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Upplevelsen av att vara syskon till ett långvarigt sjukt barn : En litteraturstudie / The experience of being a sibling to a child with a chronic disease : A literature studyBergén, Sara, Björk, Marina January 2017 (has links)
Det friska barnet påverkas av att leva med ett långvarigt sjukt syskon, precis som det påverkar den övriga familjen. Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskan inkluderar de friska syskonen i vården, ser dem som en del av familjen och hjälper dem få en känsla av sammanhang. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva syskonets upplevelse av att ha en syster eller bror med långvarig fysisk sjukdom. I resultatet inkluderades tio artiklar och ur dem framkom tre teman med underteman. Det första temat var förändring för syskonet med undertema utmaningar för familjen och utmaningar i vardagen. Det andra temat, som uppenbarade sig, var syskonets behov med fyra underteman: behov av familjen, behov i vardagen, behov av kunskap och behov av stöd. Det sista temat var syskonets känslor med följande underteman; känslor runt familjen, känslor runt sig själv, och känslor om omgivningen. Syskonen vill ses som en del av familjen och de upplever att deras syskonrelation fördjupas. De vill vara delaktiga i omvårdnaden av det sjuka barnet och de har ett behov av information om vad de kan göra men även behov av en ökad kunskap runt diagnos, behandling, och prognos. / The healthy child is affected by living with a sibling that has a chronic disease the same way as it affects the whole family. It is important that the nurse includes the healthy siblings in the care, sees them as a part of the family and helps them to a sense of coherence. The aim in this literature study was to describe the sibling´s experience of having a brother or sister with a chronic disease. The result includes ten articles and from them three themes with subthemes emerged. The first theme is changes for the sibling with subthemes as challenges for the family and challenges in everyday life. The second theme that emerged was the sibling’s needs with four subthemes: need of the family, need in everyday life, need of knowledge and need of support. The last theme was the sibling´s feelings with the following subthemes: feelings about the family, feelings about themselves and feelings about the environment. The siblings want to be seen as a part of the family and they feel that the sibling relationship deepens. They want to be involved in the care of the sick child and they have a need of information about what they can do, but also the need for increased knowledge about diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
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Cheat RiverMcQuain, Kelly 18 May 2007 (has links)
Cheat River is a novel about balancing family obligations against self-preservation. That is what's at stake for Allison and Andrew McKenna, a pair of siblings in rural Appalachia who must endure their father's abandonment and their pregnant mother's breakdown. At first, the two find solace from their parents' problems on the banks of the river from which the novel takes its name. But eventually, Andrew's homosexual feelings drive him to the bohemian streets of Philadelphia in the early '90s where he falls in with political activists and a household of misfits. He disappears, and Allison comes to the city to look for him. By retracing her brother's life, she realizes not only what he meant to her but what it will take to survive on her own.
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Att leva med cancer i familjen : En litteraturstudie om friska syskons upplevelser av att leva med ett barn i familjen som drabbats av cancer / Living with cancer in the family : A literature study on siblings' experiences of living with a child in the family affected by cancerHahlin, Rebecca, Johansson, Marie January 2017 (has links)
ABSTRAKT Bakgrund: I världen diagnostiseras cirka 160 000 barn under 15 år varje år med cancer. När ett barn drabbas av cancer förändras livet för hela familjen, föräldrarnas fokus hamnar på det sjuka barnet och ensam kvar blir det friska syskonet. Alla familjemedlemmars behov bör uppmärksammas och tillgodoses. Syfte: Att beskriva friska syskons upplevelser av att leva med ett barn i familjen som drabbats av cancer. Metod: En litteraturstudie sammanställdes av åtta kvalitativa studier som samtliga kvalitetsgranskats och analyserats. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i tre kategorier och tio subkategorier. Kategorierna är: Att hantera den svåra situationen - omvälvande känslor, behov av information och delaktighet och tröst och stöd från omgivningen. Förändrade relationer i familjen - familjen splittras, syskonrelationen förändras, känsla av utanförskap och minskad uppmärksamhet. En annorlunda vardag - längtan efter ett normalt liv, ett ökat ansvar och gynnsamma konsekvenser av sjukdomen. Konklusion: Att känna delaktighet och vara nära sin familj är viktigt för de friska syskonen. Vården måste se syskonens behov, ge stöd och information för att de ska kunna hantera den svåra situationen. / ABSTRACT Background: Every year approximately 160 000 children under 15 years are diagnosed with cancer. When a child suffering with cancer life changes for the whole family, the parents have the focus on the sick child and the healthy sibling will be left alone. All family members’ needs must be recognized and accommodated. Aim: The aim of this literature study was to describe the healthy siblings’ experiences of living with a child in the family affected by cancer. Method: A literature study of eight qualitative studies have been reviewed and analyzed. Result: The results are presented in three categories and ten subcategories. The categories are: Dealing with the difficult situation - disruptive feelings, needs for information and involvement and comfort and support from the environment. Changing relationships in the family - to divide the family, sibling relationships change, a sense of alienation and decreased attention. A different everyday - the longing for a normal life, greater responsibility and favorable consequences of the disease. Conclusion: To feel involved and being close to the family is important for the healthy siblings. Healthcare must see the siblings' needs, provide support and information to enable them to cope with the difficult situation.
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Interações linguísticas entre bebês irmãos de crianças com transtorno do espectro do autismo e suas mães / Linguistic interactions between babies brothers of children with autism spectrum disorders and their mothersBrito, Tayná Scandiuzzi de 28 March 2019 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar se a condição de um bebê possuir um irmão mais velho com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) associa-se a maior ausência de sinais enunciativos de aquisição de linguagem em comparação àqueles bebês que não possuem um irmão com este diagnóstico. O instrumento SEAL (Sinais enunciativos de aquisição de linguagem) foi aplicado em 80 duplas mãebebês, com bebês de até 12 meses e 29 dias, sendo 38 do grupo caso (bebês irmãos de crianças com TEA) e 42 do grupo controle (bebês irmãos de crianças sem TEA). A base de dados é secundária, sendo retirada da pesquisa Vulnerabilidade de pais e irmãos de crianças com transtorno do espectro autista, com coordenação do Prof. Dr. Rogério Lerner do Instituto de Psicologia da USP. Como objetivos secundários, a presente pesquisa pretendeu averiguar se crianças que foram sinalizadas com dificuldade de desenvolvimento pelo instrumento IRDI (Indicadores de Risco para o Desenvolvimento Infantil) e sinalizadas com retraimento pelo instrumento ADBB (AlarmDistress Baby Scale) também foram aquelas indicadas com dificuldade de linguagem pelo SEAL. Dada uma correlação baixa encontrada, discutiu-se qualitativamente uma vinheta do material filmado de uma dupla mãe-bebê indicada somente pelo SEAL. A discussão teórica se dá a partir de autores com fundamentação da perspectiva enunciativa, da qual o SEAL se baseia, além da teoria de desenvolvimento emocional do psicanalista Donald Winnicott. Encontrou-se nos resultados que bebês da primeira subfaixa de idade (2 meses a 6 meses e 29 dias) do grupo caso possuem mais dificuldades de linguagem do que os do grupo controle e que bebês da segunda subfaixa de idade (7 meses a 12 meses e 29 dias) do grupo caso possuem menos dificuldades de linguagem, se comparados ao grupo controle, contrariando as expectativas. Além disto, bebês da segunda subfaixa de idade tiveram mais dificuldades de linguagem do que os da primeira subfaixa de idade. Houve consonância entre o IRDI, ADBB e SEAL na primeira subfaixa de idade, indicando que bebês com não dificuldades de desenvolvimento e sem retraimento não possuem também dificuldades de linguagem. Com a vinheta clínica foi possível observar mais atentamente as nuances vocais maternas, competência do bebê e sintonia da dupla. A complexidade em se avaliar uma dupla mãe-bebê em um único momento de filmagem também foi evocada, afirmando a importância de acompanhamento longitudinal das díades. Apesar dos dados inconclusivos para a detecção de dificuldades de linguagem entre os grupos caso e controle na amostra, isto não elimina a necessidade de atenção e cuidados para mãe e bebês irmãos de crianças com TEA. Estudos precisam ser desenvolvidos a fim de fundamentarem melhor a discussão dos instrumentos de linguagem e bebês de irmãos de crianças com TEA / This study aims to verify if the condition of a baby with an older brother with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is associated with a greater absence of enunciative signs of language acquisition in comparison to those infants who do not have a sibling with this diagnosis. The SEAL instrument was applied in 80 double mother-babies, with infants up to 12 months and 29 days, 38 of the case group (infants of children with ASD) and 42 of the control group (infants siblings of children without ASD). The database is secondary, being taken from the research \"Vulnerability of parents and siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder\", with coordination of Prof. Dr. Rogério Lerner of the Institute of Psychology of USP. As secondary objectives, this study aimed to investigate whether children who were flagged with developmental difficulty by the IRDI instrument (Indicators of Risk for Child Development) and signaled with withdrawal by the ADBB (Alarm Distress Baby Scale) instrument were also those indicated with language difficulty by SEAL. Given a low correlation found, a vignette of the filmed material of a mother-infant indicated only by SEAL was discussed qualitatively. The theoretical discussion is based on authors based on the enunciative perspective, on which the SEAL is based, in addition to the theory of emotional development of the psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott. It was found in the results that infants of the first sub-age group (2 months to 6 months and 29 days) of the group had more language difficulties than those in the control group and that infants of the second sub-age group (7 months to 12 months and 29 days) of the group if they have less language difficulties, when compared to the control group, contrary to expectations. In addition, infants of the second sub-age group had more language difficulties than those of the first sub-age group. There was agreement between the IRDI, ADBB and SEAL in the first subage group, indicating that infants with no developmental difficulties and no withdrawal did not also have language difficulties. With the clinical vignette, it was possible to observe more carefully the maternal vocal nuances, the baby\'s competence and the tune of the pair. The complexity in evaluating a dual-motherbaby in a single moment of filming was also evoked, stating the importance of longitudinal accompaniment of the dyads. Despite the inconclusive data for the detection of language difficulties between the case and control groups in the sample, this does not eliminate the need for attention and care for sibling mothers and infants of children with ASD. Studies need to be developed in order to better inform the discussion of the language instruments and infants of siblings of children with ASD
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Retraimento social em bebês: um estudo exploratório sobre os irmãos mais novos de crianças com transtorno do espectro do autismo / Social withdrawal in babies/infants: an exploratory study of youngest siblings of children with autism spectrum disorderPaschoal, Ligia Perez 30 May 2016 (has links)
A presença de uma criança com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) em uma família está associada à maior vulnerabilidade emocional dos pais assim como à maior suscetibilidade de seus irmãos bebês ao transtorno e a outros problemas do desenvolvimento. A detecção e a intervenção precoces têm sido apontadas como fundamentais para redução do sofrimento e melhoria do prognóstico de desenvolvimento de bebês. O retraimento social, fenômeno essencialmente diático e relacionado a perturbações duradouras da interação, constitui importante sinal de sofrimento psíquico nos primeiros meses de vida. Manifesta-se através da redução ou ausência de comportamentos positivos (como contato visual, sorrisos e balbucios) e/ou pelo aumento da frequência de comportamentos negativos (como choros, gritos e gestos de autoestimulação), e pode ter origem em uma combinação de fatores orgânicos e ambientais. Por estar associado a uma série de problemas de comportamento e relacionamento que se estendem da infância à idade adulta, sua identificação nos primeiros dois anos de vida constitui importante sinal de alerta para risco de desenvolvimento psíquico, podendo ser útil na avaliação deste grupo específico de bebês. O objetivo do presente estudo consiste em descrever e avaliar a ocorrência de retraimento de bebês, irmãos de crianças com diagnóstico de TEA, em comparação com outros bebês, irmãos de crianças sem diagnóstico de TEA, além de estimar a associação entre o retraimento do bebê e outras variáveis como: sexo do bebê; escolaridade materna; suporte social percebido pela mãe; grau de autismo do irmão; e presença de sinais de risco para autismo do bebê. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 133 famílias, sendo 68 pertencentes ao grupo caso (com um bebê e, ao menos, um(a) filho(a) mais velho com TEA) e 65 pertencentes ao grupo contraste (sem nenhum(a) filho(a) com TEA, a lém de um bebê). A avaliação do retraimento foi realizada através da codificação da Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB) aplicada a filmagens da interação mãe-bebê. Embora a frequência de retraimento tenha sido duas vezes maior entre os bebês do grupo caso (19,11%, n=13) em relação aos bebês do grupo contraste (9,23%, n=6), a diferença encontrada não foi estatisticamente significativa (p=0,103). Dentre os itens avaliados pela escala, bebês, irmãos de crianças com TEA, apresentaram redução significativa da expressão facial em comparação aos irmãos de crianças sem TEA (p=0,012), independentemente do desfecho de retraimento. O grau de autismo do irmão e o suporte social percebido pela mãe não apresentaram associação com o retraimento (p=0,250 e p=0,554), assim como o sexo ou a idade do bebê. Em contrapartida, o retraimento parece estar associado ao risco para autismo do bebê (p=0,003) e ao grau de escolaridade materna (p=0,042). Ainda que não apresentem risco estatístico comprovado para o retraimento, o conjunto de resultados indica que bebês, irmãos de crianças com TEA, podem apresentar maior vulnerabilidade para tal. Os resultados demonstram, portanto, que irmãos de crianças com autismo têm chance aumentada de apresentarem problemas do desenvolvimento, o que aponta para a consequente necessidade de elaboração de estratégias de intervenção junto a essas famílias / The presence of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in a family is associated with greater parental emotional vulnerability as well as with higher susceptibility of the infants siblings to this disorder and other developmental problems. Early detection and intervention have been identified as central on reducing suffering and improving the developmental prognosis of the infants. The social withdrawal, phenomenon essentially dyadic and related to lasting disturbance of interaction, is an important sign of psychological distress in early life. Expressed over reduction or absence of positive behaviors (such as eye contact, smiles and babbling) and/or by increasing frequency of negative behaviors (such as cries, screams and self-stimulation actions), can come from a combination of organic and environmental factors. Due to association with several behavioral and relationships problems extending from childhood to adulthood, identifying social withdrawal in the first two years is an important warning sign for risk of psychical development, also useful for assessing this specific group of infants. The aim of present study is to describe and assess the occurrence of social withdrawal in infant siblings of children diagnosed with ASD compared to infant sibling of children without a diagnosis of ASD, and estimate the association between infants withdrawal and other variables such as: sex of the infant; maternal education; social support perceived by the mother; degree of autism on the child diagnosed; and the presence of risk factors for infants autism. The study sample was composed by 133 families, 68 in the case group (with a infant and at least one older child with ASD) and 65 in the contrast group (without a child with ASD, besides the infant). Withdrawal assessment was coded by the Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB) of mother-infant interaction video recordings. Although the frequency of withdrawal has been twice as high among the group of infant case (19.11%, n = 13) compared to the contrast group (9.23%, n = 6), the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.103). Among the items of the scale, sibling infant of children with ASD showed significantly decrease on facial expression compared to siblings of children without ASD (p = 0.012), regardless the withdrawal outcome. Childs autism degree and social support perceived by the mother were not associated with withdrawal (p = 0.250; p = 0.554), as well as sex or infants age. In contrast, withdrawal appears to be associated with the risk for infants autism (p = 0.003) and with the degree of maternal education (p = 0.042). Although the results did not show statistical risk examined on withdrawal, it still indicates that infants siblings of children with ASD may be more vulnerable to such outcome. Therefore, the results demonstrate that infant siblings of children with ASD are more likely to have developmental problems, which points to the consequence need to develop of intervention strategies for these families
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A vivência da sombra na relação fraterna feminina: um caminho para a individuaçãoFabreti, Gisele Falanga Capela 05 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:37:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010-11-05 / The aim of this work is to understand the dark experience among female siblings
bond, checking also the sister´s relevance in woman´s individuation process.
Therefore, the jungian concepts and systemic approach have been used as base
to analyze fictitious experiences shown by the movies in three stories: The Wedding
Date , In her Shoes and Mystic Pizza . The methodological choice has been made
based on theoretical verification that relationship among female siblings brings up
several feelings and members of sisterhood tend to guard themselves or attack each
other on their speeches, but the authors tend to be more authentic regarding their
feelings in their work compared to biographies.
In this analysis, it has been verified that this unique bond provides better
conditions for the shadow to act out, but it depends on the ego´s structure which allows
a better or worse shadow integration, fostering family and sibling´s pattern changes, or
keeping up with rooted patterns / Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender a vivência sombria no vínculo
fraterno feminino, observando ainda a importância da irmã no processo de individuação
da mulher.
Para isso utilizou-se do referencial teórico junguiano e da abordagem sistêmica,
buscando aproximações através da análise de vivências ficcionais trazidas pelo cinema
em três filmes: Muito Bem Acompanhada , Em seu Lugar e Três Mulheres, Três
Amores . A escolha da metodologia deu-se pela constatação teórica de que a relação
entre irmãs suscita muitos afetos e que os membros da fratria tendem a resguardar-se
ou atacar-se em relatos, mas nas obras culturais, os autores tendem a atribuir a seus
personagens grande autenticidade de afetos, mais que em biografias.
Verificou-se na análise que o vínculo diferenciado dá sustentação para a atuação
da sombra, mas que é a estrutura de ego que permite ou não maior ou menor
integração da sombra, promovendo mudanças de papéis familiares e na fratria, ou
levando à perpetuação dos padrões arraigados
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Parental Experience-Based Change: Positive and Negative Changes in Monitoring, Expectations, Nurturing, and DisciplineRand, Joseph S. 01 December 2016 (has links)
This study sought to create a measure of parent's perceptions of parental experience-based change (PEBC), or parents' perceptions of the changes they make to their parenting of secondborn children as a result of experiences with firstborn children. The measure assessed PEBC in the domains of monitoring, expectations, nurturing and discipline. Participants were 401 mothers or fathers of 2 or 3 adolescent children. Factor analyses revealed an 8 factor solution that assessed increasing and decreasing in each of the 4 domains. Criterion validity was evaluated using regression analyses to examine the relationships between each factor and parenting outcomes thought to be related to PEBC, namely efficacy, relationship positivity and negativity, demandingness, responsiveness and granting of autonomy. Reliability of the measure was also evaluated. Overall, results supported the validity and reliability of the measure of PEBC and future research can implement the measure in study of parenting and sibling influence.
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Co-Constructing a MotherClaxton, Alana 01 May 2017 (has links)
This project seeks to understand the construction of a personal narrative concerning a primary parental figure using the process of collaborative autoethnography. In order to properly encapsulate the author’s lived experience, primary influential factors were considered imperative in allowing for a fuller representation. Thus, the author’s story joins those of her siblings to highlight the paradoxical process inherent in unearthing one’s singular perception. This project primarily aims to explore the complexity of autoethnography while simultaneously interrogating the cultural discourse surrounding motherhood and academic writing. By having a close and personal understanding of the subject matter as well as the research participants, the author was provided a unique glimpse into the ways family stories are both co-constructed and individually recounted
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Alcohol Use Disorder and the Sibling Relationship: A Phenomenological EnquiryRhodes, Christine 01 January 2015 (has links)
Previous researchers have indicated that alcohol use disorder affects relationships between family members. Exposure to parental alcohol use disorder disrupts important relationship skill-building development between the children of the family, and may impact conflict resolution in later life relationships. The sibling relationship provides a learning opportunity on how to manage conflict, yet little is known about the effects of parental alcohol use disorder on the sibling-to-sibling relationship from the perspective of adult siblings. The purpose of this descriptive phenomenological enquiry was to explore the lived experiences of adult siblings who experienced parental alcohol use disorder in their family of origin. In-depth, face-to-face interviews were conducted with a purposeful sample of 8 sibling pairs who grew up in the same isolated, remote, and densely populated community, each of whom experienced parental alcohol use disorder. Initial participants were recruited during open 12 Step meetings with subsequent siblings recruited using a snowballing technique. Sixteen audio taped interviews were manually transcribed and then coded for themes using a typology classification system based on key terms, word repetitions, and metaphors. The alcoholic family system was found to be traumatic and abusive, resulting in maladaptive coping behaviors, especially in the area of conflict. Findings also highlighted the strength of the sibling bond in the face of adversity and the opportunity for resilience under challenging circumstances. This study contributes to social change by informing the design of targeted interventions for siblings, specifically, by suggesting a change from the current focus on the identified client to a more holistic approach to treatment.
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The Influence of Family Structures and the Role of Siblings on Early Language Development of Latino Preschool ChildrenOrtiz, Eduardo Aguiles 01 December 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between family structure including family size, number of parents at home, and presence of an older sibling at home, and the language development of young Latino children. I used data from the Head Start--Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES) year 2000, which included information on 746 Latino preschool children and their families in different Head Start programs nationwide. A subgroup of 369 children were identified as English-language learners (ELL) because they were determined to be primarily Spanish speaking. Some of the findings indicate that more than two thirds of children (69%) who do not have two parents at home are primarily English speakers and more than two thirds of children (68%) who have two parents at home are primarily Spanish speakers. Independent sample t tests indicate there are statistically significant differences between Latino primarily Spanish speakers and Latino primarily English speakers on vocabulary and early literacy outcomes. Family background variables such as English language proficiency of parents and parent education are important factors that affect early language and literacy development of their children. In addition, family structure variables have some effects on these outcomes. The variables family poverty and family size, specifically having an older sibling, had negative impacts only on the primarily English-speaking group. The most influential social factors for the Latino primarily English-speaking preschool children's language and literacy outcomes are different than the most influential social factors for the same outcomes of their primarily Spanish-speaking preschooler counterparts who in general experience less favorable outcomes overall.
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