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Investigation of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) Optical Properties, Nutrients, and Salinity in Coastal Florida: Springshed to EstuariesArellano, Ana Rosa 01 January 2013 (has links)
Optical parameters measured via absorption spectroscopy and high-resolution fluorescence spectroscopy were used to characterize dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the springshed of Kings Bay, a spring-fed estuary located on Florida's Springs Coast. Over the past 40 years, springs supplying groundwater to Kings Bay have shown an increase in nitrate concentration. The overall goal of this project was to fingerprint wells and spring sites with elevated nitrogen concentrations using CDOM optical properties and establish relationships between nutrient and optical parameters. Samples were obtained from various sites: springs, Kings Bay surface (KBS), wells, coastal waters in and at the mouth of Crystal River (Coast) and lakes and rivers (LNR), during dry and wet seasons.
The relationships between the environmental parameters and traditional optical parameters which provide insight into source characteristics were analyzed. Excitation emission matrix spectroscopy (EEMS) provided information about the concentration and chemical nature of organic matter in the study area. CDOM optical properties combined with salinity clearly separated the sources of fixed nitrogen in the Bay.
Northern springs with elevated dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentration had lower salinities and showed a presence of protein peaks. CDOM concentration was negatively correlated with total nitrogen (TN) and DIN, which suggests that these are subjected to anthropogenic influences. Humic peaks dominated the composition of the southern springs. CDOM concentrations were much higher than in the northern springs and there was a positive correlation between CDOM and both TN and DIN. These findings suggest that the fixed nitrogen in the southern springs is naturally occurring organic matter and the low concentrations may partially be a result of subsurface mixing of saltwater and freshwater in the aquifer. Thus, hypothesis testing showed that there was a significant difference between northern and southern springs
Hypothesis testing also showed that there is a significant and unexpected positive relationship between CDOM and salinity studying Kings Bay, which is due to the low CDOM concentration in the springs discharging fresh water. This unique dataset also determined that the intercept of the mixing line was significantly different form zero. This indicates that CDOM is present and detectable at very low concentrations.
Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) was used to evaluate CDOM composition from excitation emission matrix spectra (EEMs) and five components were identified: two humic, two marine humic, and one protein-like. The marine-like components, peak M, were produced in the marine environment and in meteoric groundwater. The study found a unique groundwater marker for coastal regions. Northern Kings Bay sites were characterized by a protein-like component, which has been associated with wastewater. Additional optical and environmental parameters were used in discriminate analysis, which successfully identified the CDOM markers for both natural and anthropogenic sources of nutrients in the environment.
It is vital to improve the analysis of water, nutrients, and carbon from groundwater discharge into the coastal zone. Elevated DIN concentrations in groundwater are a widespread problem in Florida and over the past 30 years many spring waters have shown an increase in DIN concentrations. Nutrient discharge into delicate coastal areas can lead to ecological concerns. Investigating CDOM and nutrient distribution together can be a beneficial tool that can help differentiate sources from riverine/lacustrine, estuarine, marine, groundwater, and sewage impacted categories.
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Att börja använda ett högteknologiskt AKK : En 6-årings kommunikativa förmågor under de första månaderna efter introduktion av en pratapparatJonsson, Jessica, Ronja, Olsson January 2017 (has links)
When an individual’s ability to communicate with speech does not function as expected, in many cases, augmentative and alternative communication, (AAC), can serve as a support interaction with other persons. The purpose of this study is to investigate how a specific child’s communicative possibilities and abilities develop during the first months after introducing a speech generating device. The study’s main participant Alex is 6 years old and has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and ADHD. Alex also has confirmed limitations regarding gross and fine motor skills and further investigation will examine the presence of childhood apraxia of speech. Two play situations were videotaped at approximately four months intervals and then analysed via conversation analysis and multimodal interaction analysis. At the study’s initial recording session Alex’ communication consisted of gestures and body language together with isolated vocalisations. There were no observed occurrences of spoken words. At the start of the study Alex had been using their speech generating device, SGD, for approximately six weeks. At the end of the study the SGD is found to have been integrated in Alex’ communication during the observed play situations. Its role as a communicative resource has developed from being primarily a device which the child presses in order to answer direct questions, into being used to organise, for example, turn taking, initiate new play rounds or asking questions, by way of other types of manipulation. In addition, Alex’ use of vocalisations has increased and become more situation specific. Baseline measurements were not conducted in this study, wherefore it is not possible to indicate the implementation of an SGD as the reason for Alex’ communicative development. Continued research is needed in order to achieve individual and optimum solutions for all who are dependent on support in their communication. / När en individs möjligheter att kommunicera med tal av någon anledning inte fungerar som förväntat kan i många fall alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation, förkortat AKK, fungera som ett stöd i interaktionen med andra människor. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur ett specifikt barns kommunikativa möjligheter och förmågor utvecklas under de första månaderna efter att ett högteknologiskt AKK introducerats. Studiens huvuddeltagare Alex är 6 år och har diagnoserna autism i barndomen och ADHD. Alex har även konstaterade grov- och finmotoriska begränsningar och vidare undersökningar kommer att undersöka förekomst av verbal dyspraxi. Två leksituationer videofilmades med cirka fyra månaders mellanrum och analyserades sedan med samtalsanalys och multimodal interaktionsanalys. Vid studiens inledande inspelning utgjordes Alex kommunikation av gester och kroppsspråk samt enstaka vokaliseringar. Inga talade ord förekom. Vid studiens slut konstateras att hAKK vid den observerade leksituationen integrerats i Alex kommunikation. Dess roll som kommunikativ resurs har utvecklats från att främst vara en apparat som barnet trycker på för att svara på direkta frågor, till att genom annan typ av manipulering exempelvis organisera turtagning, initiera en ny lekomgång och ställa frågor. Även Alex användning av vokaliseringar i leksituationen har ökat och blivit mer situationsspecifika. Alex mamma och en av hens förskollärare intervjuades och besvarade skattningsfrågor. Resultaten visar att de båda noterat en generellt ökad vilja till kommunikation hos Alex samt lyfter frågan om vilka begränsningar som fortfarande finns gällande Alex kommunikativa möjligheter vid studiens slut. Baselinemätningar saknas i denna studie, varför det inte är möjligt att ange implementeringen av hAKK som orsak till Alex kommunikativa utveckling. Fortsatt forskning behövs för att kunna uppnå individuella och optimala lösningar för alla som är beroende av stöd i sin kommunikation.
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Exploring State-of-the-Art Machine Learning Methods for Quantifying Exercise-induced Muscle Fatigue / Exploring State-of-the-Art Machine Learning Methods for Quantifying Exercise-induced Muscle FatigueAfram, Abboud, Sarab Fard Sabet, Danial January 2023 (has links)
Muscle fatigue is a severe problem for elite athletes, and this is due to the long resting times, which can vary. Various mechanisms can cause muscle fatigue which signifies that the specific muscle has reached its maximum force and cannot continue the task. This thesis was about surveying and exploring state-of-the-art methods and systematically, theoretically, and practically testing the applicability and performance of more recent machine learning methods on an existing EMG to muscle fatigue pipeline. Several challenges within the EMG domain exist, such as inadequate data, finding the most suitable model, and how they should be addressed to achieve reliable prediction. This required approaches for addressing these problems by combining and comparing various state-of-the-art methodologies, such as data augmentation techniques for upsampling, spectrogram methods for signal processing, and transfer learning to gain a reliable prediction by various pre-trained CNN models. The approach during this study was to conduct seven experiments consisting of a classification task that aims to predict muscle fatigue in various stages. These stages are divided into 7 classes from 0-6, and higher classes represent a fatigued muscle. In the tabular part of the experiments, the Decision Tree, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) were trained, and the accuracy was determined. A similar approach was made for the spectrogram part, where the signals were converted to spectrogram images, and with a combination of traditional- and intelligent data augmentation techniques, such as noise and DCGAN, the limited dataset was increased. A comparison between the performance of AlexNet, VGG16, DenseNet, and InceptionV3 pre-trained CNN models was made to predict differences in jump heights. The result was evaluated by implementing baseline classifiers on tabular data and pre-trained CNN model classifiers for CWT and STFT spectrograms with and without data augmentation. The evaluation of various state-of-the-art methodologies for a classification problem showed that DenseNet and VGG16 gave a reliable accuracy of 89.8 % on intelligent data augmented CWT images. The intelligent data augmentation applied on CWT images allows the pre-trained CNN models to learn features that can generalize unseen data. Proving that the combination of state-of-the-art methods can be introduced and address the challenges within the EMG domain.
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<p dir="ltr">We propose a fully online procedure to conduct statistical inference with adaptively collected data. The low-rank structure of the model parameter and the adaptivity nature of the data collection process make this task challenging: standard low-rank estimators are biased and cannot be obtained in a sequential manner while existing inference approaches in sequential decision-making algorithms fail to account for the low-rankness and are also biased. To tackle the challenges previously outlined, we first develop an online low-rank estimation process employing Stochastic Gradient Descent with noisy observations. Subsequently, to facilitate statistical inference using the online low-rank estimator, we introduced a novel online debiasing technique designed to address both sources of bias simultaneously. This method yields an unbiased estimator suitable for parameter inference. Finally, we developed an inferential framework capable of establishing an online estimator for performing inference on the optimal policy value. In theory, we establish the asymptotic normality of the proposed online debiased estimators and prove the validity of the constructed confidence intervals for both inference tasks. Our inference results are built upon a newly developed low-rank stochastic gradient descent estimator and its non-asymptotic convergence result, which is also of independent interest.</p>
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Les plateaux continentaux et les marges océaniques, à l'interface entre les continents et les océans, constituent une zone clé d'échange d'éléments chimiques et de matière. Ces éléments chimiques sont apportés par les fleuves, potentiellement relâchés par les sédiments déposés sur les marges ou apportés par les résurgences sous-marines (ou plus globalement par les SGD, " Submarine Groundwater Discharge "), puis sont transmis à l'océan ouvert. De nombreuses transformations chimiques ont également lieu au-niveau de cet interface (précipitation, adsorption, désorption, floculation, diffusion depuis les sédiments etc...) qui font que l'interface continent-océan constitue une source et/ou un puits pour les éléments chimiques. Les flux d'éléments chimiques (sels nutritifs, éléments limitants, contaminants) échangés entre la côte et le large ont un impact sur la composition chimique de l'océan ainsi que sur les écosystèmes (planctoniques et benthiques). Ces échanges ont notamment un impact sur le développement du phytoplancton qui constitue une pompe biologique du carbone. Ces flux exercent donc un contrôle sur le cycle du carbone et par conséquent sur le climat. Pour étudier ces zones d'échanges clés, nous utilisons des traceurs géochimiques tels que les isotopes du radium (223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra, 228Ra) et l'actinium-227 (227Ac). Ces isotopes portent de nombreuses informations essentielles et difficiles à obtenir par d'autres biais. Au contact des sédiments peu profonds, les masses d'eau s'enrichissent en ces isotopes au niveau des marges. Ces radioéléments permettent donc de tracer l'advection de masses d'eau qui sont entrées en contact avec les marges (où elles se sont enrichies en de nombreux éléments chimiques). Une fois que la masse d'eau se détache des sédiments, l'activité radium décroit, ce qui fournit un chronomètre destiné à estimer le temps de transit des masses d'eau ou encore l'âge des masses d'eau. Le radium permet donc également de tracer l'enrichissement potentiel d'une masse d'eau en certains éléments essentiels qui - comme le radium - diffusent depuis les sédiments (ex : fer, élément limitant pour la biomasse phytoplanctonique). Tandis que ces éléments (ex : fer) disparaissent souvent rapidement de la colonne d'eau (réactions chimiques, absorption par le phytoplancton), le radium reste dans la colonne d'eau et se comporte comme un traceur conservatif. Le mélange diffusif (horizontal ou vertical) redistribue également ces radioéléments - ainsi que d'autres éléments chimiques - au sein de l'océan qui permettent ainsi de quantifier les coefficients de mélange diffusifs Kh et Kz, paramètres essentiels pour contraindre les flux d'énergie et d'éléments chimiques dans l'océan. Les isotopes du radium et l'227Ac présentant des périodes radioactives variées (224Ra : 3.7 jours ; 223Ra : 11.4 jours ; 228Ra : 5.8 ans ; 226Ra : 1600 ans ; 227Ac : 21.8 ans), ils permettent d'étudier les processus d'advection et de mélange sur différentes échelles de temps (quelques jours à quelques années) et donc d'espace (depuis la côte jusqu'à l'océan ouvert). Enfin, les décharges d'eau souterraine étant enrichies en radium, ce radioélément a été largement utilisé pour détecter les sites de résurgences sous-marines ou les SGD et pour quantifier les flux d'eau associés à ces systèmes. Depuis 2002, j'ai conduit des études dans différents océans du globe pour fournir au niveau de régions clés - notamment au moyen des isotopes du radium et de l'227Ac - ces informations essentielles qui permettent de contraindre aussi bien les échanges côte-large que le transfert de matière au sein de la colonne d'eau. Dans ce manuscrit, j'ai choisi de présenter avec plus de détails les résultats obtenus au-niveau de régions où les échanges entre la côte et le large se faisaient par des voies différentes : nous avons travaillé dans des régions où les éléments chimiques étaient transmis à l'océan via (i) la libération par les sédiments des marges (ex : Plateau de Kerguelen, projet KEOPS), (ii) l'apport par les fleuves et réactions chimiques dans l'estuaire (ex : estuaire de l'Amazone, projet AMANDES) ou encore via (iii) l'apport par les décharges d'eau souterraine (ex : littoral français méditerranéen, projet CYMENT). Au large des îles Kerguelen, le projet KEOPS a montré que le développement du phytoplancton en pleine région HNLC (" High Nutrient Low Chlorophyll ") pouvait s'expliquer par la fertilisation en fer apporté par les sédiments du Plateau de Kerguelen (Blain et al., 2007). Nous avons contribué à montrer par une approche multitraceur que le fer, élément limitant dans cette région, était transmis dans les eaux de surface du Plateau de Kerguelen par le mélange vertical associé aux ondes de marée et par l'advection d'eau entrée en contact avec les sédiments des marges de l'île Heard, au sud du plateau. Grâce au projet AMANDES mené au large du Brésil et de la Guyane française, nous avons pu chronométrer au moyen des quatre isotopes du radium le temps de transit du panache de l'Amazone depuis l'estuaire jusque dans l'Océan Atlantique et ainsi estimer le temps de résidence de ces eaux sur le plateau continental brésilien (collaboration avec J. De Oliveira, IPEN Sao Paulo, Brésil, financement de l'AIEA). Nous avons également étudié les échanges de radium entre les phases particulaire et dissoute le long du gradient de salinité. Les isotopes du radium étant largement utilisés pour étudier les décharges d'eau souterraine en mer, nous avons travaillé au niveau de plusieurs résurgences d'eau douce le long du littoral Méditerranéen français (étang de La Palme, étang de Salses-Leucate, étang de Thau, Calanques de Marseille) et utilisé nos outils géochimiques pour détecter les résurgences sous-marines, étudier le devenir de ces eaux une fois dispersées en mer ou dans les étangs, quantifier les flux d'eau associés à ces systèmes et tenter d'estimer le temps de résidence des eaux des étangs (collaboration avec T. Stieglitz, JCU Australie, Poste Rouge OMP). Ces études ont pu être menées à bien grâce à des développements analytiques que nous avons conduits en amont. Nous avons notamment créé en 2007 le laboratoire souterrain de mesure des faibles radioactivités LAFARA, localisé à Ferrières dans l'Ariège (Pyrénées). Ce laboratoire est désormais reconnu comme une plateforme d'analyses de l'OMP et fait partie du réseau européen de laboratoires souterrains CELLAR. Le bruit de fond obtenu par les deux spectromètres gamma en fonctionnement dans ce laboratoire est particulièrement bas, ce qui nous permet d'analyser la très faible radioactivité présente dans nos échantillons. De plus, nous nous sommes équipés d'un RaDeCC (Radium Delayed Coincidence Counter) qui nous permet d'analyser les activités 223Ra, 224Ra et 227Ac de nos échantillons. Les analyses de l'227Ac, élément particulièrement rare dans l'océan, ont été conduites en collaboration avec W. Geibert (Université d'Edimbourg, projet d'échange ALLIANCE). Grâce à ces développements, nous avons pu participer aux exercices internationaux d'intercalibration GEOTRACES pour les isotopes 223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra et 228Ra. Cette capacité analytique nous a également permis d'effectuer des comparaisons entre des analyses réalisées au moyen de différents instruments (226Ra : MC-ICP-MS versus spectrométrie gamma ; 223Ra et 224Ra : RaDeCC versus spectrométrie gamma). Ces différents exercices ont permis de valider les mesures que nous effectuons. Enfin, bien que le radium soit largement utilisé pour tracer les masses d'eau, étudier le mélange et les SGD, ou encore comme outil de datation, le cycle du radium n'est pas encore totalement compris. En particulier, très peu d'études ont été menées jusqu'à présent sur la phase particulaire susceptible d'incorporer du radium dans l'océan. Nous avons donc cherché à étudier le radium porté par cette phase particulaire, en analysant à la fois les particules en suspension et les particules collectées par les pièges à particules. Nous avons ainsi pu apporter des informations nouvelles sur les échanges de radium entre la phase dissoute et les particules dans l'océan. Dans les différents bassins océaniques que nous avons étudiés, nous avons notamment caractérisé le rôle potentiel des Acanthaires dans le cycle du radium. Enfin, les informations que nous avons obtenues dans l'océan actuel - notamment en ce qui concerne le rapport 226Ra/Ba - sont importantes car elles permettent de mieux contraindre les outils que nous utilisons pour étudier l'océan actuel et l'océan passé (ex : datation par le rapport 226Ra/Ba).
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Oral health status of children in the Western region of the Eastern Cape Province: a regional surveyLambrecht, Anthonette January 2002 (has links)
Magister Chirurgiae Dentium - MChD / Purpose: To assess the oral health status of 4-15-year-old schoolchildren in the Western Region of the Eastern Cape Province, by determining the prevalence of dental caries, periodontal disease, dental fluorosis, malocclusion and oral mucosal lesions and to create baseline data for planning oral health services in this region. Materials and Methods: The prevalent analytic survey was undertaken on 822 schoolchildren between the ages of 4-15 years in 27 different schools. The sample size selected for this region by the Department of Statistics, University of
Pretoria, for the National Oral Health Survey of 1999/2000 was used. The data on 209, 210, 209 and 194 scholars in the 4-5, 6, 12 and 15-year-old age groups respectively were collected. The World Health Organization's (1997) criteria were used to determine the prevalence of caries, periodontal treatment needs, the dental fluorosis, malocclusion and prevalence of oral mucosal lesions. Six calibrated and trained examiners recorded the data on a survey form. The WHO survey forms were used for data collection. The data were analysed and processed by the author on Microsoft Excel 2000. Results: The sample size consisted of 1.35 % Asian, 51.89 % Black, 26.07 % Coloured and 20.06 % White scholars. Nearly equal amounts of males (48.3 %) and females (51.7%) were examined. The dental caries prevalence in the primary dentition of 4-5-year-olds with an average age of 4.43 years was 40.67%, with a mean dmft of 3,56. The dental caries prevalence in the permanent dentition of6-, 12- and 15-year-oldage groups was 67.62%, 46.05% and 67.92% respectively. The mean DMFT for 6-, 12- and 15 year olds were 0.05, 1.19 and 2.02 respectively. Gender differences and differences in prevalence of dental caries between the populations groups were
recorded. The Coloured children experienced the highest dental caries prevalence. In the 4-5- and 15-year-old groups the males were affected more than the females by dental caries. Prevalent differences were recorded between rural and urban areas in the same population group. The prevalence of periodontal disease in 373, 12-15-year-olds was 79.09%. Only 4.02 % were in need of dental hygiene instructions and polishing. Dental education, dental hygiene instructions, dental scaling and polishing were needed by 75.07% of the children. Dental fluorosis prevalence in 450, 6-15-year-olds was 13.03%. Dental fluorosis did not affect 86.97% of the scholars; 10.63% had mild fluorosis and 2.05% was severely affected. The mean fluoride concentration in the drinking water in this region were 1.07 mgIL, ranging between 0.3-3 mgIL. Definite malocclusion was recorded in only 0.48% of the 12-year-old group, whom needed elective treatment. In the 12-year-olds, 99.52% needed no or slight treatment for no or minor malocclusions. The majority of children had no oral mucosal lesions (91.55%). The prevalence of oral mucosal lesions was 8.5% in this survey. The most frequent conditions were traumatic lesions (1.96%), dento-alveolar abscess (1.22%) and herpes labialis (1.22%). The intra-examiner reliability for caries, dental fluorosis, periodontal treatment needs and prevalence of malocclusions was 97.66%, 100%, 88.89% and 86.67% respectively. The inter-examiner reliability was 98.75%, 98.34%, 100%, 100% and 100% respectively for the five examiners. Conclusion: This survey indicated a higher prevalence of dental caries in the primary dentition (63.48%), than the permanent dentition (41.3%). The mean dmft was 3.65 and the DMFT 1.2, which indicated a low mean caries experience for these children. The WHO goal for the year 2000 for the 6-year-olds of 50% being caries free has not reached for only 32.56% were caries free. The mean DMFT of 1.2 for 12-year-olds in this survey is below the WHO goal of a mean DMFT of 1.5 or less. The lack of available preventative service provision, were ) indicated by the low percentage of fissure sealants (2.8%). The need for dental treatment was highlighted by the need mostly for one-surface restorations. Preventative treatment, two-surface fillings and extractions were also needed.
Periodontal disease was a major public oral health concern for this region for a prevalence of 79.09% was recorded for the 12-15-year-olds. The majority of the children affected by periodontal disease (75.07%) were in need of professional cleaning and calculus removal. The prevalence of dental fluorosis was 8.2%, 19.87% and 13.05% for 6-, 12- and IS-year age groups respectively. The prevalence of malocclusion was 0.48% for the 12-year-old group. The prevalence of oral mucosa lesions was 8.5% for 4-15-year-old schoolchildren. Therefore, the
conclusion can be made that dental fluorosis; malocclusions and oral mucosal lesions were no public concern in this region. The major public oral health concerns were dental caries in the primary dentition and periodontal disease in all age groups. Recommendations: Dental services in this region should be directed towards prevention of dental caries in the primary dentition and periodontal disease in all age groups. The focus of dental services should be primarily on preventative programs and treatments. The public dental treatments needs indicated in this survey, namely scaling and polishing, restorations and extractions, consists of the primary health care package delivery. Currently, no evaluation tool exists to monitor the efficiency of oral health programs, no baseline data for the Province exists. Therefore, the urgent need for dental research and oral health service planning and delivery are recommended.
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