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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

<em>At Jómi</em> och <em>Jómsborg</em>: slaviska namn i fornnordiska källor? : En etymologisk undersökning

Petrulevich, Aleksandra January 2009 (has links)
<p>I denna uppsats undersöks ett flertal ortnamnsformer som förekommer i olika tyska, slaviska och skandinaviska källor och betecknar ett och samma ställe, nämligen staden Wolin belägen på sydspetsen av ön Wolin i polska Pommern. Syftet med arbetet är dels att fastställa etymologin av två av Wolin-namnen, <em>at Jómi </em>och <em>Jómsborg</em>, dels att förklara hur alla ortnamnsformer som betecknar staden Wolin hänger ihop och bestämma vilka faktorer som orsakade en sådan namnmångfald. Undersökningens material utgörs framför allt av de Wolin-namnformer som förekommer i de skandinaviska och de med dessa relaterade tyska källorna. Materialet analyseras i stort sett enligt den traditionella namntolkningsmetoden. Det visar sig att formen <em>at Jómi</em> sannolikt härstammar från det pommerska naturnamnet <em>*Jǫma</em> (˂ <em>jǫma</em> f. ’grop; dike’) som betecknade Stora bukten, en del av Szczecinbukten. Sammansättningen <em>Jómsborg</em> är en sekundär form som bildats från <em>at Jómi</em> enligt standardmodellen: dat. (<em>at</em>)<em> Jómi</em> > gen. <em>Jóms</em> + efterleden <em>-borg</em>. Alla ortnamnsformer som betecknar staden Wolin i primära källor är relaterade till varandra: vissa av dem är etymologiskt besläktade, vissa endast ”referentiellt”, dvs. de betecknar ett och samma ställe. Uppkomsten av ett så stort antal Wolin-ortnamnsformer kan i första hand förklaras genom att formerna i fråga har olika ursprung, att det fanns olika namnbrukarkretsar som använde olika former för att hänvisa till samma stad och att det uppstod olika stavningsvarianter och sammansatta namn under de primära formernas senare utveckling.</p>

I gatuplanet. Namnbrukarperspektiv på gatunamn i Stockholm / At street level. A name user perspective on the street names of Stockholm

Johansson, Carina January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to apply a name user perspective to the street names of Stockholm, with a focus on knowledge and views about names among the city’s inhabitants. On the basis of interview surveys, a picture is presented of the knowledge and views of Stockholmers regarding their city’s street names and the semantic or thematic name categories to which many of them belong; that is, the study seeks to identify general features of the ways in which the people of the city relate to their street names. Surveys were carried out in seven districts: Hedvig Eleonora parish, Hjorthagen, Fredhäll, Norra Ängby, Årsta, Fruängen and Akalla. A separate survey studied the range and associative properties of street names among Stockholmers not living in the vicinity of the streets in question.</p><p>General findings emerging from the surveys are that people are very familiar with the names in their local area; that knowledge about these names contributes to their well-being and sense of identity and belonging; that name categories are appreciated and considered to have an orientating function; that names which are seen as elegant or distinguished are regarded as enhancing the image and perceptions of the environment in which they occur; that long names and those made up of several words may be regarded as unwieldy in practical use; and that people need and create names for more limited park and recreational areas, while formally adopted names for larger green spaces are not used or are felt to be unclear in their reference.</p>

The Role of Linguistic Context in the Acquisition of the Pluperfect : Polish Learners of Swedish as a Foreign Language

Zielonka, Bronisława January 2005 (has links)
This work consists of two parts: the theoretical and the experimental. In the theoretical part, some general and some language specific theories of tense, aspect and aktionsart are presented, and the temporal systems of Swedish and Polish are compared. The theoretical part is not a mere review of the literature on the subject. The comparison of the descriptions of aspect and aktionsart by Slavic researchers with the universal theory of Smith (1991) and (1977) and with description of aktionsart in Swedish in Teleman et al. (1999) has allowed me for some important observations as to the nature of the long-lasting dispute about the differences between aspect and aktionsart. The experimental part is a cross-sectional study on the role of the linguistic context on the acquisition of the pluperfect by Polish learners Swedish as a foreign language. The informants are university students studying Swedish as a foreign language. The language samples were collected by means of two types of tests: gap-filling and translation from Polish. Twelve linguistic factors, each divided into two subgroups, were hypothesised to have affected the correct use of the pluperfect. All those hypotheses as to which of the subgroups may inhibit and which may facilitate the correct use of the pluperfect are grounded in linguistic theories, i.e. presented in the form of linguistically-based discussions as to what kind of effect, facilitative or inhibiting, each of the linguistic factors may have had, and why. The effect of those factors upon the correct use of the pluperfect has been tested by means of a step-wise multiple regression which measured the simultaneous effect of each factor upon the correct use of the pluperfect. This method has confirmed the facilitative effect of the following six linguistic factors: intrasentential indication of topic time (subordinate clause), unbounded verb indicating topic time, agentive meaning of the target verb, specifying subordinate clause, statal pluperfect and location of the time of action of pluperfect clause outside the temporal frame of narrative plot.

I gatuplanet. Namnbrukarperspektiv på gatunamn i Stockholm / At street level. A name user perspective on the street names of Stockholm

Johansson, Carina January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to apply a name user perspective to the street names of Stockholm, with a focus on knowledge and views about names among the city’s inhabitants. On the basis of interview surveys, a picture is presented of the knowledge and views of Stockholmers regarding their city’s street names and the semantic or thematic name categories to which many of them belong; that is, the study seeks to identify general features of the ways in which the people of the city relate to their street names. Surveys were carried out in seven districts: Hedvig Eleonora parish, Hjorthagen, Fredhäll, Norra Ängby, Årsta, Fruängen and Akalla. A separate survey studied the range and associative properties of street names among Stockholmers not living in the vicinity of the streets in question. General findings emerging from the surveys are that people are very familiar with the names in their local area; that knowledge about these names contributes to their well-being and sense of identity and belonging; that name categories are appreciated and considered to have an orientating function; that names which are seen as elegant or distinguished are regarded as enhancing the image and perceptions of the environment in which they occur; that long names and those made up of several words may be regarded as unwieldy in practical use; and that people need and create names for more limited park and recreational areas, while formally adopted names for larger green spaces are not used or are felt to be unclear in their reference.

Svenska i engelskspråkig skolmiljö : Ämnesrelaterat språkbruk i två gymnasieklasser / Swedish in an English-language School Environment : Subject-based Language Use in Two Upper Secondary Classes

Lim Falk, Maria January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to determine how English-language teaching in Sweden influences the subject-based communicative competence and language development in Swedish of upper secondary students. The focus is thus on the students’ mother tongue, i.e. the language which gets limited in the teaching practice within so-called content- and language-integrated learning (CLIL). Data was primarily collected by participatory observation in two science program classes, one taught in English and one in Swedish, during their three years in upper secondary school. Additional data was collected through interviews, questionnaires, audio taping of classroom interaction and writing tasks. This created conditions for a comprehensive and nuanced description and interpretation of the linguistic behaviour of teachers and students in the CLIL practice, as well as of the experiences and perceptions they report. Studies were carried out on classroom practice, student texts, and teacher and student experiences of CLIL instruction. These were linked to activity analysis, systemic-functional linguistics and ethnography of communication, i.e. research areas that emphasise the interplay between language, communication and social situation. The general conclusions are: (1) CLIL students use less relevant subject-based language in speech and writing than do control students. This holds for all subjects except Swedish, where both CLIL and control students share linguistic conditions; (2) Swedish is a prerequisite for the students’ own active, subject-based participation in classroom interaction. There is almost no interaction when the language of instruction is English; (3) English is an obstacle, and is also considered as such. The students avoid using English, and the teachers consistently use code-switching strategies in response to the policy that “language should not be an obstacle”. The results suggest that the CLIL environment is less conducive to learning, given current learning theories that focus on active participation. In the already teacher-dominated classroom, the linguistic and interactional demands that come with CLIL teaching seem to add to the challenge of assimilating advanced subject instruction.

Ris, skäver och skärva : Folklig kategorisering av några barnsjukdomar ur ett kognitivt semantiskt perspektiv

Westum, Asbjörg January 1999 (has links)
In Swedish dialects we find the terms ris, skäver and skärva referring to illnesses in children. The words are also parts of various compounds which refer to variants of the illnesses. The terms are linguistic expressions denoting two folk categories of illnesses, RIS and SKÄVER/SKÄRVA. These categories are investigated from a cognitive semantic perspective. The cognitive perspective argues that we organize our understanding of reality by using Idealized Cognitive Models (ICM) based on our physical, mental and emotional experiences of the world. The aim is twofold: to demonstrate the bases on which an experienced illness is placed in a certain category, and to show how a folk conception of illness is reflected in the word formation strategies. The word formation strategies emanate from notions of characteristic symptoms, and from notions of causes of illnesses. Both categories, RIS and SKÄVER/SKÄRVA, are based on a number of ICM's. The category RIS is a radial structure, which means that the category is held together although its members have no structural criteria in common. The category SKÄVER/SKÄRVA is a concentrating structure, meaning that all members share all structural criteria. There is a strong connection between word formation strategies and the structures of the categories. Terms related to symptoms refer to members of a category which are part of a radial structure, while terms related to causes refer to members of a category which are part of a concentrating structure. This can be explained by two of the basic assumptions of cognitive semantics: semantic content is structred and symbolized overtly on the surface form of a language and categories are conventional, based on cultural assumptions about the world. / digitalisering@umu

Västslaviska toponymer i Knýtlinga saga ur skrivarens perspektiv: ortografiska anpassningar eller ortografiska fel?

Petrulevich, Aleksandra January 2010 (has links)
<p>I denna uppsats undersöks ortografisk namnanpassning av västslaviska ortnamn i tre 1600-talshandskrifter av Knýtlinga saga, Cod. Holm. 41 4to<sup>x</sup>, Cod. Holm. 55 fol<sup>x</sup>, och Lbs 222 fol<sup>x</sup>. Syftet med arbetet är dels att både teoretiskt och metodologiskt bidra till diskussionen angående namnanpassningsprocessen och särskilt vad gäller ortografisk namnanpassning, dels att studera individuell ortografisk namnanpassning i ett konkret handskriftsmaterial. Undersökningens material utgörs framför allt av de i de utvalda handskrifterna belagda ortnamnsformerna på 39 västslaviska toponymer. Bland undersökningens teoretiska och metodologiska resultat kan man nämna avgränsning och definition av huvudtermer (<em>namnreplikation</em>, <em>namnanpassning</em>, <em>ortografisk namnanpassning</em> o.s.v.) och utveckling av specifika metodologiska redskap för att studera namnanpassningsfenomen i skrift, t.ex. bortsortering av ortografiska fel i enlighet med en bestämd princip utifrån jämförelsen av de undersökta ortnamnsformerna med s.k. <em>ursprungliga former</em>, d.v.s. de ortnamnsformer som är belagda i handskriftens bevarade förlaga. Det förekommer 28 ortografiska anpassningar fördelade på 11 av 39 undersökta toponymer. Dessa anpassningar kan delas in i 4 typer: formell, semantisk, formell-semantisk ortografisk namnanpassning och ortnamnsersättning. I samtliga av de undersökta handskrifterna går det att spåra en klar tendens till formell anpassning av ortnamnen. Anpassningsfrekvensen varierar från skrivare till skrivare, men det är möjligt att konstatera att flest anpassningar gjorts av Jón Þórðarson, författaren till Lbs 222 fol<sup>x</sup>. Huvudorsaken till de upptäckta anpassningarna tycks ligga i systemtvånget, då de flesta ursprungliga ortnamnsformer som blir anpassade i materialet på olika sätt strider mot onomastikonet/språksystemet. Det visar sig att en av de faktorer som i de flesta undersökta fall bidragit till att namnet till slut anpassats, är namnets synkrona ogenomskinlighet.</p>

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