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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The business model transformation of web portals:a research of Taiwan and China portals

Cheng, Chao-Wen 03 August 2004 (has links)
As the change of external environment and internal resources, web portals have transformed their business models from online advertisement model into others, such as electronic commerce model, online game model and short message service model. Different external environment, as well as diverse resources of the main web portals of Taiwan and Mainland China , leads the different transformation process across the Taiwan Strait. Generally, the main web portals in Taiwan like Yahoo! Kimo, PC home and Yam, have chosen online advertisement and electronic commerce model as their main business. On the contrary, Sina, Sohu and NetEase, the main web portals in China, which have transformed their business model into online game and short message service model. This research explores some factors which may influence the transformation of web portals in Taiwan and China, and constructs the internal and external conditions which could successfully transform the web portals to their business models by secondary data analysis and case analysis. There are several factors which influence the web portals to adopt certain business to run their business models.

The efficacy of short-messaging service in a weight reduction programme amongst women in a general practice

Guidozzi, Rosetta 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Obesity has become one of the major conditions contributing towards chronic lifestyle diseases. The management of obesity, in order to prevent chronic lifestyle disease, requires a combination of treatment modalities. There is therefore a constant need to search for innovative behavioural and awareness programmes regarding the treatment of obesity, and to develop innovative strategies to improve compliance and ultimately to change lifestyles. The notion of utilizing short message services (SMS), during a weight reduction progamme to provide regular reminders and information to achieve the aforementioned goals, was therefore used as an intervention in the study. Furthermore a questionnaire validating the effectiveness of the short message service was devised and completed by the recipients of the intervention. The purpose of the questionnaire was to statistically quantify the effectiveness of the SMS as an intervention. Each question had four graded answers, with a score allocated to each - 1 being the least effective and 4 being the most. These values were converted to percentages and according to these percentages a rating of effectiveness was ascertained. Ultimately the study set out to determine whether the intervention had a statistically significant effect on weight reduction, compliance in attending appointments and on the attrition rate. This was a double blinded randomized, controlled study in which 75 participants were recruited at a general medical practice in Gauteng. The sample comprised of three groups. Group 1 (N = 25) had no intervention; Group 2 (N = 25) received a SMS weekly and Group 3 (N = 25) received a SMS three times per week. The weight reduction programme, which included dietary modifications and lifestyle advice was standardized and remained the same for each group. The programme extended over a 12 week period and the questionnaire was completed at the end of the programme. Upon analysis of the results there was a decrease in the mean BMI and waist circumference for all the three groups, with no statistically significant difference (p-value > 0.05) between them. The percentages of the participants completing the programme in each group were – Group 1: 44%, Group 2: 60% and Group 3: 68%. The effectiveness of the intervention was manifested by the compliance of attendance at each visit and the reduced attrition rate in the intervention groups, although this was not found to be statistically significant. The analysis of the scores allocated to the responses of the questionnaire, equated to an outcome of above 75% and was assessed as being very successful in both the intervention groups. In conclusion the use of short message servicing in this weight reduction programme improved the compliance and reduced the attrition rate although not statistically and was perceived by the participants as a successful intervention. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vetsug (obesiteit) het een van die primêre kondisies geword wat bydrae tot chroniese leefstyl siektes. Die hantering van obesiteit vereis 'n kombinasie van behandelingsmodaliteite, ten einde hierdie siektes te voorkom, Daar is dus 'n konstante soeke na innoverende gedrags- en bewustheidsprogramme rakende die behandeling van obesiteit, asook 'n behoefte om innoverende strategieë te ontwikkel om inskiklikheid te verbeter en uiteindelik leefstyle te verander. Die idee om kortboodskapdienste (SMS) gedurende 'n gewigsverliesprogramme te gebruik om gereelde aanmanings en inligting te kommunikeer ten einde die genoemde doelwitte te bereik, is aangewend as intervensie in hierdie studie. 'n Vraelys is ontwikkel wat die effektiwiteit van die kortboodskapdiens valideer, en is voltooi deur die ontvangers van die intervensie. Die doel van die vraelys was om die effektiwiteit van die SMS as 'n intervensie te kwantifiseer. Elke vraag het vier gegradeerde antwoorde gehad, met 'n telling wat aan elk toegeken is – 1 wat aandui minste effektief en 4 wat aandui die meeste. Hierdie waardes was omgeskakel tot persentasies en na aanleiding van die persentasies is 'n waarde van effektiwiteit bepaal. Uiteindelik was die doel van die studie dus om vas te stel of die intervensie ʼn statisties beduidende effek op gewigsverlies, die nakom van afsprake en uitvalskoerse het. Hierdie was 'n dubbelblind, ewekansige gekontroleerde studie waarin 75 deelnemers gewerf was by 'n algemene mediese praktyk in Gauteng. Die steekproef het bestaan uit 3 groepe. Groep 1 (N = 25) het geen intervensie gehad nie; Groep 2 (N = 25) het 'n weeklikse SMS ontvang en Groep 3 (N = 25) het 'n SMS ontvang drie keer per week. Die gewigsverliesprogramme, wat dieetaanpassings en leefstyl advies ingesluit het, was gestandardiseer en het dieselfde gebly vir elke groep. Die programme het gestrek oor 'n 12 weke periode en die vraelys was voltooi aan die einde van die programme. Analise van die resultate het 'n afname getoon in die gemiddelde LMI (Liggaamsmassa indeks) en middelomtrek vir al drie groepe, met geen statisties beduidende verskil (p-waarde > 0.05) tussen groepe nie. Die persentasies van die deelnemers wat die programme voltooi het in elke groep was Groep 1: 44%, Groep 2: 60% en Groep 3: 68%. Die effektiwiteit van die intervensie was gemanifesteer deur die inskiklikheid van bywoning tydens elke besoek en die verlaagde uitvalkoers in die intervensie groepe, alhoewel dit nie statisties beduidend was nie. 'n Analise van die tellings geallokeer aan die response tot die vraeslys, dui 'n uitkoms aan van bo 75% en was beskou as baie suksesvol in albei die intervensie groepe. Die gebruik van kortboodskapdienste (SMS) in hierdie gewigsverliesprogramme het inskiklikheid verbeter en uitvalskoerse verlaag, alhoewel nie statisties beduidend nie, en was deur die deelnemers beskou as 'n suksesvolle intervensie.

Location tracing from communicatingav ailable satellites

Sri Venkata Vamsi, Veeramreddy January 2021 (has links)
This paper represents the android mobile application which is built to track thelast position of the user through satellites which are available for communication.Today mobile applications are becoming an important role in our daily lives andthere is an app for everything you imagine. This app was focusing to get thedevice location with available satellites if internet connection in the device andwith telephone network when there is no internet connection in the device.The main idea of this application was give help to the every women a helpin dangerous situations, whenever the user triggers the alert icon on the androidapplication it creates communication between satellite and database. As androidusers increasing day by day this application gives the security for women in dangerous situations. If there is an internet connection in the android device it usesavailable GNSS satellites to send position of the device otherwise. If the internetconnection was not stable in the device then it sends the location through a shortmessage service (SMS) it gives more reliability for users to use this application.Ifthe internet in the android device was stable then the database server automatically updates the position of the user in google sheets. This information givesthe exact position of the user in dangerous situations. As there are so manyother application with same working function this application was different fromall others. This application has some unique features in it, as it stores the everynew location of the user for every 5minutes this tells the exact location of theuser.This application uses the all available GNSS satellites to get the location ofthe user

Short Message ServiceVulnerability Analysis : An attempt to attack the Serial Line on Symbian Smartphone In Orderto Inject Arbitrary SMS

Ilaghi, Mahya January 2011 (has links)
Short Message Service (SMS) is a permanently available service on mobile phone networks. In addition to text messages, it supports binary messages to provide various services to mobile phones. SMS security has a strong relationship to the security of mobile phones. Due to the open functionality of mobile phone networks, SMS can be exposed to dierent kind of attacks. To cope with the increasing demand for secure SMS, it is crucial to perform a vulnerability analysis of SMS-implementations to nd out potential security vulnerabilities that smartphones may be exposed to. Conducting vulnerability analyses of SMS is dicult, as one would need to send a large amount of SMS through the mobile phone network in order to conduct such analyses. However, if the need for a mobile phone network is removed from the vulnerability analysis, the diculties of performing it can be considerably reduced. Collin Mulliner and Challie Miller (2009) presented a testing platform (without the engagement of a mobile phone network) for this purpose in three popular mobile phone operating systems: the iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile. They claimed that their testing platform could be ported to other smartphone operating systems (OS). Since the Symbian operating system is one of the most popular smartphone platforms, this thesis focuses on how to port this testing platform to the Symbian OS for vulnerability analysis of SMS-implementations. The research methodology behind this study was an experimental research method, conducted by presenting a hypothesis and developing an artifact to test it. This research produced a key finding: that it is not feasible to implement this vulnerability analysis for SMS-implementations on the Symbian OS, when considering the prerequisites that Collin Mulliner and Charlie Miller dened in their work. They claimed that, if there is an application level access to the serial line for the modem or the ability to add or remove the arbitrary driver, then it is feasible to port their testing framework to other operating systems. This research discovers that neither of these conditions exists in the Symbian OS.

Fostering Empathy in SMS Text Messaging

Gitto-Kania, Tami C 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
While digital mediation can facilitate some aspects of communication, such as increasing scope and access to communicative possibilities, those gains are overwhelmed by the challenges of digital mediation to support empathy.The ubiquity of our digital existence throughout much of the developed world has, in a relatively short time, had a profound impact on human communication. Time spent online and in front of a screen has increased exponentially during the last three decades. This has led to a great deal of interpersonal communication becoming digitally mediated. From luddites to web developers, users of digitally mediated communication (DMC) often find it necessary to participate in discourse that utilizes these technologies. In this project, I assess user experiences with DMC on interpersonal discourse to gain insight into user perceptions of empathic communication in the form of Short Message Service (SMS) text messaging. I employ survey and interviews protocols on a sampling of undergraduate students on one campus of a regional community college. While some think that DMC opens new spaces for social connections, others believe that DMC has a negative impact on our social relations by challenging empathetic connections between interlocutors. I hypothesize that empirical evidence will support this second view. Results of this investigation may be used to determine the conditions under which empathy is diminished in DMC and help us consider improved protocols for employing this ever-expanding mode of interpersonal communication. This study is unique in that it attempts to evaluate empathy, a concept that is challenging to define, describe, and measure. Hence, questions used in the survey paid attention to perceptions of empathy and survey takers' sentiments regarding the expression of empathy in text-messaging.

Consumer behaviour in the context of SMS-based marketing

Shareef, M.A., Dwivedi, Y.K., Rana, Nripendra P. 27 September 2020 (has links)
Yes / Given the potential benefits such as time and location-based advertisements, the scope of interactivity and customisation through one-to-one target marketing, SMS-based (Short Messaging Service) advertisement, is now being considered as an important alternative marketing channel. This has raised a real challenge for marketers to harness the potential of this alternative channel by overcoming several limiting issues such as security, privacy, authenticity, and irritation of unknown senders. The main objective of this study is to identify and review relevant research issues faced by wireless marketing (particularly via SMS-based advertisement) as an aide to identify potential research gaps and for developing future guiding principles. The review and analysis of literature suggest that there is scope of undertaking further research on issues related to different cultures reflecting ubiquitous traits of mobile phone, SMS advertisement, market segmentation, location and time sensitive delivery, content and context of advertisement, language and appropriate delivery.


JESSICA MATTOSO DA FONSECA 21 August 2006 (has links)
[pt] As operadoras celulares estão vivendo um momento no qual a comunicação por voz praticamente já chegou ao seu ápice e os serviços de valor agregado estão se tornando peças fundamentais para o sucesso de uma empresa móvel. O Serviço de Mensagem de Texto (SMS) é o serviço de valor agregado mais difundido atualmente, sendo responsável por aproximadamente 80% da receita de dados da maioria das operadoras móveis no Brasil e no mundo. Esta dissertação busca compreender os motivadores que levam os usuários de celular a adotarem o Serviço de Mensagem de Texto. Para compreendê-los foi realizada uma análise baseada no Modelo de Aceitação da Tecnologia (TAM - Technology Acceptance Model) incluindo as variáveis qualidade do serviço percebida e custo percebido. A análise de dados foi feita por meio de análise multivariada utilizando o software estatístico SPSS 13.0, e o sistema de equações estruturais foi suportado pelo software AMOS 4.0. Constatou-se no modelo que, apesar das variáveis Facilidade Percebida, Qualidade do Serviço Percebida e Custo Percebido influenciarem a Atitude em Relação ao Uso; a Utilidade Percebida é o constructo mais relevante na determinação da Atitude em Relação ao Uso e da Intenção de Uso, e que a Intenção de Uso é fundamental para o constructo Uso Real. / [en] Mobile operators have been challenged since voice communication reached its peak and value added services became crucial for success. SMS is the most adopted value added service and responds for 80% of mobile data revenues in Brazil and in the world. This essay tries to understand customer`s motivation for adopting SMS service. An extended version of TAM - Technology Acceptance Model that includes the Perceived Quality Service and the Perceived Cost variables was analyzed in order to understand these factors. The software SPSS 13.0 helped to perform a multivariate data analysis and the structured equations were supported by the software AMOS 4.0. The analysis of results provides the following conclusions: Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Service Quality and Perceived Cost influence the Attitude toward Using; Perceived Usefulness is the most relevant construct to determine the Attitude toward Using and the Behavioral Intention to Use; Behavioral Intention to Use is key driver to the construct Actual Use.

Mobile presentations with interactive chat for m-Learning

Wanyonyi, David Wafula January 2010 (has links)
Using presentations in an m-Learning environment enables delivery of rich content to a mobile phone learner. This study investigated how to prepare and stream presentations from a desktop computer to a mobile phone in near-realtime. It also addressed communication between users using interactive text chat in the same environment. Our analysis of text/podcast-based m-Learning applications revealed limited interactivity and lack of diversity in content streamed. To address this, we developed a mobile-based application that uses a task-timer model to synchronize with a server every n units of time to enable near-realtime streaming of presentation slides between mobile and desktop users. The application included text-based instant messenger. Laboratory experiments investigated the use OpenOffice and PowerPoint presentations and techniques used to convert these presentations into mobile phone compatible formats. Experiments were carried out with smart mobile phones running on a third generation cellular network. We employed transaction-logging techniques in addition to automated image analysis techniques to observe and record data. Analysis of the results revealed using presentations enabled more rich content than text-based models such as short message service-based frameworks and podcasts. Although m-Learning is not yet widely adopted, applications such as the one developed in the study offer high hopes for m-Learning because of the use of rich content and interactivity between users.

Inexpensive mobile technologies to empower rural farmers with m-agriculture

Iraba, Marie Louise January 2010 (has links)
<p>Market information and established communication between seller and buyer play an important role in business activities. This thesis investigates the Transkei area in the Eastern Cape&nbsp / Province, South Africa to find out how to empower rural farmers by providing them with less-expensive mobile technology enabling them to post and advertise their produce, access market&nbsp / information on a common database, and find and communicate with potential customers. The farmers&rsquo / requirements were identified using quantitative and qualitative methods and a prototype&nbsp / consisting of USSD and web applications was developed. It allows the farmer to follow a sequence of menu commands to send a request to the database and access market information, such&nbsp / as commodity prices, and post information about their own produce so as to attract more customers. The low cost of USSD and the ubiquity of mobile phones enable the system to be usable, affordable and effective. During the final stage of development, the system was tested successfully and addressed a major problem faced by farmers, i.e. lack of access to market information.</p>

Mobile presentations with interactive chat for m-Learning

Wanyonyi, David Wafula January 2010 (has links)
Using presentations in an m-Learning environment enables delivery of rich content to a mobile phone learner. This study investigated how to prepare and stream presentations from a desktop computer to a mobile phone in near-realtime. It also addressed communication between users using interactive text chat in the same environment. Our analysis of text/podcast-based m-Learning applications revealed limited interactivity and lack of diversity in content streamed. To address this, we developed a mobile-based application that uses a task-timer model to synchronize with a server every n units of time to enable near-realtime streaming of presentation slides between mobile and desktop users. The application included text-based instant messenger. Laboratory experiments investigated the use OpenOffice and PowerPoint presentations and techniques used to convert these presentations into mobile phone compatible formats. Experiments were carried out with smart mobile phones running on a third generation cellular network. We employed transaction-logging techniques in addition to automated image analysis techniques to observe and record data. Analysis of the results revealed using presentations enabled more rich content than text-based models such as short message service-based frameworks and podcasts. Although m-Learning is not yet widely adopted, applications such as the one developed in the study offer high hopes for m-Learning because of the use of rich content and interactivity between users.

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