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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling of a compensated foundation in GeoSuite Settlement / Modellering av en kompensationsgrundläggning i GeoSuite Sättning

Hermansson, Linnea, Söderberg, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
The world today is constantly growing, creating a need of new roads and residential areas. New constructions lead to an increased load onto the soil, which can result in deformations when the soil layers underneath are compressed. To reduce the increased load on the soil, a compensated foundation can be used. This method is based on the principle that the load from the construction will be compensated by the excavated soil, often replaced by a lightweight material. As an example, this method can be used in areas with great clay layers and in sensitive projects where the rise of deformations can have undesirable consequences. It is of great importance to be able to understand the impact this method has on the soil and what long-term deformations that can be expected.GeoSuite Settlement is a tool for calculation of settlements and is frequently used in the Nordic industry of geotechnical engineering. In this study, the possibilities of modelling a compensated foundation in the software has been examined. Additionally, an analysis of parameters has been conducted in the aim of evaluating the importance of the parameters in the modelling process and the final results. Three different projects have been used as a basis, where one of them is a made-up case, based on the test site of Lilla Mellösa, and two actual cases designed by Structor Geoteknik Stockholm AB. Only one of these two projects have been completed, enabling post-construction measuring to be able to compare the calculated deformations with measured data, just about 16 months post-construction.Mainly three different approaches to the modelling of a compensated foundation has been studied in this work; unloading and loading, only loading corresponding to the total increase of load and with an edited soil profile adapted for a lightweight material (the description of the methods are to be found in Appendix 11.7). Similar patterns of deformations have been found in the results for the three methods, aside from one case where a slightly larger deformation occurred as a result of the lightweight material getting in contact with the underlying clay (instead of the filling/ dry crust). Based on this work, the simplest method is suggested to be used, i.e. only loading corresponding to the increased load.Due to the time limitations of this work, a decision to only study a few parameters in the analysis has been made and also to study them individually. Since the compressibility and creep characteristics of the clay is strongly dependent on the actual and former situation of the stress, the results of this parameter study are not directly applicable to any other case. However, this study clearly shows the importance of carefully evaluating the parameters of the clay, especially the preconsolidation pressure σ’c and the compressibility modulus M, which are important to obtain lifelike results. The importance of evaluating the time resistance value rS with respect to the current addition of stress has also been shown in this study. As expected, the groundwater level also plays an important role for the final settlements in the clay. / Vi lever i en värld som ständigt växer och detta skapar ett behov av nya vägar och bostadsområden. Nya konstruktioner som leder till en ökad belastning på jorden, kan ge upphov till sättningar när underliggande jordlager komprimeras. För att reducera belastningen på jorden kan en kompensationsgrundläggning användas, vilken bygger på principen att lasten från konstruktionen kompenseras av bortschaktad jord som ofta ersätts av ett lättfyllnadsmaterial. Metoden kan till exempel tillämpas i områden med mäktiga lerlager samt i känsliga projekt där uppkomsten av sättningar kan få stora konsekvenser. För att kunna dimensionera dessa är det av stor vikt att förstå dess påverkan på jorden och vilka långsiktiga sättningar som kan väntas uppkomma till följd av den nya konstruktionen.GeoSuite Sättning är ett beräkningsverktyg för sättningsberäkningar som idag används flitigt inom geoteknikbranschen. I detta arbete har möjligheterna att modellera en kompensationsgrundläggning med hjälp av programvaran studerats. Dessutom har en parameterstudie genomförts i syfte att undersöka vilka parametrar som är av stor betydelse för modelleringen och dess resultat. Som grund har tre projekt använts, varav ett är ett påhittat fall där jordprofilen baserats på den i testområdet Lilla Mellösa, och två är verkliga projekt tillhörande Structor Geoteknik Stockholm AB. I ett av dessa projekt har även beräknade deformationer jämförts mot uppmätta deformationer, cirka 16 månader efter konstruktion.Denna studie har främst studerat tre tillvägagångssätt för modellering av en kompensationsgrundläggning; av- och pålast, endast pålast motsvarande total lastökning samt av- och pålast med en redigerad jordprofil som anpassats till lättfyllnadsmaterialet (metoderna beskrivs i Bilaga 11.7). Resultaten har visat på ett snarlikt sättningsförlopp för de tre metoderna, bortsett från ett fall där en något större sättning uppkom till följd av att lättfyllningen i jordprofilen kom i kontakt med underliggande lera (istället för fyllning/ torrskorpelera). Utifrån detta arbete rekommenderas därmed att använda den enklaste metoden med endast pålast.På grund av arbetets tidsbegränsning har endast ett antal parametrar inkluderats i parameterstudien, dessutom har de främst utvärderats separat. Vilka parametrar för jordens kompressions- och krypegenskaper som har störst påverkan på resultatet är starkt beroende av spänningssituationen i det aktuella fallet och resultaten från detta arbete är därmed inte direkt applicerbart på andra projekt. Tydligt är dock att en noggrann utvärdering av jordens parametrar som dess förkonsolideringstryck σ’c samt kompressionsmodul M är väsentligt för att erhålla verklighetstrogna resultat. Studien har även visat på vikten av att utvärdera lerors kryptal rS med hänsyn till den aktuella tillskottsspänningen. Även grundvattennivån har visat sig ha en betydlig påverkan på uppkomsten av sättningar.

Straw, sticks, mud and resistance : development and evolution of the South African Xhosa dwelling and settlement

D'Aragon, Jean. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Improper property : squatters and the idea of property in the Eastern Townships of Lower Canada, 1838-1866

Whan, Eric. January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Optimizing the Cash Reserve in a Portfolio of US Life Insurance Policies

Happe, Alva, Seifeddine, Wassim January 2022 (has links)
Hoarding a too large cash reserve is often unfavourable due to lost investment opportunities. Similarly, an insufficient cash reserve can be detrimental, as one might fail to meet payment obligations. Finding the optimal balance is nothing that is done in the blink of an eye, particularly when the underlying variable is stochastic, e.g., the life span of a human being. Resscapital is a fund manager investing in the secondary and tertiary markets for life insurance policies, also known as the life settlements market. They are currently on a mission to set up a closed-end fund where one of the main challenges is balancing the invested capital and the amount of capital set aside for payment obligations. The stochastic nature of life insurance policies entails the difficulty to foresee future premium payments and face value payouts. Without a model forecasting the cash flows, decisions regarding the cash reserve are based on nothing better than a guesstimate. Thus, with the aim to help determine the minimum cash reserve required to cover the payment obligations, this thesis was initiated. By developing a methodology based on general theory, the objective of this thesis is reached and the purpose fulfilled. The proposed model uses Monte Carlo simulation to generate scenarios that eventually creates a distribution of required cash reserves. Following the inversion principle, the remaining lifetime for each and every individual is simulated from their empirical distribution of survival probabilities, respectively. After simulating the occurrences of demise, an algorithm builds up the cash flows for the entire fund term for that specific scenario based on predetermined parameters. Since cash flows stem from both assets and management, the portfolio must be revalued continuously, demanding a gradual evaluation of the cash flows during the fund term. Repeated a large number of times, the quantile corresponding to any confidence level is attained by using a Value at Risk methodology. Analysis of the results and sensitivity analysis on the parameters provides a deeper understanding of the underlying factors, revealing, among other things, that longevity risk for policies with short life expectancy is a key driver of the required cash reserve. Furthermore, validation of the model shows that the results are sufficient and serve the purpose well.


MILENA ZAINOTTE MAGALHAES 21 March 2022 (has links)
[pt] Esse trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir para a reflexão das políticas públicas urbanas com foco nos riscos e vulnerabilidades sociais em assentamentos precários. A pesquisa se desenvolve a partir do objeto de estudo riscos e vulnerabilidades sociais, analisado através de um recorte temporal das políticas públicas urbanas implementadas na favela da Rocinha, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, de 2006 a 2014. A escolha da Rocinha como estudo de caso se justifica pelas características de precariedade urbanística e edilícia, bem como pelos diversos problemas de riscos e vulnerabilidades sociais. Essa dissertação busca analisar os fatores que produzem as desigualdades sociais no espaço urbano, que configuram em parte a ausência do direito à cidade, trabalhando com os conceitos de riscos endógenos e exógenos. A metodologia se desenvolve por meio de três categorias de análise: risco e vulnerabilidade, desigualdade social e direito à cidade, a partir de pesquisa documental, visita a campo e entrevistas semiestruturadas com lideranças comunitárias. A pesquisa conclui que a vulnerabilidade na Rocinha está diretamente relacionada com a desigualdade social e a ausência do direito à cidade, tanto em comparação a bairros privilegiados da cidade, quanto internamente, devido à negligência ainda maior sobre os sub-bairros mais precários, que recebem menor atenção do poder público. Os principais riscos endógenos identificados foram segurança pública e precariedade de moradias e de infraestrutura. E os riscos exógenos, inundação e deslizamento. As entrevistas apontaram como principais vulnerabilidades a violência, insegurança alimentar, saneamento básico e pobreza. / [en] This thesis aims to contribute to the reflection of urban public policies focusing on social risks and vulnerabilities in precarious settlements. To achieve such goal the research will analyze urban public policies developed in the squatter settlement known as Favela Rocinha in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 2006 to 2014. The choice of Rocinha as a case study is justified by the characteristics of urban and building precariousness as well as the various problems of social risks and vulnerabilities. Therefore, this thesis will analyze the aspects that produce social inequalities in the urban space, which partially configure the absence of the right to the city, using the concepts of endogenous and exogenous risks. The methodology is developed through three categories of analysis: risk and vulnerability, social inequality, and the right to the city, based on documentary research, field research and semi-structured interviews with community leaders. The research concludes that vulnerability in Rocinha is directly related to social inequality and the absence of the right to the city, both in comparison to privileged neighborhoods of the city, and internally, due to the greater neglect of the most precarious sub-neighborhoods, which receive less attention from the government. The mais endogenous risks identified were public security and precariouness of housing and infrastructure. And exogenous risks were flooding and landslides. The interviews pointed out as main vulnerabilities violence, food insecurity, basic sanitation and poverty.

Planned Relocation of Informal Communities: challenges and complexities of selecting safe locations in hazardous environments

Lorenzo-Pérez, Monique A. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Международные межбанковские расчеты: организация, проблемы и перспективы развития на современном этапе : магистерская диссертация / International interbank settlements: organization, problems and prospects of development at the present stage

Причина, А. О., Prichina, A. O. January 2019 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа (магистерская диссертация) посвящена анализу международных межбанковских расчетов на современном этапе. Предмет исследования – экономические отношения, возникающие в процессе проведения международных межбанковских расчетов. Основной целью магистерской диссертации является изучение понятий, характеристик, структур и классификаций межбанковских расчетов. Выявление по результатам анализа основных проблем в осуществлении международных расчетов В заключении обозначены рекомендации по совершенствованию проведения международных расчетных операций. / Final qualifying work (master's thesis) is devoted to the analysis of international interbank settlements at the present stage. Subject of research – economic relations arising in the process of international interbank settlements. The main purpose of the master's thesis is to study the concepts, characteristics, structures and classifications of interbank settlements. Based on the results of the analysis of the main problems in the implementation of international payments in conclusion, recommendations for improving the conduct of international settlement operations are outlined.

Seeking Alternative Research and Development Methods Through Theatre: A Case Study on Sanitation Issues Affecting Women in the Mathare Slum

Gaunce, Rachel 13 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Upgrading sanitary services in squatter settlements

Alsina, Margarita January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring the Potential of 3D Printing Construction to Address the Housing Crisis for South Sudanese Refugees

Quinn, Kyle O.'Brien 08 November 2021 (has links)
South Sudan currently has the third largest refugee crisis around the globe, with over 3.7 million people being displaced from their homes due to ethnic and political civil war. Over 2 million of these refugees have been displaced from their home country, seeking asylum in refugee settlements that neighbor South Sudan. One of the most important needs within these settlements is adequate housing. Through polling and census data, it has been found that more than half of the refugees are living in dilapidated housing conditions, without any resources to make repairs. The average amount of time spent within these settlements is over a decade and is increasingly getting worse as more refugees enter these settlements. Due to the exponential technological advancements in 3D printing technology, using this form of construction could potentially address a situation within a refugee settlement. 3D printing technology could provide benefits due to its ability to produce housing units at a high rate, its ability to use clay aggregate soil as construction material, mimicking adobe brick housing found in Africa, and the ability to lower the need for labor within these settlements. This thesis will explore the idea of employing this technology within a refugee settlement, to test if it can appropriately balance the implementation of a high tech 21st century technology with the historic and cultural vernacular architecture found regionally throughout Africa. / Master of Architecture / The country of South Sudan currently is experiencing the third largest refugee crisis around the globe. Over 2.5 million refugees have fled their home country of South Sudan and are entering refugee settlements from neighboring countries. Due to the exponential increasing rate of refugees within these settlements, issues such as overcrowding and inadequate housing are afflicting the lives of everyone here. Typical houses in South Sudan consist of mud and adobe brick material known as "tukul huts". While these huts have remained the leading housing type for the past 2,000 years, these houses where not intended for addressing the common refugee crisis we are experience today. These huts require the period of months to construct and extensive physical labor. Given that the refugees are entering these settlements at an exponential rate, it is ineffective to approach housing construction in a traditional manner due to the time and effort it requires to keep up with the high demand. A possible way to address this concern, is by looking at other construction practices that could potentially supplement the traditional forms of erecting houses. Construction technology has advanced to the point where 3D printers can create life size structures that provide housing to individuals. This thesis will explore the idea of employing 3D printers into a South Sudanese refugee settlement, to see if it can adequately produce houses that provide shelter for the incoming refugees.

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