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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The 9/11 effect upon international organizations and its implications for small states / Tarptautinės organizacijos po rugsėjo 11 ir mažosios valstybės

Darašaitė, Ingrida 16 June 2008 (has links)
In the thesis transformation of the international organizations will be analyzed. Nation-state foreign policy approach will be applied to the analysis, because international organizations are a peculiar kind of political systems. This leads to the general key research question: how and why do international organizations change? The methodological purpose of the thesis is too show the limits of existing scholarship on international organizations, because they neglect the external factors behind actual change within international organizations. The organizations NATO and the UN were chosen as cases. The UN from an international law point of view is undeniably the most important IO and the only truly system-wide IO; whereas NATO is seen by many as simply the strongest IO due to its combined military strength. In the thesis it will be argued that the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 served as an external shock and had an empirical effect on NATO and the UN. The main empirical aim of the analysis is to explore 9/11 effect upon two cases of IOs, namely the UN and NATO, in an attempt to gain better understanding of their transformation processes. The intention is also to explore the further effect of this change upon the security policy situation of small states. The research question of the thesis: how and why were the United Nations and North Atlantic Treaty Organization affected by the events of 9/11? Therefore the following tasks are set in the analysis: 1. to construct... [to full text] / Šioje analizėje nagrinėjami tarptautinių organizacijų transformacijos procesai. Tyrimo aspektas, kuriuo remiantis bus nagrinėjamos tarptautinės organizacijos yra pritaikytas iš valstybės užsienio politikos studijų. Šis tarptautinių organizacijų nagrinėjimo aspektas analizėje taikomas, kadangi kaip ir valstybės, tarptautinės organizacijos yra savitos politinės sistemos. Kaip jau minėta, tyrime nagrinėjami tarptautinių organizacijų kaitos procesai, todėl pagrindinė tyrimo problema – kaip ir kodėl tarptautinės organizacijos keičiasi. Šiuolaikiniai politikos mokslų tyrinėtojai analizuodami tarptautinių organizacijų kaitą yra linkę nagrinėti vidinę organizacijų dinamiką, t.y. veiksnius organizacijų viduje, sąlygojančius organizacijų pasikeitimus. Tokiu būdu yra pamirštama organizaciją supanti išorinė aplinka. Šioje analizėje dėmesys bus skiriamas išorinės aplinkos, t.y. išorinio šoko poveikio organizacijoms tyrimui. Tyrimo objektas - NATO ir Jungtinių Tautų (JTO) organizacijos. Analizei pasirinktos šios organizacijos, kadangi karine prasme NATO yra vertinama kaip stipriausia ir sėkmingiausia tarptautinė organizacija pasaulyje. Tuo tarpu JTO yra didžiausia tarptautinė bei vienintelė globali organizacija. Analizės tikslas - ištirti 2001 m. rugsėjo 11-osios teroro aktų JAV poveikį JTO ir NATO organizacijoms, išanalizuoti šio įvykio sąlygotus abiejų organizacijų pasikeitimų procesus ir ��ių pasikeitimų įtaką mažųjų valstybių saugumo politikos situacijai. Iš analizės tikslo kyla... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Wrzesień w poezji polskiej. Historia w ujęciu literackim / Rugsėjis lenkų poezijoje. Istoriniai įvykiai literatūroje / September in Polish poetry. Historical events in literature

Godlijevskaja, Barbara 29 June 2009 (has links)
W tym roku mija 70 lat (1939-2009) od wybuchu II wojny światowej, dlatego postanowiłam opracować wydarzenia z okresu wojennego, zwłaszcza, że wojna miała ogromny wpływ na kulturę polską . Dana praca magisterska składa się ze: wstepu, dwóch rozdziałów (teoretycznego i praktycznego) oraz zakończenia. Pierwsza część pracy przedstawia losy literatów polskich po wybuchu II wojny światowej. W tym celu skupiłam się na przedstawieniu losów literatów pod okupacją niemiecką, sowiecką (Lwów, Wilno) oraz na emigracji, szczególnie na Zachodzie. Przedstawiając losy literatów polskich autorka często się zetknęła z kilkoma wersjami śmierci, występowało wiele niedomówień dotyczących losów pisarzy polskich. Sytuacja osobista pisarzy miała ogromny wpływ na ich twórczość . W danym rozdziale zostały przedstawione także straty jakie poniosła kultura polska w czasie II wojny światowej. Z kolei druga część pracy została poświęcona wydarzeniom wrześniowym w poezji polskiej. Autorka szczególnie zwróciła uwagę i przestawiła bohaterstwo żołnierzy polskich na podstawie utworów poetyckich. W drugiej części pracy utwory poetyckie zostały poklasyfikowane, ze względu na to, jakich wydarzeń dotyczyły (1 września, 17 września, obrona Warszawy, poszczególne bitwy i inne). Głównym celem rozprawy było przedstawienie wydarzeń wrześniowych w poezji polskiej, przedstawienie bohaterstwa żołnierzy polskich oraz losów literatów polskich po 1939 roku. Praca magisterska była napisana za pomocą następujących metod:... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Rugsėjis lenkų poezijoje. Istoriniai įvykiai literatūroje Šiais metais minime II pasaulinio karo 70-šimtmetį, todėl nusprendžiau parengti (parašyti) darbą apie karo įvykius, o dar ir todėl, kad karas turėjo didelės įtakos lenkų kultūrai. Šis magistro darbas susideda iš: įžangos, dviejų skyrių (teorinio ir praktinio) ir išvadų. Pirmas darbo skyrius vaizduoja lenkų literatų likimus prasidėjus II pasauliniui karui. Dėmesio centru tapo tų lenkų literatų likimai, kurie gyveno vokiečių ir sovietų okupojamuose miestuose (Lvove, Vilniuje), ir tų poetų, kurie emigravo, ypač į Vakarus. Rinkdama medžiagą apie lenkų litaratų likimus, dažnai susidurdavau su keliomis mirties versijomis, apie tai yra daug nutylima. Asmeninis poetų gyvenimas istoriškai susiklosčiusioje realybėje darė įtaką jų kūrybai. Šis skyrius taip pat parodo, kokia žala buvo padaryta lenkų kultūrai II pasaulinio karo metu. Antras darbo skyrius vaizduoja rugsėjo įvykius poezijoje. Ypač atkreipiau dėmesį į parodytą lenkų literatūros kūriniuose kareivių didvyriškumą. Šioje dalyje poezija suklasifikuota pagal tai, apie kokius įvykius yra kalbama (rugsėjo 1, rugsėjo 17, Varšuvos gynimas, atskiri mūšiai ir kt.) Pagrindinis darbo tikslas buvo pavaizduoti rugsėjo įvykius lenkų poezijoje, lenkų kareivių didvyriškumą ir lenkų literatų likimus po 1939 metų. Magistro darbe panaudojau šiuos metodus: teksto analizės, paieškos, interpretacijos ir istoriniu metodu. / September in Polish poetry. Historical events in literature. This year we celebrate the 70th anniversary of World War II, therefore I decided to prepare (to write) a master’s thesis about the war events also because this war had a great effect on the Polish culture. This master’s thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters (theoretical and practical), and conclusions. The first chapter of the thesis describes the destinies of Polish litterateurs upon commencement of World War II. The destinies of those Polish litterateurs, who lived in the cities occupied by the Germen and Soviets (Lvov, Vilnius) and those poets who emigrated, especially to the West have become the focus of attention. By collecting materials about the destinies of Polish litterateurs, I frequently confronted with several versions of their death, what had been concealed a lot. Personal life of poets in the historically established reality had an effect on their creative work. This chapter also demonstrates what damage has been done to the Polish culture during World War II. The second chapter of the thesis depicts the September events in poetry. I paid special attention to the heroism of soldiers demonstrated in the Polish literary works. Poetry has been classified in this chapter according to the type of events discussed (September 1st, September 17th, defence of Warsaw, specific combats, etc.). The main goal of the thesis was to describe the September events in the Polish literature, the heroism... [to full text]

中國中亞政策之研究:以911事件對中國之戰略意涵 / A Study on China’s Central Asia Policy—The Strategic Implication of the September 11 Event for China

曾英倫, Tseng, Ying Lun Unknown Date (has links)
The September 11 Event has turned Central Asia into a complex geo-strategic position, creating a status of new balance of power. At the same time, great powers also have tried to dominate the region by establishing diplomatic relationships with the Central Asian states, which is highly challenged to China’s traditional interests and strategic calculations in Central Asia. While China continues to play a crucial role in terms of its intention and approach toward future Central Asia development, the other two great powers, Russia and the United States, will certainly exert influence in this region as well. Especially, the U.S.-led War on Terrorism has immediately changed the original strategic landscape of Central Asia, compressing China’s strategic space created since post-Cold War. Consequently, China has taken flexible foreign policies in response to U.S. containment. Also, China and Russia have formed a strategic partnership to balance U.S. influence. Therefore, China’s strategic considerations of Central Asian states are based on four aspects as follows: (1) Xinjiang independence issue; (2) maintaining stability of its western borders; (3) energy need; and (4) the balance of power in Central Asia. With well management of Shanghai Corporation Organization (SCO) as a platform, China has successfully maneuvered its strategic calculations in Central Asia, creating a truly multi-polar world system best served to its national development in the long run.

Consensus narratives on the state of exception in American TV shows

Kim, Young Hoon Unknown Date
No description available.

Differences in objectivity levels of conflict and straight news stories in three newspapers as assessed by coverage, statement, and gatekeeping biases

Walker, Kimberly K. January 2002 (has links)
While the cannon of objectivity has recently been called into question as the means for evaluating news merit, objectivity continues to harbor public expectation of the news media, especially during times of conflict. Results of past and current objectivity studies of conflict reporting, however, were shown to produce inconsistent and conflicting interpretations of whether the news media is presenting objective coverage of conflicts.To determine objectivity of news coverage, this content analysis examined objectivity differences between three newspapers--the Chicago Tribune, the Indianapolis Star, and the Anderson Herald Bulletin--and how they collectively presented front-page conflict and mainstream straight news stories.The study evaluated the newspapers' collective presentation of the September 11 h terrorist attack for a two-week period from September 12 through September 26, 2001. Presentation of the conflict was compared to a proportionate sample of mainstream straight news stories randomly selected from the months of January through December of 2001.Because the literature review indicated researchers most commonly evaluate news objectivity according to the presence of balance, attribution, or gatekeeping bias, the study assessed differences in objectivity level between conflict and straight news based upon the integration of all three objectivity variables The study's findings suggested that reporting of mainstream straight news was more objective than reporting of the September 11 terrorist attack conflict in the combined three newspapers. Reporting of the terrorist attack was found to be less balanced than reporting of straight news stories, as evidenced by a disproportionate amount of quotations afforded in support of United States war efforts. In addition, conflict stories were found to contain a significantly higher use of negative attributes-non-essential adjectives, inferences, collateral language and non-speech quotes--than straight news stories. Differences between page placement and revelation of theme were found to have no effect on objectivity differences. / Department of Journalism

Islamism och terrorism : En kvalitativ studie om sambandet mellan religionen islam och terrorismen i världen / Islamism och terrorism : En kvalitativ studie om sambandet mellan religionen islam och terrorismen i världen

Larsson, Linda January 2010 (has links)
Linda Larsson (2010) Syftet med uppsatsen är att göra en litteraturstudie och genom den försöka se om det finns någon koppling mellan islam och terrorism. Jag skall se på vad andra forskare skrivit om ämnet och se ur vilka aspekt de tagit upp mina valda frågeställningar. Jag har valt att ha 11 september och den terrorattack som skedde då samt den massmediala bevakningen av denna händelse som utgångspunkt för min uppsats. Det jag kommer fram till är att religionen som enskild faktor inte ligger bakom terrorismen men att den sammankopplad med sociala, politiska och ekonomiska faktorer faktiskt inverkar. Dessa faktorer påverkar varandra och kan tillsammans utgöra en negativ grundstomme för terrorismen. Islamism och terrorism, En kvalitativ studie av sambandet mellan religionen islam och terrorismen i världen: C-uppsats, religionsvetenskap. Gävle: Högskolan i Gävle, Akademin för utbildning och ekonomi.

Trauma and Beyond: Ethical and Cultural Constructions of 9/11 in American Fiction

Mansutti, Pamela 07 June 2012 (has links)
My dissertation focuses on a set of Anglo-American novels that deal with the events of 9/11. Identifying thematic and stylistic differences in the fiction on this topic, I distinguish between novels that represent directly the jolts of trauma in the wake of the attacks, and novels that, while still holding the events as an underlying operative force in the narrative, do not openly represent them but envision their long-term aftermath. The first group of novels comprises Lynne Sharon Schwartz’s The Writing on the Wall (2005), Don DeLillo’s Falling Man (2007) and Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005). The second one includes Lorrie Moore’s A Gate at the Stairs (2009), John Updike’s Terrorist (2006) and Joseph O’Neill’s Netherland (2008). Drawing on concepts from trauma theory, particularly by Cathy Caruth and Dominick LaCapra, and combining them with the ethical philosophies of Levinas and Heidegger, I argue that the constructions of 9/11 in Anglo-American fiction are essentially twofold: authors who narrate 9/11 as a tragic human loss in the city of New York turn it into an occasion for an ethical dialogue with the reader and potentially with the “Other,” whereas authors who address 9/11 as a recent sociopolitical event transform it into a goad toward a bitter cultural indictment of the US middle-class, whose ingrained inertia, patriotism and self-righteousness have been either magnified or twisted by the attacks. Considering processes of meaning-making, annihilation, ideological reduction and apathy that arose from 9/11 and its versions, I have identified what could be called, adapting Peter Elbow’s expression from pedagogical studies, the “forked” rhetoric of media and politics, a rhetorical mode in which both discourses are essentially closed, non-hermeneutic, and rooted in the same rationale: exploiting 9/11 for consensus. On the contrary, in what I call the New-Yorkization of 9/11, I highlighted how the situatedness of the public discourses that New Yorkers constructed to tell their own tragedy rescues the Ur-Phaenomenon of 9/11 from the epistemological commodification that intellectual, mediatic and political interpretations forced on it. Furthermore, pointing to the speciousness of arguments that deem 9/11 literature sentimental and unimaginative, I claim that the traumatic literature on the attacks constitutes an example of ethical practice, since it originates from witnesses of the catastrophe, it represents communal solidarity, and it places a crucial demand on the reader as an empathic listener and ethical agent. Ethical counternarratives oppose the ideological simplification of the 9/11 attacks and develop instead a complex counter-rhetoric of emotions and inclusiveness that we could read as a particular instantiation of an ethics of the self and “Other.” As much as the 9/11 “ethical” novels suggest that “survivability” in times of trauma depends on “relationality” (J. Butler), the “cultural” ones unveil the insensitivity and superficiality of the actual US society far away from the site of trauma. The binary framework I use implies that, outside of New York City, 9/11 is narrated neither traumatically (in terms of literary form), nor as trauma (in terms of textual fact). Consequently, on the basis of a spatial criterion and in parallel to the ethical novels, I have identified a category of “cultural” fiction that tackles the events of 9/11 at a distance, spatially and conceptually. In essence, 9/11 brings neither shock, nor promise of regeneration to these peripheral settings, except for Joseph O’Neill’s Netherland, a story in which we are returned to a post-9/11 New York where different ethnic subjects can re-negotiate creatively their identities. The cultural novels are ultimately pervaded by a mode of tragic irony that is unthinkable for the ethical novels and that is used in these texts to convey the inanity and hubris of a politically uneducated and naïve America – one that has difficulties to point Afghanistan on a map, or to transcend dualistic schemes of value that embody precisely Bush’s Manichaeism. The potential for cultural pluralism, solidarity and historical memory set up by the New York stories does not ramify into the America that is far away from the neuralgic epicenter of historical trauma. This proves that the traumatizing effects and the related ethical calls engendered by 9/11 remain confined to the New York literature on the topic.

The representation of Muslim women in American print media : a case study of The New York Times, September 11, 2000-September 11, 2002

McCafferty, Heather. January 2005 (has links)
This thesis is an examination of representations of Muslim women in the American print media. I focus on one particular publication, The New York Times within a time frame surrounding the events of September 11, 2001. Articles were selected from this publication that fell within the time period of September 11, 2000 to September 11, 2002, in selecting articles, I chose those based on their inclusion of any discussion that clearly identified those discussed as Muslim women, through the use of the words "Muslim" or "Islamic" in their descriptions. The case study was carried out by reading through each daily edition of The New York Times in order to identify any articles that fell within my criteria. I also used an online database containing abstracts of the publication to verify that no article of relevance was overlooked. I then devised 5 categories within which to analyze the representations of Muslim women that were found within these articles, "Veil", "Biographical", "Women's Issues", "Politics" and "Muslims in the West". The main goal of this thesis is to determine how Muslim women are represented within this particular publication and to analyze whether the events of September 11, 2001 had any effect on how Muslim women were portrayed in The New York Times articles.

Good governance in Afghanistan? zivile Strategien und Massnahmen der Entwicklungspolitik gegen den transnationalen Terrorismus und für hinreichendes state building

Schnarr, Patricia January 2005 (has links)
Zugl.: Passau, Univ., Magisterarbeit, 2005

Kirche und Friedenspolitik nach dem 11. September 2001 : protestantische Stellungnahmen und Diskurse im diachronen und ökumenischen Vergleich /

Kirchschlager, Bernd. January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Augsburg, Universiẗat, Diss., 2007.

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