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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza produkce vědy v oborech společenských a humanitních věd v ČR / Analysis of scientific production in the fields of social sciences and humanities in the Czech Republic

Bartoš, Martin January 2021 (has links)
(in English): This thesis performs a descriptive bibliometric analysis of science production in 17 fields of social sciences and humanities in the Czech Republic, successfully verifying the usability of institutional data for this purpose. It focuses on the central areas of scientific production research: publishing strategies, scientific cooperation and the degree of internationalization of the R&D results. The thesis compares the monitored indicators within two ten-year periods: 1998-2007 and 2008-2017. Through the analysis of the R&D results, it reveals not only significant institutional differences, but above all, distinctive field specifics, which point to considerable diversity of the fields of social sciences and humanities. At the same time, it confirms an increase in the number of R&D results and a higher degree of internationalization and scientific cooperation between the analysed periods. The contribution of the work lies not only in the provided characteristics and detailed assessment of the usability of data, but also in pointing out the breadth of the uses of institutional resources for the analysis of scientific production, which far exceeds the capabilities of the IS VaVaI system.

Trends and scientometrics in cyber security research

Slagarp, Jesper, Häggström, Elvira January 2022 (has links)
To look for scientific literature, there are specialized databases and search engines to simplify the process. In order to quickly assess the quality of a given paper, there are different indices meant to quantify the success and impact an author has had within the scientific community. However, these indices have some flaws and could potentially be exploited. In this thesis, we aim to gather publication data from cyber security conferences, identify unknown patterns and trends as well as to introduce a new index or metric that better captures the impact of authors in the field than current common indices. We found that the cyber security community is in a healthy state with no obvious exploitation of common indices. With one notable exception, there is near equal distribution between citations within sub-communities and outside of them. We also found that the majority of authors with several publications chose to publish for several different conferences, not just one of them. Furthermore, new and growing trends in cyber security research were found to be ”machine learning”, ”blockchain” and ”differential privacy”. As for the conferences, it appears that USENIX has overtaken CCS in recent years as the conference with the highest publication output. While no attempts to exploit the common indices were identified, we believe that the risk is still there. We also identify other flaws with the usage of the common metrics in the cyber security research field. As such, we suggest the adoption of the pure R-index with a normalized proportional counting as the score calculation method, since it takes the number and order of the authors into consideration, as well as that it does not discriminate against authors with few publications with many citations. / För att hitta vetenskaplig literatur finns det särskilda databaser och sökmotorer för att förenkla processen. För att snabbt kunna uppskatta kvaliteten hos en given vetenskaplig text finns det olika index menade att snabbt och enkelt kunna kvantifiera en författares inflytande och framgång inom vetenskapen. Det finns dock brister och sätt att utnyttja dessa index. I den här rapporten har vi som mål att samla in data från datasäkerhetskonferenser, identifiera okända mönster och trender samt att introducera ett nytt index som bättre fångar författares inflytande än nuvarande standarder. Vi fann att cyberäkerhet som forskningsområde är välmående och utan uppenbara utnyttjanden av de vanligaste indexen. Med ett enda undantag sker det nästan lika mycket citeringar mellan olika delgemenskaper som inom dem. Vi fann även att majoriteten av författare med flera publikationer valt att publicera i flera olika konferenser och inte bara en. Vidare fann vi att ”machine learning”, ”blockchain” och ”differential privacy” är nya och växande trender. Vad gäller konferenser visar det sig att USENIX har gått om CCS på senare år som den konferens med störst publikationsutflöde. Även om vi inte identifierade något missbruk tror vi att det fortfarande finns risk för det. Vi identifierade även andra brister med användningen av de vanligaste indexen i cybersäkerhetsforskningsområdet. Av dessa anledningar föreslår vi användningen av det så kallade ”pure R-index” med en normaliserad proportionell räkning som poängberäkningsmetod, eftersom att det tar antalet samt ordningen av författare i hänsyn, samt att det inte heller diskriminerar mot författare med få publikationer med många citeringar.

Analyse bibliométrique des revues Canadian Journal of Communication et Communication 1974-2005

Ramírez y Ramírez, Karla Margarita 08 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est de saisir une image des éléments explicitement reconnaissables de la recherche en communication visibles dans les revues savantes Canadian Journal of Communication et dans Communication de 1974 à 2005. Il s’agit d’une analyse bibliométrique des articles publiés par les chercheurs d’institutions canadiennes et de leurs références bibliographiques. La bibliométrie est « l’application de méthodes statistiques aux livres et aux autres moyens de communication » (Pritchard, 1969: 348-349). C’est la première fois qu’une analyse de ce type est tentée dans ce corpus particulier. Nous nous sommes appuyés sur des postulats théoriques provenant de la sociologie des sciences et des études en communication scientifique. L’idée maîtresse est la suivante : l’activité scientifique est un « continuum de création de nouvelles connaissances » (Vassallo, 1999), dont l’organisation est basée sur l’échange d’information (Price, 1963; Crane, 1972), qui se traduit en reconnaissance sociale, en autorité scientifique, et constitue un investissement pour l’acquisition de crédibilité (Merton, 1938; Hagstrom, 1965; Bourdieu, 1975; Latour et Woolgar, 1986). À partir de l’analyse des articles, nous identifions s’ils sont le résultat de recherches empiriques ou fondamentales, ou le produit d’une réflexion critique. Il s’agit aussi de détecter les approches méthodologiques et les techniques d’investigation utilisées, ainsi que les sujets qui y sont abordés par les chercheurs. Nous détectons également les principaux lieux de recherche (universités et types de départements). Nous analysons aussi les thématiques des articles. Enfin, nous analysons des références bibliographiques des articles afin de cerner les sources d’idées qui y sont décelables. Notre corpus principal comporte 1154 articles et 12 840 titres de documents en référence. L’analyse bibliométrique des articles révèle ainsi une recherche canadienne en communication d’emblée qualitative, intéressée pour les spécificités historiques, le contexte social et la compréhension des interrelations sous-jacentes aux phénomènes de communication, en particulier, au Canada et au Québec. Au cœur de ces études se distingue principalement l’application de l’analyse de contenu qualitative dans les médias en général. Cependant, à partir de 1980, l’exploration du cinéma, de l’audiovisuel, des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication, ainsi que la multiplication des sujets de recherche, annoncent un déplacement dans l’ordre des intérêts. Communication et le CJC, se distinguent cependant par l’origine linguistique des chercheurs qui y publient ainsi que dans les thématiques. L’analyse des références bibliographiques, et de leurs auteurs, met en relief l’intérêt partagé des chercheurs d’institutions universitaires canadiennes pour les agences de réglementation et les politiques gouvernementales canadiennes s’appuyant souvent sur l’analyse de documents législatifs et de rapports de diverses commissions d’enquête du gouvernement canadien. L’analyse révèle aussi les principales inspirations théoriques et méthodologiques des chercheurs. Parmi les plus citées, on voit Innis, McLuhan, Habermas, Tuchman, Bourdieu, Foucault, Raboy, et Rogers. Mais ces références évoluent dans le temps. On voit aussi une distinction relativement claire entre les sources citées par la recherche francophone et la recherche anglophone. / The aim of this study is to obtain an image of the recognizable elements of communication research visible in Canadian Journal of Communication and Communication from 1974 to 2005. This is a bibliometric analysis of the scientific papers and their bibliographies published in these journals by researchers from various Canadian Universities. Bibliometry is "the application of mathematics and statistical methods to books and other media of communication" (Pritchard, 1969). This is the first time that such analysis is attempted with this particular corpus. We based ourselves on theoretical postulates from the sociology of science and scientific communication studies, that indicate that the scientific activity is a « continuum de création de nouvelles connaissances » (Vassallo, 1999), where the organisation is based on the exchange of information (Price, 1963; Crane, 1972), and is in turn translated in social recognition, scientific authority, and is an investment to acquire credibility (Merton, 1938; Hagstrom, 1965; Bourdieu, 1975; Latour et Woolgar, 1986). Based on the article analysis, we can identify if they are empirical, theoretical or methodological researches. We can also detect the scientific methods applied by the researchers and their objects of study. Likewise, we observe the most common places to do research (universities and departments). Finally, we do a citation analysis to find the most important sources used by the researchers. Our corpus includes 1154 articles and 12 840 titles of referenced documents. The bibliometric analysis of the articles published in Canadian Journal of Communication and Communication from 1974 to 2005 shows that the Canadian communication research is qualitative in essence, interested in the historical particularities, the social context and the understanding of the underlying interrelations of the communication phenomenon, especially in Canada and Quebec. The application of content analysis to the media in general is dominant. However, since 1980, the exploration of cinema, audiovisual, internet and the multiplication of objects of study foreshadow the move in the research communication agenda in Canada. Communication and the CJC, however, differ by their thematics, and by the linguistic origin of the researchers who publish in them. The citation analysis shows the shared interest of researchers from different Canadian universities for regulatory agencies and Canadian government policies, which is often based on content analysis of legislative documents and reports of various commissions of inquiry of the Canadian government. The citation analysis also reveals the most importat theoretical and methodological research influences. Among the most cited, we see Innis, McLuhan, Habermas, Tuchman, Bourdieu, Foucault, Raboy, and Rogers. But these references are evolving over time. We see as well as the distinctions between French and English Canadian communication research traditions.

Aplicação de métodos bibliométricos e da \"Co-Word Analysis\" na avaliação da literatura científica brasileira em ciências da saúde de 1990 a 2002 / Application of bibliometric methods and \"Co-Word Analysis\" of Brazilian scientific literature in health sciences, 1990-2002.

Gonsalez Saes, Sueli 23 February 2005 (has links)
Analisou-se neste trabalho a produção científica brasileira, no campo da Saúde, por meio da pesquisa de publicações, constantes da base de dados \"Web of Knowledge\", no período de 1990 a 2002. A pesquisa incluiu 3.066 revistas desse campo do conhecimento. Nesse período foram contabilizadas 38.349 publicações. Os métodos bibliométricos tradicionais e a \"co-word analysis\" foram utilizados como instrumento de análise para medir a atividade científica no campo da saúde. O pacote estatístico, Statistical Package for Social Science - SPSS, foi utilizado para a obtenção dos indicadores bibliométricos tradicionais. Demonstraram-se as etapas de trabalho e a potencialidade da \"co-word analysis\". Foram estudadas as palavras que representam os descritores e identificadores na base de dados e estas foram relacionadas com outras variáveis como autores, ano de publicação e filiação da publicação. Para tal, utilizou-se o \"Tétralogie\", um software que aplica tratamentos estatísticos para conseguir que o grau de co-ocorrência entre as palavras seja representado como distâncias no espaço. Desta forma, as palavras podem ser visualizadas como pontos no espaço, por meio dos mapas tecnológicos e a distância entre elas será representativa de sua co-ocorrência ou afinidade. Os mapas tecnológicos permitiram a identificação de redes de cooperação entre pesquisadores e instituições, bem como identificação de \"clusters\" entre autores e as palavras descritoras do campo de conhecimento estudado. Esta abordagem para a área de avaliação em Ciência e Tecnologia demonstrou ampliar as análises bibliométricas tradicionais, e pode incrementar as atividades de planejamento e definição de ações estratégicas indicando, para onde e como se poderiam dirigir esforços para desenvolvimento do campo estudado. / This work analyzed Brazilian scientific production in the health sciences field by analysis of publications present in the database \"Web of knowledge\" in the period from 1990 to 2002. The study covered 3,066 journals in this field of knowledge. During this period a total of 38,349 Brazilian publications were found. Bibliometric analysis and \"co-word analysis\" were used to measure the scientific activity in health sciences. A statistical software package (Statistical Package for Social Science – SPSS) was used to determine traditional bibliometric analysis. The words representing descriptors and identifiers in the database had been studied and the relationship to other variables such as authors, publication year, and affiliation within the publication was determined. For this analysis, the \"Tétralogie\" software that applies statistical methods to measure the co-occurrence among words and represents this measure as distances in space was used. In this way, words can be visualized as points in space on a map. The maps and distances between words will represent the co-occurrence or affinity between keywords. The technological maps have shown networks of cooperation among researchers and institutions, as well as identification of \"clusters\" of authors and a hierarchy of the descriptive keywords. This approach for evaluation of science and technology demonstrated an extension of the traditional bibliometric analysis and showed that it could improve planning activities by identification of strategic actions pointing to where and how efforts for improvement in the field of health sciences should be directed.

Mapeamento da pesquisa e produção acadêmica da área de Ciências biológicas e ciências ambientais do IFRS câmpus Porto Alegre (RS)

Silveira, Filipe Xerxeneski da January 2017 (has links)
Este estudo teve como premissa principal a análise das práticas de pesquisa e produção acadêmica dos docentes efetivos e dos colaboradores da área de Ciências Biológicas e Ciências Ambientais do IFRS Campus Porto Alegre. Traça os percursos metodológicos utilizados, tendo como suporte as abordagens bibliométricas e cientométricas. Analisa a produção gerada através dos Grupos e Linhas de Pesquisas oriundas da área analisada. Paralelamente, tece um apanhado teórico sobre a transdisciplinaridade existente na configuração da formação do corpo docente que atua nos Cursos de Técnico em Biotecnologia e Tecnólogo em Ciências Ambientais do IFRS Campus Porto Alegre. Abarca as temáticas da comunicação científica, das coautorias e das redes de pesquisa colaborativa, com intuito de traçar ponto de convergência com a produção intelectual gerada pelos pesquisadores analisados. Os dados apresentados foram obtidos por meio de consulta aos Currículos Lattes dos pesquisadores e dos Grupos de Pesquisa do CNPq. O estudo está sendo ampliado com a análise das redes de colaboração institucional em âmbito nacional e internacional. Por fim, conclui-se que é necessário um aprimoramento desses estudos para consolidar o IFRS no cenário da pesquisa e da pós-graduação regional, nacional e internacionalmente. / This study had as main premise the analysis of the research and academic production practices of the faculty and employees of the area of Biological Sciences and Environmental Sciences of the IFRS Campus Porto Alegre. Traces the methodological paths used, supported by bibliometric and scientometric approaches. It analyzes the production generated through the Groups and Lines of Research coming from the analyzed area. At the same time, he presents a theoretical overview of the transdisciplinarity that exists in the configuration of the faculty formation that works in the Biotechnology Technician and Environmental Sciences Technologist courses of the IFRS Campus Porto Alegre. It covers the themes of scientific communication, co-authoring and collaborative research networks, in order to draw a point of convergence with the intellectual production generated by the researchers analyzed. The data presented were obtained by consulting the Lattes curricula of researchers and research groups of CNPq. The study is being expanded with the analysis of the networks of institutional collaboration at national and international level. Finally, it is concluded that an improvement of these studies is necessary to consolidate the IFRS in the scenario of the research and of the regional, national and international graduation.

Analyse bibliométrique des revues Canadian Journal of Communication et Communication 1974-2005

Ramírez y Ramírez, Karla Margarita 08 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est de saisir une image des éléments explicitement reconnaissables de la recherche en communication visibles dans les revues savantes Canadian Journal of Communication et dans Communication de 1974 à 2005. Il s’agit d’une analyse bibliométrique des articles publiés par les chercheurs d’institutions canadiennes et de leurs références bibliographiques. La bibliométrie est « l’application de méthodes statistiques aux livres et aux autres moyens de communication » (Pritchard, 1969: 348-349). C’est la première fois qu’une analyse de ce type est tentée dans ce corpus particulier. Nous nous sommes appuyés sur des postulats théoriques provenant de la sociologie des sciences et des études en communication scientifique. L’idée maîtresse est la suivante : l’activité scientifique est un « continuum de création de nouvelles connaissances » (Vassallo, 1999), dont l’organisation est basée sur l’échange d’information (Price, 1963; Crane, 1972), qui se traduit en reconnaissance sociale, en autorité scientifique, et constitue un investissement pour l’acquisition de crédibilité (Merton, 1938; Hagstrom, 1965; Bourdieu, 1975; Latour et Woolgar, 1986). À partir de l’analyse des articles, nous identifions s’ils sont le résultat de recherches empiriques ou fondamentales, ou le produit d’une réflexion critique. Il s’agit aussi de détecter les approches méthodologiques et les techniques d’investigation utilisées, ainsi que les sujets qui y sont abordés par les chercheurs. Nous détectons également les principaux lieux de recherche (universités et types de départements). Nous analysons aussi les thématiques des articles. Enfin, nous analysons des références bibliographiques des articles afin de cerner les sources d’idées qui y sont décelables. Notre corpus principal comporte 1154 articles et 12 840 titres de documents en référence. L’analyse bibliométrique des articles révèle ainsi une recherche canadienne en communication d’emblée qualitative, intéressée pour les spécificités historiques, le contexte social et la compréhension des interrelations sous-jacentes aux phénomènes de communication, en particulier, au Canada et au Québec. Au cœur de ces études se distingue principalement l’application de l’analyse de contenu qualitative dans les médias en général. Cependant, à partir de 1980, l’exploration du cinéma, de l’audiovisuel, des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication, ainsi que la multiplication des sujets de recherche, annoncent un déplacement dans l’ordre des intérêts. Communication et le CJC, se distinguent cependant par l’origine linguistique des chercheurs qui y publient ainsi que dans les thématiques. L’analyse des références bibliographiques, et de leurs auteurs, met en relief l’intérêt partagé des chercheurs d’institutions universitaires canadiennes pour les agences de réglementation et les politiques gouvernementales canadiennes s’appuyant souvent sur l’analyse de documents législatifs et de rapports de diverses commissions d’enquête du gouvernement canadien. L’analyse révèle aussi les principales inspirations théoriques et méthodologiques des chercheurs. Parmi les plus citées, on voit Innis, McLuhan, Habermas, Tuchman, Bourdieu, Foucault, Raboy, et Rogers. Mais ces références évoluent dans le temps. On voit aussi une distinction relativement claire entre les sources citées par la recherche francophone et la recherche anglophone. / The aim of this study is to obtain an image of the recognizable elements of communication research visible in Canadian Journal of Communication and Communication from 1974 to 2005. This is a bibliometric analysis of the scientific papers and their bibliographies published in these journals by researchers from various Canadian Universities. Bibliometry is "the application of mathematics and statistical methods to books and other media of communication" (Pritchard, 1969). This is the first time that such analysis is attempted with this particular corpus. We based ourselves on theoretical postulates from the sociology of science and scientific communication studies, that indicate that the scientific activity is a « continuum de création de nouvelles connaissances » (Vassallo, 1999), where the organisation is based on the exchange of information (Price, 1963; Crane, 1972), and is in turn translated in social recognition, scientific authority, and is an investment to acquire credibility (Merton, 1938; Hagstrom, 1965; Bourdieu, 1975; Latour et Woolgar, 1986). Based on the article analysis, we can identify if they are empirical, theoretical or methodological researches. We can also detect the scientific methods applied by the researchers and their objects of study. Likewise, we observe the most common places to do research (universities and departments). Finally, we do a citation analysis to find the most important sources used by the researchers. Our corpus includes 1154 articles and 12 840 titles of referenced documents. The bibliometric analysis of the articles published in Canadian Journal of Communication and Communication from 1974 to 2005 shows that the Canadian communication research is qualitative in essence, interested in the historical particularities, the social context and the understanding of the underlying interrelations of the communication phenomenon, especially in Canada and Quebec. The application of content analysis to the media in general is dominant. However, since 1980, the exploration of cinema, audiovisual, internet and the multiplication of objects of study foreshadow the move in the research communication agenda in Canada. Communication and the CJC, however, differ by their thematics, and by the linguistic origin of the researchers who publish in them. The citation analysis shows the shared interest of researchers from different Canadian universities for regulatory agencies and Canadian government policies, which is often based on content analysis of legislative documents and reports of various commissions of inquiry of the Canadian government. The citation analysis also reveals the most importat theoretical and methodological research influences. Among the most cited, we see Innis, McLuhan, Habermas, Tuchman, Bourdieu, Foucault, Raboy, and Rogers. But these references are evolving over time. We see as well as the distinctions between French and English Canadian communication research traditions.

À qui le crédit? Division du travail et du capital dans les collaborations de recherche

Mongeon, Philippe 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Mapeamento da pesquisa e produção acadêmica da área de Ciências biológicas e ciências ambientais do IFRS câmpus Porto Alegre (RS)

Silveira, Filipe Xerxeneski da January 2017 (has links)
Este estudo teve como premissa principal a análise das práticas de pesquisa e produção acadêmica dos docentes efetivos e dos colaboradores da área de Ciências Biológicas e Ciências Ambientais do IFRS Campus Porto Alegre. Traça os percursos metodológicos utilizados, tendo como suporte as abordagens bibliométricas e cientométricas. Analisa a produção gerada através dos Grupos e Linhas de Pesquisas oriundas da área analisada. Paralelamente, tece um apanhado teórico sobre a transdisciplinaridade existente na configuração da formação do corpo docente que atua nos Cursos de Técnico em Biotecnologia e Tecnólogo em Ciências Ambientais do IFRS Campus Porto Alegre. Abarca as temáticas da comunicação científica, das coautorias e das redes de pesquisa colaborativa, com intuito de traçar ponto de convergência com a produção intelectual gerada pelos pesquisadores analisados. Os dados apresentados foram obtidos por meio de consulta aos Currículos Lattes dos pesquisadores e dos Grupos de Pesquisa do CNPq. O estudo está sendo ampliado com a análise das redes de colaboração institucional em âmbito nacional e internacional. Por fim, conclui-se que é necessário um aprimoramento desses estudos para consolidar o IFRS no cenário da pesquisa e da pós-graduação regional, nacional e internacionalmente. / This study had as main premise the analysis of the research and academic production practices of the faculty and employees of the area of Biological Sciences and Environmental Sciences of the IFRS Campus Porto Alegre. Traces the methodological paths used, supported by bibliometric and scientometric approaches. It analyzes the production generated through the Groups and Lines of Research coming from the analyzed area. At the same time, he presents a theoretical overview of the transdisciplinarity that exists in the configuration of the faculty formation that works in the Biotechnology Technician and Environmental Sciences Technologist courses of the IFRS Campus Porto Alegre. It covers the themes of scientific communication, co-authoring and collaborative research networks, in order to draw a point of convergence with the intellectual production generated by the researchers analyzed. The data presented were obtained by consulting the Lattes curricula of researchers and research groups of CNPq. The study is being expanded with the analysis of the networks of institutional collaboration at national and international level. Finally, it is concluded that an improvement of these studies is necessary to consolidate the IFRS in the scenario of the research and of the regional, national and international graduation.

A produção científica brasileira em Ciências Agrárias indexada na Web of Science : características e redes de colaboração (2000-2011)

Vargas, Rosely de Andrade January 2014 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta uma análise bibliométrica da produção científica brasileira em Ciências Agrárias indexada no Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) e no Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), da base de dados Web of Science (WoS), no período de 2000 a 2011. O corpus da pesquisa foi composto por 45.163 artigos de autores vinculados a instituições do Brasil. Para organização e análises dos dados foram utilizados os softwares Bibexel, Excel 2007 e Pajek. Os resultados mostram que o número de artigos brasileiros em Ciências Agrárias na base de dados aumentou 344%, partindo de 1.546 documentos em 2000 e atingindo 6.866 documentos em 2011. A ampliação da coleção de revistas do Brasil na WoS e a publicação de maior número de fascículos anuais por parte de várias revistas nacionais de Ciências Agrárias, recentemente inseridas na base, foram os principais fatores para esse crescimento. A análise dos idiomas de publicação revelou a predominância do inglês, com participação de 57% no total da produção, enquanto o português foi empregado em 42% das publicações. Embora tenham sido encontrados artigos em 799 periódicos de 46 países, 53,5% da produção foi publicada em revistas nacionais com baixo fator de impacto. Entre as temáticas com maior número de artigos, destacaram-se a Agricultura (31,6%), Ciências Veterinárias (15,6%), Ciências das Plantas (10%), Zoologia (9,4%) e Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos (7,5%). Na análise de autoria institucional, foram identificadas 5.910 organizações do Brasil e do exterior, mas a produção científica concentrou-se num conjunto de 50 instituições. Esse conjunto, formado majoritariamente por universidades e institutos de pesquisa das esferas públicas, do Sudeste e Sul do país, foi responsável por 66,5% da produção. Dentre os 45.163 artigos, apenas 1.022 documentos, 2,2% do total, foram publicados por um único autor, indicando um considerável grau de colaboração entre pesquisadores. A participação de artigos com autoria múltipla no total das publicações passou de 96,1%, em 2000, para 98,4% em 2011. No que se refere à colaboração intrainstitucional, foram identificados 26.764 artigos em coautoria, 59,3% do total de publicações. A porcentagem de artigos com colaboração entre instituições, de 47,3% em 2000, foi ampliada para 64,2% em 2011. No caso de artigos escritos por pesquisadores do Brasil com pares de outros países, o resultado foi negativo: em 2000, 21,7% da produção envolvia colaboração científica com um ou mais países estrangeiros. Em 2011, a taxa diminuiu para 15,4%. As relações colaborativas mais significativas ocorreram com EUA, França e Alemanha. A baixa taxa de colaboração científica internacional pode ser apontada como o ponto fraco da produção científica das Ciências Agrárias indexada na WoS entre 2000 e 2011. Por outro lado, o expressivo crescimento das publicações e o aumento do número de artigos em coautoria entre pesquisadores e entre instituições nacionais destacam-se como pontos fortes. Esses avanços ocorreram num contexto marcado pela ampliação da coleção de revistas do Brasil na WoS, pelo aperfeiçoamento das revistas científicas nacionais e também pela expansão da pós-graduação na grande área, no país, e pelo consequente aumento do número de doutores e mestres titulados. / This study presents a bibliometric analysis of the Brazilian Agricultural Sciences scientific production indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-Expanded) and in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), of Web of Science (WoS) database, from 2000 to 2011. The sample consisted of 45,163 papers of authors from Brazilian institutions. Bibexcel, Excel 2007 and Pajek were used for data organization and analysis. The results reveal that the number of Brazilian articles in the field of Agricultural Sciences in the database has increased by 344%, from 1,546 papers in 2000 to 6,866, in 2011. The increased collection of Brazilian journals in the WoS and the raise in the number of issues published annually by the Brazilian Agricultural Sciences journals recently indexed in the database were the main drivers for this growth. The analysis of papers publication language showed a predominance of English, with 57% of total production, followed by Portuguese, with 42% of the publications. Although Brazilian articles have been found in 799 journals, from 46 countries, 53.5% out of the total production were published in national journals, having low impact factor. Among the subjects with the highest number of articles, there were: Agriculture (31.6%), Veterinary (15.6%), Plant Science (10%), Zoology (9.4%) and Food Science and Technology (7.5%). In the analysis of institutional authorship, 5,910 organizations, both from Brazil and foreign, were identified, but the bulk of scientific production was concentrated in a set of 50 institutions. This group, mainly formed by public universities and research institutes located in the Southeast and South of the country, accounted for 66.5% of the total production. Out of the 45,163 published papers only 1,022 documents, corresponding to 2.2%, were published by a single author, suggesting a high degree of collaboration among researchers. The percentage of articles with multiple authors in the total number of publications increased from 96.1% in 2000 to 98.4%, in 2011. With regard to intra-institutional collaboration, 26,764 co-authored articles were identified, representing 59.3% of total production. The proportion of articles in collaboration between institutions rose from 47.3% in 2000 to 64.2% in 2011. In the case of papers written by Brazilian researchers and co-authored by foreign peers, there was a decrease. In 2000, 21.7% of total production involved scientific collaboration with at least one foreign country. In 2011, this figure decreased to 15.4%. The most significant collaborative relationships were established with the U.S., France and Germany. The low rate of international collaboration appears as a weakness of the Brazilian scientific production in Agricultural Sciences indexed by WoS between 2000 and 2011. Conversely, the significant growth of publications and the increased number of papers in co-authorship both between researchers and national institutions stand out as strengths. These advances have occurred in a context of expansion of Brazilian journals collection indexed by WoS, marked by the improvement of national scientific journals and even by the expansion of postgraduate programs in the field of Agricultural Sciences in Brazil, and the consequent increase in the number of graduate masters and PhD. / Este estudio presenta un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica brasileña en Ciencias Agrícolas indexadas en la base de datos Web of Science (WoS), en el Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-Expanded) y en el Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), de 2000 a 2011. La muestra consistió en 45.163 artículos de autores de instituciones de Brasil. Para la organización y el análisis de datos se utilizaron los softwares Bibexel, Excel 2007 y Pajek. Los resultados muestran que el número de artículos brasileños en Ciencias Agrícolas en la base de datos se ha incrementado 344%, pasando de 1.546 documentos en 2000 para 6.866 documentos en 2011. La ampliación de la colección de revistas de Brasil en la WoS y el aumento en el número de ejemplares publicados anualmente por las revistas brasileñas de Ciencias Agrícolas recientemente inseridas en la base de datos fueron los principales factores de este crecimiento. El análisis de idiomas de publicación de los documentos reveló el predominio del inglés, con 57% en la producción total, seguido del portugués, con 42% de las publicaciones. Aunque se encontraron artículos brasileños en 799 revistas de 46 países, el 53,5% de la producción se ha publicado en revistas nacionales con bajo factor de impacto. Las materias en las que se publicaron más artículos fueron Agricultura (31,6% del total), Veterinaria (15,6%), Ciencias de las Plantas (10%), Zoología (9,4%) y Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos (7,5%). En el análisis de co-autoría institucional fueron identificadas 5.910 organizaciones de Brasil y del extranjero, pero la producción científica se centró en un conjunto de 50 instituciones, formado principalmente por las universidades y los institutos de investigación, del ámbito público, de las regiones Sudeste y Sur del país, responsable del 66,5% de la producción total. Entre los 45.163 artículos sólo 1.022 documentos, 2,2% del total, fueron publicados por un autor, lo que indica un alto grado de colaboración entre los investigadores. El porcentaje de artículos con autoría múltiple en el número total de publicaciones aumentó de 96,1% en 2000 al 98,4% en 2011. Con respecto a la colaboración intrainstitucional, fueron identificados 26.764 artículos, el 59,3% de la producción. Las relaciones colaborativas más importantes se produjeron con los EE.UU., Francia y Alemania. La tasa reducida de colaboración internacional aparece como punto débil de la producción científica brasileña en Ciencias Agrícolas indexada en la WoS entre 2000 y 2011. Por otra parte, el importante crecimiento de las publicaciones y el incremento del número de artículos en coautoría entre los investigadores y entre las instituciones nacionales se destacan como puntos fuertes. Esta evolución tuvo lugar en un contexto marcado por la ampliación de la colección de revistas de Brasil en WoS, el perfeccionamiento das la revistas científicas nacionales e aún por la expansión del postgrado en el área en país y el consiguiente aumento en el número de titulados en cursos de maestría y doctorado.

Mapeamento da pesquisa e produção acadêmica da área de Ciências biológicas e ciências ambientais do IFRS câmpus Porto Alegre (RS)

Silveira, Filipe Xerxeneski da January 2017 (has links)
Este estudo teve como premissa principal a análise das práticas de pesquisa e produção acadêmica dos docentes efetivos e dos colaboradores da área de Ciências Biológicas e Ciências Ambientais do IFRS Campus Porto Alegre. Traça os percursos metodológicos utilizados, tendo como suporte as abordagens bibliométricas e cientométricas. Analisa a produção gerada através dos Grupos e Linhas de Pesquisas oriundas da área analisada. Paralelamente, tece um apanhado teórico sobre a transdisciplinaridade existente na configuração da formação do corpo docente que atua nos Cursos de Técnico em Biotecnologia e Tecnólogo em Ciências Ambientais do IFRS Campus Porto Alegre. Abarca as temáticas da comunicação científica, das coautorias e das redes de pesquisa colaborativa, com intuito de traçar ponto de convergência com a produção intelectual gerada pelos pesquisadores analisados. Os dados apresentados foram obtidos por meio de consulta aos Currículos Lattes dos pesquisadores e dos Grupos de Pesquisa do CNPq. O estudo está sendo ampliado com a análise das redes de colaboração institucional em âmbito nacional e internacional. Por fim, conclui-se que é necessário um aprimoramento desses estudos para consolidar o IFRS no cenário da pesquisa e da pós-graduação regional, nacional e internacionalmente. / This study had as main premise the analysis of the research and academic production practices of the faculty and employees of the area of Biological Sciences and Environmental Sciences of the IFRS Campus Porto Alegre. Traces the methodological paths used, supported by bibliometric and scientometric approaches. It analyzes the production generated through the Groups and Lines of Research coming from the analyzed area. At the same time, he presents a theoretical overview of the transdisciplinarity that exists in the configuration of the faculty formation that works in the Biotechnology Technician and Environmental Sciences Technologist courses of the IFRS Campus Porto Alegre. It covers the themes of scientific communication, co-authoring and collaborative research networks, in order to draw a point of convergence with the intellectual production generated by the researchers analyzed. The data presented were obtained by consulting the Lattes curricula of researchers and research groups of CNPq. The study is being expanded with the analysis of the networks of institutional collaboration at national and international level. Finally, it is concluded that an improvement of these studies is necessary to consolidate the IFRS in the scenario of the research and of the regional, national and international graduation.

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