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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence des structures commerciales de types lifestyle centers sur la centralité de leurs régions périphériques : le cas du Quartier DIX30 à Brossard

Luis, William 11 1900 (has links)
Le commerce a connu à travers le temps de nombreuses évolutions, tant dans sa forme que dans son implantation, passant de grands magasins prestigieux dans le cœur des villes au début du XXe siècle à de grands centres commerciaux à la jonction d’autoroute dans les années 2000. Le lifestyle center est la forme commerciale la plus aboutie, concept américain existant depuis les années 80, il est apparu pour la première fois au Québec en 2006 à Brossard sur la Rive-Sud de Montréal. Ses caractéristiques hors du commun ; une surface de vente de près de 2 000 000 pi² faisant de lui un centre d’envergure supra régional, son agencement de boutiques en plein air regroupé autour d’une rue piétonne ainsi qu’un mix commercial extrêmement varié rompt avec les traditionnels centres commerciaux existants. Ainsi en s’implantant à Brossard le Quartier DIX30 est venu modifier profondément la structure commerciale de la Rive-Sud en s’imposant comme un contre poids de taille par rapport à la domination du pôle des Promenades Saint-Bruno. Cependant, le Quartier DIX30 ne va pas seulement modifier cette structure commerciale, mais plus globalement la centralité urbaine de la Rive-Sud en s’imposant comme un pôle central majeur. Le Quartier DIX30 grâce à sa mixité d’activité et son concept favorisant les interactions sociales est en train d’insuffler un mouvement de concentration d’activité commerciale et tertiaire. Ainsi aujourd’hui se développe au pourtour du Quartier DIX30 de nombreux locaux à bureaux. Cependant, cette nouvelle centralité créée par le Quartier DIX30 soulève des interrogations notamment vis-à-vis de la privatisation d’un espace s’imposant de plus en plus comme un des pôles principaux de croissance de la Rive-Sud. Ainsi, une question légitime se pose, ne sommes-nous pas en train d’assister à une privatisation d’un centre-ville en devenir ? / Over the time, trade has knew numerous changes in term of location and form, passing from prestigious department stores in the heart of cities in the early twentieth century to large shopping centers at the junction of highways in the years 2000. The lifestyle center is the most accomplished commercial form, the American concept exists since the years 1980 and it appeared for the first time in Quebec in 2006 in Brossard on the South Shore of Montreal. Its unusual features: a sales area of almost 2 000 000 square feet (making it a center of supra-regional scale), a mix of shops clustered around a pedestrian street and numerous other activities, breaks with the traditional agencement of the existing shopping malls. Thus, by becoming established in Brossard, the Quartier DIX30 modifies profoundly the commercial structure of the South Shore of Montréal. The Quartier DIX30 imposes itself as a major commercial pole against the domination of the Promenades Saint Bruno. The Quartier DIX30 will not only change the commercial structure of the South Shore, but more generally the urban centrality of the South Shore established itself as a major center pole. Due to the variety of activities and its concept of mix of shops clustered around a pedestrian street permitting social interaction, the Quartier DIX30 creates a commercial and office concentration. Thus, today develops around the Quartier DIX30 many building with offices. However, this new centrality created by the Quartier DIX30 raises interrogations in particular with respect to the privatization of a space imposing itself more and more like one of the principal poles of growth of the South Shore. Thus, a question legitimate is posed, does we aren't attending a privatization of a downtown area in becoming?

Etude expérimentale de l'érosion d'un massif de sable cohésif par une houle monochromatique / Experimental study of erosion of cohesive sand massif by monochromatic waves

Caplain, Bastien 15 November 2011 (has links)
La plupart des côtes de la Terre reculent et 80% sont rocheuses. La prévision du recul des falaises littorales est primordiale afin d’anticiper les risques futurs pour les aménagements littoraux. Cependant, la compréhension de ce recul est difficile car de nombreux paramètres le contrôlent. Des expériences en canal à houle de petite échelle ont été effectuées où nous avons mis en place un massif de sable humide soumis à l’attaque des vagues par sapement. Le but est de comprendre comment l’effet des vagues contrôle l’érosion des falaises. La technique de mesure par ombroscopie a été employée et nous a permis de détecter la surface du sable et la surface libre en fonction du temps. Nous avons ainsi analysé l’influence du forçage des vagues (F, ξ) (où F est le flux d’énergie des vagues incidentes au large et ξ est le paramètre de similitude de “surf”) sur la vitesse de recul de la falaise et sur la profondeur des évènements d’effondrement. La vitesse de recul de la falaise augmente linéairement avec le flux d’énergie F. Les débris de falaise érodés changent la morphologie du fond, les types de morphologie du fond dépendent fortement du paramètre de similitude de “surf” au déferlement, ou encore du paramètre de Dean Ω. Des profils du fond instationnaires présentant une oscillation auto-entretenue de la barre sédimentaire ont été observés. Nous avons de plus étudié l’effet de la granulométrie du sable utilisé : pour un sable plus fin, la falaise est plus cohésive et s’effondre au cours d’évènements de plus grande ampleur. Etonnamment, le recul de la falaise est plus important pour du sable fin. Ceci est probablement dû à une modification de la morphologie du fond conduisant à une dissipation de l’énergie des vagues moins importante. Le volume de sable injecté dans le système a finalement été quantifié, la barre sédimentaire a d’abord été prélevée périodiquement et il a été observé que la vitesse de recul de la falaise vr est constante. Puis, la hauteur de falaise a été modifiée, le recul des falaises est plus important pour des petites falaises. Il semblerait que l’instationnarité d’un profil du fond se déclenche à partir d’un volume seuil de sable érodé. / Most of the Earth coasts recedes and 80 % are rocky. Prediction of sea-cliff recession is essential to anticipate future risks for coastal development. However, it is difficult to understand this recession because many parameters control it. In addition, both the space and time scales are too big for the different mechanisms of cliff erosion to be fully analysed. Experiments in a small-scale wave flume were conducted in which a massif made of wet sand is submitted to wave attack. The aim is to understand how cliff erosion is wave-controlled. The technique of shadow graph measurements was used to detect the time evolution of sand and water surfaces. We have analyzed the influence of wave forcing (F, ξ) (where F is the incident offshore wave energy flux and ξ is the surf similarity parameter) on the cliff recession rate and on collapse event size. The cliff recession rate increases linearly with the wave energy flux F. The eroded cliff materials change the bottom morphology ; the types of bottom morphology strongly depend on the surf similarity parameter at the breaker point, or the Dean parameter Ω. Bottom profiles characterized by unsteady self-sustained sandbar oscillation were observed. In addition, we studied how sand granulometry change the system evolution. Finer the sand is, more cohesive is the cliff and bigger are cliff collapses. Contrary to what was expected, cliff recession is more important for a finer sand : this could be due to a more dissipative bottom morphology built by fine sands. The sand volume within the system changes following cliff collapses and a sandbar removal during particular experiments. The cliff recession rate is constant when the sandbar is removed and decreases with cliff height. It seems that the unsteadiness of the bottom profile is activated when the volume of eroded sand exceeds a threshold value.

Relations entre bassins versants et cellules sédimentaires littorales : les exemples du Maroc, de l'Algérie et de la Tunisie / Relations between watersheds and coastal sedimentary cells : the examples of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia

Quinquis, Michel 09 November 2017 (has links)
Dans cette étude menée sur la côte méditerranéenne du Maroc, de l’Algérie, et de la Tunisie à une échelle spatiale et temporelle étendue (2200 km de côte et sur 100 ans environ), nous déterminons, par une approche « Source-to-sink », les relations existantes entre l’érosion produite dans les bassins versants et les sédiments transportés en suspension par les oueds, avec la redistribution de ces sédiments le long du rivage. Nous proposons un nouveau modèle empirique de transport sédimentaire en suspension le long des bassins versants de notre site d’étude. Nous déterminons alors l’impact des barrages sur les sédiments, puis nous estimons quantitativement quels sont les apports sédimentaires s’effectuant jusqu’à la mer. Nous analysons les caractéristiques morphologiques du littoral selon sa géométrie et les indices morphodynamiques issus de la littérature. Après avoir cartographié la position du trait de côte à différentes périodes, la cinématique du rivage est déterminée, ainsi que la dérive littorale. Ces analyses se basent sur le concept de cellule littorale. Nous terminons par une synthèse globale avant de tirer les conclusions principales sur les relations entre les bassins versants et les cellules littorales, telles que (1) le rôle de précurseur et de tampon sédimentaire joué par les deltas pour limiter l’érosion des plages en secteur aval de la cellule littorale, (2) les liens entre les apports sédimentaires des oueds avant-barrage avec le type de barre littorale, et (3) les liens entre les apports sédimentaires des oueds avant-barrage, minorés du volume de sédiment déplacé par la dérive littorale, avec la taille des deltas et le nombre de barres littorales. / In this study conducted on the Mediterranean coast of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia at an extended spatial and temporal scale (2200 km of coastline and about 100 years), we determine, using a "source-to- sink ", the existing relationships between erosion produced in watersheds and sediment transported in suspension by wadis, with the redistribution of these sediments along the shoreline. We propose a new empirical model of suspended sediment transport along the watersheds of our study site. We then determine the impact of dams on the sediments, and then quantitatively estimate the sedimentary contributions to the sea. We analyze the morphological characteristics of the littoral according to its geometry and the morphodynamic indices from the literature . After mapping the position of the coastline at different periods, the kinematics of the shoreline is determined, as well as the shoreline drift. These analyzes are based on the concept of a littoral cell. We conclude with a general synthesis before drawing the main conclusions on the relations between watersheds and coastal cells, such as (1) the role of precursor and sediment buffer played by deltas to limit the erosion of beaches in the sector (3) the links between sediment inputs from pre-barrage wadis, minus the volume of sediment moved by the coastal drift, with the size of the deltas and the number of coastal bars.

Préhistoire de la Moyenne-Côte-Nord : le chert de la Minganie et l’utilisation des ressources lithiques

Ouellet, Jean-Christophe 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire traite de l’utilisation des matières premières lithiques telle que représentée sur les sites préhistoriques de la Moyenne-Côte-Nord du Golfe du Saint-Laurent, au Québec. Cette étude régionale se base sur la réanalyse d’un nombre important de collections archéologiques et accorde une grande importance à l’identification et à la description des matières premières utilisées. Un matériau d’origine locale, le Chert de la Minganie, y occupe une place particulière. L’importance de ce matériau pour la préhistoire régionale était jusqu’ici virtuellement inconnue. Suite à nos analyses, un inventaire complet des matières premières utilisées est mis sur pied. Ces données mettent en évidence un certain nombre de comportements. Principalement, nous identifions deux ensembles qui illustrent la présence de territoires attribuables à la répartition de groupes amérindiens subrégionaux (bandes). Finalement, à travers l’utilisation des ressources lithiques, les liens qui rattachent les groupes de notre région d’étude à ceux de la péninsule du Québec-Labrador sont illustrés. / This thesis deals with lithic raw material use as evidenced on prehistoric sites from the middle North Shore of the Saint Lawrence River, Quebec. This regional study is based on the reanalysis of a large number of archaeological collections and places central importance on the identification and description of the varieties of lithics that were used. A specific material of local origin, Mingan chert, occupies a special place in this study. The importance of this material for regional prehistory has remained, until now, poorly understood. As a result of our analyses, a full inventory of the lithic varieties used on these sites is presented and permits us to illustrate certain prehistoric behaviours. Principally, we identify two sets of sites which correspond to the presence of subregional aboriginal groups (bands). Finally, raw material use demonstrates social and exchange ties that link the groups of our study area to those of the broader region of the Quebec-Labrador peninsula.

Turismo de segunda residência em Praia Grande (SP) / Tourism of second residence in Praia Grande (SP)

Vieira, Imário 29 May 2008 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa o fenômeno do turismo de segunda residência sob o prisma da geografia humana e histórica da cidade de Praia Grande e sua inserção no turismo, produção do espaço e segunda residência. O objetivo desta pesquisa é o de analisar o processo histórico da urbanização de Praia Grande, desde a época em que ainda fazia parte de São Vicente e entender como se deu a produção do espaço amparada pelo turismo de segunda residência. O procedimento metodológico utilizado procurou entender os fatos, as políticas públicas e as ações que levaram às transformações, crescimento e desenvolvimento de Praia Grande do início do século passado até os dias atuais. Os resultados desta pesquisa mostram como se deu a descoberta da atividade turística desta estância balneária, pertencente à Região Metropolitana da Baixada Santista (RMBS), que vem despertando o interesse dos mais variados segmentos da sociedade, sejam eles, das áreas da construção civil, planejamento, investimentos, comércio, dentre outros. Por conta disso, constatamos um abrupto crescimento e desenvolvimento desta estância balneária com mudanças paisagísticas e investimentos na sua infra-estrutura, que em seu bojo, trouxeram mais recursos e investimentos para esta cidade média paulista. / The present dissertation analyses the phenomenon of tourism of second residency under the prism of Human Geography and the history of the city of Praia Grande and its insertation in tourism, production of space and second residency. The main purpose of this research is to analyze the historic process of Praia Grande´s urbanization since the time it was still a neighborhood of São Vicente and understand how the production of space has occurred supported by the second residency. The methodological procedure used has searched to understand the facts, public politics and actions that led this city to transformation, growing and development since the beginning of last century until today. The results of this research has shown how tourism activity appears in this city, which is part of the Metropolitan Region of Baixada Santista (RMBS) that nowadays is being the target of many segments of the society such as civil construction, planning, investment, business and other ones. In this way, we have verified an abrupt growing and development of this city with paisagistic changes and improvements in its infra-structure that all together brought new resources and investments to this paulistan medium sized city.

Pharmaceutical Contaminants as Stressors on Rocky Intertidal and Estuarine Organisms: a Case Study of Fluoxetine

Peters, Joseph Richard 01 March 2016 (has links)
Contaminants such as pharmaceuticals are of increasing concern due to their ubiquitous use and persistence in surface waters worldwide. Limited attention has been paid to the effects of pharmaceuticals on marine life, despite widespread detection of these contaminants in the marine environment. Of the existing studies, the majority assess the negative effects of pharmaceuticals over an exposure period of 30 days or less and focus on cellular and subcellular biomarkers. Longer studies are required to determine if chronic contaminant exposure poses risks to marine life at environmentally relevant concentrations. Also scarce in the literature is examination of whole organism effects to identify potential community-level consequences. Two long-term studies with the antidepressant pharmaceutical, fluoxetine (the active constituent in Prozac®) were conducted to determine whether nominal concentrations detected in estuarine and coastal environments affect organism health and interactions. First, we measured whole organism metrics in the California mussel, Mytilus californianus over a period of 107 days. Specifically, we measured algal clearance rates, growth, and condition indices for both reproductive and overall health. We found that fluoxetine negatively affects all measured characteristics, however many effects are mediated by length of exposure. Perhaps the most notable result was that mussels spiked with fluoxetine cleared less algae after 30 days of exposure. Reduced growth and condition indices likely are a consequence of improper nutrition among fluoxetine-treated mussels. Any level of fluoxetine significantly affected the gonadosomatic index after 47 days. The results from this study on mussels fill an important data gap, highlighting organism-level effects of chronic exposure periods; such data more explicitly identify the impacts of pharmaceuticals and other contaminants on marine communities and ecosystems. Fluoxetine has also been documented to affect the behavior of fish and invertebrates, including freshwater and marine bivalves, crustaceans, and fish. Given that other crustaceans exhibited increased activity levels under fluoxetine exposure, we hypothesized that this would subject them to greater predation risk. In our second exposure study, we assessed whether a similar range of fluoxetine concentrations used in the mussel study altered the risk behavior of the Oregon mud crab, Hemigrapsus oregonensis, in response to a common predator, the red rock crab, Cancer productus. We conducted this study for 60 days, conducting day and night behavioral trials (with and without predators) four times a week. We found that crabs exposed to any amount of fluoxetine (3 or 30 ng/L) had increased activity levels relative to controls; however behaviors of 3 ng/L-spiked crabs were not always significantly different from controls. Among control crabs, day and night trials yielded similar results, where a clear response to the addition of the predator was observed. Crabs dosed with fluoxetine exhibited more foraging and active behaviors in the presence of the predator. Additionally, crabs spiked with fluoxetine at 30 ng/L had the greatest risk of mortality either by predation by red rock crabs or due to more aggressive behaviors among conspecifics. The results of this study shed light on a particularly unexplored area of contaminants research: how do psychoactive pharmaceuticals affect animal behavior when exposed to the low concentrations persisting in the aquatic environment for a prolonged period of time?

Size-selective sediment transport and cross-shore profile evolution in the nearshore zone

Srisuwan, Chatchawin 12 November 2012 (has links)
Cross-shore bathymetric evolution in the nearshore zone often leads to threatening consequences such as beach erosion and shoreline retreat that concern the coastal community. A new, comprehensive cross-shore morphodynamic model was developed that can be used to describe and predict these phenomena. The study included both physical and numerical models that were designed to focus on the influence of sediment size characteristics on the cross-shore sediment transport process. For a profile equilibrium timescale, three types of beach profiles with different sediment mixtures were simulated in a small-scale, random-wave flume laboratory using erosive, storm, and accretive wave conditions. Dynamic relationships between the sediment grain sorting and beach profile changes were found to be evident as size-graded sediment fractions tended to relocate to different energetic zones along the cross-shore profiles. Existing phase-averaged wave and circulation models were utilized together with several new intra-wave modules for predicting important hydrodynamic parameters that were validated using the experimental data. A novel, multi-size sediment transport model was formulated to compute individual transport rates of size-graded sediment fractions while accounting for their interaction and non-linear size dependencies. The model was coupled with a new grain sorting model that resolves cross-shore grain sorting and vertical grain lamination. Compared to a traditional modeling approach, the new comprehensive model proved to offer superior modeling accuracy for both profile evolution and sediment grain size change. The use of the model is most advantageous for a condition with intensive grain sorting, a common scenario on a natural beach profile. Equilibrium beach profile is also better simulated by the model as size-graded fractions are predicted to relocate to different zones where they could withstand local hydrodynamics. Other new components that also help improve the modeling capability include the terms for wave-breaking and bed-slope effects, wave-crest sediment flux, and acceleration-induced bottom-shear stress. Besides superior profile modeling accuracy, sediment size characteristics and their spatial and temporal variations are also a useful set of information provided by the new model.

Influence des structures commerciales de types lifestyle centers sur la centralité de leurs régions périphériques : le cas du Quartier DIX30 à Brossard

Luis, William 11 1900 (has links)
Le commerce a connu à travers le temps de nombreuses évolutions, tant dans sa forme que dans son implantation, passant de grands magasins prestigieux dans le cœur des villes au début du XXe siècle à de grands centres commerciaux à la jonction d’autoroute dans les années 2000. Le lifestyle center est la forme commerciale la plus aboutie, concept américain existant depuis les années 80, il est apparu pour la première fois au Québec en 2006 à Brossard sur la Rive-Sud de Montréal. Ses caractéristiques hors du commun ; une surface de vente de près de 2 000 000 pi² faisant de lui un centre d’envergure supra régional, son agencement de boutiques en plein air regroupé autour d’une rue piétonne ainsi qu’un mix commercial extrêmement varié rompt avec les traditionnels centres commerciaux existants. Ainsi en s’implantant à Brossard le Quartier DIX30 est venu modifier profondément la structure commerciale de la Rive-Sud en s’imposant comme un contre poids de taille par rapport à la domination du pôle des Promenades Saint-Bruno. Cependant, le Quartier DIX30 ne va pas seulement modifier cette structure commerciale, mais plus globalement la centralité urbaine de la Rive-Sud en s’imposant comme un pôle central majeur. Le Quartier DIX30 grâce à sa mixité d’activité et son concept favorisant les interactions sociales est en train d’insuffler un mouvement de concentration d’activité commerciale et tertiaire. Ainsi aujourd’hui se développe au pourtour du Quartier DIX30 de nombreux locaux à bureaux. Cependant, cette nouvelle centralité créée par le Quartier DIX30 soulève des interrogations notamment vis-à-vis de la privatisation d’un espace s’imposant de plus en plus comme un des pôles principaux de croissance de la Rive-Sud. Ainsi, une question légitime se pose, ne sommes-nous pas en train d’assister à une privatisation d’un centre-ville en devenir ? / Over the time, trade has knew numerous changes in term of location and form, passing from prestigious department stores in the heart of cities in the early twentieth century to large shopping centers at the junction of highways in the years 2000. The lifestyle center is the most accomplished commercial form, the American concept exists since the years 1980 and it appeared for the first time in Quebec in 2006 in Brossard on the South Shore of Montreal. Its unusual features: a sales area of almost 2 000 000 square feet (making it a center of supra-regional scale), a mix of shops clustered around a pedestrian street and numerous other activities, breaks with the traditional agencement of the existing shopping malls. Thus, by becoming established in Brossard, the Quartier DIX30 modifies profoundly the commercial structure of the South Shore of Montréal. The Quartier DIX30 imposes itself as a major commercial pole against the domination of the Promenades Saint Bruno. The Quartier DIX30 will not only change the commercial structure of the South Shore, but more generally the urban centrality of the South Shore established itself as a major center pole. Due to the variety of activities and its concept of mix of shops clustered around a pedestrian street permitting social interaction, the Quartier DIX30 creates a commercial and office concentration. Thus, today develops around the Quartier DIX30 many building with offices. However, this new centrality created by the Quartier DIX30 raises interrogations in particular with respect to the privatization of a space imposing itself more and more like one of the principal poles of growth of the South Shore. Thus, a question legitimate is posed, does we aren't attending a privatization of a downtown area in becoming?

Préhistoire de la Moyenne-Côte-Nord : le chert de la Minganie et l’utilisation des ressources lithiques

Ouellet, Jean-Christophe 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire traite de l’utilisation des matières premières lithiques telle que représentée sur les sites préhistoriques de la Moyenne-Côte-Nord du Golfe du Saint-Laurent, au Québec. Cette étude régionale se base sur la réanalyse d’un nombre important de collections archéologiques et accorde une grande importance à l’identification et à la description des matières premières utilisées. Un matériau d’origine locale, le Chert de la Minganie, y occupe une place particulière. L’importance de ce matériau pour la préhistoire régionale était jusqu’ici virtuellement inconnue. Suite à nos analyses, un inventaire complet des matières premières utilisées est mis sur pied. Ces données mettent en évidence un certain nombre de comportements. Principalement, nous identifions deux ensembles qui illustrent la présence de territoires attribuables à la répartition de groupes amérindiens subrégionaux (bandes). Finalement, à travers l’utilisation des ressources lithiques, les liens qui rattachent les groupes de notre région d’étude à ceux de la péninsule du Québec-Labrador sont illustrés. / This thesis deals with lithic raw material use as evidenced on prehistoric sites from the middle North Shore of the Saint Lawrence River, Quebec. This regional study is based on the reanalysis of a large number of archaeological collections and places central importance on the identification and description of the varieties of lithics that were used. A specific material of local origin, Mingan chert, occupies a special place in this study. The importance of this material for regional prehistory has remained, until now, poorly understood. As a result of our analyses, a full inventory of the lithic varieties used on these sites is presented and permits us to illustrate certain prehistoric behaviours. Principally, we identify two sets of sites which correspond to the presence of subregional aboriginal groups (bands). Finally, raw material use demonstrates social and exchange ties that link the groups of our study area to those of the broader region of the Quebec-Labrador peninsula.

保險經紀人之法律地位與境外保單制度研究 / The Study of Insurance Broker's Legal Position and The Provision of Off-shore Insurance Legislation

黎曉鵬 Unknown Date (has links)
我國保險法令對於市場中分屬不同業務性質之保險經紀人,於監理規範上並無太大之區別。而於實際之財產保險與人身保險之經紀業務中,其間實具有相當大之差異性存在。再就保險之需求者而言,企業型之被保險人與消費型之被保險人,本屬相當不同之市場族群,這也正說明近年關於金融消費者保護法之立法,即係著眼於金融消費者市場保護措施的建立。惟對於企業型之被保險人市場,於保險法相關之規範上,則相應缺少一些差異性之規範設計。 我國保險法令關於直接保險業務與再保險業務並未依國內市場之業務與國際市場之業務而區分,自然造成我國保險經紀人之業務類別僅分為「直接保險經紀業務」及「再保險經紀業務」二分法之現象。而保險經紀人執行此等「前衛業務」時,事實上其所應負責任之對象為該等原始被保險人,而非被再保險人〈即原保險人〉。但相較於國內保險法規上之分類類別,也只能將其視為「再保險」之一類別,此時該等執行此類「前衛業務」之保險經紀人依此法令上之二分法類別設計,將同時具備執行「直接保險經紀業務」及「再保險經紀業務」之情形,雖然於我國法令規範上,經紀人公司得經營保險經紀人業務及再保險經紀業務,但同時也衍生於法規上如何處理利益衝突之問題。但於此等「前衛業務」,保險經紀人事實上所應負責任之對象應僅指該等原始被保險人,而非被再保險人〈即原保險人〉,此時若又將其同視為兼具執行「再保險經紀業務」,則自然發生法令規範與事實關係不符之謬誤。 本文對於保險經紀人同時經營保險經紀業務與再保險經紀業務之問題,於根本上探討保險經紀人於實務作業之具體情形,並分析其法律地位與相關之義務與責任,希望對於保險法相關規範之發展上,能對於不同業務屬性之保險經紀業務行為,發展出一套不同之思路與設計,藉以消彌監理與實務間之鴻溝。並期待法規應引領國內保險公司,能真正專注於實質保險本業之經營,對於大型企業體之財產保險需求,能真正作為承接實質風險之保險人,而非甘於僅處於前衛業務所安排之出單公司,以類似於保險中介人收取服務費用之模式經營。如此,對於被保險人而言,則可相對免除國內出單費用之成本;對於保險經紀人而言,亦可達到為被保險人最大利益考量之執業職責。 基於目前法規對於跨國保險、境外保險及剩餘保險等問題呈現法規缺漏之現象,本文亦延伸探討目前相關法令對於境外保單議題之處理方式。目前之保險法167-1條未將企業等非消費者被保險人購買境外保單之情形排除於外,實無益於維護金融市場秩序、保障消費者權益之立法目的,應予排除。另鑑於境外保單交易多具跨國性質,基於罪刑法定主義之明確性原則,立法者應將「代理、經紀、招攬保險業務」定義清楚,避免嗣後爭議。 本論文以產物保險為主軸,於第二章中介紹保險相關的輔助人,保險係人類創造新文明之過程中損失分擔之機制,這個機制則需要許多人之努力方得以運轉,保險契約之締結,除了契約當事人以外,尚需要有許多相關人士的輔助,才得以使保險機制能更有效的運作,此等保險相關的輔助人各司其職,目的均在使得保險制度之運作更為流暢與正當。第三章及第四章分別論述保險經紀人之市場功能與法律地位、保險經紀人之行為規範與專業責任及義務,以及我國保險法令關於保險經紀人之相關規範。第五章至第七章深入探討保險經紀人處理境外保單之相關問題、P&I制度、國際金融業務境外保險之議題,並檢討現行法制對於保險經紀人處理境外保單之法律問題。並於第八章文末提出修法建議與結論。 本論文以現代經濟社會對保險制度之期待為標的,以保險服務業對整體經濟社會發展所產生之影響及其願景為研究背景,期待藉由保險實務工作者與政府主管機關、法律學界與實務界之共同努力,能使保險實務之運作更趨於完善,並使國內保險事業與國際保險市場之發展密切接軌,形成一套保險從業人員得所依循之「執業典範」,以為日後相關保險從業人員及主管機關得以遵循及評鑑的共同指標,使投保大眾對於保險制度之運作更具有信賴與安全感,給予全體社會一個穩健、安全又合諧的經濟環境。

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