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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effects of Ambient Scent on purchase behavior under Different Product Attribute and Consumer Characteristic

Kung, Fang-yu 23 June 2011 (has links)
In nowadays, advertisement and DM overwhelm our life, and visual Marketing is overused for a long time. Therefore, other marketing tools about sense organs may become new field. According previous researches pointed out, sense of smell may be most powerful but lower developed sense, and people have strong recognition and memory pattern about sense of smell as well. As a result, scent could be a good method to apply in the brand and marketing. Besides, there are plenty of foreign researches about sense of smell, but there are only few domestic papers which focus on this issue. Under this circumstances, it is hard to determine whether the foreign researches could apply in Taiwan. Therefore, the proposition of this study are as following¡G (1) Analysis the influence about environment scent to emotion, recall, evaluation and behavior about consumer.(2) Analysis the influence about environment scent under different product types to emotion, recall, evaluation, and behavior about consumer. (3) Analysis the influence about environment scent under different consumer characteristics to emotion, recall, evaluation, and behavior about consumer. In this study, environment scent is independent variables, and product type and consumer characteristic are moderators. This research is a 2(environment scent) x 2(product type) experiment design. Comparing the result of consumer emotion, recall, evaluation, behavior between groups about using environment scent or not, product types and consumer characteristics. The conclusions are summarized as follows¡G (1) Having environment scent is more obvious about consumer emotion, recall, evaluation, and behavior. (2)There is no difference under product types about consumer emotion, recall, evaluation, and behavior. (3) There is interaction between under consumer characteristic about consumer emotion, recall, evaluation, and behavior.

Scent as a Medium for Design: An Experimental Design Inquiry

Mattos, Alessandra Cerqueira 20 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Sinnesstämningens inflytande på olfaktorisk perception / How olfactory perception is influenced by mood

Popucza, Tímea Zsuzsanna January 2017 (has links)
De flesta forskare inom området är överens om att det finns kopplingar mellan luktsinnet och känslor. Däremot finns det mindre forskning och bevis kring hur människors inre tillstånd påverkar olfaktorisk perception, dvs. uppfattningen av dofter. Föreliggande studie hade avsikt att studera sambandet mellan sinnesstämning och uppskattning av behagliga dofter. Den aktuella sinnesstämningen mättes med hjälp av Mood Adjective Checklist (Sjöberg et.al., 1979), ett tillförlitligt och känsligt instrument. För att mäta doftuppskattning användes fem olika dofter på doftstickor. Dofterna valdes ut systematiskt, testades i förväg och bekräftades som behagliga. Resultaten kunde inte visa något signifikant samband mellan sinnesstämning och doftuppskattning (p = .612). Ingen predicerande effekt i sinnesstämning och i de olika dimensionerna av sinnesstämningen på doftuppskattning kunde påvisas (p varierar mellan .293 och .862). Resultaten kan ha påverkats av metodologiska brister och utformningen av dofttestningsinstrumentet som diskuterats.

Making memory : noradrenergic and serotonergic interaction leading to cAMP response element binding protein activation via cAMP mediated 2nd messenger signalling in neonate rat odor preference learning /

Yuan, Qi, January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2003. / Bibliography: leaves 174-202.

Diving deeper into the dolphin's Umwelt : acoustic, gustatory, olfactory and magnetic perception / Plonger dans l'Umwelt des dauphins : perception acoustique, gustative, olfactive et magnétique

Kremers, Dorothee 11 December 2013 (has links)
Le concept d'Umwelt de Jakob von Uexküll considère les animaux comme des sujets qui habitent leur propre univers subjectif qui est déterminé par la perception sensorielle de l'animal et ses capacités cognitives. Le dauphin apparait être une espèce intéressante pour étudier l'Umwelt, car les cétacés ont subi un changement radical de mode de vie au cours de l'évolution. Ces mammifères sont passés d'une vie terrestre à une vie aquatique. Bien que les grands dauphins soient intensivement étudiés, des recherches sur leur perception sensorielle sont encore nécessaires. Ici, nous avons étudié certains aspects de l'Umwelt des dauphins en nous interrogeant sur: (1) l'organisation de leur Umwelt acoustique nocturne ; (2) ce que la production de copies vocales par les dauphins peut nous dire sur leur perception de leur environnement ; (3) s'ils sont capables de percevoir des goûts (4) ou des odeurs ; (5) s'ils sont sensibles aux stimuli magnétiques. Nous avons constaté que l'Umwelt nocturne des dauphins a été caractérisé par une activité vocale avec des patterns temporels qui comprenaient également des copies vocales des sons que les dauphins avaient entendus au cours de la journée. Il s'agit d'une nette séparation entre la formation de la mémoire auditive et la production de copies vocales. Les copies pourraient être des répétitions nocturnes vocalement exprimées des événements de la journée. Ainsi, les vocalisations peuvent servir d'indicateurs d'événements ou d'objets qui ont un sens pour les dauphins. En ce qui concerne les capacités perceptives des dauphins, nous avons constaté qu'ils étaient sensibles aux stimuli liés à l'alimentation à la fois sur les plans gustatif et olfactif. Ils peuvent utiliser cette capacité pour localiser et / ou évaluer la nature de leur proie. En outre, les dauphins ont répondu à un stimulus magnétique, ce qui suggère qu'ils sont magnétosensibles, cela pourrait être utile pour la navigation. Jusqu'à présent, la chimio- et la magnétoréception n'ont pas été considérées sérieusement comme potentiellement fonctionnelles chez les dauphins. Les résultats obtenus au cours de cette thèse ont permis de combler certaines des lacunes qui subsistaient dans la connaissance de l'Umwelt du dauphin et contribuent ainsi à une meilleure compréhension de cette espèce. En outre, ils montrent que des aspects importants de la biologie d'espèces pourtant intensivement étudiées peuvent être encore méconnus. Cela nous rappelle l'importance de garder une grande ouverture d'esprit lorsque l'on étudie un sujet. / The Umwelt concept of Jakob von Uexküll considers animals as subjects that inhabit their own subjective universe which is determined by the animal’s sensory perception and cognitive abilities. Dolphins present an interesting species to investigate its Umwelt because cetaceans underwent a drastic change in lifestyle in the course of evolution because these mammals returned from a terrestrial life back into the water. Although bottlenose dolphins are intensively studied there are still many knowledge gaps. Here we studied some aspects of the dolphins’ Umwelt by asking: (1) how their nocturnal acoustic Umwelt is arranged; (2) what the production of vocal copies can tell us about the dolphins’ perception of their environment; (3) whether they are able to perceive tastes (4) or odours; (5) whether they are sensitive to magnetic stimuli. We found that the dolphins’ nocturnal Umwelt was characterized by a temporally patterned vocal activity that also included vocal copies of sounds that the dolphins had heard during the day. This is a striking separation between auditory memory formation and vocal copy production and the copies might be a vocally expressed nocturnal rehearsal of day events. Thus, vocalizations can serve as possible indicators of events or objects that are meaningful to the dolphins. Regarding dolphins’ perceptive abilities, we found that they were sensitive to both gustatory and olfactory food-related stimuli. They might use this ability to locate and/or evaluate prey. Further, dolphins responded to a magnetic stimulus, suggesting that they are magnetosensitive, what could be useful for navigation. So far, chemo- and magnetoreception have not been considered seriously as potentially functional in dolphins. The results obtained during this thesis fill some of the gaps that still exist in the knowledge of the dolphin’s Umwelt and therefore contribute to a better understanding of this species. Moreover, they illustrate that even already intensively studied species may still hold important facets of their biology to reveal and that research should broaden the view and remain unbiased when studying a topic.

Souvislost čichových a kognitivních schopností u seniorů / Association between olfactory and cognitive abilities in elderly individuals

Babuská, Anna January 2017 (has links)
During the process of aging, the human mental and physical abilities decline. Olfactory abilities are not an exception. A significant decrease of olfactory capabilities in patients with Parkinson's disease was firstly observed a few decades ago. After the discovery of the relationship between olfactory abilities and cognitive abilities in patients with neurodegenerative disease, the same relationship was also found in healthy aging people. It seems that the factors causing the decline of cognition foremost affect the olfactory functions. A number of studies suggests, that this could lead to a possibility of prediction of the future cognitive decline through the assessment of olfactory decline. Our research followed the results of these studies as a part of the NANOK study. Testing of the smell abilities was done in 2014 and 2015. Participants were screened with the Sniffin 'Sticks. Cognitive functions were tested with an extensive battery of cognitive tests. The processiong of data was divided into two parts. In the first part we tested the olfactory identification and discrimination relationship with the general cognitive abilities and the level of the executive functions. In the second part we tested the possibility of prediction of cognitive functions using the smell identification and discrimination...

Korrelation von Riechvermögen und zirkadianer Rhythmik

Rosbach, Mona 12 August 2024 (has links)
Hintergrund: Neue Erkenntnisse zeigten, dass der Geruchssinn kein konstantes Merkmal ist, sondern durch zahlreiche interne und externe Faktoren beeinflusst wird und sich verändert. Studien an Tieren legen nahe, dass der Geruchssinn durch die innere Uhr reguliert wird und einer zirkadianen Rhythmik folgt. Allerdings sind Studien mit Menschen zu diesem Thema begrenzt. Die vorliegende Studie hatte daher das Ziel, die tageszeitlichen Schwankungen des Geruchssinns bei gesunden Erwachsenen zu untersuchen und potenzielle Einflussfaktoren zu identifizieren. Material und Methoden: Zu vier Testzeitpunkten innerhalb eines einzelnen Tages wurden 56 gesunde Testpersonen (Hauptgruppe) im Alter von 18-68 Jahren am Morgen (8-10 Uhr), am Mittag (12-14 Uhr), am Nachmittag (16-18 Uhr) und am Abend (20-22 Uhr) getestet. Bei einer kleinen Zusatzgruppe (n=4) wurden die vier Termine auf vier verschiedene Tage verteilt. Zum ersten Testzeitpunkt absolvierten die Teilnehmenden einen kompletten Riechtest, bestehend aus Schwellen-, Diskriminations- und Identifikationstest mittels Sniffin‘ Sticks und einen Konzentrationstest (d2-R-Test). Sie beantworteten umfassende Fragebögen zu Schlafqualität, Chronotyp, Vorerkrankungen und Nasensymptomatik, sowie Selbsteinschätzungen der Nasenatmung, des Riechvermögens, der Wachheit und der Konzentrationsfähigkeit mittels Visueller Analogskala (VAS). Außerdem erfolgten Messungen der Kreislaufparameter Herzfrequenz und Blutdruck und der Nasenatmung (PNIF). Bei den weiteren Terminen wurden die Messungen der Riechschwelle, Konzentrationsfähigkeit, PNIF, Blutdruck, Herzfrequenz und die Selbsteinschätzung (VAS) wiederholt. Ergebnisse: Die Riechschwellenwerte variierten signifikant zwischen den verschiedenen Tageszeiten, wobei der beste Wert am Abend und der schlechteste am Morgen gemessen wurde. Ähnliche Tendenzen wurden auch beim PNIF beobachtet, mit einer Verbesserung der Werte im Tagesverlauf (morgens<mittags<nachmittags<abends). Es gab jedoch keine signifikanten Korrelationen zwischen dem Riechschwellen- und PNIF-Wert zu den vier Testzeitpunkten und keinen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen der Differenz der Schwellenwerte (Schwelle Abend - Schwelle Morgen) und der Differenz der PNIF-Werte (PNIF Abend - PNIF Morgen). Außerdem wurde ein potenzieller Einfluss des Chronotyp auf das Riechvermögen beobachtet. Personen, die dem Morgentyp zugeteilt wurden, hatten morgens und mittags signifikant bessere Ergebnisse als Personen aus der Abendtyp-Gruppe. Ebenso lieferten Testpersonen der Abendtyp-Gruppe abends und nachmittags signifikant bessere Testergebnisse. Bei Personen mit Hyp- oder Anosmie wurden stärkere Schwankungen im Schwellentest im Laufe eines Tages dokumentiert. Personen mit höherem BMI und Personen mit subjektiv besserem Riechvermögen hatten signifikant bessere Testergebnisse im Schwellentest. Schlussfolgerung: Es kann aus den Ergebnissen der Studie, unter Berücksichtigung der experimentellen Limitationen, geschlussfolgert werden, dass sich der Geruchssinn des Menschen im Laufe eines Tages verändert. Die höchste Geruchsempfindlichkeit und parallel dazu die beste nasale Durchgängigkeit (PNIF) ist abends zu beobachten. Es scheint jedoch, dass die zirkadianen Veränderungen des Riechvermögens nicht wesentlich von den zirkadianen Veränderungen des nasalen Luftstroms abhängen. Außerdem könnten Chronotyp und BMI die beobachteten zirkadianen Schwankungen des Riechvermögens beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie bieten wichtige Einblicke in die tageszeitlichen Veränderungen der Riechfunktion und liefern Erkenntnisse für die zukünftige Forschung auf dem Gebiet genauer Diagnosen und Behandlungen von Riechstörungen.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1. Einleitung 2. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen 3. Material und Methoden 4. Ergebnisse 5. Diskussion 6. Zusammenfassung 7. Summary 8. Abbildungsverzeichnis 9. Tabellenverzeichnis 10. Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung 11. Literaturverzeichnis 12. Danksagung 13. Anhang

Diving deeper into the dolphin's Umwelt : acoustic, gustatory, olfactory and magnetic perception

Kremers, Dorothee 11 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The Umwelt concept of Jakob von Uexküll considers animals as subjects that inhabit their own subjective universe which is determined by the animal's sensory perception and cognitive abilities. Dolphins present an interesting species to investigate its Umwelt because cetaceans underwent a drastic change in lifestyle in the course of evolution because these mammals returned from a terrestrial life back into the water. Although bottlenose dolphins are intensively studied there are still many knowledge gaps. Here we studied some aspects of the dolphins' Umwelt by asking: (1) how their nocturnal acoustic Umwelt is arranged; (2) what the production of vocal copies can tell us about the dolphins' perception of their environment; (3) whether they are able to perceive tastes (4) or odours; (5) whether they are sensitive to magnetic stimuli. We found that the dolphins' nocturnal Umwelt was characterized by a temporally patterned vocal activity that also included vocal copies of sounds that the dolphins had heard during the day. This is a striking separation between auditory memory formation and vocal copy production and the copies might be a vocally expressed nocturnal rehearsal of day events. Thus, vocalizations can serve as possible indicators of events or objects that are meaningful to the dolphins. Regarding dolphins' perceptive abilities, we found that they were sensitive to both gustatory and olfactory food-related stimuli. They might use this ability to locate and/or evaluate prey. Further, dolphins responded to a magnetic stimulus, suggesting that they are magnetosensitive, what could be useful for navigation. So far, chemo- and magnetoreception have not been considered seriously as potentially functional in dolphins. The results obtained during this thesis fill some of the gaps that still exist in the knowledge of the dolphin's Umwelt and therefore contribute to a better understanding of this species. Moreover, they illustrate that even already intensively studied species may still hold important facets of their biology to reveal and that research should broaden the view and remain unbiased when studying a topic.

Tvorba snoezelen místnosti pro žáky s těžkým mentálním a kombinovaným postižením / Creating snoezelen room for pupils with severe mental and combined disabilities

Hůrková, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the creation of Snoezelen room, its characteristics and properties. He is more closely involved with the creation of snoezelen for pupils with mental and combined disabilities who are trained in special primary schools. The work describes the target group, defines the snoezelen method and describes its origin and development in our country and abroad. The main goal of the thesis is to explain to the reader how the rooms are created and what it is necessary to know before deciding to launch the snoezelen room. This information was used mainly by special teachers who operate snoezelena in facilities where they work in schools. The thesis also touches on the topic of education at special schools, methods of working with these pupils and describes types of expressive therapies, therapies, basal stimulation and sensory stimulation. The thesis also reflects the Snoezelen-MSE qualification course in theory and practice, which was the main source. The output of the thesis is a proposed room model, description of equipment and activities that are suitable for working with disadvantaged pupils.

The olfactory anatomy and upper respiratory tracts of whales, dolphins, and their terrestrial relatives: Perspectives from morphology, histology, embryology, and evolutionary biology

Farnkopf, Ian Chun 28 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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