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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Role of the Srf transcription factor in adult muscle stem cells / Rôle du facteur de transcription Srf dans les cellules souches musculaires adultes

Papaefthymiou, Aikaterini 30 November 2016 (has links)
Le muscle squelettique adulte est un tissu avec une grande plasticité étant donné qu’il adapte sa taille suite à la surcharge fonctionnelle et il régénère suite à une lésion. La base de cette plasticité est la myofibre et les cellules souches associées, les cellules satellites (CS). Suite aux stimuli, les CS sortent de la quiescence, elles s’activent, proliférent, s’engagent dans la voie myogénique et fusionnent entre elles ou bien avec la fibre pre-éxistante. Une partie des CS retourne à la quiescence afin de maintenir le « pool » de progéniteurs. Ce projet a pour objectif de mieux caractériser des voies de signalisation responsables des adaptations des CS au cours de la régénération et le l’hypertrophie compensatoire. Srf est un facteur de transcription, particulièrement exprimé dans les muscles. Les gènes cibles de Srf sont des gènes qui participent à la régulation de la prolifération cellulaire et des gènes codant des protéines sarcomériques du muscle ou bien des gènes ayant un rôle dans l’adhésion cellulaire, la migration et l’organisation du cytosquelette. Il a été montré que la perte de fonction de Srf dans la lignée de cellules musculaire C2C12 inhibe leur prolifération et leur différenciation et que Srf contrôle l’expression de MyoD qui est un gène de détermination myogénique. Aucune donnée n’est disponible à ce jour concernant la fonction de Srf dans les CS in vivo. Nous avons généré des souris dépourvues de Srf spécifiquement dans les CS adultes. Les CS ont été recruitées par l’hypertrophie et la régénération musculaire. En parallèle des études ex vivo ont été menées afin de préciser si les phénotypes observés sont cellule-autonomes et afin de disséquer les mécanismes sous-jacents. Nous montrons que la perte de Srf dans les CS affecte fortement les processus de régénération et d’hypertrophie suggérant un rôle de Srf dans le contrôle du destin cellulaire de CS. Nos études montrent que la perte le Srf dans les SC n’affecte pas leur prolifération et leur engagement dans la différenciation myogénique. Par contre, leur motilité et leur capacité de fusion sont fortement réduites. Afin d’identifier les effecteurs de Srf impliqués dans la motilité et le défaut de fusion des CS mutantes, nous avons réalisé des études transcriptomiques et identifié le set de gènes dont l’expression est altérée par la perte de Srf dans des conditions de prolifération et de différenciation. L’analyse des fonctions altérées nous a indiqué que la voie de signalisation du cytosquelette d’actine était perturbée. En effet les CS dépourvues de Srf expriment moins d’actine et présentent une organisation du cytosquelette d’actine perturbée. Des expériences de sauvetage utilisant un modèle de souris permettant la surexpression inductible d’actine alpha dans les CS dépourvues de Srf ont montré que la surexpression d’actine chez les mutants Srf était suffisante pour rétablir partiellement l’organisation du cytosquelette et améliorer les capacités de fusion des CS. De manière intéressante, seule la fusion hétérotypique (entre une cellule contrôle et une cellule mutante), et pas la fusion homotypique (entre deux cellules mutantes), est rétablie par l’expression de l’actine. In vivo, le rétablissement de la fusion hétérotypique restaure la croissance hypertrophique des muscles alors que l’altération de la régénération chez les mutants Srf n’est que faiblement améliorée par la surexpression de l’actine. Cette étude nous a permis d’avoir une vision d’ensemble et mécanistique de la contribution du facteur de transcription Srf dans la biologie des CS et de mettre en évidence l’importance structurale du maintien du cytosquelette d’actine pour la fusion des cellules musculaires. / The adult skeletal muscle is a high plastic tissue as it adapts its size upon overload and it is capable of regeneration upon muscle lesion. The skeletal muscle is composed of a specialized syncytium, the myofiber, which is the functional unit of the muscle and a small population of myogenic progenitors, residing adjacent to the myofibers, termed as satellite cells (SCs). SCs are the muscle-specific stem cells which endow the skeletal muscle with its remarkable capacity to repair and to maintain homeostasis during muscle turnover. In resting adult muscles, SCs are quiescent but they activate upon exposure to stimuli. The activated SCs (myoblasts) proliferate extensively and subsequently differentiate and fuse between them or pre-existing myofibers, a series of cellular events called myogenesis. In parallel to the myogenesis, a reserve population of SCs escapes the myogenic program and self-renews to replenish the SC pool. The current project aims to further characterize the signalling pathways involved in SC functions during muscle regeneration and compensatory hypertrophy (CH). Srf is a muscle-enriched transcription factor with Srf-target genes implicated in cell proliferation, differentiation (sarcomeric proteins), adhesion, migration and cellular cytoskeleton. Studies in C2C12 mouse myogenic cell line showed that Srf loss prevent the myoblast proliferation and differentiation by down-regulating the expression of the myogenic determinant MyoD gene. We used a genetic murine model for adult SC-specific Srf-loss in order to conduct in vivo and ex vivo studies for the Srf role in SCs. Compensatory hypertrophy and regeneration are the two means by which SCs were recruited. We show that loss of Srf in SCs affects the regeneration process and the CH suggesting the Srf role in the SC fate. Srf-depleted SCs display probably no defect in their proliferation and differentiation but reduced capacity in motility and fusion. Transcriptomic analysis revealed altered actin cytoskeleton and signalling. Srf-depleted SCs show reduced actin expression and altered actin cytoskeleton. Rescue of actin expression in Srf-depleted SCs partially restored the cytoskeleton organization and the fusion process. Interestingly by actin overexpression only the heterotypic/asymmetric fusion was established but not the homotypic/symmetric fusion. Therefore actin overexpression restored the hypertrophic growth in the CH (in vivo model of heterotypic fusion) but failed to do so in the regeneration (in vivo model of homotypic fusion). This study contributed to the in vivo investigation of the Srf mechanistic role in adult SCs and underlined the importance of actin cytoskeleton maintenance in the fusion of myogenic cells.

Comparação do potencial neutralizante dos soros antibotrópico comercial e experimental frente às atividades biológicas dos venenos de Bothrops jararaca e Bothrops erythromelas / Comparison of the neutralizing potential of the commercial and experimental anti-botropic serum front the biological activities of the Bothrops jararaca and Bothrops erythromelas venom.

Castro Junior, Norberto Carone 29 August 2008 (has links)
Na região nordeste é registrado o maior índice de letalidade por acidentes ofídicos do Brasil. As serpentes Bothrops erythromelas (Be) são as responsáveis pela maioria dos acidentes na região, e o veneno dessa serpente não integra o pool de antígenos utilizado pata a obtenção do soro antibotrópico (SAB). Nesse estudo avaliou-se a potência do SAB na neutralização de algumas atividades do veneno (V) de Be. Os resultados mostraram que o SAB neutraliza as atividades do VBe, mas, exceto para a atividade coagulante e letalidade, a potência do SAB foi significativamente menor, quando comparado à neutralização das mesmas atividades do veneno de B. jararaca. A utilização de um soro obtido após a inclusão do VBe ao pool de antígenos não melhorou significativamente a potência do SAB. O SAB neutralizou também o edema inflamatório induzido pelo VBe, mas a associação do SAB à dexametasona inibiu o edema quando aplicado até 45 min após o envenenamento. Nesse tempo, SAB ou dexametasona aplicados isoladamente não foram efetivos em diminuir esse edema. / In the northeast region is registered the higher lethality index by snakebites in Brazil. Bothrops erythromelas (Be) snakes are responsible for the larger number of snakebites in that region, and the venom of these snakes do not integrate the pool of antigens used to obtaining the Bothrops antivenom (BAV). In the present study, the potency of this serum in neutralizing some activities of Be venom (V) was evaluated. Results showed that BAV neutralizes BeV activities, but, except for coagulant activity and for lethality, the potency of the BAV was significantly lower, when compared to the neutralization of the same parameters of the Bothrops jararaca venom. The use of antivenom obtained after inclusion of BeV to the pool of antigens did not ameliorate the BAV potency. The BAV also neutralizes the inflammatory edema induced by BeV, but the association of BAV and dexamethasone decreased the edema when applied up to 45 min after the venom. At this time, antivenom or dexamethasone administered alone were ineffective in inhibiting this edema.

Mikrosatellitenalterationen in der Serum-DNA bei Patienten mit Bronchialkarzinom

Bruhn, Norbert 20 October 1999 (has links)
Die Bedeutung von Mikrosatellitenalterationen in malignen Tumoren ist trotz intensiver Forschungstätigkeit bisher nicht ausreichend geklärt. Bei Patienten mit einem hereditären nichtpolypösen kolorektalen Karzinom-Syndrom (HNPCC) konnte aber ein möglicherweise kausaler Zusammenhang zwischen einer Keimbahnmutation der Gene, die an dem DNA-"mismatch"-Reparaturmechanismus beteiligt sind, und der Ätiologie dieser Erkrankung nachgewiesen werden. Der Nachweis von Mikrosatelliteninstabilitäten wird zur Identifizierung des HNPCC-Syndroms genutzt. Der Anteil nachgewiesener Mikrosatelliteninstabilitäten bei sporadischen Tumorerkrankungen ist deutlich niedriger als beim HNPCC-Syndrom. Die Mechanismen zur Entstehung von Mikrosatelliteninstabilitäten bei sporadischen Tumor-erkrankungen sind bisher ungeklärt. Der gelungene Nachweis von Mikrosatellitenalterationen im Serum, Fäzes, Urin und Sputum von Tumorpatienten könnte das diagnostische Repertoire erweitern und möglicherweise die frühzeitige Erkennung von Tumorerkrankungen verbessern. Eine auf eine PCR basierende Methode zur Analyse von Mikrosatellitenalterationen in Tumor- und Serumproben wurde in dieser Arbeit etabliert. Drei Mikrosatellitenmarker (AR, ACTBP2, UT762) wurden bei der Untersuchung eingesetzt. Es wurden Tumor- und Serum-DNA mit der DNA von Lymphozyten verglichen und analysiert. Es wurden 43 Patienten mit Bronchialkarzinom untersucht, darunter 16 Patienten mit kleinzelligem und 27 Patienten mit nichtkleinzelligem Bronchialkarzinom. Es wurden bei 5 von 16 (31 %) Patienten mit SCLC und bei 9 von 27 (33 %) Patienten mit NSCLC in mindestens einem Mikrosatellitenlocus eine Mikrosatelliteninstabilität oder ein LOH nachgewiesen. In der Kontrollgruppe mit gesunden Probanden waren keine Mikrosatellitenalterationen nachweisbar. Die unverändert sehr schlechte Prognose von Patienten mit Bronchialkarzinom unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit der Entwicklung einer zuverlässigen und sensitiven Methode zur verbesserten Frühdiagnostik. Dazu wird es notwendig sein, weitere Mikrosatellitenmarker hinsichtlich ihrer Tumorsensitivität und -spezifität an einer ausreichenden Anzahl von Patienten zu testen und die prognostische Bedeutung von Mikrosatellitenalterationen bei Patienten mit einem Bronchialkarzinom zu klären. / Background: Despite intensive research efforts, the significance of microsatellite alterations in malignant tumors is not sufficiently understood. Since a possible causal connection between disease etiology and a germination mutation of the genes, involved in the mismatch repair mechanism, could be demostrated in patients with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), the detection of microsatellite instabilities may be used to identify the so-called HNPCC syndrome. While the amount of proven microsatellite instabilities in sporadic tumor diseases is significantly lower than in the HNPCC syndrome, the mechanisms generating these instabilities have not been clarified yet. Their succesful measurement in serum, feces, urine, and sputum would extend the diagnostic repertory for tumor patients and possibly improve the early detection of neoplastic disease or its recurrence. Results: In this thesis, a PCR-based method was established for the analysis of microsatellite alterations in tumor specimens and serum samples. Three microsatellite markers were employed, including AR, ACTBP2, and UT762. The DNA of tumors and serum was analyzed and compared with the DNA of lymphocytes. Specimens of 43 patients with bronchial carcinoma (16 small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC), 27 non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC)) were examined. In 5 of the patients with SCLC (31%) and in 9 of those with NSCLC (33%) a microsatellite instability or a loss of heterozygosity (LOH) was demonstrated in at least one microsatellite locus. The controls, which included samples of serum and lymphocytes of 10 healthy volunteers, did not show any microsatellite alterations. Outlook: The still poor prognosis of patients with bronchial carcinoma warrants further development of sensitive and reliable methods to improve early detection. Beyond this study, further microsatellite markers need to be tested in a sufficient number of patients with respect to sensitivity and specificity of tumor diagnosis. In addition, the prognostic significance of microsatellite alterations in tumor patients requires further investigation.

Charakterisierung LPS-inhibierender Effekte von Lipoproteinen und Lipopolysaccharid Bindendem Protein (LBP) in murinem Serum

Knierim, Jan Holger 16 October 2000 (has links)
LPS wird von Gram-negativen Bakterien freigesetzt und führt mit Hilfe von LBP zur Ausschüttung proinflammatorischer Zytokine aus Monozyten und Makrophagen. Diese von LPS ausgelöste Kaskade, ist entscheidend an der Entstehung der Sepsis beteiligt. In dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, daß die LPS-induzierte Stimulation von Makrophagen durch murines Serum gehemmt werden kann. Außerdem konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit im Mausmodell verdeutlicht werden, welche Rolle Lipoproteine und LBP bei dem protektiven Serumeffekt spielen. Von den in Mausseren verschiedener Mausstämme bestimmten Parametern korrelierte der Phospholipidgehalt relativ gut mit dem inhibitorischen Serumeffekt. Eine Depletion von Lipoproteinen aus den Seren führte zu einer starken Reduktion des inhibitorischen Serumpotentials, während die Verwendung von LBP-defizienten Seren keinen Einfluß auf den Serumhemmeffekt hatte. Lipoproteine sehr geringer, geringer und hoher Dichte verursachten in Gegenwart von LBP eine deutliche Reduktion der LPS-Effekte, die gut mit ihrem Phospholipidgehalt korrelierte. In Abwesenheit von Serum und LBP konnten Lipoproteine LPS-Effekte auch bei hohen Phospholipidkonzentrationen kaum noch inhibieren. In nativen murinen Lipoproteinen hoher Dichte und lipoproteindefizientem Serum ließ sich LBP nachweisen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, daß native Lipoproteine sehr geringer, geringer und hoher Dichten als Akzeptoren für LPS dienen können. Ihr inhibitorisches Potential korreliert am besten mit ihrem Phospholipidgehalt. Der Transport von LPS in diese Lipoproteine wird durch LBP katalysiert, was den protektiven Effekt hoher LBP-Konzentrationen erklärt. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, daß LBP nicht der einzige Bestandteil von murinem Serum ist, der LPS in Lipoproteine transferiert. Vermutlich ist bei den, in dieser Arbeit verwendeten Serumkonzentrationen der PLTP-Gehalt ausreichend, diesen LPS-Transfer in Abwesenheit von LBP zu vollziehen. Bei der Interaktion zwischen Lipoproteinen und LPS handelt es sich um einen physiologischen Weg des Organismus, um auf bakterielle Endotoxine zu reagieren und so der Sepsis entgegenzuwirken. Mit genaueren Kenntnissen über diese Interaktion, bei der Lipidtransferproteine wie LBP und PLTP eine entscheidende Rolle spielen, können eventuell in Zukunft Methoden gefunden werden, diese physiologischen Vorgänge des Körpers zu unterstützen, um so eine Sepsis zu therapieren. / LPS released by gram-negative bacteria is bound by LBP and initiates the release of proinflammatory cytokines in makrophages and monocytes. These cytokines are thought to play a central role in the pathophysiology of sepsis. In these studies I was able to show an inhibitory effect of murine serum on the LPS-induced stimulation of macrophages. Furthermore the role of lipoproteins and LBP in this protective effect of serum was investigated. The inhibitory effect of serum from different mouse strains was best correlated to its phospholipid content. Depletion of serum from lipoproteins strongly reduced its LPS-inhibitory potential while depletion of serum from LBP had no effect. Murine VLDL, LDL and HDL were found to be potent inhibitors of LPS-effects in presence of LBP. In abscence of LBP the inhibitory effect was much weaker. LBP could be detected in murine HDL and murine lipoproteindeficient serum. My data shows that HDL, LDL and VLDL can act as acceptors of LPS. Their inhibitory potential is best correlated to their phospholipid content. LBP catalyses transport of LPS into lipoproteins. This could be an explanation for its protective effect in high doses. Furthermore it could be shown that LBP is not the only serum component that transfers LPS into Lipoproteins. Possibly the used serum contained enough PLTP to perform this transfer in absence of LBP. The interaction between Lipoproteins and LPS is a physiological way of the organism to react on endotoxines and inhibit the development of sepsis. PLTP and LBP play major roles in this interaction. Understanding the pathways of LPS-detoxification may help to support the organism s physiological answer and establish new methods to treat sepsis.

Proteinograma do soro sanguíneo e lácteo de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês em diferentes fases da lactação / Blood serum proteinogram and whey protein of Santa Ines sheep breed in different phases of lactation

LEMOS, Vânia Freire 11 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by (lucia.rodrigues@ufrpe.br) on 2017-02-10T14:31:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Vania Freire Lemos.pdf: 1507844 bytes, checksum: cbb75eb979bd39586c08dadf5aea6579 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-10T14:31:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vania Freire Lemos.pdf: 1507844 bytes, checksum: cbb75eb979bd39586c08dadf5aea6579 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / The objective of this work was to evaluate dynamics of the proteinogram of blood serum and whey protein of Santa Ines sheep breed following the antipartum period and during lactation, and to compare/to quantify proteins detected at eletrophoresis of the whey protein from healthy and infectious mammary glands in different phases of lactation. Thrirty four sheeps submitted to half-intensive system with same sanitary and nutritional management has been followed. For accomplishment of proteinogram of the sheep, they had been investigated during approximately 10 days from antipartum and 15, 30, 60 and 90 days postpartum, moments where clinical examination of mammary gland was carried through. Blood serum was evaluated at antipartum moment and proteinogram of whey protein at subsequent moments. Bacteriological culture and biochemist characterization of milk samples for confirmation of healthy and infected glands was performed. Separation of protein fractions was carried through using sodium dodecil sulphate polyacrylamide gel eletrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). For the blood serum it was observed quantification of nine proteins with significant influence in IgG. At whey protein, influence of the phases of lactation was identified eigth proteins, having albumin, IgG and β - lactoglobulin.. Comparing healthy and infected glands it was verified that hatptoglobin and α-1 acid glycoprotein, lactoferrin, albumin and immunoglobulins IgA and IgG in whey protein act as potentials biomarkers of infection in mammary gland of ovine species. / Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a dinâmica do proteinograma do soro sangüíneo e lácteo de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês acompanhadas no período que antecedeu o parto e durante a lactação e comparar/quantificar as proteínas detectadas no traçado eletroforético do soro lácteo de glândulas mamárias sadias e infectadas em diferentes fases da lactação. Foram acompanhadas 34 ovelhas submetidas ao sistema de criação semi-intensivo, com mesmo manejo higiênico, sanitário e nutricional. Para a realização do proteinograma as ovelhas foram investigadas durante, aproximadamente 10 dias que precedeu o parto e 15, 30, 60 e 90 dias após o parto, momentos em que foi realizado o exame clínico da glândula mamária. O proteinograma sangüíneo foi efetuado a partir do momento pré parto e o proteinograma do soro lácteo nos momentos subseqüentes. Realizou-se o cultivo bacteriológico e a caracterização bioquímica das amostras de leite para confirmação de glândulas sadias e infectadas. A separação das frações protéicas foi realizada utilizando-se eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida contendo dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS-PAGE). Para o soro sanguíneo observou-se a quantificação de nove proteínas observando influência significativa somente na IgG; no soro lácteo identificou-se oito proteínas havendo influência das fases de lactação na albumina, IgG e β - lactoglobulina. Ccomparando glândulas sadias e infectadas verificou-se que a hatptoglobina, α-1 glicoproteína ácida, lactoferrina, albumina e as imunoglobulinas IgA e IgG presentes no soro lácteo atuam como biomarcadores de infecção na glândula mamária na espécie ovina.

Studies on the use of bovine serum albumin as aerosol performance enhancer in dry powder inhalation formulations prepared by spray drying. / 小牛血清白蛋白(BSA)對以噴霧乾燥(spray dry)制作的粉霧吸入劑(DPI)粉霧性能(aerosol performance)提升的研究 / Xiao niu xue qing bai dan bai (BSA) dui yi pen wu qan zao (spray dry) zhi zuo de fen wu xi ru ji (DPI) fen wu xing neng (aerosol performance) ti sheng de yan jiu

January 2010 (has links)
Chan, Pui. / "November, 2009." / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 108-114). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Table of Contents --- p.i / Acknowledgement --- p.vi / Abstract --- p.vii / Abstract (Chinese) --- p.ix / Chapter Chapter One --- Introduction / Chapter 1.1. --- Pulmonary Route for Drug Delivery --- p.2 / Chapter 1.2. --- Factors Affecting the Performance of Inhaled Formulations --- p.3 / Chapter 1.2.1. --- Particle Aerodynamic Diameter --- p.4 / Chapter 1.2.2. --- Dispersibility of Particles --- p.5 / Chapter 1.2.3. --- Clearance Mechanism in Lung and Dissolution of Particles --- p.6 / Chapter 1.3. --- Production of Dry Powder Inhalation by Spray Drying --- p.7 / Chapter 1.4. --- Approaches to Enhance Aerosol Performance of Spray Dried Particles --- p.8 / Chapter 1.4.1 --- Porous/Hollow Particles --- p.9 / Chapter 1.4.2 --- Non-Porous Corrugated Particles --- p.10 / Chapter 1.4.3 --- Blends and Ternary Systems --- p.10 / Chapter 1.4.4 --- Surface Energy and Crystallinity Modification --- p.11 / Chapter 1.4.5 --- Other Approaches to Enhancing Aerosol Performance --- p.12 / Chapter 1.5 --- Objectives and Rationale of the Present Study --- p.13 / Chapter 1.6 --- Scope of Present Study and Particle Characterization Techniques Employed --- p.14 / Chapter 1.6.1 --- Microscopy and Particle Density Measurements --- p.14 / Chapter 1.6.2 --- Particle Size Analysis and Particle Dispersibility --- p.15 / Chapter 1.6.3 --- Thermal Analysis and Particle Crystallinity --- p.15 / Chapter 1.6.4 --- Particle Surface Characterization --- p.16 / Chapter 1.6.5 --- Inverse Gas Chromatography --- p.18 / Chapter 1.6.6 --- Fractal Analysis --- p.19 / Chapter --- Background and Origin of Fractal Analysis --- p.19 / Chapter --- Use of Fractal Analysis in Pharmaceutical Research --- p.20 / Chapter --- Methods for fractal analysis --- p.21 / Chapter 1.6.7 --- Atomic Force Microscopy --- p.23 / Chapter --- Background of Atomic Force Microscopy --- p.23 / Chapter --- Characterization of Surface Topography by Atomic Force Microscopy --- p.23 / Chapter --- Measurement of Interaction Forces by Colloid Probe 226}0Ø Microscopy --- p.25 / Chapter --- Use of Atomic Force Microscopy in Pharmaceutical Research --- p.27 / Chapter Chapter Two --- Materials and Methods / Chapter 2.1. --- Materials --- p.30 / Chapter 2.2. --- Equipment --- p.31 / Chapter 2.3. --- Methods --- p.33 / Chapter 2.3.1. --- Powder Preparation --- p.33 / Chapter --- Preparation of Salbutamol Sulphate Samples --- p.33 / Chapter --- Preparation of Disodium Cromoglycate Samples --- p.33 / Chapter --- Preparation of ß-Galactosidase (BG) Samples --- p.34 / Chapter 2.3.2. --- Determination of Aerosol Performance --- p.35 / Chapter 2.3.3. --- Determination of Protein Activity for BG Samples --- p.36 / Chapter --- Enzyme Assay Procedure --- p.37 / Chapter --- Calculation of Enzyme Activity --- p.38 / Chapter --- Determination of Enzyme Activity Retained in Spray-dried Samples --- p.38 / Chapter 2.3.4. --- Physicochemical Characterization of Particles --- p.39 / Chapter --- Scanning Electron Microscopy --- p.39 / Chapter --- Particle Density Determination --- p.39 / Chapter --- Particle Size Analysis --- p.40 / Chapter --- Thermal analysis --- p.41 / Chapter --- Powder X-ray Diffraction --- p.42 / Chapter --- Surface Area Determination --- p.42 / Chapter --- Surface Composition Characterization --- p.43 / Chapter --- Surface Tension Measurement --- p.44 / Chapter --- Inverse Gas Chromatography --- p.45 / Chapter --- Calculation of Standard Free Energy of Adsorption --- p.46 / Chapter --- Calculation of Dispersive Component of Surface Free Energy --- p.47 / Chapter --- Determination of Specific Interactions and Associated Acid-Base Properties --- p.48 / Chapter --- Fractal Analysis --- p.49 / Chapter --- Atomic Force Microscopy --- p.49 / Chapter Chapter Three --- Results / Chapter 3.1. --- In vitro Aerosol Performance --- p.52 / Chapter 3.2. --- Enzyme Activity Retained in BG Samples --- p.55 / Chapter 3.3. --- Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) --- p.56 / Chapter 3.3.1. --- SEM of Salbutamol Sulphate Formulations --- p.56 / Chapter 3.3.2. --- SEM of DSCG Formulations --- p.59 / Chapter 3.3.3. --- SEM of BG Formulations --- p.61 / Chapter 3.4. --- Density Measurements --- p.65 / Chapter 3.4.1. --- Densities of Salbutamol Sulphate Formulations --- p.65 / Chapter 3.4.2. --- Densities of DSCG Formulations --- p.66 / Chapter 3.4.3. --- Densities of BG Formulations --- p.67 / Chapter 3.5. --- Particle Size Analysis by Laser Diffraction --- p.68 / Chapter 3.5.1. --- Volume Mean Diameter Measurements --- p.68 / Chapter 3.5.2. --- Particle Size Distributions and Dispersion Patterns of Formulations --- p.70 / Chapter 3.6. --- Thermal Analysis --- p.75 / Chapter 3.7. --- Powder X-ray Diffraction --- p.80 / Chapter 3.8. --- Surface Area Measurements --- p.84 / Chapter 3.9. --- Surface Composition Characterization --- p.85 / Chapter 3.9.1. --- Surface Composition of Salbutamol Sulphate Formulations --- p.85 / Chapter 3.9.2. --- Surface Composition of DSCG Formulations --- p.88 / Chapter 3.9.3. --- Surface Composition of BG/BSA Formulations --- p.89 / Chapter 3.10. --- Surface Tension Measurements --- p.91 / Chapter 3.11. --- Inverse Gas Chromatography --- p.92 / Chapter 3.12. --- Fractal Analysis --- p.93 / Chapter 3.13. --- Atomic Force Microscopy --- p.94 / Chapter Chapter Four --- Discussion / Chapter 4.1. --- Influence of BSA on Aerosol Performance and Protein Integrity --- p.98 / Chapter 4.2. --- Influence of BSA on Physicochemical Properties of Particles --- p.98 / Chapter 4.2.1. --- Influence of BSA on surface corrugation --- p.98 / Chapter 4.2.2. --- Influence of BSA on particle size and dispersion behavior --- p.99 / Chapter 4.2.3. --- Influence of BSA on crystallinity and thermal properties of particles --- p.100 / Chapter 4.2.4. --- Influence of BSA on surface energetics of particles --- p.100 / Chapter 4.3. --- Relationship between Surface Corrugation and Aerosol Performance --- p.101 / Chapter 4.4. --- Mechanism of Surface Modification for BSA on Spray-dried Particles --- p.103 / Chapter Chapter Five --- Conclusions and Future Work / Chapter 5.1. --- Conclusions --- p.106 / Chapter 5.1.1. --- General Aerosolization-Enhancing Effect of BSA --- p.106 / Chapter 5.1.2. --- Surface Modifying Effect of BSA --- p.106 / Chapter 5.1.3. --- Relationship between Surface Corrugation and Aerosol Performance --- p.106 / Chapter 5.2. --- Future Work --- p.107 / References --- p.108

Quantum dots as acceptors in FRET-assays containing serum

Beck, Michael, Hildebrandt, Niko, Löhmannsröben, Hans-Gerd January 2006 (has links)
Quantum dots (QDs) are common as luminescing markers for imaging in biological applications because their optical properties seem to be inert against their surrounding solvent. This, together with broad and strong absorption bands and intense, sharp tuneable luminescence bands, makes them interesting candidates for methods utilizing Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), e. g. for sensitive homogeneous fluoroimmunoassays (FIA). In this work we demonstrate energy transfer from Eu<SUP>3+</SUP>-trisbipyridin (Eu-TBP) donors to CdSe-ZnS-QD acceptors in solutions with and without serum. The QDs are commercially available CdSe-ZnS core-shell particles emitting at 655 nm (QD655). The FRET system was achieved by the binding of the streptavidin conjugated donors with the biotin conjugated acceptors. After excitation of Eu-TBP and as result of the energy transfer, the luminescence of the QD655 acceptors also showed lengthened decay times like the donors. The energy transfer efficiency, as calculated from the decay times of the bound and the unbound components, amounted to 37%. The Förster-radius, estimated from the absorption and emission bands, was ca. 77 Å. The effective binding ratio, which not only depends on the ratio of binding pairs but also on unspecific binding, was obtained from the donor emission dependent on the concentration. As serum promotes unspecific binding, the overall FRET efficiency of the assay was reduced. We conclude that QDs are good substitutes for acceptors in FRET if combined with slow decay donors like Europium. The investigation of the influence of the serum provides guidance towards improving binding properties of QD assays.

Der Stellenwert der LDH-5-Exprimierung im Tumor sowie der Serum-LDH als Tumormarker für das Plattenepithelkarzinom der Lunge / Significance of Tumour LDH-5 and Serum-LDH as tumour markers for squamous cell carcinoma of the lung

Wiemeyer, Stefan 22 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Two Clonal Cell Lines of Immortalized Human Corneal Endothelial Cells Show either Differentiated or Precursor Cell Characteristics

Valtink, Monika, Gruschwitz, Rita, Funk, Richard H. W., Engelmann, Katrin 04 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Access to primary human corneal endothelial cells (HCEC) is limited and donor-derived differences between cultures exacerbate the issue of data reproducibility, whereas cell lines can provide sufficient numbers of homogenous cells for multiple experiments. An immortalized HCEC population was adapted to serum-free culture medium and repeated cloning was performed. Clonally grown cells were propagated under serum-free conditions and growth curves were recorded. Cells were characterized immunocytochemically for junctional proteins, collagens, Na,K-ATPase and HCEC-specific 9.3.E-antigen. Ultrastructure was monitored by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Two clonal cell lines, HCEC-B4G12 and HCEC-H9C1, could be isolated and expanded, which differed morphologically: B4G12 cells were polygonal, strongly adherent and formed a strict monolayer, H9C1 cells were less adherent and formed floating spheres. The generation time of B4G12 cells was 62.26 ± 14.5 h and that of H9C1 cells 44.05 ± 5.05 h. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that B4G12 cells had a smooth cell surface, while H9C1 cells had numerous thin filopodia. Both cell lines expressed ZO-1 and occludin adequately, and little but well detectable amounts of connexin-43. Expression of HCEC-specific 9.3.E-antigen was found commensurately in both cell lines, while expression of Na,K-ATPase α1 was higher in H9C1 cells than in B4G12 cells. B4G12 cells expressed collagen IV abundantly and almost no collagen III, while H9C1 cells expressed both collagens at reasonable amounts. It is concluded that the clonal cell line B4G12 represents an ideal model of differentiated HCEC, while H9C1 may reflect features of developing or transitional HCEC. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Comparação do potencial neutralizante dos soros antibotrópico comercial e experimental frente às atividades biológicas dos venenos de Bothrops jararaca e Bothrops erythromelas / Comparison of the neutralizing potential of the commercial and experimental anti-botropic serum front the biological activities of the Bothrops jararaca and Bothrops erythromelas venom.

Norberto Carone Castro Junior 29 August 2008 (has links)
Na região nordeste é registrado o maior índice de letalidade por acidentes ofídicos do Brasil. As serpentes Bothrops erythromelas (Be) são as responsáveis pela maioria dos acidentes na região, e o veneno dessa serpente não integra o pool de antígenos utilizado pata a obtenção do soro antibotrópico (SAB). Nesse estudo avaliou-se a potência do SAB na neutralização de algumas atividades do veneno (V) de Be. Os resultados mostraram que o SAB neutraliza as atividades do VBe, mas, exceto para a atividade coagulante e letalidade, a potência do SAB foi significativamente menor, quando comparado à neutralização das mesmas atividades do veneno de B. jararaca. A utilização de um soro obtido após a inclusão do VBe ao pool de antígenos não melhorou significativamente a potência do SAB. O SAB neutralizou também o edema inflamatório induzido pelo VBe, mas a associação do SAB à dexametasona inibiu o edema quando aplicado até 45 min após o envenenamento. Nesse tempo, SAB ou dexametasona aplicados isoladamente não foram efetivos em diminuir esse edema. / In the northeast region is registered the higher lethality index by snakebites in Brazil. Bothrops erythromelas (Be) snakes are responsible for the larger number of snakebites in that region, and the venom of these snakes do not integrate the pool of antigens used to obtaining the Bothrops antivenom (BAV). In the present study, the potency of this serum in neutralizing some activities of Be venom (V) was evaluated. Results showed that BAV neutralizes BeV activities, but, except for coagulant activity and for lethality, the potency of the BAV was significantly lower, when compared to the neutralization of the same parameters of the Bothrops jararaca venom. The use of antivenom obtained after inclusion of BeV to the pool of antigens did not ameliorate the BAV potency. The BAV also neutralizes the inflammatory edema induced by BeV, but the association of BAV and dexamethasone decreased the edema when applied up to 45 min after the venom. At this time, antivenom or dexamethasone administered alone were ineffective in inhibiting this edema.

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