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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Coe, Aaron B. 14 December 2012 (has links)
This thesis looks at the missiological implications of church planting in global cities. Chapter 1 introduces the main argument for this thesis: that all evangelism strategies should hold church planting as the end goal and that the most strategic places to implement these strategies are our global cities as evidenced by what has happened in New York City. The chapter will begin with a look at the significant movement that has happened in Manhattan over a twenty year period (1990- 2010) with the evangelical population of the city growing from less than one percent evangelical to now more than three percent. An introduction to the definition of global cities will segue into a look at the imperative for church planting initiatives in these cities. Chapter 2 will offer a deeper study of the characteristics of a global city and the missiological significance of such cities. It will explore world urbanization in light of the fact that over 50 percent of the world now lives in cities. The strategic nature of the cities will be analyzed given the influence that global cities have on the culture of the rest of the world. Finally, New York City will be shown as a global city and its significance on the missiological landscape will be highlighted. Chapter 3 provides a history of some of the major New York City church planting initiatives. Specifically, it will review the church planting history of Concerts of Prayer and the Church Multiplication Alliance, Timothy Keller and Redeemer Presbyterian Church and Jim Cymbala and The Brooklyn Tabernacle. Lastly this chapter will reveal methodologies used by other prominent ministries to reach the city context. Chapter 4 will look at implications learned from New York City on how a global city church planting strategy could impact the Southern Baptist Convention. A look at the history of SBC church planting in New York City will be looked at with special attention being paid to the effectiveness of these strategies. Chapter 5 will conclude this thesis with a look at the lessons learned during this research process. It will also look at three areas of further study that are needed. This work contends that the priority of all missions strategies should be a focused approach on global city church planting. This will prove to be an effective use of people and financial resources that ultimately has an impact on the whole world.

Responses To International Changes:a Neoclassical Realist Analysis Of Syrian Foreign Policy, 1990-2005

Dersan, Duygu 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This work aims to analyze the responses of Syria to two international changes comparatively. After the end of the Cold War, US initiated a foreign policy doctrine based on American hegemony. This policy was firstly manifested in the war on Iraq as a response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on January 17, 1991. It was noteworthy to see Syria aligning with the US during the Gulf War (1990-1991), as the country had been allied against the US during the Cold War period. Syria was also the first state accepting US proposal for a peace conference known as Madrid Peace Conference. All these developments reveal that Syria had been cooperated with the US in the aftermath of the Cold War. The second international change analyzed within the framework of this study is the September 11 events. Following the September 11 attacks, the US declared a &ldquo / war on terror&rdquo / to recover its superpower position and intervened in Afghanistan and then Iraq. In that process, Syria opted for countering the US and became the leading critique of the invasion of Iraq. This study examines the different responses of Syria to the end of the Cold War and the post-September 11 period through using neoclassical realism as a model.

Media Crisis Decision Making : A Case Study of SR (Swedish Radio), SVT (Swedish Television) and TV4

Olsson, Eva-Karin January 2008 (has links)
The study takes as its starting point that news organizations’ actions during crises vary more than one can expect based on previous research on news work. Accordingly, the dissertation aims to move beyond the notion of news organizations as homogenous and attempts to open the ‘black box’ of news organizations’ decision making. The study is based on interviews with members of three Swedish broadcasting organizations: the Swedish Public Television (SVT), the Swedish Public Radio (SR), and TV4. The interviews focused on how the three organizations dealt with the news coverage of the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks in the USA. The four articles included in this dissertation challenge from different perspectives the previous assumptions presented in the field of media and journalism. First, as a response to the variety of definitions of non-routine news events applied in previous research, Article I sets out to propose a definition of crisis news events from a news organizational perspective. Accordingly, the article proposes to understand crisis news as surprise events that challenge key organizational values and that demand a swift response. Second, in questioning the notion of news organizations as homogenous, Article II examines the actions taken by the three Swedish broadcasting organizations in response to 9/11. This article argues, based on a neo-institutional perspective, that news organizations’ decision making can be explained by differences in organizational ‘rule-regimes’. Third, Article III challenges the assumption that newsroom actions are homogeneous by examining two newsroom responses to 9/11, in particular their everyday organizational structures and previous experiences. The last Article (IV) applies a slightly different perspective in arguing that during crises media managers’ decisions are not only influenced by the audiences’ informational needs but also by the ritual role news organizations play in times of crises.

Åtta gymnasielärares didaktiska tankar om samhälls- och historieundervisning och en nutidshistorisk händelse

Bodell, Malin, Norell, Merja January 2008 (has links)
Bodell, Malin & Norell, Merja (2008): Åtta gymnasielärares didaktiska tankar om samhälls- och historieundervisning och en nutidshistorisk händelse. Examensarbete i didaktik. Lärarprogrammet. Institutionen för Pedagogik, didaktik och psykologi. Högskolan i Gävle. 2008. Sammanfattning Undersökningens syfte har varit att undersöka gymnasielärares didaktiska tankar angående historieämnet genom en nutidshistorisk händelse som bombattentaten mot World Trade Center i New York den 11 september 2001. Behandlas den och i så fall hur? Detta tar vi reda på genom intervjuer. Studiens underlag är baserat på semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Sammanlagt intervjuades åtta gymnasielärare, tre kvinnliga och fem manliga lärare, på en skola. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter är baserade på forskning kring didaktik och ämnesdidaktik. Studiens resultat påvisar att nutidshistoria är ett ämne som får en undanskymd plats i undervisningen. Dock ansåg lärarna att nutidshistoria var en viktig del i undervisningen. Huruvida 11 september var en viktig del av undervisningen fanns det olika synpunkter på. Tänkbara orsaker till att inte ta upp en nutidshistorisk händelse är tidsbrist, såväl elevernas som lärarnas bristande intresse samt elevernas bristande förkunskaper. Man kan även se att lärarna tycker att eleverna hindrar dem i deras vilja att utveckla kurserna. Lärarna ansåg att historia och samhällskunskap inte kan skiljas åt, dessa ämnen går in i varandra för mycket. 11 september tyckte de lärare som var verksamma i båda ämnena hörde hemma i samhällskunskapen. Lärarna ansåg att historieämnet borde förändras på ett eller annat sätt. Några slutsatser man kan dra av detta arbete är att man som lärare måste distansera sig och fråga sig varför man gör de val man gör. Som lärare måste man utveckla och använda sig av sin didaktiska kompetens. Att använda sig av rutinisering i undervisningen kan ha både sina fördelar och nackdelar, bara man är klar över vilket syfte och vilket mål man har med undervisningen kan det vara till en stor hjälp. Nyckelord: nutidshistoria, 11 september 2001, didaktik, didaktisk kompetens, gymnasielärare, historia

Unbiased news ? : news from the BBC and CNN on September 11, 2001

Berg, Ann-Christin January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

The Underlying Factors of Regional U.S. Hotel Market Resiliency Post 9/11

Heidrich, Beaumont L 01 January 2010 (has links)
I was interested in researching the underlying factors that drove resiliency in regional U.S. hotel markets. I did this by conducting an empirical analysis of twenty nine different markets post September 11 and investigating general, leisure and business variables. I concluded that leisure variables were the underlying drivers of resiliency in regional U.S. hotel markets. I then conducted an event study to try to apply my findings to stock market prices of publicly traded hotel companies. Although it was a challenge to differentiate between companies that depended more on leisure versus business customers due to their asset diversification, I categorized each company into one of the two subsets. If my findings held, I would assume that that the cumulative abnormal returns for the companies that relied on business customers would be more negative than the companies who relied on leisure customers. However, this was not the case, so the findings that leisure variables drive market resiliency were not a good predictor of stock market reaction.

USAs globalstrategi efter 11 september

Schwartz, Patrik January 2003 (has links)
Föreliggande uppsats syftar till att analysera hur den amerikanska globalstrategin harutvecklats under tidsperioden 11 september 2001 till FN resolutionen 1441 mot Irak (8november 2002). Den politiska retoriken har analyserats i förhållande till de teoretiskaströmningarna realism och idealism respektive internationalism och isolationism. Analysenbygger på en modell presenterad av Lars Maddox, bestående av en matris där dessaströmningar ställs mot varandra. För att analysera retoriken mot andra stater har Peter ViggoJakobsens teori om tvångsdiplomati använts. I de fall då användande av tvångsdiplomati harkunnat identifieras har retoriken prövats mot det som Jakobsen benämner som idealpolitik.Analysen visar att den amerikanska globalstrategin har förändrats under den studeradetidsperioden. Från att ha varit på väg mot en mer realistisk och isolationistisk strategi, innanterrorattackerna, har strategin blivit mer internationalistisk och givits större inslag av idealism.I uppsatsen förs också en diskussion om huruvida idealism och realism står i motsats tillvarandra och således inte kan existera samtidigt. Slutsatsen av denna diskussion är attbegreppen möjligen är varandras motpoler då faktiskt handlande studeras. Analyseras däremotpolitisk retorik kan de mycket väl återfinnas såväl realistiska som idealistiska tankar och idéeri retoriken. För att tydliggöra detta introduceras ett alternativt presentationssätt i Maddoxanalysmodell. / The purpose of this essay is to analyze how the U.S. Grand strategy haschanged throughout the period beginning the 11:th of September 2001 andending with the U.N. Security Council Resolution 1441 against Iraq (8:th ofNovember, 2002.). The political rhetoric is analyzed with respect to thetheoretical influence of realism and idealism as well as internationalism andisolationism.The analysis is based upon a model presented by Lars Maddox, consistingof a matrix where these conflicting influences are compared. In order toanalyze the rhetoric against other states, a theory of Coercive Diplomacypresented by Peter Viggo Jakobsen has been used. In cases where coercivediplomacy has been identified, the rhetoric has been tried against whatJakobsen names ideal policy.The analysis indicates that the U.S. grand strategy has changed during theaforementioned time period. From that of a path towards a realistic andisolationist strategy prior to the attacks, the strategy has shifted to becomemore international with an increased degree of idealism. The essay will alsoaddress whether idealism and realism are contradictory, and, as a result,cannot coexist. The conclusion of this discussion is that these concepts maybe complete opposites when studied in practice. However, when politicalrhetoric is analyzed, both realistic and idealistic thoughts are evident. Inorder to clarify this, an alternative method for presentation is introduced intoMaddox’s model. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 01-03

Trauma and Beyond: Ethical and Cultural Constructions of 9/11 in American Fiction

Mansutti, Pamela 07 June 2012 (has links)
My dissertation focuses on a set of Anglo-American novels that deal with the events of 9/11. Identifying thematic and stylistic differences in the fiction on this topic, I distinguish between novels that represent directly the jolts of trauma in the wake of the attacks, and novels that, while still holding the events as an underlying operative force in the narrative, do not openly represent them but envision their long-term aftermath. The first group of novels comprises Lynne Sharon Schwartz’s The Writing on the Wall (2005), Don DeLillo’s Falling Man (2007) and Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005). The second one includes Lorrie Moore’s A Gate at the Stairs (2009), John Updike’s Terrorist (2006) and Joseph O’Neill’s Netherland (2008). Drawing on concepts from trauma theory, particularly by Cathy Caruth and Dominick LaCapra, and combining them with the ethical philosophies of Levinas and Heidegger, I argue that the constructions of 9/11 in Anglo-American fiction are essentially twofold: authors who narrate 9/11 as a tragic human loss in the city of New York turn it into an occasion for an ethical dialogue with the reader and potentially with the “Other,” whereas authors who address 9/11 as a recent sociopolitical event transform it into a goad toward a bitter cultural indictment of the US middle-class, whose ingrained inertia, patriotism and self-righteousness have been either magnified or twisted by the attacks. Considering processes of meaning-making, annihilation, ideological reduction and apathy that arose from 9/11 and its versions, I have identified what could be called, adapting Peter Elbow’s expression from pedagogical studies, the “forked” rhetoric of media and politics, a rhetorical mode in which both discourses are essentially closed, non-hermeneutic, and rooted in the same rationale: exploiting 9/11 for consensus. On the contrary, in what I call the New-Yorkization of 9/11, I highlighted how the situatedness of the public discourses that New Yorkers constructed to tell their own tragedy rescues the Ur-Phaenomenon of 9/11 from the epistemological commodification that intellectual, mediatic and political interpretations forced on it. Furthermore, pointing to the speciousness of arguments that deem 9/11 literature sentimental and unimaginative, I claim that the traumatic literature on the attacks constitutes an example of ethical practice, since it originates from witnesses of the catastrophe, it represents communal solidarity, and it places a crucial demand on the reader as an empathic listener and ethical agent. Ethical counternarratives oppose the ideological simplification of the 9/11 attacks and develop instead a complex counter-rhetoric of emotions and inclusiveness that we could read as a particular instantiation of an ethics of the self and “Other.” As much as the 9/11 “ethical” novels suggest that “survivability” in times of trauma depends on “relationality” (J. Butler), the “cultural” ones unveil the insensitivity and superficiality of the actual US society far away from the site of trauma. The binary framework I use implies that, outside of New York City, 9/11 is narrated neither traumatically (in terms of literary form), nor as trauma (in terms of textual fact). Consequently, on the basis of a spatial criterion and in parallel to the ethical novels, I have identified a category of “cultural” fiction that tackles the events of 9/11 at a distance, spatially and conceptually. In essence, 9/11 brings neither shock, nor promise of regeneration to these peripheral settings, except for Joseph O’Neill’s Netherland, a story in which we are returned to a post-9/11 New York where different ethnic subjects can re-negotiate creatively their identities. The cultural novels are ultimately pervaded by a mode of tragic irony that is unthinkable for the ethical novels and that is used in these texts to convey the inanity and hubris of a politically uneducated and naïve America – one that has difficulties to point Afghanistan on a map, or to transcend dualistic schemes of value that embody precisely Bush’s Manichaeism. The potential for cultural pluralism, solidarity and historical memory set up by the New York stories does not ramify into the America that is far away from the neuralgic epicenter of historical trauma. This proves that the traumatizing effects and the related ethical calls engendered by 9/11 remain confined to the New York literature on the topic.

HOTETS MAKT : -En kritisk diskursanalys av medierapportering om svenska insatser i Afghanistan

Heder, Tove, Megahid, Shahira January 2010 (has links)
Studiens utgångspunkt var den makt som medier besitter i framställningen av nyheter, det vill säga den symboliska makt som förmedlas genom språket, bildar opinion, samt påverkar hur dess läsare uppfattar och formar sina bilder av verkligheten samt attityder gentemot den. Det övergripande syftet var att kritiskt granska medierapporteringen av svenska insatser i Afghanistan genom att söka svara på följande frågor; Hur behovet av svenska insatser i Afghanistan framställdes?, vilka diskurser som dominerade framställningarna, definitionerna och beskrivningarna av Sverige/Svenskar och Afghanistan/Afghaner, samt vilka konsekvenser definitionerna får för människors attityder, förhållningssätt och sociala relationer. Uppsatsens teoretiska ram utgjordes av ett postkolonialt perspektiv samt medieteorier, och den metodologiska ansatsen av kritisk diskursanalys, vilken bidrog med verktyg som hjälpt oss att se bakom nyhetstexternas ord och dess innebörd. Diskurserna som framträdde i analysen var; militär/säkerhetspolitisk, antiislamistisk/rasistisk, nationalistisk och globaliseringsdiskurser. Den militära/säkerhetspolitiska diskursen var dominerande och använde sig av övriga diskurser för att legitimera militär närvaro och förstärka Afghanistans behov av fortsatta interventioner, där hot och säkerhet utgjorde de främsta argumenten. Slutsatsen blev således att den militära/säkerhetspolitiska diskursen reglerade behoven, samt med hjälp av övriga diskurser definierade Svenskar/Sverige och Afghaner/Afghanistan, där skillnader drogs mellan ”vi svenskar” och ”dom andra afghanerna” vilka tillskrevs olika mycket värde. Analysmaterialet reproducerade därmed ojämlika bilder av makt- och levnadsförhållanden vilket diskuterats i förhållande till socialt arbete, där ett kritiskt förhållningssätt till mediers rapportering ansågs som fundamentalt för ett framtida solidariskt socialt arbete.

A Mutual Construction of the International System and the Nation States within a Model of Level-of-Analysis¡ÐA Case Study of the September 11 and the War on Terrorism

Wu, Tien-lun 13 December 2004 (has links)
Since the mode of level-of-analysis has to be treated as an empirical tool for IR theories to make a claim to become a social science in its own right, this study attempts to explore the political process of a mutual construction of the international system and the nation states within the model in three parts. Firstly, this study examines how the international system and the national states be settled upon as pregiven scientific entities on the basis of objective spatiality of territory and borders. Secondly, this study shows that in order to merge all states¡¦ diversities and differences into the sameness and likeness, the mutual construction is linked to the plausible assumptions about the structural world of universal rationality among all states, and the unfolding history of linear and progressive evolution. Finally, this study takes the September 11 and the war on terrorism as an example to illustrate the mutual construction and its consequences.

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