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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análisis regulatorio e implementación normativa para sistemas de autoproducción eléctrica residencial en el Perú / Regulatory analysis and normative implementation for residential electricity self-production systems in Peru

Díaz Villanueva, Edwar Rafael, Leon Milla, Neyel Alden 29 April 2021 (has links)
La autoproducción es un nuevo mecanismo de oferta en el mercado de electricidad que permite al usuario ser a la vez generador de electricidad, consumir su producción e inyectar los excedentes, haciéndose acreedor de un derecho de compensación futura. La investigación desarrolla las implicancias regulatorias que impactan a los usuarios, a las empresas generadoras, a las distribuidoras y a los usuarios, estableciendo que no representa mayor riesgo que una competencia a menor escala, que el usuario tiene derecho a autoabastecerse, sin dejar de lado su responsabilidad por la red a la que se encuentra conectado y no tomando ventajas respecto de los usuarios que no entren en el régimen del autoconsumo. Entre las ventajas de la autoproducción se identifica un ahorro por el consumo de la generación propia, la mitigación de la dependencia de las fuentes convencionales de generación, la reducción de los costos en las pérdidas por el transporte de electricidad, la promoción de energías limpias. Como desventajas se evalúa la necesidad de contar y remunerar el respaldo energético por la intermitencia de la generación eléctrica con fuentes renovables no gestionables, la posible afectación a las inversiones en las redes de distribución, los costos iniciales de inversión y de administración de las unidades de generación dispersas, el trámite y acceso a la conexión. Desde el punto de vista regulatorio, habiendo demostrado la rentabilidad del proyecto con una evaluación de costos, la medición neta, como mecanismo de para la autoproducción, puede ser desarrollada en nuestro país y en la presente investigación se plantea las reformas normativas para hacerlo viable con probabilidad de éxito, consistentes entre otros, en establecer un límite individual de capacidad efectiva (instalada), un límite acumulado de capacidad a nivel país como primera etapa, la necesidad de establecer un pago fijo por la confiabilidad y posibilidad de inyecciones de energía a la red, y un neteo de derechos energéticos a ser compensados en un periodo de doce meses, luego de lo cual, el derecho pasará a favor de la distribuidora; que junto a las reglas claras y simples de los trámites para ser autoproductor, conllevaría a un beneficio parar el sector y la sociedad en su conjunto. / Self-production is a new supply mechanism in the electricity market, through which the consumer produces his own electricity, consume it, and inject the surpluses into the grid, becoming a creditor of the right to future compensations for those surpluses. This paper explains the regulatory impacts of self-production on users and electricity companies. Net metering represents a competition on a smaller scale, where users have the right to self-supply electricity without having advantages over other users who aren't in the self-consumption regime. Among the advantages of net metering, as a mechanism for self-production, this thesis identifies savings from the consumption of own electricity, the reduction of dependence on conventional sources of power generation, the reduction of losses in the transport of electricity, the promotion of clean energy. As disadvantages, the need to count on and remunerate energy support with conventional sources due to the intermittency of electricity generation, with non-manageable renewable sources, the possible impact on distributor’s incomes, initial investment and administration costs of the dispersed generation equipment, the procedure and access to connection. We propose to establish an individual limit of effective capacity for self-generation, an accumulated limit of self-production capacity in the national system as the first stage, a fixed payment for the reliability and possibility of energy injections to the grid, and a netting of energy rights to be compensated in a period of twelve months. / Trabajo de investigación

Investigating self-fabrication in the context of artificial chemistries

Van Niekerk, Christopher 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis gives a broad overview of what artificial chemistries (ACs) are, a brief review of several ACs and their applications, and an in depth analysis of one speci c AC: the four-bit binary string system. The model designed by Banzhaf [1] for in silico examination was recreated using the Python programming language. The initial motivation was to identify an existing AC that could be used to elucidate the sequence-function relationship, which led to the simultaneous investigation of self-organization in AC systems [7]. The interest in sequence-function relationships stems from their importance for self-production of objects [35]. For self-replication to be possible in larger organizations, the components of the organization must be able to continuously produce themselves [3, 7]. We chose the four-bit binary string system for investigation because of its simple design and implementation, its ability to yield complex results from interactions between a small population of objects, and its analogy to the DNA{RNA{protein organisation. When a population of objects are allowed to continuously interact, self-production and self-organization occur, even in simple arti cial systems [7, 8]. The stability of the emergent organizations depends on the interactions of its components, which must be capable of self-production if they are to maintain the organization [27]. Self-production of objects depends on their sequence-function relationship, which determines their rate of replication when interacting with other objects. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis verskaf `n bree oorsig van die algemene aard van artifisiele chemies (ACs), `n kort opsomming van `n paar ACs en hul toepassings, en `n diepgaande analise van een spesifieke AC: die 4-bis binere stringstelsel. Die model wat Banzhaf [1] ontwerp het vir in silico eksperimentering is hier herskep in die Python programmeringstaal. Die aanvanklike motivering was om `n bestaande AC te identifiseer wat gebruik kon word om die sekwens-funksie verwantskap te ontrafel, en dit het gelei tot die gelyktydige ondersoek van self-organisasie in AC stelsels [7]. Ons belangstelling in sekwens-funksie verwantskappe spruit uit hul belang vir die selfproduksie van objekte [35]. Om selfreplisering in meer omvangryke organisasies moontlik te maak moet die komponente in staat wees om hulself eenstryk te produseer [3, 7]. Ons het `n 4-bis stelsel vir hierdie studie gekies omdat die ontwerp en implementering eenvoudig is, omdat interaksies binne `n klein populasie van objekte komplekse resultate gee, en omdat die stelsel se organisasie analoog aan die DNA-RNA-proteien organisasie is. Wanneer `n populasie van objekte toegelaat word om eenstryk op mekaar te reageer vind self-produksie en self-organisasie vanself plaas, selfs in eenvoudige artifsiele stelsels [7, 8]. Die stabiliteit van die emergente organisasies hang af van die interaksies tussen die komponente, wat self die vermoe tot selfproduksie moet he indien hulle die organisasie in stand wil hou [27]. Selfproduksie van objekte hang af van hul sekwens-funsieverwantskap, wat op hul beurt bepaal hoe vinnig hulle repliseer wanneer in interaksie met ander objekte.

Análise da participação dos autoprodutores e produtores independentes de energia no setor elétrico brasileiro. / Analysis of participation of energy self producers and independent producers in the Brazilian electric sector.

Marcondes, Mônica 21 August 2008 (has links)
Historicamente o suprimento de energia elétrica no Brasil, desempenha papel de destaque no crescimento econômico nacional, por conta da sua capacidade de agregar renda através do fomento às grandes indústrias. Sua forte associação na composição da renda nacional preocupa de maneira geral todos os envolvidos e interessados no abastecimento de energia que, na pauta dos últimos governos, discute a priorização dos investimentos para o setor. O domínio do setor por pequenos investidores consolidou-se até meados da década de 40. Após esse período houve um repasse dos ativos para o Estado que passou a desempenhar o papel de investidor na expansão da oferta. Neste contexto, a construção de grandes empreendimentos como Itaipu e Paulo Afonso foram realizados dentre outros. Com o avanço da economia, as obras existentes tornaramse insuficientes tendo em vista uma forte ascensão da demanda em todos os segmentos de consumo: industrial, comercial e residencial. A solução para este entrave foi a privatização do setor vislumbrando investimentos da iniciativa privada através de concessões dadas pelo Estado. Buscando maior dinamismo setorial, várias ações foram desencadeadas para sua formatação, que separou as empresas estatais verticalizadas nos setores de geração, distribuição, transmissão e comercialização de energia. As empresas distribuidoras de energia foram pioneiras no processo de transferência de ativos, seguidas pelos setores de transmissão e geração de energia. Através da abertura proposta pelo governo a partir do PND (Plano Nacional de Desestatização), o setor elétrico brasileiro vem experimentando uma reestruturação baseada em experiências de países como Reino Unido, um dos pioneiros na criação de empresas de geração, transmissão e distribuição independentes, propiciando maior eficiência econômica ao negócio de energia, transferindo a responsabilidade de novos investimentos para os agentes privados. Um marco regulatório foi criado a fim de estabelecer o papel do Governo neste processo como regulador, definindo regras que propiciem maiores investimentos para o atendimento da demanda ascendente que vem sendo verificada nos últimos anos. Com a consolidação de um ambiente competitivo, definiu-se um novo papel para as grandes indústrias do país, o autoprodutor e o produtor independente de energia elétrica, tratado neste trabalho como investidores em energia para autoconsumo, independente da formação jurídica usada para criação da sociedade/consórcio que, a partir deste marco, alterou o comportamento para a aquisição de energia necessária para seu processo de produção. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a evolução recente e as perspectivas dos investimentos em infra-estrutura no Brasil com a participação dos autoprodutores e produtores independentes de energia elétrica na matriz energética nacional, tendo em vista os reais custos de energia após a privatização das empresas de distribuição. Os altos custos de aquisição de energia, de uma maneira geral diminuíram a competitividade das empresas acostumadas a menores gastos neste setor, criando a figura potencial de um investidor em geração de energia para consumo próprio como forma de assegurar custos gerenciáveis durante o período de sua concessão. Para isso, procura-se desenvolver uma análise dos dados consolidados do setor, e, o desdobramento dos fatos observados após sua privatização, traçando um paralelo com a energia adquirida pela indústria para o auto-consumo, associada com a política regulatória institucional e o planejamento da oferta de novos projetos de usinas hidrelétricas. A conclusão do trabalho aponta para a comparação entre as formas de aquisição de energia versus a autoprodução/produção independente que no longo prazo merece destaque na economia e garantia de suprimento para produção industrial. / Historically, the electric power supply in Brazil has a role that stands out in the domestic economic growth, due to its capacity to add revenue through the promotion to large-sized industries. Its strong association in the composition of the domestic revenue is of general concern of all individuals involved and interested in the power supply in Brazil, which, in the norms of recent governances, discuss the priority of the investments for the sector. The nationalization of the sector, formerly controlled by small-sized private investors, delegated the State the assignment of promoting its development, providing an energy offer that could accompany the demand increases observed in Brazil. On the other hand, the Government invested and assumed the expansion of the generator park in Brazil, with the construction of some significant work, such as Itaipu and Paulo Afonso, among others. With the development of the economy, the existing work became insufficient, taking into account a strong increase of the demand in all levels of consumption: industrial, commercial and residential. The solution for this obstacle was the privatization of the sector, aiming at investments of the private enterprise, through concessions granted by the State Government. With the proposal of stimulating the sector, various actions were taken to format the sector, which separated the verticalized state companies in the power generation, distribution, transmission and commercialization sectors. The companies that distribute power were the pioneers in the process for assets transfer, followed by the power generation and transmission sectors. Through the opening provided by the Government as from the PND (National Plan for Privatization), the Brazilian electric sector has been experiencing a restructuring, based on experiences of countries such as the United Kingdom, which is a pioneer in the creation of independent distribution, transmission and generation companies, enabling a major efficiency for the power business, and, at the same time, transferring the responsibility of new investments to private agents. A regulatory limit was created in order to establish the Government role in this process as a regulator, defining rules, providing investments in the sector for compliance with the increasing demand, which was noted in recent years. With the consolidation of a highly competitive environment, a new role was defined for large-sized industries in Brazil, the self-producer of electric power, which, as from the new regulatory limit, changed substantially its behavior regarding the acquisition of power, necessary for its production process. The objective of this paper is to analyze the recent development and the investment perspectives in infrastructure in Brazil, with the participation of the selfproducers of electric power at the domestic energetic headquarters, which mainly reemerged after the privatization of the distribution companies that, as from their new management, and aiming at the profit of the company, started to collect from the industrial class electric power rates with no subsidies. High power acquisition costs, generally speaking, reduced the competitiveness of the companies used to little expenses in this sector, thus creating the image of an investor in power generation for his own consumption, as a way to assure manageable costs during the period of its concession. Therefore, there is a search for the development of an analysis of the consolidated data of the sector, and the attainment of the observed post privatization events of the sector, with a comparison with the power acquired by the industry for the self-consumption, associated with the institutional regulatory policy and the indicative planning of the offer of new projects of hydroelectric power plants indicated by the Government. The conclusion of this paper is focused on the comparison between the various types of conventional power acquisition, involving the purchase of input, with the self-production that, on a long-term basis, should be highlighted in terms of economy and guarantee of supply for the industrial production.

Análise da participação dos autoprodutores e produtores independentes de energia no setor elétrico brasileiro. / Analysis of participation of energy self producers and independent producers in the Brazilian electric sector.

Mônica Marcondes 21 August 2008 (has links)
Historicamente o suprimento de energia elétrica no Brasil, desempenha papel de destaque no crescimento econômico nacional, por conta da sua capacidade de agregar renda através do fomento às grandes indústrias. Sua forte associação na composição da renda nacional preocupa de maneira geral todos os envolvidos e interessados no abastecimento de energia que, na pauta dos últimos governos, discute a priorização dos investimentos para o setor. O domínio do setor por pequenos investidores consolidou-se até meados da década de 40. Após esse período houve um repasse dos ativos para o Estado que passou a desempenhar o papel de investidor na expansão da oferta. Neste contexto, a construção de grandes empreendimentos como Itaipu e Paulo Afonso foram realizados dentre outros. Com o avanço da economia, as obras existentes tornaramse insuficientes tendo em vista uma forte ascensão da demanda em todos os segmentos de consumo: industrial, comercial e residencial. A solução para este entrave foi a privatização do setor vislumbrando investimentos da iniciativa privada através de concessões dadas pelo Estado. Buscando maior dinamismo setorial, várias ações foram desencadeadas para sua formatação, que separou as empresas estatais verticalizadas nos setores de geração, distribuição, transmissão e comercialização de energia. As empresas distribuidoras de energia foram pioneiras no processo de transferência de ativos, seguidas pelos setores de transmissão e geração de energia. Através da abertura proposta pelo governo a partir do PND (Plano Nacional de Desestatização), o setor elétrico brasileiro vem experimentando uma reestruturação baseada em experiências de países como Reino Unido, um dos pioneiros na criação de empresas de geração, transmissão e distribuição independentes, propiciando maior eficiência econômica ao negócio de energia, transferindo a responsabilidade de novos investimentos para os agentes privados. Um marco regulatório foi criado a fim de estabelecer o papel do Governo neste processo como regulador, definindo regras que propiciem maiores investimentos para o atendimento da demanda ascendente que vem sendo verificada nos últimos anos. Com a consolidação de um ambiente competitivo, definiu-se um novo papel para as grandes indústrias do país, o autoprodutor e o produtor independente de energia elétrica, tratado neste trabalho como investidores em energia para autoconsumo, independente da formação jurídica usada para criação da sociedade/consórcio que, a partir deste marco, alterou o comportamento para a aquisição de energia necessária para seu processo de produção. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a evolução recente e as perspectivas dos investimentos em infra-estrutura no Brasil com a participação dos autoprodutores e produtores independentes de energia elétrica na matriz energética nacional, tendo em vista os reais custos de energia após a privatização das empresas de distribuição. Os altos custos de aquisição de energia, de uma maneira geral diminuíram a competitividade das empresas acostumadas a menores gastos neste setor, criando a figura potencial de um investidor em geração de energia para consumo próprio como forma de assegurar custos gerenciáveis durante o período de sua concessão. Para isso, procura-se desenvolver uma análise dos dados consolidados do setor, e, o desdobramento dos fatos observados após sua privatização, traçando um paralelo com a energia adquirida pela indústria para o auto-consumo, associada com a política regulatória institucional e o planejamento da oferta de novos projetos de usinas hidrelétricas. A conclusão do trabalho aponta para a comparação entre as formas de aquisição de energia versus a autoprodução/produção independente que no longo prazo merece destaque na economia e garantia de suprimento para produção industrial. / Historically, the electric power supply in Brazil has a role that stands out in the domestic economic growth, due to its capacity to add revenue through the promotion to large-sized industries. Its strong association in the composition of the domestic revenue is of general concern of all individuals involved and interested in the power supply in Brazil, which, in the norms of recent governances, discuss the priority of the investments for the sector. The nationalization of the sector, formerly controlled by small-sized private investors, delegated the State the assignment of promoting its development, providing an energy offer that could accompany the demand increases observed in Brazil. On the other hand, the Government invested and assumed the expansion of the generator park in Brazil, with the construction of some significant work, such as Itaipu and Paulo Afonso, among others. With the development of the economy, the existing work became insufficient, taking into account a strong increase of the demand in all levels of consumption: industrial, commercial and residential. The solution for this obstacle was the privatization of the sector, aiming at investments of the private enterprise, through concessions granted by the State Government. With the proposal of stimulating the sector, various actions were taken to format the sector, which separated the verticalized state companies in the power generation, distribution, transmission and commercialization sectors. The companies that distribute power were the pioneers in the process for assets transfer, followed by the power generation and transmission sectors. Through the opening provided by the Government as from the PND (National Plan for Privatization), the Brazilian electric sector has been experiencing a restructuring, based on experiences of countries such as the United Kingdom, which is a pioneer in the creation of independent distribution, transmission and generation companies, enabling a major efficiency for the power business, and, at the same time, transferring the responsibility of new investments to private agents. A regulatory limit was created in order to establish the Government role in this process as a regulator, defining rules, providing investments in the sector for compliance with the increasing demand, which was noted in recent years. With the consolidation of a highly competitive environment, a new role was defined for large-sized industries in Brazil, the self-producer of electric power, which, as from the new regulatory limit, changed substantially its behavior regarding the acquisition of power, necessary for its production process. The objective of this paper is to analyze the recent development and the investment perspectives in infrastructure in Brazil, with the participation of the selfproducers of electric power at the domestic energetic headquarters, which mainly reemerged after the privatization of the distribution companies that, as from their new management, and aiming at the profit of the company, started to collect from the industrial class electric power rates with no subsidies. High power acquisition costs, generally speaking, reduced the competitiveness of the companies used to little expenses in this sector, thus creating the image of an investor in power generation for his own consumption, as a way to assure manageable costs during the period of its concession. Therefore, there is a search for the development of an analysis of the consolidated data of the sector, and the attainment of the observed post privatization events of the sector, with a comparison with the power acquired by the industry for the self-consumption, associated with the institutional regulatory policy and the indicative planning of the offer of new projects of hydroelectric power plants indicated by the Government. The conclusion of this paper is focused on the comparison between the various types of conventional power acquisition, involving the purchase of input, with the self-production that, on a long-term basis, should be highlighted in terms of economy and guarantee of supply for the industrial production.

The Suggestions for The Development and Innovation Models of Kaohsiung¡¦s Self-production Cable Channels before and after Administrative Area Integration

Huang, Chao-An 02 August 2011 (has links)
The number of cable TV subscribers in Taiwan is nearly 6 million. According to all kinds of statistics, the popularity rate of cable TV should be over 80% if those who watch cable TV without paying are included. The rate is estimated to be higher in metropolitan areas. In recent years, the media industry in Taiwan has been rising and flourishing, especially TV media. Watching TV is the most frequently chosen activity for entertainment in Taiwan families. However, when cable TV system is used to receive, transfer, and transmit wireless and satellite TV, or is applied by using the bandwidth of cables, can ¡§Self-production cable channel¡¨ planned by Business Plan also play the role of the media in TV channels? Restricted by the area division of operating cable TV, the customers of cable TV system operators are community residents. The overall operation has a lot to do with the communities. Self-production cable channel is the local TV station. With emphasis on local cultures in Taiwan, does cable TV system plan the context for local cultures to be the text related to local life, culture and history, especially for southern Taiwan that is short of ¡§care¡¨ from TV media for a long time? Can ¡§Self-production cable channel¡¨ provide the locals with some media functions in suitable time and meet the requirements of communities? For cable TV system which is short of economies scale, what is the operation mode of ¡§Self-production cable channel¡¨? And what are the elements affecting developments? Most of the internal studies related to cable TV emphasize on exploring engineering technique, operation effect, business strategy, subscription fees, subscriber satisfaction, and channel plan, and so on. Studies related to Self-production cable channel are rarely seen. Thus, the three purposes for this study are as following: 1. Explore the role and function of Self-production cable channels. 2. Analyze the development model and elements affecting the development of Self-production cable channels. 3. Seek for the possibilities to creativity of Self-production cable channels and give suggestions. To explore the development model of Self-production cable channels in Kaohsiung city, this study uses data mining technique, interview survey, and case study, and the interviewees include officials, industries, experts and scholars, and community representatives. Besides, literature review, data collection, value chain theory, diamond model, and SWOT Analysis are also used to assist in analyzing. By analyzing Self-production cable channels in Kaohsiung city, 5 conclusions are generalized: 1. Self-production cable channels are defined as the local media, and it produces materials based on communities. 2. The system operator keeps working, but the support is limited. 3. The goals and missions for Self-production cable channels are various. 4. Crisis exists in self-approval and other-approval. 5. Overall marketing of Self-production cable channels is not active enough. According to the result, suggestions to Self-production cable channels are as following: 1. Clear Definition: Non-profit TV station 2. Human Resources: Core element of organization 3. Enhance the brand, content, service value: Key to the creative development 4. Government Policy: The strongest promoter

Commentaires et rapports d’interdépendance dans le dispositif des web-séries créées en autoproduction. L’appropriation par l’interaction / Commentaries and relationship of interdependence in the self-produced created web-series’s device. Appropriation throught interaction

Neuvillers, Marie-Caroline 13 March 2019 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à comprendre de quelle manière le dispositif de la web-série autoproduite crée une interdépendance entre créateurs et communautés de spectateurs. Elle se fonde sur l’analyse des commentaires et des interactions relevés sur les plateformes de diffusion d’un corpus de web-séries françaises, relevant de la science-fiction, du fantastique ou de l’heroic fantasy. Les web-séries font partie intégrante d’un champ de création sur le web qui ne cesse de s’élargir. Depuis plus de dix ans, elles ont bâti des univers fictionnels qui ont su fédérer des communautés de spectateurs. Pourtant, leur réalisation est encore loin d’être évidente et leur parcours de production souvent jalonné de difficultés, principalement financières. Nombreuses sont les équipes qui choisissent, volontairement ou à défaut, le circuit de l’autoproduction, que leurs membres soient des professionnels de l’audiovisuel ou des amateurs. Les communautés que parviennent à former et à mobiliser certaines web-séries deviennent alors les rouages indispensables d’un dispositif qui repose sur la visibilité et l’interaction pour exister. Elles possèdent une valeur aussi symbolique que matérielle, et leur engagement est déterminant dans la viabilité de l’objet. Les échanges des communautés sur les différentes plateformes où existent les web-séries, témoignent d’une véritable appropriation de celles-ci et sont marqués par un rapport de proximité avec leurs créateurs. Ainsi, les actions produites par ces communautés tendent à façonner l’image et l’identité de l’objet autour duquel elles se mobilisent dans une perspective collaborative, autant que le dispositif de la web-série conditionne leurs activités. / This research aims to understand how the device of the self-produced web-series is generating interdependence between creators and communities of spectators. It is based on the analysis of the comments and the interactions recorded on the platforms of diffusion of a corpus of French web-series, all belonging to sci-fi, fantastic or heroic fantaisy fields. Web-series are part of a web creative field, which constantly grows. For more than a decade, they have built fictionnal universes that were able to federate communities of spectators and lived beyond the web. Yet, their making is still far from easy and their production path is often marked with difficulties, mainly financial. A lot of crews choose, volontarily or not, a self-produced system, wether their members are audiovisual professionals or amateurs. The communities that managed to form and to mobilize certain web-series then become the essential cogs of a device that relies on visibility and interaction to exist. These communities possess a value as symbolic as material, and their commitment is decisive in the viability of the object. The exchanges of communities on the different platforms where the web-series exist show a real appropriation of these and are marked by a relation of closeness with their creators. Thus, the actions produced by these communities tend to shape the image and the identity of the object around which they unite, in a collaborative perspective, as much as the device of the web-series conditions their activities.

Análise econômica financeira comparativa da autoprodução direta ou conectada no SIN - um estudo de caso. / The comparative economic financial analysis of the direct self production or connected to SIN (National Interconnected System) case analysis.

Midea, Leonardo Granada 26 May 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal verificar a viabilidade econômica financeira da autoprodução direta e interligada, isto é, elaborar uma comparação entre uma usina hidrelétrica ligada diretamente à unidade de consumo, e uma usina ligada ao Sistema Interligado Nacional, com potência e energia asseguradas. Para isso, foram utilizados, como premissas, uma indústria de alumínio que, como parte integrante dos grandes consumidores de energia brasileira, é um tipo de indústria eletro-intensiva, e emprega milhares de pessoas direta e indiretamente; também uma usina hidrelétrica, que neste trabalho foi a UHE Piraju, usina de concessão da CIA BRASILEIRA DE ALUMÍNIO, que gentilmente cedeu os dados de geração física real. Foram adotadas as seguintes metodologias para comparação da viabilidade, utilizando um cenário de geração e preços SPOT dos anos de 2006 e 2007: (i) Autoprodução Direta: Geração física real, comercializando excedentes e comprando energia do mercado ao preço SPOT quando necessário, e considerando todos os encargos e benefícios deste tipo de ligação; (ii) Autoprodução Conectada no SIN: Energia Assegurada Sazonalizada em 3 cenários distintos, Flat, com sazonalização moderada e sazonalização otimizada, considerando também os custos de conexão e encargos pertinentes para cada cenário. Os resultados apresentados mostram que, por pouca margem de diferença, foi mais vantajoso o cenário com a energia assegurada otimizada, porém, é possível verificar que, ponderando os resultados apresentados nos diversos cenários, verificamos que é mais viável a usina ligada diretamente à carga, pois a previsibilidade do mercado de preços de curto prazo é pequena, e dificilmente se acertaria com precisão os PLD´s registrados no ano seguinte ao da sazonalização. Contudo, o Decreto no 5.163, de 30 de Julho de 2004, através do Artigo 71, somente permite que usinas sejam ligadas diretamente à carga se estiverem dentro do mesmo sítio. O proposto é a inclusão de um novo parágrafo no Artigo 71 com condições de economicidade para a permissão da ligação da usina diretamente ao consumo. / The main goal of this study is to verify the economic financial feasibility of the direct self production, it means, of a hydropower unit directly connected to a consumption unit and to a hydropower unit connected to the SIN, with guaranteed power and energy. For this purpose, the study used as pattern an aluminum industry, which, as part of the Brazilian hall of the major energy users, a type of electric-intensive industry, and that involves thousands of employees directly and indirectly, as well as an hydroelectric power unit, which in this study was the UHE Piraju, the energy authorized supplier unit of the CIA BRASILEIRA DE ALUMÍNIO, who gently provided the real generation data. The following methodology were adopted to compare the feasibility, using a generation scenario and SPOT values of 2006 and 2007: (i) Direct Self Production: Real generation, trading leftovers and acquiring market energy at SPOT values, when required, and considering all costs and benefits of this type of connection; (ii) SIN Connected Self production: guaranteed seasoned energy in different scenarios, Flat, with seasonalization moderated and seasonalization optimized, also considering the connection and applicable costs for each scenario. The presented results indicated that, for a small difference, the most advantageous scenario was the one with optimized guaranteed energy, however, it is possible to verify that evaluating the presented results in the different cases, it was verified that is more feasible the unit directed connected to a demand, since the forecast of short term values market is small, and it would hardly precise ascertain with the registered PLD (Settlement Price for the Differences) in the following year of the seasonalization. However, the Act n. 5.163, July 30, 2004, through the Article 71 only allows power units to be connected to the demand if they are in the same site. The proposal is the inclusion of a new paragraph in the Article 71 with economic conditions in order to allow the connection between the power unit to the consumption.

Análise econômica financeira comparativa da autoprodução direta ou conectada no SIN - um estudo de caso. / The comparative economic financial analysis of the direct self production or connected to SIN (National Interconnected System) case analysis.

Leonardo Granada Midea 26 May 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal verificar a viabilidade econômica financeira da autoprodução direta e interligada, isto é, elaborar uma comparação entre uma usina hidrelétrica ligada diretamente à unidade de consumo, e uma usina ligada ao Sistema Interligado Nacional, com potência e energia asseguradas. Para isso, foram utilizados, como premissas, uma indústria de alumínio que, como parte integrante dos grandes consumidores de energia brasileira, é um tipo de indústria eletro-intensiva, e emprega milhares de pessoas direta e indiretamente; também uma usina hidrelétrica, que neste trabalho foi a UHE Piraju, usina de concessão da CIA BRASILEIRA DE ALUMÍNIO, que gentilmente cedeu os dados de geração física real. Foram adotadas as seguintes metodologias para comparação da viabilidade, utilizando um cenário de geração e preços SPOT dos anos de 2006 e 2007: (i) Autoprodução Direta: Geração física real, comercializando excedentes e comprando energia do mercado ao preço SPOT quando necessário, e considerando todos os encargos e benefícios deste tipo de ligação; (ii) Autoprodução Conectada no SIN: Energia Assegurada Sazonalizada em 3 cenários distintos, Flat, com sazonalização moderada e sazonalização otimizada, considerando também os custos de conexão e encargos pertinentes para cada cenário. Os resultados apresentados mostram que, por pouca margem de diferença, foi mais vantajoso o cenário com a energia assegurada otimizada, porém, é possível verificar que, ponderando os resultados apresentados nos diversos cenários, verificamos que é mais viável a usina ligada diretamente à carga, pois a previsibilidade do mercado de preços de curto prazo é pequena, e dificilmente se acertaria com precisão os PLD´s registrados no ano seguinte ao da sazonalização. Contudo, o Decreto no 5.163, de 30 de Julho de 2004, através do Artigo 71, somente permite que usinas sejam ligadas diretamente à carga se estiverem dentro do mesmo sítio. O proposto é a inclusão de um novo parágrafo no Artigo 71 com condições de economicidade para a permissão da ligação da usina diretamente ao consumo. / The main goal of this study is to verify the economic financial feasibility of the direct self production, it means, of a hydropower unit directly connected to a consumption unit and to a hydropower unit connected to the SIN, with guaranteed power and energy. For this purpose, the study used as pattern an aluminum industry, which, as part of the Brazilian hall of the major energy users, a type of electric-intensive industry, and that involves thousands of employees directly and indirectly, as well as an hydroelectric power unit, which in this study was the UHE Piraju, the energy authorized supplier unit of the CIA BRASILEIRA DE ALUMÍNIO, who gently provided the real generation data. The following methodology were adopted to compare the feasibility, using a generation scenario and SPOT values of 2006 and 2007: (i) Direct Self Production: Real generation, trading leftovers and acquiring market energy at SPOT values, when required, and considering all costs and benefits of this type of connection; (ii) SIN Connected Self production: guaranteed seasoned energy in different scenarios, Flat, with seasonalization moderated and seasonalization optimized, also considering the connection and applicable costs for each scenario. The presented results indicated that, for a small difference, the most advantageous scenario was the one with optimized guaranteed energy, however, it is possible to verify that evaluating the presented results in the different cases, it was verified that is more feasible the unit directed connected to a demand, since the forecast of short term values market is small, and it would hardly precise ascertain with the registered PLD (Settlement Price for the Differences) in the following year of the seasonalization. However, the Act n. 5.163, July 30, 2004, through the Article 71 only allows power units to be connected to the demand if they are in the same site. The proposal is the inclusion of a new paragraph in the Article 71 with economic conditions in order to allow the connection between the power unit to the consumption.

Självframställan på sociala medier : Motiv, funktioner och normer för självframställan och sociala interaktioner på Instagram

Fessy, Einar January 2013 (has links)
Fotografiet har sedan dess födelse alltid fascinerat oss. Som ett sätt att dokumentera, förmedla nyheter, marknadsföra eller dela med sig av något så enkelt som familjesemestern. Fotografiet har onekligen spelat en stor roll i utvecklingen av självrepresentation i många aspekter i människors liv. På tal om utveckling har även fotografiet utvecklats från ett analogt format till att i dagens digitaliserade värld för det mesta vara digitalt. Utveckling föder utveckling och i dagens läge är en kamera aldrig längre bort än var och ens egen ficka. I dagens samhälle finns möjligheten att socialt interagera genom att dela ett fotografi via olika sociala medier. I denna uppsats har jag valt att avgränsa mig till fotoapplikationen Instagram. Där syftet är att utforska hur människor använder mediet för självframställande och hur sociala förbindelser uppstår inom plattformen. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med användare har jag kommit fram till att motivet bakom delandet handlar om motivation gentemot andra och jakt på bekräftelse från sin publik. Jag har även kommit fram till att den sociala interaktionen sker genom en kombination mellan bild och kommentar. / The photograph has since its birth always fascinated us. As a way to document, communicate news, market or share something as simple as a family holiday. The photograph has undoubtedly played a major role in the development of self-representation in many aspects of human life. Speaking of development the photograph has also evolved in today’s digitized world, from an analog format to mostly be digital. Development breed development, and today a camera is never further away than anyone’s pocket. In the society today the possibility of social integration by sharing a photograph through various social media is easy. In this essay, I have chosen to limit myself to the photo application Instagram, where the aim is to explore how people use the media for self-production and how social connectivity occurs within the platform. Through semi-structured interviews with users, I have concluded that the motive behind the sharing pictures is all about motivation towards others and looking for confirmation from the users audience. I have also concluded that social interaction takes place in the combination between picture and comments.

一個新的庶民音樂創作經驗:智慧型手機上的配樂應用程式 / A New Experience of Music Creation for Plebeian: Musical Accompaniment Apps on Smartphone

戴張戎, Tai, Chang Jung Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來音樂於人們生活中扮演著極為重要角色,在大多數人的成長過程裡或多或少皆有令其印象深刻之旋律。然而這些旋律常由專業人士所創作,對於未接受過專業訓練的民眾而言,若欲創作自己專屬之音樂難度甚高,而此目標也變得遙不可及。 為解決上述問題,降低音樂自行創作門檻,本研究以行動裝置之使用環境不受限及直覺性觸控介面兩大特性為運行環境,設計Android系統上之音樂創作軟體,協助未受過音樂專業訓練的庶民透過音樂主旋律並搭配適合的和弦配樂達成自行創作音樂之目標。本創作音樂軟體利用行動裝置提供「繪畫旋律曲線」與「字詞輸入」兩種輸入方式,將使用者繪畫的旋律曲線轉換為一段音樂主旋律,進行調性判斷、修正主旋律組成音並利用音樂動機樣式變化加以使主旋律更為豐富,輔以隱藏式馬可夫模型產生適切之和弦序列。最後將主旋律聲波與其產生的和弦聲波以混音的結果呈現給予使用者。 為評估本創作軟體是否符合使用者需求,以實驗觀察法邀請38位受試者進行軟體操作與評估。分析結果顯示,近75%的受試者認為由音樂創作軟體所產生之主旋律與和弦彼此搭配良好且符合其音樂動機。在介面易用性評估方面,結果顯示有近90%受測者認為本研究所提出的音樂創作軟體具有簡單易用之特性且能夠協助其降低創作音樂之門檻。簡單且易用的音樂創作軟體在實務上之重要性不言可喻,不但可使非專業使用者達成自我創作音樂之夢想,更可讓其沉浸於音樂創作成就感之中。 / Music plays as an essential role in human life and it affects the listeners on a certain extent. However, a pleasing music is the production of musicians and is difficult to be created by novices without musical specialty. To lower the entry point of music creation, this thesis design and develop a music accompaniment system on Android with the characteristics of intuitive input and ubiquity for novices without professional music background. The developed system consists of the following modules, main melody preprocessing (key determination and melody modification), music similarity retrieval, main melody post processing (music motif variance), chord accompaniment (Hidden Markov Model and mixing main melody and chord melody) and text processing (tone determination and pitch finding) to automatically match the accordance between melodies and chords that are inputted by patting or word. Thirty-eight participants were invited for system evaluation using the observational experiment. Nearly 75% of participants perceived that the melody and chord matching fits their musical motivations, while 90% stated that they can rely on the system to easily produce desirable music. Our findings contribute to the essence of music creation that the system provides a simplified interface for novice being immersed in music accomplishments, similar to that of professional musicians.

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