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Patient satisfaction in oncology ward settings in Saudi Arabia : a mixed methods studyBanaser, Manal S. January 2016 (has links)
Background: Since the 1980s, Saudi Arabia’s socio economic transformation has led to vast social development. As a result there has been increased adoption of behaviours such as smoking and sedentary life styles, which pose a risk to health. It is anticipated that cancer incidence will double over the next two decades and it is thus vital that high quality of care is provided to meet the growing health care demands. Moreover, it is important that patients are satisfied with their care provision. This thesis begins with a narrative synthesis of the existing literature about patient satisfaction in the Saudi context and beyond. An evaluation of the key concepts for understanding patient satisfaction illuminated the lack of evidence about the assessment of patient satisfaction including specific key domains of the structure and process of care. This evaluation also indicated the need to further investigate the Saudi patient perspectives in oncology hospital setting. The aim of my study was to examine the extent to which clinical effectiveness impacts upon patient satisfaction in oncology ward settings in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Methods: A sequential explanatory mixed methods design was employed. The Donabedian quality framework (1980) and Patient experience model (Reimann and Strech 2010) were used to assess patient satisfaction with quality of care provided. A quantitative phase was followed by a qualitative phase. In the first phase, the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) IN-PATSAT32 validated questionnaire was used to collect data from 100 adult oncology inpatients at a Cancer Centre in Riyadh. The second qualitative phase involved semi-structured telephone and face to face interviews with 22 adult oncology inpatients who previously answered the questionnaire. Synthesis occurred at the intersection of quantitative Phase 1 and qualitative Phase 2 data. The qualitative Phase 2 thus further explored the satisfaction scores of quantitative Phase1 to deepen the understanding of patient satisfaction in oncology ward settings in KSA. Findings: The main findings were that patient satisfaction levels are influenced by the clinical effectiveness of doctors and nurses, accessibility to health care and socio-demographic factors. Specifically, the interpersonal aspects of care were deemed core to patient experiences in oncology ward settings in KSA. It emerged that doctor-patient relationships, nurse shortages and language barriers are particular areas where changes could be made to improve care, thereby enhancing patient satisfaction. These findings contribute important new insights into the interpersonal aspects of care in the light of the underlying social and cultural contextual factors that influence patient satisfaction in the KSA. Conclusion: This study has provided new evidence supporting the need for stronger interpersonal relations and a more patient-centred approach in the oncology health system in KSA. In particular, the influential role of cultural issues in influencing patient satisfaction in oncology ward settings was apparent. Evidence provided by this research will make a substantial contribution to policy makers and hospital management teams in the KSA wanting to improve patient satisfaction in oncology wards and in other health care settings.
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Selected Repertoire for the Tenor VoiceTripp, Scott T 29 March 2012 (has links)
This thesis presents extended program notes for a seventy-minute vocal graduate recital consisting of the following repertoire for tenor: Johann Sebastian Bach’s cantata Ich armer Mensch ich Sündenknecht; two songs from the eighteenth-century Spanish collection Tonadillas Escénicas; Gaetano Donizetti's song La derniére nuit d'un novice; Francis Poulenc's song cycle Tel jour telle nuit; Jake Heggie's song cycle Friendly Persuasions; and John Corigliano's Three Irish Folk Songs for Flute and Tenor. Spanning four centuries of music and representing four different language traditions, these works are sufficiently representative of the tenor repertoire. The content of this thesis features detailed information on these works through historical study, and musical analysis.
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Graduate recitalKovarik, Christopher Matthew January 1900 (has links)
The scores here collected represent all the music heard in the recital of 3 April,
1995 (programme on p. iii), save "Shimmering Reflections on a Dark Carrall
Street Night." This is an electroacoustic piece which does, however, appear on
the accompanying recording. / Arts, Faculty of / Music, School of / Accompanied by sound cassette of recital. / Graduate
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Evaluation de l’efficacité des logiciels de prédiction de mots sur la vitesse de saisie de texte sur l’outil informatique pour les personnes blessées médullaires cervicaux / Evaluation of the effectiveness of a targeted training program on the use of word prediction software on computer text input speed in persons with cervical spinal cord injuryPouplin, Samuel 18 February 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse avait pour objectif principal d’étudier l’influence de certains paramétrages deslogiciels de prédiction de mots et d’un programme d’entraînement ciblé sur la vitesse de saisie detexte chez des personnes tétraplégiques. Six études ont été menées. L’étude 1 nous a permis demettre en évidence des vitesses de saisie de texte chez les personnes tétraplégiques et d’étudierl’influence de leurs aides techniques d’accès à l’outil informatique sur cette vitesse. L’étude 2 nous apermis de mettre en avant l’hétérogénéité des résultats d’un logiciel de prédiction de mots sur lavitesse de saisie de texte sur une population hétérogène et sans paramétrage de ces logiciels.L’étude 3 nous a permis d’étudier les habitudes de préconisations et de paramétrages des logiciels deprédictions de mots par les professionnels. Les études 4 et 5 nous ont permis d’évaluer l’influencedes paramétrages (nombre de mots affichés dans la liste de prédiction et l’adaptation du logiciel auvocabulaire de l’utilisateur) sur cette saisie de texte. Enfin, l’étude 6 nous a permis d’étudierl’influence d’un entraînement dirigé par des professionnels sur les logiciels de prédictions de motschez des personnes tétraplégiques, sur la vitesse de saisie de texte.Les résultats montrent que seule l’aide technique d’accès à l’outil informatique influence la vitessede saisie de texte. Les logiciels de reconnaissance vocale permettent une vitesse de saisie de texteéquivalente à celle des personnes valides utilisant un clavier standard. Les paramétrages (nombre demots affichés dans la liste de prédiction et l’adaptation du logiciel au vocabulaire de l’utilisateur) ontune influence différente en fonction du niveau lésionnel des personnes tétraplégiques sur la vitessede saisie de texte, le nombre d’erreurs ou le confort. De plus, une différence entre l’importancedonnée aux paramétrages par les professionnels préconisateurs et les paramétrages effectivementréglés a été mise en évidence. Enfin, l’influence d’un entraînement dirigé sur la vitesse de saisie detexte a été mise en évidence sur la vitesse de saisie de texte. Au regard de l’ensemble de cesrésultats, il apparait nécessaire de paramétrer les logiciels de prédictions de mots, mais aussi deconnaitre l’influence des différents réglages et de diffuser cette information au sein des réseauxprofessionnels. La recherche doit être poursuivie pour améliorer les logiciels de prédiction de mots,mais aussi pour favoriser de nouveaux outils tels les tablettes tactiles et les logiciels dereconnaissance vocale. Une systématisation des entraînements dirigés sur les logiciels de prédictionde mots nécessite une réflexion et une validation sur les modalités et la nature de cesaccompagnements. / The main objective of this work was to study the influence of key settings of word predictionsoftware as well as a training program on the use of word prediction, on text input speed in personswith cervical spinal cord injury.Study 1 determined text input speed in persons with cervical spinal cord injury and the influence ofpersonal characteristics and type of computer device on text input speed. Study 2 evaluated theeffect of a dynamic virtual keyboard coupled with word prediction software on text input speed inpersons with functional tetraplegia. Study 3 analysed the word prediction software settingscommonly prescribed by health-related professionals for people with cervical spinal cord injury.Studies 4 and 5 evaluated the influence of the number of words displayed in the prediction list andthe frequency of use setting on text input speed. Finally, study 6 evaluated the influence of a trainingprogram on the use of word prediction software for persons with cervical spinal cord injury on textinput speed.The results showed that only the type of computer device influenced text input speed; voicerecognition software increased the text input speed of persons with cervical spinal cord injury to thatof able-bodied people using a standard keyboard. The influence of the different word predictionsoftware settings (number of words displayed in the prediction list and the frequency of use) on textinput speed, the number of errors or comfort of use, differed depending on the level of injury. Wealso found differences between the perception of the importance of some settings by healthprofessionalsand data in the literature regarding the optimization of settings. Moreover, althoughsome parameters were considered as very important, they were rarely configured. Finally, trainingpersons with cervical spinal cord injury in the use of word prediction software increased text inputspeed.The results of this work highlighted that word prediction software settings influence text input speedin persons with cervical spinal cord injury, however not all professionals are aware of this.Information should therefore be disseminated through professional networks. Further studies shouldaim to improve word prediction software and should also focus on new devices such as tablets andvoice recognition software. Persons with cervical spinal cord injury training programs in the use ofword prediction software need to be developed and validated.
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Now All the Fingers of This TreeWood, Kelly Thomas 05 1900 (has links)
Now All the Fingers of This Tree is a work in two movements based upon a poem of the same name by E. E. Cummings. It is divided into two movements: The first movement is scored for nine part solo soprano, where one performer records each of the nine vocal lines. The second movement is an electro-acoustic work derived from four phrases of the original recording of the first movement. Total duration of the work is approximately 19 minutes. The paper provides a detailed analysis of both movements as well as a discussion on usage of text, problems addressed with traditional notation techniques, and technology utilized in the production of the work.
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Simulační modelování a řízení hadům podobných robotů / Simulační modelování a řízení hadům podobných robotůMotyčková, Paulína January 2021 (has links)
This paper deals with the design of a robotic snake, its assembly, simulation using CoppeliaSim, and the testing of various methods for the control of robotic snakes (Serpentinoid, CPG). For individual control methods, the influence of selected parameters on the signals controlling the motorized joints of the robotic snake is observed, and their influence on the speed and energy consumption of the given mechanism is described.
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Modul pro správu nastavení systému NLPIS / Module for Management of Settings of NLPIS SystemLinhart, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused to create a module for management of settings of NLPIS system. The module will serve to make using of the NPLIS system easier, focusing especially on the session management improvements. The topic contains introduction of the issue, description of the NLPIS system and its technologies, as well as various solution drafts and final implementations including testing are covered in the thesis. The main focus is on improving user experience by simplifying the interface and hence making their work more effective.
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Are there disparities in different domains of physical activity between school-aged migrant and non-migrant children and adolescents? Insights from GermanyReimers, Anne K., Brzoska, Patrick, Niessner, Claudia, Schmidt, Steffen C. E., Worth, Annette, Woll, Alexander 20 June 2019 (has links)
Large proportions of the populations in many European countries, including Germany, are migrants. Migrant children and adolescents tend to be less physically active than their non-migrant peers. However, current research is limited as it does not sufficiently consider different domains of physical activity. Using a representative dataset, the present study examines the patterns of sports participation and other domains of physical activity among migrant and non-migrant children and adolescents residing in Germany.
Nationwide data from the Motorik-Modul (MoMo) Study is used. Five different domains of physical activity participation (sports clubs, outside of sports clubs, extra-curricular physical activity, physical activity, outdoor play and active commuting to school) were compared between children and adolescents with no, one-sided and two-sided migration background using logistic regression adjusted for demographic factors. Interaction terms were included in order to examine whether difference between the three groups differ by age and gender.
Information on n = 3,323 children and adolescents was available. As compared to non-migrants, children and adolescents with a two-sided migration background had a 40% (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 0.60, 95%-CI: 0.44–0.81), those with a one-sided migration background a 26% (aOR = 0.74, 95%-CI: 0.55-<1.00) lower chance of participating in sport club activities. In contrast, children and adolescents with a two-sided migration background were at 65% higher chance of participating in extra-curricular physical activity than non-migrants (OR = 1.65, 95%-CI: 1.15–2.36).
The study shows that differences in levels of physical activity between migrant and non-migrant children and adolescents are less pronounced than previous research has suggested. In particular, it reveals that migrants are only disadvantaged regarding participation in sports clubs whereas they fare better with respect to extra-curricular physical activity. Interventions should therefore address barriers migrant children and adolescents encounter in the access to sport clubs while maintaining their high level of extra-curricular physical activity.
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Einflussfaktoren auf die Wahrnehmung von UnordnungKohlmeier, Markus 16 December 2020 (has links)
Der Beitrag untersucht die Wirkung verschiedener Einflussfaktoren auf die Perzeption von Unordnung. Einer Einführung in die theoretische Diskussion rund um die Wirkung von Unordnung auf das urbane Sozialgefüge folgen verschiedene multivariate Berechnungen (N = 2003). Hierzu wird ein additiver Index aus dem Produkt von subjektiver Schwere und perzipierter Häufigkeit verschiedener Erscheinungsformen physischer und sozialer Unordnung gebildet. Die Regressionsergebnisse zeigen, dass die soziale Struktur urbaner Nachbarschaften, der bedingte Erwartungswert für die kollektive Wirksamkeit informeller Sozialkontrolle sowie solche Prädiktoren, welche die Bedeutung des unmittelbaren sozialen Nahraumes für Prozesse kognitiver Dissonanzbewältigung betonen (Viktimisierung, Wohnverhältnis, Kriminalitätseinstellungen), erklären, wann ein Akteur eine Situation als unsicher definiert und infolgedessen Unordnung als Anzeichen von Gefahr interpretiert. Der dem Explanans zugrundeliegende soziale Mechanismus beruht auf der Theorie der Frame-Selektion nach Esser (1991). Die Untersuchung basiert auf der Sicherheitsbefragung der Stadt Leipzig (2011).:1 Einleitung
2 Theorie
2.1 Hunter (1978)
2.2 Wilson und Kelling (1982)
2.3 Exkurs
2.4 Lewis und Salem (1986)
2.5 Skogan (1990)
2.6 Das Konzept der collective efficacy
3 Hypothesen
3.1 Der Grundzusammenhang des theoretischen Modells
3.2 Die Brückenhypothesen des Modells
3.2.1 Direkte und indirekte Viktimisierung
3.2.2 Kriminalitätsfurcht
3.2.3 Medienrezeption
3.2.4 Kontrollvariablen
4 Daten, Operationalisierungen, Methoden
4.1 Daten
4.2 Operationalisierungen
4.2.1 Abhängige Variable(n)
4.2.2 Unabhängige Variablen
4.3 Methoden
5 Auswertung
5.1 Bivariate Ergebnisse
5.2 Multivariate Ergebnisse
6 Fazit und abschließende Bemerkungen
7 Anhang
8 Literaturverzeichnis / This article investigates the influence of various predictors on the perception of disorder. An introduction to the theoretical discussion about the impact of disorder on the urban social structure is followed by different multivariate regressions (N = 2003). The perception of different images of physical and social disorder is measured in terms of the sentimental value of disorder and the perceived frequency of disorder. An additive index using product terms of the sentimental value and the perceived frequency for each image is constructed. The results of the regressions indicate that social structure of urban neighborhoods, collective efficacy, and such predictors which aim at the significance of social proximity (victimization, housing situation, personal crime settings) for processes of cognitive dissonance coping explain when an actor defines a situation as not-secure and subsequently interprets disorder as a symbol of danger. Esser’s (1991) theory of frame-selection functions as the social mechanism of the explanans. The hypotheses are tested on survey data provided by the city of Leipzig (2011).:1 Einleitung
2 Theorie
2.1 Hunter (1978)
2.2 Wilson und Kelling (1982)
2.3 Exkurs
2.4 Lewis und Salem (1986)
2.5 Skogan (1990)
2.6 Das Konzept der collective efficacy
3 Hypothesen
3.1 Der Grundzusammenhang des theoretischen Modells
3.2 Die Brückenhypothesen des Modells
3.2.1 Direkte und indirekte Viktimisierung
3.2.2 Kriminalitätsfurcht
3.2.3 Medienrezeption
3.2.4 Kontrollvariablen
4 Daten, Operationalisierungen, Methoden
4.1 Daten
4.2 Operationalisierungen
4.2.1 Abhängige Variable(n)
4.2.2 Unabhängige Variablen
4.3 Methoden
5 Auswertung
5.1 Bivariate Ergebnisse
5.2 Multivariate Ergebnisse
6 Fazit und abschließende Bemerkungen
7 Anhang
8 Literaturverzeichnis
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Reconstructions: Nine Movements for Solo Soprano, Chorus, and Wind EnsembleMakela, Steven L. 12 1900 (has links)
Reconstructions is a nine-movement composition for solo soprano, chorus, and wind ensemble using texts from several of Emily Dickinson's poems. The soloist represents the main character in this dramatic work, and the narrative structure portrays abstract moments in this character's life. While the narrative structure of the reconstructed fragments is important to the form of the composition, other elements are also significant. Pitch structures generated from set theoretical systems, in addition to cyclic and palindromic structures are utilized throughout. Timbre also delineates the form, as various combinations of instruments and chorus create an evolving environment in which the soloist resides.
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