magnetic), important phases falling respectively to classifications (C1B5 / C1A1 according to the RTM), a remarkable content of organic carbon, significant amounts (in total content) of metallic trace elements and sulphates, and finally a complex composition with a natural and anthropogenic component evidenced by a test of sorting imported from the field of aggregates. This latter component comprises bricks, gypsum (main support of sulfur and strontium), concrete-based elements as well as slags (magnetic and non-magnetic), main phases respectively carrying the metallic and carbon phases. Using a linear regression approach, the distribution of anthropogenic artifacts was evaluated in the different soil size compartments, which allows understanding the natural processes of urban soil degradation (phase fragmentation accompanied by pollutant transfer).According to environmental regulations based on leaching tests, metallic pollutants do not exhibit critical mobility (leaching). However, these soils are not considered inert waste because of their high total organic carbon content and their excessive release of sulphates (the main soil pollutant), fluorine and antimony. The treatment with 1% lime for use in backfill has been validated, despite the mechanical performance required for road use after treatment with 5% cement and the suitability for treatment with the presence of disturbing pollutants (in especially sulphates). The permeability properties of compacted urban soils (OPN or OPM) with or without treatment have made it possible to study the transfer of pollutants under conditions close to those in situ. If the lime treatment seems to increase the permeability, the treatment with cement seems to strongly reduce it on certain test pieces (no flow below 5 kPa of hydraulic load). The treatments could also have an effect on the release of certain pollutants from the results of the leaching test at pH 12 with sometimes an inhibitory effect (for Ba, Sb, Mo Ni or As), sometimes an activating effect (for Cu or V or As). Finally, an immersion test on a monolith showing the diffusion of pollutants rather than their percolation under the effect of a hydraulic load completes the panel of experiments to observe the transfer of pollutants
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Study on a resource-saving cloud based long-term ECG monitoring system using machine learning algorithmsCheng, Ping 19 April 2018 (has links)
Electrocardiogram (ECG) records the electrical impulses from myocardium, reflects the underlying dynamics of the heart and has been widely exploited to detect and identify cardiac arrhythmias. This dissertation examines a resource-saving cloud based long-term ECG (CLT-ECG) monitoring system which consists of an ECG raw data acquisition system, a mobile device and a serve. Three issues that are critically pertaining to the effectiveness and efficiency of the monitoring system are studied: the detection of life-threatening arrhythmias, the discrimination of normal and abnormal heartbeats to facilitate the resource-saving operation and the multi-class heartbeat classification algorithm for non-life-threatening arrhythmias.
The detection algorithm for life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias, which is critical
to saving patients’ lives, is investigated by exploiting personalized features. Two new personalized features, namely, aveCC and medianCC, are extracted based on the correlation coefficients between a patient-specific regular QRS-complex template and his/her real-time ECG data, characterizing subtle differences in the QRS complexes among different people. A small set of the most effective features is selected for efficient performance and real-time operation using Support Vector Machines (SVMs). The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is validated in enhancing the performance under both the record-based and database-based data divisions. The classification algorithm achieves results outperforming the existing classification performances using top-two or top-three features.
A novel patient-specific arrhythmia detection algorithm, which discriminates the normal
and abnormal heartbeats, is proposed using One-Class SVMs. Conventionally, CLT-ECG systems are used to solve problems such as the portable problem and the difficulty of capturing the intermittent arrhythmias. However, CLT-ECG systems are subject to several practical limitations: battery power restriction, network congestion and heavily redundant ECG data. To overcome these problems, a resource-saving CLT-ECG system is studied, in which a novel arrhythmia detection algorithm closely related to the resource-saving rate is proposed and examined in detail. The proposed arrhythmia detection algorithm explores two types of variations: waveform change indicator (WCI), which reflects a change within one heartbeat; modified RR interval ratio (modRRIR), which characterizes the successive heartbeat interval variation. The overall classification result is obtained from combining the results separately adopting WCI and modRRIR. The proposed algorithm is validated using the public ECG database with a result outperforming others in the literature, as well as using the data collected from the ECG platform HeartCarer built in our research group.
Considering the multi-class classification in the cloud server, a patient-specific single-lead ECG heartbeat classification strategy is proposed to discriminate ventricular ectopic beats (VEBs) and Supraventricular Ectopic Beats (SVEBs). Two types of features are extracted: Intra-beat features characterize the distortion of the waveform within one heartbeat, while inter-beat features reflect the variation between successive heartbeats. A novel fusion strategy consisting of a global classifier and a local classifier is presented. The local classifier is obtained using the high-confidence heartbeats extracted from the first 5-minute data of a specific patient, while the global classifier is trained by the public training data. The advantage of the developed strategy is that fully automatic classification is realized without the intervention of physicians. Finally, simulation results show that comparable or even better classification performance is achieved, which validates the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. / Graduate / 2019-03-19
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Znalosti o předlékařské první pomoci u vybraných žáků ZŠ / Amateur first aid knowledge of selected pupils of an elementary schoolFialová, Jitka January 2017 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to analyse the level of amateur first aid knowledge of pupils from grades 6. to 9. at a particular primary school in Dobříš. To achieve this, I utilised partial goals, through which I was trying to find out whether the knowledge of grade 8. pupils of the chosen school was influenced by the fact that there are no lessons taught about theoretical amateur first aid in grade 7. Further, I was trying to establish, if grade 9.pupils have better knowledge of the problem compared to grade 6.pupils; and what grade 9.pupils of the chosen school know about amateur first aid. I was also interested in the fact whether there was any difference in the knowledge of this field between girls and boys. My thesis consists of a theoretical part, in which I researched the given problematic with the help of academic resources, handbooks and other sources. The keystone of the second part, the practical one, is a questionnaire, through which I surveyed the knowledge of the pupils, and then analysed the collected data. The conclusion is made up of general and actual oucomes for subsequent pedagogical application, not only for me, but also for out school.
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An investigative analysis into the saving behaviour of poor households in developing countries: with specific reference to South AfricaNga, Marie-Therese January 2007 (has links)
Magister Economicae - MEcon / In South Africa, as in many developing countries, most households are poor and do not save, as a result of which they do not acquire any positive net worth and which also constrains access to formal means of finance. South Africa is a consuming nation, with increasing ratios of household consumption resulting in dissaving and often unsustainable levels of household debt, which is also stimulated by the current lower level of interest rates. This situation is worse amongst poorhouseholds who also often experience financial shocks, for instance because of the death of family membersas a result of HIV/AIDS. This report provided an overview of household saving in South Africa for the period 1983 to 2003. It identified the main factors responsible for the lack of a commitment to saving which are particularly relevant in the case of poor households. / South Africa
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Design and Development of an Intelligent Energy Controller for Home Energy Saving in Heating/Cooling SystemAbaalkhail, Rana January 2012 (has links)
Energy is consumed every day at home as we perform simple tasks, such as watching television, washing dishes and heating/cooling home spaces during season of extreme weather conditions, using appliances, or turning on lights. Most often, the energy resources used in residential systems are obtained from natural gas, coal and oil. Moreover, climate change has increased awareness of a need for expendable, energy resources. As a result, carbon dioxide emissions are increasing and creating a negative effect on our environment and on our health. In fact, growing energy demands and limited natural resource might have negative impacts on our future. Therefore, saving energy is becoming an important issue in our society and it is receiving more attention from the research community.
This thesis introduces a intelligent energy controller algorithm based on software agent approach that reduce the energy consumption at home for both heating and cooling spaces by considering the user’s occupancy, outdoor temperature and user’s preferences as input to the system. Thus the proposed approach takes into consideration the occupant’s preferred temperature, the occupied and unoccupied spaces, as well as the time spent in each area of the home.
A Java based simulator has been implemented to simulate the algorithm for saving energy in heating and cooling systems. The results from the simulator are compared to the results of using HOT2000, which is Canada’s leading residential energy analysis and rating software developed by CanmetENERGY’s Housing, Buildings, Communities and Simulation (HBCS) group. We have calculated how much energy a home modelled will use under emulated conditions. The results showed that the implementation of the proposed energy controller algorithm can save up to 50% in energy consumption in homes dedicated to heating and cooling systems compared to the results obtained by using HOT2000.
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Rodinné finanční plánování / Family finance planningLedinská, Leona January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to describe family finance planning problems. This thesis includes list of financial products, which could be including in family portfolio. Advantages and disadvantages of theses products are describe at different periods of family life, recommendations are given. In the end of this work case study of real family finance plan is processed.
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Cesty k získání vlastního bydlení / Possibilities of housing financingLišková, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
This graduation thesis about possibilities of housing financing is focusing in the Czech Republic. The first part of this thesis describes current position on the housing market, different types of housing and their specific feature In the second part, I describe building saving and mortgages including selected products of banks and building savings and their analysis. In this part there is also referred to state support of financing housing.
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