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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socio-economic Selective Migration and Counter-Urbanisation : A case-study of the Stockholm area

Gainza, Coralie January 2013 (has links)
This study investigates the relocation behaviours of out-movers of deprived areas in the region of Stockholm, Sweden. The research is motivated by the concerns raised by deprived and segregated neighbourhoods in relation to a social fragmentation and an unsuccessful socio-economic inclusion of all citizens. Some researches affirm that the out-movers of deprived neighbourhoods tend to be more integrated than the stayers or the individual moving in such neighbourhoods. And if some studies are concerned about their prospective, they have been restricted to their destinations’ socio-economic features and dismissed any spatial approach.This study aims to analyse flows’ direction and features as well as the areas of destination such as to identify processes of selective migration and how socio-spatial disparities are (re)produced. A specific attention is given to counter-urban movements and their possible correlation to “preservation” objectives: The possible migration of lower classes toward peripheries in order to access a better living environment and avoid a forced economic selective migration toward the urban most deprived neighbourhoods.Descriptive and inferential statistics with binary logistic regressions enabled to put into exergue the selective migration among movers, between the counter-urban and the others but also among counter-urban. If most movers remain in the urban core and in an almost deprived area, a substantial proportion seeks to combine to a move “up” the social ladder (a better suited neighbourhood), a “downward” migration on the urban hierarchy (a move toward the peripheries). And the regression confirms that among this population, a segment is statically significantly disadvantaged and remains in rental after the move.Scholars should consider such evidences by including a spatial dimension to their studies on segregation, neighbourhood sorting processes and selective migration. And most importantly, the results of this study invite them to reassess the traditional life-style and life-cycle explanations of counter-urbanisation in favour of an economic driven migration.

A Prison within a Prison: Segregation of HIV Positive Inmates and Double Stigma

Gaskin, Emily Hilyer 21 April 2009 (has links)
Although the majority of state prison systems have made the move away from segregated housing for HIV positive inmates, a few still continue this practice. The purpose of this study was to learn more about the experiences of women who have carried the double stigma of being HIV positive prisoners who were segregated within the prison system because of their illness. Drawing on interviews with HIV positive women who served time in a segregated facility and are now released, I was able to explore how double stigma and segregation affect identity and daily life. By asking these women questions about their experiences as inmates who were further segregated because of their HIV status, I call attention to the strong association between power, authoritative knowledge, and policy.

Land of the dead : Mer än bara zombies

Nilsson, Tom, Fristedt, Carl January 2012 (has links)
Vår uppsats kommer beröra Zombies på film och fokusera på filmen Land of the Dead. Många människor upplever zombies som inget mer än monster, en fara för karaktärerna att klara sig undan. Vi vill uppmärksamma att all populärkultur i varierande utsträckning gestaltar verklighet, och analysera hur Zombies används för att gestalta aspekter av vårt samhälle.

Etnisk komposition i gymnasieskolan och skolprestationer : – En flernivåanalys av betyg i Malmö med omnejd

Bondefelt, Johan January 2009 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker om etnisk komposition i gymnasieskolan påverkar skolprestationer. Frågeställningarna i uppsatsen är: Samvarierar kontextuella skillnader i skolprestationer med avseende på elevens etniska bakgrund, eller är skolprestationer knutna till selektion hos elever? Varierar kontextuell effekt för olika undergrupper såsom flickor och pojkar? Teorin utgår från socialt kapital och kontextuella effekter såsom epidemilogisk modell, kollektiv socialisation och institutionell modell. Datamaterialet är registerdata från Skolverket och metoden som används för analysen är multilevel analys. Resultaten visar att det finns en negativ kontextuell effekt att gå en skola med hög etnisk komposition. Emellertid visar resultaten en kompositionell effekt främst hos flickor.

Muslimska friskolor i Sverige : en väg till integration eller segregation?

Björnberg, Anna January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och skildra de argument som finns för, respektive mot, att muslimska friskolor skulle integrera respektive segregera eleverna från samhället, samt undersöka vilka övriga argument som finns för, respektive mot, muslimska friskolor. För att uppnå detta syfte har jag använt mig av en jämförande litteraturstudie där jag har studerat forskare och andra sakkunnigas argumentering kring dessa frågor. Väldigt få empiriska studier har gjorts på området, varav ingen specifikt har berört de frågeställningar jag ville få svar på.  I min argumentöversikt sammanställde jag de olika argumenten och upptäckte att många argument fanns både på ”för” och ”mot” sidan. Exempelvis påstods att den trygghet som eleverna utvecklade genom att umgås med andra elever med liknande religiös och kulturell bakgrund både kunna leda till att de hade lättare att integreras i samhället men även till att de blev mer isolerade. I min diskussion använder jag mig av Hans-Ingvar Roths terminologi om positiv/negativ närhet och distans för att på så vis kunna diskutera problematiken ur ett nytt perspektiv . Jag kom framförallt fram till att det behövs större empiriska undersökningar som sträcker sig över flera år och som involverar flera skolor samt att den kommunala skolan är bristfällig i sitt arbete med att integrera muslimska elever.

Voices of Jim Crow: Early Urban African American English in the Segregated South

Carpenter, Jeannine Lynn January 2009 (has links)
<p>Debate about the development of African American English (AAE) dominated sociolinguistic inquiry for the second half of the 20th century and continues to be a subject of investigation. All hypotheses about the development of AAE integrate ideas of shared linguistic features coupled with strong regional influences or founding effects. Most Southern evidence used in the development of these hypotheses, however, is from rural communities or somehow unique enclave communities. The early urban centers of African American life in the South that followed the abolition of slavery and disintegration of plantation life have seldom been investigated with respect to the development of AAE. This study examines precisely those sites looking at AAE in three Southern urban centers during the time of Jim Crow or institutionalized segregation: Birmingham, Memphis, and New Orleans.</p><p>This analysis is based on a series of tape-recorded oral history interviews that were conducted as part of the Behind the Veil project at Duke University. The Behind the Veil project was launched in 1990 at Duke and the majority of the interviews were conducted between 1994 and 1997. Each speaker completed a survey regarding her/his life history, education, professional history, and family background. The speakers used for this study were chosen based on age (all born before 1942) and residency status in their respective communities - all speakers are lifelong residents of Birmingham, Memphis, or New Orleans. These criteria and others shape an inclusive corpus of 100 total tape-recorded interviews with 33 from Birmingham, 35 from Memphis, and 32 from New Orleans. </p><p>Quantitative analysis of five core diagnostic structures of AAE (i.e. copula absence, plural -s, pre-vocalic consonant cluster reduction, rhoticity, and 3rd person singular verbal -s) was performed to provide a window for determining the shared and distinct patterns of early, urban AAE development. These data are used for inter-generational analyses, cross-gender analyses, analyses of socioeconomic factors and overall interpretation for each individual site and between different sites. </p><p>These data contribute to the continuing study and scholarship on the historical development of African American English, providing the first multi-community overview of core African American English linguistic variables from the early urban South. The trans-regional similarities of linguistic variables in AAE speakers are often attributed to the influence of early Southern English varieties. These data confirm the early presence of these variables in African American urban centers in the South, but also suggest how language ideologies relate to dialect development.</p> / Dissertation

Hybrid Sterility and Segregation Distortion in Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila persimilis

McDermott, Shannon January 2012 (has links)
<p>Speciation has occurred countless times throughout history, and yet the genetic mechanisms that lead to speciation are still missing pieces. Here, we describe the genetics of two processes that can act alone or together to cause speciation: hybrid sterility and meiotic drive. We use the <italic>Drosophila pseudoobscura/D, persimilis</italic> species as a model system to study these processes. We expanded on a prior study and saw little variation in strength of previously known hybrid sterility alleles between distinct strains of <italic>D. persimilis</italic> and the Bogota subspecies of <italic>D. pseudoobscura</italic>. Introgression of an autosomal, noninverted hybrid sterility allele from the USA subspecies of <italic>D. pseudoobscura</italic> into <italic>D. persimilis</italic> demonstrated that the <italic>D. pseudoobscura</italic> copy of a <italic>D. persimilis</italic> hybrid sterility factor also causes hybrid male sterility in a <italic>D. pseudoobscura bogotana</italic> background. This allelism suggests that the introgressed allele is ancestral, but was lost in the Bogota lineage, or that gene flow between <italic>D. pseudoobscura</italic> USA and <italic>D. persimilis</italic> moved the sterility-conferring allele from <italic>D. persimilis</italic> into <italic>D. pseudoobscura</italic>. To further understand the genetic basis of speciation, we asked if meiotic drive in <italic>D. persimilis</italic> is associated with hybrid sterility seen in <italic>D. persimilis/D. pseudoobscura</italic> hybrids. QTL mapping of both traits along the right arm of the X chromosome, where both drive and hybrid sterility loci are found, suggest that some of the causal loci overlap and may be allelic.</p> / Dissertation

Hot Cracking Susceptibility Of Twin Roll Cast Al-mg Alloys

Tirkes, Suha 01 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Increasing use of aluminum alloys in the automotive industry increases the importance of the production of sheet aluminum. To provide cost effective sheet aluminum to the industry, twin-roll casting (TRC) is becoming more important compared to DC casting. Demand for usage of different aluminum alloys in sheet form introduces some difficulties that should be considered during their applications. The main problem encountered during the welding of aluminum alloys is hot cracking. The aim of this study is to understand the difference in hot cracking susceptibility of two twin roll cast (TRC) aluminum-magnesium alloys (5754 and 5049 alloys) during welding. Varestraint test method was used to evaluate the effect of welding parameters, strain levels, filler alloys and mid-plane segregation on hot cracking susceptibilities. Hot cracking susceptibility of both 5049(Al-2wt%Mg) and 5754(Al-3wt%Mg) alloys increased with increasing strain level. Also, it was observed that hot cracking susceptibility was higher for the alloy having higher magnesium content. Thermal analysis results verified that hot cracking susceptibility indeed can be related to the v solidification range. As is suggested in the solidification range approach, the results of the present study confirm that the extent of solidification and liquation cracking depend on the magnitude of solidification range and the strain imposed during welding. Hot cracking susceptibility of 5754(Al-3wt%Mg) alloy has shown slightly decreasing behavior with addition of 5356 filler alloy. On the other hand, addition of 5183 filler alloy has increased solidification cracking susceptibility of two base alloys. The fracture surfaces of liquation and solidification cracks were investigated by scanning electron microscope with EDS. Liquation crack surfaces of the 5754(Al-3wt%Mg) alloy were found to have high Mg and Si content. For the 5754(Al-3wt%Mg) alloy, a quench test was designed to observe the effect of mid-plane segregation zone. It was observed that there was a eutectic reaction resulting in formation of liquid phase below solidus temperature of 5754(Al-3wt%Mg) alloy. Moreover, internal cracks have formed at the mid-plane segregation zone after Varestraint test. Results show that 5049(Al-2wt%Mg) alloy should be chosen compared to 5754(Al-3wt%Mg) alloy for welding. Moreover, low line energy should be applied and filler alloys with high magnesium content should be used during welding to decrease hot cracking tendency of welds.

Polycarbonate-silsesquioxane and polycarbonate-siloxane nanocomposites: synthesis, characterization, and application in the fabrication of porous inorganic films

Abdallah, Jassem 21 August 2009 (has links)
Three types of poly(norbornane carbonate) or PNC oligomers were synthesized and characterized via spectroscopic methods and elemental analyses to validate their chemical structures. Using the results from proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) experiments, the degree of polymerization and size of each PNC chain was estimated via end-group analysis. All three types of PNC structures were both thermally-labile and acidolytically-labile, allowing them to be used as sacrificial materials in both direct-write and thermally-processed template systems. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) data was used to determine the kinetic parameters for the thermolytic decomposition reactions and evolved-gas analysis via mass spectrometry (TGA-MS) was used to determine the mechanisms for thermolytic degradation. PNC oligomers were freely-mixed with hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) to form solutions that were spin-coated to form templated films. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that the free-mixing of PNCs with HSQ resulted in the agglomeration of the porogen molecules during the spincoating step. This phase-segregation produced domain sizes much larger than those of the individual chains, and during decomposition large pores were produced. To combat the phase segregation, hydrosilylation reactions were used to covalently bond vinyl end-capped PNC chains to silane-functionalized siloxane and silsesquioxane molecules. These matrix-like materials served as compatibilizers in order to improve the phase-compatibility of the sacrificial polymers in HSQ films. NMR and GPC analyses showed that the solids recovered from the hydrosilylation reactions were binary mixtures of hybrid nanocomposite molecules and residual ungrafted PNC chains. TEM imaging showed that the domains in these nanocomposite films had bimodal size distributions due to the presence of two components in the mixtures. The hybrid molecules produced pores ranging in size from about 6-13 nm as a result of improvements in the phase-compatibility of the grafted oligomers. However, the residual ungrafted oligomers in the blends produced larger domains measuring 30-40 nm. It is believed that separation difficulties can be avoided if the vinyl termination reaction conditions can be adjusted to ensure 100% conversion of all the terminal hydroxyl groups to vinyl groups. Doing so would allow all PNC chains to be grafted during hydrosilylation reaction; thus, avoiding the recovery of free PNC oligomers.

Slag inclusion formation during solidification of steel alloys and in cast iron

Adolfi, Sofia January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis explores the formation of segregation and inclusions during solidification of steel and cast iron. A better understanding of the formation mechanism should result in decreasing fraction of defects during solidification of ingot and strand material.</p><p>Density driven macrosegregation was studied both experimentally and theoretically to see the effect of channel segregation on the total segregation. Formation of these pencil-like segregations is due to natural convection in the solidifying metal caused by liquid enrichment of elements with lower density compared to the bulk. It is suggested to change the composition to compensate for this density difference.</p><p>Inclusion precipitation can be finite by limitations in segregation. Saturated liquid is found in the last solidified areas, often between dendrites. Here the enrichment of the liquid is possible due to microsegregation. Meanwhile crystals form and solidify the elements with low solubility in the solid is pushed out in the remaining liquid. Soon the liquid is saturated to the level where spontaneous formation of inclusions occurs. Microstructure studies by aid of SEM and micro-probe measurements are analysed to find at what point during solidification process the inclusions start to form. In steel making this formation has a detrimental effect on the mechanical properties in contrary to the production of nodular cast iron where the inclusions have a beneficial effect on the graphite formation.</p><p>Inoculation of cast iron aims at reaching higher number density of graphite nodules, nodule morphology modification and control of nodule distribution during solidification. Late precipitation of nucleation sites has shown to have a positive impact on preventing chill. To find the most potent inoculation agent different additives were tested. Special effort has been made to analyse the effect of oxides and sulphides as nucleation sites.</p>

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