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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les pas perdus: Images of Feet and Shoes in Surrealist Art

Asplund, Emily Patricia 20 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Although feet and shoes appear throughout surrealist visual art, their significance within surrealist theory has not been studied as thoroughly as other familiar themes of surrealist art, such as the eye or the hat. The purpose of this project is to recover feet and shoes from their lowly position and to uncover their meaning and function in surrealist theory, particularly the theory of Georges Bataille. Feet were implicitly important to surrealists like André Breton and Louis Aragon, whose early and central literary texts were based on their favorite pastime: flânerie or wandering the streets of Paris. Images of feet can play a role in Bataille's aim of flattening moral hierarchies, specifically the binary hierarchy of elevated/base that is figured in the horizontal orientation of the human body. Shoes can figure the loss of the self, because the peculiar intimacy of their relation with the body blurs the boundary of perceiving subject and perceived object; in this way, shoes as represented in surrealist art can flatten the epistemological hierarchy of subject/object.

Physiological Differences between Land and Water Treadmill Running

Rife, Rachel Kemp 21 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: To determine if water treadmill running with (WTR-S) or without water shoes (WTR-NS) could produce similar cardiorespiratory responses as land treadmill running (LTR). Design and Setting: A repeated measures design was used to assess the differences between LTR and WTR-S and WTR-NS. All testing was done in either a research laboratory or an athletic training hydro-therapy room. Subjects: Eighteen trained runners (9 men and 9 women) volunteered for this study. All 18 subjects participated in three running conditions. Measurements: Treadmill speed, HR, and SF were assessed at four exercise intensities representing 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80% of land VO2max for all three running conditions. Results: WTR with and without water shoes produces similar cardiorespiratory responses to LTR. The VO2/HR relationship showed that at a HR of 150 bpm, VO2 was significantly less (p < 0.0001) when running on a land treadmill (34.66 ml/kg/min) compared to a water treadmill with shoes (37.51 ml/kg/min) and without shoes (37.21 ml/kg/min) were nearly identical. At a HR 150 of bpm, the VO2 in males (40.52 ml/kg/min) was 8.12 ml/kg/min higher than that of their female (32.40 ml/kg/min) counterparts. At a treadmill speed of 6 mph, stride frequency during LTR was 23.6 steps/min greater (p < 0.0001) than WTR-S and 21.8 strides/min greater than WTR-NS. VO2 was on the average 4.12 ml/kg/min higher (p < 0.0001) during WTR-S compared to WTR-NS running condition at the same treadmill speed. Conclusion: Statistical analysis indicated that 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80% of land VO2max was achieved in the water. Therefore, WTR can be used during rehabilitation of athletes unable to fully weight bear to prevent deconditioning. Wearing the AQinc water running shoe increases the metabolic demand by 4.12 ml/kg/min at any given water treadmill speed. Gender differences existed in the absolute HR/VO2 relationship but not in the relative HR/VO2 relationship among the three running conditions.

The Risks and Benefits of Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes: A Systematic Review

Perkins, Kyle 01 December 2013 (has links)
The popularity of running barefoot or in minimalist shoes has notably increased in the last decade due to claims of injury prevention, enhanced running efficiency, and improved performance when compared to running in shoes (shod). A systematic review of the literature was performed using the Downs and Black checklist to assess the methodological quality of studies proposing risks or benefits between running barefoot, shod, or in minimalist shoes. The databases Ovid MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, and CINAHL were searched using keywords or "Booleans" including: "Barefoot", "Running" and "Minimalist," exclusively. All included articles were obtained from peer reviewed journals in the English language with a link to full text and no limit for year of publication. The final selection was made based on inclusion of at least one of the following outcome variables: pain, injury rate, running economy, joint forces, running velocity, electromyography, muscle performance, or edema. Significant results were gathered from identified articles and compared using "Levels of Evidence" by Furlan et al. Twenty-three publications were identified and rated for quality assessment in September 2013. Out of 27 possible points on the Downs and Black checklist, all articles scored between 13 and 19 points with a mean of 17.4. Evidence from the articles ranged from very limited to moderate. Moderate evidence suggested overall less maximum vertical ground reaction forces, less extension moment and power absorption at the knee, less foot and ankle dorsiflexion at ground contact, less ground contact time, shorter stride length, increased stride frequency (cadence), as well as increased knee flexion at ground contact in barefoot running compared to shod. The low scores from the quality assessment using the Downs and Black checklist indicates that improved methodological quality is necessary to provide strong evidence comparing the risks and benefits of running barefoot, shod, and in minimalist shoes. The literature between shod, minimalist, and barefoot running is inconclusive. There is limited evidence showing differences in kinematics, kinetics, electromyography, and economy results in minimalist shoes. Thus, an alternative and suitable method to effectively replicate barefoot running has not yet been determined.

Internationalization of Firms: An Analysis of Brazilian Shoe Firms in Vale do Rio dos Sinos, RS, Brazil

Campos, Luísa A. 26 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Tensile strength reduction for insufficient thread engagement A FEM study of a wall-shoe assembly / Reduktion av drag last vid otillräckligt gängingrepp En FEM studie av ett väggsko förband

Larsson Sevon, Henrik January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this master thesis is to determine whether or not it exist, a model that can describethe reduction in strength, due to missing threads in a bond between a bolt and nut. And how thereduction in strength might effect a wall-shoe assembly, used to connect a wall to another wall or aconcrete base plate. This is done by firstly considering the strength of the entire wall-shoe assembly andthe strength of the bond between the nut and the bolt is then considered. The strength of the entire assembly is calculated using some simple analytical models. The strengthof the bolt is the limiting factor for the assembly given the analytical models. Four FEM-models arethen created, three to evaluate the strength of the bolt and nut assembly, for bolt sized from M6to M60 with thread engagement from one thread to seven threads.  An elastic model without a defined tensile stress limit is proposed. The maximum stress at the sharpgeometry changes (stress concentrations) are used to dimension the maximum allowed load accordingto the von Mises yield criterion.  The yield limit is implemented by introducing a elastic-plastic (without hardening) for three different materials. Where the maximum yield force is determined as the maximum reactionforce on the frictionless support boundary condition, when a displacement is applied. Material hardening is applied according to a bi-linear material model (with hardening). Thereaction force is evaluated and the maximum force and displacement can be determined using thedefinition of property class 8.8 that propose a yield limit of 80 percent of maximum load. The behavior of the anchor bolt when it is pulled out of the concrete was also modeled. To obtain anunderstanding of the pull-out behavior. The FEM-models makes it possible to formulate a simple reduction model, where the bolt failure loadis reduced by the calculated reduction factors. The reduction factors are dependent on the amountof missing thread due to damages or insufficient bolt height. The reduction factors are also highlydependent on the ratio between the rise and bolt diameter. The reduction factors are significantlysmaller when a perfect plastic material model is applied. The failure mode is dependent on the material model, when hardening is applied fewer threads areneeded to achieve bolt failure rather then thread failure, compared to when a ideal plastic materialmodel is applied. The reduction factors are not affected by the material yield limit, the maximal load is however highlydependent on the yield limit. The placement of the missing thread does not effect the reduction factors. They can therefor beused regardless of if threads are missing due to damage or due to partial thread engagement. A test of an M8 bolt was performed to attempt to validate the FEM-model. Due to some inherent flawsin the test procedure no clear conclusion, about the validity of the model can be made. It is howeverclear that missing threads induces risk of failure when tightening the assembly, since the bolt or nutcan be damaged without any clear signs that the assembly is compromised, leading to catastrophicfailure. Reducing the load with the reduction factor model should be done with caution. / Den här masteruppsatsen ämnar att besvara frågeställningen huruvida det finns en modell som kan beskriva den reduktion i hållfasthet, som förorsakas av ett bortfall av iskruvade gängor för ett förband mellan en bult och en mutter. Det görs genom att först betrakta styrkan för hela väggskoförbandet och delförbandet mellan bulten och muttern.  Hållfastheten av hela system som förbanden ämnar att sammanfoga (en vägg med grundplatta/vägg) beräknas. Fyra stycken FEM-modeller konstrueras sedan. Tre för att undersöka hållfastheten för bultar i storlekar mellan M6 och M60, med ett antal hela gängor med fullt ingrepp, i spannet från ett till sju. FEM-modell utan sträckgräns där maxlast beräknas med den maximala effektiva spänningen i modellen. En modell som kommer att visa sig vara bristfällig. FEM-modell där sträckgränsen implementeras för tre material, en elastik-plastisk material model utan härdning används. Den maximalt tillåtna kraften utvärderas med hjälp av reaktionskraften på det friktionsfria stödet. Där den maximalt beräknade antas motsvara förbandets sträckgräns.  En modell med bi-linjärt härdning. Reaktionskraften utvärderas och sambandet för Property Class 8.8 används för att bestämma förbandets maximalt tillåtna last. Alltså att sträckgränsen är 80 procent av brottgränsen. FEM model konstrueras för att få förståelse för hur brott för en ankarbult som dras ut ur betongen uppkommer. FEM-modellerna möjliggör en enkel modell baserat på reduktionsfaktorer där lasten reduceras för förbandet när gängvarv saknas, när gängorna är skadad eller när full mutter inte kan uppnås. Reduktionsfaktorn är lägre när den perfekt-plastiska modell används och större vid hårdnande.  Hur brottet sker ändras med materialmodellen. Den perfekt-plastisk model kräver fler gängor i ingrepp innan bulten går av, jämfört med när materialet kan hårdna vid plastisk deformation. Reduktionsfaktorerna är oberoende av materialets sträckgräns, den maximala lasten kommer dock ändras med sträckgränsen.  Placeringen av den avsaknade gängan verkar inte påverka reduktionsfaktorn, givet att en hel gänga saknas och att lika många gängor saknas.  Ett test med M8 gjordes för att testa bekräfta modellen men på grund av brister i testets utformning kunde inga slutsatser om FEM modellens giltighet göras. Det blev uppenbart att saknade gängor ökar riskan att förbandet brister när det spänns, eftersom gängorna kan förstöras utan utvändiga tecken på att det skett. Detta kan leda till ett plötsligt brott. Användandet av reducerings modellen för maxlast bör därför användas med försiktighet.


Montalmont, Bianca January 2018 (has links)
This project sought to evaluate the effects of video prompting in combination with backwards chaining to increase proficiency of tying shoe-laces using a changing criterion design. Two children, one diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and one neurotypical were invited to participate in this study. Following baseline, shoe-tying prompt videos and backwards chaining were used to teach shoe-tying. Video prompting plus backwards chaining increased the typically developing participant’s proficiency with performing a larger percentage of steps of the targeted skill independently following intervention. However, the participant with ASD was unable to meet criterion and the study was terminated for him due to challenging behavior. These results indicate that the combination of point-of-view video prompts along with backwards chaining can be effective in teaching children to tie their shoelaces. These results also indicate that children with ASD may need additional supports with this intervention to reach acquisition criterion. Parents reported satisfaction both with the procedures undertaken and with the outcomes of the intervention. / Applied Behavioral Analysis

Subsídios bibliográficos para utilização de lixão desativado para disposição final de resíduos sólidos gerados no setor calçadista do município de Jaú - SP / Bibliographical subsidies for usage of deactivated dumps for final disposal of solid waste from the shoe manufacturing sector in the municipality of Jaú-SP

Bernardi Filho, Nilo André 16 September 2005 (has links)
Com o advento da geração do consumo e conforto, depara-se hoje com o aumento exponencial da quantidade de resíduos sólidos, que são lançados em áreas nem sempre apropriadas. Cada vez mais, e em função do crescimento, os administradores das cidades estão encontrando dificuldades para escolher áreas próprias para a destinação final dos resíduos sólidos, causando inúmeros impactos ambientais, áreas estas, que muitas vezes se apresentam no caminho do crescimento municipal. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa estuda a possibilidade de utilização de áreas anteriormente degradadas pela disposição de resíduos sólidos, como alternativa locacional para disposição de resíduos sólidos, gerados pelo setor calçadista do municipio de Jaú-SP, após a recuperação da mesma. Este estudo vai ser realizado no lixão de Jaú, onde deverão ser coletadas amostras de água em poços de monitoramento localizados no entorno da área e amostras de chorume. Um dos alicerces que sustenta um município e proporciona desenvolvimento ao mesmo, é o crescimento do setor industrial, já que seus habitantes precisam de uma ocupação e serem remunerados dignamente por ela. O município de Jaú gera nas suas indústrias cerca de 30 toneladas diárias de resíduos sólidos, sendo 60% proveniente de indústrias calçadistas, o que torna a pesquisa interessante, já que serão analisados dados que envolverão o resultado do descarte de resíduos sólidos, durante vários anos e seu comportamento após esse período. / With the onset of consumption and comfort generation, exponential increase of solid waste quantities can be seen, which are dumped in not always adequate areas. More and more, and due to urban growth, municipal administrators are facing difficulties in choosing adequate areas for final disposal of solid waste, causing uncountable environmental impacts, such as areas which often show up as a result of urban growth. From this viewpoint, this research studies the feasibility of using areas which have formerly been degraded by disposal of solid waste, as alternative sites for a disposal of solid waste from the shoe manufacturing sector in the municipality of Jaú-SP, after their recovery. This study shall be carried out at the garbage dump of Jaú, where water samples shall be taken from monitoring wells placed around the area, as well samples of leachate. One of the pillars which supports any municipality and promotes its development is the growth of the industrial sector, since the inhabitants need jobs and decent wages. The industries in the municipality of Jaú produce about 30 tons of solid waste daily, whereof 60% come from the shoe manufacturers, which makes this study quite interesting due to analyses of data which involve the result of solid waste dumping for a period of several years and its behavior after this period of time.

Gerenciamento visual da produção e trabalho em grupos: ferramentas do sistema Just In Time aplicadas simultaneamente em uma indústria de calçados / not available

Ciosaki, Lincoln Morikoshi 14 December 1999 (has links)
A indústria brasileira de calçados tem sido profundamente afetada pela pressão da competitividade global causada pela maior abertura do mercado. Ela possui características peculiares de produção. Esta dissertação relata os resultados de incremento de produtividade em uma indústria de calçados orientados pelos princípios da filosofia just in time, de forma especial através do gerenciamento visual da produção e do trabalho em grupos. / The brazilian shoe industry has been deeply affect by the pressure of global competition caused by the opening of our market. It has very peculiar characteristcs concerning the production. This dissertation relate the results to improve productivity in the shoe industry oriented by the principles of just in time philosophy, in a very particular way the implementing of visual management and work groups.

Análise dinâmica e eletromiográfica da locomoção com o uso de calçado esportivo falsificado / Dynamic and eletromyographic analysis of locomotion wearing falsified running shoes

Azevedo, Ana Paula da Silva 18 March 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a influência de dois modelos distintos de calçado esportivo falsificado (indoor e jogging) sobre características dinâmicas e eletromiográficas da locomoção humana. Oito voluntários participaram do estudo, dos quais cinco realizaram os testes com os calçados do modelo indoor e três realizaram os testes com os calçados do modelo jogging, testando a versão original e falsificada de seus respectivos modelos de calçado durante a marcha e a corrida. Foram coletados dados referentes à força de reação do solo (FRS) (esteira com plataformas de força - Sistema GAITWAY) e à atividade eletromiográfica (EMG 1000 Sistema Lynx). Os resultados mostram o aumento de Fy1, Imp50 e Imp75 durante a marcha, e o aumento de Fy1 e GC1 durante a corrida com o uso do calçado falsificado indoor, caracterizando situações de maior sobrecarga e influência negativa deste calçado. Ao usar-se o calçado falsificado indoor, observou-se também alteração no envoltório linear dos músculos tibial anterior, vasto lateral, bíceps femoral e reto femoral durante a marcha, aumento do valor RMS do m. vasto lateral e m. reto femoral durante a marcha e aumento do valor RMS do m. gastrocnêmio lateral durante a corrida, provavelmente em resposta ao aumento da carga externa. Por outro lado, o uso do calçado falsificado jogging não induziu a nenhuma alteração nos parâmetros de FRS e atividade muscular analisados, em nenhum dos movimentos estudados. Conclui-se que diferentes modelos de calçado falsificado influenciam de forma distinta a sobrecarga imposta ao aparelho locomotor e o comportamento muscular durante a locomoção / The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of two different types of falsified running shoes (indoor and jogging) upon dynamic and electromyographic characteristics during human locomotion. Eight subjects had participated of this study: five of them tested the original and falsified indoor running shoe, while three of them tested the original and falsified jogging running shoe. All subjects tested their shoes during walking and running. Data from ground reaction force (GRF) were obtained by a treadmill with force plates (GAITWAY System), while electromyographic data was obtained by EMG-1000 (LYNX System). The results show an increase in Fy1, Imp50 and Imp75 during walking and an increase in Fy1 and LR1 during running when wearing the falsified indoor running shoe, indicating a considerable increment in the mechanical load and a negative influence from this shoe. When wearing the falsified indoor running shoe, it is possible to observe alterations in the muscular activation pattern for the muscles Tibialis Anterior, Vastus Lateralis, Biceps Femoris and Rectus Femoris during walking; a higher RMS for m. Vastus Lateralis and m. Rectus Femoris during walking; and an increase in RMS for m. Gastrocnemius Lateralis during running. Probably, these alterations occurred in response to the higher external forces. On the other hand, the falsified jogging running shoe has not shown any alteration for GRF and muscular activation parameters. Its possible to conclude that different types of falsified running shoe can influence the mechanical load and the muscular behavior in different ways during locomotion

Análise das competências organizacionais para a internacionalização: o caso Vulcabras/Azaleia

Suzin, Juliana Ballin 26 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:41:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 26 / Nenhuma / O objetivo geral da presente pesquisa foi analisar as competências organizacionais no processo de internacionalização de uma empresa calçadista. Tal objetivo sustenta-se por teorizações contemporâneas que sinalizam como o desenvolvimento de competências organizacionais pode vir a se constituir numa estratégia de internacionalização mais eficaz e eficiente. À luz dessas teorizações, assume-se como premissa central que há uma peculiar articulação de recursos, através da estrutura organizacional, que pode promover o desenvolvimento de competências em organizações internacionalizadas com maior eficiência e eficácia. Para o alcance do objetivo proposto, a pesquisa foi realizada através de um estudo de caso único realizado junto à maior empresa calçadista da América Latina, a Vulcabras/Azaleia. A escolha do campo de pesquisa investigado deve-se às características da empresa e sua atuação internacional com dados pertinentes para responder a problemática proposta neste estudo. A pesquisa visa contribuir para o aprofu / The aim of this research was to analyze organizational capabilities on the internationalization process of a shoe company. Such objective is sustained by contemporary theories which lead to the development of organizational capabilities can become into a more efficient and efficacious internationalization strategy. Based on these theories, it´s assumed there´s an articulation of resources through the organizational structure which can promote the development of capabilities in internationalized organizations with a bigger efficiency and efficaciously. In order to reach the proposed goals, the search was made through a single study-case in the biggest shoe company of Latin America, Vulcabras/Azaleia. The choice of the search field relied on the company´s features and on its international performance with pertinent data to answer the problems proposed for this study. The search intends to contribute to deeper studies of theories about the analysis of companies´ internal environment through the identification of

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