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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodologia para a alocação ótima discreta de sensores e atuadores piezoelétricos na simulação do controle de vibrações em estruturas de materiais compósitos laminados

Schulz, Sergio Luiz January 2012 (has links)
O principal objetivo do controle de vibrações é a sua redução ou minimização, através da modificação automática da resposta estrutural. Em muitas situações isto é necessário para promover a estabilidade estrutural, e para alcançar o alto desempenho mecânico necessário em diversas áreas técnicas, tais como a engenharia aeroespacial, civil e mecânica, bem como a biotecnologia, inclusive em escala micro e nano mecânica. Uma alternativa é o uso de estruturas inteligentes, que são o resultado da combinação de sensores e atuadores integrados em uma estrutura mecânica, e um método de controle adequado. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de rotinas computacionais para a simulação, via método dos elementos finitos, do controle ativo de estruturas inteligentes de cascas, placas e vigas delgadas de material compósito laminado com camadas de material piezoelétrico como sensores e/ou atuadores. Caracterizam esta pesquisa a utilização do elemento GPL-T9 de três nós e seis graus de liberdade mecânicos por nó, mais um grau de liberdade elétrico por camada piezoelétrica, assim como a avaliação de dois métodos de controle, o Proporcional-Integral-Derivativo (PID) e o Regulador Quadrático Linear ou Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), incluindo o LQR Modal, e a otimização da localização de pastilhas piezoelétricas através de um Algoritmo Genético (AG). Várias aplicações são apresentadas e os resultados obtidos são comparados aos disponíveis na literatura especializada. / The main objective of vibration control is its reduction or even its minimization by the automatic modification of the structural response. Sometimes this is necessary to increase structural stability and to attain a high mechanical behavior in several areas such as aerospace, civil and mechanical engineering, biotechnology, including macro, micro and nanomechanical scales. An alternative is to use a smart structure, which results of the combinations of integrated sensors and actuators in a mechanical structure and a suitable control method. Development of a computational code to simulate, using finite elements, the active control in smart structures such as slender shells, plates and beams of composite materials with embedded piezoelectric layers acting as actuators and sensors is the main objective of this work. This research is characterized by the use of the GPL-T9 element with three nodes and six mechanical degrees of freedom and one electrical degree of freedom per piezoelectric layer, by the evaluation of two control methods, the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) and the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), including the Modal LQR, and, finally by the optimization of piezoelectric patches placement using a Genetic Algorithm (GA). Several examples are presented and compared with those obtained by other authors.

Metodologia para a alocação ótima discreta de sensores e atuadores piezoelétricos na simulação do controle de vibrações em estruturas de materiais compósitos laminados

Schulz, Sergio Luiz January 2012 (has links)
O principal objetivo do controle de vibrações é a sua redução ou minimização, através da modificação automática da resposta estrutural. Em muitas situações isto é necessário para promover a estabilidade estrutural, e para alcançar o alto desempenho mecânico necessário em diversas áreas técnicas, tais como a engenharia aeroespacial, civil e mecânica, bem como a biotecnologia, inclusive em escala micro e nano mecânica. Uma alternativa é o uso de estruturas inteligentes, que são o resultado da combinação de sensores e atuadores integrados em uma estrutura mecânica, e um método de controle adequado. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de rotinas computacionais para a simulação, via método dos elementos finitos, do controle ativo de estruturas inteligentes de cascas, placas e vigas delgadas de material compósito laminado com camadas de material piezoelétrico como sensores e/ou atuadores. Caracterizam esta pesquisa a utilização do elemento GPL-T9 de três nós e seis graus de liberdade mecânicos por nó, mais um grau de liberdade elétrico por camada piezoelétrica, assim como a avaliação de dois métodos de controle, o Proporcional-Integral-Derivativo (PID) e o Regulador Quadrático Linear ou Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), incluindo o LQR Modal, e a otimização da localização de pastilhas piezoelétricas através de um Algoritmo Genético (AG). Várias aplicações são apresentadas e os resultados obtidos são comparados aos disponíveis na literatura especializada. / The main objective of vibration control is its reduction or even its minimization by the automatic modification of the structural response. Sometimes this is necessary to increase structural stability and to attain a high mechanical behavior in several areas such as aerospace, civil and mechanical engineering, biotechnology, including macro, micro and nanomechanical scales. An alternative is to use a smart structure, which results of the combinations of integrated sensors and actuators in a mechanical structure and a suitable control method. Development of a computational code to simulate, using finite elements, the active control in smart structures such as slender shells, plates and beams of composite materials with embedded piezoelectric layers acting as actuators and sensors is the main objective of this work. This research is characterized by the use of the GPL-T9 element with three nodes and six mechanical degrees of freedom and one electrical degree of freedom per piezoelectric layer, by the evaluation of two control methods, the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) and the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), including the Modal LQR, and, finally by the optimization of piezoelectric patches placement using a Genetic Algorithm (GA). Several examples are presented and compared with those obtained by other authors.

Biologically inspired action representation on humanoids with a perspective for soft wearable robots

Nassour, John 10 September 2021 (has links)
Although in many of the tasks in robotics, what is sought mainly includes accuracy, precision, flexibility, adaptivity, etc., yet in wearable robotics, there are some other aspects as well that could distinguish a reliable and promising approach. The three key elements that are addressed are as follows: control, actuation, and sensors. Where the goal for each of the previously mentioned objectives is to find a solution/design compatible with humans. A possible way to understand the human motor behaviours is to generate them on human-like robots. Biologically inspired action generation is promising in control of wearable robots as they provide more natural movements. Furthermore, wearable robotics shows exciting progress, also with its design. Soft exosuits use soft materials to build both sensors and actuators. This work investigates an adaptive representation model for actions in robotics. The concrete action model is composed of four modularities: pattern selection, spatial coordination, temporal coordination, and sensory-motor adaptation. Modularity in motor control might provide us with more insights about action learning and generalisation not only for humanoid robots but also for their biological counterparts. Successfully, we tested the model on a humanoid robot by learning to perform a variety of tasks (push recovery, walking, drawing, grasping, etc.). In the next part, we suggest several soft actuation mechanisms that overcome the problem of holding heavy loads and also the issue of on-line programming of the robot motion. The soft actuators use textile materials hosting thermoplastic polyurethane formed as inflatable tubes. Tubes were folded inside housing channels with one strain-limited side to create a flexor actuator. We proposed a new design to control the strained side of the actuator by adding four textile cords along its longitudinal axis. As a result, the actuator behaviour can be on-line programmed to bend and twist in several directions. In the last part of this thesis, we organised piezoresistive elements in a superimposition structure. The sensory structure is used on a sensory gripper to sense and distinguish between pressure and curvature stimuli. Next, we elaborated the sensing gripper by adding proximity sensing through conductive textile parts added to the gripper and work as capacitive sensors. We finally developed a versatile soft strain sensor that uses silicone tubes with an embedded solution that has an electrical resistance proportional to the strain applied on the tubes. Therefore, an entirely soft sensing glove exhibits hand gestures recognition. The proposed combinations of soft actuators, soft sensors, and biologically inspired action representation might open a new perspective to obtain smart wearable robots. / Obwohl bei vielen Aufgaben in der Robotik vor allem Genauigkeit, Präzision, Flexibilität, Anpassungsfähigkeit usw. gefragt sind, gibt es in der Wearable-Robotik auch einige andere Aspekte, die einen zuverlässigen und vielversprechenden Ansatz kennzeichnen. Die drei Schlüsselelemente, sind die folgenden: Steuerung, Aktuatoren und Sensoren. Dabei ist das Ziel für jedes der genannten Elemente, eine menschengerechte Lösung und ein menschengerechtes Design zu finden. Eine Möglichkeit, die menschliche Motorik zu verstehen, besteht darin, sie auf menschenähnlichen Robotern zu erzeugen. Biologisch inspirierte Bewegungsabläufe sind vielversprechend bei der Steuerung von tragbaren Robotern, da sie natürlichere Bewegungen ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus zeigt die tragbare Robotik spannende Fortschritte bei ihrem Design. Zum Beispiel verwenden softe Exoskelette weiche Materialien, um sowohl Sensoren als auch Aktuatoren zu erschaffen. Diese Arbeit erforscht ein adaptives Repräsentationsmodell für Bewegungen in der Robotik. Das konkrete Bewegungsmodell besteht aus vier Modularitäten: Musterauswahl, räumliche Koordination, zeitliche Koordination und sensorisch-motorische Anpassung. Diese Modularität in der Motorsteuerung könnte uns mehr Erkenntnisse über das Erlernen und Verallgemeinern von Handlungen nicht nur für humanoide Roboter, sondern auch für ihre biologischen Gegenstücke liefern. Erfolgreich testeten wir das Modell an einem humanoiden Roboter, indem dieser gelernt hat eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben auszuführen (Stoß-Ausgleichsbewegungen, Gehen, Zeichnen, Greifen, etc.). Im Folgenden schlagen wir mehrere weiche Aktuatoren vor, welche das Problem des Haltens schwerer Lasten und auch die Frage der Online- Programmierung der Roboterbewegung lösen. Diese weichen Aktuatoren verwenden textile Materialien mit thermoplastischem Polyurethan, die als aufblasbare Schläuche geformt sind. Die Schläuche wurden in Gehäusekanäle mit einer dehnungsbegrenzten Seite gefaltet, um Flexoren zu schaffen. Wir haben ein neues Design vorgeschlagen, um die angespannte Seite eines Flexors zu kontrollieren, indem wir vier textile Schnüre entlang seiner Längsachse hinzufügen. Dadurch kann das Verhalten des Flexors online programmiert werden, um ihn in mehrere Richtungen zu biegen und zu verdrehen. Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit haben wir piezoresistive Elemente in einer Überlagerungsstruktur organisiert. Die sensorische Struktur wird auf einem sensorischen Greifer verwendet, um Druck- und Krümmungsreize zu erfassen und zu unterscheiden. Den sensorischen Greifer haben wir weiterentwickelt indem wir kapazitiv arbeitende Näherungssensoren mittels leitfähiger Textilteile hinzufügten. Schließlich entwickelten wir einen vielseitigen weichen Dehnungssensor, der Silikonschläuche mit einer eingebetteten resistiven Lösung verwendet, deren Wiederstand sich proportional zur Belastung der Schläuche verhält. Dies ermöglicht einem völlig weichen Handschuh die Erkennung von Handgesten. Die vorgeschlagenen Kombinationen aus weichen Aktuatoren, weichen Sensoren und biologisch inspirierter Bewegungsrepräsentation kann eine neue Perspektive eröffnen, um intelligente tragbare Roboter zu erschaffen.

Characterization of Soft 3-D Printed Actuators for Parallel Networks

Shashank Khetan (12480912) 29 April 2022 (has links)
<p>Soft pneumatic actuators allow compliant force application and movement for a variety of tasks. While most soft actuators have compliance in directions perpendicular to their direction of force application, they are most often analyzed only in their direction of actuation. In this work, we show a characterization of a soft 3D printed bellows actuator that considers shear and axial deformations, modeling both active and passive degrees of freedom. We build a model based on actuator geometry and a parallel linear and torsional spring system which we fit to experimental data in order to obtain the model constants. We demonstrate this model on two complex parallel networks, a delta mechanism and a floating actuator mechanism, and show how this single actuator model can be used to better predict movements in parallel structures of actuators. These results verify that the presented model and modeling approach can be used to speed up the design and simulation of more complex soft robot models by characterizing both active and passive forces of their one degree-of-freedom soft actuators.<br> </p>

Structural Health Monitoring Using Multiple Piezoelectric Sensors and Actuators

Kabeya, Kazuhisa III 03 June 1998 (has links)
A piezoelectric impedance-based structural health monitoring technique was developed at the Center for Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. It has been successfully implemented on several complex structures to detect incipient-type damage such as small cracks or loose connections. However, there are still some problems to be solved before full scale development and commercialization can take place. These include: i) the damage assessment is influenced by ambient temperature change; ii) the sensing area is small; and iii) the ability to identify the damage location is poor. The objective of this research is to solve these problems in order to apply the impedance-based structural health monitoring technique to real structures. First, an empirical compensation technique to minimize the temperature effect on the damage assessment has been developed. The compensation technique utilizes the fact that the temperature change causes vertical and horizontal shifts of the signature pattern in the impedance versus frequency plot, while damage causes somewhat irregular changes. Second, a new impedance-based technique that uses multiple piezoelectric sensor-actuators has been developed which extends the sensing area. The new technique relies on the measurement of electrical transfer admittance, which gives us mutual information between multiple piezoelectric sensor-actuators. We found that this technique increases the sensing region by at least an order of magnitude. Third, a time domain technique to identify the damage location has been proposed. This technique also uses multiple piezoelectric sensors and actuators. The basic idea utilizes the pulse-echo method often used in ultrasonic testing, together with wavelet decomposition to extract traveling pulses from a noisy signal. The results for a one-dimensional structure show that we can determine the damage location to within a spatial resolution determined by the temporal resolution of the data acquisition. The validity of all these techniques has been verified by proof-of-concept experiments. These techniques help bring conventional impedance-based structural health monitoring closer to full scale development and commercialization. / Master of Science

Modelagem de estruturas piezelétricas para aplicação em localização de falhas

Marqui, Clayton Rodrigo [UNESP] 21 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-09-21Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:35:08Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 marqui_cr_me_ilha.pdf: 2038827 bytes, checksum: 471f672b818089216b3b9afc3b90a230 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Este trabalho apresenta o estudo e desenvolvimento de técnicas para o monitoramento da integridade estrutural em sistemas inteligentes com sensores e atuadores piezelétricos acoplados. Os índices de sensibilidade estudados e utilizados no monitoramento da estrutura são: índice de falha métrica, calculado diretamente do sinal de impedância elétrica dos sensores/atuadores piezelétricos; índices do sensor, calculados com as normas de sistemas ou com as matrizes grammiana de observabilidade e os índices de entrada, calculados com as matrizes grammianas de controlabilidade. Tais índices são utilizados para detectar e localizar as falhas em aplicações numéricas e experimentais. As normas de sistemas e as matrizes grammianas de controlabilidade e observabilidade são obtidas através de um modelo numérico, como por exemplo, Método dos Elementos Finitos; ou um modelo identificado experimentalmente, via o método de realização para autossistemas, mais conhecido como ERA (Eigensytem Realization Algorithm). Em uma segunda etapa do procedimento proposto, as falhas são quantificadas utilizando Redes Neurais Artificiais, que foram treinadas com as normas de sistemas e com as matrizes grammianas. / This work presents the study and development of Structural Health Monitoring techniques for application in intelligent systems with coupled piezoelectric sensors and actuators. The indices of sensitivity for structural monitoring are based on: root-means-square deviation index, directly calculated from electric impedance signal of the piezoelectric sensors/actuators; sensor indices, calculated from system norms or observability grammian matrix, and input index, calculated from controllability grammian matrix. Such indices are used for damage detection and location in numerical and experimental applications. System norms, controllability and observability grammian matrices are obtained through numerical model, as for instance, Finite Element Method; or by experimental identification technique, via Eigensytem Realization Algorithm (ERA). In the second stage of the proposed procedure, damages were quantified using Artificial Neural Networks, that were trained with systems norms and grammian matrices.

Threshold Voltage Shift Compensating Circuits in Non-Crystalline Semiconductors for Large Area Sensor Actuator Interface

Raghuraman, Mathangi January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Thin Film Transistors (TFTs) are widely used in large area electronics because they offer the advantage of low cost fabrication and wide substrate choice. TFTs have been conventionally used for switching applications in large area display arrays. But when it comes to designing a sensor actuator system on a flexible substrate comprising entirely of organic and inorganic TFTs, there are two main challenges – i) Fabrication of complementary TFT devices is difficult ii) TFTs have a drift in their threshold voltage (VT) on application of gate bias. Also currently there are no circuit simulators in the market which account for the effect of VT drift with time in TFT circuits. The first part of this thesis focuses on integrating the VT shift model in the commercially available AIM-Spice circuit simulator. This provides a new and powerful tool that would predict the effect of VT shift on nodal voltages and currents in circuits and also on parameters like small signal gain, bandwidth, hysteresis etc. Since the existing amorphous silicon TFT models (level 11 and level 15) of AIM-Spice are copyright protected, the open source BSIM4V4 model for the purpose of demonstration is used. The simulator is discussed in detail and an algorithm for integration is provided which is then supported by the data from the simulation plots and experimental results for popular TFT configurations. The second part of the thesis illustrates the idea of using negative feedback achieved via contact resistance modulation to minimize the effect of VT shift in the drain current of the TFT. Analytical expressions are derived for the exact value of resistance needed to compensate for the VT shift entirely. Circuit to realize this resistance using TFTs is also provided. All these are experimentally verified using fabricated organic P-type Copper Phthalocyanine (CuPc) and inorganic N-type Tin doped Zinc Oxide (ZTO) TFTs. The third part of the thesis focuses on building a robust amplifier using these TFTs which has time invariant DC voltage level and small signal gain at the output. A differential amplifier using ZTO TFTs has been built and is shown to fit all these criteria. Ideas on vertical routing in an actual sensor actuator interface using this amplifier have also been discussed such that the whole system may be “tearable” in any contour. Such a sensor actuator interface can have varied applications including wrap around thermometers and X-ray machines.

A Multi-physics Framework for Wearable Microneedle-based Therapeutic Platforms: From Sensing to a Closed-Loop Diabetes Management.

Marco Fratus (19193188) 22 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Ultra-scaled, always-on, smart, wearable and implantable (WI) therapeutic platforms define the research frontier of modern personalized medicine. The WI platform integrates real-time sensing with on-demand therapy and is ideally suited for real-time management of chronic diseases like diabetes. Traditional blood tracking methods, such as glucometers, are insufficient due to their once-in-a-while measurements and the imprecision of insulin injections, which can lead to severe complications. To address these challenges, researchers have been developing smart and minimally invasive microneedle (MN) components for pain-free glucose detection and drug delivery, potentially functioning as an "artificial pancreas". Inspired by natural body homeostasis, these platforms must be accurate and responsive for immediate corrective interventions. However, artificial MN patches often have slow readings due to factors like MN morphology and composition that remain poorly understood, hindering their optimization and integration into real-time monitoring devices. Despite extensive, iterative experimental efforts worldwide, a holistic framework incorporating the interaction between MN sensing and therapy with fluctuating natural body functions is missing. In this thesis, we propose a generalized framework for glycemic management based on the interaction between biological processes and MN-based operations. The results, incorporating theoretical insights from the 1960s and recent advancements in MN technology, are platform-agnostic. This generality offers a unique template to interpret experimental observations, justify the recent introduction of drugs like GLP-1 cocktails, and optimize platforms for accurate and fast disease management. </p>


Liya Elizabeth Koshy (14700307) 31 May 2023 (has links)
<p><strong>The Energy Monitoring Framework</strong>, designed and developed by IAC, IUPUI, aims to provide a cloud-based solution that combines business analytics with sensors for real-time energy management at the plant level using wireless sensor network technology.</p> <p>The project provides a platform where users can analyze the functioning of a plant using sensor data. The data would also help users to explore the energy usage trends and identify any energy leaks due to malfunctions or other environmental factors in their plant. Additionally, the users could check the machinery status in their plant and have the capability to control the equipment remotely.</p> <p>The main objectives of the project include the following:</p> <ul> <li>Set up a wireless network using sensors and smart implants with a base station/ controller.</li> <li>Deploy and connect the smart implants and sensors with the equipment in the plant that needs to be analyzed or controlled to improve their energy efficiency.</li> <li>Set up a generalized interface to collect and process the sensor data values and store the data in a database.</li> <li>Design and develop a generic database compatible with various companies irrespective of the type and size.</li> <li> Design and develop a web application with a generalized structure. Hence the database can be deployed at multiple companies with minimum customization. The web app should provide the users with a platform to interact with the data to analyze the sensor data and initiate commands to control the equipment.</li> </ul> <p>The General Structure of the project constitutes the following components:</p> <ul> <li>A wireless sensor network with a base station.</li> <li>An Edge PC, that interfaces with the sensor network to collect the sensor data and sends it out to the cloud server. The system also interfaces with the sensor network to send out command signals to control the switches/ actuators.</li> <li>A cloud that hosts a database and an API to collect and store information.</li> <li>A web application hosted in the cloud to provide an interactive platform for users to analyze the data.</li> </ul> <p>The project was demonstrated in:</p> <ul> <li>Lecture Hall (https://iac-lecture-hall.engr.iupui.edu/LectureHallFlask/).</li> <li>Test Bed (https://iac-testbed.engr.iupui.edu/testbedflask/).</li> <li>A company in Indiana.</li> </ul> <p>The above examples used sensors such as current sensors, temperature sensors, carbon dioxide sensors, and pressure sensors to set up the sensor network. The equipment was controlled using compactable switch nodes with the chosen sensor network protocol. The energy consumption details of each piece of equipment were measured over a few days. The data was validated, and the system worked as expected and helped the user to monitor, analyze and control the connected equipment remotely.</p> <p><br></p>

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