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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Spider and the Sea : Effects of marine subsidies on the role of spiders in terrestrial food webs

Mellbrand, Kajsa January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify if terrestrial arthropod predators on Baltic Sea shores vary in their use of marine versus terrestrial food items, and to construct a bottom-up food web for Baltic Sea shores. The inflow of marine nutrients in the area consists mainly of marine algal detritus and emerging aquatic insects (e.g. phantom midges, Chironomidae). Diets of coastal arthropods were examined using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis, and a two source mixing model was used to examine proportions of marine carbon to diets. The results suggest that spiders are the terrestrial predators mainly utilizing nutrients and energy of marine origin on Baltic Sea shores, while insect predators such as beetles and hemipterans mainly utilize nutrients and energy derived from terrestrial sources, possibly due to differences in hunting behaviour. That spiders are the predators that benefit the most from the marine inflow suggest that eventual effects of marine subsidies for the coastal ecosystem as a whole are likely mediated by spiders.

Cabotage / Maritime Cabotage

Hägg, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
I studien ställs frågan hur den historiska förordningen ”produktplakatet” från 1700-talet ska tolkas i ett modernt juridiskt perspektiv. Produktplakatet reglerar än idag ett förbud för utländska redare att bedriva sjöfart på svenska vatten. En sådan aktivitet kallas för cabotage, vilket är franska och betyder ’kustfart’. Produktplakatets lydelse och den praktiska tillämpningen av förordningen genom behörig myndighet skiljer sig åt på olika sätt. Den största skillnaden är att produktplakatet, enligt ordalydelsen, endast förbjöd främmande att transportera varor mellan svenska orter. Tillämpningen idag har kommit att innebära ett förbud för utlandsflaggade fartyg att bedriva kommersiell sjöfart över huvud, så länge som det sker mellan två punkter inom Sveriges territorialvatten. I studien görs först en tolkning av vad produktplakatet, och den svenska regleringen av cabotage, innebär. I studien framkommer att produktplakatet sannolikt har tolkats alltför brett. Vid beaktande av vad produktplakatets skyddssyfte var, och vad den faktiska lydelsen var i förordningen, tar jag ställning för att de tjänster som borde avses i förordningen endast utgör transporter av gods. I förlängningen, med tanke på sjöfartens utveckling till att alltmer omfatta transporter av människor, anser jag dock att en utvidgning från lydelsen är rimlig och nödvändig med anledning av skyddssyftet. Vidare anser jag att det är en alltför långtgående tolkning att produktplakatet ska anses omfatta alla resor som företas inom svenskt territorialvatten, enär ordalydelsen är att resorna ska företas mellan två olika orter. Orter bör, enligt min mening, tolkas som ’hamnar’ eller liknande fasta uppbyggnader där ett fartyg kan lägga till. Tolkningarna innebär vissa avsteg från behörig myndighets tolkning av förordningen. Inom EU-rätten finns en motsvarande reglering av cabotage, som har syftet att öppna upp den inre marknaden. Således har den nationella bestämmelsen och den gemenskapsrättsliga bestämmelsen olika utgångspunkter. Det EU-rättsliga begreppet cabotage har också vållat stora tillämpningsproblem, men med hjälp av praxis kan några slutsatser dras med viss säkerhet. Det EU-rättsliga begreppet tar sikte på sjötransporttjänster, som i huvudsak består av transporter av människor eller gods inom ett EU-land. De tjänster som inte har huvuddrag gemensamt med sådana transporter är sannolikt inte cabotagetjänster enligt EU-rätten.  Vid en komparation mellan det EU-rättsliga begreppet och det nationella begreppet framkommer ett antal skillnader. De största skillnaderna finns mellan svensk myndighetspraxis och EU-domstolens praxis. Det faktum att det finns skillnader i definitionerna, strider inte i sig mot gemenskapsrätten. Det kan ändock finnas skäl till att tolka den nationella rätten i ljuset av EU-rätten, speciellt i ett så säreget fall som med produktplakatet. En sådan tolkning skulle främst innebära att sjötransporttjänster, vars huvudsakliga syfte inte är att transportera människor eller personer, troligen inte skulle anses vara cabotagetjänster. Vidare skulle det med största sannolikhet finnas en begränsning i den resa som är föremål för cabotage; resan måste gå mellan hamnar och/eller en fastare konstruktion inom landets territorialvatten och/eller på landets kontinentalsockel.

A Process-Based Model for Beach Profile Evolution

Demir, Huseyin 17 September 2007 (has links)
Beach profile models predict the changes in bathymetry along a line perpendicular to the shoreline. These models are used to forecast bathymetric changes in response to storms, sea level rise or human activities such as dredging and beach nourishment. Process-based models achieve this by simulating the physical processes that drive the sediment transport as opposed to behavior models which simulate observed profile changes without resolving the underlying processes. Some of these processes are wave shoaling and breaking, boundary layer streaming, and offshore-directed undertow currents. These hydrodynamic processes control the sediment processes such as sediment pick-up from the bottom, diffusion of the sediment across the water column and its advection with waves and currents. For this study, newly developed sediment transport and boundary layer models were coupled with existing models of wave transformation, nearshore circulation and bathymetry update, to predict beach profile changes. The models covered the region from the dry land to a depth of 6-8 meters, spanning up to 500 meters in the cross-shore direction. The modeling system was applied at storm time scales, extending from a couple of hours to several days. Two field experiments were conducted at Myrtle Beach, SC, involving the collection of wave, current and bathymetric data as a part of this study. The results were used to calibrate and test the numerical models along with data from various laboratory studies from the literature. The sediment transport model computes the variation of sediment concentrations over a wave period and over the water column, solving the advection-diffusion equation using the Crank-Nicholson finite-difference numerical scheme. Using a new approach, erosion depth thickness and sediment concentrations within the bed were also predicted. The model could predict sediment transport rates for a range of conditions, within a factor of two. It successfully computed the sediment concentration profile over the water column and within the bed and its variation throughout a wave period. Erosion depth and sheet flow layer thickness were also predicted reasonably well. Wave heights across the profile were predicted within ten percent when the empirical wave breaking parameter was tuned appropriately. Mean cross-shore velocities contain more uncertainty, even after tuning. The importance of capturing the location of the maximum, near-bottom, cross-shore velocity when predicting bar behavior was shown. Bar formation, erosion, accretion, onshore and offshore bar movement were all computed with the model successfully

Two-dimensional Depth-averaged Beach Evolution Modelling

Baykal, Cuneyt 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, a two-dimensional depth-averaged beach evolution numerical model is developed to study the medium and long term nearshore sea bottom evolution due to non-cohesive sediment transport under the action of wind waves only over the arbitrary land and sea topographies around existing coastal structures and formations. The developed beach evolution numerical model is composed of four sub-models: a nearshore spectral wave transformation model based on energy balance equation including random wave breaking and diffraction terms to compute the nearshore wave characteristics, a nearshore wave-induced circulation model based on the non-linear shallow water equations to compute the nearshore depth averaged wave-induced current velocities and mean water level changes, a sediment transport model to compute the local total sediment transport rates occurring under the action of wind waves and a bottom evolution model to compute the bed level changes in time due to gradients of sediment transport rates in cross-shore and longshore directions. The governing partial differential equations are solved utilizing finite difference schemes. The developed models are applied successfully to several theoretical and conceptual benchmark cases and an extensive data set of laboratory and field measurements. As an alternative approach to be used in beach evolution problems, a distributed total sediment load formula is proposed based on the assumption that the local total sediment transport rates across the surf zone are proportional to the product of the rate of dissipation of wave energies due to wave breaking and wave-induced current velocities. The proposed distribute load approach is validated with the available laboratory and field measurements.

Amélioration de la sélectivité des protections électriques des navires lors de l'alimentation à quai - Augmentation du courant de court-circuit / Improved the electrical protections selectivity on vessel’s grid during the shore supplying - Increase of short-circuit current

Ion, Maricica-Mirela 14 January 2015 (has links)
Ce travail est relatif à l’augmentation du courant de court-circuit du réseau électriqueportuaire alimentant le navire. Ceci passe par une modélisation des réseaux des charges, dutransformateur et enfin convertisseurs concernés. Munis de cette compréhension du système,diverses solutions à base d’électronique de puissance ou d’éléments passifs ont étéinvestiguées, simulées et évaluées à l’aune des performances exigées. Pour l’augmentation ducourant de court-circuit, un transformateur spécialement créé pour cette application à deuxenroulements primaires est proposé. L’esprit de la solution est de modifier la configuration dutransformateur au moment de la détection du court-circuit en modifiant son rapport detransformation. Un banc de test temps réel hybride a été architecturé afin de tester cettesolution. Les essais sur le banc de test ont permis d’obtenir des résultats satisfaisants etencourageants qui corroborent la théorie. Pour finir des études complémentaires, sousdifférents scenarii, ont été menées en simulation hors ligne. / This work is about the short-circuit current increase, inside the harbor’s electrical networkthat supplies the electrical grid of each vessel docked in port. We analyze the system’srequirements, the load demands, the transformer and finally the modeling of the convertersinvolved. Armed with this understanding of the system, various solutions like powerelectronics devices or passive equipments were investigated, simulated and evaluated in termsof performance requirements. To increase the short-circuit current, we provide a noveltransformer with two primary windings. The purpose of this solution is to change theconfiguration of the transformer when the short circuit is detected by changing thetransformation ratio. A real-time hybrid test bench has been build in order to test the solution.The real-time tests have yielded good and encouraging results, supporting the theory. Finally,further studies under various scenarios were conducted in offline simulations.

Natural and Anthropogenic Influences on the Morphodynamics of Sandy and Mixed Sand and Gravel Beaches

Roberts, Tiffany 01 January 2012 (has links)
Beaches and coastal environments are dynamic, constantly shaped and reshaped by natural processes and anthropogenic modifications. The morphodynamics and influence of natural and anthropogenic factors of two different coasts at various temporal and spatial scales are discussed. To quantify the performance of several beach nourishment projects at annual temporal and kilometer spatial scales on three adjacent microtidal low-wave energy barrier islands in west-central Florida, a total of 5,200 beach and nearshore-profiles spaced at 300 m were surveyed monthly to bi-monthly from 2006-2010. Beach nourishment performance is most significantly influenced by the interruption of longshore sediment transport by complex tidal-inlet processes. More specifically, the tidal-inlet processes influencing adjacent beach nourishment performance includes longshore transport interruption resulting from divergence induced by wave refraction over an ebb-tidal shoal, flood-tidal currents along the beach, and total littoral blockage by structured inlets. A morphologic indicator of a large longshore transport gradient within the study area is the absence of a nearshore sandbar. These non-barred beaches are characterized by persistent shoreline erosion and were almost exclusively located in areas with a large longshore transport gradient. The more typical beach state along the three barrier islands was one exhibiting a migratory bar and relatively stable shoreline. The presence of a sandbar indicates the dominance of cross-shore processes, with onshore migration during calm wave conditions and offshore migration during energetic wave conditions. The onshore and offshore migration of the sandbar is closely related to non-stormy summer and stormy winter seasonal beach changes, respectively. The morphodynamics of a mixed sand and gravel beach in Delaware were investigated based on 740 beach profiles surveyed almost monthly from 2009 to 2011, 60 sediment cores, and 550 surface sediment samples collected at various alongshore and cross-shore transects. Inter-seasonal temporal scales of storm-induced beach changes and post-storm recovery were examined based on a hurricane, a typical energetic winter storm, and an extremely energetic storm resulting from the rare collision of a hurricane and winter storm ("Nor'Ida") occurring within a 3-month period in 2009. The mixed sand and gravel beaches in Delaware are characterized by monotonically increasing water depths lacking a sandbar under all wave conditions. A distinctive beach cycle was identified consisting of a built-up berm profile and depleted nearly-planar storm profile, with a time-scale related to the frequency and intensity of storm impact and duration of intra-storm recovery instead of simple seasonality. The sedimentological characteristics of the storm deposit associated with Nor'Ida demonstrated substantial cross-shore variation ranging from sandy-gravel and gravelly-sand within the storm swash zone (near the pre-storm dune edge) to well-sorted medium to coarse sand seaward of the storm swash zone, suggesting that storm deposits along mixed beaches demonstrate a variety of sedimentological characteristics. A new dynamic beach cycle model is proposed for the non-barred mixed sand and gravel beach with temporal variability controlled by storm occurrence and inter-storm duration.

A legislative and biophysical assessment of the regulation of off-road vehicles on South African beaches.

Davey, Jennifer. January 2003 (has links)
The legislative management of Off-Road Vehicles (ORVs) on beaches has evolved over a period of time in response to a range of influences and changing circumstances within the various social, institutional, economic and biophysical systems. The impact of ORVs on beaches in South Africa is multifaceted and when viewed holistically incorporates the interaction between the biophysical, social, economic and institutional environments. This Study focuses only on the legislative and biophysical environments associated with the impact of ORVs on beaches. Sustainable coastal development draws attention to the "process" character of sustainable development that needs to be worked towards over time in an iterative manner. It highlights the need to take into account the current reality of prevailing circumstances, the uncertainty of the future, limited understanding of coastal ecosystems and communities, and the complex interactions between and within the human and non human components of the environment. An understanding of the ecological integrity and effective governance dimensions (being the focus of Study), although only two of the five dimensions of sustainable coastal development, contributes towards an understanding of the sustainability of the impact of ORVs on beaches within the South African context. The legislative environment is investigated from the management perspective of the national Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. This Study determines whether effective governance is being achieved through the ongoing management of the impact of ORVs on South African beaches. The institutional management at a national level has resulted in the conditional banning of ORVs from beaches, which has resulted in promoting the ecological integrity of beaches, therefore contributing towards sustainable coastal development. The physical system is investigated where appropriate in terms of the biophysical parameters within which ORVs are managed on beaches within the inter-tidal zone as per the ORV General Policy (1994). In order to understand the biophysical system within which ORVs are managed, the existing literature and research concerning the impact of ORVs on beaches is reviewed, including existing literature on beach geomorphology and beach biota. A Case Study Area was selected for an experimental investigation to determine the biophysical impact of ORVs on sandy beaches. The experiment was conducted at Leven Point, north of Cape Vidal situated on the KwaZulu-Natal north coast within the St Lucia Marine Reserve. The ORV General Policy (1994) has been superseded by the ORV Regulations (2001), which do not however, specify the biophysical delineation of the management of ORVs on beaches. This Study has included recommendations applicable to the management of ORVs on beaches in South Africa in terms of the ORV Regulations (2001). These recommendations advocate the conservation of the dynamic biophysical environment of the inter-tidal zone on beaches, and the need to take a sustainable coastal development approach to applications for Recreational Use Areas (RUAs) in terms of the ORV Regulations (dated 21 December 2001). / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.

Pathways and policy : approaches to community resource access, health and wellbeing in two New Zealand cities : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health at Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

Field, Adrian January 2004 (has links)
This research examines access to community resources - services, facilities and amenities that are potentially health promoting - in two New Zealand territorial authorities, and the policy and planning frameworks of each regarding community resources. International research evidence indicates that community resource access is potentially beneficial to health and wellbeing, through creating supportive environments for health, and providing venues to facilitate social connections. Review of the urban design and planning literature indicates that community resource access is strongly influenced by the dominant urban design and planning models. Geographic information systems were used to develop a Census meshblock-based indicator of community resource accessibility (the Community Resource Accessibility Index). Quantitative analysis examined associations of resource access with socio-economic and demographic population patterns. Qualitative analysis, using key informant interviews and document analysis, explored policies on community resource access, and the role of health and wellbeing as a policy goal for each territorial authority. Quantitative analysis revealed the socio-economically wealthier city had higher overall levels of community resource access, but within each city, more deprived areas had higher levels of access. The location of community resources within poorer areas reduces the mobility costs of people within these areas to access such resources, and makes more available the general health benefits of community resources. Qualitative analysis indicated community resources are important components of urban strategies. Historic patterns of community resource development, aggregated city wealth and local policies were important determinants of the level of community resource access. In New Zealand, as will be the case internationally to varying degrees, there is considerable scope for territorial authorities to enhance local health and wellbeing, through direct delivery of community resources, and through collaboration with external agencies to develop community resources that are outside the direct responsibilities of territorial authorities. When these findings are considered in the context of the passage of local government legislation in late 2002, there is growing potential for territorial authorities to use a variety of levers to enhance community resource access, and by implication, health and wellbeing. Health promoters have opportunities to engage with local government and contribute to urban development strategies, for the purposes of enhancing population health and reducing health inequalities.

Design of a stand alone fully integrated communications, monitoring and control system for a novel remote sub-sea gas facility

Ghadhban, Zaid T. January 2008 (has links)
The growing demand for hydrocarbon fluids, and the future expectation of insufficient onshore reserves, is driving the exploration and development of off-shore oil and gas fields. A significantly increasing number of the new fields are situated in deep water, placing significant constraints on the application of conventional platform (sea surface) systems. This has, by necessity, generated the rapid growth of sub-sea processing technology. / An integral part of a novel sub-sea natural gas dehydration project is the need to design and develop a communications, monitor and control system that is extremely reliable within a harsh marine environment. The off shore gas gathering and processing facility will be unmanned, therefore the entire ongoing operation of the sub-sea facility, and any sea surface equipment, will be dependent on the proper functioning of the communication system. System redundancy and low power consumption are also important issues. / The continuous bi-directional transmission of information between the field and shore-based control centres, together with the complexity of any maintenance / repair missions requires an extremely highly reliable system. The prospect of false alarms must be maintained at an absolute minimum. / Within this thesis the history and development of ocean based communications up to current state-of-the art technology is reviewed. Based on the unique and demanding requirements of the sub-sea gas processing facility, detailed recommendations are made for both a primary and back-up communication systems that meet the given criteria of being robust and having very low power requirements.

Hybridity, the uncanny and the stranger : the contemporary transcultural novel

Krige, Nadia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (English))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During the past century, for a variety of reasons, more people have been crossing national and cultural borders than ever before. This, along with constantly developing communication technology, has seen to it that clear-cut distinctions, divisions and borders are no longer as easily definable as they once were. This process, now commonly referred to as ‘globalisation,’ has led to a rising trend of ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘cultural hybridity,’ terms often connected with celebratory views of our postmodern, postcolonial world as a colourful melting pot of cultures. However, what these celebratory views conveniently avoid recognising, is that the increasing occurrence of hybridity places a growing number of people in a painful space inbetween identities where they are “neither just this/nor just that” (Dayal 47), “neither the One… nor the Other… but something else besides” (Bhabha Commitment 41). Perhaps in an effort to combat this ignorance, a new breed of authors – who have experienced the rigours of migration first-hand – are giving voice to this pain-infused space on the periphery of cultures and identities through a developing genre of transcultural literature. This literature typically deals with issues of identity closely related to globalisation and multiculturalism. In my thesis I will be looking at three such novels: Jamal Mahjoub’s The Drift Latitudes, Kiran Desai’s Inheritance of Loss, and Caryl Phillips’ A Distant Shore. These authors move away from an idealistic, celebratory view of hybridity as the effortless blending of cultures to a somewhat disenchanted approach to hybridity as a complex negotiation of split subjectivity in an ever-fracturing world. All three novels lend themselves to a psychoanalytic reading, with subjects who imagine themselves to be unitary, but end up having to face their repressed fractured subjectivity in a moment of crisis. The psychoanalytic model of the split between the conscious and the unconscious, then, resonates well with the postcolonial model of the intrinsically fractured hybrid identity. However, while psychoanalysis focuses on internal processes, postcolonialism focuses on external processes. Therefore, I will be making use of a blend of psychoanalytic and postcolonial concepts to analyse and access discursive meanings in the texts. More specifically, I will use Homi Bhabha’s concept of ‘hybridity’, Freud’s concept of the ‘uncanny’, and Zygmunt Bauman’s concept of ‘the stranger’ as distinctive, yet interconnected conceptual lenses through which to view all three of these transcultural novels. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die afgelope eeu het meer mense as ooit vantevore, om ‘n verskeidenheid redes, lands- en kultuurgrense oorgesteek. Tesame met die voortdurende vooruitgang van kommunikasietegnologie, het dit tot gevolg dat afgebakende grense, skeidings en verskille nie meer so maklik definieerbaar is as wat hulle eens was nie. Hierdie proses, waarna in die algemeen verwys word as ‘globalisering’, het gelei tot die groeiende neiging van ‘multikulturalisme’ en ‘kulturele hibriditeit’. Dit is terminologie wat dikwels in verband gebring word met feestelike beskouings van ons postmoderne, post-koloniale wêreld as ‘n kleurryke smeltkroes van kulture. Wat hierdie feestelike beskouings egter gerieflikheidshalwe verkies om te ignoreer, is die feit dat die toenemende voorkoms van hibriditeit ‘n groeiende aantal mense in ‘n pynlike posisie tussen identiteite plaas waar hulle nòg vis nòg vlees (“neither just this/nor just that” [Dayal 47]), nòg die Een… nòg die Ander is… maar eerder iets anders buiten.. (“neither the One… nor the Other… but something else besides” [Bhabha Commitment 41]). Miskien in ‘n poging om hierdie onkunde die hoof te bied, is ‘n nuwe geslag skrywers – wat die eise van migrasie eerstehands ervaar het – besig om met ‘n ontwikkelende genre van transkulturele literatuur ‘n stem te gee aan hierdie pynlike ‘plek’ op die periferie van kulture en identiteite. Hierdie literatuur handel tipies oor die kwessies van identiteit wat nou verwant is aan globalisering en multikulturalisme. In my tesis kyk ek na drie sulke romans: Jamal Mahjoub se The Drift Latitudes, Kiran Desai se Inheritance os Loss en Caryl Phillips se A Distant Shore. Hierdie skrywers beweeg weg van die idealistiese, feestelike beskouing van hibriditeit as die moeitelose vermenging van kulture na ‘n meer realistiese uitbeelding van hibriditeit as ‘n ingewikkelde vergestalting van verdeelde subjektiwiteite in ‘n verbrokkelende wêreld. Al drie romans leen hulle tot die lees daarvan uit ‘n psigo-analitiese oogpunt, met karakters wat hulself as eenvormig beskou, maar uiteindelik in ‘n krisis-oomblik te staan kom voor die werklikheid van hul onderdrukte verbrokkelde subjektiwiteit. Die psigo-analitiese model van die breuk tussen die bewuste en die onbewuste weerklink welluidend in die post-koloniale model van die intrinsiek verbrokkelde hibriede identiteit. Terwyl psigo-analise egter op interne prosesse toegespits is, fokus post-kolonialisme op eksterne prosesse. Derhalwe gebruik ek ‘n vermenging van psigo-analitiese en post-koloniale konsepte om uiteenlopende betekenisse in die onderskeie tekste te analiseer en hulle toeganklik te maak. Meer spesifiek gebruik ek Homi Bhabha se konsep van hibriditeit, Freud se konsep van die ‘geheimsinnige / onheilspellende’ en Zygmunt Bauman se konsep van ‘die vreemdeling’ as kenmerkende, maar steeds onderling verwante konseptuele lense waardeur aldrie transkulturele romans beskou word.

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