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Genetic mapping and association analysis in multiple sclerosis /Åkesson, Eva, January 2005 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2005. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Vara delaktig i mitt syskons liv och död : En kvalitativ litteraturstudieal-Jeddahwi, Farida January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund Vårdnadshavarens delaktighet i deras barns vård är idag en självklarhet, både för barnsjuksköterskan och samhället men även för familjen själva. Inte minst i samband med pediatrisk palliativ vård, delaktighet i vården har påvisats bidra till en positiv bearbetning av den svåra sorgen som ett barns död innebär. I begreppet familj inkluderas även syskon och andra närstående, men de är inte lika självklara att vara delaktiga i den pediatriska palliativa vården. Familjefokuserad omvårdnad syftar till att inkludera alla familjemedlemmar med beaktande till deras egna önskemål, eftersom familjen är en enhet som ständigt påverkar varandra. Syskon som har en bror eller syster som dör under barndomen har en ökad dödlighet, detta bör barnsjuksköterskan ta till beaktning under och efter den pediatriska palliativa vården. Syfte Att beskriva syskons upplevelser av pediatrisk palliativ vård i samband med en brors eller systers död. Metod En litteraturstudie baserad på 16 stycken kvalitativa studier av hög och medelhög kvalitet. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats tillämpades som dataanalys. Resultat I resultatet framkom huvudkategorierna behovet av information, behovet av delaktighet, behovet av stöd och livet efter döden med subkategorier, utifrån dessa framkom den övergripande kategorin vara delaktig i mitt syskons liv och död. Slutsats Syskon är unika individer med behov av att vara delaktiga i den pediatriska palliativa vården och vid en brors eller systers död. Genom att tillämpa familjefokuserad omvårdnad kan hälso- och sjukvården möjliggöra en inkluderande miljö för syskonen och bidra till en bättre förberedelse och bearbetning av sorgen. / Background It is important that guardians are included in the care of their child. This is essential in the pediatric palliative care, participation has been shown to contribute to a positive treatment of the severe grief with a child's death. A family includes siblings and other relatives, but they are not as self-evident as to be involved in the pediatric palliative care. Family-focused nursing aims to include all family members with due regard to their own wishes, as the family is a unit that constantly affects each other. Siblings who have a brother or sister who dies during childhood have an increased mortality, which the pediatric-nurse should consider during and after the pediatric palliative care. Aim To describe siblings’ experiences of pediatric palliative care in connection with the death of a brother or sister. Method A literature study based on 16 qualitative studies of high and medium quality. Qualitative content analysis with inductive approaches were used to analyse the data. Results The generic categories that emerged from the results were the need for information, the need for participation, the need for support and life after death with sub-categories, from which the main category appeared to be involved in the life and death of my sibling. Conclusion Siblings are unique individuals who need to be involved in the pediatric palliative care and at the death of a brother or sister. By applying family-focused nursing, healthcare can provide an inclusive environment for the siblings and contribute to better preparation and treatment of grief.
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Examining the Roles of Early Proximity, Degree of Genetic Relatedness, and Disgust in Explaining Father-Daughter and Brother-Sister IncestPullman, Lesleigh E. 07 December 2018 (has links)
The goal of this dissertation was to evaluate proximate mechanisms that facilitate incest avoidance, and elucidate under what circumstances these mechanisms may fail, integrating insights from the fields of forensic and evolutionary psychology. To set the stage, Study 1 was a meta-analysis that examined differences between biological and sociolegal incest offenders on two major risk dimensions (antisociality and atypical interests). While sociolegal incest offenders were more problematic on some indicators of antisociality, these groups did not differ in atypical sexual interests. These findings suggest that current models of child sexual abuse may not be sufficient to fully explain incest offending. Studies 2 and 3 examined the viability of the Westermarck hypothesis (1891/1921) - that early physical proximity leads to incest avoidance - and the mediating role of disgust in father-daughter (Study 2) and brother-sister (Study 3) relationships. The primary hypothesis for these studies was that disgust toward incest would mediate the relationship between physical proximity and incest propensity or behaviour. The results of Study 2 did not support the Westermarck hypothesis among fathers. While physical proximity may not activate incest avoidance in fathers, disgust toward incest may still be a proximate mechanism. The results of Study 3 were consistent with the Westermarck hypothesis and the mediating role of disgust as an incest avoidance mechanism among siblings, and also suggest that moderators, such as sexual behaviour that could result in offspring, could influence the strength of this mechanism. These findings suggest that mechanisms responsible for incest avoidance may be different for fathers and siblings.
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Ways to improve participation for children with disabilities in family settings: Parents’ and external personal assistants’ perceptions of support characteristicsUrnikyte, Imante January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: Participation in niches within family settings provide children with social and non-social experiences that may lead to enhanced learning and development which may later promote in-creased participation in many other activities. Therefore, there is a need to identify about ways how to facilitate participation of a child with disabilities in families’ everyday life.Method: The qualitative, explorative, inductive design was performed using focus groups. The data was used from the focus group interviews done in 2013-2014.Results: The semi-structured interviews revealed four ways of how participation for children with disabilities could be enhanced in family settings. They were: to adapt as a parent; to find an ex-ternal personal assistant that suits family’s needs; to develop a connection among family and external personal assistant; to find suitable activities for children with disabilities.Conclusions: environmental aspects were identified as the ones that could be modified to enhance participation in family settings for children with disabilities.
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Relações familiares e habilidades sociais de irmãos de indivíduos com transtorno do espectro autístico : estudo comparativo /Feltrin, Aline Beatriz Silva. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Olga Maria Piazentim Rolim Rodrigues / Banca: Silvia Regina Ricco L. Sigolo / Banca: Ana Lúcia Rossito Aiello / Resumo: Por meio do convívio diário, os irmãos podem adquirir habilidades sociais e cognitivas fundamentais para o desenvolvimento social saudável. As contingências que configuram estas relações podem ser diferentes daquelas a que estão submetidos irmãos de crianças com desenvolvimento normal ou irmãos de indivíduos com outros tipos de deficiência, o que justifica estudos envolvendo interações entre irmãos de crianças com Transtorno do Espectro Autístico (TEA). O acervo de investigações desenvolvidas na área, apesar de mostrar inconsistência de resultados, destacou, também, a relevância atribuída aos estudos envolvendo interações entre irmãos de crianças com algum tipo de deficiência. O objetivo precípuo deste estudo consistiu em avaliar, através de relato verbal, as habilidades sociais e as interações familiares de crianças que possuem um irmão com TEA, buscando investigar a influência do convívio com um irmão especial, comparando com crianças que possuem um irmão com desenvolvimento típico. Participaram do trabalho 10 crianças com idades entre sete e 12 anos, de ambos os sexos, as quais foram divididas em dois grupos: 1) indivíduos com desenvolvimento típico que têm um irmão com TEA e, 2) indivíduos com desenvolvimento típico que têm irmãos sem nenhuma deficiência diagnosticada. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados: Formulário de Informações sobre a Família, Formulário de Informações sobre o irmão com TEA (GOMES, 2003), Inventário de Rede de Relações (SCHWERTZ, 1994) e IMHSC (DEL PRETTE; DEL PRETTE, 2005). Os resultados demonstraram que tanto as crianças do Grupo 1 quanto as do Grupo 2 eram habilidosas socialmente quando comparadas à média geral da população, embora o Grupo 2 tenha apresentado escores um pouco mais alto do que o Grupo 1. Os dados referentes ao Inventário de Rede de Relações mostrou... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Through daily living siblings may acquire social and cognitive skills that are essential to a healthy social development. The contingencies that constitute these relations may be different from those that siblings of children with normal development or siblings of individuals with other types deficiences are submitted to, what justifies studies involving interaction among siblings of children with Austism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The lot of investigation developed in the area, despite showing inconsistency of results, also highlights the relevance given to studies involving interactions among siblings of children with some type of deficiency. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate, through oral description, the social skills of children that have a sibling with ASD, trying to investigate whether the living with such child interferes in the acquisition of their social skills. 10 children ranging from seven to 12 years-old, of both sexes, have taken part in the study; they were dividided in two groups: 1) individuals with typical development that have a sibling sith ASD and, 2) individuals with typical development that have siblings without any diagnosed deficiency. For data collection the following was used: form of information about the family, form of information about the sibling with Autism Spectrum Disorders (GOMES, 2003), network of relationship inventory (SCHWERTZ, 1994) and multimedia list of children social skills - Del Prette - SMHSC (DEL PRETTE; DEL PRETTE, 2005). The results disclosed that both children in group 1 and in group 2 were socially skilled if compared to the general average of the population, though group 2 has presented little higher scores than group 1. The data referring to the network of relationship inventory have disclosed that children of both groups could identify more positive than negative aspects in their relationship with family members... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Volný čas zdravých sourozenců a jejich participace na životě rodiny s členem se zdravotním postižením / Leisure healthy siblings and their participation in family life with a sibling with a disabilityKUBÍČKOVÁ, Adéla January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the position, leisure time and life of a healthy sibling in a family which takes care of a family member with disabilities. The theoretical part is divided in four chapters, which are aimed at a family, a family with a disabled member, healthy siblings, constellations between siblings, the definition of leisure time, particular developmental psychological characteristics of healthy siblings and disabled siblings and also the actual division of disability. The practical part is based on qualitative research. Due to the semi-structured interviews it attempts to differentiate how the quality of leisure time and especially their own personal life is perceived by healthy siblings themselves.
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Upplevelser och behov av stöd hos syskon till ett sjukt barn : -en litteraturstudiePetersson, Frida, Larsson, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det är viktigt att känna sig delaktig i en familj och alla individer i familjen påverkar varandra, både positivt och negativt. Syskon betyder ofta mycket för varandra även om relationen inte alltid är positiv. När ett barn blir sjukt påverkas hela familjen. Det sjuka barnet får mer fokus och syskonet kan känna sig åsidosatt. Som teoretisk referensram till arbetet användes systemteori med fokus på familjecentrerad omvårdnad. Enligt teorin ses familjen som en helhet där alla delar, föräldrar, barnen och syskon, är beroende av varandra för att fungera på bästa sätt. Enligt familjecentrerad omvårdnad ska alla i familjen få komma till tals och bli uppmärksammade. Vården behöver uppmärksamma behoven hos hela familjen för att kunna ge bästa omvårdnad för alla inblandade. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att ta reda på vilka upplevelser och behov av stöd som syskon till sjuka barn har samt undersöka vad vården kan göra för syskonet. Metod: Metoden var litteraturstudie baserad på kvalitativa originalartiklar. Resultat: Föräldrar och syskon har ibland olika perspektiv och olika uppfattning om hur sjukdomen påverkar familjen. Syskon känner sig ofta åsidosatta. Syskon vill ha information och vill vara delaktiga i vården. Att ge information om sjukdomen ger trygghet till syskonet. Information, stödsamtal och gruppträffar har visat positivt resultat för syskon genom förbättrad empati, större förståelse för sjukdomen samt att de kan hantera och uttrycka sina känslor bättre. Familjestödjare har sett positiva resultat av att syskonet fått uppmärksamhet och höras. Slutsats: Syskon behöver involveras mer i vården av det sjuka barnet och de vill bli informerade. Det behövs en vårdplan tidigt i vårdförloppet för hela familjen. Vårdpersonal skall bekräfta syskonets tankar och visa att de lyssnar. Det behövs fler studier som väger in syskonets egna upplevelser och känslor. / Background: It is important to be a part of a family and all individuals in the family are affected of each other, both positively and negatively. Siblings often mean a lot to each other, even if the relationship isn´t always positive. When a child becomes ill, the entire family is affected. The ill child gets more focus and the sibling may feel overlooked. As a theoretical reference framework for the study, a system-theoretical model was used focusing on family-centered care. According to this theory, the family is seen as a whole where all parts are dependent on each other to have the family to work at its best. According to family-centered care, everyone in the family should be heard and get attention. Healthcare professionals should be able to detect the needs of the whole family to provide the best care for all involved. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine what experiences and needs siblings have when there is a sick child in the family and to examine what healthcare professionals can provide for the sibling. Method: The method was a literature study based on qualitative original articles. Results: Parents and siblings sometimes have different perspectives and different views of how the disease affects the family. Siblings often feel excluded. Siblings want to be informed and wants to be involved in the nursing. Providing information about the disease leads to a feeling of safety for the sibling. Information, support talks and group sessions have shown positive results for siblings by improved empathy, greater understanding of the disease, and better expressing of their feelings. Family support workers have seen positive results of the sibling after given more support and meetings. Conclusion: Siblings need to be more involved in the care of the sick child and they want to have more knowledge about the disease. A care plan is needed early in the process for the whole family. Healthcare professionals should confirm the sibling and show them that they are listening to them. More studies are required where sibling’s own experiences and feelings are heard.
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A presença da pessoa com deficiência na família: com a palavra, o irmãoSá, Sumaia Midlej Pimentel 19 November 2015 (has links)
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Rabinovich, Elaine ?
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Moreira, Lucia ? on 2016-09-22T22:34:58Z (GMT) / Submitted by Ana Carla Almeida (ana.almeida@ucsal.br) on 2016-09-26T14:51:29Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-11-19 / Esta tese aborda o impacto que a presença de uma pessoa com deficiência física decorrente de Paralisia Cerebral acarreta no seu irmão com desenvolvimento típico. Pretendeu-se compreender, a partir das narrativas de episódios da vida de irmãos jovens, como vivenciam e/ou vivenciaram esta relação fraterna, as interações ocorridas e a influência que a experiência desta convivência produziu no seu desenvolvimento, sua concepção acerca da deficiência, assim como investigar diferenças entre lugares vivenciados por irmãos e irmãs, e discutir as repercussões advindas do preconceito no comportamento de irmãos de pessoas com deficiência física. A deficiência física é compreendida a partir do modelo social e a família como um lócus privilegiado do desenvolvimento, constituído de relações interdependentes. O referencial teórico para embasar a interpretação da narrativa foi a Abordagem Bioecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano. A metodologia adotada foi qualitativa do tipo narrativa de vida. Os participantes foram 08 (oito) irmãos de pessoas com deficiência decorrentes de Paralisia Cerebral, de classe sócio-econômica-cultural média-alta, com idade entre 19 e 29 anos, excluindo-se irmão adotivo e aqueles que não haviam crescido juntos. Utilizou-se como instrumento de coleta de dados um formulário contendo questões que investigavam o perfil do informante, dos seus pais e do irmão com deficiência seguida de uma entrevista narrativa. Os resultados evidenciam dois sentimentos que permeiam a vivência com a pessoa com deficiência: o sentimento de irmandade e o sentimento de fraternidade. O primeiro resultou da interação entre o irmão com desenvolvimento típico e seu irmão com deficiência física e exerce influência nas relações interpessoais; o segundo, da relação com o irmão com deficiência que exercerá influência sobre suas atividades, padrões de relacionamento, e papéis desempenhados em outros ambientes sociais. Indicam que a convivência com o irmão com deficiência traz para o irmão com desenvolvimento típico maior amadurecimento, autonomia e fraternidade. Da mesma forma, apontam que todos os irmãos entrevistados estão envolvidos afetivamente e se responsabilizam pelo outro. Ressalta-se o quanto é importante que os recursos sociais estejam à disposição das pessoas em situação de transições desenvolvimentais. / This thesis addresses the impact that the presence of a physical disabled person resulting from cerebral palsy causes their brother with typical development. The aim was to understand, from young brothers' life episode narratives, how they experience and/or experienced this fraternal relationship, occurred interactions and the influence that the experience of coexistence produced in their development, their disability perception, also to investigate differences between places experienced by brothers and sisters, and to discuss the repercussions arising from prejudice in siblings' behavior of physical disabled people. Physical disability is understood from the social model and the family as a privileged locus of development, made up of interdependent relationships. The theoretical framework to support the narrative interpretation was the human development bioecological approach. The methodology was qualitative life narrative kind. Participants were 08 (eight) siblings of disabled persons resulting from cerebral palsy, from socioeconomic and cultural upper-middle class, aged between 19 and 29, excluding adoptive brother and who had not grown up together. It was used as data collection instrument a form with questions investigating the informant's profile, their parents' profile and their disabled brother's profile followed by a narrative interview. The results show two feelings that permeate the experience with the disabled person: the feeling of brotherhood and the feeling of fraternity. The first resulted from the interaction between the typical development brother and his physical disabled brother and it has influence in interpersonal relationships, and the second was defined as feelings resulting from the relationship with his disabled brother that will exert influence over their activities, relationship patterns, and played roles in other social environments. They indicate that living with disabled brother brings greater maturity, autonomy and brotherhood to their typical development brother. Likewise, they point out that all interviewed brothers are emotionally involved and take care of each other. It emphasizes how important it is that social resources are available to people in developmental transition situations.
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Syskon och språkutveckling : En jämförelse mellan aktuella forskningsrön och förskollärares resonemang / Siblings and language development : A comparison between current research findings and the reasoning of preschool teachersBornviken, Jessica January 2018 (has links)
This study was conducted to find answers to whether younger children acquire the language easier if it has an older sibling. Does preschool teacher note that the younger children with older siblings generally have lighter or better language development than those who do not have it? The literature reveals the importance of having loved ones around when learning languages and that emotional attachment is crucial for language development. I apply socio-cultural perspective, and the development-ecological perspective that claims that learning is always embedded in and dependent on social relations of mutuality and interdependence. The methodological framework of the study is phenomenological and makes use of an unstructured interview and a questionnaire that calls for elaborated, written answers from preschool teachers. The results in both the interview and the questionnaire indicate that preschool teachers do not concur with scholars on the issue of the importance of siblings for successful language development. Instead, they claim that language learning is individual, and that it is the first-born child that tends to develop language skills with greatest ease. I conclude that preschool teachers seem to lack knowledge about research done on this subject, but that it is also possible that their experiences and opinions could be the basis of future criticism of current research. / Den här studien genomfördes för att söka svar på om yngre barn tillägnar sig språket lättare om det har ett äldre syskon. Uppmärksammar förskollärare att de yngre barn som har äldre syskon generellt har en lättare eller bättre språkutveckling än de som inte har det? Litteraturen visar att det är viktigt att ha nära och kära runt sig, att känslomässig anknytning är avgörande för språkutvecklingen och att de yngre barnen i en familj har nytta av äldre syskon. Undersökningen tolkas genom det sociokulturella och utvecklingsekologiska perspektiv som har visat att vi lär oss i relation till varandra. Den metodansats som tillämpas är fenomenologisk och en ostrukturerad intervju och en enkät har använts för att söka reda på svaren på undersökningens frågor. Resultaten i både intervjun och enkäten visar att förskollärare inte upplever att yngre barn som har äldre syskon tillägnar sig ett bättre språk. De menar att tillägnandet av språket är individuellt och till och med att det är det första barnet som tycks tillägna sig ett bättre språk än vad yngre syskon gör. Förskollärarna verkar sakna kunskap om dessa forskningsresultat, men det kan också vara så att de intervjuade förskollärarnas erfarenheter och åsikter skulle kunna ligga till grund för en framtida kritik av nu aktuella forskningsrön.
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Relações familiares e habilidades sociais de irmãos de indivíduos com transtorno do espectro autístico: estudo comparativoFeltrin, Aline Beatriz Silva [UNESP] 30 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:28:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2007-07-30Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:16:58Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
feltrin_abs_me_bauru.pdf: 569663 bytes, checksum: a2b8c49ea954f71224b262b3eaeb1ccd (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Por meio do convívio diário, os irmãos podem adquirir habilidades sociais e cognitivas fundamentais para o desenvolvimento social saudável. As contingências que configuram estas relações podem ser diferentes daquelas a que estão submetidos irmãos de crianças com desenvolvimento normal ou irmãos de indivíduos com outros tipos de deficiência, o que justifica estudos envolvendo interações entre irmãos de crianças com Transtorno do Espectro Autístico (TEA). O acervo de investigações desenvolvidas na área, apesar de mostrar inconsistência de resultados, destacou, também, a relevância atribuída aos estudos envolvendo interações entre irmãos de crianças com algum tipo de deficiência. O objetivo precípuo deste estudo consistiu em avaliar, através de relato verbal, as habilidades sociais e as interações familiares de crianças que possuem um irmão com TEA, buscando investigar a influência do convívio com um irmão especial, comparando com crianças que possuem um irmão com desenvolvimento típico. Participaram do trabalho 10 crianças com idades entre sete e 12 anos, de ambos os sexos, as quais foram divididas em dois grupos: 1) indivíduos com desenvolvimento típico que têm um irmão com TEA e, 2) indivíduos com desenvolvimento típico que têm irmãos sem nenhuma deficiência diagnosticada. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados: Formulário de Informações sobre a Família, Formulário de Informações sobre o irmão com TEA (GOMES, 2003), Inventário de Rede de Relações (SCHWERTZ, 1994) e IMHSC (DEL PRETTE; DEL PRETTE, 2005). Os resultados demonstraram que tanto as crianças do Grupo 1 quanto as do Grupo 2 eram habilidosas socialmente quando comparadas à média geral da população, embora o Grupo 2 tenha apresentado escores um pouco mais alto do que o Grupo 1. Os dados referentes ao Inventário de Rede de Relações mostrou... / Through daily living siblings may acquire social and cognitive skills that are essential to a healthy social development. The contingencies that constitute these relations may be different from those that siblings of children with normal development or siblings of individuals with other types deficiences are submitted to, what justifies studies involving interaction among siblings of children with Austism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The lot of investigation developed in the area, despite showing inconsistency of results, also highlights the relevance given to studies involving interactions among siblings of children with some type of deficiency. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate, through oral description, the social skills of children that have a sibling with ASD, trying to investigate whether the living with such child interferes in the acquisition of their social skills. 10 children ranging from seven to 12 years-old, of both sexes, have taken part in the study; they were dividided in two groups: 1) individuals with typical development that have a sibling sith ASD and, 2) individuals with typical development that have siblings without any diagnosed deficiency. For data collection the following was used: form of information about the family, form of information about the sibling with Autism Spectrum Disorders (GOMES, 2003), network of relationship inventory (SCHWERTZ, 1994) and multimedia list of children social skills - Del Prette - SMHSC (DEL PRETTE; DEL PRETTE, 2005). The results disclosed that both children in group 1 and in group 2 were socially skilled if compared to the general average of the population, though group 2 has presented little higher scores than group 1. The data referring to the network of relationship inventory have disclosed that children of both groups could identify more positive than negative aspects in their relationship with family members... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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