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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors that Influence School Counselors' Intent to Use Online Counseling

Golden, Sarah Heather 01 January 2017 (has links)
Owing to advancements in technology, online counseling has become a viable option for counselors to provide counseling services to diverse populations. Despite the expansion of resources, a gap in research exists pertaining to a school counselor's intention to use online counseling. Furthermore, online counseling is an underused tool owing to a variety of unknowns, attitudes, ethical and legal concerns, and lack of training associated with online counseling. The underuse of online counseling becomes problematic because youth, who may be more receptive to support via the Internet, remain underserved if school counselors are not using this tool. The purpose for this quantitative survey study was to examine select predictor variables as explained below and their relationships to the school counselor's intent to use online counseling. This study was framed upon the constructs and extensions of the technology acceptance model, which demonstrates that there are factors that influence an individual's behavior and acceptance of technology. The results of a multiple regression analysis yielded a relationship between the independent variables of age, confidence to use online counseling, educational experience, and school's learning program and the school counselor's intent to use online counseling. Furthermore, key findings suggested a significant relationship between 2 of the 4 variables, the school counselor's confidence to use online counseling, educational experience, and school counselor's intent to use online counseling. These findings are useful for informing training programs for school counselors, thus possibly promoting increased use of the Internet to reach vulnerable youth populations who may be more receptive to counseling via the Internet.

Våldet och förtrycket : En studie om skolkuratorers arbete mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. / Violence and oppression : A study of school counselors' work against honor-related violence and oppression.

Jarl, Anna, Lindström, Moa January 2022 (has links)
The lack of knowledge and an inexplicit definition of honor related violence complicates school counselors' work against the phenomen. Current discourse tends to focus on young girls' exposure to oppression and violence. This may cause a position for victimized young boys where they won't be noticed. This study therefore aims to examine school counselors' approach to honor related violence as a phenomen and what experience they have of working with victimized boys and girls. The study is based on a qualitative method where six school counselors have been interviewed. The main questions to be answered were how school counselors describe honor related violence as a phenomen, which experience they have of working against it and what they see as their responsibility in the work against the phenomen. To answer these questions the interviews were analysed through a theme analysis and the theory of discretion. The result of the study was that all school counselors have their point of the meaning of the phenomen. Despite this it was a difference between if they included different countries and religions in the description and if they include hbtq-persons as victims for the violence and oppression. All of the interviewed school counselors had experience of meeting victimized children. The main responsibility that was expressed was to create trustful relationships with the children, be there for them as a support during the process and decide when the situation requires to involve social services. Words like complicated, complexity and foreign were repidently involved in the school counselors statements. Which shows the importance of more knowledge and comprehension of the phenomen.

Perceptions of High School Counselors Involvement in the Provision of Postsecondary Transition Services to Students with Specific Learning Disabilities.

Hudson, Diana Joy 07 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This qualitative study examined high school counselors' perceptions of postsecondary transition services to students with specific learning disabilities. Seven high school counselors in the Unnamed County Schools were interviewed to examine their perceptions of postsecondary transition services to students with specific learning disabilities. Categories that involved school counselor's perceptions of the provision of postsecondary transition services for students with learning disabilities emerged from the data. These themes were as follows: 1) plan of study for postsecondary goals based on vocational assessments, 2) assistance provided to prepare for college or work, 3) duties of counselors and involvement in the transition process, and 4) the IEP team, postsecondary goals, and self-advocacy of accommodation needs. There was also an area of other findings that was noted but was not identified as a theme. This other findings involved a participant's postsecondary personal vocational experience. Participants reported transition assessments that were administered to students with learning disabilities to determine career interests and strengths. Participants also discussed how transition services were included in the plan of study and career goals. Participants indicated that the School-to-Work program has helped students with learning disabilities work within the city and gain experiences in their area of interest. Additionally, participants suggested that students with learning disabilities have attended Career Technology Education (CTE) classes that provided a strong connection with the community and businesses. Participants spoke about their depth of knowledge on courses, scheduling, colleges' admission standards, and the employment process for all students. Participants also indicated that they have supplied information for the postsecondary transition service plans for students with disabilities at IEP meetings. Findings from this study may have encouraged high school counselors to expand their practice and perform at an enhanced level when helping students with special needs go to college, get a job, and succeed in life.

School Counselors' Concerns Regarding Effective Crisis Intervention for Students of Diverse Backgrounds

Canada, Michelle Lynn 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Although school counselors routinely provide crisis intervention, minimal research has focused specifically on providing such services in a manner sensitive to multicultural and ethnically diverse students. Responses of a random national sample of school counselors (n = 276, 69% return rate) indicate that approximately half voice some sort of concern related to providing crisis intervention services to students from diverse backgrounds. The purpose of this study is to summarize school counselor's concerns, providing an initial understanding for this aspect of school-based crisis intervention. Additionally, school counselors' comments were further analyzed to examine possible relationships between the type of concern and the practitioners' setting (rural, urban, suburban, rural/suburban, or suburban/urban) and years of practice as a school counselor. Based on school counselor's concerns, recommendations are made to provide more effective school-based crisis intervention for individuals of diverse backgrounds.

Perceptions Of The Emotional/behavioral Disability Label On Educators' Referral And Placement Decisions To Gifted And Talent

Marrah, Charissa 01 January 2007 (has links)
Socio-culturally diverse students with disabilities are underrepresented in gifted and talented programs. This study investigated the differences in educators' referral and placement decisions based on a students' disability label, socio-economic status (SES), and ethnicity. Two hundred and eighty five educators' (classroom teachers, school counselors, school psychologists, and school social workers) across a Florida school district participated in the study. Educators' were randomly assigned to treatment and control case vignettes that described a student with emotional/behavioral disabled (EBD) and gifted characteristics. Treatment case vignettes explicitly stated the students' disability label, socio-economic status, and ethnicity. Control case vignettes described of the student examined and did not mention the disability label, ethnicity, or socio-economic status of the student. After reading the case vignette, participants responded to a two-item questionnaire that explained their referral and placement decisions of the student described in the vignette. Participants responses to the two item questionnaire were indicated by selecting one of six choices: strongly agree, slightly agree, agree, disagree, slightly disagree, and strongly disagree. Reponses were the dependent variables being measured. A three-way factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to measure the differences in educators' referral and placement decisions based on a student's disability label, socio-economic status, and ethnicity. Results indicate educators' awareness of a students' disability label, socio-economic status, and ethnicity influence referral decisions. Implications are discussed and recommendations for future research are made.

”Vi måste sätta och hålla i gränserna, det är jätteviktigt, förebyggande och främjande är det viktigaste” : En kvalitativ studie om elevhälsans förebyggande arbete samt pågående insatser mot mobbning / “We need to set and enforce boundaries, that is very important, the prevention and promotion work is the most important” : A qualitative study on student care team's preventive work and ongoing actions against bullying

Hassan, Sado, Isse, Hafsa January 2023 (has links)
Mobbning är ett universellt fenomen som sker i olika miljöer i gruppsammanhang, bland annat på arbetsplatser och i skolor. Psykisk ohälsa ökar i takt med att mobbningen ökar, och kan ge livslånga effekter hos mobbningsoffret. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur mobbning hanteras i svenska skolor. Specifikt undersöker studien olika strategier som elevhälsoteamen arbetar med för att förebygga mobbning och motverka pågående mobbning i skolmiljön och hur det arbetet ser ut utifrån ett individ- och grupperspektiv, samt huruvida mobbning orsakas av individuella eller sociala faktorer. Denna studie utgår ifrån socialpsykologiska teorier och begrepp kring social identitet, gruppdynamik och sociala normer. Tio intervjuer genomfördes och urvalet bestod av respondenter verksamma inom elevhälsan, både som kuratorer och skolsköterskor. Studiens resultat visar att mobbning är ett gruppfenomen snarare än ett individfenomen. Det har framkommit olika arbetssätt att arbeta både förebyggande och åtgärdande på individnivå och på gruppnivå. Det har även visat sig att lärare har en väsentlig påverkan på det förebyggande arbetet mot mobbning. Elevhälsans arbete får bäst resultat när samtlig skolpersonal arbetar med varandra för att motverka mobbning är ett ytterligare resultat. / Bullying is a universal phenomenon that occurs in group settings, including workplaces and schools. Mental illness increases as bullying increases and might cause the victim lifelong effects. The aim of this study is to look into how bullying is handled in Swedish schools. The study specifically explores different strategies that the student care team works on preventing the occurrence of bullying and ongoing bullying in the school environment from an individual and group perspective, and whether bullying is caused by individual or social factors. This study is based on social psychological theories and concepts such as the social identity theory, group dynamics and social norms. Ten interviews were conducted in the process. The results of this study demonstrate that bullying is a group phenomenon. It has shown different working methods to prevent and remediate from individual and group level. The results of this study reveal that bullying is a group phenomenon rather than an individual one. There has also been emphasis and great importance on the essential influence of the teachers in the work. It has been shown that the work of student care gets the best results when everyone at the school helps each other to counteract bullying.

Urban High School Counselors' Experiences with Students' Access to and Success in College

Cooper, Kristie Lynn 22 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.


Sloan-Oberdier, Shirley Marie 02 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Etisk stress hos skolkuratorer i grundskolan / Ethical stress in primary school counselors

Häll, Annie January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och öka kunskapen i hur skolkuratorer upplever etisk stress i sina dagliga arbeten. Valet av metod för studien blev kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna har gjorts på skolkuratorer från tio olika grundskolor i åk 1-9. Jag har gjort fem intervjuer inom vardera av Tyresö och Haninge kommun, Det har varit sju kommunala skolor och tre friskolor som har medverkat. Resultat visar att samtliga av de tillfrågade skolkuratorerna upplever etiska dilemman i olika grad. Av respondenterna så upplever 40 % en obalans mellan krav och kontroll och att det är ett dilemma. Hälften av respondenterna upplever att de har en god balans mellan kontroll och etiska dilemman och resterande en delvis kontroll. Respondenterna använder sig av olika strategier för att handskas med dessa dilemman. Respondenterna upplever sig ha ett tillräckligt gott stöd innanför skolan, men att det externa stödet inte är tillräckligt. Skolans alltmer utvidgade uppdrag tas också upp som ett etiskt dilemma vilket innebär att skolan behöver lägga mycket tid på att motverka så att ungdomar inte hamnar i psykisk ohälsa eller kriminalitet. / The purpose of this study is to investigate and increase knowledge of how school counselors experience ethical stress in their daily work. The choice of method for the study is a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted with school counselors from ten different primary schools. I have conducted five interviews in each of Tyresö and Haninge municipalities. There have been seven public schools and three independent schools that have participated. The results show that all of the school counselors experience ethical dilemmas to varying degrees. Of the respondents, 40 % experience an imbalance between demands and control and ethical dilemmas and the remaining a partial control. The respondents use different strategies to deal with these dilemmas. The respondents feel that they have sufficient support within the school, but the external support is not sufficient. The school`s increasingly expanded mission is also raised as an ethical dilemma, which means the school needs to spend a lot of time counteract so that young people do not end up in mental illness or crime.

Från motstånd till möjlighet : Skolkuratorers strategier för att öka benägenheten för högstadiepojkar att söka stöd

Kuksa, Helena, Raumer, Martina January 2024 (has links)
Studien syftade till att utforska vad skolkuratorer upplever som verkningsfullt för att öka högstadiepojkars benägenhet att söka kontakt med dem. Genom en kvalitativ metod genomfördes fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med skolkuratorer, med fokus på att identifiera hinder och verkningsfulla strategier. Resultaten visade att maskulina normer och stigma betydligt hindrar pojkar från att söka stöd. Däremot ansågs synlighet, tillgänglighet och det förebyggande arbetet hos skolkuratorer vara avgörande för att minska dessa hinder. Kuratorerna betonade vikten av att bygga relationer och vara synliga i gemensamma utrymmen för att skapa förtroende och minska stigmat. Studien drog slutsatsen att en omdefiniering av maskulina normer och förbättrad tillgänglighet hos kuratorer vara avgörande för att uppmuntra pojkar att söka stöd, vilket främjar en mer inkluderande och stöttande skolmiljö. Med stigmateorin och relationsbaserat socialt arbete som teoretiska ramverk framhävdes vikten av att förstå och bemöta de sociala och relationella dimensionerna av högstadiepojkars stödbehov. / The study aimed to explore what school counselors perceive as effective in increasing middle school boys' tendency to seek contact with them. Using a qualitative method, five semi structured interviews were conducted with school counselors, focusing on identifying barriers and effective strategies. The results showed that masculine norms and stigma significantly hinder boys from seeking support. However, visibility, accessibility, and preventive work by school counselors were deemed crucial in reducing these barriers. The counselors emphasized the importance of building relationships and being visible in common areas to create trust and reduce stigma. The study concluded that redefining masculine norms and improving counselors' accessibility are crucial to encouraging boys to seek support, promoting a more inclusive and supportive school environment. With stigma theory and relationship-based social work as theoretical frameworks, the study highlighted the importance of understanding and addressing the social and relational dimensions of middle school boys' support needs.

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