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College choice and earnings among university graduates in SwedenEliasson, Kent January 2006 (has links)
This thesis consists of three papers that examine college choice and earnings among university graduates in Sweden. Paper [I] analyzes how geographical accessibility to higher education affects university enrollment decisions in Sweden. The empirical findings show that the probability of enrollment in university education increases with accessibility to university education. The results also indicate that accessibility adds to the likelihood of attending a university within the region of residence. Both these findings are robust with regard to different specifications of accessibility. The empirical results furthermore indicate that the enrollment decisions of individuals with a less privileged background are more sensitive to accessibility to university education than are the decisions of individuals from a more favorable background. Paper [II] examines the effect on earnings of graduating from five different college groups. The paper relies on selection on observables and linear regression to identify the earnings effect of college choice. Contrary to the majority of previous Swedish studies, we do not find any systematic differences in estimated earnings between college graduates from the different college groups. This finding does not only hold when considering all college graduates, but also when focusing on men and women separately as well as when considering college graduates in two specific fields of education. The results suggest that an estimator of the earnings effects of college choice that does not properly adjust for ability is likely to be substantially biased. Paper [III] estimates the causal effect on earnings of graduating from old universities rather than new universities/university colleges. The study compares estimates from several different matching methods and linear regression. We cannot find any significant differences in earnings between graduates from the two groups of colleges. This holds for male and female sub-samples covering all majors, as well as male and female sub-samples covering two broad fields of education. The results are robust with regard to different methods of propensity score matching and regression adjustment. Furthermore, the results indicate little sensitivity with regard to the empirical support in the data and alternative specifications of the propensity scores.
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Den slopade förmögenhetsskattens effekt på arbetsutbudetRosenqvist, Olof January 2010 (has links)
In this paper I study how the repeal of the Swedish wealth tax (1 of January 2007) has affected people´s labour supply behaviour. This particular issue is relevant because it may help us understand some of the effects of the earnings tax changes that have taken place in Sweden. Accoring to standard economic theory a repealed wealth tax is similar to an income effect for the persons who previously paid the tax. That means that they theoretically will want to consume more leisure, that is decrease their labour supply. The method I am using to test this hypothesis is a difference-in-difference approach where the treatment group consists of persons who previously paid the tax and the control group of comparable persons who did not pay the tax. The data I am using is taken from a Swedish database called LINDA, compiled by the Swedish Central Agency for Statistics (SCB). My main result in this paper is that the repealed wealth tax does not seem to have had any influnece on the labour supply behavior of the persons who previously paid the tax.
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Frequentist-Bayes Goodness-of-fit TestsWang, Qi 2011 August 1900 (has links)
In this dissertation, the classical problems of testing goodness-of-fit of uniformity and parametric families are reconsidered. A new omnibus test for these problems is proposed and investigated. The new test statistics are a combination of Bayesian and score test ideas. More precisely, singletons that contain only one more parameter
than the null describing departures from the null model are introduced.
A Laplace approximation to the posterior probability of the null hypothesis is used, leading to test statistics that are weighted sums of exponentiated squared Fourier coefficients. The weights depend on prior probabilities and the Fourier coefficients are estimated based on score tests. Exponentiation of Fourier components leads to tests that can be exceptionally powerful against high frequency alternatives. Comprehensive simulations show that the new tests have good power against high frequency alternatives and perform comparably to some other well-known omnibus
tests at low frequency alternatives.
Asymptotic distributions of the proposed test are derived under null and alternative hypotheses. An application of the proposed test to an interesting real problem is also presented.
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Tests of random effects in linear and non-linear modelsHäggström Lundevaller, Erling January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Government response to poverty and unemployment in South Africa : A micro-level evalutation of the Expanded Public Works PrgrammeLarsson, Anders, Nybom, Martin January 2006 (has links)
Using data from the Labour Force Survey conducted by Statistics South Africa twice yearly this thesis intend to evaluate the Expanded Public Works Programme regarding its effectiveness in creating employment and raising income in households with participating individuals. The South African labour market is well known for its high rates of unemployment and also its segregation, primarily between black and white people, but also young people are having a hard time finding jobs. In order to fight these problems the South African government has launched the Expanded Public Works Programme(EPWP) which provides low- semi-skilled labour with short term employment, the primary target groups being black and coloured people, women, disabled people and young people. Our findings indicate that the EPWP does not significantly enhance the individual’s probability of being employed, nor does it raise the per capita income of households with participating individuals.
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Stereotyper i toner : Musikens roll i konstruktionen av stereotyper i svensk film under 1990- och 2000-taletChristensen, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to investigate what part film music plays in the creation of stereo-types in the production of Swedish cinema, in the 1990s and early 2000s. This period of Swedish cinema was largely defined through the visualization of life in the smaller provinces of the country. The results were reached through the analyzing of four important works of this era, representing different provinces and genres. The examined movies have shown frequent use of extreme characters and a somewhat hostile environment in search of an interesting story. The music is used in ways of describing class differences amongst the inhabitants and to set the gen-eral mood of the concerned provinces: an agent often working in the unconscious of the viewer in order to affect the final results.
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The Effects of Gifted Programming on Student Achievement: Differential Results by Race/Ethnicity and IncomeDean, Kelley M 07 May 2011 (has links)
The central research question is the extent to which gifted programming affects student academic outcomes of gifted as compared to not-gifted students and how this differs by race/ethnicity and/or poverty status. Since the identification of elementary school students as gifted is not random, propensity score matching is used to remove this bias in the estimates of the effects. A matched sample of North Carolina middle school students based on individual level data of both gifted and not-gifted students of varied racial/ethnic groups and income levels is used for this analysis. This enables a comparison of sixth, seventh, and eighth grade student achievement to determine the extent to which participating in gifted programming differentiates effects by race/ethnicity and poverty status. I show the additional test score gain, if any, from being in gifted programming compared to students not participating in gifted programs. Variations in gifted program effects across race/ethnicity and income are assessed. This research adds empirical evidence to the more qualitatively focused gifted debate by analyzing differences in student outcomes between gifted and not-gifted students in North Carolina. Since black and lower income students are less likely to participate in gifted programs, they disproportionately encounter less experienced teachers, lower expectations, and fewer resources. The extent to which these additional learning supports translate to differences in student outcomes are analyzed.
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Evaluation du risque de maladie : conception d'un processus et d'un système d'information permettant la construction d'un score de risque adapté au contexte, application au cancer du seinGAUTHIER, Emilien 29 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Bien que de nombreux scores existent dans le domaine de la santé pour prédire un risque de maladie, ceux-ci sont peu utilisés alors qu'ils pourraient servir à individualiser la prévention pour la renforcer en fonction du niveau de risque estimé. Pour faciliter la production de scores performants dans la détection des profils à risque et adaptés au contexte d'utilisation, nous proposons un processus de construction de scores de risque. Afin de mener des expérimentations, nous spécifions l'architecture d'un système d'information qui supporte les processus de production et d'utilisation de scores de risque. Grâce à la mise en oeuvre d'une partie de cette architecture, nous utilisons notre processus pour expérimenter la création de scores de risque du cancer du sein basés sur une base de données américaine publique et sur les données françaises de l'étude de cohorte E3N. Sur l'exemple du cancer du sein, nous montrons qu'il est possible d'obtenir des performances comparables en termes de discrimination et supérieures en termes de calibration à celles de la littérature avec l'algorithme des plus proches voisins qui est compréhensible par les médecins et patients, tout en utilisant moins d'attributs.
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Development and application of a health function score system for grizzly bears (<i>Ursus arctos</i>) in western AlbertaLindsjö, Hans Johan Anders 09 March 2009
The persistence of grizzly bears (<i>Ursus arctos</i>) in western Alberta is threatened by increasing human activities on the landscape. The Foothills Research Institute Grizzly Bear Program (FRIGBP) hypothesizes human-caused landscape change in Alberta causes long-term stress in individual bears, resulting in impaired biological functions and, when many bears are affected, decreased population performance. To facilitate the evaluation of individual grizzly bear health within the FRIGBP, the objective of my research was to develop and assess the usefulness of a health function score system for grizzly bears. From a large set of complex biological data collected from grizzly bears from 1999 to 2007, I merged 14 � constituent� variables into four health functions; growth, immunity, movement, and stress. For each health function, I calculated individual scores by adding ranked and weighted variable percentiles. I found that health function scores corresponded well with health status of individual bears based on values for multiple constituent variables. The score system facilitated quick screening of health in individual bears, identification of bears with reduced health, and comparison of health profiles between bears. I examined the usefulness of the score system by evaluating relationships presumed to exist under the working hypothesis of the FRIGBP. Results generated from health function scores were compared with those from constituent variable values using statistical and graphical techniques. I concluded that scores likely provided clearer depiction of wildlife health relationships than did constituent variables because they were not influenced by capture method, sex, or outlying observations. By using the score system, I found support for the proposed positive relationship between human-affected landscape condition and stress, but not for inverse relationships between stress and other health functions. The usefulness of the score system could be increased by minimizing use of redundant constituent variables, e.g., in growth and immunity, and removing the influence of potential confounding factors, e.g., capture.
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Teacher Matters: Re-examining the Effects of Grade-3 Test-based Retention PolicyHong, Yihua 21 August 2012 (has links)
This study is aimed to unpack the ‘black box’ that connects the grade-3 test-based retention policy with students’ academic outcomes. I theorized that the policy effects on teaching and learning may be modified by instructional capacity, but are unlikely to occur through enhancing teachers’ capability to teach. Analyzing the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Kindergarten cohort (ECLS-K) dataset, I first explored the relationship between the test-based retention policy and instructional capacity as indicated by teacher expectations of students’ learning capability and then investigated whether and how the expectations moderated the policy effects on instructional time reallocation, student academic performance, and student self-perceived academic competence and interests. To remove the selection bias associated with the non-experimental data, I applied a novel propensity score-based causal inference method, the marginal mean weighting through stratification (MMW-S) method and extended it to a causal analysis that approximates a randomization of schools to the test-based retention policy followed by a randomization of classes to teachers with different levels of expectations. Consistent with my theory, I found that the test-based retention policy had no effects on teacher expectations. Although the policy uniformly increased the time allocated to math instruction, it produced no significant changes in students’ overall performance and overall self-perception in math. In addition, I found that students responded differently to the test-based retention policy depending on the expectations they received from the grade-3 teachers. The results suggested some benefits of positive expectations over negative and indifferent expectations in moderating the policy effects, including more access to advanced content, higher learning gains of average-ability students, and more resilient student learning over a long term. However, the results also showed that having positive expectations alone is not sufficient for academic improvement under the high-stakes policy. If implemented by a positive-expectation teacher, the policy could be detrimental to students’ learning in the nontested subject or to their learning of basic reading/math skills. It would as well place the bottom-ability students at a disadvantage. The findings have significant implications for the ongoing high-stakes testing debate, for school improvement under the current accountability reform, and for research of teacher effectiveness.
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